Class VI - Maths
Class VI - Maths
Class VI - Maths
APRIL April 1. Knowing our Find the place value of the digit in any number in Verify commutative
TO Numbers Indian Number System and International Number property of addition
SEPTEM Revisiting place value, System to, expand given number to find place value of and multiplication by
BER Comparing numbers a given digit, Comparing numbers. paper cutting and
Ascending/ Making smaller/ greater number from given digits, pasting.
Descending numbers arrange numbers in ascending and descending order.
Large number in Using places of digits and commas to read large
practice number easily, Using large numbers in applications.
Estimation In order to round off estimate the given number to
Roman Numbers nearest tens and hundreds and getting sum, differences
and product easily.
Using Roman number rules, perform various
arithmetic operations with them like sum, difference
and product.
2. Whole Numbers Understanding the whole numbers by the concept of To find prime numbers
Whole Numbers predecessor of 1. from 1 to 100 by Sieve
Successor and Draw number line to represent whole numbers, of Eratosthenes
Predecessor recognizes successor/ predecessor of a given number.
Operations on the Performs operation on whole numbers.
number line Simplify arithmetic expressions using properties of
Properties of whole whole numbers, to perform verbal calculations.
numbers Establish patterns using whole numbers, forming
Pattern in whole shapes using dots.
May 3. Playing with Numbers To find factors, find numbers which exactly divide the To find the LCM of
Factors and Multiples given number, find multiples of given numbers. the given numbers by
Prime and Composite To find common factors and common multiples, using number grid.
number listing down the factors and multiples of given
Test for divisibility of numbers.
numbers To find Prime and Composite number using factors of
given number.
To find factors use divisibility rules of various
July 3. Playing with Numbers To find HCF, list down common factors of the given 30% of
PT-1 (Cont.) numbers. Term-1
Max M:40 HCF and LCM To find LCM, list down common multiples of the
(Weightage 5 m) Common Factors and given numbers.
Common Multiples Solving real life problems using concept of LCM and
Problems on HCF & HCF.
4. Basic Geometrical To discuss the concept of a point, a line segment, a Geometrical
Ideas line, Ray, Parallel lines, intersecting lines using representation of lines.
A Point, A Line examples.
Segment, A Line, Ray, To discuss different types of curves
Parallel lines, To draw rough sketch of polygons in order to describe
Intersecting lines its element. (Sides, Vertices and Diagonals)
Curves To discuss concept of angle and its elements and give
Polygon examples in order to name an angle in the given
Angles figure.
Triangle, Quadrilateral To discuss concept of Triangle, Quadrilaterals, Circle
and Circle and its elements. To identify the parts of a circle.
August 5. Understanding To compare the given line segments by measuring To classify triangles
Elementary Shapes their length. on the basis of sides
Measuring Line To classify angles based on the amount of rotation by and angles from group
Segment examining rotation. of triangles.
Angles Right and To classify angles as acute, obtuse and reflex
Straight according to their measure.
Angle Acute, Obtuse To discuss concept of Perpendicular lines and
and Reflex perpendicular bisectors using examples.
Perpendicular line To classify the types of triangles on the basis sides and
Classification of angles.
Triangles To classify the types of Quadrilaterals based on their
Quadrilateral properties.
Polygons To examine the given figures in order to identify
3-Dimensional shapes polygons based on its sides.
To discuss concept of three-dimensional shapes.
6. Integers To understand positive and negative number and zero Addition of integers
Introduction using concept of successor/ predecessor. with the help of
Integers To represent integers on number line and to determine coloured button
Addition/ Subtraction order of integers and compare them.
of Integers To perform arithmetic operations on integers by
representing them on number line and using rules of
integers operation to find the integers.
PT-2 September 7. Fractions To discuss concept of fraction and to identify Forming proper
Max M:80 A Fraction numerator and denominator by showing them on fraction with the help
(Weightage 80 Types of Fractions number line. of paper cutting and
m) Comparing Fractions To understand the types of fractions. (Proper, pasting. 30+20=50% of
Addition and Improper, mixed, like, unlike and equivalent fraction). Annual
Subtraction of To compare like/unlike fractions. Syllabus
Fractions Solve like and unlike fraction (addition/subtraction).
TERM-2 October 8. Decimals To discuss the concept of decimal in order to know the To represent decimals
OCT Introduction meaning and relevance of dot point. numbers 0.25, 0.5 etc.
TO Tenth and Hundredths Determine the place of the digits of a decimal on 10x10 grid by
MARCH Using Decimals number in order to write it in words. shading.
Addition and Determine the place value of decimal numbers up to
Subtraction of tenth and hundred in order to write the number in
Decimals expanded form.
Represent/Convert the money, length and weight into
smaller units in order to represent it into decimal form.
Add and subtract the whole and parts of decimal
numbers in order to find their sum and difference.
November 9. Data Handling Observe different tables in order to gather the Collecting data from
Recording of data information recorded in the table. students regarding
Organisation of Data Organise raw data into a table using tally marks in time spent in watching
Pictograph order to organize the given data. TV and representing it
Bar Graph Observe pictograph and find meaningful inferences. by bar graph.
Draw a pictograph in order to represent the given
information using appropriate symbols.
Observe bar graph in order to reason the information
Choose an appropriate scale to draw the bar graph
and find the relevant information from it.
10. Mensuration Give example(s) in order to define perimeter of Finding area of
Perimeter closed figures, Deduce and apply the formula to irregular figure by
Area determine the perimeter. (Rectangle, Square and counting squares.
Regular polygon)
Count the squares in order to estimate the area of the
given closed curve in the squares grid sheet. Deduce
and apply the formula in order to determine the area
of a rectangle and square.
December 11. Algebra Describe algebraic expressions in order to Relation between
Introduction to distinguish them from arithmetic expressions. number of matchsticks
Variable Use variable with different operations in order to and number of
Match stick pattern generalise a given situation. alphabet pattern.
Expressions with Examine patterns in order to identify relationship in
Max M:40
variable patterns. 30% 0F
(Weightage 5 m)
What is an Equation? Use variable with different operations in order to Term-2
form an algebraic expression. Explain the meaning
of an equation, using trial and error to find its
12. Ratio and Compare two quantities in order to find their ratio. To study the concept
Proportion (same unit) of ratio by cutting and
Ratio Multiply/divide numerator and denominator by same pasting.
Proportion number in order to find equivalent ratio.
Unitary Method Compare ratio in order to determine whether they are
in proportion.
Solve the problems with the help of Unitary method
in order to compute the value of one article, given
the value of many.
January 13. Symmetry Explain the meaning of symmetry in order to identify Number of lines of
Introduction symmetric figures in our surrounding. symmetry by paper
Reflection and Draw line(s) of symmetry in order to classify the folding.
Symmetry given shapes as shapes with no symmetry, one line
of symmetry, two lines of symmetry or multiple lines
of symmetry.
2. Draw the mirror image of the given 2D shapes or
objects in order to identify objects with reflection
14. Practical Geometry Discuss the different tools of construction in order to Representing different
Introduction describe their uses. types of angles by
The Circle Steps to construct a circle when its radius is known. paper folding.
A Line Segment Steps to construct a line segment when its length is
Perpendicular known.
Angles Perpendicular to a line through a point on it and not
on it.
Construction of angles using protractor, using
compass 60°, 120° and angle bisector (multiples of
February Revision
10% of
+ Entire
ANNUAL syllabus of
Max M:80
(Weightage 80
m) March