Supreme Final Reviewer
Supreme Final Reviewer
Supreme Final Reviewer
5. Which nation offers the highest pay to teachers, 12. Teacher Santos, a teacher for forty years, refuses to
according to the Global Teacher Status Index? attend seminars. He claims that his forty years of teaching
A. North Korea is more than all the seminars he is asked to attend. Is his
B. Malaysia actuation and thinking in accordance with the Code of
C. Singapore Ethics for Professional Teachers?
D. Japan A. No, non-attendance to seminars means no professional
6. If a teacher progresses from Career Stage 1 to 4 over the B. Yes, because he has taught for forty years and may have
years, he/she is deemed successful in this domain. mastered the trade.
A. 5 C. No, a professional teacher, regardless of teaching
B. 6 experience, ought to go through continuing professional
C. 7 education.
D. 8 D. Yes, provided he has an excellent performance rating.
7. In the original version of the 2016 CPD Law, the number 13. statement is true of society’s demand from the
of required units is 45. With the release of the professional teacher?
Implementing Rules and Regulations, which statement is A. The professional teacher is concerned only with
true? classroom teaching.
A. The required number of units did not change. B. Effective teaching is the primary duty of a professional
B. The IRR did not include Professional Teachers. teacher.
C. The required number of units increased. C. The professional teacher is not expected to lead in
D. The required number of units decreased. community affairs in order to jeopardize her teaching.
D. Because the professional teacher is expected to be 20. Below are the teachers’ tasks in curriculum planning,
highly enlightened, he is expected to campaign for the good EXCEPT:
candidate during election time. A. Choose instructional materials
B. Write curricular goals and objectives
14. It is the responsibility of the teacher to promote the C. Select subject matter (content)
cultural and educational heritage of the nation. As such, it D. Write curriculum materials for use by all teachers
is also his or her obligation to convey all of this to the
students. In this case, which of the following will make the 21. Which of the following is true about curriculum
teacher fulfill this obligation? mapping?
A. Use innovation in his teaching A. The systematic curriculum mapping results in an
B. Continue professional education improved horizontal, vertical, subject area and
C. Study the life of the Filipino heroes interdisciplinary coherence.
D. Implement interactive teaching strategies B. Curriculum mapping is most effective when it is
initiated by a teacher for the subject and the grade he/she
15. Principal Alvin is very much interested in a quality teaches
professional development program of his teachers. Which C. It is unusual for a curriculum map to cover an entire
of the following should he consider realizing this? school year
A. Dependent on the availability of funds. D. A lesson plan is a curriculum map that outlines the
B. Prescribed by top educational leaders. details of what will be taught, how it will be taught, and
C. Responsive to identified teachers’ needs what resources will be used to teach.
D. Required for renewal of professional license.
22. The most acceptable and commonly used curriculum
16.Other than the teacher, there must be materials which design is learner-centered design. Which design does not
should help in the implementation of a written curriculum take as a major consideration the learner as a center of the
in order to have successful teaching. This is referred to as educational process?
_____. A. The curriculum is anchored on the needs and interests of
A. supported curriculum the learners
B. recommended curriculum B. Experience of the learners is the starting point of the
C. intended curriculum curriculum
D. taught curriculum C. Mastery of the subject matter is the end goal of every
17. Due to the advent of COVID-19 pandemic, which
D. The development of the self is the ultimate objective
initiative is required for curriculum change?
A. Curriculum implementation 23. Which of the following teaching strategies best
B. Curriculum evaluation demonstrates the use of media tools to respond to the
C. Curriculum modification demands of 21st century education in the classroom?
D. Curriculum design A. Have the reports presented in class using the latest
innovative powerpoint formats.
18. What initial question should be asked when designing
B. Utilize Google classroom in performing blended
the curriculum?
learning in an out-of-class setting.
A. How will the success of the learning outcome be
C. Have the pictures scanned and printed for submission.
D. Use iPad in showing a topic uploaded from Youtube and
B. What are the desired learning outcomes and goals for the
search engines.
C. What learning materials should be used? 24. The K to 12 curriculum aims at raising the quality of
D. What content should be taught? Filipino learners and graduates while empowering them for
lifelong learning that requires functional literacy. Towards
19. Which is an example of a spiral curriculum?
this end, the following are the perspectives of this new
A. Teachers work together to integrate several subject areas
curriculum EXCEPT:
into their lessons to give students a more holistic learning
A. Providing more focus on the total learning areas towards
the development of metacognitive skills
B. A teacher organizes her class around several key
B. Providing experiential learning areas wherein learners
questions that students will work to answer throughout the
can apply knowledge and life skills
C. Implementing a unidisciplinary approach in treating
C. A student is required to use skills he acquired in math in
every facet and component of the curriculum
the previous grade to understand new information about a
D. Making values development integral across disciplines.
math topic in his current class.
D. None of the answers are correct
25. Each learner has differentiated learning styles and so A. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning and
with the teachers: However, each one has a preferred style relevance of ideas.
that is more often utilized. What would be the implication B. Learning is an experience which occurs inside the
of this fact to your implementation of the curriculum? learner and is activated by the learner.
A. As a teacher, use your own teaching style unmindful of C. Learning sometimes a painful process.
the learning styles of the students. D. Learning is an evolutionary process.
B. Just focus on the learner's styles even if you do not have
any skill in delivering it. 33. Teachers should give consideration to the learners’
C. Go back to the traditional teaching styles that were used multiple intelligences and various learning styles.
by teachers in the past. This exemplifies what learning principle?
D. Adjust to the learning styles of the learners and provide A. Learning is a consequence of experience.
differentiated approach. B. Learning is a cooperative and collaborative process.
C. The process of learning is emotional as well as
26. What must a teacher do to ensure orderly transitions intellectual.
between activities? D. The process of problem solving and learning is highly
A. Allow time for the students to socialize in between unique and individual.
B. Have the materials ready at the start of the activity. 34. A question is raised by one student. You don’t answer it
C. Assign fewer exercises to fill the allotted time. but throw back the question to the class. Which is this
D. Wait for students’ who lag behind. reacting behavior?
A. Redirecting questions to other pupils
27. In which part of the lesson does the learner give a B. Asking follow up question
synthesis of the things learned? C. Soliciting students’ questions
A. Motivation D. Providing corrective feedback
B. Generalization
C. Discussion 35. Although learning can take place anywhere and
D. Application anytime, the more systematic the teacher, the greater is the
probability for a successful learning. This indicates the
28. Teacher Baron asked his students to state a quote using need for teachers to _____.
their own words. Teacher Baron is asking students to A. Specify their objectives
_____. B. Select their instructional materials
A. Draw analogies C. Set their teaching priorities
B. Summarize D. Plan their lesson
C. Paraphrase
D. Compare and contrast 36. Mico cannot attend his class because of skin allergies
cannot attend school for the meantime. The teacher decided
29. What is Teacher Marlo doing when he probes students to provide him with a kit of activities similar to his
by asking a sequence of questions on a subject matter to classmates so he won’t be left behind.
arrive at a satisfactory answer? A. Alternative Learning systems
A. Analyzing B. Informal Education
B. Prompting C. Distance Learning
C. Conversing D. Modular Lesson
D. Clarifying
37. Teacher Arvie is using technology to enhance the
30. Teacher Manilyn sees to it that her class sees the learning in his subject matter. He is practicing:
importance of the grammar lessons in English and so gets A. integration
intrinsically motivated to learn. In which level of B. gamification
processing is the class expected to act? C. technology-driven
A. Metacognitive D. collaboration
B. Between cognitive and metacognitive system
C. Cognitive 38. ODeL is used as a framework for lifelong learning for
D. Self-System all in the 21st century. What is ODeL?
A. Open Distance and eLearning
31. Which of the following should the teacher use to start B. Open and Distance eLearning
the class discussion? C. Open Distance and electronic Learning
A. Memory question D. Open and Distance electronics Learning
B. Objective question
C. Divergent question 39. One of the constraints in the application of ICT for the
D. Convergent question enhancement standards among teachers and students
is _____.
32. As teachers, we should always remind ourselves that A. lack of awareness about the use of technology
learning is a gradual process. Hence, we should be patient B. training of technology teachers
with our students. This is exemplified in what principle of C. connectivity of the school
learning? D. availability of qualified teachers
40. Which of the following application cannot be used for use of small versions of pencils. What does this practice
collaborative work? mean?
A. Google chrome A. Big pencils make beautiful writing.
B. Wikispace B. Small pencils make small prints, which are difficult to
C. Edmodo read.
D. Google drive C. Big pencils are easy to hold because fine muscles at this
age are not yet fully developed.
41. The purpose of the instructional materials are the D. Small pencils with pointed writing ends might be
following EXCEPT: dangerous to very young learners.
A. Make abstract concept more concrete
B. Entertainment value. 48. Among approaches to child development, which is the
C. Concept are easily absorbed basis from Spanish friars in religious schools using the
D. Effective instruction and effective cost stick to punish children who misbehave in class?
A. Operant Conditioning
42. What is the proper characterization for the PowerPoint B. Classical Conditioning
presentation to deliver a lesson? C. Socio cultural learning
A. Academic D. Social cognitive learning
B. Machinery
C. Culture 49. Jameson's mother became upset with him because he
D. Technology disobeyed her. He went on his barkada's outing, which his
mother deemed risky. Jameson would feel excluded from
43. Teacher Lawrence wants to show his class the different the group if he chose not to go on their outing. What
parts of the heart. What traditional instructional materials characteristics of adolescent did Jameson manifest in this
must he utilize? case?
A. Venn diagram A. Adolescents do not mind other people as long as they
B. Mock-up are happy.
C. Realia B. adolescents are care-free and happy-go-lucky
D. Model individuals.
C. Adolescents know that their parents will forgive them
44. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT
even if they commit mistakes.
based on the idea of using an ePortfolio in assessing student
D. Adolescents give priority to the demands of peer than to
their parents.
A. An Portfolio is very much similar to the physical
portfolio for it contains essentially the same required 50. From a behaviorist perspective, how would a teacher
outputs although digital materials are easily uploaded in the explain the reasons behind a child's positive attitude
former platform. towards school, given their observation of the child
B. Although it contains evidence of students work and enjoying it?
documentations of their outputs, it may be limited to A. He taught life skills.
examination or quiz results. B. He feels he belongs.
C. An ePortfolio contains students reflections that discuss C. Learning is highly personalized.
how they were able to accomplish the task and what they D. He is rewarded for his good performance.
have learned from the lesson.
D. Although challenging, students progress can be seen as 51. In order to explain her various lessons to preschoolers,
they include exhibits of their work from the initial attempts teacher Erlene uses language and images. What stage in the
to half-way of finishing their work and to the finished cognitive theory of development explains this?
product. A. Sensorimotor
B. Preoperational
45. Which of the following forms of traditional and modern C. Concrete operation
technology is the oldest or most ancient way of D. Formal operation
A. E-mail 52. From Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development, what
B. Radio is the moral reasoning or perspective of Mother Teresa who
C. Letter pledged her life to serve the sick and very old?
D. Morse code A. Social contract
B. Universal principles
46. What should be done with a student in the upper grades C. Obedience
who is non-reader? D. Law and order
A. Encourage him to join a reading club
B. Give him comic books 53. Among perspectives in child development, what theory
C. Have him attend remedial reading classes is involved in schools organizing a UN street parade in
D. Transfer him to a lower section which school children are dressed in costumes of different
47. Teacher Jacquelyn requires her pupils, aged 6 to 7, to A. Socio-biological activity
use a big pencil in writing activities. She discourages the
B. Socio-cognitive learning D. Social
C. Socio-cultural experience
D. Socio-attachment bonding 60. Learners in this category have high awareness and
understanding of one’s own interests, emotions, and goals.
54. One behavioral tendency which accompanies cognitive These learners do not necessarily shy away from others.
growth during adolescence is egocentrism. How does They’re in tune with their inner feelings.
adolescent how egocentrism? A. Interpersonal Intelligence
A. Tendency to think too much of themselves B. Intrapersonal Intelligence
B. Imaging the far-fetched and less, ideal situations at C. Visual Intelligence
home, school and in society D. Logical Intelligence
C. Enjoyment of growth dynamics like role play,
discussion, debate 61. Which of the following best develops fine motor skills
D. Being unmindful of what others will say of pre-school learners?
A. Fun and challenging activities involving hand muscles
55. Of the following skills in learning, which does NOT B. Right eating habit activities
require metacognition? C. Daily coloring book activities
A. Independent learning D. Repeated writing drills
B. Factual and concrete thinking
C. Monitoring own comprehension 62. When Crizza behaves well so she could get five tokens
D. Problem-solving from her Kindergarten teacher, what level of moral
development does Crizza belong to, based on Kohlberg’s
56. Education is the acquisition of the art and the utilization Theory?
of knowledge. This statement means: A. Conventional for social approval
A. A learner’s application of what she has learned is not B. Pre-conventional for mutual benefit
necessary C. Pre-conventional out of fear of the teacher
B. A learner’s acquisition of information is sufficient D. Post-conventional for social contract of the common
C. A learner’s acquisition of information is not good
D. A learner’s application of what she has learned is
necessary 63. What is the general physical characteristic of a primary-
school child?
57. Zena is a 4th-grade student who is experiencing a lot of A. Starts to walk and sit without being supported
difficulty in reading. Her teacher is thinking that she may B. Has difficulty balancing and often falls down
need to be referred to special education for possible special C. Are extremely active
education services. What is the first step the teacher needs D. Prefers to sit than play
to take?
A. Call Zena's parents about the concerns regarding her 64. A 5-month old baby, demonstrates signs of
problems. development in his/her social domain. Which of the
B. Give Zena an IQ test to see if the difficulties are due to following characteristics of social development is generally
an intellectual deficit. true to babies? Babies _____.
C. Ask the special education teacher to come in and work A. Are nearsighted.
with Zena for a while. B. Quickly learn how to pick up mother’s scent and face
D. Have her go to the special education resource reading C. Become more excited and breathes more rapidly when
class for a couple of weeks to see if she is more successful picked up.
there. D. Experience brief periods of quiet alertness and spend
most of their time sleeping
58. A child typically finds himself simultaneously
enmeshed in different ecosystems, from the most intimate 65. Preschoolers lean towards animism. As such, they will
home ecological system moving outward to the larger be interested in stories where _____.
school system and the most expansive system, which is A. Scenes involve a lot of movements
society and culture. Each of these systems inevitably B. The plot involves pet animals
interacts with and influences each other in every aspect of C. Lead characters are superheroes
the child’s life. This concept of development was explained D. Inanimate objects like then sun or the bus talk
by _____.
66. The scores of a TEACHER A ONLINE REVIEW -
A. David Ausubel
BATCH 15, 16 and 17 reviewees in a pre-board
B. Urie Bronfenbrenner
examination are said to have correlation of 0.50 with their
C. Robert Gagne
actual LEPT ratings. What can be inferred about the pre-
D. Lawrence Kohlberg
board examination?
59. On development processes, what kind of growth is a A. The scores of TEACHER A ONLINE REVIEW - 15, 16
baby’s increasing in weight and length? and 17 are widely scattered.
A. Biological B. TEACHER A ONLINE REVIEW - 15, 16 and 17
B. Cognitive performed better than expected.
C. Socioemotional C. The Pre-board examination has a predictive validity.
D. The Pre-board examination has a concurrent validity.
67. The goal of the Teacher A Online Review Center is to
assess the students' level of achievement at the end of the Written work 50/60
instructional period. Which type of assessment should Performance task 50/70
Teacher A Online Review Center administer? Quarterly assessment 40/60
A. Formative assessment A. 81
B. Assessment of learning B. 92
C. Assessment as learning C. 75.23
D. Assessment for learning D. 74.04
68. How can scaffolding be described in the context of 75. This kind of evaluation places a strong emphasis on
pedagogical assessment? declarative and procedural information that does not
A. Assessment as learning directly connect to a real-life or real-work context.
B. Assessment for and of learning A. Diagnostic Assessment
C. Assessment of learning B. Decontextualized assessment
D. Assessment for learning C. Contextualized Assessment
D. Placement assessment
69. Which of the following statements best describes
formative assessment? 76. In a fill in the blank test, where should the blank be?
A. Assessing student learning at the end of a unit or course A. At or near the end
B. Assessing student learning using objective test items B. At the middle of the question or statement
C. Assessing student learning through self-reflection C. At the beginning of the question or statement
activities D. None of the above
D. Assessing student learning throughout the learning
process 77. The scores are as follows: 10, 10, 20, 15, 35, 42, 43, 45,
67, 76 11, 35. What is the range?
70. What serves as the purpose of summative evaluation? A. 66
A. To measure overall student achievement at the end of a B. 67
unit or course. C. 76
B. To measure student learning using objective test items D. 77
C. To measure student learning through self-reflection
activities 78. Is this test a good one?
D. To measure student learning throughout the learning
process What is the oldest province in the Philippines?
A. Manila
71. Which error do teachers make when they tend to B. Ramon Magsaysay
overrate students' accomplishments who have been C. Cebu
classified as gifted by aptitude tests because they expect D. Pangasinan
achievement and giftedness to go together? A. No, not all distracters are good.
A. Generosity error B. No, Option B is considered a poor distracter because it is
B. Leniency error obviously incorrect.
C. Severity Error C. Yes, the question is good because it follows the rules of
D. Logical Error test construction and has three distracters and one correct
72. Which of the following statements regarding the K to12 D. Both A and B are correct statements.
quarterly assessment is true?
A. Different percentage weights in all subjects except in 79. What function does self-assessment and evaluation
Grades 11 and 12 serve in students learning?
B. Same percentage weight in all subject except in Grade A. To evaluate student performance
11 and 12 B. To provide feedback to teachers
C. Different percentage weights in all subjects C. To compare student performance to a standard
D. Same percentage weight in all subject D. To promote student reflection and metacognition
73. Teacher Erlene is attempting to identify the vowel
sounds that her students struggle with. Which tool would be 80. What is the purpose of rubrics in assessment?
best? A. To assign grades to student work.
A. portfolio assessment B. To assess learning outcomes.
B. journal entry C. To provide feedback to students.
C. paper-and-pencil test D. To promote self-reflection and goal setting.
D. performance test
81. Globalized education calls for a progressive type of
74. Lawrence, a grade 9 student, got the following scores in curriculum. Which does not speak of it?
Science for the second grading period: What is his non- A. Experiences in the classroom are planned and enacted
transmuted grade? by the teacher and learned by the students.
B. Curriculum is the total learning experiences of the C. Leave the problematic situation for other teachers to
learners. solve.
C. Curriculum consists entirely of knowledge which comes D. For every teaching-learning problem, there is always a
from various disciplines. solution.
D. Thought is not derived from action but tested by
application. 89. Which of the following has higher importance than the
rest as to the best practice of a professional teacher?
82. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a good A. Regularity in class attendance
teaching and learning activity? B. Appearance as a teacher in dress and attire
A. Promotes conformity to quality standard. C. Loyalty to the school through years of service
B. Maintain balance in terms of pupil development. D. Compentecy is supported by continuing growth.
C. Promotes continuity of experiences.
D. Fixed and focused to particular situations and 90. Why is there a need to do action research?
individuals. A. To comply with the requirements
B. To improve teaching practice
83. Which is NOT an indicator of a supportive learning C. To be recognized in the field teachers in doing research
environment? D. To get promoted
A. Supporting teachers
B. High dropout rates 91. Jared, a student teacher, allows his students to study a
C. Low dropout rates concept by breaking it down into elements. What cognitive
D. Friendly Atmosphere skill does he want the students to develop?
A. Analysis
84. Which is not an attribute of the professional teacher? B. Understanding
A. Can effect change C. Synthesis
B. Licensed Professional D. Applying
C. View Learning as lifelong process
D. Views learning as permanent 92. Teacher Vhong talked all period. He taught the class the
steps to undertake in the conduct of action research. He
85. How is "truancy" best understood and interpreted so also showed poorly done action research, discussed why it
that proper responses can be made to prove it? was poorly done, and finally showed a model of action
A. Absences without reason research. Was Teacher Vhong’s approach learner-centered?
B. Absences due to sickness Which teaching approach describes Teacher Vhong's lesson
C. Absence with permission development?
D. Absences due to family problems A. Yes, he taught all learners.
B. No, he was more subject-matter-centered and teacher-
86. How can you make your action research beneficial to centered.
teaching and learning? C. Yes, he made things easy for the learners.
A. Results will lead to improvement of instruction. D. No, because his subject matter was highly technical.
B. Results will lead to more researches
C. Results will give you prestige as a researcher 93. Why is there a need to conduct orientation session for
D. Results will lead to your promotion internship?
A. This is a requirement of the school
87. Which of the following Action Research (AR) views B. To make the practice teachers ready
and definitions is associated with Stephen M. Corey? C. To establish a harmonious relationship with the school
A. Action Research (AR) is a fancy way of saying let's D. To avoid future problems
study what's happening at our school and decide how to
make it a better place. 94. Which is a blueprint of the daily instructional activities
B. Action Research (AR) is the study conducted by of the teacher?
colleagues in a school setting of the results of their A. Learning Plan
activities to improve instruction. B. Learning Materials
C. Action Research is a three-step spiral process of (1) C. Learning Procedures
planning which involves reconnaissance; (2) taking actions; D. Learning Content
and (3) fact-finding about the results of the action.
D. Action Research (AR) is the process by which 95. What will be the most effective way of dealing with
practitioners attempt to study their problems scientifically non- participative students?
in order to guide, correct, and evaluate their decisions and A. Give them the grades based on their performance.
actions. B. Employ engaging and enjoyable activities
C. Refer the matter to the Guidance Counselor.
88. Which statements motivate a teacher to do action D. Let them do what pleases them.
A. There are more essential classroom routines than finding 96. Why is there a need to design the Individual Personal
solutions. and Professional Development Plan (IPPDP)?
B. Any problem that occurs in my class will soon pass. A. To make you highly and globally competitive
B. For compliance and requirement purp oses
C. To guide you in your personal and professional
D. To be used for reference purposes