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Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 28 (2021) 3001–3012

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Original article

Enhancing food waste biodegradation rate in a food waste biodigester

with the synergistic action of hydrolase-producing Bacillus
paralicheniformis GRA2 and Bacillus velezensis TAP5 co-culture
Muhamad Aidilfitri Mohamad Roslan a, Nur Qaiyyum Ummi Aiman Jefri d, Nurhidayah Ramlee a, Nor Aini
Abdul Rahman a, Nur Hazlin Hazrin Chong d, Hamidun Bunawan c, Izwan Bharudin d, Mohd. Hafiz Abd.
Kadir e, Masita Mohammad b, Halim Razali b,⇑
Faculty of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi 43600 Selangor, Malaysia
Institute of Systems Biology (INBIOSIS), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi 43600, Selangor, Malaysia
School of Biosciences and Biotechnology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi 43600 Selangor, Malaysia
Eco Ecotech Sdn. Bhd., Bandar Saujana Putra, 42610 Lebuhraya Elite, Selangor, Malaysia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Food waste (FW) minimization at the source by using food waste biodigester (FWBs) has a vast potential
Received 26 October 2020 to lower down the impact of increasing organic fraction in municipal solid waste generation. To this end,
Accepted 8 February 2021 this research sought to check the performance of locally isolated hydrolase-producing bacteria (HPB) to
Available online 18 February 2021
improve food waste biodegradation rate. Two under-explored HPB identified as Bacillus paralicheniformis
GRA2 and Bacillus velezensis TAP5 were able to produce maximum amylase, cellulase, protease and lipase
Keywords: activities, and demonstrated a significant hydrolase synergy in co-culture fermentation. In vitro biodegra-
Hydrolase-producing bacteria
dation analysis of both autoclaved and non-autoclaved FW revealed that the HPB inoculation was effec-
Food waste biodigester
Bacillus spp.
tive to degrade total solids (>62%), protein (>19%), total fat (>51), total sugar (>86%), reducing sugar
Biodegradation (>38%) and starch (>50%) after 8-day incubation. All co-culture treatments were recorded superior to
the respective monocultures and the uninoculated control. The results of FW biodegradation using
batch-biodigester trial indicated that the 1500 mL and 1000 mL inoculum size of HPB inoculant reached
a plateau on the 4th day, with gross biodegradation percentage (GBP) of >85% as compared to control
(66.4%). The 1000 mL inoculum was sufficient to achieve the maximum GBP (>90%) of FW after an 8-
day biodigestion in a FWB.
Ó 2021 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University. This is an open access article under the
CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

1. Introduction the MSW generation has inclined dramatically from 23,000 tons/-
day in 2008 to 33,000 tons/day in 2012 (SWCorp, 2014). With over
Accelerated urbanization and industrialization activities associ- 31.6 million total population in Malaysia in 2018 (World Bank,
ated with rapid population growth are the key substantial aspects 2018), the pattern of MSW generation has recorded a drastic
which drive the escalating pattern of municipal solid waste (MSW) increase of 1.00–1.49 kg per capita per day by September 2018
generation in developing countries (Tan et al., 2014). In Malaysia, (Silpa et al., 2018). A national survey reported that 65% of MSW
composition in Malaysia was contributed by the household sector
⇑ Corresponding author. in which it was largely dominated (45%) by food waste (FW) and
E-mail address: [email protected] (H. Razali). organic waste (NSWMD, 2012). Unfortunately, 89% of the gener-
Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University. ated MSW ended up in landfills, while the rest 11% was managed
via recycling and treatment (Environment Bureau, 2013). Thus,
handling FW disposal is one of the major problems encountered
in MSW management which is typically incurred by most house-
Production and hosting by Elsevier holds in densely populated cities.

1319-562X/Ó 2021 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Muhamad Aidilfitri Mohamad Roslan, Nur Qaiyyum Ummi Aiman Jefri, N. Ramlee et al. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 28 (2021) 3001–3012

Most developing countries such as Malaysia have been actively ing the performance of FWBs are imperative to ensure the success
incorporating incineration and landfilling to manage the increasing of redirecting the organic fraction in MSW. Although FWBs’ instal-
MSW generation. While those approaches are relatively faster, lation is typically supplied with so-called ‘‘efficient microbes” as
inexpensive and efficient in reducing the bulk quantity of MSW, the biological means to break down FW, to the best of our knowl-
they also cause toxic dioxin release, uninhibited leachates, diseases edge, there is yet scientific evidence to associate the role and effi-
vectors, malodors and harmful greenhouse gasses production, ciency of such microbes with FW biodegradation in FWBs which is
affecting the environmental and human’s health in a long run principally different from traditional aerobic composting.
(Ferronato and Torretta, 2019). These drawbacks which are exacer- FW generally comprises of varied amount of complex polysac-
bated by the large proportion of perishable FW in MSW could be charides such as cellulosic materials, sugars and starch, in addition
reduced by restraining the amount of FW released as garbage. to protein and fat (Suwannarat and Ritchie, 2015; Teck et al., 2010).
Therefore, to increase the diversion of putrescible FW from the To break down the complex FW components into soluble mole-
assorted MSW, the minimization alternatives that are rather direct cules, biological treatments of FW employ functional hydrolase-
at the source and more environmentally-sound are required to producing bacteria (HPB) which have been widely investigated in
resolve this matter. various experimental settings (An et al., 2018; Mekjinda and
Composting is an ancient eco-friendly approach to manage FW Ritchie, 2015; Suwannarat and Ritchie, 2015). HPB species that
safely at the source. This method employs the conversion of a com- are commonly associated with FW treatments include Bacillus
plex biodegradable organic material with the use of microorgan- spp., Brevibacillus spp., Paenibacillus spp., Pseudomonas spp. and
isms into a stable end product such as soil conditioners (Toledo Klebsiella spp., as they are able to secrete manifold hydrolases, par-
et al., 2018). Nonetheless, this long-used technology has some lim- ticularly amylase, cellulase, protease and lipase (Awasthi et al.,
itations that have refrained its extensive application such as phyto- 2018; Choi et al., 2002; Li et al., 2014; Msarah et al., 2020; Ren
toxic presence, low nutrient content, lengthy process duration and et al., 2020). The present study was designed to improve FW
malodor production (Ayilara et al., 2020). To alleviate these mat- biodegradation using locally isolated HPB as an inoculant in a
ters, numerous exploitations of composting techniques have been domestic FWB application for potential commercial purposes. To
proposed to enhance its efficacy (Awasthi et al., 2015; Gu et al., this end, HPB was primarily isolated from fermented foods and
2017; Wang et al., 2016; Xue et al., 2013). However, none of these subsequently characterized based on respective hydrolase activi-
investigations managed to alter the inextricably lengthy process of ties. To evaluate the ability of selected HPB to degrade protein,
composting in which was not able to concur with the amounting fat, total sugars and starch, a preliminary in vitro biodigestion
loads of FW generated. Besides, composting requires a basic set- and a batch-biodigester trial were performed thereafter.
up of a controlled well-ventilated system and the incorporation
of a suitable bulking agent, hence seemingly tedious and impracti-
2. Materials and methods
cal particularly to the urban households.
Alternatively, FW minimization at the source using FW disposal
2.1. Sample collection
units (FWDs) is comparatively faster, more versatile, and reliable to
cope with the daily FW generated at all kinds of establishments.
Bacterial strains were isolated from several types of home-
FWDs have been extensively adopted in the housing systems of
made fermented foods which were fermented tapioca; fermented
modern countries mainly in the United States, as hygienic means
red grape; yogurt and cheese. All fermented foods were purchased
to macerate FW at the source, which is subsequently discharged
from local wet markets in Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia, on the first
to the public sewer for treatment together with wastewater
and second weeks of October 2017. Food samples were transported
(Burguillos and Caldona, 2020). Even though this practice has been
to the laboratory and aseptically transferred into sterile 50 mL cen-
well-adopted by many countries worldwide, its potential as a com-
trifuge tubes. Until used, they were stored in a 40L cooler box at
ponent in waste management alternatives has not been fully con-
4 °C not longer than a week.
sidered (Iacovidou et al., 2012). This is due to the rising skepticism
about the environmental and economic impacts of FWDs that hin-
der its broad application. However, a primary case study of FWDs 2.2. Isolation and screening for hydrolase producing bacteria
implementation in the Greater Beirut Area revealed that FWDs
were able to reduce 43% total solids of FW and provide 44% eco- About 4 g of the food sample was homogenized in a 40 mL ster-
nomic payback apart from the insignificant increase of domestic ile phosphate-buffered saline (pH 7.4) using vortex at full speed.
water consumption (Marashlian and El-Fadel, 2005). Additionally, The sample was centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 10 min and the super-
Iqbal et al. (2020) reported a reduction of net carbon footprint by natant was serially diluted prior to plating onto nutrient agar
37–63%, in the assessment of prospects of FW co-disposal into (R&M) and MRS agar (Oxoid) separately. The agar plates were incu-
the sewer system and treatment with municipal sewage performed bated at 30 °C for 24 to 48 h. Bacterial colonies with distinctive
on Hong Kong’s largest biological wastewater treatment plant. morphology were selected and streaked onto a fresh nutrient agar
These findings provide clear evidence of the potential of FWD as to obtain pure a culture.
a sustainable approach in FW management. The pure bacterial colonies were further screened for their
Over the years, the technology of FWDs have evolved from an hydrolase producing activity in vitro which were amylase, cellu-
exclusively grinding system to a more recent approach, biodiges- lase, protease and lipase using starch agar (soluble starch 20 g;
tion treatment, which are either built separately or in a dual inte- sodium chloride 5 g; peptone 5 g; agar 20 g; distilled water 1 L;
grated system. Biodigestion treatment employed in a food waste pH 7.0 ± 0.2) (Simair et al., 2017), Mandels-Reese agar (peptone
biodigester (FWB) differs from the conventional grinding wherein 1 g; ammonium sulfate 1.4 g; urea 0.3 g; potassium dihydrogen
the former incorporates the efficient aerobic microorganisms aided phosphate 2 g; calcium chloride 0.3 g; magnesium sulfate 0.3 g;
with the recurrent mechanical agitation to avoid or reduce the use ferrous sulfate 0.005 g; manganese sulfate 0.0016 g; zinc chloride
of electricity. In Malaysia, the current market of FWBs have been 0.0017 g; carboxymethyl cellulose 5 g; agar 20 g; distilled water 1
expanding recently with the active intervention of private sectors L; pH 7.0 ± 0.2) (Mandels and Reese, 1957) skim milk agar (peptone
to penetrate the housing market, by proposing the installation of 5 g; beef extract 3 g; skim milk 5 g; agar 15 g; distilled water 1 L;
FWB as a standard item in the new home constructions. On pH 7.0 ± 0.2) (Bhowmik et al., 2015), and tributyrin agar (peptone
account of that scenario, investigations on optimizing and improv- 5 g; yeast extract 3 g; tributyrin 10 mL; phenol red 1 g; 15 g agar;
Muhamad Aidilfitri Mohamad Roslan, Nur Qaiyyum Ummi Aiman Jefri, N. Ramlee et al. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 28 (2021) 3001–3012

distilled water 1 L; pH 7.0 ± 0.2) (Ramnath et al., 2017) same media (Van Dyk et al., 2013). The hydrolase activities were
respectively. determined according to the standard methods: amylase activity
The screening plates were incubated at 30 °C for 24 h. After was determined using 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) method
incubation, the starch agar was flooded with 1% iodine in 2% potas- (Bernfeld, 1955); cellulase activity was measured by the standard
sium iodide while the Mandels-Reese agar was stained with Congo DNS method (Miller, 1959); protease activity was determined
red dye solution (1%). The hydrolytic activity of an isolate was clas- using casein as a substrate (Tsuchida et al., 1986); lipase activity
sified qualitatively as high activity (++) when the halo zone was was assayed by p-nitrophenylpalmitate (p-NPP) hydrolysis
>5 mm or low activity (+) when the halo zone was <5 mm. Nega- (Winkler and Stuckmann, 1979).
tive hydrolytic activity ( ) was determined when the halo zone
was not observed around the bacterial colony. The ratio of hydrol-
ysis zone diameter to the colony diameter was calculated and 2.6. In vitro food waste biodegradation analysis
thereafter interpreted as hydrolysis index (HI).
The effect of monoculture and co-culture inoculation of HPB on
2.3. Characterization and identification of hydrolase producing biodegradation of FW was initially investigated via in vitro setting.
bacteria Artificial FW was set up in this experiment with predetermined
composition to mimic the actual FW found in these localities.
Light microscopy (Olympus CH, Japan) was used to examine The artificial FW was prepared based on the general composition
morphological characteristics and Gram’s reaction of the HPB. of food and kitchen waste commonly found at local houses and
The biochemical characteristics of the HPB were evaluated accord- eateries which comprises different classes of nutrient components
ing to Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology (Bergey and such as fiber, protein, fat and carbohydrate. A guideline on the
Holt, 1994). The bacterial 16S rRNA gene was analyzed by employ- composition of general FW found in Bandar Baru Bangi (Selangor,
ing a DNA barcoding procedure using the BigDyeÒ Terminator v3.1 Malaysia) was employed to create the artificial FW in a systematic
cycle sequencing kit and sequenced by Applied Biosystems genetic manner (Teck et al., 2010). The individual component of the artifi-
analyzer platform. The sequence generated was trimmed using cial FW and the size preparation were presented in Table 1.
BioEdit version 7 (Hall, 1999) and compared with the closest FW samples were divided into two types of pretreatment which
strains in the GenBank database using the Basic Local Alignment were autoclaved samples (121 °C, 15 min) and non-autoclaved
Search Tool (BLAST) in terms of percent identity. The sequences (raw) samples in triplicate for each treatment. The food compo-
were aligned by ClustalW and the phylogenetic tree was recon- nents were weighed (100 g), mixed and transferred into a sterile
structed using MEGA X Alignment Explorer (Kumar et al., 2018) 250 mL conical flask. The HPB were grown overnight separately
and inferred by using the Neighbour-Joining method (Saitou and in the nutrient broth before 1 mL (1  108 CFU/mL) single inocu-
Nei, 1987) with 1000 replicates of bootstrap values (Felsenstein, lum or mixed inoculum (co-culture of 1:1 ratio, v/v) cell suspen-
1985). The evolutionary distances among strains were computed sion was centrifuged down at 5000 rpm for 10 min and
using p-distance (Nei and Kumar, 2000). Sequences were deposited resuspended in 1 mL sterile saline water (0.85%) as an inoculum.
into National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Gen- The inoculum was introduced to each test flask and incubated in
Bank database via online sequence submission tool BankIt to a rotary shaker aerobically for 8 days at 30 °C, shaking at
retrieve the accession numbers. 150 rpm. Control flasks were introduced with an equal volume of
sterile saline water without bacterial cells. The bacterial popula-
2.4. Antagonistic interaction assay tion during FW biodegradation was determined via the standard
plate count method on nutrient agar, while pH change was mea-
Antagonistic interaction assay between the selected HPB was sured using a digital pH meter on daily basis.
evaluated according to the pour-plate method (Grossart et al., The biodegradation percentage of the FW was estimated based
2004). A molten nutrient 1% agar (2.5 mL) was mixed with 50 lL on the daily remaining total solids (TS) and the change in nutrient
target bacterial strain suspension (1  108 CFU/mL). The cell sus- composition. The TS of the FW was determined daily throughout
pension agar was poured onto a nutrient agar plate and left to the 8-day fermentation period by following the standard method
solidify for 10 min. An aliquot (10 lL) of test strain (1  108 (APHA, 1998). The nutrient component analysis was performed
CFU/mL) was spotted onto the lawn and incubated at 30 °C for on the treated FW on day 0 and day 8 of post-inoculation to find
3 days. The HPB was tested in triplicate against each other and out the nutrient fraction of protein, total fat, total sugar, non-
observed daily for inhibition zones. Inhibitory activity was reducing sugar, reducing sugar and starch by following standard
recorded when the inhibition zone was more than 4 mm of the protocols on a dry weight basis. Protein, total fat and moisture con-
diameter of the spotted colony. tent were assayed using the standard method of AOAC, 16th Edi-

2.5. Quantitative hydrolase activity assay

Table 1
Artificial food waste composition and preparation per 100 g.
An aliquot (1 mL) of starter culture (inoculum adjusted to
Food class Food item Weight Preparation
1  108 CFU/mL) grown in nutrient media was used to inoculate
100 mL starch, Mandels-Reese, skim milk and tributyrin liquid
media respectively. Co-culture was prepared by mixing individual Grain & Cooked rice 30
inoculum culture (0.5 mL) at an equal ratio of 1:1 (v/v) before inoc- Eggshell 10 Coarsely blended to
ulating the test media. The hydrolase activity of each HPB was ana- 5 ± 2 mm
lyzed using cell-free culture supernatant grown separately in those Fruit & vegetable Potato 10 Diced to 5 ± 2 mm
selective media at 30 °C with shaking at 150 rpm for 3 days. The Apple 10 Diced to 5 ± 2 mm
HPB culture was centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 10 min to obtain Banana peel 10 Diced to 5 ± 2 mm
the cell-free culture supernatant. The synergistic effect of co- Spinach 15 Cut to 10 ± 3 mm
culture was interpreted as the enzymatic degree of synergy (DS) Meat & fish Raw chicken 5 Cut to 1/8 size
which was calculated by dividing the observed activity of the mul- gizzard
Canned sardine 10 Cut to 10 ± 3 mm
ticultural enzyme by the sum of every monocultural enzyme in the
Muhamad Aidilfitri Mohamad Roslan, Nur Qaiyyum Ummi Aiman Jefri, N. Ramlee et al. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 28 (2021) 3001–3012

tion 981.10 (AOAC International, 1998) while total sugar, non- in hydrolase activities. As a result, 115 pure bacterial colonies with
reducing sugar, reducing sugar and starch were assayed using stan- distinctive phenotypes were successfully isolated and maintained
dard methods of APHA (1998). on nutrient agar. Out of 115 isolates, 25 isolates demonstrated a
high potential of hydrolase activity on screening plates which were
2.7. Preliminary batch-biodigester trial starch, Mandels-Reese, skim milk and tributyrin agar respectively
(Table 2). Based on the screening results, strain GRA2 and TAP5
A commercial FWB and a full set of charcoal cubic polyvinyl were able to demonstrate high hydrolytic activities which were
alcohol (PVA) sponge as an inoculant carrier were contributed by amylase, cellulase, protease and lipase, hence selected for further
Eco Ecotech Sdn. Bhd. (Malaysia). HPB co-culture was prepared analysis.
using the same method as described in the previous section and The phenotypic and genotypic properties of the HPB were
grown overnight before the experiment, in molasses media (sugar- assessed through biochemical characterization and the 16S rRNA
cane molasses 30 g; NaCl 10 g; yeast extract 10 g; distilled water gene sequencing of each strain respectively (Table 3). Based on
1000 mL; pH 7.0 ± 0.2) in a rotary shaker at 30 °C. Different vol- the results, both HPB were able to grow in a low pH condition up
umes (0 mL, 500 mL, 1000 mL or 1500 mL) of overnight HPB co- to pH 4 but only strain GRA2 was able to survive at a moderately
culture (adjusted to ~1  1010 CFU/mL) were transferred into sep- high temperature condition (65 °C). BLAST result and phylogenetic
arate sterile 3 L beaker and mixed with sterile uninoculated media analysis (Fig. 1) revealed that strain GRA2 was closely related to
to a final volume of 2000 mL. The carrier sponge (200 g) was Bacillus paralicheniformis sp. with 100% homology similarity to
soaked in the adjusted inoculum size until liquid media was fully Bacillus paralicheniformis strain KJ-16 (NR137421.1) while strain
absorbed. FW was collected beforehand from a cafeteria in Univer- TAP5 was closely related to Bacillus velezensis sp. with 99.87% sim-
siti Kebangsaan Malaysia in three different batches of more than ilarity homology to Bacillus velezensis strain FZB42 (NR075005.2).
5 kg each. Toothpicks, plastics, tissues, chopsticks and large bones
were separated from the drained FW prior to use. The FW was 3.2. Quantitative estimation of hydrolytic activities
transferred into a plastic container and stored in a 20 °C freezer
prior to further analysis. The hydrolytic capacity of the HPB was evaluated in two differ-
Nutrient component analysis of the FW was performed on a dry ent sets of experiments which were agar-based and liquid-based
weight basis before the experiment started using standard meth- assays (Fig. 2). In the agar-based assay, the HPB were individually
ods as described previously. About 1 kg of FW was thawed at room grown on starch, Mandels-Reese, skim milk and tributyrin agar
temperature and mixed sufficiently with the HPB-presoaked char- respectively for an extended incubation time of 48 h to obtain
coal cubic sponge before transferring into the FWB. The operational clearer halo zone formation around the bacterial colony (Fig. 2B).
cycle mode of the FWB was 5 min mixing while washing with driz- On average, the HI of GRA2 was recorded higher than TAP5 in amy-
zling tap water and draining through an exhaust pipe, and 20 min lase, protease and lipase agar assays, although only lipase showed a
in static mode. At the beginning of every treatment, FW residue in significantly higher index (P < 0.05). In contrast, TAP5 exhibited
the internal space of the FWB was washed off completely and ster- significantly higher (P < 0.05) HI for cellulase (4.44) as compared
ilized thoroughly using a mixture of 70% ethanol and 3% CloroxÒ to GRA2 (3.46). The highest HI amongst all hydrolases was cellu-
solution. Gross biodegradation percentage (GBP) was measured lase for both HPB. Surprisingly, the agar-based assay showed that
based on daily gross weight differences from the initial reading the irregular-shaped colony of TAP5 grew more rapidly in size than
as described by (Li et al., 2014) throughout the 8-day digestion per- any plates of GRA2 (data not shown).
iod. To monitor the temperature dynamic of the FW matrix, a dig- Since both HPB showed no signs of antagonistic interaction
ital probe thermometer was inserted through the top air hole of against each other in the previous pour-plate assay, the quantita-
the FWB cover every day until it reached the center of the pile tive hydrolase activities through liquid-based assay were deter-
without opening the bin. mined in both monoculture and co-culture experiments in vitro
(Fig. 2C). In terms of monoculture, TAP5 recorded significantly
higher activities than GRA2 for amylase, cellulase and lipase activ-
2.8. Statistical analysis
ities except for protease activity (P < 0.05). Interestingly, co-culture
significantly recorded overall higher activities of hydrolase
To determine the significance of the differences between HI of
(P < 0.05) with cellulase activity (109.77 U/mL) being the highest
the HPB on screening plates and the degree of synergism between
of all types. Closer inspection of Fig. 2D shows that the DS of all
HPB, two-tailed, unpaired t-tests were performed at a confidence
hydrolase activities was more than one time the cumulative mono-
level of P < 0.05. The differences between treatments on hydrolase
culture activity thus validated the hydrolase synergy of the co-
activity between HPB and the nutrient analysis of FW were
culture. Pearson correlation revealed that the HI results on agar
assessed through one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), and the
were not correlated with the hydrolase activity in liquid media
calculated means were subjected to the Least Significant Difference
for both HPB. A negative correlation was recorded between the
(LSD) test at P < 0.05. Pearson correlation was conducted to quan-
HI of amylase (r = 0.026, P > 0.05), protease (r = 0.150,
tify correlation coefficients between HI and hydrolase activity, and
P > 0.05) and lipase (r = 0.990, P < 0.05) on agar with the amylase,
GBP and temperature dynamic at P < 0.01 confidence interval. All
protease and lipase activity in liquid media respectively. On the
statistical analyses were performed using SPSS software Package
contrary, the HI of lipase on agar was positively correlated
Version 25.0 (SPSS Inc., USA).
(r = 0.692, P > 0.05) with the lipase activity in liquid media.

3. Results 3.3. Effects of HPB inoculation on food waste biodegradation

3.1. Isolation, screening and identification of hydrolase producing A preliminary FW biodegradation experiment was conducted
bacteria in vitro for eight days to study the effect of HPB inoculation on
the biodegradation of FW. The nutrient components of the artificial
The isolation of natural bacteria from the fermented foods was FW (100 g) on dry weight basis were protein 15.3%, total fat 2.9%,
primarily conducted to isolate non-pathogenic and good bacteria non-reducing sugar 49.5%, reducing sugar 21.5% and starch 10.8%.
that was generally safe for human handling and showed potential Throughout the experiment, the growth dynamics of the culturable
Muhamad Aidilfitri Mohamad Roslan, Nur Qaiyyum Ummi Aiman Jefri, N. Ramlee et al. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 28 (2021) 3001–3012

Table 2
Qualitative screening of hydrolase producing bacteria isolated from fermented foods.

Source Isolate ID Amylase Cellulase Protease Lipase

Fermented cassava TAP1 ++ + ++ +
TAP2 ++ + + +
TAP3 + ++ ++
TAP4 + ++ ++
TAP5 ++ ++ ++ ++
TAP6 ++ + + +
TAP7 ++ + +
Fermented glutinous rice TAG1 + + + +
TAG2 ++ ++ +
TAG3 ++ + + +
TAG4 ++ + + +
TAG5 ++ + ++
TAG6 ++ + +
Fermented red grape GRA1 + +
GRA2 ++ ++ ++ ++
GRA3 + +
GRA4 + +
GRA5 ++ + ++
Cow’s milk yogurt BCY1 ++ +
BCY2 ++ ++
BCY3 ++ +
Cow’s milk cheese PPC1 ++ ++
PPC2 + ++ ++ +
PPC3 ++ ++
PPC4 + ++

The hydrolytic activity was classified qualitatively as high activity (++) when the halo zone was >5 mm or low activity when the halo zone was <5 mm. Negative hydrolytic
activity ( ) was determined when the halo zone was not observed.

Table 3
Cell and colony morphology, biochemical characteristics and molecular identification of HPB.

Characteristics GRA2 TAP5

Cell morphology Single rod, Gram-positive Single rod, Gram-positive
Colony morphology Translucent, white, irregular, smooth, raised, Translucent, white, circular, smooth, raised,
mucoid, 3–4 mm in diameter viscid, 4–5 mm in diameter
Catalase production + +
Oxidase production
Voges Proskauer (VP) +
Methyl red
Nitrate reduction + +
Citrate utilization
Mannitol salt agar +
Indole production
Casein hydrolysis + +
Anaerobic growth + (facultative anaerobic) + (facultative anaerobic)
Growth at 45 °C + +
Growth at 65 °C +
Growth in 7% NaCl + +
Growth in different pH 4<8<5<6<7 4<5<8<7<6
Motility + +
Triple sugar iron yellow slant; yellow butt; Glucose fermentation: +; sucrose yellow slant; yellow butt; Glucose fermentation: +, sucrose
fermentation: +; H2S production: + fermentation: + H2S production: +
Closest relatives in NCBI Bacillus paralicheniformis strain Bacillus velezensis strain FZB42 (NR075005.2)
GenBank KJ-16 (NR137421.1)
Percentage similarity 100.00% 99.87%
Designated species Bacillus paralicheniformis strain GRA2 Bacillus velezensis strain
name TAP5
NCBI Accession no. MK861160 MK861159

+ or symbol indicates positive or negative reaction respectively.

bacterial population and the change of pH were recorded daily as the 4th DPI and slightly declined to 7–9 log CFU/g on the 8th
illustrated in Fig. 3. The plate count of autoclaved samples solely DPI. The samples inoculated with co-culture showed notably
consisted of a pure strain of the bacterial inoculant while the higher cell counts on both autoclaved and non-autoclaved samples
non-autoclaved samples consisted of the assorted indigenous bac- as compared to monoculture and control. Whereas in the non-
teria in addition to the bacterial inoculant (picture not shown). In autoclaved sample, the culturable bacterial population started at
the autoclaved sample, the culturable bacteria in the inoculated higher CFU which was around 10 log CFU/g due to the addition
flasks inclined dramatically up to 10.3 log CFU/g (co-culture) on of HPB inoculum, and slightly inclined to around 11–12 log CFU/

Muhamad Aidilfitri Mohamad Roslan, Nur Qaiyyum Ummi Aiman Jefri, N. Ramlee et al. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 28 (2021) 3001–3012

Fig. 1. Molecular identification of HPB via 16S rRNA gene sequencing. The optimal phylogenetic tree of HPB (indicated with an asterisk) and their closest strains was
reconstructed by the Neighbor-joining method with the sum of branch length of 0. 23,647,485 using MEGA X Alignment Explorer.

g before gradually decreasing to 9 log CFU/g at the end of the of protein, total fat, total sugar, reducing sugar and starch at the
experiment. The pH dynamic of the biodegraded FW showed an end of the experiment (Fig. 4C and D). In the autoclaved samples,
almost similar pattern for both autoclaved and non-autoclaved the HPB-inoculated FW recorded a significantly higher percentage
samples. The pH of the inoculated samples dropped dramatically (P < 0.05) of biodegraded protein, total fat, total sugar, reducing
from a nearly neutral level (above pH 6) to mildly acidic (around sugar and starch as compared to the uninoculated control. The
pH 4) after just 2 DPI before steadily inclined to around pH 5 co-culture treatment showed a significantly higher reduction
towards the 8th DPI. (P < 0.05) of all nutrient compositions as compared to the other
The ability of the HPB to grow in organic FW media corre- treatments except for reducing sugar and starch (P > 0.05). Unlike
sponded to the FW analysis results in which the overall biodegra- the non-autoclaved samples, the HPB-inoculated samples recorded
dation rate was improved efficiently based on the remaining TS significantly higher (P < 0.05) removal of protein, total sugar,
and the breakdown of nutrient components in both autoclaved reducing sugar and starch as compared to the untreated control
and non-autoclaved FW (Fig. 4). It is apparent from Fig. 4A and B except for total fat (P > 0.05).
that the inoculated FW was degraded more efficiently than the
uninoculated control. A strong evidence of synergistic effects of 3.4. Optimal inoculum size in batch-biodigester trial
the co-culture inoculation was found when both autoclaved and
non-autoclaved FW showed a higher percentage of biodegraded The efficiency of the HPB co-culture to biodegrade FW was
TS up to 49.3% and 62.7% respectively as compared to the monocul- further evaluated using a domestic FWB. A preliminary batch-
ture treatments. Further analysis of the nutrient composition of the biodigester trial was set up where the optimal inoculum size of
FW revealed the efficiency of HPB to biodegrade a high percentage the HPB co-culture was determined using different volumes
Muhamad Aidilfitri Mohamad Roslan, Nur Qaiyyum Ummi Aiman Jefri, N. Ramlee et al. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 28 (2021) 3001–3012

Fig. 2. Hydrolase activities of B. paralicheniformis GRA2 and B. velezensis TAP5. A: Hydrolysis index (HI) of GRA2 and TAP5 via agar-based assay of hydrolase. B: Hydrolytic
activity of TAP5 on screening agar. C: Comparison of hydrolase activity of monoculture and co-culture. D: Degree of synergy of co-culture. Bars followed by different letters
are significantly different according to the LSD test at P < 0.05. Error bars represent the standard error (n = 3).

(Control 0 mL, 500 mL, 1000 mL and 1500 mL). Nutrient composi- culture inoculum size exhibited a distinctive pattern among each
tion analysis for every batch of the FW sample was profiled sepa- other except for 1000 mL and 1500 mL. All treatments showed a
rately on a dry weight basis as illustrated in Fig. 5A. The effects temperature spike on the 1st DPI, whereby the 1000 mL and
of HPB inoculants on FW biodegradation were evaluated daily 1500 mL inoculum treatments exhibited the highest rise during
based on the GBP and temperature dynamic within the 8-day the first 4 DPI (up to 43.4 °C) before gradually decreased to about
digestion period. The data of the three different FW batches were 32 °C at the end of the digestion. The temperature dynamic of FW
averaged and demonstrated in Fig. 5B. Based on the chart, the per- biodegradation was positively correlated to the daily GBP
formance of the co-culture inoculant to drive the pattern of the (r = 0.695, P < 0.05).
GBP throughout the 8-day digestion period could be predicted
from the 1st DPI. In this primary stage, the co-culture inoculum
size of 1500 mL recorded the highest percentage biodegradation 4. Discussion
which was 52.7% followed by 1000 mL (47.3%), 500 mL (37.3%)
and 0 mL (28.2%). The impact of the amounting co-generated organic fraction in the
However, the inoculum size of 1000 mL and 1500 mL recorded a municipal solid waste could be reduced through FW minimization at
quite comparable pattern of GBP on the subsequent DPI and the source by using FWBs. To that end, this research sought to check
reached a plateau on the 4th DPI onwards at GBP of more than the strategy of utilizing locally isolated HPB to improve food waste
85%. The inoculum size of 500 mL showed a slower rate of biodegradation rate by the action of an active synergy of hydrolytic
biodegradation in which it achieved a plateau on the 6th DPI at bacteria. In the present study, a preliminary in vitro biodigestion and
87.4%. Contrariwise, the GBP of the uninoculated control (0 mL a batch-biodigester trial were performed to evaluate the ability of
co-culture inoculum size) did not achieve a plateau and continually selected HPB to degrade protein, fat, total sugars and starch, hence
increased every day up to 86% on the 8th DPI. None of the treat- improving the efficacy of FW biodegradation. Through primary iso-
ments achieved nearly 100% biodegradation of FW at the end of lation and screening of HPB from various fermented foods, two
the digestion period. The temperature dynamic for every co- selected isolates namely GRA2 and TAP5 showed great potential as
Muhamad Aidilfitri Mohamad Roslan, Nur Qaiyyum Ummi Aiman Jefri, N. Ramlee et al. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 28 (2021) 3001–3012

Fig. 3. Growth dynamic of the viable bacterial population (A) and pH dynamic (B) during FW biodegradation in vitro. Error bars represent the standard error (n = 3).

FW biodegradation agents where they were able to produce maxi- Since the antagonistic interaction between both HPB was unde-
mum amylase, cellulase, protease and lipase activities in the qualita- tected, they were tested as co-culture to investigate the presence
tive solid phase assay. The HI of GRA2 for amylase, protease and of bacterial synergistic interaction. The HPB co-culture surprisingly
lipase on agars were higher than those of TAP5 except for cellulase. demonstrated a significant hydrolase synergy (P < 0.05) in co-
Since the colony of TAP5 showed more vigorous growth on plates culture fermentation as compared to those of respective monocul-
than any plates of GRA2, the validity of the HI results as a preliminary tures. These results corroborate the findings of a great deal of the
indication of the hydrolytic capacity of HPB were supported by the previous work in microbial co-culture synergism where the combi-
subsequent liquid-based assay. nation of Bacillus sp. and Saccharomyces cerevisiae culture improved
The biochemical characterization of HPB was also performed a-amylase production by more than two folds as compared to
(Table 2) in which a growth test revealed that the HPB could sur- respective monoculture (Fossi et al., 2014). Similarly, Cortes-
vive in acidic and moderately high temperature conditions. The Tolalpa et al. (2017) reported the enzymatic synergism in Citrobac-
ability of the HPB to survive in this environment is one of the cru- ter freundii and Sphingobacterium multivorum co-culture in the pro-
cial characteristics as potential FW biodegraders since FW duction of cellobiohydrolase, b-mannosidase, b-xylosidase assays
biodegradation in nature generally involves a wide array of organic which inclined dramatically up to 6.4 DS value after 72-h extended
acids built-up in relatively high temperature conditions (Sundberg incubation period. The plausible microbial interactions such as
et al., 2013). Results of molecular analysis validated that GRA2 commensalism and mutualism during concurrent cell growth were
belonged to B. paralicheniformis while TAP5 belonged to B. velezen- suggested as the general mechanism behind this synergistic action
sis phylogeny. B. paralicheniformis was a novel species proposed by of the co-culture.
Dunlap et al. (2015) as they successfully isolated a new bacterial The negative Pearson correlation between the HI results on agar
strain from a fermented soybean-based paste. This species has and the hydrolase activities in liquid media for both HPB implied
been attributed to various industrially significant potentials by vir- that the HI data was not a reliable indicator of the hydrolytic capac-
tue of its antimicrobial properties, enzyme and biomolecules pro- ity of HPB, and therefore must be supported with hydrolase activity
duction (Ahire et al., 2020). Bacillus velezensis sp., on the other analysis through liquid-based assay. Agar-based assay might exert
hand, has been regarded as a plant-beneficial bacterium through some limitation for direct quantitative interpretation of the hydro-
the production of its secondary metabolites which trigger induced lytic capacity of HPB in terms of the nutrient accessibility, species-
systemic resistance in plants as a defense mechanism against specific bias and substrate suitability as compared to liquid-based
recurrent phytopathogen infestation (Rabbee et al., 2019). While assay, hence suitable to only represent a preliminary qualitative
the information on these species was scarce, to our knowledge, determination of HPB. However, with a small sample size, caution
both species have never been associated with FW biodegradation must be applied in this interpretation as the findings might not
potential. apply to all HPB species and fungal counterparts.

Muhamad Aidilfitri Mohamad Roslan, Nur Qaiyyum Ummi Aiman Jefri, N. Ramlee et al. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 28 (2021) 3001–3012

Fig. 4. Effects of different HPB treatments on FW biodegradation. A, B: Biodegradation percentage based on the remaining total solids. C, D: Biodegradation percentage of
nutrient components of FW. Charts on the left and the right represent data of autoclaved and non-autoclaved FW respectively. Bars followed by different letters are
significantly different according to the LSD test at P < 0.05. Error bars represent the standard error (n = 3).

In the preliminary FW biodegradation experiment in vitro for and S. multivorum revealed an 18.2-fold increase in cell density.
eight days, both HPB showed a persistent growth during the exper- An et al. (2018) also reported that Bacillus spp. was able to sustain
iment where the highest CFU (12 log CFU/g) of culturable bacteria growth at pH 5.0–5.5 (7–8 log CFU/g) in organic FW media after 8-
was detected by the co-culture treatment in the non-autoclaved day fermentation in vitro. A sudden drop in pH was also detected
FW (Fig. 3). The relatively high increase in cell counts of HPB indi- at the early stage of biodegradation from around pH 6 to 4 after
cated that they were able to grow and survive in FW media as the 2 DPI and maintained around pH 5 until the end of the experiment.
sole nutrient source. The ability of co-culture to thrive better as A similar phenomenon was reported by Awasthi et al. (2018) who
compared to monoculture was also documented by Cortes- observed a sharp decrease in pH in the early stage of FW biodegra-
Tolalpa et al. (2017) where the co-culture growth of C. freundii dation process by different species of Bacillus spp. Wong et al.

Muhamad Aidilfitri Mohamad Roslan, Nur Qaiyyum Ummi Aiman Jefri, N. Ramlee et al. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 28 (2021) 3001–3012

Fig. 5. Nutrient composition of dry FW (A) and gross biodegradation percentage of FW in a FWB within the 8-day digestion period for three FW batches combined, along with
the recorded temperature dynamic (B). Barrel of FWB during FW biodegradation using 1000 mL co-culture inoculum size on the 4th DPI (C). Error bars represent the standard
error (n = 3).

(2009) suggested that the pH drop in the initial stage of organic The HPB inoculation was also effective to degrade total solids
waste degradation was attributed to the accumulation of volatile (>62%), protein (>19%), total fat (>51), total sugar (>86%), reducing
fatty acids from the breakdown of complex organic matter. sugar (>38%) and starch (>50%) at the end of the experiment. One
The ability of the HPB to grow in the organic FW media reflected counterintuitive outcome from the co-culture treatment was that
the performance of FW biodegradation of the inoculated FW during the protein reduction was observed higher in the autoclaved sam-
the experiment which was based on the remaining TS and the ple than in the non-autoclaved sample. It is difficult to explain this
breakdown of nutrient components (Fig. 4). In particular, the high- result, but it might be related to the higher bioavailability of simple
est percentage of biodegraded TS (>60%) was detected in the co- nitrogen sources in the form of amino acids due to the heat pre-
culture treatments. One of the possible mechanisms of the HPB treatment of FW prior to digestion, hence more readily accessible
to degrade food solids is through sugar biodegradation in which to be utilized by the HPB. Specifically, the metabolic assimilation
glucose is converted into carbon dioxide and water, thus reducing between hydrolytic microorganisms and synergistic activity of
the TS of FW (Coker, 2014). These results are in agreement with cumulative enzymes secretion may allow for an efficient degrada-
those recently stated by An et al. (2018) and Msarah et al. (2020) tion process. Cortes-Tolalpa et al. (2017) stated that co-cultures
who reported the reduction of the solid content of FW by more perform division of labour to complement metabolic activities
than 2% and 43% by Bacillus spp. inoculation. Additionally, required for substrate utilization, hence superior to monocultures.
Awasthi et al. (2018) also reported the decomposition of over Finally, the batch-biodigester trial using a domestic FWB was
60% dry weight of pre-consumed and post-consumed FW inocu- performed to screen for the optimal inoculum size for this applica-
lated with amylolytic Bacillus spp. consortium. tion. In principle, the FWB applies general mechanical mixing and

Muhamad Aidilfitri Mohamad Roslan, Nur Qaiyyum Ummi Aiman Jefri, N. Ramlee et al. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 28 (2021) 3001–3012

washing to break down the structural integrity of FW, while Grant [RS -2017-001] allocation as well as contributing a domestic
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tion process. The disintegrated FW is filtered through a stainless- man for the permission of extending research works at her
steel strainer and safely discharged as a wastewater run-off to research laboratory at the Faculty of Biotechnology and Biomolec-
the sewer. Thus, the HPB co-culture inoculation in this work is ular Sciences in the Universiti Putra Malaysia.
expected to outperform the natural FW biodegradation rate in
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in Fig. 5, the 1000 mL and 1500 mL inoculum size recorded a higher References
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