Bokashi Compost Biochar 1713314720

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v. 3, n.

19, 2023


Research COMPOST

Cristina Muñoz
Universidad de Concepción, Department
of Soils and Natural Resources, Laboratory
of Materials Carbonaceous and Agriculture,
Chillán, Chile

Alberto Loncomilla
Universidad de Concepción, Department
of Soils and Natural Resources, Laboratory
of Materials Carbonaceous and Agriculture,
Chillán, Chile

Nicolás Valenzuela Basy-Galup

Agrícola Los Avellanos, Tanilvoro, Ñuble
región, Chile

All content in this magazine is

licensed under a Creative Com-
mons Attribution License. Attri-
Derivatives 4.0 International (CC
BY-NC-ND 4.0).

Journal of Agricultural Sciences Research ISSN 2764-0973 DOI 10.22533/at.ed.9733192328119

Abstract: It is essential to incorporate organic stabilized by biological or other methods help
amendments such as compost and bokashi to increase the quality of soil (Medina et al.,
in sustainable agricultural systems at the 2015).
farm level. However, the potential benefits An alternative use of agricultural waste
of using biochar as an additive in bokashi is the production of Bokashi, a stabilized
have not been previously studied. Therefore, product with high organic matter and
this research aimed to explore the effects of nutrient content, porosity, and water retention
biochar on the agronomic and environmental capacity, has gained attention as a promising
aspects of bokashi and compost production. alternative to compost due to its ability to
To achieve this, a field experiment was introduce beneficial microorganisms that
conducted, comparing bokashi and compost improve soil health and properties (Quiroz
piles with and without biochar. During the y Céspedes 2019). The compost, on the other
maturation process, various parameters hand, is an organic material produced through
including temperature, chemical composition, the recycling of organic waste. It serves as a
and biological changes were monitored. The natural fertilizer due to microbial activity and
findings demonstrated that the inclusion of offers benefits such as improving soil structure
biochar in both types of amendments helped and enhancing crop development. Compost
regulate the maximum temperatures reached is a cost-effective option that utilizes organic
during the process. Moreover, bokashi and waste and different additives (Chen et al.,
compost piles with biochar exhibited higher 2023). Additionaly, the biochar production is
pH levels and lower CO2 emissions during another alternative to re-utilizate the residues,
maturation; and bokashi with biochar showed that involves thermally stabilizing organic
increased forage productivity. In conclusion, materials rich in carbon. Biochar has favorable
the use of biochar had a positive impact on physical, chemical, and biological properties,
the maturation process and overall quality including high porosity and surface area,
of bokashi and compost. This has significant cation exchange capacity, water retention
advantages for agriculture and organic waste capacity, and improved nutrient availability,
management, as it enhances performance for leading to increased crop production (Muñoz
crops and offers practical applications. et al., 2019; Ginebra et al., 2022).
Keywords: nutrients, CO2 emissions, N cycle, Considering the limited scientific research
organic waste, organic amendments. available on the maturation process and
characterization of Bokashi, this research
INTRODUCTION aims to provide scientific information on the
In today’s agriculture, there is a need to maturation process of stabilized materials such
increase productivity to meet the global as compost and Bokashi, with the addition of
demand for food. In response to these biochar as a technological innovation. The
challenges, various initiatives have been objective is to evaluate the impact of biochar
proposed to promote sustainable agricultural on agronomic and environmental parameters
systems. Implementing good practices is in the production of Bokashi and compost.
crucial for achieving sustainable agricultural
systems. For instance, effective management
of soil fertility is essential to improve its
physical, chemical, and biological properties.
Currently, the application of different residues

Journal of Agricultural Sciences Research ISSN 2764-0973 DOI 10.22533/at.ed.9733192328119

Sheep manure 300 (38.7%)
Substrate* 300 (38.7%)
Biochar** 50 (6.5%)
This research was carried out in a rural area
Wheat bran 125 (16.1%)
in Los Avellanos farm (36º42’38.2’’S latitude
Yeast 0,25 kg (0.03%)
and 71º50’19.5’’W longitude), located at Microbial innoculum*** 20 L
Central-South of Chile, with Mediterranean Serum 10 L
climate. Molasses 4L
Water 170 L
Table 1. Supplies for the production of bokashi.
Sheep manure was collected in the farm’s * Mature bokashi; ** Used only in treatments
barn and stored in solid form. The biochar B+BC; *** phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria.
was previously produced in a pyrolysis oven
type Kon-Tiki (Schmidt and Taylor, 2014) In the field, two bokashi piles were set
using cherry pruning wastes. Pyrolysis was up with identical elements and proportions
carried out reaching a maximum temperature as specified for their implementation. The
of approximately 500°C and a material with only distinction between the two piles was
the following chemical characterization was the presence or absence of biochar during
obtained: pH 10.34, electrical conductivity preparation. The solid materials (refer to Table
2.73 dS m-1, organic C 81.1%, total N 1.48 %, 1) were thoroughly mixed using a tractor
P available 0.1% and K available 0.79%. with a shovel, while the liquid supplies were
first mixed in a jar before being applied and
PREPARATION OF BOKASHI mixed with the solid materials. Subsequently,
In the preparation of bokashi, the inputs a generous amount of water was added to
indicated in Table 1 were incorporated. initiate microbiological activity.
The inoculum solution was prepared in Temperature was observed over a period
a 200 L container that contained: 20 L of of 18 consecutive days. Whenever the
microorganism inoculum with phosphorus- temperature reached 50 ºC, the bokashi piles
solubilizing bacteria (obtained from ponds were rotated using a tractor to lower their
with anaerobic fermentation), 10 L of cow’s temperature. Throughout this time, samples
milk whey, 4 L of molasses, 250 g of yeast and were collected every other day in order to
water to complete 200 L. All the previously conduct chemical and biological analysis in
mentioned inputs were acquired through the laboratory.
purchase except the microorganism inoculum
that was prepared on the anaerobic ponds COMPOST PRODUCTION
enabled for this purpose. The production of compost involved the
implementation of two compost piles in
the field. Both piles consisted of the same
elements and proportions as indicated in
Table 2, with one pile containing biochar and
the other without. The materials were layered
vertically in the compost piles. After evenly
applying water to initiate microbial activity,

Journal of Agricultural Sciences Research ISSN 2764-0973 DOI 10.22533/at.ed.9733192328119

the temperature was monitored. Once the CHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION
temperature of the piles dropped below 50 ºC, Samples were extracted from each pile of
mechanical action was used to turn each pile bokashi on days 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 and
and facilitate microbial processes. 18 and in the case of compost, sampling
was carried out at the end of four months
Supplies Amounts (Kg)
of maturation for subsequent chemical
Sheep manure 90 (32.7%)
analysis at the Soil Analysis Laboratory of the
Fresh residues (leaves and
90 (32.7%) University of Concepción.
steams of vegetables)
Cereal straw 75 (27.2%) The pH, electrical conductivity, nitrates
Biochar* 16.5 (6.0%) and ammonium, available phosphorus,
Table 2. Supplies for the production of available calcium and magnesium were
compost. evaluated, according to the standardized
* Only was used in the treatment C + BC methodology for compost (Sadzawka et al.,
2005). The carbon and total nitrogen content
To replicate the variations in substrate was determined by dry combustion in a CN
maturation due to climatic differences, two elemental analyzer (LECO, TruSpec CN,
sets of experiments were conducted for both USA) with which the carbon/nitrogen ratio of
assays. The first set took place in the spring the residue was obtained.
season (November 2021), while the second set
was carried out in the autumn season (March CO2 EMISSION ANALYSIS
2022). Each set consisted of two repetitions. To assess environmental conditions,
The treatments included Bokashi (B), a respirometry test was conducted in
Bokashi with biochar (B+BC), Compost (C), a controlled laboratory setting, where
and Compost with biochar (C+BC). temperature and humidity were regulated.
The samples were incubated in a chamber at a
TEMPERATURE consistent temperature of 22 ºC and humidity
Temperature measurements were taken levels. The CO2 emissions were then analyzed
during the maturation period of 18 days for using infrared spectroscopy, specifically
both the bokashi and compost piles in both the Licor model 820. To determine the CO2
the spring and autumn stages. A thermometer emissions resulting from the use of bokashi,
(Generic brand, model 5AC402539, 40 samples were incubated every other day for
cm long) was used to periodically record 18 days. As for the compost, the sample was
temperatures. The measurements were evaluated at the end of the maturation period,
taken from the four cardinal points (north, which lasted for 4 months.
south, east, and west exposures) of each
pile to ensure a representative sample. It PRODUCTIVITY DETERMINATION
is important to note that the temperatures The perennial forage species Lolium
were taken simultaneously to ensure similar perenne L. of the Nui cultivar was used for
environmental conditions throughout the this essay. A substrate of 600 grams of a
duration of the experiment. pre-washed sand mixture was used, along
with perlite (amorphous aluminum sodium
potassium silicate) to enhance moisture
retention capacity. The sand and perlite were
mixed in a ratio of 2:1 v/v, respectively. The

Journal of Agricultural Sciences Research ISSN 2764-0973 DOI 10.22533/at.ed.9733192328119

amendments (B, B+BC, C, and C+BC) were be favorable for their activity. Additionally,
added to the sand-perlite mixture at a rate of Strom (1985) found that a temperature
2% (w/w) or 12 g per pot, and the mixture threshold of approximately 60°C leads to
was homogenized. A seed weight of 1 g per a significant reduction in bacterial species
pot (equivalent to 25 kg ha-1) was sown, with a diversity during thermophilic solid-waste
germination rate of 94%. The pots were placed composting. To ensure microbial activity, we
in a growth chamber (Biobase TCL, model consider 50°C as the maximum temperature.
BJPX-L450) with a constant temperature of Notably, in treatment B, temperatures above
18-22ºC and a day-night light variation of 14 50°C were more frequent (8 times) compared
h day and 10 h night. The pots were randomly to treatment B+BC (6 times).
rotated every 3 days within the chamber. Throughout the autumn season (Figure
Periodic watering of 20 mL of distilled water 1B), there was a consistent rise in temperatures
(pH 6) was done every 3 days. from the start of establishment to the 13th
day of maturation. In the control group (B),
STATISTICAL ANALYSIS temperatures ranged between 24 °C and 58
Two independent assays were considered. °C, while in the treatment group with biochar
The normality was evaluated with the Shapiro- (B + BC), temperatures ranged between 23
Wilks test, and the results were subjected to °C and 53 °C. However, the temperatures in
parametric tests of comparison of means the control group (B) were slightly higher,
for independent data, using T-Student and with a difference of 2 – 7 °C compared to the
LSD Fisher tests with the statistical software treatment group (B + BC). It is worth noting
INFOSTAT, version 2018. that the control group had eight instances
where the temperature reached or exceeded
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 50°C, whereas the treatment group (B + BC)
only had four instances. This observation is
TEMPERATURE ANALYSIS significant as excessively high temperatures
can have a detrimental effect on microbial
In the bokashi prepared during the spring
season (Figure 1A), there was an initial
During the spring compost maturation
increase in temperature in the first 13 days.
process (Figure 2A), the compost piles
The temperature fluctuated between 25°C
experienced a significant temperature increase
and 59°C for treatment B, while treatment
in the initial four days after being prepared,
B + BC had a slightly lower temperature
with both treatments starting at 26 ºC. In this
ranging from 2 to 5°C. After day 13, both
initial phase, treatment C+BC reached its
treatments experienced a significant decrease
peak temperature at 63 ºC, while treatment C
in temperature and stabilized at 42-44°C
reached a maximum of 65 ºC.
without any significant differences. n various
Between day 5 and day 10, the temperature
ecosystems, the maximum temperature
gradually decreased in both treatments,
suitable for heterotrophic microorganisms
reaching 43 ºC in treatment C+BC and 48 ºC
plays a crucial role. According to a study
in treatment C. However, there was a slight
conducted by Simbolon et al. (2023), the
increase in temperature between day 10 and
highest cellulolytic activity was observed
day 12, with treatment C+BC reaching 53 ºC
at 40°C for both actinobacteria and
and treatment C reaching 57 ºC.
heterotrophic bacteria isolates. This suggests
Finally, from day 13 to day 18, the
that temperatures exceeding this level may not

Journal of Agricultural Sciences Research ISSN 2764-0973 DOI 10.22533/at.ed.9733192328119

temperature declined to 43 ºC in treatment Significant differences in temperature
C+BC and 47 ºC in treatment C. variations of the compost piles were observed
on days 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, and 18.
The statistical analysis revealed that treatment
C had higher temperatures compared
to treatment C+BC, with a temperature
difference ranging from 1 to 7 °C.
Furthermore, when considering a
maximum limit of 50 ºC, it was found
that treatment C had a higher frequency
of temperatures exceeding this threshold
compared to treatment C+BC. On the other
hand, treatment C+BC was able to maintain
the temperature of the pile at more moderate
In the case of the compost piles prepared
during the autumn stage (Figure 2B),
the control treatment reached its peak
Figure 1. Recorded temperatures during the
temperature of 64 ºC on day 2. However,
bokashi maturation process. A) spring, B) treatment C + BC did not reach its maximum
autumn. Statistical differences were observed temperature until day 4 of maturation, with
between the treatments on each day of a peak temperature of 55 ºC. Following its
evaluation, as indicated by the asterisk (*). peak temperature, treatment C experienced
fluctuations in temperature until day 12,
ranging between 64 ºC and 56 ºC, before
gradually decreasing to 44 ºC by day 18. On
the other hand, treatment C + BC showed
a gradual decrease in temperature, with a
lower temperature of 41 ºC reached by day
18. The temperature variations between the
compost piles in treatments were statistically
different on days 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, and
18. Specifically, treatment C recorded higher
temperatures, showing a difference of 1 – 24
°C compared to treatment C+BC.
When considering an upper limit of 50
ºC, it was observed that treatment C had a
frequency of temperatures exceeding this
threshold 12 times higher than treatment
Figure 2. Recorded temperatures during the C+BC. In contrast, treatment C+BC managed
composting maturation process. A) spring, B) to maintain the temperature of the compost
autumn. Statistical differences were observed pile at more moderate levels.
between the treatments on each day of
evaluation, as indicated by the asterisk (*).

Journal of Agricultural Sciences Research ISSN 2764-0973 DOI 10.22533/at.ed.9733192328119

Regarding the different chemical parameters
obtained from the assay in different seasons,
no differences were obtained in pH, electric
conductivity, P, Ca and Mg available. For
pH and electric conductivity were obtained
difference between treatments (Figure 2). At
the end of the evaluated period, the pH of the
bokashi was 7.7 to B and 8.1 to B+BC. The
electric conductivity was higher in treatment Figure 2. Variation in pH and electric
with BC (2.5 DS cm-1) compared without conductivity during the bokashi maturation
biochar (B=1.5 DS cm-1), but is necessary to process.
consider that in NCh2880 for compost or
similar materials the maximum allowed is 3 DS In our research, biochar has not been
cm-1. No significant differences were observed shown to have a significant effect on
in the pH, electric conductivity, available nutritional parameters (Tables 3 and 4) of
P, Ca, and Mg levels between the different bokashi and compost produced (Table 5);
seasons. However, there were variations in pH not allowing demonstration of the ability of
and electric conductivity among the different biochar to retain nutrients produced during
treatments (Figure 2). The pH of the bokashi the maturation process. The pH in all cases
was found to be 7.7 for treatment B and 8.1 for was higher than the level allowed by NCh2880
treatment B+BC at the end of the evaluation for compost. This probable is due pH initial of
period. The electric conductivity was higher the mixture of feedstock used.
in the treatment with biochar (2.5 DS cm-1) However, several studies have provided
compared to the treatment without biochar scientific evidence of biochar’s ability to retain
(B=1.5 DS cm-1). It should be noted that nutrients on its surface during composting.
the maximum allowed electric conductivity For instance, Joseph et al. (2018) demonstrated
for compost or similar materials, according that during composting, dissolved nutrients
to NCh2880 (INN, 2015), is 3 DS cm-1. are absorbed into the pores of biochar,
There were no significant differences in the leading to the formation of a nutrient-rich
availability of nutrients such as P, Ca, and Mg organo-mineral layer. This process results
between the treatments, with average levels of in the retention and release of nutrients,
0.3%, 0.5%, and 0.3% respectively at the end which contributes to improving the nutrient
of the evaluation period (Tables 3 and 4). content in the compost. Additionally, Jílková
(2023) conducted a microcosm experiment
and observed that biochar affected nutrient
availability and retention in agricultural
soil, demonstrating the potential of biochar
to retain nutrients during composting.
Furthermore, Sánchez-Monedero et al. (2019)
reported that the application of a mixture
of biochar and compost benefited crops,
indicating the nutrient retention capacity of
biochar during composting.

Journal of Agricultural Sciences Research ISSN 2764-0973 DOI 10.22533/at.ed.9733192328119

Days Total N (%) N-NH4+ (mg kg-1) P av. (%) Ca av. (%) Mg av.(%) Humidity (%)
2 0.96 272.3 0.35 0.48 0.24 52.4
4 0.93 447.1 0.37 0.47 0.25 47.5
6 1.00 638.0 0.31 0.44 0.26 42.7
8 1.01 814.6 0.33 0.45 0.24 43.6
10 0.95 730.9 0.33 0.44 0.23 38.2
12 0.89 917.4 0.35 0.45 0.24 34.3
14 0.90 940.8 0.35 0.47 0.23 35.3
16 0.91 671.7 0.31 0.44 0.26 35.2
18 0.92 859.3 0.33 0.47 0.26 35.6
Table 3. Chemical composition in bokashi (B) during the maturation process.
Av. = available

Days Total N (%) N-NH4+ (mg kg-1) P av. (%) Ca av. (%) Mg av.(%) Humidity (%)
2 0.91 375.9 0.41 0.60 0.29 47.6
4 0.88 555.8 0.35 0.50 0.24 44.7
6 1.12 453.7 0.35 0.44 0.24 43.1
8 0.99 667.0 0.33 0.41 0.25 45.2
10 0.96 800.7 0.35 0.54 0.27 41.1
12 0.94 828.6 0.37 0.54 0.28 38.2
14 1.00 856.2 0.37 0.54 0.28 39.4
16 0.97 809.5 0.37 0.53 0.28 40.1
18 1.01 802.6 0.37 0.55 0.29 38.3
Table 4. Chemical composition in bokashi with biochar (B+BC) during the maturation process.
Av. = available

Parameters Units Reference Range NCh2880* C C + BC

pH -- 5.0 - 7.5 8.04 8.01
Cond. Eléctrica dS m <3 1.45 1.73
MO % > 20 31.19 33.63
Nitrógeno Total % ≥ 0.5 1.03 1.18
Ratio C/N -- ≤ 30 17.57 16.53
N-NO3 mg kg -- 163.6 368.8
N-NH4 mg kg-1 < 500 85.4 62.4
P available % ≤ 0.1 0.87 0.52
K available % -- 1.30 1.05
Ca available % -- 2.35 1.8
Mg available % -- 0.55 0.50
Humidity % 30 - 45 44.5 41.3
Table 5. Chemical characterization of compost after 4 months of maturation.
* Source: INN (2015)

Journal of Agricultural Sciences Research ISSN 2764-0973 DOI 10.22533/at.ed.9733192328119

TOTAL C + BC) initially produces less CO2 compared
For the total C concentration in bokashi to bokashi alone. Interestingly, a peak in
produced in autumn (Figure 3) and compost CO2 production is observed at day 10 of the
(Table 5), no differences were found with the maturation process, after which it gradually
addition of biochar in 6% in a pile of compost. decreases. In contrast, bokashi without
Probably, the applicate doses might be higher biochar exhibits a high CO2 production
to produce relevant differences. However, in from days 4 to 14 of incubation, displaying a
the case of bokashi produced in the spring different pattern of behavior.
season, it was possible to observe the difference In the case of compost microbial respiration
between treatments; with a difference of (Figure 6), there were no significant
0.95% of total C in the organic substrate. differences in the CO2 emission rate among
This is related to the contribution from the the treatments. However, it is important to
structural C contained in the biochar, having note that the sample was only taken once at
81.1% total C highly stable and recalcitrant, the end of the 4-month maturation process
which reduces its decomposition compared when the material had stabilized in terms of
to the decomposition of organic components chemical properties (Table 3).
present in fresh organic matter or stabilized as In terms of the CO2 emission rate in the
a microbial process as hummus. This increase compost trials, treatment C+BC showed a
benefits the quality of the amendment when is lower rate of 23 mg kg-1 h-1, while treatment
used in soils with low organic matter content. C had a higher rate of 35 mg kg-1 h-1. The
presence of biochar in treatment C+BC is
believed to contribute to the decrease in the
CO2 emission rate compared to treatment C.
This could be due to biochar’s ability to retain
carbon and reduce microbial decomposition.
Aboagye et al. (2022) found that the addition of
rice husk biochar to compost helped stabilize
carbon by forming organic complexes.
Similarly, Barthod et al. (2016) suggest that
the adsorption of organic components onto
Figure 3. Total carbon (%) in bokashi at the the biochar’s surface could be responsible. On
end of the maturation period. Bars showed the other hand, a different study by Jia et al.
standard error. LSD Fisher Test (p ≤ 0.05).
(2016) showed that the addition of biochar
accelerated the composting process, leading
MICROBIAL RESPIRATION to increased CO2 emissions.
During the period (Figure 4), variations in For instance, Gao et al. (2023) demonstrated
microbial respiration were observed, with no that biochar co-compost improved nitrogen
notable differences between treatments in the retention and reduced carbon emissions in
spring season. However, in the fall season, the a winter wheat cropping system, indicating
respiration rate was higher in bokashi without the potential of biochar to influence the
biochar (B) at 274.7 mg CO2 kg-1 h-1, while carbon dynamics of the substrate. However,
the addition of biochar reduced this value Biederman and Harpole (2012) conducted a
by 15%. This contrast is depicted in Figure 5, meta-analysis on the effects of biochar on plant
which illustrates that bokashi with biochar (B productivity and nutrient cycling, highlighting

Journal of Agricultural Sciences Research ISSN 2764-0973 DOI 10.22533/at.ed.9733192328119

the variable effects of biochar and the need
for further research to justify its widespread
application. Additionally, Dařenová et al.
(2022) investigated the response of soil
CO2 efflux to the combined application of
adaptation technologies, nitrogen fertilization,
and external carbon amendment in wheat
and barley fields, emphasizing the potential
negative environmental impact of agricultural
practices and the need for sustainable soil
Figure 6. Microbial respiration in compost
management strategies.
without (C) and with biochar (C + BC). Bars
show standard deviation.


The different treatments (Figure 7) showed
notable variations in forage productivity. In
comparison to the other treatments (B, C, and
C+BC), the treatment B + BC resulted in a 37%
higher yield. All treatments performed better
than the control, which only used an inert
Figure 4. Microbial respiration accumulated substrate. This suggests that the addition of a
from bokashi during the period evaluated. 2% p/p dose enhances the nutrient content of
Different letters indicate statistical differences the substrate. Despite the similar nutritional
between treatments at the end of the period.
content of the amendments, the combination
LSD Fisher Test (p ≤ 0.05).
of bokashi with biochar increased forage
production. This could be due to the release of
nutrients from the biochar surface facilitated
by organic substances from the roots. Similarly,
Gao et al., (2023) indicate that the addition of
biochar to compost led to an increase in the
overall biomass of winter wheat, ultimately
resulting in a reduction in nutrient leaching.

Figure 5. Microbial respiration rate of bokashi

produced in the autumn season.

Figure 7. Productivity of Lolium perenne cv

Nui using different organic amendments.

Journal of Agricultural Sciences Research ISSN 2764-0973 DOI 10.22533/at.ed.9733192328119

CONCLUSIONS increased forage productivity.
Introducing biochar into the production of Based on these discoveries, integrating
bokashi and compost has a positive impact on biochar into the production process of bokashi
both agronomic and environmental aspects. and compost offers multiple advantages for
This can be seen in the lower temperatures agriculture, the environment, and waste
observed during the maturation phase of the management. This approach is practical and
piles. Furthermore, the inclusion of biochar enhances the agronomic performance for
results in significant alterations in pH levels cultivating forage.
and electric conductivity. Moreover, the
addition of biochar aids in reducing the release ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
of CO2 during the maturation and stabilization We thank Project Fondecyt 1210503
of compost and bokashi. A controlled study “Biochar activated for bio-remediation and
demonstrated that bokashi containing biochar bio-recovery of soils to promote a climate-
smart agriculture” for providing the funding.

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Journal of Agricultural Sciences Research ISSN 2764-0973 DOI 10.22533/at.ed.9733192328119


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