Principle of Inheritance & Variation Worksheet-01 Solution (Part-01) Class Notes

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Principle of inheritance and variation - Worksheet-01

1. Find different type of gametes

(i) AaBbCc

(ii) TTRrYyPp





2. Find Number of phonotype in selfing of following

(i) TtRr

(ii) TTRr
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(v) AaBbCc

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3. Find Phenotypic Ratio in cross of the fallowing

(i) TtRr × TtRr

(ii) TtRr × ttrr

(iii)AaBbCC × AaBbCC

(iv)TtRR × ttrr
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4. Find number of genotype in following cross

(i) AaBb × AaBb

(ii) AaBb × aabb

(iii)AaBb × AABb

(iv)AaBbCc × AaBbCC

(v) TTRR × TTRr

(vi)TtRr × TtRr
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5. Find out How many individual have TTRr genotype in a cross between-
(a) TtRr × TtRy

(b) TTRy × TTRy

6. How many individual have TtRr and TTRr genotype in selfing of TtRr.

7. In a cross between pure tall Round with recessive parent give progeny which is
hybrid. Selfing of that progeny give genotype and genotypic ratio.
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8. Find out independent segregating unit in following-


(b) AABb

(C) AABbCc

9. Give type of possible gametes in case of-

(i) TtRr (Independent assortment) –

(ii) TtRr (T & R linked, no crossing over –

(iii)TtRr (T & R linked, crossing over occur –

(iv)TTRR (Independent assortment) –

(v) TTRR (T & R linked) –

10. Find out genotype and phonotype number and genotypic and phenotypic in following
(i) TtRr × ttrr

(ii) TtRR × ttrr

(iii) TtRrYy × ttrryy

(iv)TTRRYy × ttrryy

11. In a test cross of Round yellow dominant which is Heterozygous at one gene loci is
seed shape give ________and __________phenotypic a genotypic ratio
12. In a cross involving three gene loci. Which is Heterozygous with all three with
individual which is recessive at all three give_________ Ratio.

13. Give Phenotypic Ratio of Following cross

(i) TtRr × TtRr

(ii) TTRr × TTRr

(iii) TtRrYy × TtRrYy

(iv)TtRrYY × TtRrYY


14. In a test cross between tall Round yellow with recessive parent give Ratio 1 : 1 this
means –

15. In a tri hybrid cross involving selfing of Heterozygous at all three gene loci – Find
(a) Number of progeny which is tall round yellow

(b) Genotype of progeny which is tall round yellow

(c) TtRrYy genotype in result of cross

(d) TTRrYY genotype in result of cross

16. In a Multiple allele, number of genotype with 8 allele in a single gene loci
17. In a cross between AaBb × AaBb, where one gen loci involve incomplete dominance
give phenotypic and genotypic ratio is –

18. Give ratio of – (1) Complimentary gene

(2) Supplementary gene
(3) test crosss of TtRr
(4) Dominant epistatis
(5) Lethal gene
(6) recessive epistatis
(7) RrTtYy tes cross
(8) Two gene polygene
(9) three gene polygene

19. Give test cross of individual which is

(a) Dihybrid, Heterozygous at one gene loci only
(b) Trihybrid, homozygous at one gene loci only

(c) Pentahybrid, Heterozygous at three gene loci only

(d) Tetrahybrid, Heterozygous at 2 gene loci only

20. Give selfing of following –

(a) Dihybrid, Heterozygous at one gene loci only

(b) Trihybrid, Homozygous at two gene loci only

(c) Pentahybrid, Heterozygous at one gene loci only

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