TPR Lesson Plan
TPR Lesson Plan
TPR Lesson Plan
ACTFL Novice
Level Expected
Scaffolding : : Students already know the verb "To Be" applied to first, second
Explain how you will and third person
use previously "I am"
understood "You are"
knowledge, and other "He/She/That's it"
"They are"
things, to facilitate the
"We are"
acquisition of the new
material and how you
will lift them to the
new level.
Lesson New vocabulary: Swim, Run, Jump, Walk, Sleep,
Snapshot: Read, Laugh, Cry
New structures:
New Vocabulary:
Students will learn to say the action they are doing by saying "I
New Structures am _____" and the verb in termination “ing”
(grammar forms)
“You are ______” and the verb in termination “ing”
Review & The teacher will play a video of a song where some verbs are
imitated in a fun way, she will imitate the video and invite the
Warm up: students to get up and do it.
(5 min)
Review what came
before this lesson
Presentation The teacher will put flash cards of the actions that will be
taught (Swim, Run, Jump, Walk, Sleep, Read, Laugh, Cry), she
(10 min) will write the name of each verb and point out each action, she
(Teach the will say the verb and invite the students to repeat after her each
Material) verb to help them with their correct pronunciation, then the
teacher will point out each verb again but this time she will use
You lecture or
it with the verb to be saying examples like "I swim, he runs, he
somehow cover the
jumps, you walk, they sleep, we read, she laughs, he cries" (in
material you desire
this part the teacher will explain the rule of adding an "s" at the
your students to
end of each verb when talking about a third person.
learn. You can have
The teacher will invite the students to take turns and tell their
the students
classmates, while she points out each verb, an example using
participate in some
the verb to be as had been done in the previous explanation.
drills here or practice
a conversation. This is
whole class.
Practice & The teacher will teach the use of "ing" at the end of the verb to
talk about a continuous action
Production The teacher will put the flash cards on the floor (Swim, Run,
(Guided Jump, Walk, Sleep, Read, Laugh, Cry) and on the other side of
Practice) (10 the room or playground, she will put the name of the verb, the
student must take a verb, read it out loud and relate each verb
minutes to its action, using the verb to be and “ing” termination, then it
This is where the will be the turn of another classmate.
students do
activities, in the
target language, using
the principles they
have just been taught.
Example activities:
Role plays, ranking
Flash cards