Competency Based Questions, Psychology Chapter 1,2, Class XI

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Competency based questions

Psychology (Class XI)

Chapter 1 and Chapter 2

Chapter 1: What is Psychology?

1.In terms of helping solve an important social problem such as discrimination , the branch of
psychology which is most suitable is______________.
(a) Educational
(b) Clinical
(c) Social
(d) Industrial

2.The introspective report in an experiment is given by____________ .

(a) Experimenter
(b) Subject
(c) Both the experimenter and subject
(d) None of the above

3.In Psychology the words Psyche and logos are made up of two words which mean:
(a) Psychology is the science of soul
(b) Psychology is the science of conscience experience
(c) Psychology is the science of behaviour
(d) None of the above

4.________ established the first experimental laboratory in Leipzig, Germany.

(a) Dr. N.N. Sengupta
(b) Wilhelm Wundt
(c) Dweck
(d) None of the above

5.Where was the first laboratory of modern psychology established?

(a) Moscow
(b) Leipzig
(c) New york
(d) Calcutta
6.The psychology in which behaviours are studied in a social situation is called:
(a) Social Psychology
(b) General Psychology
(c) Abnormal Psychology
(d) Clinical Psychology

7. The first psychology laboratory was established in the year

(a) 1915
(b) 1922
(c) 1986
(d) None of the above

8. _____________ studies the changes that occur from infancy to old age.
(a) Developmental Psychology
(b) Biological Psychology
(c) Cognitive Psychology
(d) Health Psychology

9.________________ work with persons who suffer from motivational and emotional
(a) Counselling psychologists
(b) Clinical psychologists
(c) Community psychologists
(d) Organisational psychologists

10.Name the psychologist who said psychology as a study of behaviour or responses which
can be measured and studied objectively.
(a) Sigmund Freud
(b) William James
(c) John Watson
(d) None of the above

11.___________ first proposed the famous equation B = f(P,E)

(a) Kurt Lewin
(b) William James
(c) John Watson
(d) None of the above

12.Name the psychologist who founded psychoanalysis.

(a) Sigmund Freud
(b) William James
(c) John Watson
(d) None of the above

Chapter 2: Methods of enquiry

1.Once the problem is identified the researcher proceeds by developing a tentative answer of
the problem and it is called as ____________.
a) observation
b) prediction
c) hypothesis
d) none of the above

2.___________ of the test refers to the consistency of scores obtained by an individual on the
same test on two different occasions.
a) Reliability
b) Validity
c) Objectivity

3.Two or more persons trying to study an event independently in depth should reach to the
same conclusion is called as __________.
a) objectivity
b) prediction
c) hypothesis
d) none of the above

4.The data related to height, weight, heart rate, fatigue level, Skin resistance, EEG falls in the
category of ___________
a) Demographic Information
b) Physical Information
c) Physiological Data
d) Psychological Information

5.The questions in the schedule are written clearly in a particular sequence is a __________
type of interview.
a) personal
b) structured
c) unstructured
d) none of the above

6. In an experiment, the _________________ variable is tested by the researcher to observe

its effect(s) on the _________________ variable.
a) independent, dependent
b) first , second
c) dependent, independent
d) research,search

7. A type of observation conducted in the participants' normal environment without

interference from the researchers.

a) controlled observation
b) naturalistic observation

8. This is a method of research where an investigator manipulates one or more factors

(independent variables) to observe the effect on some behavior or mental process (the
dependent variable).

a) experiments
b) case study
c) survey
d) observational
e) correlation

9. The advantage of this descriptive method of research is that it creates an immense amount
of data to be gathered quickly and inexpensively.

a) survey
b) observational
c) correlation
d) experiments
e) case study

10. The main rule of naturalistic observation.

a) setting up dependent and independent variable

b) research and find enough participants
c) not disturbing participants in the studies
d) getting enough different age groups for study

11. If I want to gather how all students are feeling about remote learning so far, which
method would make the most sense?

a) experimental
b) naturalistic observation
c) case study
d) survey

12. In experimental studies which group receives nothing? in other words, they do not get the
variable that is under study.
a) experimental group
b) control group

13. Identify the situational variables.

a) prior experience and knowledge of the subject, intelligence

b) independent and dependent variable
c) time.noise,temprature
d) extrenous variable

14. Validity is__________

a) the extent the tests measures what it aims to measure

b) consistency of tests results
c) average scores or values
d) uniformity in instructions ,adminitrations, scoring

15. physical information includes

a) ecological conditions
b) housing conditions
c) financial conditions
d) all of the above

16. A psychological test is a ________and __________tool to assess the individuals abilities

a) standardised , valid
b) standardised , objective
c) standardised , reliable
d) standardised , structured


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