(Methods in Molecular Biology) George Karlin-Neumann, Francisco Bizouarn - Digital PCR - Methods and Protocols-Humana Press (2018)
(Methods in Molecular Biology) George Karlin-Neumann, Francisco Bizouarn - Digital PCR - Methods and Protocols-Humana Press (2018)
(Methods in Molecular Biology) George Karlin-Neumann, Francisco Bizouarn - Digital PCR - Methods and Protocols-Humana Press (2018)
George Karlin-Neumann
Francisco Bizouarn Editors
Digital PCR
Methods and Protocols
Series Editor
John M. Walker
School of Life and Medical Sciences
University of Hertfordshire
Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL10 9AB, UK
Edited by
This Humana Press imprint is published by the registered company Springer Science+Business Media, LLC part of
Springer Nature.
The registered company address is: 233 Spring Street, New York, NY 10013, U.S.A.
The ability to detect and manipulate a single, specific DNA or RNA molecule via the
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has revolutionized our understanding of biology and the
possibilities for influencing it. This remarkable technique has been successively honed over
the past two decades to improve upon its ability to detect and quantify targets of interest.
Digital PCR is both one of the oldest and newest implementations of PCR and with the
recent technical innovation of scalable, droplet-based digital PCR, brings to the practice the
greater ease of use, precision, specificity and reproducibility needed to further advance many
areas of investigation and clinical practice. This volume will provide guidance and illustrate
how it is helping to make deeper inroads in:
Infectious disease;
Evolution of cancer and response to treatment;
Genome structural variation and associated phenotypes;
Prevalence of somatic mosaicism;
Genome editing and cell therapy;
Non-invasive blood monitoring of fetus, organ or tumor status;
Environmental monitoring; and
Food testing for pathogens and GMO’s.
For these and other diverse applications, it details optimal experimental design for
achieving the user’s needs for precision and sensitivity, assay design considerations for
various target types and sample types, insights into data analysis and interpretation, and it
reveals other related benefits of sample partitioning such as target size determination and
linkage measurements for haplotyping. This volume should prove useful for a wide range of
specialists including geneticists, molecular biologists, virologists, immunologists, oncolo-
gists, pathologists—those involved in basic and translational research, as well as clinicians
and diagnosticians—and those interested in applied and environmental sciences.
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Contributors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
viii Contents
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555
xii Contributors
ISAAC GARCIA-MURILLAS Breast Cancer Now Research Centre, The Institute of Cancer
Research, London, UK
ANTHONY M. GEORGE Translational Oncogenomics Unit, Division of Oncology and
Pathology, Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
RIAZ N. GILLANI Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA; Boston Children’s
Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
MARIA D. GIRALDEZ Department of Internal Medicine, University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor, MI, USA
WILLIAM M. GRADY Clinical Research Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center,
Seattle, WA, USA; Department of Medicine, University of Washington School of Medicine,
Seattle, WA, USA
JOHN F. GRIFFITH Southern California Costal Water Research Project Authority, Costa
Mesa, CA, USA
ALICE GUTTERIDGE University College London Cancer Institute, London, UK
MICHAEL S. HANEY Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford Center for
Genomics and Personalized Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto,
CA, USA; Program on Genetics of Brain Function, Department of Genetics, Stanford
Center for Genomics and Personalized Medicine, Palo Alto, CA, USA
CHARLES HAYNES Michael Smith Laboratories, Department of Chemical and Biological
Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada; Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC,
TAI J. HEINZERLING Clinical Research Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center,
Seattle, WA, USA
NICHOLAS J. HEREDIA Digital Biology Center, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Pleasanton, CA, USA
ARNE HOLST-JENSEN Section of Virology, Norwegian Veterinary Institute, Oslo, Norway
STEVEN JACOBSON Neuroimmunology Branch, Viral Immunology Section, National
Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, MD, USA
HANLEE P. JI Division of Oncology, Department of Medicine, Stanford University School of
Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA; Stanford Genome Technology Center, Stanford University,
Palo Alto, CA, USA
NOLAN KAMITAKI Program in Medical and Population Genetics, Broad Institute of MIT
and Harvard, Cambridge, MA, USA; Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research, Broad
Institute of MIT and Harvard, Cambridge, MA, USA; Department of Genetics, Harvard
Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
GEORGE KARLIN-NEUMANN Digital Biology Center, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Pleasanton,
ELENA KINZ Vorarlberg Institute for Vascular Investigation and Treatment (VIVIT),
Feldkirch, Austria
ALEXANDRA BOGOŽALEC KOŠIR Department of Biotechnology and Systems Biology, National
Institute of Biology, Ljubljana, Slovenia; Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School,
Ljubljana, Slovenia
YANAN KUANG Belfer Center for Applied Cancer Science, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute,
Boston, MA, USA
MARCO LADETTO Division of Hematology, A.O. SS Antonio e Biagio e Cesare Arrigo,
Alessandria, Italy
Contributors xiii
Background Concepts
Chapter 1
After several decades of relatively modest use, in the last several years digital PCR (dPCR) has grown to
become the new gold standard for nucleic acid quantification. This coincides with the commercial availabil-
ity of scalable, affordable, and reproducible droplet-based dPCR platforms in the past five years and has led
to its rapid dissemination into diverse research fields and testing applications. Among these, it has been
adopted most vigorously into clinical oncology where it is beginning to be used for plasma genotyping in
cancer patients undergoing treatment. Additionally, innovation across the scientific community has
extended the benefits of reaction partitioning beyond DNA and RNA quantification alone, and demon-
strated its usefulness in evaluating DNA size and integrity, the physical linkage of colocalized markers, levels
of enzyme activity and specific cation concentrations in a sample, and more. As dPCR technology gains in
popularity and breadth, its power and simplicity can often be taken for granted; thus, the reader is reminded
that due diligence must be exercised in order to make claims not only of precision but also of accuracy in
their measurements.
Key words Digital PCR, dPCR, Droplet digital PCR, ddPCR, qPCR, Real-time PCR, Reproducibil-
ity, Precision, Accuracy, Rare mutation detection, Copy number variation, DNA, RNA, Absolute
quantification, Control materials, Partitioning, Linkage
1 Introduction
George Karlin-Neumann and Francisco Bizouarn (eds.), Digital PCR: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1768, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-7778-9_1, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018
4 George Karlin-Neumann and Francisco Bizouarn
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Chapter 2
Use of digital polymerase chain reaction (dPCR) technology is rapidly growing and diversifying into a range
of areas in life science. The release of dPCR commercial systems has facilitated access, leading to recognition
of the potential advantages compared to previous quantitative PCR technologies, and the scope for novel
applications. The capability of dPCR to deliver unprecedented levels of precision, accuracy, and resolution
in quantification of nucleic acids has triggered a strong interest by academia and the life sciences industry in
use of this technology as a molecular diagnostic tool. However, the performance of dPCR, as for a
“classical” PCR assay, essentially still relies on enzyme-based amplification of nucleic acid using specific
reagents and instrumentation. This chapter describes basic concepts, key properties, and important factors
to consider for the verification and validation of dPCR measurements.
1 Introduction
George Karlin-Neumann and Francisco Bizouarn (eds.), Digital PCR: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1768, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-7778-9_2, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018
12 Leonardo Pinheiro and Kerry R. Emslie
2 Development of dPCR
2.1 Limiting Limiting dilution consists of diluting a sample to such a degree that,
Dilution—Key to the when divided among several individual assays, the analyte of inter-
Development of dPCR est will be present in some but not all of the assays. The principle
behind limiting dilution originated from work developed during
the first-world war for the enumeration of bacterial growth for
infection management purpose [28]. Limiting dilution followed
by PCR was first used to quantify the number of human immuno-
deficiency proviral molecules [29]. Soon after, a similar methodol-
ogy was described for quantification of leukaemic cells [30]. The
first study describing the general applicability of limiting dilution
for quantification of DNA target molecules was published in 1992
[31]. These initial studies used a small number of standard PCR
replicates (less than 30) to generate results using the limiting
dilution principle. At that time, development and commercializa-
tion of qPCR technology [26, 27] offered a practical and easy
option of PCR based nucleic acid quantification and discouraged
further development of limiting dilution to quantify nucleic acids.
In 1999, limiting dilution was applied across a much larger number
of replicates using a commercially available 384-well plate format to
quantify disease-associated mutations in colorectal cancer patients.
The authors then coined the term “digital PCR” [32]. However,
the method was still too cumbersome to compete with qPCR and
was not widely adopted at the time. By 2002, advances in micro-
fluidics engineering allowed development of microfluidic chips
amenable to rapid, simple, and scalable fabrication [33]. This
turned dPCR into a relatively simple and practical method of
accurate nucleic acid quantification and the first publications
using commercial microfluidic devices describing the potential of
dPCR technology started to appear [34–37].
14 Leonardo Pinheiro and Kerry R. Emslie
3.1 The Workflow The workflow of dPCR is generally fairly simple. In chip-based
systems, PCR mix is evenly distributed across prefabricated parti-
tions normally with the aid of loading instruments. The loaded chip
is placed onto a thermal cycler for PCR amplification. After thermal
cycling, partitions containing target molecules (positive partitions)
are distinguished from partitions with no target molecules (nega-
tive partitions) by imaging fluorescence intensity for each partition
in the chip using a camera. Based on a normalized fluorescence
intensity signal, a threshold is applied to assign partitions as either
positive or negative. Some chip-based systems also collect real-time
data, thus providing a Cq value for each partition. In droplet-based
systems, partitions are generated dynamically by the user: PCR mix
and oil are typically pipetted into wells of a cartridge and then the
cartridge is transferred to specifically designed instruments in which
a water-in-oil emulsion is generated. The droplet emulsion is trans-
ferred to either a well in a 96 well plate or a tube in a strip of tubes
and is then placed into a thermal cycler for PCR amplification. After
thermal cycling, the plate or tubes are transferred to a droplet
reading instrument where droplets are aspirated and fast-flow
streamed past a fluorescence detector, in a manner similar to a
flow cytometer, for measurement of fluorescence in each droplet.
Based on the fluorescence signal, a threshold is applied to assign
droplets to either the positive or negative droplets population.
3.2 Estimating Copy Poisson statistics, which take into account the probability of any
Number given partition containing zero, one or more than one molecule,
are used to estimate the average number of molecules per partition
[36]. If the average partition volume, VP, is known, Poisson statis-
tics can also be used to estimate the concentration of target nucleic
acid molecules in the PCR mix using Eq. 1.
NP 1
½Target DNA ¼ ln 1 copy number per unit volume
where [Target DNA] is the number of target DNA molecules per
unit volume of PCR mix, NP is the number of positive partitions,
and NT is the total number of partitions. Each component in the
equation needs to be measured accurately to avoid compromising
the accuracy of the nucleic acid concentration estimate.
3.3 Dynamic Range The theoretical dynamic range of dPCR is limited by the number of
and Precision partitions analyzed (Fig. 1). Because the dPCR partitioning process
follows a binomial distribution, the dynamic range extends beyond
the number of partitions analyzed [36] although precision is com-
promised at both low and high ends of the dynamic range
16 Leonardo Pinheiro and Kerry R. Emslie
A. B.
20 10
16 8
12 6
CV (%)
CV (%)
8 4
4 2
0 0
10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 0 20 40 60 80 100
Percent positive partitions
Number molecules per PCR
Fig. 1 Variability arising from subsampling and partitioning of sample in relation to (a) the number of target
molecules and (b) the percent of positive partitions for digital PCR assays containing 1000 (······), 10,000 (----),
and 100,000 (—) partitions. CV, coefficient of variation
[37, 38]. The uniformity of partition size can also impact on the
dynamic range and precision of dPCR. Monodisperse droplets are
required for the highest precision. Methods that use polydisperse
partition sizes will have lower precision since larger droplets will
have a higher likelihood of containing multiple targets than smaller
droplets in the same sample. This, in turn, will impact on the
Poisson statistics calculation since this calculation is based on the
assumption that the partitions are of equivalent volume. Assuming
uniform partition size a typical 20,000 partition dPCR assay pro-
vides a theoretical dynamic range over orders of magnitude and up
to 105 molecules [38]. One commercially available dPCR instru-
ment is capable of producing millions of partitions, thus extending
the dynamic range to over six orders of magnitude [39]. Assuming
sufficient biological sample is available, a large dynamic range can
be useful for detecting rare target molecules in a background of
nontarget molecules since nontarget molecules will be distributed
across a large number of partitions, thus reducing the possibility
that they will interfere with detection of rare target molecules [40].
The theoretical precision of dPCR can be estimated using
Poisson statistics and improves with increasing partition number,
provided that analysis is undertaken within the optimal window of
the dynamic range (Fig. 1). The level of precision and consequent
resolving power offered by dPCR is typically better than can be
achieved using qPCR [41] or other technologies such as fluores-
cence in situ hybridization [42], and is useful for applications such
as copy number variation measurements. However, theoretical pre-
cision is not always reflected in experimental precision observed
from analyzing replicates since the Poisson model is only one
component in a range of factors that will combine to reflect
observed experimental precision. In general, if the number of
Concepts and Validation of Digital PCR 17
partitions is less than 1000, the Poisson model copy number esti-
mate will have a coefficient of variation of at least 4% and can be one
of the main factors contributing to the observed imprecision,
whereas if the number of partitions is more than 10,000 the coeffi-
cient of variation can be less than 1.5%, so other factors may
become the dominant sources of imprecision (Fig. 1).
3.4 Partitioning and dPCR has a lower susceptibility to inhibition than qPCR for inhibi-
Inhibitory Effects tory substances commonly found in clinical [43, 44], food [5], and
environmental [7] samples. In conventional qPCR, inhibitors can
reduce amplification efficiency and increase the Cq value [45] with
a resultant impact on accurate quantification of the target molecule.
In contrast, moderate levels of inhibitor in dPCR can often be
tolerated without compromising dPCR accuracy, since accuracy
relies on the ability to distinguish negative and positive partitions
after end-point PCR, and this is often possible even when efficiency
is slightly reduced. Also the possibility of inhibitory effects due to
cross-reactivity or “cross talk” observed multiplex qPCR assays is
much reduced by the partioning process in dPCR. However, if
present at high enough concentrations, inhibitory substances can
still reduce amplification efficiency to the point where some parti-
tions are misclassified, resulting in an inaccurate estimate of the
original template concentration. As the susceptibility of different
PCR assays to inhibition is variable and the mechanism of interfer-
ence can differ between inhibitory substances [7, 46], it is impor-
tant to empirically assess potential inhibitory effects by carefully
designed control experiments prior to establishing dPCR methods.
3.5 Partitioning and Random distribution of target nucleic acids molecules across parti-
Molecule Segregation tions is necessary for accurate quantification since this is a funda-
mental assumption of the Poisson statistics model. The number of
target molecules in the sample will be underestimated following
nonrandom partitioning as, for instance, when target sequences are
linked or in tandem since linked copies will colocate in the same
partition. Restriction digest treatment of samples prior to partition-
ing can be used to separate linked target sequences [47]. For that,
prior knowledge of restriction enzymes that do not cut the target
sequence is necessary and an evaluation of the effect of the restric-
tion enzyme and buffer on subsequent dPCR assay performance
should be undertaken.
Conversely, potential overestimation of copy number can occur
if a portion of the DNA molecules are single-stranded. The pres-
ence of single strands of nucleic acid during partitioning can result
in up to a twofold increase in concentration estimate as the single
strand conformation can produce up to twice as many indepen-
dently segregated amplifiable templates [48].
18 Leonardo Pinheiro and Kerry R. Emslie
3.6 The Partition To calculate copy number concentration using dPCR (see Eq. 1),
Volume Effect the average copy number per partition is divided by partition
volume. Three properties of partition volume can affect accuracy
of dPCR measurements: accuracy of the manufacturer-specified
partition volume, variability in average partition volume between
replicate dPCR measurements (interreaction variability) and varia-
bility in partition volume within a single dPCR replicate (intrareac-
tion variability). The partition volume in both currently available
chip and droplet-based dPCR technologies can vary slightly from
manufacturer’s stated volume [37, 38] and, if uncorrected, will bias
copy number concentration estimates [49]. Both interreaction and
intrareaction variability in partition volume will affect precision
and, to a lesser extent, accuracy of dPCR concentration estimates
[50]. Variability in partition volume will contribute to observed
technical precision and is one factor which will influence how
closely aligned technical precision is with the theoretical precision
estimated using Poisson statistics.
The effect of partition volume variation is minimized for copy
number ratio measurements between two assays conducted in a
duplex dPCR format. However, partition volume variability is
important for clinical applications requiring absolute quantification
of nucleic acids [11, 51].
4.2 Considerations To systematically identify factors that may affect dPCR assays per-
for Validation of dPCR formance, each step in the method should be assessed (Fig. 2).
Assays A dPCR method normally involves preparing the sample (i.e.,
extracting nucleic acid), setting up PCR mix, partitioning the
PCR mix, amplifying target by thermal cycling, counting the num-
ber of partitions, classifying partitions into positive and negative
populations based on end point fluorescence signal and estimating
target sequence concentration in the reaction using Poisson statis-
tics and the known partition volume (see Eq. 1). Sample prepara-
tion and reaction set up are similar to those required for other
quantitative PCR methods. Many factors which can introduce vari-
ation in these two steps are likely to affect both dPCR and qPCR.
Control materials such as a positive extraction control or a spike-in
control can be used to assess extraction efficiency for absolute
quantification. However, care should be taken in selection of the
positive control as inhibitors can have different effects depending
on the assays. For dPCR of genomic DNA, physical methods such
as ultrasonication [24] and shredding [54] to fragment DNA have
been successfully used to facilitate partitioning and efficient ampli-
fication of target sequences, as well as the use of aptly chosen
restriction endonuclease digestion. From this point onward in the
method, the partitioning process and use of binary end point
fluorescence signal detection for quantification distinguishes
dPCR from other PCR methods and introduces different potential
sources of bias and variation to the end result.
The preparation of dPCR mix involves pipetting and mixing
the sample containing nucleic acid into a master mix typically
comprising buffer, enzyme, primers, and probe. Pipetting impreci-
sion introduced at this stage are inevitable, but can be reduced by
Fig. 2 Diagram representing different steps involved in the digital PCR workflow. Potential factors capable of
introducing variability to the end measurement result are highlighted by arrows between the different steps in
the workflow. Adapted from Jacobs et al. [49]
20 Leonardo Pinheiro and Kerry R. Emslie
using calibrated pipettes and larger volumes, and for very high
accuracy measurements, gravimetric dilutions using a calibrated
balance [38]. Sample heterogeneity and, in the case of very low
template DNA concentrations, stochastic effects will also impact on
precision of replicates.
Primers and probe sequences that are highly selective to the
target nucleic acid sequence are critical for performance and repro-
ducibility of dPCR measurements. Since it is usually impractical to
recover dPCR amplicons for confirmatory analysis, specificity of a
set of oligonucleotides primers and probe should initially be
checked by qPCR using control materials, if available, and/or
nucleotide sequencing of amplicons produced from qPCR assays.
Accuracy is a primary performance characteristic for validation
of any quantitative analytical method. Accurate quantification of
nucleic acid molecules by dPCR relies on correct classification of
partitions into negative and positive populations since the propor-
tion of positive partitions is an integral component of the equation
used to determine copy number concentration (Eq. 1). A study
using mathematical simulation to assess variance components in
dPCR concluded that incorrect classification of partitions is one
of the largest contributors to inaccuracy of nucleic acid quantifica-
tion results [50]. Therefore, a key objective in optimization of a
dPCR assay is to maximize fluorescence amplitude difference
between negative and positive partitions, and to minimize the
number of partitions with intermediate fluorescence intensity. In
practice, this can be achieved by optimizing efficiency of the dPCR
While dPCR is more tolerant of suboptimal amplification effi-
ciency than qPCR, the risk of misclassifying partitions, specifically
false negative classification, is reduced with a sensitive, efficient
dPCR assay. Ideally, reference materials at known copy number
concentration should be used for assay optimization, to optimize
the number of cycles and to determine the appropriate fluorescence
threshold. In the absence of suitable reference materials, two or
more assays spanning across the target sequence region can be used
to cross-check that optimal conditions have been reached and the
assay is not being compromised by DNA secondary structure
effects Thermal cycling conditions should be optimized using an
annealing temperature gradient to determine conditions for maxi-
mum separation between fluorescence levels of negative and posi-
tive partitions. This can be followed by a denaturation temperature
gradient, particularly in the case of high GC content templates.
Optimization of primer and probe concentrations can be under-
taken using similar approaches used for qPCR. Optimization of
primer concentration is also required for dPCR assays using inter-
calating dye chemistry. If optimal qPCR conditions have previously
been established, these should be verified using dPCR, since
Concepts and Validation of Digital PCR 21
5 Concluding Remarks
We thank Kate Griffiths and Somanath Bhat for their inputs while
reviewing the manuscript.
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Chapter 3
Current commercially available digital PCR (dPCR) systems and assays are capable of detecting individual
target molecules with considerable reliability. As tests are developed and validated for use on clinical
samples, the need to understand and develop robust statistical analysis routines increases. This chapter
covers the fundamental processes and limitations of detecting and reporting on single molecule detection.
We cover the basics of quantification of targets and sources of imprecision. We describe the basic test
concepts: sensitivity, specificity, limit of blank, limit of detection, and limit of quantification in the context of
dPCR. We provide basic guidelines how to determine those, how to choose and interpret the operating
point, and what factors may influence overall test performance in practice.
Key words Statistics, Counting, Sensitivity, Specificity, Subsampling, Limit of detection, Limit of
blank, Poisson distribution, False positive, False negative, Performance characteristics
1 Introduction
George Karlin-Neumann and Francisco Bizouarn (eds.), Digital PCR: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1768, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-7778-9_3, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018
26 Svilen Tzonev
2 Counting Molecules
3 Subsampling
5 L of 10ml 8 copies
blood (0.2%) present
11 copies
3 different draws
Number of molecules drawn
Fig. 2 Poisson distribution. Poisson distribution for three different values of the expected number of molecules
drawn, μ ¼ 3, 10 or 100. Probability (to draw k molecules, given expected number molecules is μ ¼ μk ek ! ).
The height of each bar for particular integer k represents the probability to draw k molecules. Note how for
small μ, the distribution shape is skewed and becomes increasingly more symmetrical and concentrated
around the maximum for larger values of μ. For each case, the probability to draw exactly zero molecules is
also shown
T ¼ λ N tot
The value of λ calculated in this way is the “most likely value.”
We cannot be sure of the exact number in reality since we do not
know the precise distribution of targets into partitions.
To arrive at the target concentration, we divide λ by the parti-
tion volume:
½T ¼
V partition
Consider a given reaction mix with a fixed number of targets in
it. If we perform multiple thought partitioning experiments we can
understand the variability of the results around the most likely
values. For each partitioning, depending on the exact (stochastic)
pattern of target distribution into the partitions, we may see differ-
ent number of negative partitions. This would lead us to estimate
slightly different values of the target copies. We are again subject to
the inevitable stochastic nature of how molecules “choose” their
Figure 3 illustrates the concept of partitioning uncertainty. We
have partitioned the same reaction volume with the same number
of molecules, T, three times into the same number of partitions of
equal volume. Since the molecules are distributed stochastically
into the partitions, the patterns in each realization will be different.
The observed number of partitions with no molecules will also vary
between realizations. In fact, the number of actual negative parti-
tions is a variable that also follows a Poisson distribution, given the
expected number of negative partitions. We can then use similar
30 Svilen Tzonev
CV, %
Partitioning error
Total Poisson error
Subsampling error
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
8 Sensitivity
9 Specificity
Call cut-off
level level
Fig. 5 Relationship between sensitivity, specificity, and call cutoff (a). Classic description and definition of
these test concepts. Horizontal axis—signal measured by the test (in dPCR this is detected targets/events).
Vertical axis—probability of a particular level to be measured. Left curve—the test response to a negative/
blank control, Right curves—the test response to two positive samples at different levels. Depending where
we choose the value of the call cutoff, the areas under the curves to the right and to the left of the cutoff
determine the values of specificity (β level) and sensitivity (α level), respectively. Sensitivity ¼ 1 α.
Specificity ¼ 1 β. Moving the cutoff to the right will decrease β and increase α , thus, increase specificity
but decrease sensitivity. The opposite is true when moving the cut-off to the left. The value of the measurand
for which α0 ¼ 5%, determines the 95% confidence level limit of detection of the test (indicated as the peak of
the corresponding positive control curve, or most likely value). For increased Sensitivity, α1 < 5%, the
corresponding LOD will be greater than the LOD at 95%. When we use blank samples for the negative control,
the cutoff value corresponds to the limit of blank at 1β level. (b). Same concepts as they apply in dPCR.
Continuous curves are replaced by histograms as dPCR reports integer values for the targets detected. Blue:
histogram of possible copies for a negative sample, Red: histogram of possible copies for a positive sample.
Moving the cutoff value is only possible in discrete ways, which results in jumps of possible values of
sensitivity and specificity (α and β levels not shown)
Counting Statistics 35
samples are measured. Any value higher than zero for the FPR per
test will lead to specificity that is less than 100%. Alternatively, a
cutoff that is set too low, causing truly negative samples to be called
as positives, will also cause specificity of less than 100%.
Figure 5 illustrates the inherent trade-off between sensitivity
and specificity. Note how by moving the cutoff value, one changes
both the specificity and sensitivity of a given test, increasing one
while decreasing the other. These change in opposite directions.
For tests that produce integer values (molecules detected in test)
cutoff values can only be discrete, which leads to a set of possible
combinations of sensitivity/specificity values.
Table 1
LOD 95% values for different test cutoff values (copies per test). FPR ¼ 0,
FNR ¼ 0
Sensitivity, again, relates to the probability that the test will call a
positive sample as positive, while PPV inverts the logic—it defines
the probability that a sample that is called positive by the test is
indeed positive in reality.
For any test the LOD must be higher than the LOB, and the
LOQ cannot be lower than the LOD. At the lowest LOD achiev-
able, three copies, the minimal possible coefficient of variation is
CV min ¼ pffiffiffi 58%
Table 2
Clinical and test concepts meaning and context
When known
Applies to Determines How known or chosen relative to test
Clinical Patient Is a patient considered clinically Based on external Before the test
cutoff population positive or negative clinical knowledge is performed
Test/call Test When the test reports positive or Chosen to satisfy test Before the test
cutoff negative result requirements is performed
LOB Test Maximum value (95% Determined during test Before the test
probability) that may be development and is performed
reported on a blank sample validation
LOD Test Level of analyte that can be Determined during test Before the test
reliably (95% probability) development and is performed
detected by the test validation
Test result Sample + Test What the test measured for a By performing a test on After the test is
given sample a sample performed
When a test has a finite (nonzero) FPR or FNR values, the values of
LOB, LOD, and LOQ will be different than when the FPR and
FNR are zero. In general, higher rates of false positive partitions
will lead to higher values of LOB for a fixed specificity. Since the
cutoff values must be integers, in practice there is a quantization
effect in this relationship.
As an illustration, let us consider first a test with zero FPR and
FNR. In this case the LOB will be zero copies per test at 100%
specificity level, the LOD will be three copies per test at the 95%
sensitivity level for a call cutoff of one copy per test. (The LOB will
of course also be zero at 95% specificity level.) The LOQ could be
11 copies per test at 30% CV, or perhaps, five copies per test at 45%
CV. These are the best possible performance characteristics of any
Counting Statistics 39
Table 3
Critical levels of cutoff value, FPR, and LOD for selected specificity and
sensitivity values
For a test with FPR of 0.1 copies per test, in order to keep
specificity above 95%, we must choose a cutoff of 2. For this cutoff,
maximum FPR is 0.36 copies per test and the LOD at this FPR will
be 4.39 at 95% Sensitivity (row 2). Actual specificity for a test with
0.1 FPR and cutoff of 2 copies will be higher than 95% and we can
estimate the LOD 95% by subtracting 0.1 from 4.74 to get 4.64.
The careful reader will notice that the values of columns 2 and
3 add up to the value of column 5 for any given cutoff value (subject
to rounding effects). Intuitively, this roughly translates to the state-
ment that “all positive calls are either a true or a false positive for any
given cutoff level.”
Our last example will be a test with a FPR of one copy per test
and also negligible FNR. Since we cannot choose a cutoff between
three and four, we have to go to four. A sample is positive when we
see at least four copies. In this case the LOB is three copies (at a
level higher than 95% but we have no choice) per test. The 95%
LOD is approximately 6.75 copies per test (7.75–1.00). In this
framework, we call a sample positive when we measure four copies
and we will correctly call a sample as positive when the expected
number of copies in our test is 6.75 as drawn from the larger whole.
We need to emphasize once more that these relationships
between the critical values are governed by fundamental counting
statistics considerations. As long as we are trying to ascertain some-
thing about the sample in vivo based on small representative sub-
sample drawn from it, they will always apply. Subsampling at the
molecular level is governed by Poisson statistics and no technology
or approach can do better. dPCR technology and its commercial
implementation do allow us to reach very close to these physical
limitations, indeed.
15 Additional Considerations
15.1 Selecting We saw that the value of call cutoff, sensitivity, and specificity are
the Operating Point interrelated. How one chooses where to operate depends on the
requirement of the test: Is it more acceptable to call false positives
or false negatives? A commonly used scheme is to first select the
specificity level required. Together with the measured FPR (and
related LOB), this will determine the choice for the analytical cutoff
value. Then we evaluate the sensitivity required, which will finally
determine the LOD level for the test.
Referring to Fig. 5a, we first measure the distribution of results
on blank samples (left curve). We choose desired specificity, (1 β),
which sets the value of the call cutoff (area under the curve to the
right of the cutoff). We next select the desired Sensitivity, (1 α).
To do so, measure multiple replicates of samples at different levels
of positivity to generate a family of response curves (see Fig. 5a).
The curve (i.e., level of positivity) for which α% of the curve area is
Counting Statistics 41
to the left of the cutoff value determines the LOD at α%. Again, for
quantized measurements, we may be forced to settle on particular
values for specificity and sensitivity, since the cutoff must be an
15.3 Nonstandard We described above the cases where pure molecular stochasticity is
Variability involved—the factors we know will be always present and that we
cannot control. In practice, there may be other sources of variability
that could extend uncertainty. Issues like inadequate lab practices,
contamination, reagent quality, and intermittent system perfor-
mance may invalidate the rules described here. Regular monitoring
of predicted versus measured behavior is important. This is accom-
plished by running controls with any unknown samples and peri-
odic evaluation of performance on such controls. Monitoring the
LOB on negative controls and verification of a Poisson distribution
of the false positives is helpful as well.
15.4 Multitarget A very common type of diagnostic tests is where a reference target is
and Related-Target measured together with the biomarker of interest. For example, the
Considerations number of wild-type genome copies detected is used as normaliza-
tion for the number of mutant target copies. In this case a natural
quantity of interest is the Minor Allele Frequency (MAF), the ratio
of (mutant)/(mutant + wild type) copies. Clearly, samples with a
higher number of wild-type copies may show a higher number of
false mutant copies. The FPR per wild-type copy, then, becomes
the natural metric to watch. Careful estimation and monitoring of
this rate is important to develop and apply appropriate cutoff
criteria. The concepts of LOB, LOD, and LOQ, as described
above, are applicable for the MAF value. In many cases, the LOD
when expressed in MAF space, will still be determined by the
availability of actual mutant copies. As we saw, the critical value is
three mutant copies for 95% confidence, which, when divided by
the wild-type copies present, will establish the critical level for the
MAF at 95% confidence.
When a large number of wild-type copies are present, the
cluster of partitions with both wild-type and mutant copies, i.e.,
double-positives, becomes more diffuse and it may be harder to
42 Svilen Tzonev
15.5 Reporting Should we report a result which falls below the LOD? The nature of
Below LOD dPCR allows us to do this with confidence, provided that certain
criteria are met.
Let us first consider what the LOD means. This is what we
know about the detection capabilities of our test before we have
performed an experiment on an unknown sample. At this stage we
usually know nothing about the sample—this is why it is called
unknown. After we have performed the measurement, we know
more about the sample. The LOD applies to the test, while actual
reported level applies to the sample.
Because dPCR essentially counts individual molecules, when
we know that the FPR is sufficiently low, we may reliably call sample
levels below formal LOD. Consider a test with FPR less than 0.05
per test and, thus, with 95% LOB of zero target copies. If we detect
one or two targets, we are 95% confident that these are real and can
be reported with such confidence, even though this is below the
95% LOD of three copies per test. Operating at very low FPR is
always desirable from a performance guarantee perspective and
allows one to report confidently below formal test LOD levels.
15.6 Increasing Many of the limitations described above arise due to low levels of
the Measured Volume target molecule counts. If we subsample a small volume of the
whole, we will always be limited by the molecular stochasticity
processes. One way to counteract that is to increase the subsam-
pling volume so we do not operate so close to the fundamental limit
of three copies. In other words, increasing the expected number of
molecules to be detected will always help to improve test performance.
However, if preamplification is used, one has to watch for potential
biases and nonuniformity and accept the likely loss of absolute
quantification—a major benefit for dPCR.
16 Conclusions
1. Sykes PJ, Neoh SH, Brisco MJ et al (1992) from the plasma of colorectal cancer patients.
Quantitation of targets for PCR by use of lim- Clin Chem 2013(59):1722–1731
iting dilution. BioTechniques 13(3):444–449 7. Madic J, Zocevic A, Senlis V et al (2016)
2. Vogelstein B, Kinzler KW (1999) Digital PCR. Three-color crystal digital PCR. Biomolecular
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 96(16):9236–9241 Detection and Quantification 2016
3. Baker M (2012) Digital PCR hits its stride. Nat (10):34–46. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bdq.
Meth 9:541–544 2016.10.002
4. Bhat S, Herrmann J, Armishaw P et al (2009) 8. Dube S, Qin J, Ramakrishnan R (2008) Math-
Single molecule detection in nanofluidic digital ematical analysis of copy number variation in a
array enables accurate measurement of DNA DNA sample using digital PCR on a nanoflui-
copy number. Anal Bioanal Chem 394 dic device. PLoS One 3(8):e2876
(2):457–467 9. Whale AS, Huggett JF, Tzonev S (2016) Fun-
5. Hindson BJ, Ness KD, Masquelier DA et al damentals of multiplexing with digital PCR.
(2011) High-throughput droplet digital PCR Biomolecular Detection and Quantification.
system for absolute quantitation of DNA copy https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bdq.2016.05.002
number. Anal Chem 83(22):8604–8610. 10. CLSI (2012) Evaluation of detection capability
https://doi.org/10.1021/ac202028g for clinical laboratory measurement proce-
6. Taly V, Pekin D, Benhaim L, Kotsopoulos SK dures; approved guideline - second edition.
et al (2013) Multiplex picodroplet digital PCR CLSI document EP17-A2. Clinical and Labo-
to detect KRAS mutations in circulating DNA ratory Standards Institute, Wayne, PA
Chapter 4
Cell-free DNA is an accessible source of genetic material found naturally in plasma that could be used in
many diagnostic applications. Translation of cfDNA analysis methods from research laboratories into the
clinic would benefit from controls for monitoring the efficiency of patient sample purification and for
quality control of the whole workflow from extraction through to analysis. Here we describe two types of
control materials that can be “spiked” into plasma samples to monitor and evaluate different aspects of the
workflow. The first control material is an internal control that enables evaluation of extraction efficiency,
fragment size bias, and sample inhibition. The second control material serves as a parallel quality control
material for measurement of specific genetic targets such as tumor mutations.
Key words Cell-free DNA, cfDNA, Calibration, Control, Digital PCR, Droplet digital PCR, dPCR,
ddPCR, Efficiency, Extraction, Plasma, Standardization
1 Introduction
George Karlin-Neumann and Francisco Bizouarn (eds.), Digital PCR: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1768, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-7778-9_4, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018
46 Alexandra S. Whale et al.
Fig. 1 Workflow schematic for the internal extraction control. The fragmented ADH plasmid can be used to
assess two different aspects of the cfDNA extraction: an internal extraction control that is “spiked” into the
plasma sample to evaluate the extraction efficiency and fragment size bias (red workflow), and as an inhibition
control that is spiked into the reaction mix (blue workflow). The different reactions are shown in the dPCR box
with template volumes given as referenced in the main protocol in a total reaction volume of 20 μL
2 Materials
2.1 Internal 1. The restriction digested pSP64 poly(A) ADH plasmid (see
Extraction Control Note 1) containing various fragment lengths including
115 bp, 461 bp, and 1448 bp (Fig. 3a) (see Note 2) is available
upon request at two dilutions: approximately 2.9 103ADH
copies/μL and 2.9 104ADH copies/μL (see Note 3) in
non-human carrier (see Note 4). Store in 50 μL aliquots at
20 C to reduce freeze–thaw effects and vortex upon thawing
for 10 s to mix.
2. Oligonucleotides for ADH-115, ADH-461, and ADH-1448
assays (Table 2).
48 Alexandra S. Whale et al.
Fig. 2 Workflow schematic for the whole process quality control material. The whole process quality control
material can be diluted to different concentrations and then “spiked” into plasma; one dilution (S3) is shown in
the workflow as used to generate Fig. 5. The different reactions are shown in the dPCR box with template
volumes given as referenced in the main protocol in a total reaction volume of 20 μL
PME free-circulating DNA Extraction Analytik Jena Polymer beads 5 50 Serum, urine
Kit 845-IR-0003010
NextPrep-Mag™ cfDNA Bioo Scientific Magnetic beads <1 mL–3 mL 12–36 Serum
Isolation Kit
FitAmp™ Plasma/Serum DNA Epigentek Column 0.5 8–20 Serum and body fluids [20, 25–28]
Isolation Kit P-1004
Nucleospin XS kit Macherey Nagel Column 0.24–0.72 5–30 Serum, bronchial lavage [19, 20, 25, 29, 30]
Plasma/Serum Circulating DNA Norgen Biotek Corp. Slurry 0.4–2 100 Serum [30–32]
Isolation 51200
Chemagic Circulating NA Kit special PerkinElmer Magnetic beads 1–4 60–100 [30, 33]
QIAamp Circulating Nucleic Acid kit QIAGEN Column 1–5 20–150 Serum and urine [20, 25, 30, 34–36]
QIAamp DNA Blood Mini kit QIAGEN Column 0.2 (single 50–200 Whole blood, body fluids [25, 36–39]
51104 loading)
MagMAX™ Cell-Free DNA Isolation Thermo Fisher Scientific Magnetic beads 0.5–10 15–50 Liquid samples (serum, plasma)
cfDNA Measurement by Digital PCR
Quick-cfDNA™ Serum & Plasma Kit Zymo Research Column 10 35–50 Serum, amniotic fluid, and
D4076 cerebrospinal fluid
As of March 2016, these were the commercially available kits; however, this list is unlikely to be exhaustive. At the time of compilation, new kits were being brought to market on a
regular basis and so may not be included in this table. For the same reason, at the time of this publication to our knowledge, not all of the kits had been cited in peer-review publications
50 Alexandra S. Whale et al.
Fig. 3 Example of electropherograms showing the fragment size of the extraction controls. Control samples
were analyzed using the 2100 Bioanalyzer with the DNA 1000 series II kit (Agilent). The lower and upper
markers are indicated as LM and UM, respectively. (a) Electropherogram of the internal extraction control
showing the peaks corresponding to the six fragments generated from the restriction digest of the linearized
ADH plasmid (67, 115, 461, 530, 1448, and 1889 bp). The corresponding ADH assays that target the different
fragment sizes are indicated with an asterix (*). (b) Electropherogram of the human cfDNA Reference
Standards fragmented to a mean size of 160 bp
Table 2
ADH assay oligonucleotide sequences
ADH [Final
fragment [20 stock] reaction]
Assay name size Oligonucleotide sequence (50 -30 ) (μM) (μM)
ADH-115 115 bp F: GGGCCGAGCGCAGAA 18 0.9
It is recommended that all primers and probes are HPLC-purified. For the example given in this study, the fluorophore is
given in the table; however, these probes have been published conjugated with a number of different fluorophore dyes
depending on the experimental set up [20, 22, 23]. Key: bp base pairs, F forward primer, R reverse primer, P probe, HEX
Hexachlorofluorescein, FAM 6-carboxyfluorescein, BHQ1 black hole quencher 1, MGB minor groove binder (Life
2.4 Digital PCR 1. Digital PCR system: the worked examples in this chapter were
Analysis performed using the QX200™ Droplet Digital™ PCR System
with the QuantaSoft™ analysis program (Bio-Rad). This pro-
tocol can be adapted for other digital PCR platforms.
52 Alexandra S. Whale et al.
3 Methods
3.1 Internal This protocol is designed for the assessment of extraction efficiency,
Extraction Control: presence of downstream inhibitors and fragment size bias. This
Fragmented ADH protocol is described for extraction of cfDNA from 1 mL plasma,
Plasmid however, the principles hold for smaller or larger volumes of
plasma. A schematic illustrating the work-flow and the different
uses for the internal extraction control is provided (Fig. 1). Spike-in
volumes can be scaled up or down according to the volume of
plasma processed.
3.1.1 Spiking 1. Thaw the required 1.1 mL plasma aliquots at room tempera-
and Extraction of Internal ture and maintain on ice thereafter (see Note 7).
Extraction Control from 2. Perform an additional centrifugation step at 1000 g for
Plasma 10 min at 4 C (see Note 9).
3. Remove 1 mL of plasma supernatant into a fresh tube for the
first stage of the extraction protocol (a 50 mL tube in the case
of the QIAamp® Circulating Nucleic Acid Kit).
4. Add 35 μL of the diluted fragmented ADH plasmid (2.9 103
copies/μL stock) per 1 mL plasma to generate the “spiked
plasma” sample (see Note 10). Vortex to mix. Ensure that
remaining plasmid is kept for dPCR analysis as the “spike
only” control.
5. Prepare a “plasma only” control for each plasma sample con-
taining 1 mL of plasma but no fragmented ADH plasmid (see
Note 11).
6. Follow preferred extraction method (examples given in
Table 1) according to the manufacturer’s specifications (see
Note 12).
7. Elute cfDNA in 35 μL elution buffer (see Note 10).
8. Store eluted cfDNA at 4 C for up to 1 month and 20 C for
longer term.
cfDNA Measurement by Digital PCR 53
Table 3
Preparation of reactions for analysis with the ADH assays
ADH-461and ADH-115
duplex assay ADH-1448 assay
Table 4
Preparation of reactions for inhibition analysis with the ADH-461 assay
ADH-461 assay
3.1.2 Digital PCR 1. Prepare each reaction for dPCR as per manufacturer’s instruc-
Analysis of Internal tions using 5 μL of template per 20 μL reaction for each ADH
Extraction Control assay as shown in Table 3 (see Note 13).
2. Prepare triplicate reactions (see Note 14) for each sample
extract from “spiked plasma” and corresponding “plasma
only” control (if applicable).
3. Prepare additional triplicate reactions (see Note 16) for the
“spike only” control (no extraction performed) and
no-template controls (NTCs) using water in place of template.
4. To test for inhibitors carried over from the extraction process,
prepare additional reactions with the fragmented ADH plasmid
(2.9 104ADH copies/μL stock) added directly to the reac-
tion mix as shown in Table 4. For these reactions, only the
54 Alexandra S. Whale et al.
11. Plot the extraction efficiencies of the three ADH fragments and
perform ANOVA statistical analysis to identify any fragment
size bias (Fig. 4d).
12. For the inhibition analysis, calculate the difference in concen-
tration of the “plasma only” samples using the reactions con-
taining the fragmented ADH plasmid, “plasma only inhibition
test” (Table 4) with the “inhibition control” using the follow-
ing equation:
Calculation of inhibition
ADH -461plasma only inhibition test
Relative inhibition ¼ ð2Þ
½ADH -461inhibition control
cfDNA Measurement by Digital PCR 55
Fig. 4 Example of results obtained using the internal extraction control. Plasma was extracted using the
QIAamp® Circulating Nucleic Acid Kit. The QX200™ Droplet Digital™ PCR System with the QuantaSoft™
analysis program (Bio-Rad) was used to generate the data. (a–c) Examples of the QuantaSoft™ generated
one-dimensional scatter plots of the ADH assays for the “spiked” plasma and spike only samples. The x-axis
shows the partition count (event number) with the y-axis showing the fluorescent amplitude of the probe. The
horizontal pink line represents the threshold that defines the positive (above) and negative (below) partitions.
Positive partitions are either blue (FAM probe) or green (HEX probe) while negative partitions are grey. (d) Bar
graph showing the extraction efficiency of each assay as calculated with Eq. 1. The error bars represent the
standard deviation between triplicate dPCR measurements
3.2 Whole Process This protocol illustrates how the whole process from extraction
Quality Control through to dPCR analysis can be tested across a range of concen-
Material trations of the analyte (in the example, the analyte is the KRAS
G12C sequence found in plasma). A schematic illustrating the
work-flow for the whole process quality control material is provided
(Fig. 2). As with the protocol described in Sect. 3.1, this protocol is
written for extraction of cfDNA from 1 mL plasma, however, the
56 Alexandra S. Whale et al.
Table 5
Preparation of a dilution series of cfDNA Reference Standards from stock solution
[cfDNA Standard]
[cfDNA [cfDNA Standard] (KRAS G12C Sample Diluent Final
Dilution Standard] (KRAS G12C copies/mL Dilution volume volume volume
ID (ng/μL) copies/μL)a plasma)b factor (μL) (μL) (μL)
Stock 50 ~4250
S4 2.3 195 6840 21.3 25.0 507 432.3
S3 0.47 37 1306 5.0 100 400 400
S2 0.094 9 312 5.0 100 400 400
S1 0.019 2 69 5.0 100 400 500
Avoid using small volumes (<10 μL) in dilution series as precision of pipetting is lower for small volumes. Mix each
dilution by vortexing and brief centrifugation to pool contents before subsequent dilution. Sufficient diluted cfDNA
Reference Standard should be prepared for spiking into all plasma extractions and for the “spike only”dPCR analysis
As measured by dPCR. bBased on addition of 35 μL cfDNA Reference Standard/mL plasma
Table 6
Preparation of reactions for analysis with the PrimePCR™ ddPCR™ Mutation Assays (Bio-Rad)
3.2.2 Digital PCR 1. Prepare each reaction for dPCR as per manufacturer’s instruc-
Analysis of cfDNA tions using 5 μL of template per 20 μL reaction using the assay
Reference Standards to detect the genetic alteration present in human cfDNA Ref-
erence Standards. In the example, a duplex reaction containing
the assays for detecting the KRAS WT and KRAS G12C
sequence were used (Table 6).
2. Prepare triplicate reactions for each sample extract from
“spiked plasma” and the corresponding “plasma only” control
(see Note 14).
3. Prepare additional triplicate reactions to analyze the cfDNA
Reference Standard (“cfDNA standard”) dilutions
(no extraction performed) and no template controls (NTCs)
using water in place of template.
4. Partition the reaction as per manufacturer’s instructions.
5. Perform PCR using the cycling conditions recommended by
the manufacturer for the PrimePCR assay: Enzyme activation
for 10 min at 95 C, 40 cycles of denaturation for 30 s at 94 C
and annealing/extension for 1 min at 55 C, followed by signal
stabilization for 10 min at 98 C and then hold at 4 C. For all
stages the ramp rate is set at 2 C/s.
58 Alexandra S. Whale et al.
Fig. 5 Example of results obtained using the Human KRAS G12C cfDNA Reference Standard as a whole
process quality control material. Plasma was extracted using the QIAamp® Circulating Nucleic Acid Kit. The
QX200™ Droplet Digital™ PCR System with the QuantaSoft™ analysis program (Bio-Rad) was used to
generate the data. (a–d) Examples of the QuantaSoft™ generated two-dimensional scatter plots of the (a)
NTC, (b) “plasma only,” (c) “spiked” plasma (dilution S3 as detailed in Table 5) and (d) cfDNA Reference
Standard for the duplex KRAS G12C assay (also dilution S3). The fluorescent amplitude for each probe is
shown on the x-axis (WT) and y-axis (G12C). The vertical and horizontal pink lines represent the two thresholds
that define the positive and negative partitions. Positive partitions are either blue (G12C; FAM probe) or green
(WT; HEX probe) while negative partitions are grey. Double positive partitions, containing both G12C and WT
sequences are orange. (e–f) Analysis of the extraction of the four dilutions of the KRAS G12C cfDNA Reference
Standard (as given in Table 5). Six replicate extractions were performed for each dilution with a single dPCR
measurement. (e) Correlation analysis demonstrated good linearity down to log 2.5 (312 copies/mL plasma;
equivalent to 45 copies per dPCR). The limit of detection (LOD) for the whole process was approximately log
1.8 (69 copies/mL plasma; equivalent to nine copies per dPCR) with KRAS G12C undetectable in 1 of 6 extracts
analyzed. (f) Graph showing the extraction efficiency (bars) plotted on the left y-axis as calculated with Eq. 2
with the associated precision (red diamonds) plotted on the right y-axis
6. Analyze the cycled partitions and ensure the thresholds are set
correctly to separate the positive and negative partitions
(Figs. 5a–d) (see Note 15).
7. Check the NTCs have no positive partitions (Fig. 5a).
8. Check the “plasma only” controls for positive partitions that
target the analyte of interest. In the example, the “plasma only”
control is from a normal healthy blood donor and so should
have no positive partitions for the KRAS G12C point
cfDNA Measurement by Digital PCR 59
11. Plot the extraction efficiencies of the plasma samples (Fig. 5f).
4 Notes
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Part II
Absolute Quantification
Chapter 5
The standard-curve based simplex quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) has been the gold
standard for DNA target quantification for more than a decade. The large and growing number of
individual analyses needed to test for genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is reducing the cost-
effectiveness of qPCR. Droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) enables absolute quantification without standard
curves, avoids the amplification efficiency bias observed with qPCR, allows more accurate estimations at low
target copy numbers and, in combination with multiplexing, significantly improves cost efficiency. Here we
describe two protocols for multiplex quantification of GM maize events: (1) nondiscriminating, with
multiplex quantification of targets as a group (12 GM maize lines) and (2) discriminating, with multiplex
quantification of individual targets (events). The first enables the quantification of twelve European Union
authorized GM maize events as a group with only two assays, but does not permit determination of the
individual events present. The second protocol enables the quantification of four individual targets (three
GM events and one endogene) in a single reaction. Both protocols can be modified for quantification of any
other DNA target.
Key words Droplet digital PCR, ddPCR, GM maize, GMO, Multiplex, Quantification
1 Introduction
George Karlin-Neumann and Francisco Bizouarn (eds.), Digital PCR: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1768, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-7778-9_5, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018
70 David Dobnik et al.
Final Volume of 40 μM
concentration in solution needed for
Target and method reference Name DNA sequence of the oligonucleotide (50 -sequence-30 ) the PCR [nmol/l] 72 μl of PP mix [μl]
Bt11a, Brodmann et al. [13] Fw-Bt11 GCGGCTTATCTGTCTCAGGG 600 3.60
Nuclease-free water 31.56
Method reference: reference for the method for quantification of event/gene. Methods starting with QT- were validated by the EURL-GMFF (http://gmo-crl.jrc.ec.europa.eu/
PP mix: a mix of forward primers, reverse primers, and probes, 6-FAM 6-carboxyfluorescein, BHQ1 black hole quencher 1, HEX hexachloro-6-carboxyfluorescein
Construct specific method
Multiplex Droplet Digital PCR Protocols for Quantification of GM Maize Events
Table 2
Volume of 40 μM
Final concentration solution needed for
Target and method reference Name DNA sequence of the oligonucleotide (50 -sequence-30 ) in the PCR [nmol/l] 120 μl of PP mix [μl]
David Dobnik et al.
2 Materials
2.1 Droplet 1. Droplet Generation Oil for Probes (Bio-Rad, Pleasanton, CA).
Generation 2. Droplet Generator DG8™ Cartridges and Gaskets (Bio-Rad,
Pleasanton, CA).
3. 2 ddPCR™ Supermix for Probes (No dUTP) (Bio-Rad,
Pleasanton, CA).
4. Nuclease-free water (Sigma-Aldrich®, MO) or equivalent.
Table 3
Primers and probes used in MEQ assay
Final Volume of 40 μM
Target and method concentration in solution needed for
reference Name DNA sequence of the oligonucleotide (50 -sequence-30 ) the PCR [nmol/l] 120 μl of PP mix [μl]
Nuclease-free water 63
Method reference: reference for the method for quantification of event/gene. Methods were validated by the EURL-GMFF (http://gmo-crl.jrc.ec.europa.eu/gmomethods/)
PP mix a mix of forward primers, reverse primers, and probes, 6-FAM 6-carboxyfluorescein, BHQ1 black hole quencher 1, HEX hexachloro-6-carboxyfluorescein
Multiplex Droplet Digital PCR Protocols for Quantification of GM Maize Events
76 David Dobnik et al.
Fig. 1 Flowchart of experimental steps for both protocols. For both protocols the steps of droplet generation,
PCR, and droplet readout are the same, but the reaction mixture and analysis steps with final reporting of
results are different
2.2 PCR 1. Rainin presterilized BioClean LTS tips with filter (see Note 1).
2. Eppendorf™ 96-Well twin.tec™ PCR Plates, Semi-skirted
(Eppendorf, Germany) (see Note 2).
Multiplex Droplet Digital PCR Protocols for Quantification of GM Maize Events 77
3 Methods
3.2 Sample Most of the samples, including seeds and feed, should be ground
Preparation with a mill enabling good particle size reduction (e.g., Retsch
ZM200 rotor mill). Samples with high fat content are to be cooled
with liquid nitrogen before grinding with a Retsch GM200 knife
mill. Soft samples, such as sausages or tofu, are to be homogenized
with a Bioreba HOMEX 6 homogenizer. For leaf samples, first a
small piece is cut from each individual leaf and all the pieces are then
combined and homogenized as one sample with a FASTprep
instrument (MP Biomedicals) using 15 ml tubes, a ceramic ball,
and quartz sand.
Different procedures can be applied for DNA extraction from
the homogenized sample, but for the purpose of this protocol the
following extraction methods can be used, based on the sample
type [21]:
l NucleoSpin® Food (Macherey-Nagel) kit, which should be used
as described by the manufacturer.
l The cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) method with
RNase-A and proteinase-K solutions for removing RNA and
proteins from the sample should be performed as described in
ISO 21571, Annex A.3—Preparation of PCR-quality DNA
using the CTAB-based DNA extraction methods [22]. Because
the CTAB method uses chloroform, the relevant steps should be
performed in a fume hood.
l DNeasy Plant Mini Kit (Qiagen) should be used as described by
the manufacturer to extract DNA from plant leaves.
DNA prepared by following one of these protocols is usually of
such quality that it is suitable for further analysis with ddPCR.
78 David Dobnik et al.
3.3 Optimization The primers and probes combined into the described multiplex
of Multiplex Assays assays were originally designed for real-time PCR with one primer
pair and probe per event (event specific primer–probe combination,
ESPPC), but the combinations were optimized to achieve reliable
detection and quantification of the targets also in ddPCR.
The first step when combining different ESPPCs into multiplex
is the in silico analysis of interactions between the primers and
probes. For the purpose of the described protocols, this was per-
formed with the software Autodimer [24]. All primers and probes
were aligned with a local alignment algorithm with a score of þ1 for
match and a penalty of 1 for mismatch. The interactions with a
score 9 were considered as the ones potentially causing significant
interference. Thus the ESPPCs with such scores were separated.
Nevertheless, as not all interactions can be predicted by in silico
analysis, the performance of multiplex assays was first experimen-
tally evaluated on DNA samples containing single targets (e.g., in
MQI two of the assays were removed from one group, based on the
experimental results).
As the described multiplex assays were developed for GMO
quantification, their performance (sensitivity, specificity, accuracy,
trueness, . . .) have to be compliant with Minimum Performance
Requirements for Analytical Methods of GMO Testing [19]. For
that reason a thorough in-house validation of the new assay should
be performed (following reported guidelines [19]), including test-
ing the precision/repeatability on serial dilutions to determine
limits of quantification and detection [19].
Additionally, PCR cycling protocol can be optimized (e.g., by
using gradient PCR) to get the best possible separation of droplet
clusters and minimize the “rain” of droplets between clusters. The
term “rain” refers to the droplets with fluorescence amplitude
ranging from explicitly negative and explicitly positive. The definite
origin of rain is not clear, but it was speculated that it occurs due to
delayed onset of PCR, partial inhibition of individual droplets or
damaged positive or negative droplets, what affects the fluorescence
signal [25, 26]. However, for the described protocols the cycling
parameters were not optimized and were identical to those from the
simplex real-time PCR methods. Specific considerations for devel-
opments of new multiplexes falling in line with the two different
protocols described in this chapter are given below.
Multiplex Droplet Digital PCR Protocols for Quantification of GM Maize Events 79
3.3.1 Nondiscriminative This kind of multiplexing which quantifies a group of targets with-
Multiplex out the possibility to discriminately identify them requires that the
assay is tested for interactions between primers and probes and their
potential influence on the performance (especially false negative or
false positive signals). Additionally, the concentrations of primers
and probes must be adjusted for some individual targets. The
performance of multiplex assay must be evaluated against simplex
reaction on the same DNA sample containing only one target.
Whenever the absolute difference between the results is 25%,
the concentrations of primers and probes must be adjusted, so
that results would fit in this limit.
Increasing the number of targets in the multiplex within one
fluorescent reporter is a major limitation. With the increased num-
ber of targets, the concentration of probes is also increasing, lead-
ing to the increase of the negative background fluorescence. When
the fluorescence amplitude of negative droplets is too high it
reaches the amplitude of positive droplets and the clusters can no
longer be separated. Therefore, to allow appropriate discrimination
between negative and positive droplets the number of individual
assays that can be combined into multiplex is limited. The described
process of optimization can be done for both fluorescence channels
and finally only one group of targets per channel can be quantified
Fig. 2 Example of the effect of different probe concentrations on the fluorescence amplitude when developing
the MEQ assays. Simplex reactions for hmgA and MON863 (both in FAM channel) were performed on two
dilutions of DNA using high and low probe concentrations and readout is visualized in 1D (a). Both simplex
assays were combined into duplex (both in FAM channel) where hmgA had low probe concentration and
MON863 had high probe concentration (b). Clear separation of negative and different positive clusters can be
observed in 1D view. The same cluster separation can be observed also in 2D view (c)
Multiplex Droplet Digital PCR Protocols for Quantification of GM Maize Events 81
3.4 Preparation Primer and probe stock solutions should be kept at a final concen-
of Reaction Mixtures tration of 100 μM, stored at 20 C. To reduce freezing–thawing
cycles, smaller volumes (for one time use) of 40 μM aliquots of
working solution should be prepared (diluted in nuclease-free
water). Such aliquots can be stored for 3 months at 20 C.
1. To prepare a primers–probe (PP) mix for MQI, for each of the
assays (4P and 10P) mix the specified volumes of 40 μM work-
ing solutions of individual primers and probes according to the
Tables 1 and 2. For MEQ, prepare a PP mix by mixing the
specified volumes of 40 μM working solutions of individual
primers and probes according to the Table 3 (see Note 4).
2. To prepare the reaction mixture for MQI for each of the assays
(4P and 10P), mix ddPCR™ Supermix for Probes and 4P PP
mix or 10P PP mix, respectively. For MEQ protocol mix
ddPCR™ Supermix for Probes with MEQ PP mix. For one
reaction prepare 17.6 μl of Mastermix composed of 11 μl
ddPCR™ Supermix for Probes and 6.6 μl PP mix (see Note 5).
3. Distribute 17.6 μl of Mastermix into the wells of nuclease-free
8-well strips or nuclease-free 96-well plates (see Note 6).
4. To get final reaction mixture, add 4.4 μl of sample DNA to each
well with Mastermix (see Note 7). It is essential to include
controls in the experiment, and therefore, instead of sample
DNA, a prepared mixture of DNA containing all the targets
(as positive control), nuclease-free water (as no template con-
trol, NTC), a sample of extraction blank control, and
environment control are added to individual wells with Mas-
termix (see Note 8).
5. Briefly mix by pipetting up and down (at least five times) or
vortexing and centrifuge to collect liquid at the bottom of
wells/tubes prior to loading the cartridge (see Note 9).
3.5 Droplet 1. Insert 8-well cartridge for droplet generation into the cartridge
Generation holder.
2. Pipette 20 μl of reaction mixture in each of the middle wells (see
Note 10).
3. Pipette 70 μl of Droplet Generation Oil in each of the lower
4. Place the gasket over the cartridge holder.
5. Insert the cartridge holder with filled cartridge into the
QX100/200™ droplet generator.
6. After the droplets are generated, carefully transfer 40 μl of
droplet suspension (water-in-oil emulsion) from a cartridge to
a 96-well plate (see Note 11).
7. Cover the plate with Pierceable Heat Seal Foil, seal the plate by
using Heat Sealer and transfer it to a thermal cycler (see Note 12).
82 David Dobnik et al.
3.6 PCR Reaction 1. Insert the sealed 96-well plate into a conventional thermal
cycler (see Note 3).
2. Set the cycling program to:
l 2 min at 50 C.
l 10 min at 95 C.
l 40 cycles of a two-step thermal profile comprising of 15 s at
95 C and 60 s at 60 C (at ramp rate 2.5 C/s).
l 10 min at 98 C (see Note 13).
l Infinite hold at 4 C.
3.7 Droplet Reading 1. When thermal cycling is completed transfer the sealed 96-well
plate into the QX100/200™ Droplet Reader.
2. Start the QuantaSoft software (Bio-Rad).
3. First flush the system by performing the following operation: in
Quantasoft software under “Setup” and “Instrument Rou-
tines” select “Flush System”.
4. Set up new experiment by using “Setup,” “Template,” and
“New,” and then use well-editor to complete the required
information for each well (see Note 14).
5. Save the created experiment.
6. Select “Run” to start the analysis.
7. When prompted, choose appropriate Color compensation
option (FAM/HEX).
8. After the analysis has finished save experiment data and remove
the plate from the machine.
3.8 Data Analysis 1. To access the droplets analysis results in QuantaSoft, use
for Nondiscriminating “Setup,” “Plate Load,” select and open the saved experiment
MQI Testing and select “Analyze.”
2. To distinguish between positive and negative droplets, set the
threshold for each well, for each detector separately. Use NTC
and positive control results as guidance for threshold setting
(see example in Figs. 3 and 4) (see Note 15). An example of
droplet readout on a dilution series of DNA mix is presented in
Fig. 5.
3. Export the results as .csv file, which can be later on opened
and further analyzed in Excel (Microsoft Office) or equivalent
4. Wells with accepted number of droplets <8000 should not be
considered for further analysis (see Note 16)
5. The reaction in each well is considered as positive, if three or
more droplets show the fluorescent signal above the threshold
value (see Note 17).
Multiplex Droplet Digital PCR Protocols for Quantification of GM Maize Events 83
Fig. 3 Example of a threshold setting for 4P MQI with NTC, positive control, and different samples. Ch1 (a)
represents the fluorescence signal originating from FAM, and Ch2 (b) represents the fluorescence signal
originating from HEX. a and b represent the 1D view of analyzed droplets for transgene and hmgA targets,
respectively. Two replicates for each of the following samples are shown: NTC (C06-D06), positive (þ) control
84 David Dobnik et al.
3.9 Data Analysis 1. To access the droplets analysis results in QuantaSoft, use
for Discriminating MEQ “Setup,” “Plate Load,” select and open the saved experiment
Testing and select “Analyze.”
2. QuantaSoft software does not enable setting of more than one
threshold for a given fluorophore, but there are several clusters
that need to be separated (see Fig. 6). Thus two separate
exports must be performed for each reaction of MEQ protocol
(see Note 18 and Fig. 7). Use positive control results as guid-
ance for setting the thresholds. The appropriate clusters for
Fig. 3 (continued) for transgenes (A05-B05), two unknown samples containing GM maize at different
concentrations (A01-B01 and C03-D03), non-GM maize (A09-B09), GM rapeseed (A07-B07), and GM rice
(C08-D08). The two clusters that appear in the FAM channel originate from different targets, as the primer and
probe concentration of some is higher than of the other (but as there are three targets altogether and only two
clusters, they cannot be discriminated. The positive droplets in NTC and non-GM maize sample (in FAM
channel) do not make a reaction positive, because the number of such droplets per sample is less than three,
and thus reactions are considered negative. The threshold should be set just above the cluster of negative
droplets at fluorescence amplitude around 6400 and 2050 in a and b, respectively (note that these values may
vary between the experiments and individual wells). c represents the 2D overlay view of analyzed droplets of
all samples shown in a and b. Both thresholds in c are dividing the clusters in four groups: negative droplets
(bottom left), droplets positive for transgenes (top left), droplets positive for hmgA (bottom right), and droplets
positive for both the transgenes and hmgA (top right)
Multiplex Droplet Digital PCR Protocols for Quantification of GM Maize Events 85
Fig. 4 Example of a threshold setting for 10P MQI with NTC, positive control, and different samples. Ch1 (a)
represents the fluorescence signal originating from FAM, and Ch2 (b) represents the fluorescence signal
originating from HEX. a and b represent the 1D view of analyzed droplets for transgene and hmgA targets,
respectively. Two replicates for each of the following samples are shown: NTC (G06-H06), positive (þ) control
for transgenes (E05-F05), two unknown samples containing GM maize at different concentrations (E01-F01
and G03-H03), non-GM maize (E09-F09), GM rapeseed (E07-F07), and GM rice (G08-H08). The positive
droplet in GM rapeseed sample (in HEX channel) does not make a reaction positive, because the number of
such droplets per sample is less than three, and thus reactions are considered negative. Due to the close
position of positive and negative clusters with some rain between, the threshold for these reactions was set
with lasso tool in 2D view, always comparing NTC, positive control and sample of interest (c). In c cluster of
negative droplets is marked with “a,” cluster of droplets positive for transgenes with “b,” cluster of droplets
positive for hmgA with “c” and cluster of droplets positive for transgenes and hmgA with “d”
86 David Dobnik et al.
Fig. 4 (continued)
Multiplex Droplet Digital PCR Protocols for Quantification of GM Maize Events 87
Fig. 5 Example of MQI results on serial dilution of DNA sample positive for 12 GM maize lines. The droplet
readouts in 1D view for 10P and 4P assay are shown on left and right panel, respectively. Dilution factor for
DNA sample used in individual reactions is marked above each lane. Ch1 amplitude represents the response in
FAM for the group of transgene targets and Ch2 amplitude represents the response in HEX for the hmgA target.
For 10P analysis the negative and positive droplet clusters were separated using the lasso tool, and therefore
no threshold is visible on the readout (lower cluster of droplets represents the negative droplets). For 4P
analysis a single threshold was set in each of the fluorescence channels to separate the positive and negative
droplet clusters (positive are above the line)
each of the target must be selected with lasso tool to get groups
as presented in Fig. 7.
3. After selecting targets in one channel, the export of the results
in .csv file must be made. Same process is then repeated for the
other two targets in the second channel (see Note 19).
4. From each export we get the result (concentrations in target
copies per μl of reaction) for two of the targets:
l hmgA concentration ¼ concentration from Ch1 export 1.
l MON863 concentration ¼ concentration from Ch2 export 1.
l DP98140 concentration ¼ concentration from Ch1 export 2.
l MON810concentration ¼ concentration from Ch1 export 2.
5. For final percentage content of each of the three GM event
targets (listed in Table 3) in each sample the following equation
is used, where average is calculated from concentration values
of all replicates per undiluted DNA (see Table 4 for example of
average concentration of individual event
GMcontent½% ¼
averageconcentration of hmgA
Table 4
Examples of calculation of GM content using MQI and MEQ protocols using the formulas provided in the protocol
David Dobnik et al.
Fig. 6 Example of possible droplet clusters in MEQ in 2D view of analyzed droplets. The cluster in the left
bottom corner contains the fully negative droplets. All other clusters contain the droplets positive for one or
more targets. The combination of positive targets in each cluster is marked with letters A (hmgA), B (MON863),
C (DP98140), and D (MON810). Note that in some clusters there are no positive droplets, although all four
targets were present in the sample. To always have an idea of where the clusters should be positioned, a
positive control containing high concentration of all the targets must be used in each experiment
4 Notes
Fig. 7 Selecting the cluster groups in MEQ. After selection of cluster groups with lasso tool for the targets A
and B the results are exported (Export 1). For the second export the cluster groups of targets C and D are
selected (Export 2). See Note 19 for further explanations
Fig. 8 Example of MEQ results with negative and positive control and two GM maize samples in 2D view.
Negative cluster that can be distinguished using negative control (a) is marked with (1) in all panels. Positive
control (b) helps determining the correct position of clusters in the unknown samples. In panel c the MON810
DNA was used and the positive clusters for MON810 target (in HEX channel) are marked with (2). Few droplets
in the clusters marked with (3) are false positive signal for DP98140, which is actually the rain effect between
negative and MON810 clusters. Cluster marked with (4) is considered negative for HEX channel, but represents
positive droplets for hmgA in FAM channel. In panel D the MON863 DNA was used and the positive clusters are
marked with (5), (6), and (7) for hmgA, MON863, and both together, respectively
96 David Dobnik et al.
Fig. 8 (continued)
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structures. BioTechniques 37:226–231 202:46–53
Chapter 6
Droplet digital™ polymerase chain reaction (ddPCR™) is a unique digital PCR technique that allows for
absolute quantification of nucleic acid samples. This technique operates on the basis of amplification within
water–oil emulsion droplets and can detect very small quantities of target molecules, yielding extremely
precise data. Here, we describe in detail a ddPCR procedure for multiplexed detection of two clinically
relevant herpesviruses, HHV-6A and HHV-6B.
Key words ddPCR, Droplet digital, Polymerase chain reaction, HHV-6A, HHV-6B, Human herpes-
virus 6, Viral detection, Absolute quantification
1 Introduction
George Karlin-Neumann and Francisco Bizouarn (eds.), Digital PCR: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1768, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-7778-9_6, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018
100 Ashley Vellucci et al.
of the probe [2]. This creates positive and negative droplet popula-
tions with a readout of copies/μl.
Through the use of ddPCR, clinically relevant pathogens such
as HHV-6 can be easily and accurately detected in clinical samples
[1]. As HHV-6 is a ubiquitous virus and can be found in healthy
individuals as well as those with HHV-6 associated diseases, a
highly quantitative approach is required for the precise determina-
tion of HHV-6 viral loads in clinical samples. In this report, we
detail two multiplex ddPCR procedures for the detection of
HHV-6. A multiplex technique allows for the detection of multiple
viruses, while saving money, resources, and time. HHV-6 is becom-
ing an increasingly recognized pathogen in the clinical setting [5],
and there are now two recognized species of HHV6, HHV-6A and
HHV-6B. Both are associated with several CNS disorders, includ-
ing epilepsy [6] and encephalitis [7], and HHV-6B is the etiologic
agent of roseola, a childhood febrile illness [8]. HHV-6 reactivation
with or without a symptomatic manifestation is increasingly recog-
nized in the context of transplantation or other severely immuno-
suppressive regimens. HHV-6A and HHV-6B were recently
reclassified as distinct viral species [9] due to differences in disease
associations [8], tropism [10], and other biological and immuno-
logical properties [9]. These viruses may also respond differently to
antiviral therapy, and it is therefore important in a clinical setting to
accurately distinguish between HHV-6A and HHV-6B, particu-
larly as currently available serological assays cannot distinguish
between the two viral species [11].
The observation of elevated viral DNA levels in patients with
HHV-6 associated diseases compared to controls is the basis for
utilizing PCR for HHV-6 detection in clinical samples [8]. In
addition, in approximately 1% of the human population, HHV-6
is chromosomally integrated (ciHHV-6) in subtelomeric regions of
genomic DNA [5], a distinctive aspect of these viruses. It is
unknown whether there are clinical consequences associated with
this integration. Clinically, ciHHV-6 patients are often misdiag-
nosed with reactivated HHV-6, leading to inappropriate and
unnecessary treatment and side effects [12]. ddPCR is a reliable
tool for the rapid and accurate detection of ciHHV-6, particularly
from cell-rich sources such as peripheral blood mononuclear cells
(PBMC) [12, 13]. This protocol will detail the methodology for
using ddPCR to distinguish between HHV-6A and HHV-6B, with
a cellular housekeeping reference gene [2], to detect single or
coinfection of these viruses in clinical samples, including samples
from individuals with ciHHV-6 [8]. These primers and probes were
newly designed for this application, and their initial characteriza-
tion has been previously described [8].
Using Droplet Digital PCR to Detect Coinfection of Human. . . 101
2 Materials
2.1 DNA Extraction 1. Qiagen DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit (for DNA extraction from
whole blood or isolated PBMC, tissues, CSF cells and saliva).
2. Qiagen QIAamp UltraSens Virus Kit (for DNA extraction from
CSF supernatant and serum).
3. NanoDrop 2000 UV-Vis spectrophotometer (Thermo
2.2 Digest Mix 1. Microcentrifuge tubes (0.5–1.5 ml) (see Note 1).
Components 2. HindIII restriction endonuclease; 20,000 U/ml (New Eng-
land Biolabs).
3. NEB 2.1 Buffer (New England Biolabs).
4. PCR water.
5. 37 C shaker.
6. DNA samples diluted to appropriate concentration (see Note 2).
7. Thermomixer.
2.3 Super Mix 1. Microcentrifuge tubes (0.5–1.5 ml) (see Note 1).
Components 2. 2 ddPCR Super Mix for Probes (Biorad).
3. 10 or 20 primer–probe mixes.
(a) 20 is defined as a final concentration of 900 nm primers
and 250 nm probe.
14. Eight channel manual pipette LTS 5–50 μl (Rainin) (see Note 5).
15. Eight channel manual pipette LTS 2–200 μl (Rainin)
(see Note 6).
16. Pierceable sealing foil sheets (Thermo Scientific).
3 Methods
3.1 DNA Extraction 1. Extract DNA from the designated sample using the appropriate
Qiagen kit, in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
2. Obtain DNA concentration using NanoDrop 2000 UV-Vis
spectrophotometer. The DNA concentration will vary with
the sample type. We typically obtain values of less than
10 ng/μl for CSF cells, serum, and saliva.
3.2 Reaction Setup 1. Calculate the amount of reagents the supermix and digest
mixtures will each contain (see Note 9).
(a) For one well the digest mix contains:
l 3.65 μl water.
l 1 μl 10 NEB Buffer.
l 0.1 μl BSA.
l 0.25 μl restriction endonuclease (20 U/μl).
(b) For one well the duplex supermix contains (Fig. 1):
l 12.5 μl 2 ddPCR Supermix for Probes (see Note 10).
l 1.25 μl 20 FAM primer–probe mixture.
l 1.25 μl 20 VIC primer–probe mixture.
(c) For one well the triplex supermix contains (Fig. 2).
Using Droplet Digital PCR to Detect Coinfection of Human. . . 103
12000 1687
Channel 1 Amplitude
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Channel 2 Amplitude
Ch2 Amplitude
0 5000 1000015000 20000 25000 30000 35000
Event Number
Fig. 1 HHV-6A and HHV-6B duplexing. (a) ddPCR 2D droplet plot generated using HHV-6A 20 and HHV-6B
20. HHV-6A is on the FAM channel and the positive droplet population is located in the upper left quadrant.
HHV-6B is on the VIC channel and the positive droplet population is located in the lower right quadrant.
(b) ddPCR 1D droplet plot generated using RPP30 20
Channel 1 Amplitude
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
Channel 2 Amplitude
Fig. 2 HHV-6A, HHV-6B, and RPP30 triplexing. By differing the primer/probe concentrations, RPP30 (10) and
HHV-6B (20) can be used simultaneously on the VIC channel, with a clear separation between the VIC
positive droplet populations. Populations double positive for RPP30 and HHV-6A or RPP30 and HHV-6B can
also be appreciated. Single primer–probe sets should be used to confirm the RPP30/HHV-6A/HHV-6B
specificity of the unlabeled populations in the upper right quadrant
Table 1
Primer and probe sequences
3.3 Digesting Before beginning, turn on plate sealer and PCR thermocycler and
the Samples set the thermomixer to 37 C.
1. Dilute DNA samples as needed (see Note 2).
2. To a microcentrifuge tube, add 5 μl diluted DNA (30 ng/μl is a
recommended DNA concentration for ddPCR) for each sam-
ple replicate. For example, add 10 μl DNA if the sample is to be
run in duplicate.
3. In a separate microcentrifuge tube, prepare the digestion mix-
ture according to the calculations in Subheading 3.1. The
digestion mixture includes PCR water, NEB 2.1 buffer, and
HINDIII restriction enzyme.
4. Add the digest mixture to the DNA in a 1:1 ratio. For example,
add 10 μl digest mixture to 10 μl DNA. Vortex to mix.
5. Incubate at 37 C with shaking (approximately 300 rpm) for
30 min.
3.4 Preparing The ddPCR supermix can be prepared while the DNA samples are
and Aliquoting digesting. Ensure that the lights are off, as the probes are
the ddPCR Supermix fluorescent.
1. Label one microcentrifuge tube for each sample.
2. In a separate tube, prepare the ddPCR supermix according to
the calculations in Subheading 3.1. This includes the
2 ddPCR Supermix for Probes, and the appropriate 10 or
20 primer–probe mixes.
3. Aliquot 30 μl of the ddPCR supermix into each labeled tube.
Place at 4 C in the dark until use.
3.5 Diluting 1. Dilute the digested DNA with PCR water in a 1:2.5 dilution.
the Digested DNA, For example, add 30 μl PCR water to the 20 μl of digest
and Combining reaction (containing 10 μl digest mix and 10 μl DNA added
with ddPCR Supermix in Subheading 3.2) (see Note 14).
2. Add 20 μl of the diluted digested DNA to a tube containing
30 μl supermix. This volume is sufficient to run a given sample
in duplicate wells. Discard any remaining digested,
diluted DNA.
3.6 Droplet 1. Prepare a cartridge holder with a clean DG8 single-use, dispos-
Generation able cartridge.
2. Slowly dispense 20 μl of the DNA/ddPCR supermix mixture
into the sample wells of the droplet generator cartridge.
106 Ashley Vellucci et al.
3.7 PCR PCR should be performed with a 2 C/s ramp rate to allow for a
better heat transfer throughout the droplet oil mixture. Thermal
cycling conditions are as follows (see Note 19) [2].
95 C 10 min (1 cycle).
94 C 30 s, 59 C 60 s (40 cycles).
98 C 10 min (1 cycle).
12 C hold.
Once amplified, the plate can be placed into the QX100 Drop-
let Digital PCR Droplet Reader for analysis. Do not remove the
foil seal.
3.8 Preparing While the plate is in the PCR thermocycler, the template can be set
QuantaSoftTM up using the Bio-Rad QuantaSoft software.
(a) Select “New” plate, and double click in a well to begin the
template set up.
Using Droplet Digital PCR to Detect Coinfection of Human. . . 107
3.9 Data Analysis 1. For calculation of HHV-6 viral load in whole blood, PBMC or
tissue, the copies of HHV-6 are normalized to the copies of the
reference gene RPP30, such that the final data are represented as
copies/106 cells. Before normalization, the RPP30 copies are
divided by two, as there are two copies of RPP30 per diploid cell.
2. For calculation of HHV-6 viral load in saliva, CSF supernatant
or serum, the copies of HHV-6 are not normalized to the copies
of the reference gene RPP30, and the final data are represented
as copies/ml original sample. This calculation must take into
account the volume of sample used for DNA extraction and the
dilution of the DNA throughout the ddPCR procedure.
3. The positive populations for each primer/probe are identified
using positive and negative controls with single (i.e., not multi-
plexed) primer–probe sets.
4 Notes
1. Brunetto S, Massoud R, Leibovitch E et al (HHV-6A) and HHV-6B as demonstrated by
(2014) Digital droplet PCR (ddPCR) for the novel digital droplet PCR assay. PLOS One.
precise quantification of human https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.
T-lymphotropic virus 1 proviral loads in 0092328
peripheral blood and cerebrospinal fluid of 8. Ablashi D, Agut H, Alvarez-Lafuente R et al
HAM/TSP patients and identification of viral (2014) Classification of HHV-6A and
mutations. J Neurovirol 20:341–351 HHV-6B as distinct viruses. Arch Virol
2. Hindson B, Ness KD, Masquelier DA et al 5:863–870
(2011) High-throughput droplet digital PCR 9. De Bolle L, Van Loon J, De Clercq E et al
system for absolute quantification of DNA (2005) Quantitative analysis of human herpes-
copy number. Anal Chem 83:8604–8610 virus 6 cell tropism. J Med Virol. 75:76–85
3. Pinheiro L, Coleman V, Hindson C et al 10. Gautheret-Dejean A, Agut H (2014) Practical
(2012) Evaluation of a droplet digital polymer- diagnostic procedures for HHV-6A, HHV-6B,
ase chain reaction format for DNA copy num- and HHV-7. In: Flamand L, Lautenschlager I,
ber quantification. Anal Chem 81:1003–1011 Krueger G, Ablashi D (eds) Human herpes-
4. Agut H, Bonnafous P, Gautheret-Dejean A viruses HHV-6A, HHV-6B & HHV-7, 3rd
(2015) Laboratory and clinical aspects of edn. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp
human herpesvirus 6 infections. Clin Micrbiol 9–34
Rev 28:313–335 11. Sedlak R, Cook L, Huang M et al (2014) Iden-
5. Theodore W, Epstein L, Gaillard W et al (2008) tification of chromosomally integrated human
Human herpes virus 6B: a possible role in epi- herpesvirus 6 by droplet digital PCR. Clin
lepsy? Epilepsia 49:1828–1837 Chem 60:765–772
6. Yao K, Honarmand S, Espinosa L et al (2009) 12. Sedak H, Hill J, Nguyen T et al (2016) Detec-
Detection of human herpesvirus-6 in cerebro- tion of HHV-6B reactivation in hematopoietic
spinal fluid of patients with encephalitis. Ann cell transplant recipients with inherited chro-
Neurol 65:257–267 mosomally integrated HHV-6A by droplet
7. Leibovitch E, Brunetto G, Caruso B et al digitial PCR. J Clin Microbiol pii:
(2014) Coinfection of human herpes virus 6A JCM.03275-15
Chapter 7
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) contains molecules directly linked with brain function because it permeates brain
tissue. The analysis of protein biomarkers in CSF is currently recommended for the diagnosis of neurode-
generative disorders, but the clinical sensitivity and specificity are still being investigated. A major drawback
is that most of the currently used biomarkers of neurodegenerative diseases are proteins that are found at
very low concentrations in CSF and need to be measured by immunoassays that provide relative values,
which sometimes are difficult to reproduce between laboratories. In contrast, the recent availability of
digital PCR platforms allows the absolute quantification of nucleic acids at single-molecule resolution, but
their presence in CSF has not been characterized. CSF contains cell-free mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and
changes in the concentration of this nucleic acid are linked to neurodegeneration. Here we describe a
method to measure the concentration of cell-free circulating mtDNA directly in unpurified CSF using
droplet digital PCR with either hydrolysis probes or fluorescent DNA-binding dye methods. This protocol
allows the detection and absolute quantification of mtDNA content in the CSF with high analytical
sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy.
Key words Mitochondrial DNA, Droplet digital PCR (ddPCR), Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), Inhibitor
1 Introduction
George Karlin-Neumann and Francisco Bizouarn (eds.), Digital PCR: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1768, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-7778-9_7, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018
112 Petar Podlesniy and Ramon Trullas
EvaGreen Fluorescence
FAM Fluorescence
4000 4000
3000 3000
2000 2000
1000 1000
0 0 0
70.0 68.5 65.9 62.0 57.5 53.8 51.4 50.0 60.0 70.0 68.5 65.9 62.0 57.5 53.8 51.4 50.0
100 100
75 75
% Control
% Control
50 ddPCR 50 ddPCR
25 25
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
CSF ml / reaction CSF ml / reaction
base pairs
2 500
1 200
0 1 2 3 4
Fig. 1 Analysis of cell-free mtDNA directly in unpurified CSF using hydrolysis probes or EvaGreen Fluorescent
DNA-binding dye: Comparison between ddPCR and qPCR. Assay conditions were studied in a human CSF
Biomarkers in Cerebrospinal Fluid: Analysis of Cell-Free Circulating. . . 115
Fig. 1 (continued) sample pool from several subjects. (a and b) Temperature gradient optimization assays
were performed in a ddPCR reaction amplifying the 85 base pairs mtDNA amplicon (mtDNA-85) using a
hydrolysis probe (a) or the EvaGreen fluorescent DNA binding dye (b). The maximum separation between
positive (upper) and negative (lower) droplets for EvaGreen is reached at 66 C and is constant between
50 and 66 C, whereas for the hydrolysis probe assay, maximum separation is reached at approximately 60 C
and remains constant down to 50 C. We choose 60 C for maximum stringency in both assays, either in
duplex or singleplex forms. In nontemplate controls (NTC) there is a nonsignificant number of positive (upper)
droplets. (c, d) The influence of CSF volume in the PCR reaction was studied in hydrolysis probe (c) and
EvaGreen fluorescent dye (d) assays using either ddPCR (square dots, continuous line) or qPCR (triangular
dots, discontinuous line). In contrast to qPCR, addition of up to 6 μl of CSF to the PCR reaction did not inhibit
ddPCR assay. (e) Accuracy and linearity of ddPCR reaction to directly measure mtDNA in CSF were assayed by
adding different known concentrations of purified BAX-103 amplicons to a pooled CSF sample. Detection of
mtDNA directly in CSF up to 3000 copies/μl fits to a linear model (r2 ¼ 0.999). The detection limit under these
conditions is less than 1 copy of target per microliter of CSF with a signal above the 95% confidence interval of
average noise in nontemplate controls. (f) Representative image of an agarose gel showing a DNA ladder
75–20,000 base pairs (bp) and the Bax-103 (Lane 1) and mtDNA-85 (Lane 2) amplicons obtained in a CSF
116 Petar Podlesniy and Ramon Trullas
FAM Fluorescence
FAM Fluorescence
6000 6000
5000 5000
4000 4000
3000 3000
2000 2000
1000 1000
0 0
1 2 3 1 2 3
Sample Replicate Sample Replicate
Number of droplets
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
FAM Fluorescence
Low Tau protein sample (146 pg/ml) High Tau protein sample (19300 pg/ml)
mtDNA 61 copies/µl of CSF mtDNA 63 copies/µl of CSF
8000 8000
7000 7000
FAM Fluorescence
FAM Fluorescence
6000 6000
5000 5000
4000 4000
3000 3000
2000 2000
1000 1000
0 0
1 2 3 1 2 3
Sample Replicate Sample Replicate
Fig. 2 Representative examples of results from ddPCR analyses of various CSF samples containing different
levels of mtDNA or potential PCR inhibitors. The mtDNA content was measured in 4.5 μl of CSF sample, using
the mtDNA-85 mix and the ddPCR procedure for hydrolysis probes. (a and b) Representative one-dimensional
scatter plots of three replicates from a CSF sample containing a low concentration of mtDNA (a) and a different
Biomarkers in Cerebrospinal Fluid: Analysis of Cell-Free Circulating. . . 117
2 Materials
2.1 Droplet Digital 1. Forward and reverse primers and hydrolysis probe targeting
PCR Using Hydrolysis mtDNA (see Note 1). Forward: mtDNA-85F, (50 -CTCAC
Probes TCCTTGGCGCCTGCC-30 ); reverse: mtDNA-85R (50 -GGC
GGTTGAGGCGTCTGGTG-30 ); hydrolysis probe: FAM-mt
DNA-85P (6-carboxyfluorescein (FAM)-50 -CCTCCAAATCA
2. Forward and reverse primers and hydrolysis probe targeting a
single copy nuclear gene, e.g., BAX. Forward: BAX-103F,
(50 -TTCATCCAGGATCGAGCAGG-30 ); reverse: BAX-103R,
(50 -TGAGACACTCGCTCAGCTTC-30 ) and hydrolysis probe:
HEX-BAX-103P, (6-carboxy-20 ,4,40 ,50 ,7,70 -hexachlorofluores
HQ1). (see Notes 2 and 3).
Fig. 2 (continued) CSF sample containing a high concentration of mtDNA (b). Good repeatability is observed
between replicates. The amount of mtDNA concentration does not influence the well-defined separation
between positive (upper) and negative (lower) droplets. In addition, the proportion of positive/negative droplets
is equivalent among replicates. The line drawn at 4000 fluorescence units represents the threshold used to
define positive and negative droplets. (c) Histogram of total positive and negative partitions from assays
shown in a and b. Threshold is determined by choosing a point between the two droplet partitions, for
example, adding the mean fluorescence value of negative droplets plus the mean fluorescence value of
positive droplets and dividing the result by 2. (d, e) Representative one-dimensional scatter plots of three
replicates from a CSF sample containing a low concentration of tau protein (d) and a different CSF sample
containing a high concentration of tau protein (e). In addition to different levels of tau, these two samples may
contain also different amounts of other potential PCR inhibitors. Both samples exhibit a similar concentration
of mtDNA and similar fluorescence values of positive and negative droplet populations, showing the resistance
of ddPCR to the presence of potential PCR inhibitors
118 Petar Podlesniy and Ramon Trullas
2.2 Droplet Digital 1. Forward and reverse primers targeting mtDNA (see Note 1).
PCR Using Fluorescent Forward: mtDNA-85F, (50 -CTCACTCCTTGGCGCCTGCC-
DNA-Binding Dyes 30 ); reverse: mtDNA-85R, (50 -GGCGGTTGAGGCGTCTGG
TG-30 ).
2. Forward and reverse primers targeting a single copy nuclear
gene, e.g., BAX. Forward: BAX-103F, (50 -TTCATCCAGGAT
CGAGCAGG-30 ); reverse, BAX-103R (50 -TGAGACACTCG
3. QX200™ ddPCR EvaGreen Supermix (catalog number
186-4033) (Bio-Rad). (see Note 3)
4. QX200™ Droplet Generation Oil for EvaGreen (catalog num-
ber 186-4005) (Bio-Rad).
3 Methods
3.2 Digital PCR Bring all reagents and samples to room temperature before use.
Reaction Setup Centrifuge briefly, mix thoroughly by vortexing and centrifuge
and Amplification briefly again to properly mix and collect the components to the
bottom of the tubes.
1. Prepare a master mix in a polypropylene microcentrifuge tube
containing ddPCR Supermix, oligonucleotide mix, and
double-distilled nuclease-free water in a total volume sufficient
to obtain 15.5 μl per assay as shown in Table 1 (see Note 8). It is
essential to include nontemplate control assays, with master
mix but adding nuclease-free dH2O instead of CSF sample
(see Note 9). In addition, for assay characterization, it is neces-
sary to include positive control samples containing known
amounts of nuclear DNA or mitochondrial DNA target ampli-
cons cloned in vectors or purified from PCR reactions (see Note
10). The process of assay characterization includes assessment
of accuracy, sensitivity, setting the threshold for positive dro-
plets and the level of false positive droplets for mtDNA and
nuclear DNA respectively.
(a) The ddPCR assay using hydrolysis probe is designed as a
multiplex assay to monitor simultaneously mtDNA and
BAX in the same reaction. The composition of the master
mix for ddPCR using hydrolysis probes is as shown in
Table 1 (see Note 11):
120 Petar Podlesniy and Ramon Trullas
Table 1
Master mix for ddPCR using hydrolysis probes (see Note 8)
Table 2
Master mix for ddPCR using EvaGreen fluorescent dye (see Note 8)
(b) The ddPCR assay of mtDNA and the nuclear gene BAX
using fluorescent DNA binding dyes is performed in sep-
arate reactions. The composition of the master mix for
ddPCR using EvaGreen fluorescent dye is as shown in
Table 2 Master mix for ddPCR using EvaGreen fluores-
cent dye (see Note 8).
Biomarkers in Cerebrospinal Fluid: Analysis of Cell-Free Circulating. . . 121
3.3 Digital Data 1. Power on the QX200™ Droplet Digital™ PCR Droplet
Acquisition Reader and let it warm up for at least 30 min, making certain
that there is enough ddPCR Droplet Reader Oil in the reader
compartment. Prime the system if the instrument has been
unused for longer than a week.
2. Place the 96-well PCR plate to the QX200™ Droplet Digital™
PCR Droplet Reader.
3. Introduce the appropriate settings in the PCR Droplet reader
software indicating the PCR supermix used and the fluores-
cence acquisition channels (see Note 15).
3.4 Data Analysis 1. After reading all samples, open the file with the appropriate
QuantaSoft software and in the Experiments window select
Absolute Quantification method (ABS) and then select all
samples for data analysis.
2. Click on the Analyze tab and then the multiwell thresholding
icon. Choose a point between the two droplet populations
shown in the fluorescence histogram (Fig. 2c) to identify a
threshold value that reliably separates positive and negative
droplets. For example, add the mean fluorescence value of
negative droplets plus the mean fluorescence value of positive
droplets and divide the result by 2. Enter the resulting value
into the Set Threshold window (see Note 16)
3. Determine target concentrations by analyzing the proportion
of negative versus positive droplets using the Absolute Quanti-
fication method (see Note 17). Replicates that do not exhibit
equivalent mean fluorescence values of positive and negative
droplets between them indicate a droplet generation failure and
should be discarded. When all replicates of one sample exhibit
equivalent mean fluorescence that is significantly lower than
the exhibited by the replicates of another sample, this indicates
inhibition of the PCR and values cannot be compared.
Biomarkers in Cerebrospinal Fluid: Analysis of Cell-Free Circulating. . . 123
4 Notes
1. Lleo A, Cavedo E, Parnetti L, for Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimers Dement
Vanderstichele H, Herukka SK, Andreasen N, 7:263–269
Ghidoni R, Lewczuk P, Jeromin A, Winblad B 3. Jack CR Jr, Albert MS, Knopman DS,
et al (2015) Cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers in McKhann GM, Sperling RA, Carrillo MC,
trials for Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases. Nat Thies B, Phelps CH (2011) Introduction to
Rev Neurol 11:41–55 the recommendations from the National Insti-
2. McKhann GM, Knopman DS, Chertkow H, tute on Aging-Alzheimer’s Association work-
Hyman BT, Jack CR Jr, Kawas CH, Klunk groups on diagnostic guidelines for
WE, Koroshetz WJ, Manly JJ, Mayeux R et al Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimers Dement
(2011) The diagnosis of dementia due to Alz- 7:257–262
heimer’s disease: recommendations from the 4. Dubois B, Feldman HH, Jacova C, Hampel H,
National Institute on Aging-Alzheimer’s Asso- Molinuevo JL, Blennow K, DeKosky ST,
ciation workgroups on diagnostic guidelines Gauthier S, Selkoe D, Bateman R et al (2014)
126 Petar Podlesniy and Ramon Trullas
Advancing research diagnostic criteria for Alz- 8. Vogelstein B, Kinzler KW (1999) Digital PCR.
heimer’s disease: the IWG-2 criteria. Lancet Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 96:9236–9241
Neurol 13:614–629 9. Hindson BJ, Ness KD, Masquelier DA,
5. Blennow K, Zetterberg H (2015) Understand- Belgrader P, Heredia NJ, Makarewicz AJ,
ing biomarkers of neurodegeneration: Ultra- Bright IJ, Lucero MY, Hiddessen AL, Legler
sensitive detection techniques pave the way TC et al (2011) High-throughput droplet digi-
for mechanistic understanding. Nat Med tal PCR system for absolute quantitation of
21:217–219 DNA copy number. Anal Chem 83:8604–8610
6. Podlesniy P, Figueiro-Silva J, Llado A, 10. Pinheiro LB, Coleman VA, Hindson CM,
Antonell A, Sanchez-Valle R, Alcolea D, Herrmann J, Hindson BJ, Bhat S, Emslie KR
Lleo A, Molinuevo JL, Serra N, Trullas R (2012) Evaluation of a droplet digital polymer-
(2013) Low CSF concentration of mitochon- ase chain reaction format for DNA copy num-
drial DNA in preclinical Alzheimer’s disease. ber quantification. Anal Chem 84:1003–1011
Ann Neurol 10:655–668 11. Huggett JF, Foy CA, Benes V, Emslie K, Gar-
7. Sykes PJ, Neoh SH, Brisco MJ, Hughes E, son JA, Haynes R, Hellemans J, Kubista M,
Condon J, Morley AA (1992) Quantitation of Mueller RD, Nolan T et al (2013) The digital
targets for PCR by use of limiting dilution. MIQE guidelines: Minimum Information for
BioTechniques 13:444–449 Publication of Quantitative Digital PCR
Experiments. Clin Chem 59:892–902
Chapter 8
qPCR has become increasingly popular for microbial water quality testing because it is faster, more specific,
and more flexible than culture-based methods. However, qPCR method limitations such as quantification
bias introduced by reliance on standards and susceptibility to PCR inhibitors are major obstacles for
implementation in water testing. This is because water testing requires accurate quantification of rare
targets and because environmental waters often contain PCR inhibitors. Digital PCR offers the opportunity
to maintain qPCR’s advantages over culture-based methods while ameliorating two of qPCR’s major
limitations: the necessity to run standard curves and high susceptibility to inhibition. Here we describe a
complete method for simultaneous testing for a general microbial water quality indicator
(Enterococcus spp.) and a human-associated fecal marker in environmental waters. The complete method
includes water sampling and filtration to capture bacteria, DNA extraction from bacteria captured on the
filter, and droplet digital PCR to quantify the genetic markers from bacteria indicative of general and
human-associated fecal contamination.
Key words Fecal contamination, Water quality, Enterococcus, HF183, Microbial source tracking,
Duplex digital PCR
1 Introduction
George Karlin-Neumann and Francisco Bizouarn (eds.), Digital PCR: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1768, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-7778-9_8, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018
128 Yiping Cao et al.
2 Materials
Table 1
Primer and probe sequences
2.3 Droplet DigitalTM 1. Enterococcus and HF183 primers and probe (Table 1).
PCR 2. TE pH 8 buffer.
2.3.1 Making Assay 3. ddPCR™ Supermix for Probes (no dUTP) (Bio-Rad,
Master Mixes 186-3024).
4. Nuclease-free PCR grade water.
5. Low binding 1.7 mL microcentrifuge tubes.
6. Aluminum Sealing Film.
7. Hard-shell 96-well Plate.
2.3.2 Making Droplets 1. Droplet Generation Oil for Probes (Bio-Rad, 186-3005).
2. DG8TM Cartridges for Droplet Generator (Bio-Rad,
3. DG8 Gaskets for Droplet Generator (Bio-Rad, 186-3009).
4. DG8 Cartridge Holders (Bio-Rad, 186-3051).
5. Droplet Generator (Bio-Rad).
6. Rainin 20 μL multichannel pipet/tips (Rainin 20 μL XLT and
7. Rainin 50 μL multichannel pipet/tips (Rainin 50 μL XLT and
8. Rainin 200 μL multichannel pipet/tips (Rainin 200 μL XLT
and GPL200F).
2.3.3 ddPCR Thermal 1. Hard-shell 96-well PCR plate (Such as the Eppendorf Twin
Cycling, Detection, Tec PCR plate).
and Data Analysis 2. Pierceable Heat Seal Foil (Bio-Rad).
3. PX1TM PCR Plate Sealer (Bio-Rad).
4. CFX96TM Thermalcycler (Bio-Rad).
5. QX100TM Droplet Reader (Bio-Rad).
6. Droplet Reader Oil (Bio-Rad, 186-3004).
7. QuantaSoftTM Software.
EntHF183 Duplex ddPCR 131
3 Methods
3.1 Water Sampling 1. Rinse the bottles three times with deionized water (DI) in
and Filtration order to remove any large particles.
3.1.1 Preparing Sampling 2. Pour all the water out and add about 10 mL of 10% hydro-
Bottles chloric acid (10% HCl). Securely cap the bottle and swirl acid to
coat inner bottle surface. Store bottle capped with acid inside
until use.
3.1.2 Beach Water 1. Dispose of acid in sampling bottle by making a small divot in
Sampling the sand with your toe and pouring acid into divot. Avoid
getting acid on your skin or clothes.
2. Fill the sampling bottle <¼ full with sample water. Close
bottle, shake vigorously, and discard rinse water away from
collection area. Repeat this process twice more.
3. Collect full volume water sample at ankle depth on an
incoming wave.
4. Place water sample in cooler, transport sample on ice pack/ice
to lab for filtration within 6 h.
3.1.3 Water Filtration 1. Setup vacuum filtration system (see Note 1). Light the alcohol
lamp or Bunsen burner (for flame sterilization). Soak the tips of
two pairs of stainless steel forceps in a beaker with 95% ethanol.
2. Prepare the disposable filtration funnel for water filtration by
replacing the manufacturer’s preloaded filter (generally not the
one specified in this method) with the specified polycarbonate
membrane (see Note 2).
3. Filter 100 mL water sample (see Note 3), rinse funnel wall with
approximately 10 mL of PBS so all materials are captured on
the membrane filter. After all liquid passes through the mem-
brane filter, close vacuum valve and remove the funnel.
4. Using flame sterilized (and cooled) forceps (see Note 4), care-
fully roll up the polycarbonate membrane filter on the backing
plate. First, fold one edge of the membrane onto itself (about
¼ of the diameter of the membrane) and hold in place with
second forceps. Then, using each pair of forceps alternately, roll
the membrane to create a tube. Place into the corresponding
collection tube (i.e., 2 mL screw-cap microtube suitable for
80 C storage and the bead beating step during DNA extrac-
tion), screw the cap securely (see Note 5).
5. Flash-freeze the tube containing the filter in liquid nitrogen
and transfer to 80C freezer for storage until DNA extraction
(see Note 6).
132 Yiping Cao et al.
3.2 DNA Extraction This protocol employs the published bead beating DNA extraction
procedure using the GeneRite DNA EZ kit (commonly employed
for molecular testing of recreational waters [1, 9, 11]) (see Note 7).
3.2.1 Bead Beating 1. Remove filter tubes to be analyzed from 80 C freezer and
pipet 600 μL lysis buffer into each. Bead beat the tubes for
1 min (see Note 8).
2. Centrifuge the bead beaten tubes for 3 min at 12,000 g. Pull
out all liquid from tubes and place into a new 1.7 mL low
binding microtube. Centrifuge the supernatants in the micro-
tubes for 1 min at 12,000 g.
3.2.2 Binding DNA 1. Pull out 380 μL of supernatant from the centrifuged tube and
to Column place liquid into a new 1.7 mL low binding tube containing
760 μL of binding buffer. Vortex and spin the mixture briefly.
2. Add ~650 μL of mixture to the provided column (the column is
already sitting in the provided collection tube) and spin for
1 min at 12,000 g. Discard the collection tube containing the
flow through and place the column in a new collection tube.
Repeat step 4 until all of the mixture from step 3 is put
through the column.
3.2.3 Column Washing 1. After placing the column in a new collection tube add 500 μL
of wash buffer to the column and spin for 1 min at 12,000 g.
Discard the collection tube containing the flow through and
place column in new collection tube. Repeat this step.
3.2.4 Column Elution 1. Place column in new 1.7 mL low binding microtube. Add
50 μL elution buffer to the column and let sit 1 min. Spin the
column for 1 min at 12,000 g. Repeat this step.
2. After 100 μL of DNA extract has been collected, dispose of the
column and aliquot the extract if needed.
3. Quantify total DNA in each sample by spectrophotometer (see
Note 9)
3.3 Droplet Two hard-shell 96-well plates are used in this procedure: one for
Digital PCR preparing the assay mixture and the other as the final PCR plate.
The former can be any plate that is easy to work with, while the
latter should be a PCR plate with thermal conductivity, plate height
compatible with the PCR thermal cycling parameters, the thermal
cycler, and the Droplet Reader. However, currently, it is recom-
mended to use an Eppendorf Twin Tec 96-well plate (Bio-Rad,
personal communication). Figure 1 depicts the transfer of liquid
(reagents, sampled DNA, oil, and droplets) in this section. The
steps described in this section are also demonstrated in a video
article [14].
EntHF183 Duplex ddPCR 133
3.4 Data Analysis 1. When the run is complete, open the data file and check the
events number (i.e., number of acceptable droplets in each
well). All wells containing less than 10,000 droplets should
be excluded.
2. The fluorescence threshold should then be set approximately
one standard deviation (500–700 fluorescence units, Fig. 2)
above the negative droplets in NTC wells (see Note 17). Fluo-
rescence values of unknown samples should also be compared
EntHF183 Duplex ddPCR 135
136 Yiping Cao et al.
4 Notes
Fig. 2 Example 1-D plots for the two targets (A: Enterococcus, B: HF183) of the duplex ddPCR assays. Positive
control, no-template controls, and samples with no, low, and high levels of inhibitors are labeled on each well
on top of each plot as POS, NTC, and numeric numbers, respectively. Numeric numbers denote humic acid
concentration (spiked into the same sample) in ng per μL reaction. Green, orange, red, and black colors of the
label indicate no effect on quantification, underestimation, failure to detect, and NTC, respectively
EntHF183 Duplex ddPCR 137
11. New pipet tips must be used for each column when mixing the
samples. During mixing, pipet less than 20 μL and keep the tips
in the liquid, as this avoids the formation of bubbles in the
sample. Ensure that all the sample mixture is pushed out of the
pipet tip before disposing.
12. When transferring the sample assay mixture from the hard-shell
96-well plate to the cartridge, ensure that all 20 μL of volume
has been taken up in each of the tips. Then placing the pipet tip
into the cartridge, hold the pipet perpendicular to the bench
top and ensure that each pipet tip touches the side near but not
touching the bottom of the cartridge. Once touching, slowly
depress the plunger to release ~20% of the volume. Continue
releasing volume slowly but work the pipet tip up the side of
the cartridge walls. This action ensures minimal bubbles are
introduced into cartridge. If excess bubbles are present droplet
generation will end prematurely.
13. The second cartridge may be prepped when the first cartridge
has been placed on the droplet generator. If the second car-
tridge corresponds to the replicate column of the first cartridge
then sample mixture is taken from the same column in the
hard-shell 96-well plate as when prepping cartridge one.
Remember that less volume is now present in the once-used
reaction mix column and pipetting must be done slowly to
ensure that a full 20 μL is put onto the second cartridge.
14. Transferring the droplets from the cartridge to the final PCR
96-well plate (such as the Eppendorf Twin Tec PCR plate)
must be done slowly and precisely. Using the 50 μL multichan-
nel pipet place the tips into the droplets at a 45 angle. The tips
should not touch any surface but the droplets. Slowly pipet the
droplets into the tips all the while following the liquid level as it
decreases. At this point, the tips will touch the hard surface of
the cartridge, continue to slowly pipet the droplets. Once the
maximum amount of volume has been pipetted place the tips
containing the droplets to the side of the final PCR plate at a
45 angle, close to the bottom of the well. Slowly depress the
pipet while transferring the droplets to the well of the droplet
PCR plate. Check that all the droplets have been recovered
from the cartridge. If not, pipet the remaining droplets out and
place them into the final plate in the same manner as just
described. Note that pipetting too quickly at this step will
shear the droplets and reduce the accuracy of the final
15. The plate can only be placed on the droplet reader with well A1
in the top left corner. If the plate is placed rotated 180 , the
components will not sit correctly and reading cannot com-
mence. When the plate is placed on the reader, it is recom-
mended that the samples are at room temperature.
EntHF183 Duplex ddPCR 139
1. Boehm AB, Van De Werfhorst LC, Griffith JF 6. Griffith JF, Weisberg SB (2011) Challenges in
et al (2013) Performance of forty-one micro- implementing new technology for beach water
bial source tracking methods: a twenty-seven quality monitoring: lessons from a California
lab evaluation study. Water Res 47:6812–6828 demonstration project. Mar Techol Soc J
2. Soller JA, Schoen ME, Bartrand T et al (2010) 45:65–73
Estimated human health risks from exposure to 7. U.S. EPA (2012) Recreational water quality
recreational waters impacted by human and criteria. 820-F-12-058. Office of Water,
non-human sources of faecal contamination. Washington, DC
Water Res 44:4674–4691 8. Bernhard AE, Field KG (2000) A PCR assay to
3. Whitman RL, Nevers MB (2003) Foreshore discriminate human and ruminant feces on the
sand as a source of Escherichia coli in nearshore basis of host differences in Bacteroides-Prevo-
water of a lake Michigan beach. Appl Environ tella genes encoding 16S rRNA. Appl Environ
Microbiol 69:5555–5562 Microbiol 66:4571–4574
4. Field KG, Samadpour M (2007) Fecal source 9. Cao Y, Griffith JF, Dorevitch S et al (2012)
tracking, the indicator paradigm, and manag- Effectiveness of qPCR permutations, internal
ing water quality. Water Res 41:3517–3538 controls and dilution as means for minimizing
5. Layton BA, Cao Y, Ebentier DL et al (2013) the impact of inhibition while measuring
Performance of human fecal anaerobe- Enterococcus in environmental waters. J Appl
associated PCR-based assays in a multi- Microbiol 113:66–75
laboratory method evaluation study. Water 10. Cao Y, Sivaganesan M, Kinzelman J et al
Res 47:6897–6908 (2013) Effect of platform, reference material,
and quantification model on enumeration of
140 Yiping Cao et al.
Enterococcus by quantitative PCR methods. system for absolute quantitation of DNA copy
Water Res 47:233–241 number. Anal Chem 83:8604–8610
11. Shanks OC, Sivaganesan M, Peed L et al 14. Cao Y, Raith MR, Griffith JF (2016) A duplex
(2012) Inter-laboratory general fecal indicator digital PCR assay for simultaneous quantifica-
quantitative real-time PCR methods compari- tion of the Enterococcus spp. and the human
son study. Environ Sci Technol 46:945–953 fecal-associated HF183 marker in waters. J Vis
12. Cao Y, Raith MR, Griffith JF (2015) Droplet Exp:e53611. https://doi.org/10.3791/
digital PCR for simultaneous quantification of 53611
general and human-associated fecal indicators 15. U.S. EPA (2012) Method 1611: enterococci in
for water quality assessment. Water Res water by TaqMan® quantitative polymerase
70:337–349 chain reaction (qPCR) assay. EPA-821-R-12-
13. Hindson BJ, Ness KD, Masquelier DA et al 008. Office of Water, Washington, DC
(2011) High-throughput droplet digital PCR
Part III
Many genomic segments vary in copy number among individuals of the same species, or between cancer
and normal cells within the same person. Correctly measuring this copy number variation is critical for
studying its genetic properties, its distribution in populations and its relationship to phenotypes. Droplet
digital PCR (ddPCR) enables accurate measurement of copy number by partitioning a PCR reaction into
thousands of nanoliter-scale droplets, so that a genomic sequence of interest—whose presence or absence in
a droplet is determined by end-point fluorescence—can be digitally counted. Here, we describe how we
analyze copy number variants using ddPCR and review the design of effective assays, the performance of
ddPCR with those assays, the optimization of reactions, and the interpretation of data.
Key words Copy number variants, Genomic structural variation, Droplet digital PCR, Digital PCR,
Genotyping, Genotyping assay design
1 Introduction
George Karlin-Neumann and Francisco Bizouarn (eds.), Digital PCR: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1768, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-7778-9_9, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018
144 Avery Davis Bell et al.
a. Un-optimized ddPCR
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
SPANXB copy number
b. Optimized ddPCR
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Fig. 1 ddPCR-generated copy numbers for 179 individuals at the SPANXB locus before (a) and after (b) the
assay and reaction optimization techniques outlined in this protocol. The optimized copy numbers were
generated by combining data from replicates run with two separate X chromosome-located replication-timing
matched control assays (see Notes 26–28)
2 Materials
2.1 Locus-Specific 1. Assay targeting CNV region of interest (20 target mix): 18 μM
Reagents forward primer, 18 μM reverse primer, and 5 μM 50 FAM-labeled,
30 ZEN or Black Hole-quenched probe designed to genomic
region of interest. To make, combine 25.2 μL of 100 μM forward
primer, 25.2 μL of 100 μM reverse primer, and 7 μL of 100 μM
probe with 82.6 μL water. Store at 20 C (see Note 1).
2. Assay targeting control region (20 control mix): 18 μM for-
ward primer, 18 μM reverse primer, and 5 μM 50 HEX-labeled,
30 ZEN or Black Hole-quenched probe designed to non-copy
number variable genomic region (see Notes 2 and 3). To make,
combine 25.2 μL of 100 μM forward primer, 25.2 μL of
100 μM reverse primer, and 7 μL of 100 μM probe with
82.6 μL water. Store at 20 C (see Note 1).
146 Avery Davis Bell et al.
3 Methods
3.1 Assay Design 1. The first step of assay design is to determine the best region for
assay placement in order to optimize detection of the genomic
segment of interest and ddPCR performance. To begin, obtain
the DNA sequence for the copy-number-variable region of
interest by entering the coordinates spanning the region into
the UCSC genome browser. Determine whether the region is
ddPCR to Measure copy Number Variation 147
3.2 ddPCR for Copy 1. Digest the genomic DNA with a restriction enzyme to separate
Number Determination the copies of the CNV. For each sample, make an enzyme
master mix consisting of 0.2 units/μL AluI and 2 CutSmart
buffer (New England Biolabs). Add 10 μL of this master mix to
50 ng DNA in 10 μL, for a total reaction volume of 20 μL. Mix
by pipetting up and down. Do not vortex the enzyme or
enzyme solution.
2. Incubate the enzyme-DNA mixture at 37 C for 1 h.
3. Dilute the digested DNA twofold by adding 20 μL of water to
each sample, yielding a DNA concentration of 1.25 ng/μL.
Keep digested DNA at 4 C or on ice for immediate use, or
at 20 C for long-term storage. (See Note 15 for an alterna-
tive restriction digestion strategy.)
4. For each sample add:
(a) 12.5 μL of 2 ddPCR Supermix for Probes (Bio-Rad).
(b) 1.25 μL of 20 assay targeting the CNV region.
(c) 1.25 μL of 20 assay targeting control region (these first
three reagents can be combined to form a master mix.).
(d) 10.0 μL of the digested, diluted DNA (see Notes 16 and 17).
5. Mix well by pipetting up and down ten times. Proper mixing is
critical. Spin the plate to collect the liquid at the bottom of
wells. Keep the plate protected from light until droplet genera-
tion, and allow the reactions to equilibrate to room tempera-
ture for 3 min prior to droplet generation.
ddPCR to Measure copy Number Variation 149
3.3 Data Finalization 1. While the initial output from QuantaSoft can be sufficient for
and Quality Control downstream data analysis, careful quality control and optimi-
zation of this data often yields more accurate, more reliable
copy number calls. So when all the wells containing samples
have been run, perform a well-by-well visual inspection of
droplet clusters in QuantaSoft by clicking “Analyze” on the
leftmost menu followed by “2D Amplitude.” Ensure that there
is clear separation between the positive and negative clusters for
both the target and reference assay channels. Some bleeding of
droplets between the positive and negative channels (some-
times referred to as “rain”) is acceptable, but a substantial
amount can cause inaccuracy (Fig. 2). If only a few samples
show poor cluster separation, exclude these from analysis. If all
wells have bad cluster separation, see Notes 17, 21, and 22 or
redesign the assay according to Subheading 3.1.
2. Determine that the software has made the correct call for each
droplet cluster in each well. Make sure that all droplets are
correctly labeled by the software: droplets in the top left corner
of the 2D amplitude plot are FAM positive only, droplets in the
bottom right corner are HEX/VIC positive only, droplets in
the top right corner are positive for both fluorophores, and
ddPCR to Measure copy Number Variation 151
Fig. 2 Common assay issues and solutions. (a) Examples of common issues. A poor separation of clusters (left)
can be resolved by optimizing the thermocycling conditions or assay design. Two positive clusters (center)
likely result from a SNP being in the assay-binding region or the amplification of a secondary genomic region.
Droplet shearing or excess rain (right) can result from not handling the droplets properly. Assays displaying
these characteristics should be redesigned or optimized following the suggestions in the protocol. (b)
Examples of PCR reaction optimization. A temperature gradient (left) can be used to determine the optimal
annealing temperature for the PCR, as shown by greatest cluster separation (here, 56.4 C yields the cleanest
clusters). Increasing the number of PCR cycles from 40 (center) to 50 (right) can increase cluster separation to
an acceptable amount
droplets in the bottom left corner are negative for both fluor-
ophores. If a well has some droplets called incorrectly, manually
assign them to clusters. (Using QuantaSoft version 1.6.6, this
is accomplished by designating the groupings with the
“Threshold” or “Lasso” tools). For wells where droplets have
been correctly assigned to clusters, make sure the “Status”
column is set to “OK”—if it says “Check,” click anywhere in
the amplitude plot to get the software to recognize the data (see
Note 24).
3. Export data for all wells that passed visual inspection. Select
these wells and click “Export CSV.”
4. Perform further sample-level quality control (see Note 25).
Exclude from analysis samples with data drawn from fewer
than 5000 droplets (“AcceptedDroplets” column of the
exported CSV). Mark samples with mid-integer CNV calls
(those 0.35–0.65 away from an integer number). Samples
with CNV confidence intervals wider than 1 and samples with
fewer than 10% double negative droplets as unreliable; opti-
mize and rerun them (see Note 26).
5. Repeat the ddPCR for the rare individual samples that failed
visual inspection (step 1) or quality control (step 4) (see Note
27). If many samples failed a given test, there may be a systemic
issue that needs to be remedied before repeating (see Notes
28–30) (Figs. 2 and 3).
152 Avery Davis Bell et al.
Fig. 3 An example of assay optimization for an exceptionally difficult CNV locus (AMY1 in the amylase locus).
The cluster plots (top and middle) and final copy number calls (bottom) both improve after assay and
PCR-reaction optimization. The reaction was optimized by designing an assay that conformed to the assay
design guidelines in the Methods, running a melting temperature gradient to determine the optimal melting
temperature (see Note 20), adding ten extra cycles to the PCR (see Note 19), using a replication-matched
control assay (see Note 26), and using the optimal amount of DNA input (see Note 24). It can be improved
further by averaging replicates
4 Notes
23. We like to leave the “Name” field blank and merge the final
data with a plate map using Excel or another statistical pro-
gram. Otherwise the name of each and every sample must be
entered by hand.
24. The software only calls wells with 10,000 or more droplets and
sets the “Status” column to “Check” for wells with fewer
droplets, but we have found that CNV calls are reliable down
to 5000 droplets, at least for individuals carrying 0–3 copies.
25. This quality control step can be performed in any software for
quantitative or statistical analysis. Doing it in R is convenient
for automation and repetition, but it can be done in Excel
either manually or with formulas.
26. Wells with fewer than 5000 accepted droplets may not contain
enough droplets to accurately determine copy number, espe-
cially when copy number is above four. Wells with mid-integer
CNV calls are not informative (e.g., it is not clear whether a
called copy number of 3.5 corresponds to an actual copy
number of 3 or 4). Wide confidence intervals suggest the
DNA concentration was too low to make a definitive call.
Reactions in which fewer than 10% of droplets are negative
typically involve situations in which the reaction is too close to
saturation with DNA template. In these situations, the Poisson
statistics used to estimate the number of droplets with more
than one locus copy may be inaccurate, and it may be preferable
to rerun the reaction with a lower concentration of genomic
DNA. If using a lower concentration of input DNA results in a
reference concentration too low to be reliable, multiple wells
can be run for each sample, with the resulting data merged
during analysis to increase precision.
27. Increasing input DNA concentration typically decreases confi-
dence interval size; samples that failed quality control because
of CNV confidence interval size should be repeated with
higher DNA input. Mid-integer CNV calls for high copy num-
bers (above six or so) can often be resolved by repeating the
assay using a lower amount of input DNA. For mid-integer
calls with lower copy numbers, see Note 25.
28. An over-abundance of mid-integer copy number calls can be
caused by degraded DNA, undigested DNA, or an incompati-
bility between the target and control assays. (For cancer sam-
ples, it can also reflect clonal mosaicism or mixtures of tumor
and stromal cells, and therefore will not benefit from the
corrections proposed here.) When DNA is derived from repli-
cating cells (such as a cell line), another cause of mid-integer
calls is a difference in the replication timing of the control and
target loci. DNA replication occurs in different stages across
the genome; this timing is heritable, visible in sequencing data,
158 Avery Davis Bell et al.
1. Handsaker RE, Van Doren V, Berman JR, White HE, Regan JF, Karlin-Neumann GA,
Genovese G, Kashin S, Boettger LM, McCar- Hindson CM, Saxonov S, Colston BW (2011)
roll SA (2015) Large multiallelic copy number High-throughput droplet digital PCR system
variations in humans. Nat Genet 47 for absolute quantitation of DNA copy num-
(3):296–303. https://doi.org/10.1038/ng. ber. Anal Chem 83(22):8604–8610. https://
3200 doi.org/10.1021/ac202028g
2. Hindson BJ, Ness KD, Masquelier DA, 3. Pinheiro LB, Coleman VA, Hindson CM,
Belgrader P, Heredia NJ, Makarewicz AJ, Herrmann J, Hindson BJ, Bhat S, Emslie KR
Bright IJ, Lucero MY, Hiddessen AL, Legler (2012) Evaluation of a droplet digital polymer-
TC, Kitano TK, Hodel MR, Petersen JF, Wyatt ase chain reaction format for DNA copy num-
PW, Steenblock ER, Shah PH, Bousse LJ, ber quantification. Anal Chem 84
Troup CB, Mellen JC, Wittmann DK, Erndt (2):1003–1011. https://doi.org/10.1021/
NG, Cauley TH, Koehler RT, So AP, Dube S, ac202578x
Rose KA, Montesclaros L, Wang S, Stumbo 4. Usher CL, Handsaker RE, Esko T, Tuke MA,
DP, Hodges SP, Romine S, Milanovich FP, Weedon MN, Hastie AR, Cao H, Moon JE,
160 Avery Davis Bell et al.
Digital PCR (dPCR) is a highly accurate method to determine DNA concentration. In dPCR, DNA is
portioned into many discrete single entities, and these are analyzed individually for the presence or absence
of a target molecule of interest. Here we describe how digital PCR can be employed to determine the
presence of oncogenic amplification through noninvasive analysis of circulating free DNA (cfDNA), and
exemplify this approach by developing a plasma circulating free DNA dPCR assay for HER2 copy number.
Key words Breast cancer, HER2, Circulating free DNA, Plasma, Digital PCR
1 Introduction
George Karlin-Neumann and Francisco Bizouarn (eds.), Digital PCR: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1768, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-7778-9_10, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018
162 Isaac Garcia-Murillas and Nicholas C. Turner
2 Materials
Ensure that the work is divided into clearly separated plasma pro-
cessing, pre-dPCR, and post-dPCR areas and that no reagents or
equipment is shared between spaces. This includes lab coats,
reagents, plasticware, lab books, notebooks, computers, and any
other material.
2.1 Blood Collection, Blood should be collected into Vacutainer Plastic K2 EDTA
Plasma Separation, (BD Biosciences) blood collection tubes as per local guidelines.
and Storage Blood should be separated using a horizontal rotor swing out
head centrifuge ideally within 2 h of collection, aliquoted into
cryogenic vials and stored at 80 C. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw
cycles of plasma aliquots.
2.2 Circulating Free Circulating free DNA (cfDNA) should be extracted from plasma
DNA (cfDNA) using Qiagen’s QIAamp circulating nucleic acid kit on a dedicated
Extraction from plasma processing area using a QIAVac 24 Plus vacuum as instructed
Plasma by the manufacturer. cfDNA should be eluted into nuclease-free
nonstick 1.5-ml microcentrifuge tubes. Extracted cfDNA can be
stored short-term at 20 C. For long-term storage, consider stor-
ing cfDNA at 80 C. Avoid repeated thaw–freeze cycles of
extracted cfDNA and consider aliquoting it into smaller volumes.
Table 1
Sequences for the primers and probes used for the HER2 amplification assay
Sequence 50 –30
HER2 assay
Forward primer sequence ACAACCAAGTGAGGCAGGTC
Reverse primer sequence GTATTGTTCAGCGGGTCTCC
EFTUD2 assay
Forward primer sequence GGTCTTGCCAGACACCAAAG
Reverse primer sequence TGAGAGGACACACGCAAAAC
Table 2
Constituents for the HER2 Primer-Probe cocktails
3 Methods
3.1 Venous Blood 1. Collect blood via vein puncture directly into an EDTA blood
Collection, Isolation tube.a
of Plasma from Blood 2. Centrifuge at 1,600 g for 20 min at room temperature on a
and Storage horizontal rotor, swing out head centrifuge.b
164 Isaac Garcia-Murillas and Nicholas C. Turner
Fig. 1 When separating plasma for extraction of cfDNA, only the top layer should
be taken. The buffy coat layer containing white blood cells should be left
3.2 Circulating Free Extract cfDNA from 2 ml of plasma using the QIAamp circulating
DNA Extraction from nucleic acid kit from Qiagen. Ensure that the plasma has been
Plasma Using a QIAvac thawed on ice before starting the procedure.
1. Pipet 200 μl QIAGEN Proteinase K into a 50 ml
centrifuge tube.
2. Add 2 ml of plasma to the 50 ml tube.
3. Add 1.6 ml Buffer ACL (containing 1.0 μg carrier RNA). Close
the cap and mix by pulse-vortexing for 30 s.a
4. Incubate at 60 C for 30 min.
5. Place the tube back on the lab bench and unscrew the cap.
6. Add 3.6 ml Buffer ACB to the lysate in the tube. Close the cap
and mix thoroughly by pulse-vortexing for 15–30 s.
7. Incubate the lysate–Buffer ACB mixture in the tube for 5 min
on ice.
8. Insert the QIAamp Mini column into the VacConnector on the
QIAvac 24 Plus. Insert a 20 ml tube extender into the open
QIAamp Mini column.b
9. Carefully apply the lysate–Buffer ACB mixture from step 7 into
the tube extender of the QIAamp Mini column. Switch on the
Assessing HER2 Amplification in Plasma cfDNA 165
vacuum pump. When all lysate have been drawn through the
column completely, switch off the vacuum pump and release
the pressure. Carefully remove and discard the tube extender.c
10. Apply 600 μl Buffer ACW1 to the QIAamp Mini column.
Leave the lid of the column open, and switch on the vacuum
pump. After all of Buffer ACW1 has been drawn through the
QIAamp Mini column, switch off the vacuum pump and
release the pressure.
11. Apply 750 μl Buffer ACW2 to the QIAamp Mini column.
Leave the lid of the column open, and switch on the vacuum
pump. After all of Buffer ACW2 has been drawn through the
QIAamp Mini column, switch off the vacuum pump and
release the pressure.
12. Apply 750 μl of ethanol (96–100%) to the QIAamp Mini
column. Leave the lid of the column open, and switch on the
vacuum pump. After all of ethanol has been drawn through the
spin column, switch off the vacuum pump and release the
13. Close the lid of the QIAamp Mini column. Remove it from the
vacuum manifold, and discard the VacConnector. Place the
QIAamp Mini column in a clean 2 ml collection tube, and
centrifuge at full speed (14,000 rpm) for 3 min.
14. Place the QIAamp Mini column into a new 2 ml collection
tube. Open the lid, and incubate the assembly at 56 C for
10 min to dry the membrane completely.
15. Place the QIAamp Mini column in a clean 1.5 ml elution tube
and discard the 2 ml collection tube from step 14. Carefully
apply 25 μl of Buffer AVE to the center of the QIAamp Mini
column membrane. Close the lid and incubate at room tem-
perature for 3 min.d
16. Centrifuge in a microcentrifuge at full speed (14,000 rpm) for
1 min to elute the nucleic acids.
17. Repeat steps 15 and 16 again eluting into the same tube. Final
volume ~50 μl, labeled as eluate #1.
18. Repeat steps 15 and 16 (2 25 μl) eluting into a fresh 1.5 ml
elution tube. Label as eluate #2.
19. Store extracted cfDNA at 20 C.
3.3 Quantification 1. Take the Qubit dsDNA Assay Kit out of the freezer and equili-
of Extracted cfDNA brate at room temperature for 30 min.
2. Make the Qubit working solution by diluting the Qubit
dsDNA BR reagent 1:200 in Qubit dsDNA BR buffer. Do
not mix the working solution in a glass container. Label two
tubes for the standards.
166 Isaac Garcia-Murillas and Nicholas C. Turner
Higher Marker
Lower Marker
Higher Marker
150 bp
Lower Marker
Fig. 2 cfDNA extracted from plasma free from contaminant gDNA should exhibit a peak at around 150–300 bp
when analyzed on the Bioanalyzer/Tapestation (blue trace), while cfDNA contaminated with gDNA will show an
extra peak/s above 1000 bp (red trace)
3.4 Checking cfDNA Run 1 μl of eluate on a High Sensitivity DNA chip as per manu-
Quality Using Agilent’s facturer’s instructions. Assess the quality of the extracted cfDNA
Bioanalyzer based on the presence of a peak at around 150–180 bp and the
absence of a high molecular weight peaks of more than 1000 bp
(Fig. 2, blue trace). Genomic DNA (gDNA) contaminated cfDNA
will exhibit high molecular weight peaks of more than 1000 bp
(Fig. 2, red trace).
3.5 Droplet Digital 1. For each sample prepare a reaction mix, minus the DNA, into
PCR (ddPCR) for HER2 nuclease-free nonstick 1.5-ml microcentrifuge tubes as shown
Amplification in Table 3.
2. Aliquot reaction mix into 0.2 ml PCR plate wells (or tubes),
add DNA to be analyzed to tube, vortex and spin down.
3. Assemble droplet generator cartridge into cartridge holder.
4. Aliquot 20 μl of PCR reaction mix onto central row reservoirs
of droplet generator cartridge.a
Assessing HER2 Amplification in Plasma cfDNA 167
Table 3
PCR master mix components and volumes used for HER2 amplification
testing on cfDNA
1 (μl)
20 HER2 cocktail 1
20 EFTUD2 cocktail 1
Supermix for probes 10
Nuclease-free H2O to 20
Table 4
PCR conditions for HER2 amplification testing on cfDNA extracted from
Ramp temp
Step Temperature ( C) Time (min) # Cycles increment
Heated lid 105
Denaturing 95 10:00 1 2.5 C/s
Denaturing 95 00:15 40 2.5 C/s
Anneling/ 60 01:00 1 2.5 C/s
Completion 98 10:00 1 2.5 C/s
Hold 10 Indefinite 1
Fig. 3 Representative droplet digital plots from a sample with high level amplification (a), and a non-amplified
sample (b). The four quadrants represent top left—droplets with HER2 DNA only (blue population), top right—
droplets with both HER2 and EFTUD2 DNA (brown population), bottom right—droplets with EFTUD2 DNA
only (green population), and bottom left—droplets with no DNA (black population)
3.6 Droplet DigitalTM Data produced on the QX100/QX200 reader may be analyzed
PCR (ddPCR) Analysis using Bio-Rad QuantaSoftTM software. Gate the four distinct
populations produced by the assay as shown in Fig. 3 and use the
built-in analysis tool to calculate the ratio of HER2 to EFTUD2
reference assay. Values above a ratio of 1.25 should be considered
amplified, while ratios below that should be considered
For optimal results in samples, and in particular in samples with
a copy number ratio near to the cutoff, the sequential probability
ratio test (SPRT) (Fig. 4a) should be used to determine whether
the copy number is elevated, not-elevated, or indeterminate. The
SPRT uses the maximum likelihood method to determine whether
the observed ratio is above or below the threshold within accept-
able bounds of error, or whether further digital PCR runs are
required to determine the copy number ratio.
For data analysis using the SPRT test, a threshold likelihood
ratio of 8, as previously reported with modifications [9, 10], should
be used. Only informative droplets should be analyzed, i.e., those
droplets positive for either HER2 alone or EFTUD2 alone. The
proportion of informative droplets positive for HER2 is calcu-
lated as PHER2 ¼ NHER2/N where N ¼ (NHER2 + NEFTUD2) the
number of informative droplets, NHER2, is the number of droplets
positive for HER2 alone, and NEFTUD2, is the number of droplets
positive for EFTUD2 alone.
The boundaries of the SPRT test are calculated as follows:
Upper ¼ ððln 8Þ=N ln d Þ= ln g
Lower ¼ ððln 1=8Þ=N ln d Þ= ln g
Fig. 4 (a) Droplet digital PCR with a FAM labeled HER2 probe and VIC labeled EFTUD2 probe. DNA is partitioned
into droplets, and after PCR, droplets are assessed by a fluorescent reader. The concentration of DNA in each
sample can be quantified from the number of wells positive using the Poisson distribution. This is further
analyzed with the SPRT using informative droplets, those droplets positive for HER2 or EFTUD2 alone, and not
those positive for both or neither. The SPRT assesses whether the proportion of informative wells positive for
HER2, informative wells ratio, is elevated as data accumulates. SPRT defines two boundaries, with a ratio
above the upper boundary being considered HER2-positive and below the lower boundary considered HER2-
negative. A ratio between the two boundaries is considered as unassigned, and the sample is subjected to
further rounds of digital PCR until the result is above or below the boundaries. (b) Analysis of digital PCR with
Sequential Probability Ratio Test (SPRT) using informative droplets on a cohort of 58 metastatic breast cancer
patients, 11 patients with HER2-amplified cancers and 47 patients with HER2-nonamplified cancers. Red
triangles indicate patients with HER2-amplified tumors and black triangle HER2-nonamplified tumors. Adapted
from H. Gevensleben et al., Noninvasive detection of HER2 amplification with plasma DNA digital PCR. Clinical
cancer research: an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research 19, 3276–3284 (2013)
with permission from The American Association of Cancer Research (AACR)
170 Isaac Garcia-Murillas and Nicholas C. Turner
d ¼ ð1 q 1 Þ= 1 q 0
g ¼ q 1 1 q 0 =q 0 ð1 q 1 Þ
q1 ¼ the proportion of informative droplets positive for HER2
if alternative hypothesis is accepted (plasma sample is from a patient
with HER2 amplification).
q0 ¼ the proportion of informative droplets positive for HER2
if null hypothesis is accepted (plasma sample is from a patient
without HER2 amplification).
q1 is calculated from HER2/EFTUD2 copy number ratio
(TAMP ¼ 1.3) for assigning a sample as HER2 positive sample,
and varies according to MEFTUD2.
q 1 ¼ ðXAMP XAMP nEFTUD2 =nÞ=
where XAMP ¼ 1 exp (TAMPMEFTUD2) the expected proportion
of informative droplets positive for HER2 at the threshold ratio
q0 is similarly calculated from HER2/EFTUD2 copy number
ratio (TNONAMP ¼ 1.2) for assigning a sample as HER2 positive or
negative, and also varies according to MEFTUD2.
Using these equations for any given N, the upper and lower
boundaries of the SPRT curve are calculated. If PHER2 is greater
than the upper boundary then the test result is HER2 positive. If
PHER2 is less than the lower boundary then the test result is HER2
negative. If PHER2 lies between the two boundaries, then further
round(s) of digital PCR are required until a sample is above, or
below, the boundaries.
The SPRT uses a likelihood ratio of 8, which corresponds
roughly to two sided 95% confidence for differentiating between
ratios of 1.30 and 1.20 [9]. With these parameters a sample with an
actual HER2:EFTUD2 ratio of, for example, 1.15 would have a
very high probability (>99.9%) of being correctly called as nega-
tive, and likewise a sample with an actual ratio of 1.35 would have a
very high probability of being correctly called as positive.
Figure 4b illustrates the use of the SPRT test on a cohort of
58 metastatic breast cancer patients (11 with HER2-amplified can-
cers and 47 with HER2-nonamplified cancers). Red triangles indi-
cate patients with HER2-amplified tumors and black triangle
HER2-non-amplified tumors. The displayed SPRT decision
Assessing HER2 Amplification in Plasma cfDNA 171
boundaries are for illustrative purposes only, as the exact level varies
according to the EFTUD2 control probe concentration (MEF-
TUD2), with the displayed boundaries calculated with MEF-
TUD2 ¼ 0.025. Cases with a number of informative droplets
>5000 are not displayed [7].
4 Notes
Here, we describe approaches using droplet digital polymerase chain reaction (ddPCR) to validate and
quantify somatic mosaic events contributed by transposable-element insertions, copy-number variants, and
single-nucleotide variants. In the ddPCR assay, sample or template DNA is partitioned into tens of
thousands of individual droplets such that when DNA input is low, the vast majority of droplets contains
no more than one copy of template DNA. PCR takes place in each individual droplet and produces a
fluorescent readout to indicate the presence or absence of the target of interest allowing for the accurate
“counting” of the number of copies present in the sample. The number of partitions is large enough to
assay somatic mosaic events with frequencies down to less than 1%.
Key words Droplet digital PCR (ddPCR), Somatic mosaicism, Mobile elements, Copy number
variations (CNVs), Single nucleotide variations (SNVs)
1 Introduction
George Karlin-Neumann and Francisco Bizouarn (eds.), Digital PCR: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1768, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-7778-9_11, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018
174 Bo Zhou et al.
Fig. 1 The basic principles of primer and probe design for ddPCR in the analysis of somatic genomic mosaics.
Panel a: if the breakpoint junction of a suspected mosaic CNV, the insertion point of a mosaic MEI event, the
coordinate of a mosaic SNV, or the location of a small indel is exactly known, then a primer-and-probe set can
be designed to cover these exact coordinates (green arrows: forward and reverse primers, orange bracket:
specific TaqMan style fluorophore conjugated oligomer or EvaGreen dye intercalating into amplicon). Panel b:
if the exact coordinates of a suspected mosaic CNV are not known then primer-and-probe sets can be
designed to produce an amplicon from a locus somewhere between the suspected approximate breakpoint
coordinates (green arrows: forward and reverse primers, orange bracket: specific TaqMan style fluorophore
conjugated oligomer or EvaGreen dye intercalating into amplicon). In this latter scenario somatic mosaic MEIs
and SNVs/small indels are not accessible to ddPCR analysis by approaches covered in this chapter. However,
these may be accessible with alternative EvaGreen approaches [6]
176 Bo Zhou et al.
Fig. 2 Detection and quantification of a lineage-manifested CNV (LM-CNV). Left panel: low-coverage whole-
genome sequencing (using CNVnator [11]) could not detect a CNV that was present in mosaic fashion in a
fibroblast sample. After clonal expansion of a single cell from the fibroblast sample in the process of producing
human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) the CNV became unmasked in low-coverage whole-genome
sequencing (dashed orange lines). Right panel: ddPCR analysis could confirm the presence of the LM-CNV
detected in hiPSC line 6 in the fibroblast sample from which hiPSC 6 was created as well as quantify its
mosaic allele frequency. y-axis: number of ddPCR events per well. Blue bars: reference probe. Green bars:
LM-CNV specific probe. The frequency of CNV events detected in hiPSC 6 indicates that this is a heterozygous
deletion present in almost all cells while the frequency of CNV events detected in fibroblast samples indicate
this heterozygous deletion is present in ~0.8% of cells. ddPCR was carried out in three replicates in each of
the hiPSC and fibroblast genomic DNA samples (Figure adapted with permissions from [1])
Detection and Quantification of Mosaic Genomic DNA Variation in Primary. . . 177
2 Materials
2.3 ddPCR Reagents 1. ddPCR Supermix for Probes (no dUTP) (Bio-Rad Cat#
for Probe Assay 186-3024).
2. ddPCR 2 Buffer Control Kit for Probe (Bio-Rad Cat#
3. Droplet Generation Oil for Probes (Bio-Rad Cat#186-3005).
4. Primers for target and control amplicons (e.g., IDT).
5. FAM-VIC or FAM-HEX probes for target and reference
amplicons (e.g., IDT 60 Fluro FAM/HEX, 30 Quencher ZEN).
2.6 Genomic DNA 1. DNeasy Blood & Tissue kit (Qiagen Cat# 69504).
3 Methods
3.1 Primer and Probe The design of the ddPCR primers and probes should follow these
Design general guidelines. For primers, Tm should be 50–65 C with
5 C difference between both primers. The primer length should
3.1.1 General
be 9–40 bp (ideally ~ 20 bp) and the amplicon size should be
60–200 bp. The primer GC percentage should be between 50%
and 60%. In addition, these features should be avoided in primer
1. Stretches of 4 or more C or G;
2. Hairpin structures (Tm of the hairpin should be lower than the
annealing temperature);
Detection and Quantification of Mosaic Genomic DNA Variation in Primary. . . 179
3.1.2 Reference Primer Primers that target an amplicon region within the human RPP30
and Probe Design gene, for which two copies should be present in each cell, can serve
as reference primers. VIC or HEX fluorophore-conjugated Taq-
Man probe hybridizing this amplicon can serve as the reference
probe (reference RPP30 probes and primers can be also be supplied
by Bio-Rad (https://www.bio-rad.com/digital-assays/#/).
3.1.3 Mosaic Variant Primers should be designed to target a variant such that the ampli-
Primer and Probe Design con contains the SNV or the breakpoint-junction or insertion-point
sequence of the CNV or MEI, respectively. FAM probes should be
designed to hybridize directly onto the predicted SNV (variant
sequence) or the breakpoint-junction or insertion-point sequence
of the predicted CNV/MEI (Fig. 1) and assayed with RPP30 as the
reference target. When using single-color EvaGreen intercalating
dye for the analysis of somatic variants, it is important to consider
that the signal amplitude differentiation between different targets
comes from the differences in the lengths of the amplicons (i.e.,
reference and target amplicon); therefore, target amplicons and
reference amplicons must be sufficiently different in length to
yield clear signal differentiation [6, 12]. For instance, mixing pri-
mers that target a mosaic CNV yielding amplicons 200 bp in size
and primers that target a reference region (60 bp) within RPP30 in
the same reaction may result in clear signal separation, which is not
expected if both target and reference amplicons are similar in
lengths. In certain instances, clusters may be sufficiently discrimi-
nated by as little as 6 bp [6]. The frequency of the target CNV can
180 Bo Zhou et al.
3.2 Genomic DNA Use nondegraded genomic DNA for all ddPCR assays. Perform
Isolation genomic DNA extraction using QIAGEN DNeasy Blood & Tissue
kit (Cat. 69504) following manufacturer guidelines or any other
genomic DNA isolation method of choice as long as genomic DNA
of high quality (nondegraded) and high purity can be obtained.
3.3 DNA Digestion It is essential to load restriction enzyme in the reaction mix if more
than 66 ng of genomic DNA per reaction is used. However, it can
also be very important for assaying a genomic target region that is
poorly accessible, thus restriction enzyme at 10–20 U/1 μg can be
loaded for such cases. A four-cutter enzyme such as MseI will
fragment the DNA every 250 base pairs, on average. Choose a
digestion enzyme that does not cut in either reference or target
amplicon by entering the amplicon sequence into NEBCutter
(http://nc2.neb.com/NEBcutter2/). Restriction enzyme may be
directly loaded into the ddPCR reaction. One may also choose to
digest template genomic DNA prior to loading into ddPCR reac-
tion. However, the user should be aware that the predigested
sample must be diluted at least tenfold in the final ddPCR reaction
to avoid any inhibition of the reaction. This approach requires
significantly more DNA in situ restriction digest.
3.4 ddPCR 1. For each targeted SNV, CNV, or MEI ddPCR reaction the
Experimental Setup following should be prepared at room temperature.
Probe assay:
(a) 10 μL 2 ddPCR Probe Master Mix.
(b) 1.8 μL 10 μM Forward Target Primer.
(c) 1.8 μL 10 μM Reverse Target Primer.
(d) 0.5 μL 10 μM Target Probe.
(e) 1.8 μL 10 μM Forward Reference Primer.
Detection and Quantification of Mosaic Genomic DNA Variation in Primary. . . 181
Probe assay:
95 C 10 min.
94 C 30 s, 60 C 60 s (40 cycles).
98 C 10 min.
4 C hold.
EvaGreen assay:
95 C 5 min.
95 C 30 s, 60 C 60 s (40 cycles).
4 C 5 min.
90 C 5 min.
4 C hold.
13. Once thermocycler protocol is completed, place 96-well plate
in droplet reader.
14. Read assay and analyze results using the QuantaSoft Software,
choosing appropriate droplet reading parameters for probes or
EvaGreen chemistries.
3.5 Mosaic SNV The equations (Table 1) used for estimating the SNV allele fre-
Analysis quency (b r ) and its 95% confidence interval (b r Low and b r High ) are
adopted from [9] where the principles are discussed in more detail.
In theory, these principles can be applied for both probe-based and
EvaGreen assays. Three input values are needed: the total number
of droplets generated (C), the number of droplets that contain the
SNV of interest (H1), and the number of droplets that contain the
reference allele (H2). All three input values can be obtained from
the Bio-Rad QuantaSoft software readout of the ddPCR reaction:
C ¼ “Accepted Droplets,” H1 ¼ “Positives” under Chanel
1, H2 ¼ “Positives” under Chanel 2. If replicates are performed,
then droplet counts should be combined. It is generally encouraged
to perform more ddPCR replicates for low-frequency SNVs to
achieve more precise quantification (see Note 2). In the example
shown in Fig. 3, C is the sum of all droplets which is 12,854; H1 is
be the sum of the droplets contained in clusters E and F which is
367. H2 is be the sum of the droplets contained in the green cluster
and clusters B, D, and F which is 2516. These three values will
subsequently be used as input values for equations listed in Table 1
to calculate allele frequency. Since SNVs only contain a single
nucleotide difference from the nonvariant allele, the TaqMan
probe designed against the variant allele of interest will also hybrid-
ize with the nonvariant allele albeit at a lower amplitude (Fig. 3
bottom, cluster C). It is strongly encouraged to perform the SNV
ddPCR assay on positive and negative control templates to ascer-
tain the optimal ddPCR conditions, primer/probe concentrations,
Detection and Quantification of Mosaic Genomic DNA Variation in Primary. . . 183
Table 1
Variant frequency calculation
Input values
Total number of droplets: C
Total number of droplets containing the variant: H1
Total number of droplets containing the reference: H2
Output values
Variant frequency: b
Lower bound of the 95% confidence interval of b
r :b
r Low
Upper bound of the 95% confidence interval of b
r :b
r High
Positive fractions for variant b
p 1 and reference b
p 2:
p 1 ¼ HC1 b
b p 2 ¼ HC2
p 1, Low ¼ b
b p 1 1:96S 1 p 1, High ¼ b
b p 1 þ 1:96S 1
p 2, Low ¼ b
p 2 1:96S 2 b
p 2, High ¼ b
p 2 þ 1:96S 2
H Top ¼ b
λ 1, High b
λ 1 H Bottom ¼ b
λ1 b
λ 1, Low
W Right ¼ b
λ 2, High b
λ 2 W Left ¼ b
λ2 b
λ 2, Low
r ¼ λ1
bλ 2
bλ 1bλ 2 bλ 21bλ 22 H 2Bottom bλ 21 W 2Right bλ 22
r Low ¼
bλ 22 W 2Right
bλ 1bλ 2 bλ 21bλ 22 H 2Top bλ 21 W 2Left bλ 22
r High ¼
bλ 22 W 2Left
the SNV allele has the widest signal (amplitude) separation from
those that contain the nonvariant allele only (cluster C, in the
example shown in Fig. 3).
3.6 Mosaic MEI The mosaic allele quantification principles as outlined for mosaic
Analysis SNV analysis under Subheading 3.4 may be applied for mosaic MEI
analysis, where H1 is the total number of droplets that contain the
MEI allele of interest in the sample and, as above, H2 is the total
number of droplets that contain the reference allele. An example of
the sensitivity of ddPCR in the detection and quantification of
Line1 mobile genomic elements using different fluorophore
options is illustrated in Fig. 4.
3.7 Mosaic CNV In general, assuming that the ddPCR primers and/or TaqMan
Analysis probe span the breakpoint of the CNV of interest, the mosaic allele
quantification principles as outlined for mosaic SNV analysis under
Subheading 3.4 may be applied for mosaic CNV analysis (Fig. 5),
where H1 is the total number of droplets that contain the target
CNV allele in the sample, and H2 is the total number of droplets
with the reference allele.
4 Notes
Fig. 3 Quantifying the frequency of SNV in human genomic DNA using TaqMan Probe Assay. In order to mimic
template DNA that contains a mosaic SNV on chromosome 10, copies of synthesized double-stranded DNA
(500 bp) that contain the SNV at the locus of interest were added to human genomic DNA at ~16% allele
frequency. Data shown are from a single ddPCR well. The target TaqMan probe (Channel 1) designed for this
assay has a perfect sequence match to the variant allele and contains one base pair mismatch to the
nonvariant allele. A probe targeting the RNaseP gene RPP30 was used as the reference allele (Channel 2).
(Top) Negative control assay with NA12878 genomic DNA as template DNA in which only RPP30 is present.
(Middle) Positive control assay with only synthesized double-stranded DNA as template, and Chanel 1 positive
droplets appear at a higher amplitude cluster compared to the negative control assay. (Bottom) Six separate
characteristic clusters of droplets were observed in this assay: no template (A), RPP30 only (B), nonvariant
allele only (C), RPP30 þ nonvariant allele (D), SNV only (E), and SNV þ RPP30 (F)
186 Bo Zhou et al.
Fig. 4 Detection of mosaic Line1 insertions with different ddPCR approaches. To test the power of ddPCR to
detect highly mosaic Line1 insertions we mixed different levels of GM12878 genomic DNA, containing a rare
homozygous insertion of Line1 with precisely known boundaries, and genomic DNA from a cell line that does
not contain the insertion (RUID#04C3729). With a total amount of 12 ng genomic DNA, which contains 100%,
20%, 4%, 0.8%, and 0.16% GM12878 DNA, respectively, we tested the performance of three ddPCR
protocols: EvaGreen (top panel), TaqMan with FAM/HEX probes (middle panel) and TaqMan with FAM/VIC
probes (bottom panel). Overall all three protocols, showed similar very high performance in quantifying MEIs
that are as rare as being present in only ~0.1% of the input DNA
Fig. 4 (continued)
reaction with too much template DNA. Always load <5 cpd or
<1.6 cpd for maximal precision. Too much template DNA
(>5 cpd) could adversely affect droplet formation and also
eliminates the number of negative droplets such that Poisson
correction of copy numbers cannot be performed leading to
inaccurate quantification.
3. It is strongly encouraged to perform the SNV ddPCR assay on
positive and negative control templates to first ascertain the
optimal ddPCR conditions, primer/probe concentrations, and
number of ddPCR cycles before performing the assay on the
sample. As a positive control, template DNA that contains the
variant of interest may be diluted to desired allele frequency to
mimic mosaic events. The optimal ddPCR conditions for SNV
assays are generally those in which the droplets that contain the
SNV allele has the widest signal (amplitude) separation with
those that contain the nonvariant allele only or clusters A and C
in the example shown in Fig. 3.
188 Bo Zhou et al.
Fig. 4 (continued)
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Part IV
The identification of oncogenic driver mutations has led to the rapid rise of genotype-directed treatments.
However, genetic analysis of tumors remains cumbersome and a morbid experience for patients. Noninva-
sive assessment of tumor genotype, so-called “liquid biopsy,” such as plasma genotyping represents a
potentially transformative tool. Here we describe a genotyping protocol of cell-free plasma DNA
(cfDNA) using Droplet Digital™ PCR (ddPCR™). ddPCR emulsifies DNA into ~20,000 droplets in
which PCR is performed to endpoint in each droplet for both mutant and wild-type DNA. Droplets are run
through a modified flow cytometer where mutant and wild-type DNA emit different colored signals. The
count of these signals upon Poisson distribution analysis allows sensitive quantification of allelic prevalence.
Key words Droplet Digital™ PCR, Cell-free DNA, Liquid biopsy, Genotyping, Non-small-cell lung
cancer, Resistance mutations, EGFR
1 Introduction
George Karlin-Neumann and Francisco Bizouarn (eds.), Digital PCR: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1768, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-7778-9_12, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018
194 Yanan Kuang et al.
2 Materials
2.1 Cell-Free DNA 1. EDTA lavender-capped vacutainer tubes (Becton and Dickin-
Extraction son #366643).
2. QIAmp circulating nucleic acid kit (Qiagen #551140).
3. Vacuum pump (Qiagen #84010).
4. QIAvac connecting system (Qiagen #19419).
5. QIAvac 24 Plus (Qiagen #19413).
6. 15 mL polypropylene conical tube (Thermo Scientific
7. 50 mL polypropylene conical tube (Thermo Scientific
8. 2 mL cryo vial (Thermo Scientific #4000200).
9. Phosphate buffered saline (Thermo Scientific #10010023).
10. Benchtop Vortex mixer.
Table 1
Cell lines used as positve controls
(c) EGFR T790M primer sequences:
EGFR T790M probe sequences:
3 Methods
330 bp
165 bp
12. Place the sealed plate in a thermal cycler and run under the
following conditions:
Lid temperature at 105 ˚C.
(a) 95 ˚C for 10 min.
(b) 94 ˚C 30 s. Ramp to annealing temperature at 2.5 ˚C/s.
(c) 1 min at annealing temperature.
l EGFR ex19 ¼ 55 ˚C.
l EGFR L858R ¼ 58 ˚C.
l EGFR T790M ¼ 58 ˚C.
(d) Repeat b and c for 40 cycles.
(e) Hold at 10 ˚C.
13. Set up a plate layout in QuantaSoft.
14. Prime the QX100 reader with droplet reader oil.
15. Transfer the finished PCR plate to the QX100/200 and read
the plate. A general plate layout for 24 samples is shown below:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
A Hi Ctrl #1 #1 #1 #9 #9 #9 #17 #17 #17 Hi Ctrl
B Med Ctrl #2 #2 #2 #10 #10 #10 #18 #18 #18 Med ctrl
C Lo Ctrl #3 #3 #3 #11 #11 #11 #19 #19 #19 Lo Ctrl
D NTC #4 #4 #4 #12 #12 #12 #20 #20 #20 NTC
E NTC #5 #5 #5 #13 #13 #13 #21 #21 #21 NTC
F NTC #6 #6 #6 #14 #14 #14 #22 #22 #22 NTC
G NTC #7 #7 #7 #15 #15 #15 #23 #23 #23 NTC
H NTC #8 #8 #8 #16 #16 #16 #24 #24 #24 NTC
3.4 Analysis of EGFR 1. These assays are analyzed using the QuantaSoft 1D droplet
L858R and T790M plots. Set the FAM and VIC thresholds based on the amplitude
Droplet Data of the positive controls (Fig. 3). General observed fluorescence
amplitude ranges for L858R and T790M are listed in Table 2.
2. Sum up the “concentrations/20 μL” of PCR reaction
(provided as results output by QuantaSoft) for each triplicate
belonging to the assay.
3. Results are normalized to copies/mL of plasma by multiplying
by 3.3. This dilution factor accounts for the volume of sample
used for ddPCR, the number of replicates, the volume of plasma
that was extracted, and the volume the extraction was eluted in.
Monitoring of Response and Resistance in Plasma of EGFR-Mutant Lung. . . 201
Fig. 3 Analysis of EGFR L858R by 1D gating. The top (WT) and bottom (MUT)
images are VIC and FAM amplitudes of varying EGFR L858R concentrations in a
constant background of 5000 copies of wild type EGFR. Cutoff intervals are
generally established by running positive control samples (e.g., H1975 genomic
DNA for EGFR L858R) along unknowns
Table 2
Typical amplitudes of individual EGFR mutations using ddPCR
Amplitude range
Fig. 4 Analysis of EGFR exon 19 deletion by 2D gating. (a) The assay is designed so that a VIC-labeled
“reference probe” is shared by wild-type and the deletion 19 exon mutants, while a FAM-labeled probe
sequence spans the deletion hotspot. Thus, an EGFR wild-type sample will therefore show double positive
(brown) droplets (b), while an EGFR exon19 mutant will only have VIC-labeled droplets (bottom right) (c).
Negative droplets with no template are shown in d and are in the bottom left corner
Normal Population
F01 occupied F11
double F10
negative F00
occupied F11 + F01
double F10
negative F00
Fig. 5 In a nonstandard, three-cluster, drop-off assay, WT targets appear as doubly positive droplets rather than
single positive droplets. As a result, the QuantaSoft algorithms used to compute the channel concentrations
(where normally, one dye channel represents the presence of one species and double positive droplets represent
the presence of both species) must be interpreted differently. The clusters are designated as C1 (F00), C2(F10)
and C3 (F11 + F01) and refer to the number of droplets in that particular cluster. Based on Poisson Statistics the
concentration (in copies/uL) of WT and mutant alleles in the ddPCR reaction are given by: (1) ConcCh1 ¼
ConcWT = {ln [(C1 + C2)/(C1 + C2 + C3)]} [(1000nL/ul)/(0.85nL/droplet partition)] (2) ConcCh2 = ConcWT þ
ConcMUT = {ln [C1/(C1 þ C2 þ C3)]}[(1000nL/ul)/(0.85nL/droplet partition)] (3) ConcCh2 ConcCh1 ¼
ConcMUT ¼ {ln [C1/(C1 þ C2)]} [(1000nL/ul)/(0.85nL/droplet partition)]. These formulas assume that the VIC
(or HEX) only channel is monitoring the mutant allele
4 Notes
1. Cheaper pipette tips often contain rough tip edges that can
shed microscopic plastic particulates into sample preps and
ddPCR reactions resulting in shredding of droplets.
2. Time from draw to freezing of plasma should be less than 4 h.
3. During centrifugation, brake switch must be off so the cell–-
plasma interface is not disturbed.
4. When transferring plasma, do not dip the tip of the pipette into
the plasma–cell interface. Leave a thin plasma layer intact over
the interface.
5. Sometimes the color varies from pink to red due to hemolysis,
which will not affect downstream ddPCR genotyping. If
plasma is too viscous for pipetting, it may indicate lysis of
white blood cells, which causes overwhelming copies of wild-
type allele being detected and may affect the ability to detect
rare events.
6. During lysis, make sure that a visible vortex forms in the tube.
To ensure efficient lysis, it is essential that the sample and Buffer
ACL are mixed thoroughly. Do not interrupt the procedure at
this time. Proceed immediately to step 5.
7. When setting up the QIAamp Mini columns over the QIAvac
24 Plus, make sure that the tube extender is firmly inserted into
the column in order to avoid leakage of sample. Keep the
collection tube for the dry spin in step 14.
8. To avoid cross-contamination, be careful not to move the tube
extenders over neighboring QIAamp Mini Columns.
206 Yanan Kuang et al.
9. Do not use plasma that has been frozen and thawed more than
once to prevent cryoprecipitates from clogging the QIAamp
Mini column. In case cryoprecipitates are clearly visible the
sample may be centrifuged for 5 min at 16,000 g.
10. Set up ddPCR reactions in an amplicon-free PCR work station
that is in an amplicon-free room.
11. The following protocol below is for the manual preparation of
droplet generation. More recently Bio-Rad’s automated drop-
let generator (Bio-Rad #1864101) can also be used.
12. Always carry no-template controls (NTCs) to monitor for
contaminations. If positive droplets are observed in NTC
wells, results from the plate cannot be used.
13. During droplet generation process, both sample wells and oil
wells must contain liquid or the droplet generator will not
generate droplets. Supermix (1) can be used in the sample
wells that are not being used.
14. Using 2 mL of plasma one expects to isolate between 10 and
150 ng DNA (3000–45,000 wild-type events).
1. Shaw AT, Kim DW, Nakagawa K et al (2013) 7. Shaw AT, Kim DW, Mehra R et al (2014)
Crizotinib versus chemotherapy in advanced Ceritinib in ALK-rearranged non-small-cell
ALK-positive lung cancer. N Engl J Med lung cancer. N Engl J Med 370:1189–1197
368:2385–2394 8. Diaz LA Jr, Williams RT, Wu J et al (2012) The
2. Mok TS, Wu YL, Thongprasert S et al (2009) molecular evolution of acquired resistance to
Gefitinib or carboplatin-paclitaxel in pulmo- targeted EGFR blockade in colorectal cancers.
nary adenocarcinoma. N Engl J Med Nature 486:537–540
361:947–957 9. Kuang Y, Rogers A, Yeap BY et al (2009) Non-
3. Bergethon K, Shaw AT, Ignatius Ou SH et al invasive detection of EGFR T790M in gefitinib
(2012) ROS1 rearrangements define a unique or erlotinib resistant non-small cell lung cancer.
molecular class of lung cancers. J Clin Oncol Clin Cancer Res 15:2630–2636
30:863–870 10. Yung TKF, Chan KCA, Mok TSK et al (2009)
4. David Planchard JM, Riely GJ, Rudin CM et al Single-molecule detection of epidermal growth
(2013) Interim results of phase II study factor receptor mutations in plasma by micro-
BRF113928 of dabrafenib in BRAF V600E fluidics digital PCR in non–small cell lung can-
mutation–positive non-small cell lung cancer cer patients. Clin Cancer Res 15:2076–2084
(NSCLC) patients. J Clin Oncol 31 11. Oxnard GR, Paweletz CP, Kuang Y et al (2014)
(Supplement):8009 Noninvasive detection of response and resis-
5. Garraway LA, Janne PA (2012) Circumventing tance in EGFR-mutant lung cancer using
cancer drug resistance in the era of persona- quantitative next-generation genotyping of
lized medicine. Cancer Discov 2:214–226 cell-free plasma DNA. Clin Cancer Res
6. Zhou W, Ercan D, Chen L et al (2009) Novel 20:1698–1705
mutant-selective EGFR kinase inhibitors 12. http://www.bio-rad.com/webroot/web/
against EGFR T790M. Nature pdf/lsr/literature/Bulletin_6407.pdf
Monitoring of Response and Resistance in Plasma of EGFR-Mutant Lung. . . 207
13. Sacher AG, Paweletz CP, Alden R, et al. (2015) survival outcomes in NSCLC patients treated
A prospective study of rapid plasma genotyping with first-line intercalated erlotinib and chemo-
utilizing sequential ddPCR and NGS in newly therapy. Clin Cancer Res 21:3196–3203
diagnosed advanced NSCLC patients. IASLC 15. Sholl LM, Aisner DL, Varella-Garcia M et al
World Conference on Lung Cancer, Denver, (2015) Multi-institutional oncogenic driver
CO mutation analysis in lung adenocarcinoma: the
14. Mok TS, Wu YL, Soo Lee J et al (2015) Detec- lung cancer mutation consortium experience. J
tion and dynamic changes of EGFR mutations Thorac Oncol 10:768–777
from circulating tumor DNA as a predictor of
Chapter 13
Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer in women and the second leading cause of cancer-related death.
There are many subtypes of breast cancer, which can be identified through the process of molecular and
genetic profiling. While the current standard of care utilizes tumor tissue biopsy to subclassify breast cancer,
plasma tumor DNA (ptDNA) can be detected through droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) of plasma obtained
from a simple blood draw. Tissue biopsy is not only more invasive but because tumors exhibit heterogeneity
it can be less accurate. Blood collects DNA shed from normal and cancerous cells alike, thus ddPCR of
plasma offers a broader picture of a cancer’s genetic makeup. This chapter summarizes how patients with
breast cancer can be screened for specific cancerous mutations in both tissue and plasma through the use of
Key words Breast cancer, Droplet digital, PCR, Liquid biopsy, Biopsy, PIK3CA, Plasma, Blood
1 Introduction
Every year, over 230,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer,
and nearly 40,000 die from the disease. It is the most commonly
diagnosed cancer in women and the second leading cause of cancer-
related death [1, 2].
Typically, breast cancer is detected via mammography and con-
firmed through tissue sampling. From here, patients undergo spe-
cific therapies targeted toward their class of breast cancer, which is
defined principally by the presence or absence of estrogen receptor
(ER), progesterone receptor (PR), and human epidermal growth
factor receptor 2 (HER-2). Researchers have shown that within
these subgroups, there are specific, idiosyncratic mutations, which
George Karlin-Neumann and Francisco Bizouarn (eds.), Digital PCR: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1768, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-7778-9_13, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018
210 Arielle J. Medford et al.
2 Materials
2.4 Processing 1. Five to ten-μm thick unstained FFPE histology slides (10–15
and DNA Extraction slides depending on tumor size and the percentage of tumor
from Primary Tumor cells in the slices).
Samples 2. Container for soaking of the histology slides in xylene, ethanol,
and water.
3. Adjacent tissue slide with H&E stain, with tumor tissue demar-
cated from normal by a pathologist.
4. >99% xylene.
5. DNAse/RNAse-free distilled water.
6. 100, 70, and 50% ethanol.
7. Pinpoint Slide DNA Isolation System (Zymo Cat#: D3001).
8. QIAamp DNA FFPE tissue kit (Qiagen Cat#: 56404).
2.5.2 ddPCR 1. ddPCR sterile hood (separate from pre-amp and blood/plasma
prep hoods and preferably in a separate room).
2. Sample prepared in preamplification step.
3. DNase/RNase-free distilled water.
4. Bleach wipes (1%).
5. Sterile troughs.
6. DG8 cartridges for QX200 droplet generator (Bio-Rad Cat#:
7. DG8 cartridge holder (Bio-Rad Cat#: 1863051).
8. DG8 gaskets for QX200 droplet generator (Bio-Rad Cat#:
9. Pipettes with tips: p10, p20, p100, p50 multichannel, p100
10. 1.5 mL Eppendorf tubes.
11. ddPCR supermix for probes (No dUTP) (Bio-Rad Cat#
12. Droplet generation oil for probes (Bio-Rad Cat# 186-3005).
13. Forward and reverse primers (50 μM)—these may be the same
primers used for locus-specific preamplification (Ordered as
“custom oligos” through IDTDNA.com).
14. Wild-type and mutant probes (100 μM).
15. Promega Female (cat#: Promega G1521) (optional).
16. Four-to-six cutter restriction enzyme (optional).
17. 96-well semiskirted plates.
18. Pierceable foil heat seal (Bio-Rad Cat#: 1814040).
19. QX200 droplet generator (Bio-Rad Cat# 1864002).
20. PX1 PCR plate sealer (Bio-Rad Cat#: 1814000).
21. C1000 Touch Thermal Cycler with 96-Deep Well Reaction
Module (Bio-Rad Cat#: 1851197).
22. QX200 droplet reader (Bio-Rad Cat#: 1864003).
23. QX200 droplet reader oil (Bio-Rad Cat#: 1863004).
Detection of Breast Cancer DNA 213
3 Methods
The following is the complete protocol for use with blood samples. For
use with FFPE, use the following protocol with the modifications
specified in the addendum at the end of the Methods section.
3.2 Blood Handling 1. Draw the desired quantity of blood from patients (~10 mL per
and Preparation tube) into either an EDTA tube or a Cell-free DNA BCT Tube
(see Notes 5–8).
(a) If using EDTA, extract plasma from the blood within 2 h.
Plasma can be stored at 80 C.
(b) If using Cell-free DNA BCT tubes, blood can be stored
up to 7 days at room temperature. Tubes MUST be stored
at room temperature, and cold and heat should be avoided
(acceptable temperature range: 6–37 C).
2. If transporting blood, assure proper transport temperature (see
step 1a and 1b).
3.3 Blood Sample 1. Put on two layers of gloves and open the biohazard bag con-
Processing taining the patient sample in the PCR hood. Remain in the
and Plasma Separation hood for the remainder of the blood sample processing steps,
except for centrifugation. This precaution minimizes risk of
contamination of this very sensitive assay.
2. Open the EDTA tube, and transfer its contents to a 15 mL
conical tube. After the blood is removed, dispose of the tube
and the outer layer of gloves in the original biohazard bag to
minimize contamination.
3. Centrifuge the 15 mL conical tubes at 1500 150 rcf for
10 min. This step can be done at room temperature or at 4 C.
4. Use a 10 mL serological pipette to transfer the supernatant to a
new 15 mL conical tube. Do not combine plasma from the
same patient at this step. In other words, each tube should
translate to its own conical tube at this step. Do not touch the
buffy coat. It is good practice to leave a bit of plasma volume
behind to ensure minimum contamination of cells (see Note 9).
(a) Optional: Buffy coats can be saved or processed at this
stage for baseline germline DNA (see Note 10).
5. Centrifuge the conical tubes at 3000 150 rcf for 10 min.
6. Use a 5 mL serological pipette to transfer the supernatant to a
new 15 mL conical tube. At this point, plasma from the same
patient can be combined if there is no visible hemolysis. Leave
0.3 mL (~7 mm) on the bottom of the tube to avoid cellular
Detection of Breast Cancer DNA 215
3.4 Plasma DNA 1. Perform all extraction steps in a sterile hood. Prior to begin-
Extraction ning extraction, wipe down all surfaces, equipment, and gloves
with bleach.
2. If plasma was stored at 80 C, thaw it on ice.
(a) Use a pipette to transfer thawed plasma to a 15 mL
conical tube.
(b) Centrifuge at 3600 rpm (3000 rcf) for 15 min at 4 C or
room temperature (see Note 11).
3. Upon returning to the hood, wipe everything again with
bleach. Use a pipette to transfer the supernatant to a new
15 mL conical tube. Leave 0.3 mL (~7 mm), since the pellet
will likely not be visible. The plasma may now be combined in
up to 3 mL per tube (two 1.5 mL vials). This is the maximum
volume specified for the QIAamp® Circulating Nucleic
Acid Kit.
4. Prepare up to 3 mL plasma according to the QIAamp® Circu-
lating Nucleic Acid Kit manufacturer instructions. Elute DNA
in 50 μL of water. They can be used immediately or else stored
at 2–8 C if they are to be used in the next 24 h, or 15 to
30 C until ready for use (see Notes 12–15).
3.5 ddPCR of ptDNA 1. Collect prepared sample to be used as DNA template for
or FFPE Samples ddPCR reaction (from plasma or from FFPE tissue).
3.5.1 Preamplification 2. Genomic DNA (gDNA) from normal cells will serve as an
to Increase the Absolute appropriate negative control in most cases, as gDNA should
Count of Alleles or Genome contain the wild-type locus of interest without mutant alleles.
Equivalents Alternatively, Promega sells a female genomic DNA that should
also have purely wild-type loci.
(a) Prior to use, gDNA or Promega will need to be digested
by a restriction enzyme with ubiquitous restriction sites
throughout the genome, but no restriction site present in
the locus of interest. For most assays, fragments <5 kb are
appropriately sized, though depending on the assay, frag-
ments may need to be as small as <500 bp. For this
protocol, a four- to six-cutter enzyme (e.g., CviQI) gen-
erated appropriately sized fragments (see Note 16).
3. In a bleach-cleaned dry hood, create a 50-μL PCR using with
separate reactions for the sample, positive control, negative
control, and NTC. This is a separate hood from the one to be
used for the droplet generation. Each 50 μL reaction will
216 Arielle J. Medford et al.
3.5.2 Reaction 1. Prepare for entry into the ddPCR hood by using bleach wipes
Preparation (Perform to clean the exterior, bench top, and any other surfaces that
in Clean Pre-PCR Hood) may be encountered during set up of the assay.
2. Obtain ddPCR Supermix from 20 C freezer and thaw at
room temperature.
3. If product from preamplification has been stored at 20 C,
thaw the product at room temperature.
4. After the product has been thawed, mix well and make serial
tenfold dilutions of the product using distilled water. These
dilutions should span approximately four orders of magnitude
and will be used as the templates for the ddPCR assay to ensure
that at least some dilutions fall within the dynamic range of the
ddPCR system (~5 logs) and give adequate precision. Aliquot
each dilution into a 1.5 mL Eppendorf tube.
5. The same serial tenfold dilutions should be done for positive
and negative DNA controls and NTC. Aliquot distilled water
to be used as a no-template control (NTC) into a 1.5 mL
Eppendorf tube.
6. Make the 20 primer–probe mixture to be used for the ddPCR
reaction according to the proportions below (see Note 18):
Detection of Breast Cancer DNA 217
7. Bring a sterile trough into the ddPCR hood and remove from
the protective plastic cover. Place supermix, primer–probe mix,
and droplet generation oil in the ddPCR hood.
8. Fill the sterile trough with droplet generation oil using a
p1000 pipette with at least 100 μL of oil available for each
9. Label an Eppendorf tube for every dilution of the product
being assayed. If the template has been diluted by tenfold
over four orders of magnitude, there should be four Eppendorf
tubes (see Note 19).
10. Within each Eppendorf tube, the reaction contents prior to
droplet generation will contain the supermix, primer–probe
mixture, and appropriate dilution of the template. A single
reaction volume for ddPCR will be 20 μL, divided according
to the table below (Table 1). If each dilution is being run in
triplicate (as is recommended), four volumes of reaction
should be prepared to accommodate for any pipetting error
and to avoid introducing bubbles into the sample well of the
DG8. Therefore, 40 μL of Supermix, 4 μL of primer–probe
mixture, and 36 μL of template should be combined to form an
80 μL reaction mixture in each Eppendorf tube.
3.5.3 Cartridge 1. Place a single DG8 cartridge into the cartridge holder, sliding
Preparation, Droplet the two ends of the cartridge holder inward to lock into place;
Generation, and PCR Plate the cartridge holder can be locked only if the cartridge is
Preparation (Fig. 1) inserted with the proper orientation.
Suggested Plate Layout 2. The cartridge is comprised of 3 rows of 8 wells, with the wells
in each row being of a different diameter than those in the
other rows. If the cartridge holder is oriented so that text may
be read upright by the user, the bottom row of wells will
contain the droplet generation oil (as indicated by the label
on the cartridge holder). Vortex the contents of each PCR
reaction in each Eppendorf tube, and then spin down. In the
middle row of wells, labeled as “sample,” aliquot 20 μL of
reaction into each well. If running each reaction in triplicate,
218 Arielle J. Medford et al.
Table 1
Mastermix/primer probe mix
Reagent 1 (μL)
Template 9
20 primer–probe mix 1
ddPCR Supermix 10
Channel 1 Amplitude
5000 4991
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Channel 2 Amplitude
Fig. 1 Two-dimensional ddPCR amplitude plot showing that the assay detects the D538G gene (X-axis) and
does not erroneously detect the ESR1 wild type (Y-axis) in a D538G mutant plasmid
3.5.4 PCR and Plate 1. Set PCR cycling protocol as follows on thermal cycler:
220 Arielle J. Medford et al.
Channel 1 Amplitude
5000 4991
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Channel 2 Amplitude
Fig. 2 Two-dimensional ddPCR amplitude plot showing that the assay detects the D538G gene (Y-axis) and
does not erroneously detect the ESR1 wild type (X-Axis) in a D538G mutant plasmid
Channel 1 Amplitude
5000 4991
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Channel 2 Amplitude
Fig. 3 Two-dimensional ddPCR amplitude plot showing that the assay detects the wild type ESR1 gene (X-axis)
and does not erroneously detect the D538G mutation (Y-axis) in digested MCF7 gDNA
222 Arielle J. Medford et al.
Channel 1 Amplitude
4000 3967
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Channel 2 Amplitude
Fig. 4 Two-dimensional ddPCR amplitude plot showing that the assay detects the wild type ESR1 gene (X-axis)
and the D538G mutation (Y-axis) in patient ctDNA
4 Notes
24. Oil should be added only after sample has been added to all
8 wells—adding oil first will compromise droplet quality.
25. All oil must be at the same level. If air gets into the system, the
droplet generation terminates.
26. After adding oil, proceed to droplet generation within 2 min.
27. When suctioning droplets from the uppermost row of the
cartridge into the 96-well semiskirted plate, take the utmost
care to suction slowly and evenly. This will help to prevent the
shearing of droplets, maximizing the number of droplets per
reaction well, and therefore improving the utility of the ddPCR
assay. Once thermocycled, droplets are no longer fragile.
28. If the incorrect dyes are selected before the run, it is possible to
correct the information after the run.
29. Poisson statistics are used to calculate the copies/μL concentra-
tion metric based on the formula:
#of copies ¼ ln 1 Total Positives
counted Total counted. This for-
mula yields the expected value of copies in the portion of a
sample that was counted based on the number of droplets filled
with the amplicon of interest (positives) and the number of total
droplets counted (total counted). In the QuantaSoft analysis
software, this result is expressed as copies/μL which can be
related back to the amount of sample placed into the 20 μL
ddPCR reaction to determine the number of copies of mutant
or wildtype targets quantified in the reaction.
30. The figures below demonstrate the effect of varying levels of
sample abundance on the calculated concentration of the
amplicon of interest. The top graph shows total formed dro-
plets for ddPCR in green, with droplets filled with the ampli-
con of interest in blue, at three concentrations of template
DNA (serial twofold dilutions) and with water control. The
bottom graph illustrates the corresponding calculated concen-
trations (copies/μL) of the amplicon of interest, in this case the
ligand-binding domain of ESR1 ex10. As can be seen, there is
concordance between an approximate 50% reduction in the
concentration of template DNA at dilutions of 1.25 106
to 6.25 107, and the resulting approximate 50% reduction
in calculated concentration of the amplicon of interest. How-
ever, at a sample abundance where there is near full saturation
of generated droplets, such as a dilution of 2.5 106 in this
experiment, the calculated concentration of the amplicon of
interest is less reliable. This may be explained by the fact that
the former dilutions are closer to the digital range, defined as
saturation of a few thousand droplets of the approximately
15,000–20,000 that are generated in total, where the concen-
tration of the amplicon of interest may be more reliably
measured (Fig. 5).
226 Arielle J. Medford et al.
17406 17478 17315 17830
16309 16462
# of Events
10000 9197 9109
4 0
-6 ·· ·· ···
2.5 x 10 1.25 x 10-6 6.25 x 10-7 Water control
amplicon of interest (copies / uL)
Calculated concentration of
3000 2900
Fig. 5 Top: Bar graph of ddPCR analysis of varying concentrations of samples. The number of droplets positive
is indicated at the top of each bar (blue–droplets containing mutated DNA, green–total number of droplets
analyzed). Water is used as a negative control. Bottom: Increasingly diluted concentrations of genomic DNA
entered into assay
1. American Cancer Society (2014) Breast cancer 4. Cancer Genome Atlas Network (2012) Com-
facts & figures 2013-2014. American Cancer prehensive molecular portraits of human breast
Society Inc., Atlanta tumours. Nature 490:61–70
2. Eckhardt BL, Francis PA, Parker BS, Anderson 5. Robinson DR, Wu YM, Vats P et al (2013)
RL (2012) Strategies for the discovery and Activating ESR1 mutations in hormone-
development of therapies for metastatic breast resistant metastatic breast cancer. Nat Genet
cancer. Nat Rev Drug Discov 11:479–497 45:1446–1451
3. Toy W, Shen Y, Won H et al (2013) ESR1 6. Bose R, Kavuri SM, Searleman AC et al (2013)
ligand-binding domain mutations in Activating HER2 mutations in HER2 gene
hormone-resistant breast cancer. Nat Genet amplification negative breast cancer. Cancer
45:1439–1445 Discov 3:224–237
Detection of Breast Cancer DNA 227
7. Gerlinger M, Rowan AJ, Horswell S et al 11. Casciano I, Vinci AD, Banelli B et al (2010)
(2012) Intratumor heterogeneity and Circulating tumor nucleic acids: perspective in
branched evolution revealed by multiregion breast cancer. Breast Care (Basel, Switzerland)
sequencing. N Engl J Med 366:883–892 5:75–80
8. Higgins MJ, Jelovac D, Barnathan E et al 12. Beaver JA, Jelovac D, Balukrishna S et al
(2012) Detection of tumor PIK3CA status in (2014) Detection of cancer DNA in plasma of
metastatic breast cancer using peripheral patients with early-stage breast cancer. Clin
blood. Clin Cancer Res 18:3462–3469 Cancer Res 20:2643–2650
9. Swarup V, Rajeswari MR (2007) Circulating 13. El Messaoudi S, Rolet F, Mouliere F, Thierry
(cell-free) nucleic acids – a promising, AR (2013) Circulating cell free DNA: preana-
non-invasive tool for early detection of several lytical considerations. Clin Chim Acta
human diseases. FEBS Lett 581:795–799 424:222–230
10. Hodgson DR, Wellings R, Orr MC et al (2010) 14. Oshiro C, Kagara N, Naoi Y et al (2015)
Circulating tumour-derived predictive biomar- PIK3CA mutations in serum DNA are predic-
kers in oncology. Drug Discov Today tive of recurrence in primary breast cancer
15:98–101 patients. Breast Cancer Res Treat 150:299–307
Chapter 14
Minimal residual disease (MRD) detection has a powerful prognostic relevance for response evaluation and
prediction of relapse in hematological malignancies. Real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) has become the
settled and standardized method for MRD assessment in lymphoid disorders. However, qPCR is a relative
quantification approach, since it requires a reference standard curve. Droplet digitalTM PCR (ddPCRTM)
allows a reliable absolute tumor burden quantification withdrawing the need for preparing, for each
experiment, a tumor-specific standard curve. We have recently shown that ddPCR has a good concordance
with qPCR and could be a feasible and reliable tool for MRD monitoring in mature lymphoproliferative
disorders. In this chapter we describe the experimental workflow, from the detection of the clonal molecular
marker to the MRD monitoring by ddPCR, in patients affected by multiple myeloma, mantle cell
lymphoma and follicular lymphoma. However, standardization programs among different laboratories
are needed in order to ensure the reliability and reproducibility of ddPCR-based MRD results.
Key words Minimal residual disease (MRD), Follicular lymphoma (FL), Mantle cell lymphoma
(MCL), Multiple myeloma (MM), Immunoglobulin heavy-chain gene (IGH), t(14;18) translocation,
t(11;14) translocation, BCL2/IGH, BCL1/IGH, Droplet digital PCR
1 Introduction
George Karlin-Neumann and Francisco Bizouarn (eds.), Digital PCR: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1768, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-7778-9_14, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018
230 Daniela Drandi et al.
2 Materials
2.1 Lab Workflow PCR protocols need appropriate caution to safeguard from con-
Requirements taminations. This aspect is particularly important in ddPCR, in
which even a single contaminant molecule could be detected. To
avoid contamination it is crucial to use clean supplies (i.e., gloves,
racks, tubes, plates, etc.) and dedicated pipettes (see Note 1).
Therefore, before PCR experiment setup, verify the following
workspace availability to prevent the risk of DNA contamination:
l Pre-PCR zone: dedicated to mix preparation. Keep any DNA or
PCR products away from this area.
l DNA zone: dedicated to adding template and droplet genera-
tion. Placed in a room separate from the pre-PCR zone.
l Post-PCR zone: dedicated to PCR amplification, PCR product
analysis and droplet reading.
2.3.2 Tumor-Specific 1. Forward and reverse consensus primers for IGH [16, 35, 36],
Molecular Marker BCL1/IGH [11] and BCL2-MBR/IGH [9] PCR screening
Assessment and sequencing (Table 1).
2. PCR reagents: GoTaq Flexi (5 U/μL), 5 Green GoTaq Flexi
buffer, 25 mM MgCl2 (Promega, Madison, WI, USA), dNTPs
mix (2 mM) (nonspecific company), and nuclease-free water.
3. 1 TAE buffer (40 mM Tris–acetate, 1 mM EDTA, in distilled
water, pH 8.0).
4. Agarose gel (2%).
5. Ethidium bromide 1% or RealSafe staining solution (Durviz,
6. 100 bp DNA mass ladder (i.e., φX174-HaeIII digest).
7. QIAquick gel extraction kit (Qiagen GmbH, Germany).
8. QIAquick PCR purification kit (Qiagen GmbH, Germany).
9. TOPO-TA cloning Kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham,
10. ImMedia AmpBlue and ImMedia AMPLiquid agar for IPTG/
X-gal plates and low-salt LB liquid medium for bacteria grow-
ing, respectively (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA,
11. Wizard Plus SV minipreps DNA purification System (Promega,
Madison, WI, USA).
12. gDNA (100 ng/μL) from a BCL2-MBR/IGH-positive cell
line (such as DOHH-2 or RL).
13. gDNA (100 ng/μL) from a BCL1/IGH-positive cell line
(such as JVM2).
ddPCR for MRD Monitoring in Mature Lymphoid Malignancies 233
Table 1
Primer sequences for IGH, BCL1/IGH and BCL2-MBR/IGH screening by PCR or nested-PCR. Reverse
primers are italicized
2.3.3 MRD Detection by 1. Forward and reverse allele-specific oligonucleotide (ASO) pri-
ddPCR mers and probes for individual IGH regions and for BCL1/
IGH translocations. Consensus forward and reverse primers
and probes for BCL2-MBR/IGH. See Table 2 and Fig. 6.
2. 2 ddPCR Supermix for Probes (No dUTP) (cat. 186-3024),
DG8 cartridges (cat. 186-4008), DG8 gaskets (cat.
186-3009), ddPCR droplet generation oil for probes (cat.
186-3005), pierceable foil heat seals (cat. 181-4040), ddPCR
droplet reader oil (cat. 186-3004) (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Her-
cules, CA, USA).
234 Daniela Drandi et al.
Table 2
Primers and probes sequences used in MRD based ddPCR
3 Methods
3.1 Bone Marrow 1. For sample collection, the use of sodium citrate or EDTA is
and Peripheral Blood preferred (see Note 2) over Heparin.
Samples Processing 2. Resuspend blood samples in erythrocyte lysis buffer (NH4Cl)
(dilute BM 1:4 and PB 1:2). Leave blood tubes for 15 min at
room temperature (lying flat in the dark) then centrifuge for
10 min at 450 g at room temperature. Discard the superna-
tant wash in NH4Cl and centrifuge for 10 min at 450 g at
room temperature. Remove supernatant, resuspend cell pellets
in PBS or 0.9% NaCl count and dispense 5–10 106 cells in
1.5 mL tubes; centrifuge for 1 min at 13000 g and discard
supernatant. Cells can now be stored indefinitely, as dried
pellets, at 80 C for further gDNA extraction.
3. Perform gDNA extraction with a commonly used method
or kit.
4. Estimate the gDNA quality and concentration before experi-
mental use (see Note 3).
5. Prepare 200–300 μL of 100 ng/μL stock solution and store at
20 C (see Note 4).
3.2 Tumor-Specific Be aware that samples containing <5% of tumor cells present a
Molecular Marker lower rate of success in marker identification (especially for IGH
Identification sequencing) by Sanger sequencing. Therefore, diagnostic samples
containing a high percentage of tumor cells (>5%) are required.
Multiple strategies to obtain the tumor-specific marker are
currently available [15–17].
Here we present a PCR based approach (Fig. 2a–c), established
as previously published [9, 11, 36], to identify and to direct
1. IGH rearrangements in MM and MCL.
2. BCL1/IGH gene translocation, in MCL (if IGH rearrange-
ment is not successfully identified).
3. BCL2-MBR/IGH gene translocation, in FL.
3.2.1 IGH Clonal 1. The strategy used for IGH screening adopts three sets of
Rearrangement Screening consensus forward primers (VH-FS, VH-D and VH-FR2)
at Baseline derived from framework regions (FR1, FR2), each set is
Daniela Drandi et al.
Fig. 1 Experimental workflow for MRD monitoring by ddPCR. For each type of disease, steps from sample acquisition, tumor marker screening and MRD
quantification by ddPCR are described. Albeit MCL could harbor both IGH and BCL1/IGH tumor markers, the acceptance of only one target for MRD monitoring
depends on the protocol and clinical trial purpose (ref. 11, 16). Here we describe the approach for MRD monitoring on patient’s unique tumor marker where BCL1/
IGH is performed only if IGH rearrangement is not successfully identified. Samples in which all steps fail to identify a clonal target sequence (“no marker” patients),
can not be monitored for MRD studies. gDNA (genomic DNA), BCL1 (BCL1/IGH), BCL2 (BCL2/IGH), ASO P/P (Allele Specific Oligonucleotide Primers/ Probe),
multiple myeloma (MM), mantle cell lymphoma (MCL), and follicular lymphoma (FL)
ddPCR for MRD Monitoring in Mature Lymphoid Malignancies 237
Fig. 2 Schematic representation of PCR strategies used, for marker identification, for: (a) IGH rearrangements
screening in MM and MCL, (b) BCL1/IGH gene translocation, in MCL and (c) BCL2-MBR/IGH gene translocation
in FL, performed on diagnostic sample. IGH rearrangement derives from the combination of V-(D)-J segments
that code for the variable domains of the IGH molecules. In both BCL1/IGH and BCL2-MBR/IGH translocations
the IGH locus at 14q32.3 is involved and the BCL1 gene from 11q13 and BCL2 region from 18q21 are
translocated, respectively, to the IGH locus. IGH gene regions: L (leader), F (framework), CD (complementary
Reagents 1 Reaction (µl)
Sample gDNA code VH-F primer
dNTPs mix (2mM) 5 1 CTR+ gDNA or PL VH- specific
5x GoTaq Flexi Green Buffer 10 2 pt1 VH-FS1
MgCl2 (20mM) 5 3 pt1 VH-FS2
GoTaq Flexi 5U/µl (Promega) 0,25 4 pt1 VH-FS3
VH-FS (10pmol/µl) 1 5 pt1 VH-FS4a
JHD (10pmol/µl) 1 6 pt1 VH-FS4b
H2O 22,75 7 pt1 VH-F5
TOT mix 45 8 pt1 VH-F6
9 CTR- H2O all VH-F primers
gDNA 5
TOT 50
Fig. 3 PCR reaction mix and setup for the IGH screening with VH-FS primers. The IGH strategy adopts three
sets of consensus forward primers (VH-FS, VH-D, and VH-FR2) each set combined separately with the
appropriate JH antisense consensus primer (JHD or JHC). The PCR reaction mix here described combines
each of the VH-FS family primers with the reverse JHD primer. In case of no amplification or no monoclonal
IGH gene identification, the VH-D and then the VH-FR2 set of primers are combined one-at-a-time with the
JHD or JHC primers, respectively, see Table 1 for primers sequence. (VH-FS (VH-FS forward primer), gDNA
(genomic DNA), CTR+ (positive control), PL (plasmid), CTR- (negative control), pt (patient)
3.2.2 Cloning of Patient- To be used when direct Sanger sequencing does not allow identifi-
Specific Rearrangement cation of a clonal sequence. For MCL patients, cloning should be
performed only in cases where both IGH and BCL1/IGH have
been screened and a polyclonal sequence has been identified.
1. Set up the ligation reaction on ice using the TA-TOPO cloning
kit: Combine 1 μL of TA-TOPO Cloning vector, 1 μL of Salt
solution, 4 μL of fresh patient-specific PCR product. Mix
together well. Incubate at room temperature for 30 min and,
if not immediately used for bacterial transformation, store at
20 C.
2. Thaw competent E. coli (stored 80 C) on ice, add 3 μL of
ligation product to competent cells, shake gently and incubate
for 30 min, on ice.
3. Heat-shock at 42 C for 30 s on a Thermomixer (without
shaking) and immediately put on ice for 2 min.
4. Add 250 μL of S.O.C Medium (supplied with the TA-TOPO
cloning kit), incubate for 60 min at 37 C in a thermomixer
under vigorous shaking (800–1000 rpm).
5. Spread 50–70 μL of transformed cells on agar petri dish, previ-
ously prepared with “ImMedia Amp blue” (prepared following
the vendor’s instructions). Air-dry for few minutes. Incubate at
37 C overnight (see Note 9).
6. Grow up the transformed cells (10–15 white colonies) into
1.5 mL of “ImMedia Amp Liquid” incubating overnight at
37 C under vigorous shaking (800–1000 rpm) on a thermo-
mixer. The next day, perform a PCR amplification using 2 μL of
240 Daniela Drandi et al.
3.2.3 BCL1/IGH MCL patients not successfully screened for an IGH rearrangement
Translocation Screening at are then screened for the BCL1/IGH translocation, by a semi-
Diagnosis nested PCR approach (see Fig. 2b). This consists of a first PCR
amplification using a sense 50 primer (BCL1-P2) located in the
major translocation cluster (MTC) upstream of the BCL1 gene,
followed by a second PCR reaction performed with a sense 50
primer (BCL1-P4) located 43 bp downstream from the BCL1-P2
primer. Both amplifications employ an antisense 30 joining region
(JH3) consensus primer [11].
1. In the Pre-PCR zone, prepare a 45 μL mix solution in 0.2 mL
tubes, as shown in Fig. 4, using the 1st amplification primer
pair specified (BCL1-P2/JH3).
2. In the DNA zone, add 5 μL of gDNA (100 ng/μL). Before
adding the gDNA to the mix, ensure that the DNA is thor-
oughly mixed. Vortex, spin down, and then pipet the gDNA
sample a few times.
3. Run 1st round PCR under the conditions shown in Fig. 4.
4. Set up the 2nd round PCR: in the Pre-PCR zone, prepare a
48 μL mix solution as shown in Fig. 4, (adjusting the mix with
25.75 μL of water, instead of 22.75 μL), using the 2nd ampli-
fication primer pair (BCL1-P4/JH3).
5. In the post PCR-zone, add 2 μL of 1st amplification PCR
6. Run the 2nd round PCR at the thermal cycling conditions
shown in Fig. 4.
ddPCR for MRD Monitoring in Mature Lymphoid Malignancies 241
Reagents µ l)
1st round PCR (µ 2nd round PCR (µl)
Sample gDNA code
dNTPs mix (2mM) 5 5 1 CTR+ JVM-2 (10-2)
5x GoTaq Flexi Green Buffer 10 10 2 Pt1
MgCl2 (15mM) 5 5 … …
GoTaq Flexi 5U/ µl (Promega) 0.25 0.25 … Ptn
BCL1-MTC (10pmol/µl) 1 1 n CTR- H2O
JH (10pmol/µl) 1 1
H2O 22.75 25.75
TOT mix 45 48
gDNA 5 2
TOT 50 50
Fig. 4 BCL1/IGH rearrengement reaction and setup. BCL1-MTC (forward primer, BCL1-P2 or BCL1-P4), JH:
reverse primer (JH3 or JH4), gDNA (genomic DNA), CTR+ (positive control), CTR- (negative control),
pt. (patient), JVM-2 (BCL1/IGH positive cell line)
3.2.4 BCL2-MBR/IGH A number of variant translocations involving the BCL2 gene have
Translocation Screening at been described; however only MBR translocations (Major Break-
Diagnosis point Region), and to a lesser extent mcr (minor cluster region)
translocations, have been extensively exploited for MRD analysis
[6, 9, 38]. Thus, only a subset of FL patients, ranging from 50% to
65%, can currently be assessed using the BCL2/IGH nested PCR
approach [6, 39, 40]. The procedure here described is focused only
on the most common BCL2-MBR/IGH translocation (Fig. 2c).
However, if no clonal signal is observed for the BCL2-MBR/IGH
translocation, we suggest trying with other primers sets for minor
breakpoint region detection [38].
242 Daniela Drandi et al.
3.3 MRD Monitoring ddPCR monitoring is performed based on the nucleotide sequence
by ddPCR of the clonal tumor-specific marker. Here we propose one strategy
for marker identification albeit other approaches, as gene scanning
3.3.1 Clone-Specific
or next generation sequencing, are now available [16, 17].
Primers and Probe Design
The junctional “N” regions, located in IGH rearrangements
(Fig. 6a), as well as in the BCL1/IGH (Fig. 6b) and BCL2-MBR/
IGH rearrangements (Fig. 6c), represent a “fingerprint” of the
lymphoma cell, and therefore their correct characterization is cru-
cial for tumor-specific primers and probe design and for patient-
specific MRD monitoring by ddPCR.
Particularly for the IGH and BCL1/IGH gene rearrenge-
ments, based on the sequences of interest, primers and probe
should be designed following the widely known common recom-
mendations [12, 15] (i.e., optimal melting temperature
(Tm) between 57 and 62 C, primers length between 13 and
26 mer, % CG content between 30 and 70%, probes with a Tm
6–8 C higher than the primers etc.). Moreover, we suggest Pri-
merQuest and Oligo Analyzer 3.1 (www.eu.idtdna.com) or Pri-
mer3Plus (www.primer3plus.com) as helpful tools for assay
design and optimization.
Different primer and probe design strategies need to be per-
formed for each target:
1. The strategy for the IGH rearrangement-based MRD monitor-
ing, here described, is named “ASO primer” and consists in as
follows: based on the IGH sequence, tumor-specific primers
ddPCR for MRD Monitoring in Mature Lymphoid Malignancies 243
Reagents 1 Reaction (ml)
Fig. 5 BCL2-MBR/IGH rearrengement reaction and setup. BCL2-MBR (forward primer, BCL2-MBR3 or BCL2-
MBR4), JH (reverse primer JH3 or JH4), gDNA (genomic DNA), CTR+ (positive control), CTR- (negative control),
pt (patient), DOHH2 (BCL2-MBR/IGH positive cell line)
#18q21 BCL2 GENE (EXON3) IGH GENE # 14q32 (JH SEGMENT)
Fig. 6 Schematic representation of strategies used for designing: (a) IGH, (b) BCL1/IGH, and (c) BCL2-MBR/IGH
primers and probes for MRD analysis by ddPCR. N (N region with target specific nucleotide insertion), IGH gene
regions: L (leader), F (framework), CD (complementary determining), all strategies use FAM or BHQ1 probes
3.3.2 ddPCR Reaction Major concepts to be aware of, before planning a ddPCR
Setup experiment:
1. No standard curve generation is needed for ddPCR experiment
setup, and therefore no determination of percentage of tumor
ddPCR for MRD Monitoring in Mature Lymphoid Malignancies 245
3.4 Final Remarks Recent advances in gene quantification strategies have led to
increased sensitivity and reduced variability and risk of contamina-
tion. ddPCR appears to be a feasible and attractive alternative
method for MRD assessment in lymphoproliferative disorders and
might complement or even substitute qPCR in routine clinical
laboratories. One milestone of MRD monitoring by qPCR has
been the multilaboratory standardization established by large coop-
erative efforts such as the Euro-MRD group (see Note 19). Cur-
rently ddPCR still has to undergo such a critical validation step.
However, considering the reduced labor intensiveness of the exper-
imental setup and the current robust structure of the interlabora-
tory quality control groups, we believe that ddPCR standardization
would be definitely easier and faster than qPCR. However, the real
advantages and predictive value of ddPCR still need to be further
investigated in the context of prospective clinical trials.
4 Notes
Fig. 8 MRD monitoring of IGH rearrengement in an MCL patient: ddPCR was performed with patient-specific
ASO primers and LVH5 probe. In each pannel samples are reported from diagnostic to last follow-up. (a) 1D
ddPCR for MRD Monitoring in Mature Lymphoid Malignancies 249
Fig. 8 (continued) plot for patient coded “166” shows: bone marrow (BM), peripheral blood (PB) at diagnosis
(DIA), and post therapy follow-up (FU) at three time points (FLK1, FU2, and FU3). A single threshold has been
set in between the highest amplitude value of BC and the positive control (DIA). (b) Plot for positive events
(shorter bars) and total droplets (taller bars) for each sample analysed. Of note one event occurs in one of the
BC replicates and it is omitted from the analysis since it shows to be a nonspecific signal (overly high
amplitude value 11.000, data not shown in plot A since outside the amplitude range for graphical). (c)
Representation of concentration in terms of copies/μL
250 Daniela Drandi et al.
Fig. 9 MRD monitoring of BCL1/IGH translocation in an MCL patient: ddPCR performed with a patient-specific
ASO forward primer, JH1-4-5 probe and JH3 reverse primer. (a) 1D plot for patient samples at diagnosis
ddPCR for MRD Monitoring in Mature Lymphoid Malignancies 251
Fig. 9 (continued) (BASELINE) and at three follow-up time points. A single threshold has been set in between
the highest amplitude value of BC and the positive control (b) Positive events (shorter bars) and total droplets
(taller bars) for each sample analysed (c) Representation of concentration in terms of copies/μL
252 Daniela Drandi et al.
Fig. 10 MRD monitoring of BCL2-MBR/IGH translocation in follow-up samples from six FL patients: ddPCR
performed with consensus primers and probe (see Table 2). (a) 1D plot for diluted DOHH2 positive control cell
ddPCR for MRD Monitoring in Mature Lymphoid Malignancies 253
Fig. 10 (continued) line (first three replicates), six follow-up samples from FL patients (PT) (three replicates
each) and negative controls (MCF7 and NTC). Of note, three different gDNA samples form MCF7 cell line, (two
replicates each) had been used as negative control. Variabilty in negative droplets amplitude depends on
sample type and purity and only in one patient (PT13, wells E04-E06) it is between technical replicates.
Moreover, this assay uses consensus primers and probe for different patients and different amplitude could
represents differencies in assay efficiency. A single threshold has been set in between the highest value of
amplitude of the background and the positive control. (b) Positive events (shorter bars) and total droplets (taller
bars) for each sample analysed (c) Representation of concentration in terms of copies/μL
254 Daniela Drandi et al.
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Chapter 15
The JAK2 V617F mutation is highly prevalent in patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN).
Furthermore, it has been shown that its allelic burden correlates with hematologic characteristics, drug
response, and clinical endpoints in MPN patients. Digital PCR is an emerging technology for sensitive
mutation detection and quantitation, based on dilution and high-grade partitioning of a sample. Here, we
describe the use of the nanofluidic chip-based QuantStudio™ 3D Digital PCR System for quantitation of
the JAK2 V617F mutation.
Key words Digital PCR, Nanofluidic chip, JAK2 V617F, Allele burden, Myeloproliferative neoplasms
1 Introduction
George Karlin-Neumann and Francisco Bizouarn (eds.), Digital PCR: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1768, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-7778-9_15, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018
258 Elena Kinz and Axel Muendlein
2 Materials
2.1 Sample 1. Peripheral whole blood, purified blood granulocytes and bone
Collection and DNA marrow aspirates, respectively, is suitable as a source for geno-
Preparation mic DNA used in JAK2 V617F quantitation (see Note 1).
2. Kit for isolation of genomic DNA providing high DNA quality
e.g.: QIAamp DNA Blood Mini Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Ger-
many), peqGOLD Blood DNA Mini kit (VWR, Vienna, Aus-
tria), or others (see Note 2).
3. Fluorometer (e.g. Qubit™, Thermo Fisher) or spectropho-
tometer (e.g. Nano-Drop™ Lite, VWR) to determine nucleic
acid concentration (see Note 3).
3 Methods
3.2 Copy Number The procedure of determining the number of target copies per
Calculation genome (genomic equivalents) is important for appropriate chip
load and quality. The DNA molecule of interest must be present in
a defined quantity, so that individual PCR reactions contain zero or
one target molecule. To calculate DNA concentration, it necessary
to estimate target copy number of genome:
1. Convert DNA concentration from ng/μL into copies/μL,
assuming 3.5 pg/copy for the JAK2 gene, or other gene,
present at two copies per diploid genome (see Note 6).
Quantitation of JAK2 V617F Allele Burden by Using the QuantStudioTM 3D Digital. . . 261
3.3 dPCR Setup Bring QuantStudio™ 3D Digital PCR Mastermix and 20-fold
premixed JAK2 TaqMan® assay to room temperature and prepare
nuclease free water and DNA samples. Set up dPCR reaction mix
for two chips per sample as shown in Table 1.
Depending on your estimated sample concentration, add
gDNA ( y) and water (x) to obtain a final concentration between
1000 and 2000 copies/μL. Place on ice until use and warm it to
room temperature
3.4 Chip Loading Proper loading of QuantStudio™ 3D Digital PCR 20K Chip
(v2) with PCR reaction mix is essential for an accurate quantitation
of target gene copy number. We strongly recommend using the
QuantStudio™ 3D Digital PCR Chip Loader for loading proce-
dure since we experienced that differences in handling can influence
the outcome of analysis, especially the precision of target gene
estimation in technical duplicates. The procedure of automated
Table 1
dPCR reaction mix for two chips per sample
Volume [μL]
Material Two chips
Master Mix (v2) 2 17.4
TaqMan Assay 20 1.74
Nuclease-free water a
gDNAa y
Total volume 34.8b
For a desired template concentration of 1000 copies/μL, use 12.2 μL gDNA with a concentration of 10 ng/μL and
4.3 μL water
Total volume is calculated upon an application volume of 14.5 μL per chip. The application volume might be increased if
the chip quality reviewed by software is not sufficient
262 Elena Kinz and Axel Muendlein
3.5 dPCR Thermal 1. Prepare chip adapter and thermal pads and make sure that they
Cycling are clean. Otherwise clean them with isopropanol sprayed on a
low-lint wipe.
2. Confirm that the tilt base is installed beneath thermal cycler.
Quantitation of JAK2 V617F Allele Burden by Using the QuantStudioTM 3D Digital. . . 263
6. If you want to reread chips afterward, make sure that you store
them in a dark place until you have analyzed the data with the
software (see Note 24).
7. The results are assessed in copies/μL of nucleic acid sequences
targeted by VIC® or FAM™ dye. Flags of different colors
illustrate a first quality assessment in primary analysis. These
flags allow direct estimation of chip quality after primary analy-
sis as green colors display that data meets quality thresholds,
yellow that analysis was not ideal and should be reviewed, and
red that analysis failed.
8. Further information about quality and results of detection can
be estimated in secondary analysis with cloud based QuantStu-
dio™ 3D analysis software.
4 Analysis
Fig. 1 Impact of employed sample concentration and number of chips per sample, respectively, on precision.
Blue line shows precision of FAM (mutant allele) and red line shows precision of VIC (wild type allele). (a)
Impact of employed sample concentration on precision: Precision improves using higher template concentra-
tion, displayed as copies per reaction. (b) Impact of number of chips on precision: Precision improves with
increasing number of chips per sample
266 Elena Kinz and Axel Muendlein
4.2 Examples 1. Figure 2 shows typical results for quantitation of JAK2 allele
for JAK2 V617F Allele burden using QuantStudio™ 3D Digital PCR 20K Chip and
Quantitation Using QuantStudio™ 3D Digital PCR Analysis Suite™ Software.
QuantStudio™ 3D JAK2 V617F allele burden is automatically determined by the
Digital PCR software given as target/total (%).
2. Figure 3 shows results for quantitation of JAK2 allele burden
obtained from chips with different template concentrations.
Both chips are of adequate quality and show comparable quan-
titation results for target DNA, despite differences in initial
template concentration. Of note, precision is better in the
chip using higher template concentrations compared to the
chip using lower template concentrations in PCR.
3. Figure 4 shows chip images and results obtained from chips of
different quality. Although chips exhibit different quality and a
reduction of precision from high quality to low quality, estima-
tion of target DNA delivers comparable results.
5 Notes
Fig. 2 Typical results for quantitation of JAK2 allele burden using QuantStudio™ 3D Digital PCR 20K Chip and
QuantStudio™ 3D Digital PCR AnalysisSuite™ Software. (a) Chip image. Green flag in upper right corner
denotes adequate separation of digital dye signals. (b) Scatter plot: In the scatter plot, fluorescence signals are
shown for each well of the chip. Wells with JAK2 V671F mutant alleles are represented by FAM™-signals
(blue); wells with wild type alleles are represented by VIC®-signals (red); wells with both mutant and wild-type
alleles are represented by FAM™ and VIC®-signals (green); and wells without any alleles (passive reference)
are represented by ROX®-signals (yellow). FAM™, 6-carboxyfluorescein; VIC®, 4,7,20 -trichloro-70 -phenyl-6-
carboxyfluorescein; ROX®, 6-carboxy-X-rhodamine. (c) Results obtained by QuantStudio™ 3D Digital PCR
AnalysisSuite™ Software, given for displayed chip-image. Target/total % gives JAK2 V617F allele burden
(23.4%). Copies per reaction (rxn) gives mean number of copies per chip partition and copies per microliter
gives quantity of sample on chip for mutant and wild type allele, FAM™ and VIC®-signals, respectively.
Additionally, a dilution factor can be entered into the software for assessing quantity of sample stock. Validity
of results is given by predefined 95% confidence interval (CI) and precision, respectively, where the latter is
defined as spread of CI around two sample concentrations at a given CI. Software shows no data for VIC
concerning total percentage together with its CI
Fig. 3 Results for quantitation of JAK2 allele burden obtained from chips with different sample dilutions.
Figure shows chip images, scatter plots, and major results from two chips of the same sample, but from
different DNA dilutions (a: 300 copies/μL; b: 1000 copies/μL). Both chips are of adequate quality and show
comparable quantitation results for target DNA, despite differences in initial template concentration. Of note,
precision is better in chip B, using higher template concentrations in PCR compared to chip A
Fig. 4 (a–c) Results for quantitation of JAK2 allele burden obtained from chips with different quality.
Figure shows chip images and major results from three chips of the same sample using same template
concentration in PCR, but differ in quality. Concentration was about 300 copies/μL and therefore at the lower
end of optimal concentration range (200–2000 copies/μL). Although chips exhibit different quality and a
reduction of precision from high quality (a) to low quality (c), estimation of target DNA delivers comparable
1. Levine RL et al (2005) Activating mutation in status, is associated with inferior overall and
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essential thrombocythemia, and myeloid meta- 15. Guglielmelli P et al (2009) JAK2V617F muta-
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Chapter 16
Droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) has come to be regarded as the gold standard for the ultrasensitive detection
and absolute quantification of closely related DNA sequences within complex mixtures. Most ddPCR assays
to date, however, rely on sets of hydrolysis probes conjugated with dyes having different emission spectra to
allow independent counting of rare mutant and wild-type alleles. Here, we describe a set of novel strategies
that leverage the simultaneous detection and quantification of both mutant and wild-type alleles with a
single hydrolysis probe. Variants of these strategies empower multiplexing and a more cost-effective
approach for concurrent screening of multiple genetic variants.
Key words Digital PCR, Genetic testing, Noninvasive genetic profiling, Rare allele detection, Cell-
free DNA, Clonal evolution, Pathogen detection
1 Introduction
George Karlin-Neumann and Francisco Bizouarn (eds.), Digital PCR: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1768, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-7778-9_16, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018
276 Miguel Alcaide and Ryan D. Morin
2 Materials
3 Methods
3.1 Sample This protocol has been validated and optimized using genomic
Preparation DNA extracts from cells or fresh tissues, prepared with various
Qiagen purification kits according to the manufacturer’s instruc-
tions, and eluted either in 10 mM Tris–HCl (pH ¼ 8.0) or 10 mM
Tris–HCl, 0.1 mM EDTA; Cell-free DNA (cfDNA) extracts eluted
Novel Multiplexing Strategies for Quantification of Rare Alleles Using ddPCR 279
3.2 Assay Design In designing primers, the PCR amplicon size should be kept to a
Considerations minimum, ideally between 60 and 80 bp, with shorter amplicons
preferred. This is particularly relevant when using fragmented
3.2.1 Amplicon Size
DNA, for example cell-free DNA, as template. Long PCR ampli-
cons are typically observed to have lower fluorescence amplitudes
and higher background noise. In addition, as reviewed elsewhere
[5], longer PCR amplicons can compromise assay sensitivity in
cfDNA as a substantial fraction of the typically short DNA tem-
plates could go undetected because they do not contain binding
sites for both assay primers [28, 29]. Below is a list of considera-
tions for the design of assays with good performance. However, it is
noted that complying with the full list of recommendations listed
can be challenging due to the sequence characteristics of the target
and its genomic context. For useful assay design tools that generate
candidate primer and probe sequences for the intended assays, see
below (and see Note 16).
3.2.3 Hydrolysis Probes 1. Use BLAST or BLAT to screen potential probe sequences to
avoid cross reactivity with other regions of the genome.
2. Avoid G bases at the 50 end as they have a well-demonstrated
quenching effect over some fluorophores.
3. Probes are commonly intended to have a Tm 6–10 C warmer
than that of primers during traditional qPCR experiments.
Although hydrolysis probe-based assays designed following
these criteria can work well in ddPCR reactions, Tm values
just 3 C higher have been observed to perform better. Special
modifications such as LNA bases (Integrated DNA Technolo-
gies, Coralville, IA, USA) or MGB modifications (minor
groove binder, Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA)
can be used to increase the Tm of probes without extending
their length.
4. Avoid long homopolymer G runs (>4 bases), secondary struc-
tures and the formation of homodimers or heterodimers with
the PCR primers
5. Place the genomic position to be interrogated as centered as
possible within the sequence of the probe
6. Select the sense or antisense strand to leave at least a five
nucleotide distance with respect to the 30 end of the primer
that anneals to the same strand. Probes designed to one strand
may be less prone than the other to form secondary structures
or dimers.
7. Conjugate the probes with 6-FAM™ (Channel 1) or HEX™
(Channel 2) fluorescent dyes and add ZEN double-quenchers
or Iowa Black® Dark quenchers (Integrated DNA technolo-
gies, Coralville, IA, USA). Although not evaluated for this
particular application, Black Hole Quenchers® (LGC Biosearch
Technologies, Novato, CA, USA) and TaqMan® minor groove
binder (MGB) probes (Life Technologies, Carlsbad, CA,
USA), to name a few alternative probe designs, are also
expected to perform well for this particular application (see
also Note 12).
3.3 Setting Up In this section, general instructions applicable to each of the uniplex
and Running ddPCR or multiplexing strategies described in this chapter are given for
Experiments reaction setup, droplet generation, thermocycling, and droplet
reading/data acquisition. Refer to the sections following this one
(Subheadings 3.5 through 3.9) for detailed guidance on the rele-
vant uniplex or multiplexing approach(es) being followed.
Novel Multiplexing Strategies for Quantification of Rare Alleles Using ddPCR 281
Table 1
Suggested volumes and final concentrations during the preparation of the different discriminating
and nondiscriminating hydrolysis probe-based ddPCR experiments described in this chapter
(Single- Uniplex Multiplex (Single
locus) (Dual-locus) locus)
2 SuperMix ddPCR for Probes 11 μL (1) 11 μL (1) 11 μL (1)
(no dUTP)
Primers Premix—10 μM (each) stock 2.2 μL 2.2 μL (1 μM) 2.2 μL (1 μM)
(1 μM) (2 Pairs) (1 Pair)
(1 Pair)
6-FAM™ Hydrolysis Probe (Mutant- or 1.5 μL 1.5 μL (0.34 μM) 2.2 μL (0.5 μM)
Wild type Specific)—5 μM stock (0.34 μM) Mutant-specific
6-FAM™ Hydrolysis Probe (Mutant- 0.8 μL (0.18 μM)
Specific)—5 μM stock
6-FAM™ Hydrolysis Probe (Mutant- 0.33 μL (0.075 μM)
Specific)—5 μM stock
HEX Hydrolysis Probe (Mutant- or Wild 1.5 μL (0.34 μM) 1.4 μL (0.3 μM)
type-Specific)—5 μM stock Mutant-specific
Dark probes—5 μM (each) stock 0–1.5 μL 0–1.5 μL (variable)
(optional) (variable) (0, 1, or 2 locus)
DNA + Ultra Pure Water 5.8–7.3 μL 2.8–5.8 μL 4.07 μL
Total 22 μL 22 μL 22 μL
All reactions are made to a final volume of 22 μL/sample
Table 2
Recommended cycling protocol for ddPCR reactions relying on hydrolysis probes
3.4 Data Acquisition 1. Once the PCR amplification is complete, place the sealed plate
and Analysis containing samples in the QX200™ Droplet Digital PCR
reader (see Note 3).
2. Open the QuantaSoft™ software and set up a new plate layout.
Double click on a particular well to open the well-editor
dialog box.
Novel Multiplexing Strategies for Quantification of Rare Alleles Using ddPCR 283
3.5 Uniplex “Single- We recently demonstrated that ddPCR enables the simultaneous
Locus” Assay discrimination of mutant and wild-type alleles at single base pair
Validation resolution with the use of a unique hydrolysis probe [27]. We
and Optimization Prior observed that imperfectly annealed probes can be degraded, if a
to Use in Multiplexing single mismatch between the probe and the DNA template occurs,
(One Pair of Primers when mutant and wild-type probes are not competing for hybridi-
and One Mutant Allele- zation in the same microreaction. This phenomenon generates
Specific Probe) droplets with at least three clearly differentiated fluorescence ampli-
tudes. The lowest fluorescence amplitude relates to the imperfect
quenching of the fluorophore attached to the unhydrolyzed probe
(“double-negative” droplets, i.e., droplets that do not contain
either wild-type or mutant alleles for a given locus) and the highest
fluorescence amplitude (“positive” droplets) can be explained by
the specific and highly efficient hydrolysis of probes after a perfectly
complementary match with the DNA template. Notably, we
observed an intermediate fluorescence amplitude band (“low posi-
tive” droplets), clearly distinguishable from “double-negative”
droplets and “positive” droplets, which we attribute to the less
efficient hydrolysis of imperfectly annealed probes (see Fig. 1).
Absolute quantification of both mutant and wild-type alleles for a
given locus using assays that forego, for example wild-type specific
probes, is made possible by this feature. Lower cost per assay and
enhanced possibilities for multiplexing are the most direct benefits
of using such single hydrolysis probes (see Note 22). An important
preliminary step to leverage the potential of this novel approach
284 Miguel Alcaide and Ryan D. Morin
Fig. 1 Effect of annealing temperature—tested in a single well—for two uniplex ddPCR assays, targeting two
mutations at two different loci. The first assay (top panel) exhibits optimal separation between droplets
carrying the allele specifically targeted by the probe (“positive” droplets), droplets containing alternative
alleles differing in one single base pair (“low positive” droplets), and “double-negative” droplets at 57.5 C
(top, middle, and bottom boxed regions). For the second assay (bottom panel), the optimal annealing
temperature is 60 C, with lower annealing temperatures showing poor differentiation between “positive”
and “low positive” droplets. Thus, if these assays were to be run together in a single well, the higher annealing
temperature of 60 C would need to be used. These assays were performed using genomic DNA extracted
from fresh tumor biopsies, previously known to carry mutations at the two loci investigated, as DNA template.
The first assay relies on a single hydrolysis probe labeled with 6-FAM™ (Channel 1) and the second assay
relies on a single hydrolysis probe labeled with HEX™ (Channel 2)
Novel Multiplexing Strategies for Quantification of Rare Alleles Using ddPCR 285
3.5.2 Annealing Annealing temperature during emulsion PCR is one of the factors
Temperature with the greatest impact on assay resolution. Certain annealing
temperatures provide the best separation between “double-nega-
tive,” “positive,” and “low positive” droplets for a given locus (see
Fig. 1). As an aside, where multiple probes will be present in a single
assay reaction (e.g., see Subheading 3.7 on uniplex dual-locus reac-
tions), if the tested probes show very different optimum annealing
temperatures, it is recommended to redesign one of the them prior
to multiplexing in order to achieve a more similar temperature
optimum for both that gives good discrimination of clusters for
each of the independent loci (see Note 23).
3.5.3 Inclusion of “Dark The inclusion of an oligonucleotide that matches the sequence of
Probes” abundant wild-type allele but lacking a conjugated fluorescenct dye
(i.e., “dark probes,” see for example [30]) can enhance the separa-
tion between the fluorescence amplitudes associated with rare and
wild-type alleles (Fig. 2) (see Note 24).
Fig. 2 (a) The inclusion of a wild-type oligonucleotide not conjugated with a fluorescent dye (i.e., a “dark
probe” as illustrated in panel b) enhances the separation of clusters of droplets carrying the rare or wild-type
alleles when running a uniplex ddPCR assays. Suggested manual thresholds for the independent quantification
of rare (magenta line, blue droplets) and wild-type alleles (black line, intermediate band of black droplets) are
also indicated. We used a DNA extract derived from a fresh tumor biopsy sample carrying the mutation
specifically targeted by the probe and a commercially available wild-type DNA sample as positive and negative
controls, respectively
well thresholding selection tool, click on the / black button and
enclose all droplets within the shape chosen to initially designate all
droplets as “double-negative” droplets. Then, click on the /+
green button (HEX/VIC channel) and using the selection tool,
enclose and define the cluster of “low positive” droplets carrying
wild-type alleles. Next, click on the +/ blue button (FAM chan-
nel) to similarly define the cluster of “positive” droplets carrying
mutant alleles. Hovering the mouse over the positive and negative
controls in the well-editor (which highlights their clusters in the 2D
plot) may assist you in defining the boundaries between the differ-
ent fluorescence clusters when multiple samples are concurrently
displayed in the 2D amplitude plots (see Fig. 3, Panel a). Absolute
counts of mutant alleles per μL of sample are displayed in the top
table of the QuantaSoft™ software and can also be visualized as
exportable charts in the Concentration and Ratio tabs or exported,
if desired, as a “.csv” file for additional data analysis. After cluster
identification in 2D plots, data may also be displayed in 1D Ampli-
tude plots which is particularly useful for a side-by-side comparison
showing the quality of cluster separation (appearing as “bands” of
differing amplitudes in 1D plots) when the same assay is performed
at different annealing temperatures (Fig. 1) or supplemented with
“dark probes” (Fig. 2).
Novel Multiplexing Strategies for Quantification of Rare Alleles Using ddPCR 287
Fig. 3 (a) Steps for the calculation of mutant allele abundance and allele ratios during ddPCR experiments
using uniplex single-locus assays. Under “Setup,” select all unknown samples, positive controls, negative
controls, and no-template controls (if available) analyzed with the same assay. Then, in the 2D Amplitude view
under Analyze, use the rectangular Multi-well thresholding selection tool to initially enclose and thereby
designate all droplets as “double-negative” in the 2D plot (panel 1, where all clusters will appear as grey). To
properly identify and define each of the positive and negative clusters, first hover your mouse over the wild-
type negative control(s) in the well-editor which will highlight their clusters in the 2D plot. Then, after clicking
on the green “/+” button, use any of the Multi-well thresholding selection tools to enclose droplets
harboring wild-type alleles (WT) within the selected shape (rectangle, circle, or freehand shape), which will
cause them to be associated with HEX/VIC fluorescence (panel 2). Similarly, after clicking on the blue “+/”
button, hover your mouse over the mutant positive control(s) in the well-editor to help define the cluster of
droplets harboring the mutant allele (MUT), which after they are enclosed within the chosen shape will be
associated with FAM fluorescence (panel 3). (b) Noninvasive monitoring of somatic mutations in the plasma of
cancer patients using uniplex single-locus ddPCR assays. These assays have the potential to simultaneously
quantify, with high precision and sensitivity, somatic mutations (MUT) and wild-type (WT) alleles from liquid
biopsies. One patient showed a significant decrease in circulating tumour DNA levels during the course of
therapeutic treatment (left panel). A different patient (right panel) was refractory to the treatment and ctDNA
levels did not decrease over time. VAF stands for the “variant allele frequency” of rare alleles. For the
calculation of allele fractions, “positive droplets” carrying mutant alleles are assigned to the FAM channel and
“low positive droplets” carrying wild-type alleles are assigned to the HEX channel in 2D Ampitude plots, as
depicted in Panel (a). 1D Amplitude plots, as shown here, are nonetheless useful to compare, side-by-side, the
absolute number of mutant molecules reported across different samples. Please note that the fractional
abundance of each allele can be more informative in cases where different volumes of sample have been used
to perform assay (see the example of the nonresponder patient)
288 Miguel Alcaide and Ryan D. Morin
Fig. 4 “Inverted” ddPCR assays enable the uncovering of multiple genetic aberrations affecting a mutation
hotspot by using one single hydrolysis probe matching the sequence of the wild-type allele. WT stands for
droplets containing wild-type alleles of the target of interest. In the example shown below, as many as four
different single nucleotide polymorphisms (MUT1 to MUT4) can be detected and quantified with one single
hydrolysis probe. For this experiment, we used four different DNA samples extracted from fresh tumor
biopsies. Each sample was previously known to carry a different rare allele within the same mutation hotspot.
Fluorescence amplitude signals associated with each particular mutant allele may slightly vary (see for
instance MUT1 versus MUT2). This finding implies that optimum annealing temperatures during thermocycling
may slightly differ depending on the specific mutant allele carried by the sample. For the calculation of allele
fractions “positive droplets” carrying wild-type alleles are assigned to the HEX channel and “low positive
droplets” carrying mutant alleles are assigned to the FAM channel; 2D plots not shown in this figure)
3.6 Nondiscri- Hydrolysis probes with the wild-type sequence of a given locus can
minating, Uniplex be used to detect multiple small genetic variations such as single
“Single-Locus” nucleotide polymorphisms at a hotspot or even single or dual base
Screening Reactions indels. The hydrolysis of imperfectly annealed wild-type
(One Pair of Primers probes generates a secondary fluorescence amplitude band that is
and One Wild-Type- distinguishable from the lower fluorescence amplitude band
Specific Hydrolysis emitted by “double-negative” droplets (i.e., droplets lacking copies
Probe) of the locus of interest). This approach is well suited to screening
for hotspot mutations characterized by multiple genetic abnorm-
alities when the only information required from the assay is
whether a certain hotspot is mutated or not (Fig. 4). These
“inverted” ddPCR assays [27] are ideal to screen for germline
mutations associated with known genetic disorders as well as for
recurrent somatic mutations with allele frequencies above 10%,
though potentially as low as 1%, from fresh tumor biopsies (see
Note 25).
Novel Multiplexing Strategies for Quantification of Rare Alleles Using ddPCR 289
3.6.1 Running Volumes and suggested final concentrations of reagents for the
and Analyzing the Assay preparation of nondiscriminating uniplex “single-locus” ddPCR
assays are displayed in Table 1. Analogous to the procedure used
for Uniplex assays with mutant-specific probe(s) in Subheading 3.5,
quantification of mutant and wild-type alleles here is accomplished
after manually setting thresholds in the QuantaSoft™ software.
Select samples, positive controls, negative controls, and
no-template DNA controls (if available) in the Setup mode. Ensure
that the FAM optical channel has been associated to mutant alleles
and the HEX/VIC optical channel has been associated to the wild-
type allele in the Setup menu and then display the data on the 2D
Amplitude plot after clicking on Analysis. In essence, this approach
assigns “low positive droplets” carrying mutant alleles to the FAM
channel and “positive droplets” carrying wild-type alleles to the
HEX/VIC channel. After clicking on the “/” black button, use
the rectangular Multi-well thresholding selection tool to initially des-
ignate the entire set of droplets as “double-negative” droplets.
Click on the green “/+” button (HEX/VIC channel) to define
the clusters of “positive” droplets for wild-type alleles (i.e., droplets
emitting the most intense fluorescence signal). Click on the blue
“+/” button (FAM channel) to define the clusters of “low posi-
tive” droplets (i.e., droplets containing rare alleles). The process for
allele quantification relies in the same series of steps depicted in
Fig. 3 (Panel a), with the exception that wild-type alleles linked to
the HEX channel will be now represented in the cluster of highest
fluorescence signal and mutant alleles linked to the FAM channel
will be now represented in the cluster of intermediate fluorescence
signal. Allele counts per well and estimated fractional abundances
for each mutant allele will be given on the top table and can be
visualized in the Concentration and Ratio charts and exported as “.
csv” file.
3.7.1 Running Volumes and suggested final concentrations of reagents for the
and Analyzing the Assay preparation of discriminating “dual-locus” reactions are displayed
in Table 1. The assay designs, optimization, and ddPCR workflow
are carried out as described in Subheadings 3.2–3.4 above. Quan-
tification of mutant and wild-type alleles is again accomplished after
290 Miguel Alcaide and Ryan D. Morin
Fig. 5 Uniplex “Dual-locus” ddPCR reactions using two mutant only hydrolysis probes conjugated with dyes of
different emission spectra to report the presence of rare alleles at two independent genomic locations. The
efficient hydrolysis of mutant-specific probes generates high fluorescence amplitude either in the optical
Channel 1 or Channel 2 for those droplets containing rare alleles. The hydrolysis of imperfectly annealed
probes within droplets harboring wild-type alleles only (green circle) or together with mutant alleles (orange
circles) allows the independent quantification of wild-type alleles. This assay was conducted on 5 ng (roughly)
of a DNA sample extracted from fresh tumour biopsies previously known to harbor rare alleles for each one of
the two interrogated loci. Calculation of allele copies per well and allele fractions at each independent locus, is
done sequentially for the two loci where in each iteration, “positive droplets” carrying mutant alleles are
assigned to the FAM channel (blue droplets) and “low positive droplets” carrying wild-type alleles (green
droplets) are assigned to the HEX channel. This operation is carried out independently for each locus
(illustrated in panels a and b, respectively)
3.8 Inverted, Two different mutation hotspots can be screened for single nucle-
Nondiscriminating otide genetic variants by using two wild-type-specific probes conju-
Uniplex “Dual-Locus” gated with dyes of different emission spectra. Hence, a substantial
Reactions (Two Primer number of mutations can be investigated in one single assay
Pairs and Two Wild- (Fig. 6). Nondiscriminating “dual-locus” “inverted” ddPCR assays
Type-Specific have the same limitations in terms of sensitivity and specificity as
Hydrolysis Probes) uniplex “inverted” ddPCR assays (see Note 25).
3.8.1 Running Volumes and suggested final concentrations of reagents for the
and Analyzing the Assay preparation of nondiscriminating “dual-locus” reactions are dis-
played in Table 1. Assay designs, optimization, and workflow are
as described in Subheadings 3.2–3.4.
Quantification of mutant and wild-type alleles is accomplished
after manually setting thresholds in the QuantaSoft™ software.
292 Miguel Alcaide and Ryan D. Morin
Fig. 6 Uniplex “Dual-locus” “inverted” ddPCR reactions with two hydrolysis probes matching only the wild-
type alleles of two independent loci. These assays allow the simultaneous quantification of multiple mutant
and the wild-type alleles using hydrolysis probes conjugated with two dyes (one per locus) detected in either
the optical Channel 1 or Channel 2 in a single well. As many as nine different fluorescent clusters can be
observed in the example shown in this figure. This assay was conducted on 10 ng (roughly) of a DNA sample
extracted from fresh tumour biopsies with a priori known mutations for each one of the two mutation hotpots
interrogated. For the calculation of allele copies and fractions at each independent locus, “positive droplets”
carrying wild-type alleles (green droplets) are assigned to the HEX/VIC channel and “low positive droplets”
carrying mutant alleles are assigned to the FAM channel (blue droplets). This operation is carried out
independently for each locus (illustrated in panels a and b, for locus 1 and 2 respectively). Droplets containing
copies of multiple alleles (for the same or different loci) are indicated by orange circles
carrying mutant alleles to the FAM channel. First, however, set the
contents of the entire plot as “/” double negative (i.e., grey)
droplets. Use the Multi-well thresholding selection tool and click on
the green “/+” button (HEX channel) to define the clusters of
“positive droplets” carrying wild-type alleles of locus 1. Include
droplets with mixed content containing either wild-type or mutant
alleles of locus 1 (see Fig. 6). Click on the blue “+/” button (FAM
channel) to define the clusters of “low positive” droplets for locus
1 (i.e., droplets carrying rare alleles), also including the droplets of
mixed content carrying mutant alleles for locus 1. Allele counts and
estimated fractional abundances for locus 1 will be provided on the
top table and in the Concentration and Ratio charts, as well as in the
exportable “csv” file. Repeat the same set of operations to estimate
the copies/well and fractional abundance of mutant and wild-type
alleles pertaining to locus 2. You must redefine the new target ID
associated with locus 2 in the Setup Menu unless generic “Mutant”
or “Wild type” names are always associated with the FAM or
HEX/VIC channel, respectively. Locus ID should be included in
the name of the file exported from QuantaSoft™ in order not to
confuse from which locus the exported “.csv” file data was derived.
See Note 26 for an alternative analysis using newer software.
3.9 Higher Order, Mutations within a given hotspot can be individually distinguished
Single-Locus by using exclusively mutant-specific hydrolysis probes conjugated
“Amplitude” with one or the other of two dyes (here, FAM and HEX) applied at
Multiplexing (One Pair different final concentrations in the end-point PCR. Allele multi-
of Primers and Several plexing in this way has advantages over conventional duplex rare
Mutant Allele-Specific, mutation detection approaches due to the fact that wild-type-spe-
But No Wild Type, cific hydrolysis probes are not required. Yet as previously explained,
Hydrolysis Probe) these wild-type alleles can still be detected and quantified due to
their imperfect hybridization to mutant probe(s) yielding droplets
with an intermediate dual fluorescence signal (green clusters in
Fig. 7).
Fig. 7 Multiplex detection of rare alleles using a single pair of primers and several mutant hydrolysis probes
labeled with two different fluorophores, used at customizable final concentrations. In the upper panel, four
mutant-specific probes were used together to interrogate a mixture of genomic DNA extracted from four
independent tumor biopsies, each of them harboring a different mutation. Three hydrolysis probes were
labeled with 6-FAM™ and a fourth probe was labeled with HEX™. The three probes conjugated with
6-FAM™ can be associated with three well-defined fluorescent clusters (blue), according to the final
concentration of each individual probe in the ddPCR reaction. The hydrolysis of the fourth probe labeled
with HEX generates high fluorescence in Channel 2, but it is also assigned to FAM fluorescence for proper
quantification purposes. The wild-type allele (green cluster) can be detected and independently quantified
owing to the nonspecific hydrolysis of both 6-FAM™ and HEX™ probes within droplets exclusively containing
wild-type alleles. When applied to a sample carrying one single mutation (bottom panels), these assays
generate three different fluorescence clusters (one for “positive” droplets (blue clusters), one for “low
positive,” intermediate droplets (green clusters), and one for “double-negative” droplets (grey clusters);
samples negative for mutations (not shown) only exhibit two fluorescence clusters: “low positive,” intermedi-
ate droplets plus “double-negative” droplets)
4 Notes
8. Ensure that the levels and quality of the droplet generation oil
for probes, pipette tips, and DG32™ cartridges are ready and
well positioned to start the run. Be sure to use Droplet Gener-
ation Oil for Probes and, if necessary, replace any Automated
Droplet Generation Oil for EvaGreen (suited for a different
application) that might have been left over in the Auto DG
from previous uses. It is critical to set up droplet digital PCR
reactions in a final volume of 22 μL (as opposed to the 20 μL
recommended in some of the manufacturer’s protocols) to
minimize the occurrence of errors during automated droplet
generation. The later can result in low droplet counts and/or
sample loss.
9. Inspect the levels of the droplet reader oil and waste bins before
starting a run and replace if necessary. For example, a blinking
green light indicates that the waste bin is about to be
completely filled. A steady orange light indicates that the
waste bin needs to be immediately replaced. If the instrument
has not been used for more than 2 weeks it is recommended to
run a prime-flush-prime cycle to remove old oil from the
internal fluidic channels of the instrument.
10. Preheat the instrument during droplet generation and do not
use it until the temperature has reached 180 C. Remove the
block from inside the instrument before the prewarming step
11. Thermal cycling programs should preferably be preloaded in
the instrument before starting a run. Other thermocyclers
fitting the 96-well plates and specifications described above
may also be compatible with this protocol, but should be tested
for temperature uniformity and accuracy.
12. The methods described in this chapter have been validated with
hydrolysis probes that were manufactured as described above.
We recently evaluated the performance of custom ddPCR
probe assays manufactured by Bio-Rad (Bio-Rad, Hercules,
CA, USA; Cat. No. #1864011) and results were also satisfac-
tory. The employ of other types of fluorescence dyes or dark
quenchers has not been evaluated, nor the suitability of other
fluorophore-labelled oligonucleotides such as Scorpion or
Amplifluor™ primer-probes or hybridization probes such as
molecular beacons.
13. When pipetting DNA extracts, it is important to use high-
quality tips that do not shed microparticles. Microparticles
are known to clog the microfluidic chambers of the DG32™
droplet generation cartridge and hamper droplet generation.
14. Four-base cutters and high fidelity restriction endonucleases
insensitive to DNA methylation are preferred. Approximately
2–5 units of enzyme previously diluted in an appropriate
Novel Multiplexing Strategies for Quantification of Rare Alleles Using ddPCR 297
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Chapter 17
Digital PCR techniques are ideally suited for accurately quantifying trace amounts of target DNA
sequences, such as tumor-derived mutant DNA that is present in the blood circulation of patients with
cancer. Here, we describe an approach marrying low-coverage whole-genome sequencing of tumor tissues,
to enumerate chromosomal rearrangement breakpoints, together with droplet digital PCR (ddPCR)-based
personalized rearrangement assays to cost-effectively monitor circulating tumor DNA levels at multiple
time-points during the clinical course. The method is generally applicable to essentially any cancer patient,
as all cancers harbor unstable genomes, and may have uses for measuring minimal residual disease, response
to therapy, and early detection of metastasis.
Key words Cell-free circulating tumor DNA, Personalized medicine, Liquid biopsy, Noninvasive
diagnosis, Whole-genome sequencing, Droplet digital PCR
1 Introduction
George Karlin-Neumann and Francisco Bizouarn (eds.), Digital PCR: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1768, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-7778-9_17, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018
304 Yilun Chen et al.
2 Materials
3 Methods
3.1 Tissue The methods for tissue handling and preparation can vary. Primary
Procurement tumor tissue may be obtained from a biopsy or surgical specimen.
and Preparation For biopsies, fine needle aspirates may not always yield sufficient
tissue and therefore core biopsy or larger is recommended. Highest
quality nucleic acids are obtained from well-handled tissues with
minimal ischemic time prior to fresh-freezing to at least 80 C or
preserved in RNAlater prior to freezing. We recommend obtaining
paired normal tissue (see Note 1), such as peripheral blood lym-
phocytes from the buffy coat fraction of a blood collection tube.
Tissue preserved by formalin fixation and paraffin embedding
(FFPE) can be used, but will result in lower-yield and quality of
DNA, as well as increased potential for sequencing artifacts (typi-
cally C > T base substitutions).
1. Complete details of our routine tumor tissue preparation is
described elsewhere [15]. In brief, we typically use fresh-frozen
(to at least 80 C) tumor tissue or tumor specimens preserved
in RNAlater prior to freezing. Using a disposable scalpel and
petri dish, the tumor sample is partitioned into three parts, one
10–30 mg piece for isolation of nucleic acids, one ~10 mg piece
for construction of tissue macroarray, and if remaining, the
remainder piece is saved for future research. Samples are frozen
at 80 C until use.
2. For normal tissue sample, we typically use peripheral blood
lymphocytes. The buffy coat fraction can be obtained following
centrifugation of a standard EDTA blood collection tube at
2000 g for 10 min at 4 C, transfer of the top plasma fraction
to separate 1.5 ml aliquots using a sterile Pasteur pipette,
followed by transfer of the buffy coat fraction to a separate
tube (see Note 2). The remaining red blood cell fraction may be
discarded. Store fractions at 80 C.
Monitoring ctDNA using Personalized ddPCR Biomarkers 307
3.2 Tumor Any standard method for purification of genomic DNA may be
and Normal DNA used. As described elsewhere [8, 15], we prefer the AllPrep
Isolation DNA/RNA Kit (Qiagen) for simultaneous purification of genomic
DNA and total RNA from tumor tissues, and the Wizard Genomic
DNA Purification Kit (Promega) or QIAamp DNA Blood Mini Kit
(Qiagen) for isolation of normal blood DNA from peripheral blood
lymphocytes. Standard manufacturer protocols should be followed,
and the isolated nucleic acids stored frozen at 80 C until use.
3.3 Sample The sample library preparation for sequencing is performed using
Preparation the TruSeq DNA Sample Preparation Kit (Illumina) according to
for Sequencing the TruSeq Sample preparation guide (Part # 15005180 Rev. A)
using the low-throughput (LT) protocol (see Note 3). We follow
the standard protocol, with the following changes as detailed in
Subheadings 3.3.1–3.3.5 below.
3.3.1 Fragmentation 1. Add 2.4 μg per sample of genomic DNA to individual Covaris
of DNA tubes in a total volume of 120 μl.
2. Fragment the genomic DNA using the S220 Focused Ultra-
sonicator instrument (Covaris). For improved physical
sequence coverage, we shear the genomic DNA to ~700 bp
average length using the following settings: duty cycle 5%,
intensity 3, cycles per burst 200, time 30 s at 5 C. Samples
may be stored at 20 C.
3. Analyze the distribution of fragment lengths after shearing on a
2100 Bioanalyzer instrument (Agilent) using the High Sensi-
tivity DNA Analysis Kit (Agilent) before continuing with
library preparation. Successfully sheared genomic DNA will
have a size distribution from 300 to 2000 bp with peak at
900 to 1000 bp and a concentration >500 pg/μl.
4. End repair, purification, adenylation, ligation of adaptors, and
purification after ligation are performed following standard
Illumina TruSeq protocol (Part # 15005180 Rev. A). Libraries
may be stored at 20 C after either purification step.
3.3.2 Size Separation 1. Ligated sequencing libraries are size separated by electropho-
After Ligation resis using a 2% agarose gel made with Ultrapure Agarose 1000
(Life Technologies) and 1 Tris–acetate–EDTA (TAE) buffer.
Heat gel mixture in microwave, let cool for 5 min, and add 1 μl
Sybr Gold Nucleic Acid Gel Stain (Life Technologies) per
10 ml gel and swirl to mix before pouring; let gel set.
2. Prepare samples, 20 μl after purification, by adding 4 μl of 6
DNA Gel Loading Dye (Thermo Fisher Scientific).
3. Prepare ladder: for each desired lane (typically two or three
lanes, the first and last and one in the center), mix 3 μl of 1:10
diluted 50 or 100 bp DNA Ladder (Life Technologies), 17 μl
308 Yilun Chen et al.
3.3.3 Purification After 1. Follow the protocol for the MinElute Gel Extraction Kit (Qia-
Size Separation gen) to purify each sample. Incubate the gel slices in the QG
solution at room temperature (a change from the Qiagen pro-
tocol, as recommended by Illumina) until the gel slices have
completely dissolved (10–20 min), while vortexing every
2 min.
2. Elute the samples in 25 μl Buffer EB (if more than one column
is needed per sample, the eluted DNA should be pooled after
3. Store the samples at 20 C or continue with PCR enrichment.
3.3.4 PCR Enrichment 1. Thaw the PCR Master Mix and PCR Primer Cocktail at room
of DNA Fragments temperature. Once thawed, keep the tubes on ice.
2. Prepare PCR reactions using 12 μl of DNA (~1 μg) per sample,
8 μl of H2O (PCR grade), 5 μl of PCR Primer Cocktail, and
25 μl of PCR Master Mix (total volume is 50 μl per reaction).
3. Use the following program for PCR enrichment (with heated
98 C for 30 s
12 cycles of: (modification of Illumina protocol)
98 C for 60 s (modification of Illumina protocol)
60 C for 30 s
72 C for 30 s
72 C for 5 min
Hold at 4 C
4. Purification after PCR is performed using AMPure XP
Beads (Beckman Coulter) following the Illumina protocol (see
Note 5).
5. Analyze the distribution of post-PCR fragment lengths by
diluting 1 μl library in 49 μl water and running on a 2100
Monitoring ctDNA using Personalized ddPCR Biomarkers 309
3.3.5 Cluster Generation Sequencing clusters can be generated on a cBot instrument (Illu-
and Sequencing mina) using TruSeq Cluster Kit cBot HS (Illumina) and PE Flow
Cells (Illumina).
Paired-end sequencing of 2 50 bp, 2 100 bp, or
2 150 bp plus index read can be performed on a HiSeq 2000
or HiSeq 2500 sequencer using TruSeq SBS Kit HS. For enumera-
tion of chromosomal rearrangements using our SplitSeq bioinfor-
matics pipeline, >60 million read-pairs (2 50 bp or 2 100 bp)
to >9 physical coverage (>2 sequence coverage) is generally
3.4 Sequencing Bioinformatics steps are described in detail elsewhere [8]. In short:
1. The paired-end reads are aligned to a reference human
genome, e.g., GRCh37, using Novoalign (Novocraft Technol-
ogies) with soft-clipped read alignments (option –o Softclip)
(see Note 6).
2. Potential chromosomal aberrations are first identified with
high sensitivity using BreakDancer [16] with default options
for discordant read-pairs.
3. The rearrangement-supporting discordant read pairs are rea-
ligned to the reference genome using Novoalign with the 1000
top-scoring alignments above a moderate alignment score
being reported (options –r Exhaustive 1000 –t 250). Initially
discordant read pairs that become concordant after this step
should be excluded. The purpose of his step is to reduce the
false-positive rate due to misalignment of paralogous
4. DNA copy number is determined across the genome in win-
dows of 50 kb using FREEC version 5.6 with default para-
meters [17]. DNA copy number gains at putative
rearrangements may be utilized to prioritize candidates.
5. Identified rearrangement breakpoint ends are annotated with
RefSeq genes, sequence gaps (gaps track), and repetitive ele-
ments (RepeatMasker track) for the human reference genome
(hg19), all obtained from the UCSC Table Browser (http://
genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables), and with entries from
the Database of Genomic Variants (http://dgv.tcag.ca/).
6. To deplete the list of predicted chromosomal rearrangements
for potential nonspecific rearrangements and false-positives
310 Yilun Chen et al.
3.6 Preparation 1. Before starting the cell-free DNA extraction protocol, prepare
for Isolation of cfDNA the following reagents and devices. The reagents are all from
the Qiagen UltraSens Virus Kit unless otherwise specified.
(a) Add 310 μl Buffer AVE to one tube of lyophilized carrier
RNA to obtain a 1 μg/μl solution. Use 5.6 μl of this
solution per extraction. Store the carrier RNA aliquots at
20 C.
(b) Add 96–100% ethanol to the Buffer AB, AW1, and AW2
according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
(c) In heating block, bring Buffer AR to 60 C (330 μl is
required per sample).
(d) If working with frozen stored plasma, thaw on ice.
3.7 Isolation Cell-free DNA extraction is performed using the UltraSens Virus
of cfDNA Kit protocol with modifications:
1. Centrifuge the plasma samples at 10,000 g for 10 min at
4 C.
2. Transfer the supernatant to 2 ml DNA LoBind tubes, and store
any excess aliquots at 80 C (see Note 8).
3. If isolating cfDNA from less than 1 ml plasma, use DPBS
(without Mg2+/Ca2+) to bring the volume of each plasma
sample to 1 ml (see Note 9).
4. Pipet 5.6 μl carrier RNA (prepared in Subheading 3.6 above)
into the dry lid of each sample tube (see Note 10).
5. Add 800 μl Buffer AC directly to each sample.
6. Close the lid, invert tube five times and mix thoroughly by
vortexing for 10 s.
7. Incubate the tubes at room temperature for 15 min to allow
protein-nucleic acid complexes to form. Regular mixing by
inverting the tube several times every 5 min or less during the
period of incubation is suggested.
8. Centrifuge the samples at 1200 g for 3 min at room temper-
ature (see Note 11).
9. Remove and discard all but ~50 μl of the supernatant from the
samples (see Note 12).
10. Flick the tubes forcefully to loosen the pellets.
11. Add 20 μl Proteinase K to the lid of each tube (see Note 13).
312 Yilun Chen et al.
12. Add 300 μl of preheated Buffer AR to each tube and invert and
flick the tube directly after adding the buffer. Do not use the
vortex mixer here.
13. Incubate the tubes for 10 min at 40 C in a thermomixer at
400 revolutions per minute or until all pellets are completely
dissolved. A brief centrifuge is helpful to remove drops from
the lid.
14. Add 400 μl Buffer AB, mix thoroughly with vortex mixer, and
centrifuge briefly.
15. Carefully apply 700 μl lysate to a QIAamp spin column, centri-
fuge at 2000 g for 3 min, and discard the flow-through (see
Note 14).
16. Place the QIAamp spin column in a new 2 ml collection tube,
add 500 μl Buffer AW1, and centrifuge at 6000 g at room
temperature for 1 min.
17. Place the QIAamp spin column in a new 2 ml collection tube,
add 500 μl Buffer AW2, and centrifuge at the maximum speed
(13,000–16,000 g) at room temperature for 3 min.
18. Place the QIAamp spin column in a new 2 ml collection tube,
and centrifuge at the maximum speed for 1 min to completely
dry the membrane (see Note 15).
19. Elute cfDNA using two rounds of Buffer EB. Place the
QIAamp spin column in a clean 1.5 ml DNA LoBind tube,
apply 50 μl elution buffer directly to the membrane, incubate
1 min at room temperature, and centrifuge at 6000 g at
room temperature for 1 min. Repeat this step and combine the
eluate to obtain ~100 μl cfDNA solution (see Note 16).
3.8 Detection 1. Select a subset of the predicted fusion sequences for assay
of Tumor-Specific design. It is advisable to inspect the breakpoint positions with
Genomic a genome browser such as IGV. For example, inspect individual
Rearrangements reads that lay across the breakpoint (split-reads). We typically
in cfDNA select 10 rearrangements per tumor, from which ~5 will be
analyzed in cfDNA samples per patient.
3.8.1 Rearrangement
3.9 ddPCR Assay 1. Design primers and probes. The forward and reverse primers
Design should be on opposite sides of the breakpoint location with a
hydrolysis probe positioned between them. The primers should
be positioned as close to the probe as possible, but the primers
and probe should not overlap each other or the breakpoint
position (see Note 17). The amplicons should be designed to
be as short as possible due to the highly fragmented nature of
Monitoring ctDNA using Personalized ddPCR Biomarkers 313
3.10 Rearrangement 1. Order the primer pairs (but not the hydrolysis probes) and
and Primer Validation perform standard PCR using tumor DNA as positive control
template to validate the structural variants of interest, and using
matched normal DNA to distinguish tumor-specific somatic
rearrangements from germline variants. Any standard PCR
set-up may be employed here; typically we perform:
(a) PCR Reactions (each 10 μl total volume):
Phusion Master Mix 1 (Thermo Scientific)
250 nM of each primer
10 ng of template DNA
(b) PCR Cycling Conditions:
Initial denaturation: 98 C for 2 min
11 cycles of:
98 C for 10 s
70 C (1 C/cycle) for 30 s (70–60 C in 1 C
72 C for 15 s
29 cycles of:
98 C for 10 s
60 C for 30 s
72 C for 15 s
Final elongation at 72 C for 5 min
2. Analyze the PCR products to validate the fragment size and the
germline or somatic status of the alterations, e.g., using the
Caliper LabChip XT System (PerkinElmer) (see Note 18).
3. For the structural variants that were confirmed to be somatic by
touchdown PCR, order the TaqMan probesv for the
corresponding assays.
3.11 ddPCR Assay 1. Validate the complete assay (probe and primer pair) in droplet
Validation digital PCR using the QX100/200 Droplet Digital PCR Sys-
tem (Bio-Rad) with tumor DNA as the template for positive
control and matched normal DNA as the template for negative
control. In addition to negative control DNA template, a
no-template control (NTC) consisting of PCR-grade water
can be run. The following ddPCR setup was optimized for
this protocol:
ddPCR Reactions (each 20 μl total volume) (see Notes 19–21):
1 digital PCR supermix for probes (Bio-Rad)
Monitoring ctDNA using Personalized ddPCR Biomarkers 315
Fig. 1 Example personalized genomic marker analysis of circulating DNA at multiple time points during clinical
follow-up. Panels a–c illustrate ddPCR results for the 2p14 wild-type assay for breast cancer patient EM9 and
panels d–f show results for the inv(12)(q13.13q21.31) assay for the same patient. Wells are ordered, from left
to right: tumor positive control (þ Ctrl), blood plasma prior to surgery (PreOp), plasma at 5-months (5m),
1 year (1y), 2 years (2y), and 3 years (3y) after surgery, and negative control ( Ctrl). QuantaSoft 2D droplet
plots are shown in a and d with wells separated by vertical yellow lines. Panels b and c, and e and f illustrate
the transformation steps for assay-specific data normalization and thresholding on the exported intensity
measurements (see Subheading 3.12). In b and e, the blue line “2*negMax” is drawn for a given ddPCR assay
at two times the maximum droplet intensity of the negative control (no-template control, NTC; or matched
normal DNA, Normal) reaction well, defining the data from the given assay into an upper and lower portion.
Yellow horizontal lines are drawn at the median value for the droplets in the lower portion within each well
(“lowerMed”), and the green line is drawn across at the median value for the upper portion of the positive
control primary tumor DNA well (“posUpperMed”). Data are then scaled to 0 and 1 (c, f) corresponding to these
lowerMed and posUpperMed values, respectively. Red dashed lines are drawn for nine example threshold
values, from 0.1 to 0.9, and numbers given within the lines indicate the count of droplets above the threshold
for the respective well. Summary statistics for each well is provided below each plot. Figure adapted from
Olsson et al. [8]
3.12 Droplet Digital 1. Determine a threshold for each assay based on the intensity
PCR Intensity values from positive and negative control samples (Fig. 1). The
Thresholding threshold is a fixed amplitude value that reliably separates true-
positive droplets from true-negative droplets. Even with a good
quality assay, however, some droplet intensities will fall some-
where between the positive and negative clouds. Because of
this, careful consideration should be taken when defining
exactly where to place the threshold. If the threshold is set
too low, the frequency of potential false-positives is higher
whereas alternatively if the threshold is set too high, the fre-
quency of potential false-negatives increases. When detecting a
target molecule that occurs as an extremely rare event, as can be
the case with circulating tumor DNA, it is critical that both
false-positives and false-negatives are avoided.
2. Various methods can be used to define where to draw the
threshold. One method is to export the droplet intensity values
from QuantaSoft in order to be able to apply automatic, unbi-
ased, reproducible, and operator independent thresholding
that is based on normalized intensity signals from positive and
negative controls (Fig. 1). Normalizing the data facilitates
employing one intensity threshold for all samples in order to
define negative droplets (below threshold) and positive dro-
plets (above threshold). Using centering and scaling, this pro-
cedure normalized each individual assay’s droplet fluorescent
intensity data to a new scale where 0 corresponds to no inten-
sity (at the median intensity of negative control droplets) and
1 corresponds to full intensity (at the median intensity of
positive control droplets) and was carried out as described
below. For each rearrangement assay:
(a) Determine negMax ¼ maximum intensity value in the
negative control well.
(b) For each ddPCR reaction well, define a lower group of
droplets with intensity <¼2*negMax and an upper group
of droplets with intensity >2*negMax.
(c) For each well, determine lowerMedian ¼ median intensity
value of the lower group of droplets.
(d) For each well, subtract lowerMedian from each intensity
value (bringing all medians to zero).
(e) Determine posUpperMedian ¼ median intensity value in
the upper group of droplets in the positive control well.
318 Yilun Chen et al.
4 Notes
1. Haber DA, Velculescu VE (2014) Blood-based 4. Bettegowda C, Sausen M, Leary RJ, Kinde I,
analyses of cancer: circulating tumor cells and Wang Y, Agrawal N, Bartlett BR, Wang H,
circulating tumor DNA. Cancer Discov Luber B, Alani RM, Antonarakis ES, Azad
4:650–661 NS, Bardelli A, Brem H, Cameron JL, Lee
2. Ignatiadis M, Dawson SJ (2014) Circulating CC, Fecher LA, Gallia GL, Gibbs P, Le D,
tumor cells and circulating tumor DNA for Giuntoli RL, Goggins M, Hogarty MD,
precision medicine: dream or reality? Ann Holdhoff M, Hong SM, Jiao Y, Juhl HH,
Oncol 25:2304–2313 Kim JJ, Siravegna G, Laheru DA,
3. Schwarzenbach H, Hoon DS, Pantel K (2011) Lauricella C, Lim M, Lipson EJ, Marie SK,
Cell-free nucleic acids as biomarkers in cancer Netto GJ, Oliner KS, Olivi A, Olsson L, Rig-
patients. Nat Rev Cancer 11:426–437 gins GJ, Sartore-Bianchi A, Schmidt K, Shih
322 Yilun Chen et al.
Droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) allows for accurate quantification of genetic events such as copy number
variation and single nucleotide variants. Probe-based assays represent the current “gold-standard” for
detection and quantification of these genetic events. Here, we introduce a cost-effective single color
ddPCR assay that allows for single genome resolution quantification of copy number and single nucleotide
Key words Digital PCR, Single color, Mutation detection, Single nucleotide variant (SNV), Copy
number variation (CNV), Circulating cell free DNA (ccfDNA)
1 Introduction
George Karlin-Neumann and Francisco Bizouarn (eds.), Digital PCR: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1768, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-7778-9_18, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018
324 Christina M. Wood-Bouwens and Hanlee P. Ji
2 Materials
3 Methods
3.1 Sample DNA 1. Obtain 5–10 μm sections of FFPE block containing tissue of
Extraction interest.
3.1.1 Extraction of DNA 2. Proceed with the standard protocol included in the Maxwell®
from FFPET Tissue RSC DNA FFPE Kit.
3.1.2 Extraction 1. Collect two EDTA vials of blood, keep at 4 C until ready to
of ccfDNA from Blood process. Note: Processing must take place within 2 h of
2. Spin blood containing vials for 10 min at 2000 g in a
3. Transfer plasma fraction to a fresh 1.5 or 2.0 mL LoBind
Eppendorf tube.
4. Spin the plasma containing tube for 10 min at 2000 g.
5. Transfer supernatant a fresh 1.5 or 2.0 mL LoBind Eppendorf
tube using care not to disturb the pellet.
Proceed to step 6 for long-term storage or skip step 6 and proceed to
step 7 to proceed and extract ccfDNA.
6. Flash freeze the tube containing plasma in liquid nitrogen until
frozen, store at 80 C until ready to extract ccfDNA.
7. Proceed with the standard protocol included in the Maxwell®
RSC ccfDNA Plasma Kit.
8. Store extracted ccfDNA at 20 C for short term (1–2 days) or
at 80 C for long-term storage. Avoid excessive freeze–thaw
3.2 Designing SNV CNV assay primers should target approximately 20 bp of genomic
Primers sequence and may be designed using Primer3. The primers’ speci-
ficity can be confirmed using the UCSC Genome Brower Blat tool
3.2.1 Copy Number
[2]. CNV assay primers targeting the genomic region of interest
Variation (CNV) Assay
should be multiplexed with an off target reference gene as a copy
Primer Design
number control (multiplexing suggestions Subheading 3.2.3). To
determine the copy number of the gene of interest (GoI), you will
count the number of double positive droplets, or droplets that
contain both the reference and GoI, plus the droplets that contain
the GoI and dividing by the double positive droplets plus the
droplets containing the reference. Then multiply the resulting
value by 2 (Fig. 1).
3.2.2 Single Nucleotide Three primers are designed for each SNV genotyping assay: wild
Variation (SNV) Assay type and mutant genotyping primers and one common primer
Primer Design upstream or downstream of the genotyping primer. The genotyp-
ing primers should be approximately 20 bp and identical to one
another except for the one with the SNV specific position at the last
30 base position (Fig. 2). IDT’s primer quest is a useful tool for
designing these genotyping assays. The specificity of any primer
Single Color Multiplexed ddPCR Copy Number Measurements and Single. . . 327
Fig. 1 Example CNV Assay: Quanta Soft generated 2D plot of a copy number variation assay targeting one gene
of interest (smaller amplicon) and one reference gene that has been artificially tailed in order to generate a
larger amplicon. Gene of Interest copy number (GoI CN) is determined by counting the number double positive
droplets plus the droplets that contain the GoI and dividing by the double positive droplets plus the droplets
containing the Ref then multiplying by 2
Fig. 2 SNV Genotyping primer design and assay structure. Black arrow represents the shared genomic primer,
the blue arrow represents a wild type allele specific nontailed primer, and the green arrow represents an
artificially tailed mutant allele specific primer
3.2.3 Modifying Single- In contrast to typical single-color multiplexing that involves two
Color SNV Assays unique amplicons [3], we utilize the addition of noncomplemen-
for Multiplexing tary 50 tails artificially increases amplicon length. This allows us to
target a single genomic region that only differs if the targeted
mutation is present; the presence of the mutation will result in
2 PCR products with unique lengths. Long tail sequences should
be “AT” rich while short tails should be “GC” rich in order to
minimize melting temperature variation. To multiplex the SNV
assays, artificial tails should be added to either the wild type or
mutant genotyping primer (see table below for examples). For
example, to optimize a multiplexed SNV genotyping assay the
user should create multiple iterations of tailed primers by adding
repeats of “AAAT” to the 50 end of the mutant or reference specific
primer in order to achieve 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 80, and 100 non-
complementary bases. All seven possible tailed primers sets (com-
mon forward + tailed reverse) should be individually multiplexed
with the nontailed reference allele-specific primer set in a ddPCR
assay. When designing multiplexed assays testing a variety of
increasing tail lengths helps to ensure that the resulting reference
and mutant amplicons provide a distinct ddPCR signals. Figure 3
shows an improvement on distinct signal between the mutant and
reference populations that results from a 12 bp and a 100 bp tail
added to the mutant specific primer. Adding long tails can signifi-
cantly increase the melting temperature of primers; the user may
add short “G” or “C” rich tails to the common genomic primer and
the non-long tailed detecting primer to bring the melting tempera-
tures of each individual primer within 3 C of one another while
maintaining amplicon length uniqueness.
3.3 Preparing Forward and reverse primers may be combined when diluting to
Primers and Template 10 μM and then added to the PCR master-mix. Ensure that both
DNA for ddPCR Assays primers exist at 10 μM each in the final primer mix.
3.3.1 Preparation
of Primers
3.3.2 Restriction Digest Template DNA should be digested using a restriction endonuclease
Prior to ddPCR according to the manufacturer’s protocol prior to use in ddPCR.
Ensure that the cut site of the enzyme is outside of any targeted
amplicons. High quality DNA and DNA extracted from FFPE
tissues should be digested with a restriction digest; however
ccfDNA extracted from plasma does not require restriction
Single Color Multiplexed ddPCR Copy Number Measurements and Single. . . 329
Fig. 3 Separation of SNV populations for multiplexed mutation detection. KRAS G12V multiplexed genotyping
assay of a 50% KRAS G12V mutant DNA template. Repeats of “AAAT” are used to artificially “tail” the 50 end of
the mutant detecting primer (reverse) with either 12 or 100 bp. The overall amplitude of the mutant population
increases in channel 1 (y-axis) as the length of the 50 artificial tail increases (left versus right) resulting in
better mutant versus reference population separation. Representative green and blue ovals placed over
mutant and wild type populations respectively
3.4 ddPCR Assay (Adapted from Bio-Rad Product Insert # 10028376 Rev C.)
1. All High Quality DNA and DNA extracted from formalin-
fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue (FFPET) should be digested
with a restriction endonuclease that does not cut within the
targeted amplicon.
2. Digested template DNA may be added to the ddPCR master-
mix directly, but the final amount should not exceed 20 ng per
22 μL reaction. See Note 2 regarding optimum template con-
centrations for SNV and CNV reactions.
3. Thaw all reagents at room temperature. Vortex all primers and
spin down in a table-top microcentrifuge for 5–10 s. Mix by
pipetting the QX200™ ddPCR™ EvaGreen Supermix
15 times with a P1000; spin down briefly.
4. Prepare the ddPCR PCR master-mix by combinin QX200™
Evagreen Supermix, shared (common) primer, reference allele
330 Christina M. Wood-Bouwens and Hanlee P. Ji
Table 1
Example SNV assay master-mix preparation
Table 2
Thermal cycling conditions for ddPCR reactions
3.6 Thermal Cycling 1. The thermal cycling conditions for both the SNV and CNV
Conditions assays retain a majority of the same steps, however there is
variation from primer set to primer set based on primer anneal-
ing temperatures. Table 2 outlines a general ddPCR protocol.
3.7.3 Analyzing CNV Data Copy number is determined by counting the total number of
positive droplets amplified by the region of interest primer set and
comparing this to the total number of positive droplets amplified by
the reference primer set. The clustering algorithm used to deter-
mine gene copy number analyzes each data point individually in
order to locate the center of a cluster [4]. The user may then define
a threshold that is used by the algorithm to assign a cluster number
to each data point.
3.7.4 Analyzing SNV Data The multiplexed single-color ddPCR genotyping assay can be used
to determine the absolute quantity of reference and variant alleles
present within a given sample. Similar to the CNV assay, the num-
ber of reference or variant alleles can be determined by feeding the
raw amplitude data into a standard clustering algorithm that
accounts for Poisson distribution. The user may then count the
number of positive events in either the mutant or wild-type positive
clusters. In order to generate confidence intervals for calling
mutant and wild type events, we run a series of standard curves
parallel to each patient sample containing assay (Fig. 4).
Fig. 4 Example In-Line Standard Curve. 2-Dimensional plot of raw channel 1 and channel 2 amplitude data for
the KRAS G12V standard curve assay at mutant fractional amounts of 50, 10, 1, and 0%
Single Color Multiplexed ddPCR Copy Number Measurements and Single. . . 333
4 Notes
1. Gray ES, Rizos H, Reid AL, Boyd SC, Pereira 3. McDermott GP, Do D, Litterst CM, Maar D,
MR, Lo J et al (2015) Circulating tumor DNA Hindson CM, Steenblock ER et al (2013) Mul-
to monitor treatment response and detect tiplexed target detection using DNA-binding
acquired resistance in patients with metastatic dye chemistry in droplet digital PCR. Anal
melanoma. Oncotarget 6(39):42008–42018. Chem 85(23):11619–11627. https://doi.org/
https://doi.org/10.18632/oncotarget.5788 10.1021/ac403061n
2. Miotke L, Lau BT, Rumma RT, Ji HP (2014) 4. Rodriguez A, Laio A (2014) Machine learning.
High sensitivity detection and quantitation of Clustering by fast search and find of density
DNA copy number and single nucleotide var- peaks. Science 344(6191):1492–1496. https://
iants with single color droplet digital PCR. doi.org/10.1126/science.1242072
Anal Chem 86(5):2618–2624. https://doi.
Chapter 19
Transplanted organs release cell-free DNA into the bloodstream of the recipient. This graft-derived cell-free
DNA (GcfDNA) is a sensitive biomarker for organ health, since higher GcfDNA levels are indicative of
increased cell-death in the graft. This protocol describes a method to measure relative GcfDNA concentra-
tions by ddPCR assays. The method uses a set of preselected SNP assays from which the informative SNPs
for each recipient–donor combination are selected in a straightforward two-step procedure that requires
only one blood draw. Sampling of donor tissue and separate genotyping is not required, rendering the
technique applicable also to patients, whose transplantation was not recent. In these patients there will be
mostly no access to donor DNA anymore.
1 Introduction
George Karlin-Neumann and Francisco Bizouarn (eds.), Digital PCR: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1768, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-7778-9_19, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018
336 Julia Beck et al.
Fig. 1 The first screening step is performed in a real-time PCR using the recipient’s genomic DNA extracted
from buffy coat. In this step all SNP assays for which the recipient has a heterozygous genotype are
eliminated, because they cannot be used in the quantification ddPCR. The next assay selection step uses
preamplified cfDNA as template in ddPCR defining the final informative assay set for the individual patient. An
informative assay detects an SNP that is homozygous in the recipient and for which the graft carries the
heterologous allele, either in heterozygous or in (preferred) homozygous state. The percentages and numbers
of assays given for each selection step are calculated for a minor allele frequency of 0.5 and vary between
individual patients
2 Materials
2.3 Real-Time PCR 1. FastStart Taq DNA Polymerase, dNTP Pack (includes: 10
on Buffy Coat DNA PCR reaction Buffer with 20 mM MgCl2, MgCl2 stock solu-
(Recipient Germline) tion (25 mM) and PCR grade dNTP mix; Roche Applied
Science, Mannheim, Germany).
2. Primers and probes acc. to Table 1 (any vendor).
3. Real-time PCR instrument (any vendor).
Table 1
Primer and probe sequences
name Primer.F Primer.R Probe.A (50 -FAM/30 -BHQ1) Probe.B (50 -HEX/30 -BHQ1) MgCl2
2.4 Preamplification 1. NEBNext Ultra II DNA Library Prep Kit (New England Bio-
of cfDNA labs, Ipswich, USA).
2. NEBNext Singleplex Oligos for Illumina (New England Bio-
labs, Ipswich, USA).
3. 80% ethanol (freshly prepared).
4. Nuclease-free water.
5. 0.1 Tris–EDTA, (Low TE) pH 8.0.
6. EvaGreen® dye 20 (any vendor).
7. P5-Primer-Transplant (50 -CCTACACTCTTTCCCTACACG
8. P7-Primer-Transplant (50 -GTGACTGGAGTTCAGACGTG
9. AMPure XP Beads (Beckman Coulter, Brea, USA).
10. DNA LoBind Tubes (Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany).
11. Magnetic rack/stand (any vendor).
12. Real-time cycler (any vendor).
13. PCR cycler (any vendor).
14. PCR plates according to recommendations of instrument
3 Methods
3.4 Real-Time PCR 1. Prepare real-time PCR in a total volume of 20 μL per reaction.
on Buffy Coat DNA 2. Each reaction should contain 2 μL FastStart 10 buffer with
MgCl2, 200 μmol/L each dNTP, 2 units FastStart Taq,
900 nmol/L each primer, 250 nmol/L each probe (Table 1;
if the use of MgCl2 is indicated add 1.8 μL of the 25 mM PCR
grade MgCl2 stock solution to a final total concentration of
4.3 mmol/L).
3. Cycling conditions using a Roche LightCycler 480 are: 95 C
for 10 min, 50 (95 C for 30 s, 65 C for 1 min) with
fluorescence detection (FAM/HEX) in each cycle at 80 C
and ramp rates of 4.4 C/s for heating and 2.2 C for cooling
(see Note 3).
3.5 Preamplification Use the NEBNext II Ultra DNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina
of cfDNA according to the manual with adherences to the following
1. Since cfDNA is already fragmented, no initial fragmentation of
the extracted DNA is required. Use the 50 μL cfDNA elution
directly for library preparation.
2. Follow the protocol for 5 ng–1 μg fragmented input DNA.
A Universal Droplet Digital PCR Approach for Monitoring of Graft Health. . . 343
3.7 qPCR Analysis 1. Genotypes are called using the “Endpoint Genotyping” mod-
of Candidate Assays ule of the LightCycler 480 software.
2. Manual inspection and recalling might be necessary for some
3. Refer to Fig. 2 for example.
344 Julia Beck et al.
Fig. 2 Examplary qPCR assay run on a LightCycler480. A scatterplot of the “Endpoint Genotyping” analysis
module (LightCycler480 Software, version: 1.5.0 SP3) is shown on the left (x-axis: FAM signal intensity, y-axis:
HEX signal intensity). Genotypes called as AA are shown in blue, genotypes called as BB in green and AB
genotypes in red. One of the samples (grey circle) shows lower FAM signal intensity, but is still unequivocally
called as AA genotype
3.8 Droplet Digital 1. Primary analysis is conducted using the Quantsoft instrument
PCR Analysis software.
2. Set the proper thresholds for each assay ensuring the best
separation of the four droplet fractions FAMþ/HEX,
FAM/HEXþ, FAMþ/HEXþ, and FAM/HEX (see
Note 7, Fig. 3).
3. Check nontemplate controls for negativity (see Note 6). Select
“Events” tab and check the box for display of total droplets.
4. Reactions should achieve a minimum of 10,000 total droplets.
5. Check the box for display of positive droplets.
6. Reactions should contain at least 100 positive droplets for the
minor fraction in order to achieve a maximum CV of ~10% (see
Note 6).
7. Select the “Ratio” tab in Quantasoft and check the box for
display of “Fractional Abundance.”
8. Check the heterozygous positive controls for achieving the
expected ratio of 50/50 for the two alleles (see Note 6).
9. Export results to comma separated values (.csv) file.
A Universal Droplet Digital PCR Approach for Monitoring of Graft Health. . . 345
14000 12000
Channel 1 Amplitude
Channel 1 Amplitude
6000 5486
2000 2000
0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 1 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
Channel 2 Amplitude Channel 2 Amplitude
10000 2139 9000 1905
9000 8000
Channel 1 Amplitude
Channel 1 Amplitude 6000
4000 3413
3000 3000
2000 2000
1000 1000
0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Channel 2 Amplitude Channel 2 Amplitude
Fig. 3 Four examples for ddPCR assays as 2D-plots (Quantasoft, version: 1.7.4) from upper left in clockwise
order: S59 with informative B-allele (FAM channel) (17%); S63 with informative A-allele (FAM channel)
(1.43%); S43 with informative B-allele (HEX channel) (8%); S38 with informative B-allele (HEX channel) (19%)
10. Open .csv file in Microsoft Excel and group all assays per
11. All fractional abundances (FA) are displayed as A/
(A + B) 100.
12. Correct the assays for which the informative allele is B by
calculating 100-FA.
13. Correct the heterozygote informative alleles by calculating
FA 2.
14. Refer to Table 2 for example.
15. Calculate the mean and standard deviation over all corrected
FA for each sample.
4 Notes
Table 2
Example calculation for initial ddPCR screen for informative assays
The authors thank Sarah Bierau and Stefan Balzer for their excellent
technical assistance.
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(1999) Presence of donor- and recipient- tion in solid organ transplantation. Transplant
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renal transplantation recipients: urinary DNA 1016/j.transproceed.2015.08.035
chimerism. Clin Chem 45(10):1741–1746 9. Oellerich M, Schutz E, Kanzow P, Schmitz J,
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KA, Kuhr CS (2006) Soluble donor DNA con- Use of graft-derived cell-free DNA as an organ
centrations in recipient serum correlate with integrity biomarker to reexamine effective
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clinchem.2011.166686 Graft-derived cell-free DNA as an early organ
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Chapter 20
Genome editing holds great promise for experimental biology and potential clinical use. To successfully
utilize genome editing, it is critical to sensitively detect and quantify its outcomes: homology-directed
repair (HDR) and nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ). This has been difficult at endogenous gene loci
and instead is frequently done using artificial reporter systems. Here, we describe a droplet digital PCR
(ddPCR)-based method to simultaneously measure HDR and NHEJ at endogenous gene loci. This highly
sensitive and quantitative method may significantly contribute to a better understanding of DNA repair
mechanisms underlying genome editing and to the improvement of genome editing technology by allow-
ing for efficient and systematic testing of many genome editing conditions in parallel.
1 Introduction
George Karlin-Neumann and Francisco Bizouarn (eds.), Digital PCR: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1768, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-7778-9_20, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018
350 Yuichiro Miyaoka et al.
2 Materials
Fig. 1 Separated cut and mutation sites: Assay design, example target sequence, and 2D droplet plot of edited
genomic DNA. Depending on the editing strategy and the relative positions of cut site and edit site, the
positions of assay probes and the need for a competitive blocking (dark) probe vary. The reference and HDR
probes are constant regardless of the location or number of cut sites. (a) Assay design when cut site and
mutation site are separated. Outcomes for three different alleles are shown (retention of WT sequence,
alteration of a single base via HDR, or indel via NHEJ). The HDR and NHEJ probes are located on nonoverlap-
ping mutation and cut sites, respectively. To prevent nonspecific binding of the HDR probe to the original “WT”
sequence, a nonfluorescent (dark) “WT” probe is included that competes with the HDR probe for WT allele
binding (see Figs. 2, 4, and 5 for other cases). (b) Assay design when cut site and mutation site overlap.
See Fig. 4 legend for details. (c) Assay design when two cut sites are introduced. See Fig. 5 legend for details
2.1 Reagents 1. 20 FAM and HEX hydrolysis probe and primer assay mix-
tures in water. Components are shown in Table 1.
2. WT genomic DNA in water adjusted to 100–150 ng/μl.
3. Synthetic double-stranded DNA (gBlocks, Integrated DNA
Technologies) that contains the point mutation at the desired
edit site (HDR control) or a 2-bp deletion at the predicted
nuclease cut site (NHEJ control). Lyophilized gBlocks are
352 Yuichiro Miyaoka et al.
Fig. 2 Comparison of three ddPCR assay designs for three different editing designs. (a) Assay design when cut
site and mutation site are separated. See Fig. 1a legend for details. (b) Assay design when two cut sites are
introduced. See Fig. 4 legend for details. (c) Assay design when cut site and mutation site overlap. See Fig. 5
legend for details
Table 1
Components of 20 assay mixtures
3 Methods
To detect HDR and NHEJ at the same time, four different kinds of
probes are designed within a single amplicon [8]. The first is a FAM
(reference) probe that is nonoverlapping with the cut site and
which always binds to the genomic DNA. It provides a positive
FAM amplitude for counting total genome copies in the sample
(contributing to a FAM+ or FAM++ signal, Fig. 1). The second is a
354 Yuichiro Miyaoka et al.
HEX (NHEJ) probe that binds at the cut or nick site of the
genomic locus. It has a wild type sequence, so in the case where
NHEJ occurs and results in either insertion or deletion of
sequences at the cut site, the probe will no longer be able to bind
resulting in a loss of HEX signal. Loss of HEX signal with retention
of the reference probe FAM signal (FAM+, HEX) identifies
molecules that have undergone NHEJ (Fig. 1b, c). The third
probe is another FAM probe (HDR probe), which will bind to
the DNA when precise edits have occurred indicating an HDR
event. In the case of HDR, the FAM amplitude will further increase
separating the HDR population from the wild type (FAM++, HEX
+). The fourth probe is a nonfluorescent (“dark”) probe having
“WT” sequence which prevents non-specific-binding of the HDR
probe to the unaltered “WT” allele (see Fig. 2, assay designs a
and c).
3.2 Assay Validation 1. Mix the reagents shown in Table 2 in a well of a 96-well plate to
make a 25-μl reaction (see Note 5).
Detection and Quantification of HDR and NHEJ Induced by Genome. . . 355
Table 2
Reagents for assay validation
3.3 Digital PCR 1. Dilute genomic DNA samples to 100–150 ng/μl in distilled
Detection of HDR water or TE (see Note 9).
and NHEJ Events 2. Assemble the master mix below on ice by mixing the reagents
in Genomic DNA shown in Table 5 (volumes shown are for one reaction to which
Samples DNA must still be added). Multiply these by the number of
356 Yuichiro Miyaoka et al.
Table 3
Two-step thermal cycling for ddPCR (all the steps ramped by 2 ˚C/s)
Table 4
Three-step thermal cycling for ddPCR (all the steps ramped by 2 ˚C/s)
Table 5
Reagents for quantification of HDR and NHEJ in genomic DNA samples (X μl (100–150 ng) of a
genomic DNA sample later)
Fig. 3 Separated cut and mutation sites, with one NHEJ probe: Assay design and 2D droplet plot with droplet
group definitions for analysis. Details as in Fig. 1a, c
358 Yuichiro Miyaoka et al.
Fig. 4 Cut site and mutation site overlap. (a) Assay design when cut site and mutation site overlap. In these
cases, the NHEJ probe overlaps with and is on the same strand as the HDR probe. The NHEJ probe thus
competes with the HDR probe for WT binding and a dark probe is not necessary. Also, the HDR allele becomes
FAM++ and HEX. (b) Other droplet populations defined as in Fig. 1c
c ¼ copies per microliter of initial reaction Nneg ¼ the number
of droplets that do not contain the species of interest.
Ntotal ¼ the total number of droplets.
Vdroplet ¼ the volume of an individual droplet (0.85 nl with
current reaction conditions).
7. In this ddPCR-based assay, some of the droplet populations
cannot easily be separated, such as the droplet group contain-
ing WT and NHEJ + WT droplets (NWT+) or the droplet group
containing HDR and HDR + WT droplets (NHDR+). To
Detection and Quantification of HDR and NHEJ Induced by Genome. . . 359
Fig. 5 Two cut sites are introduced: ddPCR assay design and 2D droplet plot. (a) Assay design when two cut
sites are introduced. Because dual Cas9 systems introduce two cuts, two NHEJ probes are included in the
assay to detect possible indels on either side of the mutation site. When neither NHEJ probe competes with the
HDR probe—as shown here—a dark probe is also designed to avoid binding of the HDR probe to the WT
allele. Because two NHEJ probes are included in this assay, the WT allele is detected as FAM+ and HEX++,
and the NHEJ alleles are detected as FAM+ and HEX+, or FAM+ and HEX. (b) Two-dimensional plot of an
assay with two NHEJ probes. Definitions of NEmpty and NHDR+ populations are the same as in Fig. 1c. However,
because two NHEJ probes are included in this assay, there are two droplet populations containing only NHEJ
alleles—one that lost one of the two NHEJ probe binding sites of NHEJ probes (FAM+ HEX+) and one that lost
both (FAM+ HEX). All other droplets were gated as NWT+ population (FAM+ HEX++). These definitions are
used to calculate the HDR and NHEJ allelic frequencies (see Subheading 3.4)
F ¼ allelic frequency (%).
cWT ¼ the WT allelic concentration.
cHDR ¼ the HDR allelic concentration.
cNHEJ ¼ the NEHJ allelic concentration.
An example of analysis is shown in Fig. 6.
Fig. 6 Different HDR and NHEJ frequencies induced by TALEN in RBM20 in HEK293 cells and human induced
pluripotent stem cells. (a and b) HDR and NHEJ allelic frequencies induced by the same TALENs targeting
RBM20 in HEK293 cells (a) and human induced pluripotent stem cells (b). The NHEJ and HDR probes directly
compete to each other, so NHDR+ population was FAM++ HEX as in Fig. 4. The frequencies are shown in the
two-dimensional plots. The two different cell types showed different HDR and NHEJ frequencies
Detection and Quantification of HDR and NHEJ Induced by Genome. . . 361
4 Notes
1. Gaj T, Gersbach CA, Barbas CF III (2013) 6. Hindson BJ, Ness KD, Masquelier DA,
ZFN, TALEN, and CRISPR/Cas-based meth- Belgrader P, Heredia NJ, Makarewicz AJ, Bright
ods for genome engineering. Trends Biotechnol IJ, Lucero MY, Hiddessen AL, Legler TC,
31(7):397–405. https://doi.org/10.1016/j. Kitano TK, Hodel MR, Petersen JF, Wyatt PW,
tibtech.2013.04.004 Steenblock ER, Shah PH, Bousse LJ, Troup CB,
2. Certo MT, Ryu BY, Annis JE, Garibov M, Mellen JC, Wittmann DK, Erndt NG, Cauley
Jarjour J, Rawlings DJ, Scharenberg AM TH, Koehler RT, So AP, Dube S, Rose KA,
(2011) Tracking genome engineering outcome Montesclaros L, Wang S, Stumbo DP, Hodges
at individual DNA breakpoints. Nat Methods 8 SP, Romine S, Milanovich FP, White HE, Regan
(8):671–676. https://doi.org/10.1038/ JF, Karlin-Neumann GA, Hindson CM,
nmeth.1648 Saxonov S, Colston BW (2011) High-
3. Ran FA, Hsu PD, Lin CY, Gootenberg JS, throughput droplet digital PCR system for abso-
Konermann S, Trevino AE, Scott DA, Inoue A, lute quantitation of DNA copy number. Anal
Matoba S, Zhang Y, Zhang F (2013) Double Chem 83(22):8604–8610. https://doi.org/10.
nicking by RNA-guided CRISPR Cas9 for 1021/ac202028g
enhanced genome editing specificity. Cell 154 7. Miyaoka Y, Chan AH, Judge LM, Yoo J,
(6):1380–1389. https://doi.org/10.1016/j. Huang M, Nguyen TD, Lizarraga PP, So PL,
cell.2013.08.021 Conklin BR (2014) Isolation of single-base
4. Hendel A, Kildebeck EJ, Fine EJ, Clark JT, genome-edited human iPS cells without antibi-
Punjya N, Sebastiano V, Bao G, Porteus MH otic selection. Nat Methods 11(3):291–293.
(2014) Quantifying genome-editing outcomes https://doi.org/10.1038/nmeth.2840
at endogenous loci with SMRT sequencing. 8. Miyaoka Y, Berman JR, Cooper SB, Mayerl SJ,
Cell Rep 7(1):293–305. https://doi.org/10. Chan AH, Zhang B, Karlin-Neumann GA, Con-
1016/j.celrep.2014.02.040 klin BR (2016) Systematic quantification of
5. Lin S, Staahl BT, Alla RK, Doudna JA (2014) HDR and NHEJ reveals effects of locus, nucle-
Enhanced homology-directed human genome ase, and cell type on genome-editing. Sci Rep
engineering by controlled timing of CRISPR/ Mar 31(6):23549. PMID: 27030102,
Cas9 delivery. elife 3:e04766. https://doi.org/ PMC4814844
10.7554/eLife.04766 9. Bio-Rad Bulletin 6407, Droplet Digital Applica-
tions guide
Chapter 21
Droplet digital (ddPCR) is a recent advance in PCR technology that enables the precise detection and
absolute quantification of nucleic acid target sequences and that has a range of applications for both research
and clinical diagnostic studies. Here, we discuss the parameters important in the design and performance of
ddPCR for the detection and quantification of methylated DNA. We provide explicit instructions for
conducting methylation specific ddPCR (aka MethyLight ddPCR). We also present an example that
demonstrates the sensitivity and precision of the method for detecting methylated DNA in the promoter
region of mir342/EVL, a potential DNA methylation biomarker for colon cancer risk. Common technical
problems and troubleshooting for conducting successful MethyLight ddPCR assays are also discussed.
Key words Droplet digital PCR, MethyLight, DNA methylation, Colorectal cancer, Risk biomarkers,
MethyLight ddPCR
1 Introduction
George Karlin-Neumann and Francisco Bizouarn (eds.), Digital PCR: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1768, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-7778-9_21, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018
364 Ming Yu et al.
Fig. 1 Workflow diagram of the procedure for the MethyLight ddPCR, which is
used for DNA methylation analysis
2 Materials
2.1 Genomic DNA 1. We have routinely used DNA isolated from fresh frozen tissue
(gDNA) Isolation using the DNeasy® Blood and Tissue Kit (QIAGEN, catalog
#69504). If starting with FFPE tissues, we recommend using
the QIAamp® DNA FFPE Tissue Kit (QIAGEN, catalog
#56404) instead (see Note 1).
2. Water bath.
3. Xylene for deparaffinization of FFPE samples.
4. 100% ethanol.
5. Microcentifuge tubes, 1.5 mL (RNAse and DNAse free).
6. Microcentrifuge.
2.4 Assay 1. Control DNA: EpiTect Control DNA, 100% methylated (QIA-
Components GEN, catalog #59655) and EpiTect Control DNA, 100%
unmethylated (QIAGEN, catalog #59665, see Note 4).
MethyLight ddPCR 367
2.5 Bio-Rad ddPCR 1. Droplet Generation Oil for Probes (Bio-Rad, catalog
System Consumables #1863005).
2. DG8™ Cartridges for QX200™/QX100™ Droplet Genera-
tor (Bio-Rad, catalog #1864008). One is needed for every
eight reactions.
3. DG8™ Gaskets for QX200™/QX100™ Droplet Generator
(Bio-Rad, catalog #1863009). One is needed for every
4. ddPCR™ Droplet Reader Oil (Bio-Rad, catalog #1863004).
5. Pierceable Foil Heat Seals (Bio-Rad, catalog #1814040).
6. Microcentifuge tubes, 1.5 mL (DNAse, RNAse free).
7. Semiskirted 96-well PCR plate with notches in at least two
corners (e.g., Eppendorf, catalog #951020362).
2.6 Bio-Rad ddPCR 1. T100™ PCR Thermal Cycler (Bio-Rad, catalog #1861096).
System Equipment 2. QX200™ Droplet Generator (Bio-Rad, catalog #1864002).
3. PX1™ PCR Plate Sealer (Bio-Rad, catalog #1814000).
4. QX200™ Droplet Reader (Bio-Rad, catalog #1864003).
5. QuantaSoft™ Software, Regulatory Edition (Bio-Rad, catalog
3 Methods
PCR workstation (see Note 6). All instruments used in the PCR
set-up steps should be decontaminated by exposure to UV light
(254 nm) for at least 15 min prior to starting this phase of Methy-
Light ddPCR.
3.1 Genomic DNA 1. Isolate gDNA from tissue using a kit such as the DNeasy®
(gDNA) Isolation and Blood and Tissue Kit or the QIAamp® DNA FFPE Tissue Kit
Quantification for FFPE tissues (see Note 1). Perform gDNA isolation accord-
ing to the manufacturer’s instructions for special considera-
tions when using FFPE tissues, see Note 7.
2. Measure gDNA concentration using the Quant-iT™ Pico-
Green® dsDNA Assay Kit according to manufacturer’s instruc-
tions scaled down to a 96-well format: Use a 96-well imaging
plate with black walls and a clear flat bottom. Add 100 μL of
DNA solution and 100 μL of Quant-iT PicoGreen reagent
working solution to each well for measurement (see Note 2).
3.2 Bisulfite 1. Perform bisulfite conversion of sample DNA using a kit such as
Conversion of gDNA the EZ DNA Methylation Kit from Zymo Research (D5002)
(See Note 3) following the manufacturer’s instructions with the following
2. Consistent with the manufacturer’s instructions in the EZ
DNA Methylation Kit, we recommend using less than 1 μg
DNA per column since too much DNA may result in incom-
plete conversion.
3. The overnight incubation (step 4 of the kit) may be done in a
water bath, thermocycler, or heat block. Any of these are
acceptable as long as the samples are in a DNA clean environ-
ment and protected from light. It is also important to avoid
excessive shaking of the samples during this process.
4. After the final wash step (step 11), empty the collection tube
and spin-dry the column for an additional 1 min in order to
ensure that there is no carryover of wash buffer into the elute.
5. To obtain the highest yield, repeat the elution step with both
rounds of eluate going into the same tube (10 μL eluate per
elution step, total volume ¼ 20 μL).
6. Bisulfite converted-DNA should be used as soon as possible
after conversion, or can be stored at 70 C for later use.
Freeze the samples immediately after conversion if they are to
be stored. Repeated freezing and thawing is strongly discour-
aged as greater than three freeze-thaw cycles can lead to DNA
fragmentation that impairs PCR DNA amplification. Therefore
we recommend creating aliquots of samples before freezing.
MethyLight ddPCR 369
3.3 Primer and Probe The primer/probe design follows the principles of MethyLight
Design (See Note 8) assays in general, which has been discussed in detail previously,
with modifications noted below [11].
1. First virtually convert both the forward and reverse strand of a
500 bp sequence of DNA surrounding the CpG of interest to
its bisulfite-converted sequence using PyroMark Assay Design
v2.0 (QIAGEN).
2. Next, use ABI Primer Express software Version 3.0.1 (Applied
Biosystems, Life Technologies) to design the primers and
probe used in a MethyLight ddPCR assay (An example of the
use of ABI Primer Express designed primers and probes for a
methylated EVL assay (NP_057421) is described later and in
Yu et al. [9].) After virtual bisulfite conversion of the sequence,
input either the forward or reverse strand into Primer Express
set to the TaqMan® MGB Quantification setting.
3. Once the sequence is in Primer Express, follow the instructions
for use of the software to select primers and probes for the
locus of interest.
4. If an optimal set of primers and probes cannot be generated by
the software, then modify the sequence of interest repeatedly
by shortening or extending the sequence until a primer or
probe covers the CpG of interest.
5. In addition, if an acceptable primer and probe set is not found
despite modifying the target sequence, try using more lenient
parameters (e.g., alter melting temperature parameters) or
designing the assay for the complementary strand.
6. The selected probes are synthesized with a 50 fluorescent emit-
ter and a 30 nonfluorescent quencher with a minor groove
binding (MGB) domain. We design probes with 50 fluorescent
emitters that can be used in a duplex assay. So we typically
design the probes for the gene of interest with FAM and the
reference gene with VIC or HEX, which allows us to simulta-
neously detect and quantify the methylated target gene (e.g.,
EVL labeled with FAM) and the reference gene (e.g., C-LESS-
C1 [10] labeled with VIC).
The reference gene selected will be amplified regardless of
its methylation status and therefore is used to determine the
total amount of amplifiable DNA. Other investigators have
used beta-actin (ACTB) to normalize for input DNA, which
can also work as a reference gene but is less well studied
compared to C-LESS-C1 (Belshaw et al. [3]). A complete list
of the MethyLight primer and probe sequences for the EVL
and C-Less-C1 MethyLight ddPCR assays are provided in
Table 1. The location of CpGs in the MethyLight primers
and probes and the amplicons for methylated EVL and
C-LESS-C1 assays are provided in Fig. 2.
370 Ming Yu et al.
Table 1
Primer and probe sequences used in MethyLight ddPCR assays
Fig. 2 Relative location of the CpG dinucleotides in the MethyLight primers and probes for the assay to detect
methylated EVL and for the C-LESS-C1 assays. The forward primers, probe and reverse primers are indicated
by the blue arrows, green lines and red arrows, respectively. The small vertical lines indicate the CpG sites.
The DNA strand shown is the top strand
3.4 Plate Lay-Out 1. Design the experimental plate layout using a 96-well plate in
Design columns (see Note 9).
2. Always include a NTC, a positive control using 100% methy-
lated Epitect DNA (Pos.), and a negative control using 100%
unmethylated EpiTect DNA (Neg.)
3.5 Droplet 1. Thaw all reagents and DNA on ice, and equilibrate to room
Generation and temperature for 3 min before generating droplets. Protect the
Transfer probe from exposure to light.
2. The “Master Mix” (MM) is a mixture of Supermix, primers,
probes, and water, in correct proportions, as described in
Table 2 below, which will be added to each sample. Calculate
the volumes of MM required based on 25 μL total volume per
sample (20 μL MM plus 5 μL DNA). The primer and probes
are used at final concentrations of 900 nmol/L and
~250 nmol/L, respectively according to manufacturer’s
recommendations. See Table 2 for an example of Master Mix
calculations. Reagents should be well mixed by pipetting or
gentle vortexing.
MethyLight ddPCR 371
Table 2
Example master mix calculations
3.6 Sealing the Plate 1. Configure the PX1 PCR plate sealer to seal for 5 s at 180 C.
2. Open the PX1 PCR plate sealer by pressing the arrow on the
instrument’s screen. Position your plate on the tray.
3. Position a pierceable foil seal over the wells of the plate with the
red stripe of the seal facing upward. Place the metal frame
included with the instrument over the PCR plate.
4. Close the door of the sealer and once the machine is up to
temperature, press “Seal.”
5. The PX1 will open automatically when it is finished sealing.
Turn the PCR plate horizontally 180 and repeat the steps
described above.
6. Thermal cycle the droplets within 30 min of pipetting the
reaction mixtures into the plate.
3.7 PCR 1. Run the plate in a thermocycler with the cycling conditions
recommended for the Supermix used. For cycling conditions
to use with ddPCR Supermix for Probes (Bio-Rad, catalog
#1863010), see Table 3.
2. After thermocycling, the plate should be read using the QX200
droplet reader immediately or kept at 4 C for no more than
1 day.
Table 3
Thermalcycling conditions for ddPCR Supermix for Probesa
3.8 Droplet Reading 1. Turn on the QX200 droplet reader and allow it to warm up for
30 min.
2. Verify that the left two lights are solid green. If the left light is
not solid, there is an issue with the power. If the second light is
not on then either the oil bottle is too low or the waste bottle is
too full. Correct these issues before proceeding with the plate
3. Open the plate holder by flipping the two black release tabs
into the up position and removing the cover. Place the plate on
the holder with well A1 in the upper left, replace the cover, and
flip the black tabs back down.
4. Open the reader by pressing the green button on top of the
door, place the plate holder in the instrument, and close the
door again using the same button. The plate indicator light
should now be solid green.
5. Connect the reader to your computer via a USB cable and open
the QuantaSoft software. Select Setup and define the experi-
ment design. Then select Run (see Note 13).
6. While the run is in progress, the right-most indicator light
flashes green. When the run is finished, all indicator lights
should be solid green. At this point, open the door and remove
the plate holder. Remove the PCR plate from the holder and
3.9 Interpreting 2D After the run is complete, we use QuantaSoft software to analyze
Plot Results (See the data in each well. If the plate was set up for absolute quantifica-
Table 4) tion (ABS) analysis. QuantaSoft sets the threshold automatically
and determines concentration in the data tables in the analysis
mode of the software. However, one should inspect each well and
manually adjust the threshold if necessary to ensure correct desig-
nation of the droplets in each well.
Figure 3 shows an example of a duplex MethyLight ddPCR
experiment in which the target gene EVL and the reference gene
C-LESS-C1 have been PCR amplified and viewed in a 2D plot of
droplet fluorescence. For detecting infrequently methylated alleles
in clinical samples, each sample is run in eight replicate wells and the
droplet counts (positive and negative) from all replicated wells are
combined to yield a “merged” well. The concentration and Poisson
confidence intervals for each “merged” well are computed using
the QuantaSoft software version (Bio-Rad, Hercules,
CA). Troubleshooting advice can be found in Table 4.
374 Ming Yu et al.
Table 4
Troubleshooting table
MethyLight ddPCR 375
Table 4
Fig. 3 Quantification of methylated EVL in colon mucosa biopsy samples by a duplex MethyLight ddPCR assay.
Genomic DNA samples were bisulfite converted and analyzed by MethyLight ddPCR. Each sample (8 ng or
2424.2 haploid genome equivalents of total input DNA) was partitioned into an average of 15,000 droplets per
well and replicated in 8 wells. The droplet counts (positive and negative) from all replicated wells were
combined to yield a “merged” well. The concentration and Poisson confidence intervals for each “merged”
well were computed using the QuantaSoft software version (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA). (a) 2D amplitude
plot of the duplex assay. For each fluorophore, a threshold was manually set to designate positive events.
Blue: methylated EVL-positive droplets (FAM); Green: C-Less-C1 positive droplets (VIC); Black: negative
droplets. (b) Measured concentration (copies/μL) of the methylated EVL (blue) in the positive control (EpiTect
100% methylated control DNA), NTC and a representative clinical sample. The total input DNA was estimated
based on a reference gene C-LESS-C1 assay (green). Error bars indicate the Poisson 95% confidence intervals
for each measurement. NTC: no template control
MethyLight ddPCR 377
4.1 Sample DNA extracted from a biological sample will have variable integrity
Preparation and concentration, depending on the sample source. For example,
FFPE tissues, although used routinely in cancer research, provide
DNA that is highly fragmented and chemically cross-linked, which
may negatively impact the performance of a MethyLight ddPCR
assay. This should be kept in mind if poor quality results are gener-
ated from the test samples despite having good results from the
positive control samples.
Most methods in DNA methylation studies use bisulfite con-
version, which results in fragmented genomic DNA. One needs to
take into account the actual amount of amplifiable DNA in these
samples when calculating the amount of starting material needed.
Furthermore, bisulfite converted DNA may produce a “rain” pro-
file and a shift of baseline in a 1D amplitude plot (Fig. 4a). It is
possible to account for this artifact by simply setting the threshold
manually to obtain a good separation of positive droplets from
negative background and achieve accurate absolute quantification
(Figs. 3a and 4a). In addition, incomplete bisulfite-converted DNA
will result in misleading data and should be considered when an
unexpected amount of methylated DNA is detected or low PCR
amplification occurs.
4.2 Testing an Assay For development of methylation assays for assaying for a field
cancerization effect, one important consideration is the limit of
quantification (LOQ), which is the minimum concentration of
the methylated allele in a sample that can be reliably distinguished
from a background of a much higher proportion of unmethylated
alleles, within an acceptable (predetermined) coefficient of variation
(CV, measurement error). We use a multiplex assay, that includes an
assay for a reference gene (e.g., C-LESS-C1) to quantify the
amount of input DNA (over 99.9% of which are unmethylated),
and an assay for the methylated gene of interest (e.g., EVL) to
quantify the amount of methylated EVL allele. LOQ is typically
quoted as a ratio or a percentage: for example, 1 methylated allele in
378 Ming Yu et al.
Fig. 4 Analysis of limit of quantification (LOQ) for methylated EVL by MethyLight ddPCR. We determine the LOQ
by serial dilution of the 100% methylated EpiTect Methyl control DNA into a solution containing 100%
unmethylated EpiTect Unmethyl control DNA (8 ng of total input DNA in each well). Each sample is partitioned
into an average of 15,000 droplets per well and replicated in four wells. The droplet counts (see Subheading 4
with regard to protocol for selection of positive and negative droplets) from all four replicates are combined for
the final analysis. The concentration and Poisson confidence intervals for each “merged” well are computed
using the QuantaSoft software version (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA). (a) 1D plot shows the separation
between positive droplet (blue) and negative droplets (black). An event with fluorescence amplitude value
>2435 was considered a methylation-positive event (red line). Note the “rain” profile and a shift in baseline in
the 1D amplitude plot, possibly due to the bisulfite conversion treatment. (b) Representative example of results
of ddPCR of serial DNA dilution series. The concentration (copies/μL) of methylated EVL in serially diluted
samples (8 ng of total input DNA per well) are shown: S1 ¼ 80%, S2 ¼ 40%, S3 ¼ 20%, S4 ¼ 10%,
S5 ¼ 5%, S6 ¼ 2.5%, S7 ¼ 1.25%, S8 ¼ 0.625%, and S9 ¼ 0.313%. The error bars represent Poisson 95%
confidence intervals
MethyLight ddPCR 379
4.3 The Amount of One consideration for increasing the detection capability is to
Input DNA increase the amount of input DNA. For example, to reach a LOQ
of 0.001%, statistically at least 300,000 human haploid genome in a
well, or 1 μg of human DNA, must be screened within 20% CV. If
enough sample DNA is available, one can use about 1 μg of
bisulfite-converted DNA in the 20 μL reaction to effectively detect
more methylated alleles at a LOQ of 0.001%. It is important to
keep in my mind that the source of the DNA, such as a tissue biopsy
may provide very limited amount of DNA. Thus, a practical LOQ
of 0.1% is expected if the total input DNA is less than 10 ng
per well.
4.5 Proper Controls A proper experimental setup for detecting rare methylated alleles
in Experimental Setup includes positive control wells (100% methylated control DNA),
negative control wells (100% unmethylated control DNA), and
non-template-control (NTC) wells. The number of positive dro-
plets in the negative control wells should be zero, which indicates
optimal specificity of the assay. In addition, NTC wells should also
produce zero positive droplets, which reflects optimal laboratory
practices. Refer to Table 4 if positive droplets are detected in NTC.
The false-positive rate must be considered when designing assays to
achieve accurate quantification.
4.7 Types of Errors For experiments with replicates, QuantaSoft software calculates
two types of errors: a theoretical replicate error (technical errors,
or Poisson error) and a standard error of the means (the total
error). It is recommended that total errors are reported for each
measurement. For samples with DNA concentration within the
range of dynamic range of ddPCR (3–106060.6 copies of target
molecules/well), the total error and the Poisson error should be
nearly identical.
However, for quantifying rare methylated alleles that are in the
extreme low end of the concentration range, both the Poisson error
and the total errors will tend to be larger. In addition, errors
introduced by pipetting during dilution or aliquoting are not neg-
ligible. Improving pipetting accuracy is helpful to reduce the total
5 Notes
Currently there is no sensitive, precise, and reproducible method to quantitate alternative splicing of mRNA
transcripts. Droplet digital™ PCR (ddPCR™) analysis allows for accurate digital counting for quantifica-
tion of gene expression. Human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) is one of the essential compo-
nents required for telomerase activity and for the maintenance of telomeres. Several alternatively spliced
forms of hTERT mRNA in human primary and tumor cells have been reported in the literature. Using one
pair of primers and two probes for hTERT, four alternatively spliced forms of hTERT (α/β+, α+/β
single deletions, α/β double deletion, and nondeletion α+/β+) were accurately quantified through a
novel analysis method via data collected from a single ddPCR reaction. In this chapter, we describe this
ddPCR method that enables direct quantitative comparison of four alternatively spliced forms of the
hTERT messenger RNA without the need for internal standards or multiple pairs of primers specific for
each variant, eliminating the technical variation due to differential PCR amplification efficiency for different
amplicons and the challenges of quantification using standard curves. This simple and straightforward
method should have general utility for quantifying alternatively spliced gene transcripts.
Key words mRNA alternative splicing, mRNA quantification, hTERT, qPCR, Droplet digital PCR
1 Introduction
George Karlin-Neumann and Francisco Bizouarn (eds.), Digital PCR: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1768, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-7778-9_22, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018
388 Bing Sun and Yun-Ling Zheng
2 Materials
2.1 Cell Lines All the cell lines (ovarian cancer OVCar-3, osteosarcoma SAOS-
Evaluated 2 and U2OS, breast cancer MCF-7, lung fibroblast WI-38, and
endometrium adenocarcinoma HEC-1-A) used in the study were
obtained from ATCC (Manassas, VA) or from Cell Culture Core
Facility of Lombardi Cancer Center, Georgetown University Med-
ical Center, and cultured with the media as recommended by the
providers. RNA can also be extracted from fresh tissues or frozen
fresh tissues, and used for transcript quantification with this
2.2 Primer Design 1. All primers and probes were synthesized by Integrated DNA
and Sequences Technologies, Inc. (Coralville, IW).
2. The forward-primer for hTERT cDNA amplification (PCR-F
in Fig. 1) is located at upstream of α-deletion splicing site
(50 -GCCTGAGCTGTACTTTGTCA-30 ). The reverse-primer
(PCR-R in Fig. 1) is at downstream of β-deletion splicing site
with sequence of 50 -CAGCGTGGAGAGGATGGAG-30 . The
amplicon size are 376, 230, 194, and 412 bp for α/β+ (α
deletion), α+/β (β deletion), α/β (α&β double deletion),
or α+/β+ (full length), respectively.
3. Dual-labeled α-deletion probe was designed with FAM as the
fluorescent indicator and ZEN-Iowa Black as the quencher—
positioned as shown in Fig. 1. Sequence [50 -/FAM/
partially overlaps the transcript both before and after the deleted
region, and specifically recognizes the α-deletion
transcripts only.
390 Bing Sun and Yun-Ling Zheng
Fig. 1 Location of primers and probes for the detection of hTERT mRNA α-deletion (α/β+), β-deletion (α+/
β), and α/β double deletion. Deleted regions are designated by dashed lines
2.3 Positive Control To serve as positive controls for identification and quantification of
for hTERT Transcripts each variant, cloned hTERT DNA fragments of the four alterna-
tively spliced variants were amplified by PCR using the hTERT
PCR-F primer and another reverse primer (5-
PCR-R. These amplification products (419, 273, 237, and
455 bp for α/β+, α+/β, α/β, or α+/β+, respectively) were
previously cloned into pCR4-TOPO TA vector (Life Technologies,
Grand Island, NY), and their sequences were verified by Sanger
DNA sequencing (Genewiz, Germantown, MD). These controls
are available upon request.
Simultaneous Quantification of Multiple Alternatively Spliced mRNA. . . 391
3 Methods
3.1 RNA Extraction 1. Total RNA from cultured tumor cell lines and fibroblasts was
and cDNA Synthesis extracted with TRIzol total RNA extraction kit (Life
2. RNA measurement: 1 μL of extracted total RNA was analyzed
by spectrometry on a NanoDrop-1000 to determine concen-
tration, with 260/280 ratio 2.0.
3. One μg total RNA was used for cDNA synthesis in a 10 μL
reaction, using the iScript Select cDNA synthesis kit (Bio-Rad)
and 19 nt oligo dT + A/G/C to ensure 1:1 reverse transcrip-
tion (see Subheading 4, Note 1).
3.3 ddPCR Reaction PCR reaction and detection were carried out according to manu-
Partioning facturer’s instructions [17].
and Amplification
1. Each assembled ddPCR reaction mixture (20 μL) was loaded
into the sample well of an eight-channel droplet generator
2. Seventy microliters of droplet generation oil was loaded into
the oil well for each channel.
3. The cartridge was placed into the droplet generator after secur-
ing a gasket over the loaded chip, for droplet generation (up to
20,000 droplets per reaction).
4. The droplets for each sample which collected in the cartridge
droplet wells were then manually transferred with a multichan-
nel pipette to a 96-well PCR Eppendorf plate.
5. The plate was heat-sealed with a foil seal and then placed on a
conventional thermal cycler (T100, Bio-Rad).
6. Thermal cycling conditions were 95 C for 10 min (1 cycle),
followed by 45 cycles of 95 C for 30 s and 60 C for 1 min,
then by 98 C for 10 min (1 cycle), and hold at 12 C until
detection. Longer extension time may be required for the
detection of long amplicon.
7. After PCR, the 96-well PCR plate was transferred to the drop-
let reader (QX100, Bio-Rad), which automatically reads the
droplets from each well of the plate using appropriate settings
predefined by the manufacturer (Bio-Rad).
3,000 3,000
2,500 2,500
2,000 2,000
1,500 1,500
0 0
0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500
3,000 3,000
2,500 2,500
2,000 2,000
1,500 1,500
1,000 1,000 a+/b+ a+/b-
a+/b+ a+/b-
500 500
0 0
0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500
Fig. 2 2D display of droplet distribution after ddPCR amplification of cloned hTERT alternatively spiced
transcripts (a—α deletion only, b—β deletion only, c—α&β double deletion only, and d—Nondeletion
only) in a single droplet digital PCR reaction containing both α-deletion (FAM) and β-deletion (HEX) probes.
FAM-positive droplets (i.e., α/β+) are in the upper left quadrant. HEX-positive droplets (i.e., α+/β) are in
the lower right quadrant. Double-positive droplets (α/β in dashed rectangle) are in the upper right
quadrant. Weak FAM-positive (α+/β+ in dashed rectangle) or negative droplets are in the lower left quadrant
3.5 Verifying A separate ddPCR reaction with the same primer pair but including
the Detection only the nondeletion β probe (FAM-labeled, Fig. 1) and the
of Colocalized hTERT β-deletion probe (HEX) was performed to assess the ability to
Variants detect the copresence of single α-deletion and single β-deletion in
the same droplet. In the case of hTERT expression, the transcript
levels of each variant in all the cells evaluated are low, even in cancer
cells. Thus the likelihood of having colocalization of two or more
hTERT variants in one droplet is extremely low. It is generally
advised to titrate cDNA sample input for ddPCR to have less than
5000 positive droplets in a reaction in order to avoid the presence
of new clusters due to the colocalization of two or more variants in
one droplet (see Subheading 4, Note 5).
3.6 Data Analysis Instead of using autoanalysis after data acquisition with QuantaSoft
analysis software, manually select “+/”, “/+”, “/” counts
by using the “lasso” function in the 2D plots, relative to the positive
counts for each alternatively spliced transcripts, allowing the
394 Bing Sun and Yun-Ling Zheng
3,000 3,000
2,500 2,500
2,000 2,000
1,500 1,500
0 0
0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500
3,000 3,000
2,500 2,500
0 0
0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500
Droplet HEX intensity (a.u.) Droplet HEX intensity (a.u.)
Fig. 3 2D display of droplet distribution after ddPCR amplification of cloned hTERT variants in different
combination (a—α-deletion + β-deletion, b—α-deletion + nondeletion, c—α-deletion + -
β-deletion + nondeletion, and d—all four alternatively spliced variants) in a single droplet digital PCR reaction
containing both α-deletion (FAM) and β-deletion (HEX) probes. FAM-positive droplets (i.e., α/β+) are in the
upper left quadrant. HEX-positive droplets (i.e., α+/β) are in the lower right quadrant. Double-positive
droplets (α/β in dashed rectangle, and the copresence of α- and β-deletion transcripts between dashed
lines) are in the upper right quadrant. Weak FAM-positive (α+/β+) or negative droplets are in the lower left
4 Notes
3,000 3,000
2,500 2,500
2,000 2,000
1,500 a+/b+ a-/b- 1,500 a+/b+ a-/b-
1,000 1,000
500 500
0 0
0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500
2,500 3,000
1,500 a+/b+ a+/b+
- 2,000
1,000 b-
0 0
0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000
Droplet HEX intensity (a.u.) Droplet HEX intensity (a.u.)
Fig. 4 2D display of droplet distribution after ddPCR amplification of mRNA from human cancer cell lines. Each
of the three cell line (a—U2OS, b—HEC-1-A, and c—OVCar-3) was amplified in a single droplet digital PCR
reaction containing both α-deletion (FAM) and β-deletion (HEX) probes. FAM-positive droplets (i.e., α/β+)
are in the upper left quadrant. HEX-positive droplets (i.e., α+/β) are in the lower right quadrant. Double-
positive droplets (i.e., α/β or the copresence of single α- and β-deletions) are in the upper right quadrant.
Weak FAM-positive (α+/β+) or negative droplets are in the lower left quadrant. d—cell line SAOS-2 was
amplified in a single droplet digital PCR reaction with nondeletion β (FAM) and β-deletion (HEX) probes.
FAM-positive droplets (i.e., β+) are in the dashed rectangle in upper half. HEX-positive droplets (i.e., β) are
in the dashed rectangle on the right. Double-positive droplets, i.e., copresence of non-β deletion (β+) and
β-deletion (β), are in the upper right quadrant
Table 1
Calculated copies of each cloned hTERT constructs for the co-presence of α and βdeletion
constructs as shown in Fig. 3
Double-positive droplets
Cell line α-deletion β-deletion Double-deletion Non-deletion Total hTERT α-deletion β-deletion Double-deletion Non-deletion
SAOS-2 47.09 3668.28 253.03 1049.76 5018.16 0.94 73.10 5.04 20.92
U2OS 0.00 13.93 0.72 8.93 23.58 0.00 59.08 3.07 37.85
WI-38 0.00 1.44 0.00 0.47 1.91 0.00 75.44 0.00 24.56
HEC-1-A 37.61 162.44 14.35 622.07 836.46 4.50 19.42 1.72 74.37
OVCar-3 23.10 779.54 45.89 435.76 1284.28 1.80 60.70 3.57 33.93
MCF-7 20.83 708.88 31.12 355.50 1116.33 1.87 63.50 2.79 31.85
Values were the average of duplicate measurements
Simultaneous Quantification of Multiple Alternatively Spliced mRNA. . .
400 Bing Sun and Yun-Ling Zheng
1. Matlin AJ, Clark F, Smith CWJ (2005) Under- 11. Fujiwara-Akita H, Maesawa C, Honda T et al
standing alternative splicing: towards a cellular (2005) Expression of human telomerase
code. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 6:386–398 reverse transcriptase splice variants is well cor-
2. Hong M, Zhukareva V, Vogelsberg-Ragaglia V related with low telomerase activity in osteosar-
et al (1998) Mutation-specific functional coma cell lines. Int J Oncol 26:1009–1016
impairments in distinct tau isoforms of heredi- 12. Zaffaroni N, Villa R, Pastorino U et al (2005)
tary FTDP-17. Science 282:1914–1917 Lack of telomerase activity in lung carcinoids is
3. Lefebvre S, Burglen L, Reboullet S et al (1995) dependent on human telomerase reverse tran-
Identification and characterization of a spinal scriptase transcription and alternative splicing
muscular atrophy-determining gene. Cell and is associated with long telomeres. Clin
80:155–165 Cancer Res 11:2832–2839
4. Faustino NA, Cooper TA (2003) Pre-mRNA 13. Yi X, Shay JW, Wright WE (2001) Quantitation
splicing and human disease. Genes Dev of telomerase components and hTERT mRNA
17:419–437 splicing patterns in immortal human cells.
5. Cáceres JF, Kornblihtt AR (2002) Alternative Nucleic Acids Res 29:4818–4825
splicing: multiple control mechanisms and 14. Ohyashiki JH, Hisatomi H, Nagao K et al
involvement in human disease. Trends Genet (2005) Quantitative relationship between func-
18:186–193 tionally active telomerase and major telomerase
6. Ulaner GA, JF H, TH V et al (1998) Telome- components (hTERT and hTR) in acute leu-
rase activity in human development is regulated kaemia cells. Br J Cancer 92:1942–1947
by human telomerase reverse transcriptase 15. Mavrogiannou E, Strati A, Stathopoulou A et al
(hTERT) transcription and by alternate splic- (2007) Real-time RT-PCR quantification of
ing of hTERT transcripts. Cancer Res human telomerase reverse transcriptase splice
58:4168–4172 variants in tumor cell lines and non-small cell
7. Colgin LM, Wilkinson C, Englezou A et al lung cancer. Clin Chem 53:53–61
(2000) The hTERTalpha splice variant is a 16. Hara T, Noma T, Yamashiro Y et al (2001)
dominant negative inhibitor of telomerase Quantitative analysis of telomerase activity
activity. Neoplasia 2:426–432 and telomerase reverse transcriptase expression
8. Listerman I, Sun J, Gazzaniga FS et al (2013) in renal cell carcinoma. Urol Res 29:1–6
The major reverse transcriptase-incompetent 17. Hindson BJ, Ness KD, Masquelier DA et al
splice variant of the human telomerase protein (2011) High-throughput droplet digital PCR
inhibits telomerase activity but protects from system for absolute quantitation of DNA copy
apoptosis. Cancer Res 73:2817–2828 number. Anal Chem 83:8604–8610
9. Lincz LF, Mudge LM, Scorgie FE et al (2008) 18. Ulaner GA, JF H, TH V et al (2000) Regula-
Quantification of hTERT splice variants in mel- tion of telomerase by alternate splicing of
anoma by SYBR green real-time polymerase human telomerase reverse transcriptase
chain reaction indicates a negative regulatory (hTERT) in normal and neoplastic ovary,
role for the beta deletion variant. Neoplasia endometrium and myometrium. Int J Cancer
10:1131–1137 85:330–335
10. Liu Y, BQ W, Zhong HH et al (2012) Quanti- 19. Hoare SF, Bryce LA, Wisman GBA et al (2001)
fication of alternative splicing variants of Lock of telomerase RNA gene hTERC expres-
human telomerase reverse transcriptase and sion in alternative lengthening of telomere cells
correlations with telomerase activity in lung is associated with methylation of the hTERC
cancer. PLoS One 7:e38868 promoter. Cancer Res 61:27–32
Chapter 23
Genome-wide association studies have discovered thousands of common alleles that associate with human
phenotypes and disease. Many of these variants are in non-protein-coding (regulatory) regions and are
believed to affect phenotypes by modifying gene expression. In any organism with a diploid genome, such
as humans, measuring the expression of each allele of a gene provides a well-controlled way to identify allelic
influences on that gene’s expression. Here, we describe a protocol for precisely measuring the allele-specific
expression of individual genes. This method targets the nucleotide differences between the two alleles of a
gene within an individual and measures the “allelic skew,” the extent to which one allele is expressed more
than the other. We cover the design of effective assays, the optimization of reactions, and the interpretation
of the resulting data.
Key words Allele-specific expression, Allelic skew, Allelic imbalance, Droplet digital PCR, Digital
PCR, mRNA expression, Assay design
1 Introduction
George Karlin-Neumann and Francisco Bizouarn (eds.), Digital PCR: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1768, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-7778-9_23, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018
402 Nolan Kamitaki et al.
2 Materials
2.2 Biological 1. RNA samples (100 fg–100 ng of total RNA) from individuals
Sample heterozygous for the reporter SNP (see Note 3). They need not
be heterozygous for the candidate functional variant. Store at
80 C in RNase-free ddH2O. Vortex and centrifuge
before use.
3 Methods
3.1 Selection The first step (see Fig. 1, Subheading 3.1) is to identify one or more
of Reporter SNPs reporter variants (transcribed heterozygous sites) in the gene of
for Assays interest, which is generally chosen through hypotheses about the
mechanisms of disease. These reporter variants are generally single
nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within the target gene’s RNA
transcript. The chosen SNP will be used just as a reporter of a
transcript’s chromosome-of-origin; it need not be the variant caus-
ing the allelic skew, nor necessarily correlated via linkage disequilib-
rium with that variant, though it may be useful in downstream
analysis to know the relationship between the reporter and
causal SNP.
Using the UCSC genome browser, enter the gene name of
interest and select the assembly hg19 to focus on that locus. Under
the “Variation” header at the bottom of the page, change the
“1000G Ph1 Vars” track display setting to “full” and click
“refresh.” Any exonic variant appearing in this track, as well as
those in the 50 UTR and 30 UTR, can be used (see Fig. 2). In
addition, intronic SNPs can sometimes be utilized, especially if
RNA-seq data indicates that the corresponding sequence is
detected at a meaningful level in total RNA (see Note 5), reflecting
that sequence’s presence in cells for an appreciable period after
transcription and before splicing.
Using Droplet Digital PCR to Analyze Allele-Specific RNA Expression 405
Fig. 1 A schematic following the steps of assay design for the GAPDH gene, as referenced sequentially in the
chapter text
406 Nolan Kamitaki et al.
tissue type. The higher the read depth, the more the exon
containing the reporter SNP is expressed, and the more
informative that SNP will be given less input RNA.
(c) (Optional) If there is a prior hypothesis that a particular
functional variant is generating allele-specific expression
differences, then the linkage disequilibrium between this
variant and any potential reporter SNPs should be calcu-
lated using the 1000 Genomes browser or SNAP in the
population most genetically similar to that of the
RNA-sample donors (e.g., samples from donors of Cau-
casian ancestry should be evaluated using European-
ancestry populations such as CEU). A reporter SNP with
a high D’ (a measure of recombination) and an MAF
greater than the candidate functional variant’s MAF will
be most helpful for validating that candidate and deter-
mining its direction of effect (see Subheading 3.5, step
2 and Note 6).
2. Determine which potential reporter SNP(s) will be the most
informative. A general guideline for ranking these SNPs is
(heterozygosity)(expression_level), which assigns roughly
equal weighting to the number of heterozygotes, which influ-
ences sample size, and expression level, which influences mea-
surement precision. With ample RNA (>20 ng) and moderate
to high expression of the gene (>10 RPKM), the number of
heterozygous samples available will be more important than
the level of expression. Conversely, when a gene is expressed at
low levels or a smaller quantity of usable RNA is available for
analysis, it may be more important to select variants with higher
expression levels. Select the top reporter SNP(s) based on these
criteria. If there are multiple suitable reporter SNPs, it is useful
to select two or more with low D’ to each other, to increase the
likelihood of having a reporter SNP with high D’ to the func-
tional variant (see Subheading 3.1, step 1c).
3.2 Assay Design 1. Obtain the DNA sequence flanking the reporter SNPs for assay
design (see Fig. 1, Subheading 3.2, step 1). Enter the SNP
coordinates into the UCSC genome browser and navigate to
that genomic region. The browser should be zoomed in on
that variant.
(a) Obtain the surrounding DNA sequence by selecting View
> DNA from the tool bar.
(b) Under the options, add 100 extra bases upstream and
100 extra bases downstream.
(c) Check the “Mask Repeats” option and select “Mask to
N.” This blocks the primer-design software from using
408 Nolan Kamitaki et al.
and Seq2 are more equal than those for cSeq1 and cSeq2,
proceed with the sequence already obtained. If cSeq1 and
cSeq2 are more equal, then proceed with the reverse comple-
ment of the 201-bp mRNA segment from the previous step. If
there were multiple potential reporter SNPs, prioritize on
those with a higher sum of DELTA TM for Seq1 and Seq2 or
cSeq1 and cSeq2.
4. Design the primers and probe to the reference allele using the
Primer3Plus primer design tool. Enter the 201-bp mRNA
sequence obtained in Steps 1–3 into the box at the top of the
webpage. Check “Pick hybridization probe (internal oligo)”
under the input sequence. Under “General Settings,” click the
“Mispriming/repeat library” pull-down menu above the
sequence box and choose “HUMAN.” The following condi-
tions are for an assay that will be run with an annealing temper-
ature around 60 C, but depending on local sequence
surrounding the SNP (for example, when this sequence is
AT-rich), it may be necessary to use a different annealing
temperature (see Note 8).
(a) Under “General Settings” set:
l The Primer Size as Min: 18, Opt: 20, Max: 27.
l The Primer Tm as Min: 57, Opt: 60, Max: 63.
l The Primer GC% as Min: 20, Opt: 50, Max: 80.
l The Concentration of divalent cations to 3.8.
l The Concentration of dNTPs to 0.8.
(b) Under “Advanced Settings” set:
l The Table of thermodynamic parameters to “SantaLu-
cia 1998”.
l The Salt correction formula to “SantaLucia 1998”.
(c) Under “Internal Oligo” set:
l The Hyb Oligo size as Min: 15, Opt: 20, Max: 27.
l The Hyb Oligo Tm as Min: 64, Opt: 65, Max: 70.
l The Hyb Oligo GC% as Min: 20, Opt: 50, Max: 80.
l The Hyb Oligo Mishyb Library to “HUMAN”.
(d) Force Primer3Plus to design the probe over the target
SNP by setting the Hyb Oligo Excluded Region to “1,80
(e) Click “Pick Primers” and select a probe and primer set in
which the probe does not start with a G (50 G) and the
probe overlaps the mutation of interest with at least four
bases on either side.
410 Nolan Kamitaki et al.
Channel 1 Amplitude
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Channel 2 Amplitude
Channel 1 Amplitude
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Channel 2 Amplitude
Channel 1 Amplitude
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Channel 2 Amplitude
Channel 1 Amplitude
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Channel 2 Amplitude
Channel 1 Amplitude
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Channel 2 Amplitude
412 Nolan Kamitaki et al.
Fig. 3 A temperature gradient run using the same sample and assay. Note how the clusters are intermingled in
(a), yet increase in separation with increasing annealing temperature in (b), (c), and (d) until an optimal
temperature is reached in (e). If this gradient were run with values below 50 C, we would see the clusters
start to intermingle again as we move away from the optimal annealing temperature
Using Droplet Digital PCR to Analyze Allele-Specific RNA Expression 413
3.4 Data Finalization 1. After the ddPCR is complete, perform a well-by-well visual
and Quality Control inspection of droplet clusters in QuantaSoft by clicking “Ana-
lyze” on the leftmost menu followed by “2D Amplitude.”
Verify that there is clear separation between the positive and
negative clusters for both the reference and alternate allele
414 Nolan Kamitaki et al.
a. Balanced expression
Channel 1 Amplitude
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Channel 2 Amplitude
b. Imbalanced expression
Channel 1 Amplitude
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Channel 2 Amplitude
Fig. 4 (a) A sample where the alleles (blue and green) appear to have equal expression. (b) A sample where the
alleles have 90%:10% expression (blue:green)
Using Droplet Digital PCR to Analyze Allele-Specific RNA Expression 415
a. Theory
0 0.5 1
Allele T expression
for reporter SNP
b. Finding the functional SNP
Is the putative functional SNP
heterozygous? ( yes)
SNP: 1 2 3 4 5
Fig. 5 (a) The possible haplotypes for a reporter and functional variant with a D’ of 0 or 1, and the pattern of
imbalance those configurations would yield. (b) The technique used to map the functional variant by
correlating the presence of imbalance with heterozygosity
Using Droplet Digital PCR to Analyze Allele-Specific RNA Expression 417
4 Notes
1. Hindorff LA, Sethupathy P, Junkins HA, Ramos Hariharan M, Dewey FE, Cheng Y, Clark MJ,
EM, Mehta JP, Collins FS, Manolio TA (2009) Im H, Habegger L, Balasubramanian S,
Potential etiologic and functional implications of O’Huallachain M, Dudley JT, Hillenmeyer S,
genome-wide association loci for human diseases Haraksingh R, Sharon D, Euskirchen G,
and traits. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A Lacroute P, Bettinger K, Boyle AP,
106:9362–9367. https://doi.org/10.1073/ Kasowski M, Grubert F, Seki S, Garcia M,
pnas.0903103106 Whirl-Carrillo M, Gallardo M, Blasco MA,
2. Genomes Project C, Abecasis GR, Altshuler D, Greenberg PL, Snyder P, Klein TE, Altman RB,
Auton A, Brooks LD, Durbin RM, Gibbs RA, Butte AJ, Ashley EA, Gerstein M, Nadeau KC,
Hurles ME, McVean GA (2010) A map of Tang H, Snyder M (2012) Personal omics
human genome variation from population-scale profiling reveals dynamic molecular and medical
sequencing. Nature 467:1061–1073. https:// phenotypes. Cell 148:1293–1307. https://doi.
doi.org/10.1038/nature09534 org/10.1016/j.cell.2012.02.009
3. Patwardhan RP, Hiatt JB, Witten DM, Kim MJ, 6. Battle A, Mostafavi S, Zhu X, Potash JB, Weiss-
Smith RP, May D, Lee C, Andrie JM, Lee SI, man MM, McCormick C, Haudenschild CD,
Cooper GM, Ahituv N, Pennacchio LA, Shen- Beckman KB, Shi J, Mei R, Urban AE, Mon-
dure J (2012) Massively parallel functional dis- tgomery SB, Levinson DF, Koller D (2014)
section of mammalian enhancers in vivo. Nat Characterizing the genetic basis of transcrip-
Biotechnol 30:265–270. https://doi.org/10. tome diversity through RNA-sequencing of
1038/nbt.2136 922 individuals. Genome Res 24:14–24.
4. Cowles CR, Hirschhorn JN, Altshuler D, https://doi.org/10.1101/gr.155192.113
Lander ES (2002) Detection of regulatory vari- 7. Untergasser A, Nijveen H, Rao X, Bisseling T,
ation in mouse genes. Nat Genet 32:432–437. Geurts R, Leunissen JA (2007) Primer3Plus, an
https://doi.org/10.1038/ng992 enhanced web interface to Primer3. Nucleic
5. Chen R, Mias GI, Li-Pook-Than J, Jiang L, Lam Acids Res 35:W71–W74. https://doi.org/10.
HY, Chen R, Miriami E, Karczewski KJ, 1093/nar/gkm306
422 Nolan Kamitaki et al.
8. Regan JF, Kamitaki N, Legler T, Cooper S, 9. Gray JM, Harmin DA, Boswell SA, Cloonan N,
Klitgord N, Karlin-Neumann G, Wong C, Mullen TE, Ling JJ, Miller N, Kuersten S, Ma YC,
Hodges S, Koehler R, Tzonev S, McCarroll SA McCarroll SA, Grimmond SM, Springer M (2014)
(2015) A rapid molecular approach for chromo- SnapShot-Seq: a method for extracting genome-
somal phasing. PLoS One 10:e0118270. https:// wide, in vivo mRNA dynamics from a single total
doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0118270 RNA sample. PLoS One 9:e89673. https://doi.
Chapter 24
Gene expression studies have provided one of the most accessible windows for understanding the molecular
basis of cell and tissue phenotypes and how these change in response to stimuli. Current PCR-based and
next generation sequencing methods offer great versatility in allowing the focused study of the roles of small
numbers of genes or comprehensive profiling of the entire transcriptome of a sample at one time. Marrying
of these approaches to various cell sorting technologies has recently enabled the profiling of expression in
single cells, thereby increasing the resolution and sensitivity and strengthening the inferences from
observed expression levels and changes. This chapter presents a quick and efficient 1-day workflow for
sorting single cells with a small laboratory cell-sorter followed by an ultrahigh sensitivity, multiplexed digital
PCR method for quantitative tracking of changes in 5–10 genes per single cell.
Key words Single-cell, Cell-sorting, Gene expression, Transcripts, RNA quantification, Digital PCR,
dPCR, Droplet digital PCR, ddPCR, Assay multiplexing, Radial multiplexing
1 Introduction
George Karlin-Neumann and Francisco Bizouarn (eds.), Digital PCR: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1768, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-7778-9_24, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018
424 George Karlin-Neumann et al.
Fig. 1 A 1-day workflow for single-cell sorting followed by RT-ddPCR™. Cultured cells (shown) or dissociated
cells are prepared as a suspension free of clumps and debris before using the S3e™ Cell Sorter to deliver a
single-cell into each PCR tube well which contains lysis buffer. cDNA generated from the unpurified RNA lysate
in each well is then divided into 2 ddPCR™ reactions per cell—one is assayed with 5-plex 1, the other with
5-plex 2. After converting all samples into droplets using the QX100™ or QX200™ Droplet Generator,
followed by thermocycling, the plate(s) of endpoint ddPCR™ reactions are read in the Droplet Reader to
quantify transcript levels for each of the 10 genes assayed
Single-Cell Transcript Quantification via Multiplexed ddPCRTM Assays 425
2 Materials
2.1 Single-Cell 1. For cultured cells, use appropriate growth medium, any neces-
Preparation sary growth supplements and sterile plasticware, along with
sterile hood and cell growth incubator. For P19 mouse embry-
onal carcinoma cells used here, normal-serum medium of
Monzo et al. was used [27].
2. Pipettes and pipette tips.
3. 50 mL Falcon centrifuge tubes.
4. 0.25% Trypsin–EDTA (1), phenol red solution for release of
adherent cells from culture dish surface (e.g., ThermoFisher
426 George Karlin-Neumann et al.
Fig. 2 Radial multiplexing with ddPCR™ assays. (a) A 2D droplet plot of a standard duplex assay, w/ cartoon of
a 3rd target along the 45 radius achieved by mixing together equal concentrations of FAM and HEX probes
specific for that target. (b) Real Triplex assay with high concentrations of all targets. This results not only in
primary clusters with droplets containing only a single type of transcript (1, 2 or 3), but also to secondary
(1 + 2, 1 + 3, 2 + 3) and tertiary (1 + 2 + 3) clusters with two and three target types present, respectively. In
practice, for single-cell and liquid biopsy applications, species concentrations are typically low and rarely
occupy these higher order clusters. (See Fig. 4 for examples of individual single-cell 2D droplet plots). (c)
Cartoon showing the concept of radial multiplexing extended to five quantifiable targets per ddPCR™ well
using a continuum of probe mix ratios, from 100% FAM to 100% HEX. (d) 5plex-2 (assaying a different set of
genes than 5plex-1) tested with purified bulk cell RNA from a mouse cell line, P19 embryonal carcinoma
(EC) cells. Note that only with this more abundant amount of input RNA are there a noticeable number of
droplets with more than a single transcript type. Compare with single cell transcript profiles in Fig. 4 which
rarely have any 2 clusters
Single-Cell Transcript Quantification via Multiplexed ddPCRTM Assays 427
Fig. 2 (continued)
428 George Karlin-Neumann et al.
3 Methods
Table 1
ddPCR plate set up
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
65 C A Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene
1 assay 2 assay 3 assay 4 assay 5 assay> 6 assay 7 assay 8 assay 9 assay 10 assay
63.4 C B Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene
1 assay 2 assay 3 assay 4 assay 5 assay 6 assay 7 assay 8 assay 9 assay 10 assay
George Karlin-Neumann et al.
62 C C Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene
1 assay 2 assay 3 assay 4 assay 5 assay 6 assay 7 assay 8 assay 9 assay 10 assay
60.6 C D Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene
1 assay 2 assay 3 assay 4 assay 5 assay 6 assay 7 assay 8 assay 9 assay 10 assay
59.2 C E Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene
1 assay 2 assay 3 assay 4 assay 5 assay 6 assay 7 assay 8 assay 9 assay 10 assay
57.8 C F Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene
1 assay 2 assay 3 assay 4 assay 5 assay 6 assay 7 assay 8 assay 9 assay 10 assay
56.4 C G Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene
1 assay 2 assay 3 assay 4 assay 5 assay 6 assay 7 assay 8 assay 9 assay 10 assay
55 C H Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene
1 assay 2 assay 3 assay 4 assay 5 assay 6 assay 7 assay 8 assay 9 assay 10 assay
Single-Cell Transcript Quantification via Multiplexed ddPCRTM Assays 431
3.2 Preparation The 5-plex single-cell gene expression protocol described in this
of Single Cells chapter has been developed using adherent mammalian cells (P19
for FACS Sorting mouse embryonal carcinoma cells) grown according to Monzo
et al. [27]. Alternatively, sources of single cells may be derived
from suspension cell cultures; cells from blood, sputum or urine;
or cells dissociated from tissue (see Note 5). However, although
general guidance is given below for preparation of single cells ready
for sorting, these other cell sources have not specifically been tested
in this protocol.
1. First harvest cells by enzymatic release using 0.25% Trypsin-
EDTA at 37 C for 5 min, followed by quenching with media
containing serum.
2. Centrifuge cells at 180 g for 5 min at room temperature,
discard supernatant, resuspend in 10 mL PBS and count cells
with a cell counter (such as the Bio-Rad TC-20™ Automated
Cell Counter).
3. Centrifuge cells at 180 g for 5 min at room temperature,
discard supernatant and gently resuspend pellet to a concentra-
tion of 1–10 million cells/mL in PBS with 0.1% BSA.
4. Filter cells into a FACS tube via a 40 μM cell strainer to obtain a
single cell suspension (see Note 6). Keep on ice until sorting.
3.3 Flow-Sorting Filtered single cells are sorted with the Bio-Rad S3e™ Cell Sorter
of Single-Cells into into 8-well PCR strips containing Lysis buffer. Follow the manu-
Lysis Buffer facturer’s instructions for cell sorter operations, referring to
Bio-Rad Bulletin #10031105, if needed.
1. Prepare Lysis Buffer and Reverse Transcription Master Mix
according to the recipes in Tables 2 and 3, respectively.
2. Power on the S3e™ Cell Sorter and perform a QC run using
ProLine™ Calibration Beads, ensuring that it passes QC.
3. Perform a test sort with ProLine™ Rainbow Beads, making
sure the beads are sorted into the center of the PCR tubes.
4. Clean the system with 10% Bleach at low pressure; clean the
system again with sterile deionized water.
Table 2
Preparation of Lysis buffer
Table 3
Preparation of Reverse transcription master mix
3.4 Preparation 1. Add 6 μL of Reverse Transcription master mix (see Table 3) into
of cDNA each well; then place the caps back onto the tube strips.
2. Centrifuge the strips for a few seconds, vortex and centrifuge
3. Load PCR strips onto a thermal cycler* and incubate under the
following conditions:
(a) 42 C for 30 min.
(b) 85 C for 5 min.
(c) 4 C (infinite).
*Use heated lid set to 105 C.
If you wish to stop here, the cDNA may be frozen at 20 C at
this step.
434 George Karlin-Neumann et al.
Table 4
Preparation of ddPCRTM master mix
ddPCRTM master mix 1 well (1) 1 plate (120) 2 plates (240) per well (1.1)
Water 1 120 240 1.1
2 Droplet Digital PCR Supermix 10 1200 2400 11
for Probes (no dUTP)
20 assay 1 (100% FAM) 1 120 240 1.1
20 assay 2 (75% FAM:25% HEX) 1 120 240 1.1
20 assay 3 (50% FAM:50% HEX) 1 120 240 1.1
20 assay 4 (25% FAM:75% HEX) 1 120 240 1.1
20 assay 5 (100% HEX) 1 120 240 1.1
cDNA 4 480 960 4.4
Total 20 μL 2400 μL 4800 μL 22 μL
3.5 Setup 1. Prepare the ddPCR™ Master Mix according to Table 4 and
and Running Droplet store on ice.
Digital PCR Reactions l Prepare master mix for one or more plates, leaving out the
cDNA which is added separately.
l If you are using assays rather than 20 assay, the final concen-
tration is typically 900 nM for primers, 250 nM for probes.
2. Distribute 17.6 μL of the ddPCR™ Master Mix into each well
of a 96-well PCR plate.
3. Briefly centrifuge the PCR strips containing the RT reaction.
Open the caps carefully and transfer 4.4 μL of the cDNA into
each well on the 96-well plate containing the ddPCR™ Master
Mix. (Note: The remaining cDNA from each cell (also
~4.4 μL) may be frozen or prepared for running in a second
ddPCR™ reaction plate with a second 5-plex assay panel as
done for the first 5-plex).
4. Seal the plate. Centrifuge it for a few seconds, vortex and
centrifuge again.
5. To generate droplets for each ddPCR™ reaction, see Bio-Rad
Instruction Manual #10026322 (QX100™) or #10031907
(a) Transfer 20 μL of each 22 μL sample—eight samples at a
time, into eight sample wells of a DG8™ droplet genera-
tion cartridge (previously secured in a DG8™ cartridge
Single-Cell Transcript Quantification via Multiplexed ddPCRTM Assays 435
Table 5
Thermal cycling protocol
3.6 Quantification After data acquisition, select all samples in the QuantaSoft™ well
of ddPCRTM Reactions editor under “Analyze.”
1. Singleplex (or duplex) assays:
(a) To evaluate assay quality, examine the automatic thresh-
olding applied to the 1D (or 2D) amplitude data in the
“1D Amplitude” or “2D Amplitude” tabs, and if neces-
sary, set the thresholds or clusters manually. Negative and
positive clusters should be well-formed and well-separated
for assays that will be used to formulate the 5-plex(es)
(See, e.g., Fig. 2a). If they are not of adequate quality at
any of the annealing temperatures tested within the range
of the thermal cycler temperature gradient, the assays will
need to be redesigned and retested before proceeding.
(b) The concentration reported in the Data Window or
“Concentration” tab is “copies/μL” of the final 20 μL
ddPCR™ reaction. For selecting the assays to combine
into a 5-plex, be sure all of the assays perform well at a
common annealing temperature (i.e., good cluster sepa-
ration) and that the concentration value given for each
assay is consistent over several degrees higher and lower
than the annealing temperature selected for use in the
5-plex reactions. See Note 2.
2. 5-plex assays:
These higher multiplex reactions can be quantified by either of
two procedures. If using the newer QuantaSoft™ Analysis Pro
software version (QSAP™, available from the download tab
at: https://www.bio-rad.com/en-us/product/qx200-droplet-
digital-pcr-system?ID¼MPOQQE4VY), all genes of interest
(GOIs) in the multiplex can be quantified at once within the
program after defining the target clusters properly under the
“Advanced User Options.” This will provide concentrations
and confidence intervals for all targets defined in a single analy-
sis run. For further guidance, see Bio-Rad Bulletin #6827.
If using QuantaSoft™ or earlier software ver-
sions, it will be necessary to follow the iterative quantification
procedure, below, which identifies one gene of interest at a
time (in all wells selected on the plate) and provides the con-
centration (with 95% confidence interval) and number of tran-
script copies of that GOI in the 20 μL ddPCR™ reaction.
These values can be graphed within QuantaSoftTM and may
be exported as a “.csv” file for analysis in other software
(a) After 5-plex data acquisition, select all wells desired on the
plate using the “Well Editor” (see Fig. 3a).
(b) In the 2D droplet plot, using the cluster identification
tool, encircle the primary (i.e., single) positive cluster for
Single-Cell Transcript Quantification via Multiplexed ddPCRTM Assays 437
Fig. 3 Quantification of 5-plex transcript levels with QuantaSoft™ software. (a) A window from QuantaSoft™
software showing the Well Editor (for choosing wells being analyzed in the other graph and data windows), 2D
Droplet Plot (showing FAM and HEX fluorescent droplet intensities), and Data Table (showing various
computed values and sample and assay descriptors). (b) Iterative quantification of transcript levels. Note
that in each of the five 2D plots shown, only 1 primary cluster is labeled in blue and circled (i.e., the GOI being
quantified in that iteration), only 1 cluster labeled in grey (complete negatives), and the rest are in green and
are ignored for quantification purposes in the iteration shown in that plot
Fig. 4 Transcript levels for individual single-cells assayed with the 5-plex 1 ddPCR™ assay targeting GAP43,
Nanog, Mki67, Cadherin1, and RPLP0. Examples of 2D droplet plots for three P19 single cells are shown
assayed with 5-plex 1. Note the differences in transcript level between cells for the various GOIs by comparing
the number of droplets in the same encircled primary cluster in each of the typical cells shown. For
comparison, see the aggregate level of each transcript from 24 and 96 single cell results superimposed in
the adjacent 2D plots. Note some clusters are identified here by orange (rather than green) droplets merely for
better visualization of the five genes
4 Notes
100 B2M
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Fig. 5 Example of varying transcript abundances for three genes across 24 cells using the method described
here (but with two duplex assays run per cell). Transcript levels are shown for genes with low (beta-
2 microglobulin, B2M), intermediate (succinic dehydrogenase, SDH), and high (Ribosomal Protein Lateral
Stalk Subunit P0, RPLP0) abundance in untreated P19 mouse cells. Transcript levels for B2M vary by nearly
tenfold across these cells, whereas those for SDH and RPLP0 vary by only a fewfold in these same cells and
highlight the frequent noncorrelation of transcript levels for various genes across apparently like cells
1. Thomas PS (1980) Hybridization of denatured peripheral blood T cells and leukemic Jurkat T
RNA and small DNA fragments transferred to cells. Lab Investig 83(6):765–776
nitrocellulose. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 77 11. Canales RD, Luo Y, Willey JC et al (2006)
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(1988) Expression of light-harvesting chloro- Biotechnol 24(9):1115–1122. https://doi.
phyll a/b-protein genes is phytochrome- org/10.1038/nbt1236
regulated in etiolated Arabidopsis thaliana 12. Losick R (2015) A love affair with Bacillus
seedlings. Plant Physiol 88:1323–1331 subtilis. J Biol Chem 290(5):2529–2538.
3. Berk AJ, Sharp PA (1977) Sizing and mapping https://doi.org/10.1074/jbc.X114.634808
of early adenovirus mRNAs by gel electropho- 13. Sorlie T, Tibshirani R, Parker J et al (2003)
resis of S1 endonuclease-digested hybrids. Cell Repeated observation of breast tumor subtypes
12(3):721–732 in independent gene expression data sets. Proc
4. Zinn K, DiMaio D, Maniatis T (1983) Identi- Natl Acad Sci USA 100(14):8418–8423.
fication of two distinct regulatory regions adja- https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0932692100
cent to the human beta-interferon gene. Cell 14. Tobin EM, Silverthorne J (1985) Light regula-
34(3):865–879 tion of gene expression in higher plants. Annu
5. Livak KJ, Schmittgen TD (2001) Analysis of Rev Plant Physiol 36:569–593. https://doi.
relative gene expression data using real- time org/10.1146/annurev.pp.36.060185.003033
quantitative PCR and the 2-ΔΔCT method. 15. Sanders R, Mason DJ, Foy CA et al (2013)
Methods 25:402–408. https://doi.org/10. Evaluation of digital PCR for absolute RNA
1006/meth.2001.1262 quantification. PLoS One 8(9):e75296.
6. Livak KJ, Wills QF, Tipping AJ et al (2012) https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.
Methods for qPCR gene expression profiling 0075296
applied to 1440 lymphoblastoid single cells. 16. Hindson CM, Chevillet JR, Briggs HA et al
Methods 59(1):71–79. https://doi.org/10. (2013) Absolute quantification by droplet dig-
1016/j.ymeth.2012.10.004 ital PCR versus analog real-time PCR. Nat
7. Schena M, Shalon D, Davis RW et al (1995) Methods 10(10):1003–1005. https://doi.
Quantitative monitoring of gene expression org/10.1038/nmeth.2633
patterns with a complementary DNA microar- 17. Lemos DR, Babaeijandaghi F, Low M et al
ray. Science 270(5235):467–470 (2015) Nilotinib reduces muscle fibrosis in
8. DeRisi JL, Iyer VR, Brown PO (1997) Explor- chronic muscle injury by promoting
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expression on a genomic scale. Science 278 progenitors. Nat Medicine 21(7):786–794.
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9. Iyer VR, Eisen MB, Ross DT et al (1999) The 18. Nagalakshmi U, Wang Z, Waern K et al (2008)
transcriptional program in the response of The transcriptional landscape of the yeast
human fibroblasts to serum. Science genome defined by RNA sequencing. Science
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Comparative microarray analysis of gene Dynamic repertoire of a eukaryotic transcrip-
expression during activation of human tome surveyed at single-nucleotide resolution.
444 George Karlin-Neumann et al.
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are released in the blood as cell-free molecules either linked to Ago proteins and
LDL or enveloped inside exosomes and microvescicles. The amount of specific circulating microRNAs has
been discovered to change accordingly to a disease state and to be potentially used as a disease biomarker.
Sensitive and accurate methods for circulating microRNA quantification using probe-based or dye-based
digital PCR technology have been developed. With a digital PCR system it is possible to obtain the absolute
quantification of specific miRNAs, bypassing several issues related to low abundance targets and miRNA
normalization. This chapter addresses the workflow and methods for miRNA assessment in biological fluids
using EvaGreen-based droplet digital PCR as well as how to analyze and interpret results.
Key words MicroRNA, Serum, Plasma, Droplet digital PCR, Diagnostics, Cancer, Biomarkers
1 Introduction
George Karlin-Neumann and Francisco Bizouarn (eds.), Digital PCR: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1768, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-7778-9_25, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018
446 Manuela Ferracin and Massimo Negrini
2 Materials
3 Methods
3.2 Protocol for Total We recommend starting from 200 μL serum or plasma. Total RNA
RNA (Including miRNA) can be isolated from serum or plasma using commercially available
Isolation kits. We suggest using miRNeasy Mini Kit (Qiagen) as described by
the supplier (see Note 1).
To monitor the extraction and reverse transcription reaction
occurrence, add 3 μL of a 4.16 nM solution of the synthetic
miRNA cel-miR-39-3p from C. elegans (e.g., custom synthesized
by Integrated DNA Technologies, sequence: UCACCGGGU-
GUAAAUCAGCUUG) to 1 mL QIAzol Lysis Reagent (Qiagen)
before adding the lysis regent to the sample (see Note 4).
448 Manuela Ferracin and Massimo Negrini
3.3 MicroRNA The conversion of RNA, including miRNA, to cDNA can be per-
Reverse Transcription formed using the Universal cDNA synthesis kit II (Exiqon) follow-
ing the company’s guidelines for miRNA profiling in serum and
plasma (see Note 2). The resulting cDNA has to be diluted at least
1:50 prior to amplification.
Circulating miRNA Quantification 449
Table 1
Reverse transcription reagent mix components
3.4 cDNA Dilution 1. Dilute the amount of cDNA template needed for the planned
ddPCR reactions in nuclease free water. We recommend dilut-
ing the cDNA reaction between 1:50 and 1:500 in water,
dependent on target miRNA abundance. Store the diluted
cDNA at 20 C. The diluted cDNA proved to be stable for
at least 3 months at 20 C.
Table 2
ddPCR reagent mix components
Table 3
Thermal cycling conditions for droplet digital PCR
11. Close the lid to start droplet generation. When droplet gener-
ation has finished, open the lid, remove the disposable gasket.
The top wells of the cartridge contain the droplets.
12. Pipet slowly and smoothly 40 μL of the contents of the eight
top wells (the droplets) into a single column of a 96-well PCR
13. Seal the PCR plate with foil immediately after transferring
droplets to avoid evaporation. Use pierceable foil plate seals
that are compatible with the needles in the QX200 droplet
14. Begin thermal cycling (PCR) within 30 min of sealing the
15. Perform the cycling protocol according to Table 3.
Fig. 1 Positive droplets selection. (a) Positive droplet selection from the 2D Plot using the lasso function and
manually drawing a circle around the proper cloud. (b) Total number of positive (blue) and negative (green)
droplets visualized in the QuantaLife software for each sample. (c) 1D Plot representation of positive and
negative droplets. (d) Some LNA primer set (miR-125a-5p in the panel) displays a nonspecific product
formation, which is evident also in NTC well. A miRNA-specific concentration can still be obtained using the
2D plot and excluding the off-target amplification product (see Note 3)
10. Once the positive droplets are selected, export the miRNA
concentration values using the export .csv option from the
Concentration tab.
11. Assuming that each miRNA molecule is reverse-transcribed in
a cDNA molecule, we can calculate the absolute copies in 1 μL
of plasma or serum multiplying the obtained concentration in
ddPCR reaction value for a dilution factor (DF ¼ 145.83 for
1:50 cDNA dilution).
4 Notes
Fig. 2 Droplet distribution for two different miRNA assays. miR-320a (a) and miR-21-5p positive and negative
droplet amplitudes (upper panels) and concentration (lower panels) in seven representative plasma samples
and NTCs. The fluorescence amplitude can change according to the assay. Results are presented as copies
per microliter in the amplification reaction. Error bars represent the Poisson 95% confidence interval
Fig. 3 Influence of primer concentration and annealing temperature on the fluorescence amplitude of droplets
in EvaGreen-based ddPCR. 1D Plots and concentration measurements from the miR-125a-5p obtained at
annealing temperatures of 56, 58, and 60 C and using 0.5 or 1 μL primer for two different plasma samples
(S1, S2) and NTC. This assay does not work at 60 C in EvaGreen master mix. The best positive-negative
droplet separation can be obtained performing the PCR at 56 and using either 0.5 or 1 μL primer. The
nonspecific product is still visible in 1D Plots (see Note 6)
456 Manuela Ferracin and Massimo Negrini
Fig. 4 Influence of primer concentration and annealing temperature on the fluorescence amplitude of droplets
in EvaGreen-based ddPCR. 1D Plots and concentration measurements from the miR-425-5p obtained at
annealing temperatures of 56, 58, and 60 C and using 0.5 or 1 μL primer for two different plasma samples
(S1, S2) and NTC. This assay work properly at all temperatures in EvaGreen master mix. The best positive-
negative droplet separation can be obtained performing the PCR at 56 and using 1 μL primer
1. Chen X, Ba Y, Ma L, Cai X, Yin Y, Wang K et al of cancer and other diseases. Cell Res 18
(2008) Characterization of microRNAs in (10):997–1006. PubMed PMID: 18766170.
serum: a novel class of biomarkers for diagnosis Epub 2008/09/04. eng.
Circulating miRNA Quantification 457
2. Lawrie CH, Gal S, Dunlop HM, Pushkaran B, PubMed PMID: 24533657. Pubmed Central
Liggins AP, Pulford K et al (2008) Detection of PMCID: 3943687. Epub 2014/02/19. eng.
elevated levels of tumour-associated micro- 7. Ferracin M, Lupini L, Salamon I, Saccenti E,
RNAs in serum of patients with diffuse large Zanzi MV, Rocchi A et al (2015) Absolute
B-cell lymphoma. Br J Haematol 141 quantification of cell-free microRNAs in cancer
(5):672–675. PubMed PMID: 18318758. patients. Oncotarget 6(16):14545–14555.
Epub 2008/03/06. eng. PubMed PMID: 26036630. Epub 2015/06/
3. Mitchell PS, Parkin RK, Kroh EM, Fritz BR, 04. Eng.
Wyman SK, Pogosova-Agadjanyan EL et al 8. Hindson CM, Chevillet JR, Briggs HA, Galli-
(2008) Circulating microRNAs as stable chotte EN, Ruf IK, Hindson BJ et al (2013)
blood-based markers for cancer detection. Absolute quantification by droplet digital PCR
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 105 versus analog real-time PCR. Nat Methods 10
(30):10513–10518. PubMed PMID: (10):1003–1005. PubMed PMID: 23995387.
18663219. Pubmed Central PMCID: Epub 2013/09/03. eng.
2492472. Epub 2008/07/30. eng. 9. Miotto E, Saccenti E, Lupini L, Callegari E,
4. Jarry J, Schadendorf D, Greenwood C, Negrini M, Ferracin M (2014) Quantification
Spatz A, van Kempen LC (2014) The validity of circulating miRNAs by droplet digital PCR:
of circulating microRNAs in oncology: five comparison of EvaGreen- and TaqMan-based
years of challenges and contradictions. Mol chemistries. Cancer Epidemiol Biomark Prev
Oncol 8(4):819–829. PubMed PMID: 23(12):2638–2642. PubMed PMID:
24656978. Epub 2014/03/25. eng. 25472671. Epub 2014/12/05. eng.
5. Witwer KW (2015) Circulating MicroRNA 10. Cheng HH, Yi HS, Kim Y, Kroh EM, Chien
biomarker studies: pitfalls and potential solu- JW, Eaton KD et al (2013) Plasma processing
tions. Clin Chem 61(1):56–63. PubMed conditions substantially influence circulating
PMID: 25391989. Epub 2014/11/14. Eng. microRNA biomarker levels. PLoS One 8(6):
6. Moldovan L, Batte KE, Trgovcich J, Wisler J, e64795. PubMed PMID: 23762257. Pubmed
Marsh CB, Piper M (2014) Methodological Central PMCID: 3676411. Epub 2013/06/
challenges in utilizing miRNAs as circulating 14. eng.
biomarkers. J Cell Mol Med 18(3):371–390.
Chapter 26
Droplet-based digital PCR provides high-precision, absolute quantification of nucleic acid target sequences
with wide-ranging applications for both research and clinical diagnostic applications. Droplet-based digital
PCR enables absolute quantification by counting nucleic acid molecules encapsulated in discrete, volumet-
rically defined water-in-oil droplet partitions. The current available systems overcome the previous lack of
scalable and practical technologies for digital PCR implementation. Extracellular microRNAs in biofluids
(plasma, serum, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, etc.) are promising noninvasive biomarkers in multiple diseases
and different clinical settings (e.g., diagnosis, early diagnosis, prediction of recurrence, and prognosis).
Here we describe a protocol that enables highly precise and reproducible absolute quantification of
extracellular microRNAs using droplet digital PCR.
Key words Digital PCR, MicroRNA, Biofluids, Plasma, Serum, Absolute quantification, qPCR,
1 Introduction
George Karlin-Neumann and Francisco Bizouarn (eds.), Digital PCR: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1768, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-7778-9_26, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018
460 Maria D. Giraldez et al.
2 Materials
3 Methods
3.1 Blood Specimen Methods for sample processing and RNA isolation have been
Processing for Plasma described by us elsewhere [12, 20, 21]. Briefly, in the latest itera-
and RNA Isolation tion of the plasma collection protocol, we collect whole blood
samples in K2EDTA tubes and separate the plasma within 2 h
using a two-stage centrifugation protocol to ensure that it is free
not only of cells but also of significant numbers of contaminating
platelets [21]. We discard plasma samples that show visual evidence
of hemolysis. Total RNA containing microRNAs is purified from
200 μL of plasma or serum using the miRNeasy kit (Qiagen) with
slight modification as previously described [20] although we have
also successfully employed an alternative protocol using the miR-
Vana PARIS RNA isolation kit (Ambion) [12]. We find that it is not
uncommon for the concentration of purified RNA to be too low for
quantification using absorption spectrophotometry. We use a fixed
volume of RNA eluate rather than a fixed mass of RNA as input into
the subsequent reverse transcription reaction.
3.2 Create Dilution All the following steps should be performed on ice unless otherwise
Series (Optional specified. See Note 3.
Note 2)
1. Thaw synthetic miRNA template/s (10 μM) and MS2
carrier RNA.
2. Label four low adhesion 1.7 mL microcentrifuge tubes I–IV for
each synthetic template. See Note 4.
3. Prepare MS2 diluent in a 15 mL conical tube as shown in
Table 1.
4. Mix gently by inversion.
5. Pipet the volumes of MS2 diluent shown in column 3 of
Table 2 into the microcentrifuge tubes prelabeled as I–IV for
each microRNA dilution series.
Droplet Digital PCR for Absolute Quantification of Extracellular MicroRNAs. . . 463
Table 1
MS2 diluent
Nuclease-free water 9.585 mL
MS2 carrier RNA (0.8 μg/μL) 415 μL
Total volume 10 mL
Table 2
microRNA synthetic template dilutions
3.3 Reverse All the following steps should be performed on ice unless otherwise
Transcription specified. See Note 3.
1. Thaw 10X RT buffer, dNTP mix, and 5X RT primer for the
miRNA of interest. Keep RNAse inhibitor and RT enzyme cold
on a portable cooler. See Notes 6 and 7.
2. Vortex RT primer, 10X RT buffer, and dNTP mix to ensure
adequate mixing and spin down briefly. Spin down briefly
RNAse inhibitor and RT enzyme.
3. Add the RT Master Mix components listed in Table 3 to a low
adhesion microcentrifuge tube. Mix well by pipetting up and
down several times before adding RNAse inhibitor and reverse
transcription enzyme. Then mix again by pipetting up and
down five times.
Table 3
Reverse transcription master mix
Nuclease-free water 4.12
10x RT buffer 1
100 mM dNTPs 0.1
RT primer (5) 2
RNAse inhibitor 0.12
Multiscribe RT 0.66
Total volume 10 μL
Droplet Digital PCR for Absolute Quantification of Extracellular MicroRNAs. . . 465
Table 4
Reverse transcription thermal conditions
16 C 30 min
42 C 30 min
85 C 5 min
4 C Hold
3.4 Preparation All the following steps should be performed on ice unless otherwise
of PCR-Ready Samples specified.
1. Thaw 2X Bio-Rad supermix and the 20X primer/probe mix
that is specific for your target miRNA. See Notes 6 and 7.
2. Spin down briefly 2X Bio-Rad PCR supermix and mix by
pipetting up and down several times (a concentration gradient
may form during 20 C storage). See Note 8.
3. Spin down primers and vortex to ensure an appropriate mixing.
4. Prepare the ddPCR Master Mix by pipetting the reagents
shown in Table 5 into a low adhesion microcentrifuge tube
and mix thoroughly by pipetting up and down several times.
Table 4 provides volumes of components needed for one reac-
tion of Master Mix. In practice, the volumes should be mul-
tipled by the number of reactions needed and increased by
another 10% each to have an excess of master mix to compen-
sate for pipetting losses which are inevitable when subsequently
drawing multiple aliquots from the Master Mix tube.
5. Add 21 μL of the master mix into each relevant well of a new
96-well plate on ice.
6. Dilute the cDNA solution 1:1 with nuclease-free water.
466 Maria D. Giraldez et al.
Table 5
ddPCR master mix
Nuclease-free water 8.8
20 primers/probe TM 1.1
2 Bio-Rad MM v1.2 11.1
Total master mix volume for 1 reaction 21 μL
Note that the total volume of master mix and cDNA for each reaction is 23 μL, even
though only 20 μL is loaded onto the DG8 chip. The excess is included to cover for any
pipetting losses.
Table 6
ddPCR cycling conditions
95 C 10 min
40 cycles of
94 C 30 s
60 C 60 s
98 C 10 min
4 C Hold
3.6 Droplet Reading 1. When the PCR amplification is completed remove the 96-well
plate from the thermal cycler and load it onto a droplet reader.
See Note 20. Press the button on the green lid of the reader to
open the instrument and place the 96-well plate in the plate
holder (well A1 of the PCR plate must be in the top left
2. Confirm the three indicator lights of the droplet reader are
solid green. See Note 21.
3. Open QuantaSoft software and click Setup in the left naviga-
tion bar to define your experiment. Use the well selector to
define your settings.
l Name. Enter the sample ID corresponding to each well.
l Experiment. Select Abs Quant from the drop-down menu.
l Mastermix. ddPCR supermix for probes (no dUTP).
Target 1:
l Name. Enter the name of your target microRNA.
l Type. Select Ch1 unknown or NTC (non template control)
for each well.
Target 2:
l As we are analyzing only one target for experiment, you do
not need to fill out any information here.
468 Maria D. Giraldez et al.
3.7 Analyze Results 1. Visualize the data collected from each channel clicking the 1-D
amplitude tab in the QuantaSoft software. In our case only one
channel (channel 1, FAM) is used. The software plots each
droplet in a sample on a graph of fluorescence intensity
vs. droplet number (events). See Fig. 1a. You can also visualize
the data as a histogram of events vs. amplitude. This tab pro-
vides options for adjusting the thresholds used in assigning
positives and negatives for the channel.
2. Select the same threshold for all your samples (a threshold of
4000 has typically performed well for the plasma/serum miR-
NAs we have analyzed, although the appropriate threshold
could vary depending on the intensity of positive and negative
events) using the multisample threshold tool. See Note 24.
3. Click the tab Events to review the number of droplet events
(you can see positive, negative, or total droplet counts, or any
combination of these) counted for each well/sample.
Figure 1b. Consider excluding from the analysis samples with
a total number of droplets <10,000 to achieve more narrow
95% confidence intervals.
4. Click the tab Concentration to see the estimated copies/μL of
your target for each sample as well as the Poisson 95% confi-
dence limits. Figure 1c.
5. Export your results to an Excel file by clicking on Export CSV.
3.8 Interpretation The interpretation of data with respect to biomarker analysis for
of Results—Biomarker plasma or serum microRNAs is still an active research area, and it
Analysis depends not only on the specific biomarker but also on the disease
context. Thus, a universal, specific “threshold” at which miR-141
level is indicative of disease has not been established. In the research
setting where two groups of individuals are compared (e.g., cases
which have a disease vs. healthy controls), both parametric and
Droplet Digital PCR for Absolute Quantification of Extracellular MicroRNAs. . . 469
Fig. 1 (a) Quantification of serial dilution of synthetic miR-141 using ddPCR. (b) and (c) Quantification of
hsa-miR-141 in plasma samples from two healthy controls (K and W) and two patients with advanced prostate
cancer (J and R). Three technical replicates per sample were measured. In ddPCR, the QuantaSoft software
measures the numbers of droplets that are positive and negative for each fluorophore. Each droplet in a
470 Maria D. Giraldez et al.
4 Notes
Fig. 1 (continued) sample is plotted on a 1D intensity graph (a) of fluorescence intensity versus droplet
number (events). Vertical yellow lines in the plot show where droplet data from each well start and end, and
the assigned threshold appears as a horizontal pink line. All positive droplets (those above the threshold
intensity indicated by the horizontal pink line) are scored as positive, and each is assigned a value of one. All
negative droplets (those below the threshold) are scored as negative, and each is assigned a value of 0 (zero).
The number of positive or negative droplets vs. total number of droplets can be visualized in a bar graph (b).
This counting technique provides a digital signal from which to calculate the starting target concentration by a
statistical analysis of the numbers of positive and negative droplets in a given sample. The software fits the
fraction of positive droplets to a Poisson distribution to determine the absolute starting copy number in units of
copies/μL input sample, and then plots the target concentration of each sample as copies per μL (c). Error bars
in the concentration plot reflect total error or Poisson 95% confidence limits
Droplet Digital PCR for Absolute Quantification of Extracellular MicroRNAs. . . 471
Table 7
Droplet generator oil requirements
12. The time required for droplet generation is typically 2 min for
eight samples.
13. As this 96-well plate will be later placed in the droplet reader, it
is important to use a plate compatible with this instrument.
(Semiskirted plates such as twin.tec semiskirted plates from
Eppendorf not only fit properly in the instrument but also
provide an optimal rigidity required during the reading
14. Use a 50 μL manual multichannel pipette and pipet gently to
avoid damaging the droplets.
15. Do not aspirate >40 μL, as this causes air to percolate through
the droplet solution which can shear and/or cause coalescence
of droplets prior to thermocycling.
16. Make sure that you are using pierceable foil heat seal compati-
ble with the sample needle in the droplet reader. (The instru-
ment will pierce the plate seal to aspirate each sample during
the droplet reading.) Do not use self-adhesive PCR films.
17. Begin thermal cycling (PCR) within 30 min of sealing the
plate, or store the plate at 4 C for up to 4 h prior to thermal
18. Use a 2.5 C/s ramp rate to ensure each droplet reaches the
correct temperature for each step during the cycling.
19. 40 cycles of PCR is enough for an optimized ddPCR assay. Do
not exceed 50 cycles.
20. Once droplets have undergone PCR-amplification the product
is quite stable. You can leave the plate in the thermal cycler
overnight at 10 C or store at 4 C for up to 3–4 days before
proceeding to read the droplets.
21. The first green solid light indicates that the droplet reader is on,
the second one that the level of the reader oil and waste bottle
are adequate to perform the run, and the third one that there is
a plate in place.
Droplet Digital PCR for Absolute Quantification of Extracellular MicroRNAs. . . 473
22. It might take up to 1 min for the green circle to appear after
clicking OK.
23. The QX100 droplet reader can process 32 wells/h.
24. Although changing the threshold typically has a minimal effect
on ddPCR results (in contrast to qPCR), we recommend
setting the same threshold for each sample in all your experi-
ments to make the results as comparable as possible.
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13. Cheng H, Zhang L, Cogdell DE, Zheng H, circulating MicroRNA signature as a biomarker
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17. Kelly BD, Miller N, Sweeney KJ, Durkan GC, ing microRNA biomarker levels. PLoS One 8
Rogers E, Walsh K, Kerin MJ (2015) A (6):e64795
Part VI
Digital PCR is a valuable tool to quantify next-generation sequencing (NGS) libraries precisely and
accurately. Accurately quantifying NGS libraries enable accurate loading of the libraries on to the sequencer
and thus improve sequencing performance by reducing under and overloading error. Accurate quantifica-
tion also benefits users by enabling uniform loading of indexed/barcoded libraries which in turn greatly
improves sequencing uniformity of the indexed/barcoded samples. The advantages gained by employing
the Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR™) library QC assay includes the precise and accurate quantification in
addition to size quality assessment, enabling users to QC their sequencing libraries with confidence.
Key words Droplet, Digital PCR, NGS, Sequencing library quantification, Sequencing library quali-
fication, Library balancing, Library loading
1 Introduction
George Karlin-Neumann and Francisco Bizouarn (eds.), Digital PCR: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1768, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-7778-9_27, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018
478 Nicholas J. Heredia
2 Materials
3 Methods
Table 1
Library dilution scheme
Step Tube 1 Tube 2 Tube 3 Tube 4 Tube 5
Sample 5 μL of stock 5 μL of Tube 5 μL of Tube 10 μL of Tube 10 μL of Tube
into into 495 μL 1 into 495 μL 2 into 495 μL 3 into 90 μL 4 into 90 μL
TE buffer
Dilution 100 100 100 10 10
2 4 6 7
Final 10 10 10 10 108
Table 2
Reaction setup
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
B Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib
1 (108) 1 (108) 1 (107) 1 (107) 1 (106) 1 (106) 8 (108) 8 (108) 8 (107) 8 (107) 8 (106) 8 (106)
C Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib
2 (108) 2 (108) 2 (107) 2 (107) 2 (106) 2 (106) 9 (108) 9 (108) 9 (107) 9 (107) 9 (106) 9 (106)
D Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib
3 (108) 3 (108) 3 (107) 3 (107) 3 (106) 3 (106) 10 (108) 10 (108) 10 (107) 10 (107) 10 (106) 10 (106)
E Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib
4 (108) 4 (108) 4 (107) 4 (107) 4 (106) 4 (106) 11 (108) 11 (108) 11 (107) 11 (107) 11 (106) 11 (106)
F Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib
5 (108) 5 (108) 5 (107) 5 (107) 5 (106) 5 (106) 12 (108) 12 (108) 12 (107) 12 (107) 12 (106) 12 (106)
G Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib
6 (108) 6 (108) 6 (107) 6 (107) 6 (106) 6 (106) 13 (108) 13 (108) 13 (107) 13 (107) 13 (106) 13 (106)
H Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib Lib
7 (108) 7 (108) 7 (107) 7 (107) 7 (106) 7 (106) 14 (108) 14 (108) 14 (107) 14 (107) 14 (106) 14 (106)
Lib library, NTC no template control
482 Nicholas J. Heredia
Table 4
Cycling protocol for Bio-Rad’s C1000 Touch™ Thermal Cyclera
4 Data Analysis
P5 P7
Rd1 SP DNA insert Rd2 SP
Rd2 SP Rd1 SP
P7 P5
H Probe 1 Q F Probe 2 Q
Fig. 1 (a–b) Diagrams representing the illumina library architecture of the adapter structures (a), and the
hydrolysis probes and primers for assaying library molecules (b)
Fig. 2 A 2-channel plot showing well-formed library molecules in droplets (orange cluster), and negative
droplets (Gray cluster)
Droplet Digital™ PCR Next-Generation Sequencing Library QC Assay 485
FAM amplitude
0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000
HEX amplitude
Fig. 3 A two-channel plot representing the inverse relationship between library insert size and fluorescent
intensity. The highest fluorescent intensity droplets are highlighted within the outlined red oval which
correspond to library molecules with no inserts and are adapter dimers
Fig. 4 Highlighted in blue oval, are ill-formed library molecules in droplets which potentially have multiple P7
adapters attributing a more FAM fluorescent intensity to those droplets compared to the well-formed library
molecules in the orange, double positive, cluster
Fig. 5 (a) Coloring scheme of library clusters which enable quantification of well-formed library molecules
(blue), and adapter-dimers (orange). (b) Quantification of concentration of a dilution series from the data
shown in Fig. 5 which demonstrates good linearity over the tenfold dilution series. The blue points represent
well-formed library plus adapter dimers, and the green points represent only the adapter dimers quantifica-
tion. (c) QuantaSoft can take the ratio of the HEX concentration to FAM concentration for the data in Fig. 5b.
This essentially calculates what percent of the adapter-dimers constitute the total library being assayed
Lib8 10E-6 Lib8 10E-7 Lib8 10E-8
Fig. 5 (continued)
PF reads (x 1,000)
Fig. 6 Twelve TruSeq LT DNA libraries were quantified by ddPCR and subse-
quently pooled together at equimolar concentrations based on the ddPCR
results. The combined libraries were then loaded on a single sequencing run
and exhibit excellent balancing within less than 15% difference (total number of
reads passing filter for each library). PF passing filter
5 Conclusion
1. Rothberg JM et al (2011) An integrated semi- 3. Bentley DR et al (2008) Accurate whole human
conductor device enabling non-optical genome genome sequencing using reversible terminator
sequencing. Nature 475:348–352 chemistry. Nature 456(7218):53–59
2. Margulies M (2005) Genome sequencing in 4. Hindson BJ (2011) High-throughput droplet
microfabricated high-density picolitre reactors. digital PCR system for absolute quantitation of
Nature 437(7057):376–380 DNA copy number. Anal Chem 83
Further Reading
Laurie MT, Bertout JA, Taylor SD, Burton JN, Quail MA, Kozarewa I, Smith F, Scally A, Stephens
Shendure JA, Bielas JH (2013) Simultaneous PJ, Durbin R, Swerdlow H, Turner DJ (2008)
digital quantification and fluorescence-based A large genome center’s improvements to the
size characterization of massively parallel Illumina sequencing system. Nat Methods
sequencing libraries. BioTechniques 55 5:1005–1010
(2):61–67 Sequencing Library qPCR Quantification Guide
Buehler B, Hogrefe HH, Scott G, Ravi H, Pabón- Catalog # SY-930-1010, Part #11322363 Rev.
Peña C, O’Brien S, Formosa R, Happe S (2010) C (2011). Illumina
Rapid quantification of DNA libraries for next- White RA III, Blainey PC, Fan HC, Quake SR
generation sequencing. Methods 50:S15–S18 (2009) Digital PCR provides sensitive and abso-
QPCR NGS Library Quantification Kit (illumina lute calibration for high throughput sequenc-
GA), Part Number G4880A, Publication num- ing. BMC Genomics 10:116–128
ber 5990–3065. (2012). Agilent
Chapter 28
Besides quantifying the absolute number of copies of known DNA targets, digital PCR can also be used to
assess whether two nonpolymorphic gene sequences or two heterozygous markers reside on the same DNA
molecule (i.e., are physically linked). Some useful linkage applications include: phasing variants to define a
haplotype; genotyping of inversions; determining the presence of multimarker pathogenic bacteria in a
metagenomic sample; and assessing DNA integrity. This chapter describes an efficient and cost-effective
method for analyzing linkage of any two genetic sequences up to at least 200 Kb apart, including phasing of
heterozygous markers such as that which occur abundantly in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conduc-
tance regulator (CFTR) gene.
Key words Phasing, Linkage, Haplotype, Compound heterozygote, Complex alleles, Co-localiza-
tion, Genotyping inversions, DNA integrity, DNA sizing, Large DNA isolation, Digital PCR, Droplet
Digital PCR
1 Introduction
George Karlin-Neumann and Francisco Bizouarn (eds.), Digital PCR: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1768, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-7778-9_28, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018
490 John Regan and George Karlin-Neumann
Emulsify PCR
b Statistical excess of double-positive droplets when the alleles are physically linked
Emulsify PCR
Fig. 1 Measuring linked species. Marker-specific fluorescent probes (FAM: blue, HEX: green) are used to
detect the markers of interest in undigested genomic DNA. Following endpoint PCR, droplets are positive for
one fluorophore (blue or green), both fluorophores (orange), or neither (black). (a) Markers on DNA from
different chromosomes (or DNA molecules) partition independently into droplets (including some that
randomly colocalize into the same droplets and become double positive droplets). (b) Markers on the same
unbroken strand systematically colocalize into the same droplets because they are physically linked, resulting
in an overabundance of double-positive droplets above what would be expected from chance co-localization
of unlinked markers
2 Materials
2.2 DNA Samples 1. DNA samples should be extracted with a sample preparation
chemistry that is known to sufficiently preserve the intactness
of the DNA and used as soon as possible, preferably before
freezing the DNA (see Notes 1–3).
2. Optional: High molecular weight intact genomic control DNA
(see Note 4).
3 Methods
3.1 Preparation Choosing the correct extraction methodology and sample type is
of Genomic DNA critical (see Note 5). When starting from cultured cells or cells from
whole blood, silica membrane methods generally only allow for
linkage measurements out to 30 kb. In contrast, Life Technologies’
PrepFiler Forensic DNA Extraction Kit regularly yields DNA that is
sufficiently intact to permit linkage measurements out to 200 kb.
Others have reported success with a phenol-chloroform protocol
(personal communication).
For the PrepFiler kit:
1. Suspend the cells at ~7 106 cells/mL in 1 PBS and remove
40 μL for extraction.
2. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations, except reduce
the lysis step down to 10 min at 70 C with no shaking.
3. In addition, use gentle end-over-end inversion rather than vor-
texing, except after the addition of 180 μL isopropyl alcohol,
when the lowest rpm setting of a vortex mixer should be used.
4. Generally, minimize the speed and duration of the centrifuga-
tion steps.
5. Elute the extracted DNA in 50 μL of kit-provided elution
a b
Standard Linkage Protocol for Phasing Protocol for
Homozygous Markers Heterozygous Alleles
Paternal A B A B
Maternal A B a b
Fig. 2 Use cases for linkage studies. (a) Standard linkage protocol is used when querying two loci that are
homozygous in nature. (b) Phasing protocol is used when querying two loci that are heterozygous in nature
494 John Regan and George Karlin-Neumann
3.2 Standard The standard linkage protocol should be used when verifying
Linkage Protocol whether two genes are present in the same organism (i.e., pathogen
virulence testing), to genotype inversions [5], and to test whether
the DNA sample is intact enough (see Note 1) to permit successful
phasing determination (Fig. 3).
a FAM-Assay HEX-Assay
Chr 7 Chr15
FAM-Assay HEX-Assay
Chr 7 Chr15
Fig. 3 Duplex assays for standard linkage protocol. (a) The test duplex includes an FAM-labeled assay
targeting the “A” locus and a HEX-labeled assay targeting the “B” locus, which is presumed to be on the same
chromosome as the “A” locus and close enough such that sufficient intact DNA remains for a positive linkage
measurement. (b) The control duplex includes an FAM-labeled assay targeting the “A” locus and a
HEX-labeled assay targeting the “C” locus, which is known to be on a different chromosome than the “A”
locus. This control duplex provides a realistic background estimate of linkage caused by nonrandomly
partitioned DNA due to entanglement of large DNA molecules (as occurs in the test reaction). This approach
is preferred over use of a restriction enzyme to separate “A” from “B” in the test duplex reaction because
digested DNA more easily distributes randomly into droplets than undigested DNA and may underestimate the
amount of background linkage
Phasing Markers with Digital PCR 495
3.2.2 Assembling 1. Create 3 technical replicates for both test and control ddPCR
Standard Linkage reactions, by assembling the triplicate reaction mixtures
Reactions detailed in Tables 1a and 1b, respectively.
2. Vortex both 60 μL reaction mixtures, and then briefly centri-
fuge the contents.
Table 1a
Assay components for test reactions
Table 1b
Assay components for control reactions (markers known not to be linked)
3.2.3 Analyzing the Data 1. In QuantaSoft Analysis software, manually examine each well
for Linkage of Markers for droplet quality in 2D fluorescent amplitude droplet plots.
Discard any wells that have an abundance of droplets (i.e.,
>5%) that align on a diagonal running through the double
negative cluster, which is indicative of sheared droplets.
(If this occurs excessively, pay attention to pipetting the dro-
plets more slowly when transferring them to the PCR plate and
use high quality pipette tips which do not shed plastic
Phasing Markers with Digital PCR 497
Fig. 4 Screen captures from a QuantaSoft table showing the total concentration of A, B, and C markers,
regardless of linkage status, and the “Linkage” column, which displays only the concentration of linked
molecules (AB and AC) in copies/μL
3.3 Phasing Protocol This phasing protocol is designed to determine if alleles “a” and
“b” are on the same chromosome. Across two heterozygous sites,
there are four unique FAM-HEX duplexes that can be assembled
to determine linkage (Fig. 5). A minimum of two of these
duplexes needs to be assembled, tested, and compared as one
serves as a test duplex and the other a control duplex for artificial
linkage. If the percentage of linked molecules is expected to be less
than 25%, all four duplexes should be assembled, tested and
3.3.1 Design/Selection Assay design and data interpretation for phasing experiments is
and Optimization slightly more complicated than for the Standard Linkage Protocol
of Phasing Assays due to the heterozygous nature of the targeted loci. This can result
in cross-reactivity of an assay with the nontargeted allele as well as
competition for reagents in droplets containing both alleles, and
can produce up to 16 different clusters on a 2D fluorescent ampli-
tude plot (Fig. 6).
The droplets in the plot shown in Fig. 6 are easily classified—as
indicated in the figure, but it is not uncommon to observe plots
where the clusters are not as orthogonal due to cross-reactivity, and
even experts in digital PCR can easily misclassify the clusters.
Phasing Markers with Digital PCR 499
a c
FAM-Assay HEX-Assay
Paternal Paternal
chromosome chromosome
FAM-Assay HEX-Assay
a b a b
Maternal Maternal
chromosome chromosome
Chr 7 Chr 7
b d
FAM-Assay HEX-Assay
Paternal Paternal
chromosome chromosome
HEX-Assay FAM-Assay
a b a b
Maternal Maternal
chromosome chromosome
Chr 7 Chr 7
Fig. 5 Duplexes assembled in phasing protocol. (a) Assays targeting the “A” and “B” alleles are combined.
(b) Assays targeting the “A” and “b” alleles are combined. (c) Assays targeting the “a” and “b” alleles are
combined. (d) Assays targeting the “a” and “B” alleles are combined
Fig. 6 Droplet cluster identification and classification in the presence of assay competition and cross-reacting
fluorescent probes (i.e., NO dark competitor probes present). Major clusters (designated as “✚” in the figure)
are comprised of single- and double-positive droplets that contain the FAM (A)- and/or HEX (B)-targeted alleles
(without the nontargeted “a” and “b” alleles), as well as the double-negative clusters (,). Additionally, at
high enough DNA loads per reaction, some droplets contain both targeted and nontargeted alleles (A and a or
B and b). When both alleles are present in the same droplet (alleles shown in bold on the plot), the two
templates compete for the same primer pair resulting in droplets with reduced fluorescent amplitude since
only half of the end-product is specific to the included probe (and this is not mitigated by the presence of dark
J probes). Droplets that lack the targeted allele, but contain the nontargeted allele (denoted by
the symbol), experience probe cross-reactivity that generates as many as 7 additional clusters that are
offset from the four major clusters (✚). If dark competitor probes had been added to the reaction these offset
clusters are often driven toward the axes to overlap with the main FAM and HEX clusters, including the
competition clusters (see Fig. 7)
Fig. 7 Influence of dark competitor probes (see Note 10). Phasing experiments without competitor probes
(as in this 2D plot) can have as many as 16 clusters both because the probes for each targeted sequence will
often cross-react with the nontargeted allele when present and because the presence of both alleles in a
single droplet will result in competition that lowers the targeted alleles endpoint yield and thus fluorescence
amplitude creating additional subclusters. Adding dark competitor probes into the reaction drives the cross-
reacting clusters surrounded by a blue box, (those clusters having targets cross-reacting with the “A” probe)
and a green box (those clusters having targets cross-reacting with the “B” probe) into the conventional
clusters that lie closest to the HEX and FAM axes, respectively. The seven clusters denoted with an asterisk
(*) are present due to PCR competition, since a single primer pair amplifies both targeted and nontargeted
alleles and thus results in only about ½ of the final PCR product in these droplets with commensurately
reduced hydrolysis of the corresponding fluorescent probe. To reduce the number of droplets in these
competition-based clusters, load less DNA into the reaction
Fig. 8 Influence of adding dark competitor probes to phasing assay. (a) Phasing assay without the addition of
dark competitor probes. (b) Phasing assay with the addition of dark competitor probes. Notice that the dark
competitor probes do not eliminate the additional minor clusters resulting from the simultaneous presence of
both targeted and nontargeted alleles in droplets (i.e., the A,a; B,b; A,B,b; A,a,B and A,a,B,b clusters seen in
Fig. 6 still remain)
Table 2a
Assay components for AB reactions
Table 2b
Assay components for Ab reactions
Table 2c
Assay components for ab reactions (only required if low % of linkage
Table 2d
Assay components for aB reactions (only required if low % of linkage
3.3.3 Analyzing the Data 1. Barring significant differences between the three wells per
for Linkage of Markers duplex (e.g., obvious shearing of the droplets in one well),
select all three wells and classify the droplets while viewing
the 2D fluorescent amplitude plot. (See Subheading 3.2.3,
step 1, for further guidance on well analysis). In phasing
experiments, PCR competition between alleles and probe
cross-reactivity can make classifying droplets difficult. For guid-
ance on understanding these principles and their influence on
droplet cluster location within the 2D fluorescent plot see
Figs. 7 and 9.
2. If running the AB, Ab, ab, and aB duplexes, use the data
available in the QX100/200 QuantaSoft Analysis table
(as seen in Fig. 10), to calculate the percentage of linked
Phasing Markers with Digital PCR 505
(detects A allele strongly, a allele weakly) b
(Ab, A+b)
FAM Fluorescence
FAM Fluorescence
(ab, a+b) (aB, a+B)
Fig. 9 Shifting cluster location. For linked targets, the location of the cluster(s) with an excess of droplets shifts
depending on whether the included duplex is a perfect match for the linked alleles or if one of the assays only
cross-reacts with the linked allele. (a) When the sample (AB, ab) contains linked alleles that are specifically
targeted by the included assays (FAM-labeled assay detects “A” and HEX-labeled assay detects “B”), then
there is an overabundance of the major clusters denoted with arrowheads. (b) When a different sample of the
opposite genotype (Ab, aB) is queried using the same duplex without dark competitor probes, the cluster with
excess double-positive droplets shifts to the ones where the nontargeted allele is detected through cross-
reactivity (denoted with arrowheads). If dark competitor probes were used, these cross-reactive droplets
would ideally merge with the conventional major FAM (A)-only and HEX (B)-only clusters in Fig. 6, effectively
causing an overabundance of single-positive droplets and an underabundance of double-positive droplets and
the expected number of double-positive droplets containing the two targeted alleles (all of the A,B-containing
droplets in the upper right of Fig. 6) would be no greater than by chance alone
Fig. 10 Screen captures from a QuantaSoft table showing the total concentration of A, B, a, and b alleles,
regardless of linkage status, and the “Linkage” column, which displays only the concentration of linked
molecules (AB, Ab, ab, and aB) in copies/μL
506 John Regan and George Karlin-Neumann
4 Notes
DNA that regularly fails to form droplets, mix the sample more
vigorously than would otherwise be recommended to slightly
shear the DNA before going into droplet generation.
3. After the DNA is extracted, immediately perform the linkage
tests, as storing the DNA for extended periods will cause
additional DNA fragmentation. If the experiment is to be
performed within a week’s time, leave the sample at 4 C. If
the sample is likely not to be processed for more than a week,
freezing is recommended, but avoid repetitive freeze-thaw
cycles. Always store DNA for linkage analysis in a buffered
solution to minimize hyrdrolysis (e.g., Teknova’s DNA suspen-
sion buffer: 10 mM Tris, 0.1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0).
4. In evaluating different sample preparation chemistries for their
ability to purify intact DNA, as of this writing, Promega’s
human DNA (https://www.promega.com/products/
biochemicals-and-labware/nucleic-acids/genomic-dna/) may
serve as a good control DNA. Promega DNA is highly intact
and accordingly very viscous and enables linkage of two mar-
kers separated by at least 200 Kb to be detected by the proce-
dure described in this chapter. In the absence of restriction
enzyme digestion or aggressive pipetting, it does not allow
droplet formation when included in ddPCR reactions at
>66 ng/well (>1 copy/droplet).
5. DNA extracted from plasma (cfDNA) or FFPE is generally too
fragmented to justify a linkage experiment that includes two
different assays. Instead, a single primer-pair assay (<500 bp in
length) that contains FAM- and HEX- labeled probes for the
markers of interest can often be used to establish linkage using
the protocol described in this chapter.
6. A temptation in linkage experiments is to include a restriction
enzyme in the control wells, where the restriction enzyme
digests the DNA linking the two markers. However, digested
DNA mixes more easily to homogeneity than undigested DNA
where the DNA is entangled. To avoid incorrectly genotyping
samples due to artificial linkage, when possible, use undigested
DNA for the controls in linkage experiments. This requires
varying the assays used between the test and control wells. An
exception to this recommendation is for haploid genomes and
for triplex inversion genotyping experiments [5] where the test
and control assays are included in the same well.
7. When performing a linkage experiment, the amount of DNA
put into the reaction to minimize statistical error is different
from the amount of DNA (120 ng/well or ~1.6 copies/drop-
let (cpd)) needed for the most precise quantification given
Bio-Rad’s QX200 partition volume of 0.85 nL. Instead, for
linkage applications, it is a balance between loading sufficient
510 John Regan and George Karlin-Neumann
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4. Regan JF, Kamitaki N, Legler T, Cooper S, meiosis. Nucleic Acids Res 21(1):13–20
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Chapter 29
Telomerase is a cellular RNA template-dependent reverse transcriptase that adds telomere repeats to the 30
ends of chromosomes. Telomerase is expressed almost universally in tumor cells (>85%) to maintain
telomere length, thus providing the ability of tumor cells to avoid senescence and to have unlimited
replication ability, one of the key hallmarks of cancer. ddTRAP (droplet digital Telomere Repeat Amplifica-
tion Protocol) is a two-step assay with whole cell lysates that utilizes a telomerase-mediated primer
extension followed by droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) detection of extended products. The adoptation of
the TRAP assay to ddPCR has resulted in improved throughput, increased sensitivity and better repeatabil-
ity of the TRAP assay. The protocol described below details our procedures for ddTRAP.
1 Introduction
George Karlin-Neumann and Francisco Bizouarn (eds.), Digital PCR: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1768, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-7778-9_29, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018
514 Andrew T. Ludlow et al.
2 Materials
Prepare all solutions and set up all reactions using typical PCR
precautions see Note 1.
2.1 Whole Cell 1. Use of a well-characterized telomerase positive cell line such as
Lysate Preparation HeLa, HEK293, H1299, MDA-231, HCT116, or HT1080 as
a positive control.
ddTRAP: A Method for Sensitive and Precise Quantification of Telomerase Activity 515
Fig. 1 TRAP assay theory. Tissue culture cells are plated on a 10 cm culture dish and grown to about 90%
confluence. Cells are then counted and pelleted in 1 million cell aliquots. Whole cell lysates are prepared and
then added to the extension mix containing the telomerase substrate primer (TS primer) and dNTPs. The lysate
containing active telomerase enzymes will extend the TS primer using the RNA template of the enzyme. The
extension reaction is heat-inactivated, and the products are then PCR amplified in the presence of the reverse
primer ACX and the forward primer TS to amplify the telomerase-extended substrates. The PCR products are
double stranded and can be detected using Evagreen® dsDNA binding dye in the QX100/200 droplet digital
PCR reader. Note—the bolded nucleotides in the ACX primer are mismatches with the telomerase-extended
2.3 ddPCR Detection 1. 10 μM ACX primer (reverse amplification primer for detec-
Extended Substrates HPLC purified—see Note 9 about primers).
2. 10 μM telomerase substrate, “TS” primer (telomerase substrate
for extension, also forward primer for detection—5-
3. 2 Evagreen® super mix for ddPCR (Bio-Rad).
4. RNase/DNase-free DEPC-treated dH2O (Ambion).
5. Twin-Tec 96-well plate—Eppendorf 951020362 (Fisher).
6. Pierceable foil heat seal—(Bio-Rad #1814040).
7. Droplet generator cartridges (DG8) (Bio-Rad 186-3008).
8. Droplet generator oil (Bio-Rad 186-3005).
9. Droplet cartridge gaskets (DG8) (Bio-Rad 186-3009).
10. QX200 evagreen ddPCR supermix (Bio-Rad).
ddTRAP: A Method for Sensitive and Precise Quantification of Telomerase Activity 517
3 Method/Procedures
3.2 Lysis of Cells 1. Generate a whole cell lysate by adding 40 μL of NP40 lysis
buffer to pelleted cells (per 1 million cells) and incubate on ice
for 40 min (see Notes 12 and 14).
2. During the lysis period periodically vortex or mix vigorously at
least twice (e.g., at 15 min and 30 min of lysis). This is essential
to ensure the cells are lysed and homogenous (see Note 14).
3.3 Telomerase 1. While the cells are in lysis buffer, set up the extension reaction
Primer Extension mix as shown below in Table 1 and store on ice.
Reaction Setup 2. Set up tubes for dilution of the lysates on ice.
3. Lysates need to be diluted to a cell equivalent of 1250 cells per
microliter (2 μL of lysate in 18 μL of NP40 lysis buffer) on ice.
4. Prepare all diluted lysates before mixing with the extension
reaction. Please see Note 3 below for details on extension
518 Andrew T. Ludlow et al.
Table 1
Extension reaction setup
Table 2
PCR setup
3.4 Digital PCR Setup 1. Using the PCR precautions outlined in see Notes 4–11 prepare
a master mix containing a final concentration of; 1 Evagreen
ddPCR Super Mix v2.0 (Bio-Rad), 50 nM TS primer, 50 nM
ACX primer, 50 cell equivalents or less of extension product
and dH2O to 20 μL per sample, with 10% extra. See Table 2 for
example volumes.
2. Allow reaction mix to reach room temperature (see Notes 5–8).
3. Set up the droplet generation (DG) cartridge. Load 20 μL of
PCR mixture into the sample well in the cartridge. Then add
ddTRAP: A Method for Sensitive and Precise Quantification of Telomerase Activity 519
3.5 Detection 1. Read the droplets. Load the 96-well plate into the droplet
of the Telomerase reader plate holder matching well “A1” in the proper
Extended PCR orientation.
Amplified Substrates 2. Set up the reader. Open® software on the desktop of the laptop
computer synchronized with the droplet reader. Double click
well “A1” in the plate template. This will change the upper part
of the screen to display “sample name,” “experiment,” “assay
name,” and assay channels (fluorescence dyes fam or Vic®/hex.
See Note 10.
3. Define the wells. Click “Experiment” and a pull-down menu
with choices for experiment types will be displayed. Choose
“absolute quantification” for the experiment type. Select wells
(highlight wells) and click apply or press enter. With the same
wells highlighted, Select assay channels as unknown channel
1 (6FAM/Evagreen®). Click “apply” or press enter. Name the
assay—As an example for ddTRAP put the word ddTRAP and
indicate the extension time used (i.e., ddTRAP 40 min ext.)
and press apply. Name the samples.
520 Andrew T. Ludlow et al.
4. Run the plate. Click run. A screen will prompt you to save the
template. Give your plate a logical name (record this in your lab
note book or experiment log in Excel® etc.). Click “save.” A
screen will prompt you to pick the dye types (Fam/Vic or
Fam/Hex) for ddTRAP pick FAM/Vic and if you want to
read the wells in columns or rows.
3.6 Data Analysis 1. Determine if the sample is valid for further analysis. The data
generated from the droplet reader is given in several formats.
The most important component that should be addressed
when analyzing ddTRAP data is the number of droplets gen-
erated. This can be queried several ways in the QuantaSoft®
software. By clicking “events,” the total number of droplets per
well can be visualized in a histogram. Alternatively under the
“table” display the column titled “accepted droplets” will give
the investigator the same information. We typically consider a
sample valid for further analysis with more than 10,000
accepted droplets; more stringent criteria of 12,000 accepted
droplets can also be applied, but the same criteria should be
applied across all samples in a given experiment and all experi-
ments in a particular manuscript unless noted in the figure
2. Set the threshold. Setting the thresholds between positive and
negative droplets can be a subjective task when analyzing digi-
tal PCR data and thus certain standard criteria should be
applied for each new assay. For the ddTRAP assay, positive
droplets typically fall between 6000 and 10,000 fluorescent
units, however since telomerase generates amplicons of various
sizes and is a “GC”-rich template, longer molecules (i.e., those
with more repeats added) appear lower on the amplification
plot. We use the following guides to set thresholds for ddTRAP
assays: (1) A “no-template lysis buffer control” (NTC-LB)
sample should be analyzed first, set threshold at 2000 fluores-
cence units above population of negative droplets (typically
around 4000 fluorescence units see Fig. 1). There may be
some background in this sample, however given the quantita-
tive nature of ddTRAP, this background can and should be
subtracted from all positive wells. See Fig. 1 for an example of
background in NTC-LB controls. (2) Set thresholds for all
wells. We typically use the same threshold for all wells as was
set for the NTC-LB. Occasionally, the population of negative
droplets will vary between wells and in this case a well specific
background needs to be set to analyze the data. We recom-
mend in this case that the threshold be set at a minimum of
2000 fluorescent units above the “negative population.”
(3) Dealing with “rain.” “Rain” or intermediate droplets
between the negative and positive populations are common
ddTRAP: A Method for Sensitive and Precise Quantification of Telomerase Activity 521
Table 3a
Data from select columns from a QuantaSoft spreadsheet
Sample type Experiment Accepted droplets (molecules per microliter)
NTC-LB Abs quant 14,267 1.64
Positive control cancer line Abs quant 12,587 43.8
with the ddTRAP assay and can have an impact on the quanti-
tative results. Users must be cautious when setting thresholds
as to not skew data one way or another. To avoid potential
problematic “rain” we recommend using as few cell equivalents
as possible and repeating analysis with samples that produce a
large amount of “rain.” When this is not possible the user must
set thresholds equivalently for all samples to be compared.
Once the thresholds are set quantitative information is now
available (see Notes 18 and 19).
3. Extracting quantitative data. In terms of the digital TRAP assay
we refer to the data as “the number of telomerase extended
substrates/products per number of cell equivalents analyzed.”
This information is obtained after correction for background
signal and number of cell equivalents analyzed. From the
QuantaSoft® software refer to the “concentration in molecules
per microliter” column in the tabular view of the software. This
table can be exported as a .csv file and analyzed in Excel®. First
we generate background corrected data by subtracting the
NTC-LB control concentration (molecules per microliter)
from each unknown sample and positive control. This back-
ground corrected value is then converted to total telomerase-
extended products by multiplying by 20 (20 μL PCR volume),
this number is then divided by the number of cell equivalents
added to the extension reaction (typically 50). See example data
4. Determining telomerase-extended products per cell. If
1,000,000 cells are harvested, lysed in 40 μL, the lysate diluted
1:20 to give 1250 cells per microliter, 1 μL of the diluted lysate
added to a 50 μL telomerase extension (25 cell equivalents per
microliter) and then 2 μL of the extension (50 cell equivalents)
added to a 20 μL PCR the For example calculation see Note 20
(Table 3a and 3b).
522 Andrew T. Ludlow et al.
Table 3b
Example calculations for telomerase-extended products per cell
Total telomerase
Data NTC-LB background extension Telomerase extension products
quantification correction’ products per cell
Description of Subtract “NTC-LB” Multiply Divide total telomerase extension
step concentration from background products by the number of cell
unknowns to generate corrected equivalents added to the
background corrected data concentration extension reaction. In this
by 20 example 50 cell equivalents.
Positive 42.16 843.2 16.864
cancer line
4 Notes
Fig. 2 Workflow and optimization of droplet digital TRAP. (a) The ddTRAP workflow. Cells are lysed and then
diluted to a concentration of 1250 cells per μl, telomerase extension products generated at a concentration of
25 cells/μl, then telomerase is heat inactivated and extension products dispersed into droplets. PCR
thermocycling is done for 40 cycles and droplets analyzed for the presence or absence of fluorescence by
the droplet reader (QX150/200 Evagreen® compatible machine). (b) ddTRAP output showing BJ fibroblasts
(input of 100 cell equivalents, telomerase negative), H1299 cells (input of 100 cell equivalents, telomerase
positive), a lysis buffer only control, and a control with no primers and input of 100 cell equivalents of H1299
lysate to test for specificity of amplification. Only very low background signals are seen in these controls. Each
well or sample of the ddPCR analyzes about 17,000 droplets. Event number at the bottom of the output
represents the number of droplets counted in the wells overtime. Each dot on the ddPCR output represents a
unique droplet that is either positive or negative for fluorescent signal. Fluorescence amplitude is a measure of
the fluorescence detected for each droplet in the assay. Fluorescence amplitude is used to separate the
positive and negative droplets. Since the droplets are detected with EvaGreen® double stranded DNA binding
dye there will be inherent background fluorescence of DNA molecules not amplified during PCR. The heat map
scale represents the density of droplets at given fluorescent amplitudes. NTC-LB ¼ no-template control-lysis
buffer ([13]; Figure is reproduced with permissions and slight modification from NAR and Oxford press -
Ludlow, A.T., Robin, J.D., Sayed, M., Litterst, C.M., Shelton, D.N., Shay, J.W. and Wright, W.E. (2014)
Quantitative telomerase enzyme activity determination using droplet digital PCR with single cell resolution.
Nucleic Acids Res, 42, e104)
526 Andrew T. Ludlow et al.
Fig. 3 ddTRAP control reactions and linearity. (a) Heat and RNase A inactivation of telomerase resulted in virtually
no ddTRAP signal. This permitted a small background correction to be included, and established the specific
measurement of telomerase activity from lysates. Background signal is highlighted by the red box. (b) HeLa cell
dilution series from 50 to 1 cell equivalents produced a linear relationship (R2 ¼ 0.99) between input and
detection of telomerase enzyme activity as indicated by total product generated in the ddPCR. Error bars are the
standard deviation of the replicates. Although the extract was not made from a single cell, ddTRAP was able to
reproducibly detect telomerase activity above background at the dilution equivalent to one cell input [13]
Fig. 4 Comparison and correlation of ddTRAP to gel based TRAP. ddTRAP quantification is less variable than
gel based TRAP and allowed accurate determination of the IC50 of Imetelstat in HeLa (0.2 μM). HeLa cells
were incubated with Imetelstat (0, 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, and 3 μM) for 72 h. Cells were pelleted and triplicate
extracts prepared from three separate tissue culture experiments (nine total extracts and extensions per dose).
(a) ddTRAP quantification with 50 cell equivalents added to the PCR. (b) Gel quantification (representative gel
image of two experiments in Fig. 3c. (c) Gel based TRAP was performed with 125 cell equivalents. Data are
expressed as relative telomerase activity compared to control (untreated HeLa) and standard error of the
mean. (d) Correlation analysis of gel-based TRAP to ddTRAP. The P < 0.0001 positive relationship indicates
that the methods are measuring the same phenomenon. IC ¼ Internal competitive telomerase activity
substrate (also known as ITAS) [13]
18. Setting digital PCR thresholds with “rainy” data. Since telo-
merase uses whole cell lysates and generates a “GC”-rich
amplicon of various sizes there can be samples that produce
“rain” or droplets of intermediate fluorescence intensity
between the major populations of negative and positive dro-
plets (see Fig. 4). This can cause problems in the analysis. For
this reason controls are essential in the ddTRAP. We also always
try to use 50 cell equivalents when possible. If samples seem to
produce a lot of “rain” at this cell input we dilute the sample
until better separation is achieved. Alternatively, the extension
can be diluted and corrected for cell equivalents in the analysis.
19. We found that purchasing HPLC purified primers was neces-
sary for the success of this assay, it will not work otherwise.
528 Andrew T. Ludlow et al.
Fig. 5 Dealing with “rainy” data. ddTRAP fluorescent droplet outputs are shown on the right, and quantified
outputs graphed on the left. Lysates were incubated with TS substrate for various amounts of time prior to
heat inactivation, using 100 cell equivalents from H1299 cells. Data are presented as means of background
corrected total telomerase products generated standard error of the mean. The horizontal black line
represents the threshold used in these samples. It is essential when setting threshold for “rainy” data that
controls are used as a guide and the same threshold is used for all samples [13]
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Chapter 30
In addition to its growing use in detecting and quantifying genes and larger genomic events, the partition-
ing used in digital PCR can serve as a powerful tool for high-fidelity amplification of synthetic combinatorial
libraries of single-stranded DNA. Sequence-diverse libraries of this type are used as a basis for selecting
tight-binding aptamers against a specific target. Here we provide a detailed description of the Hi-Fi SELEX
protocol for rapid and efficient DNA aptamer selection. As part of that methodology, we describe how
Hi-Fi SELEX gains advantages over other aptamer selection methods in part through the use of the massive
partitioning capability of digital PCR.
1 Introduction
George Karlin-Neumann and Francisco Bizouarn (eds.), Digital PCR: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1768, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-7778-9_30, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018
532 Aaron Ang et al.
Fig. 1 Schematic showing the sequence of operations comprising a single round of Hi-Fi SELEX. Adapted from
[15] with journal permission
2 Materials
2.1 Oligonucleotides The Hi-Fi SELEX protocol selects aptamers from a semicombina-
torial library of members in which each member is composed of
three oligonucleotides hybridized together. As shown in Fig. 2,
these oligonucleotides include an 80-nt ssDNA “library” sequence,
a 20-nt ssDNA DNA sequence (50 -Comp) complementary to the
50 -end of each 80-nt member of the library, and a 20-nt ssDNA
sequence (30 -Comp) that is 50 -phosphorylated and complementary
to the 30 -end of each library member. Each of the three required
components (80-nt ssDNA library, 30 -Comp, 50 -Comp) is synthe-
sized chemically by a reputable vendor (we use IDT Inc.; Coralville,
IA) capable of delivering it in the quantities (typically a few μmoles),
uniformities (ssDNA library and Comp sequences are indepen-
dently processed by HPLC (strong anion exchange column) to
eliminate truncated members and isolate a tight band of the desired
molecular weight), and purities needed to satisfy the DNA quality
and diversity requirements of the Hi-Fi SELEX process. Each com-
ponent is then reconstituted in 1 AF buffer to create the required
stock solutions (see Note 1). A ssDNA library structure and
corresponding set of 50 -Comp and 30 -Comp sequences appropriate
for conducting Hi-Fi SELEX are provided below.
534 Aaron Ang et al.
Fig. 2 Basic structures of the semicombinatorial DNA libraries used in standard SELEX (standard library) and
Hi-Fi SELEX (competent library): Hi-Fi SELEX libraries differ from standard SELEX libraries through their use of
novel fixed-region complements (blocking elements) to improve the functional diversity of the starting
semicombinatorial library. Each member of the Hi-Fi SELEX ssDNA library is therefore composed of an
80 nt library sequence containing a 40-mer random core region (N40) flanked by a 50 universal 20-mer flanking
sequence and a 30 universal 20-mer primer binding sequence, with each flanking sequence hybridized to its
complement, which are hereafter denoted as 50 -Comp and 30 -Comp, respectively. By eliminating single-
strand structures within the fixed regions, the competent Hi-Fi SELEX library isolates aptamer fold and function
to within the variable core region of the library, while reducing artifacts that might compromise or eliminate
the discovery of a tight-binding sequence within that region. Unblocked, the fixed-region sequences within a
given selection library can interfere with aptamer fold and function through their potential to adopt stable
secondary structures created through either (1) self-association, or (2) association with complementary
nucleotides within the variable core region, the opposing fixed region, or both. These types of unwanted
structures can occur either within an individual library member or between complementary regions of different
members of the library [14], and we have previously shown that the net effect is to significantly reduce the
total functional diversity of the library [15]
2.2 Hi-Fi SELEX 1. Aptamer Folding (AF) buffer: 20 mM Tris–HCl (pH 7.4),
Reagents 140 mM NaCl, 5 mM KCl, 1 mM MgCl2, 1 mM CaCl2.
and Consumables 2. ssDNA Library Stock Solution: 1 μmole purified 80-nt ssDNA
in AF buffer (10 μl of a 100 μM stock required for complete
(three rounds) Hi-Fi SELEX selection). The general structure
of each library member is 50 -flanking sequence (20 nt) –N40
–flanking sequence (20 nt)-30 , with one suitable library
sequence being library [50 -TCGCACATTCCGCTTCTACC
3. 50 Complementary Blocker (50 -Comp): for the library
sequence shown above, 50 -GGTAGAAGCGGAATGTGCGA-
30 resuspended at 100 μM stock in AF buffer (10 μl each total
needed for complete Hi-Fi SELEX run).
4. 30 Complementary Blocker (30 -Comp): for the library
sequence shown above, 50 -TTCGCACACACGGACTTACG-
30 resuspended at 100 μM stock in AF buffer (10 μl each total
needed for complete Hi-Fi SELEX run).
Highly Efficient and Reliable DNA Aptamer Selection Using the Partitioning. . . 535
3.1 Library Design In its standard format [10–12], SELEX enriches a subset of short
and Synthesis single-stranded RNA or DNA sequences from a synthetic library
composed of a semicombinatorial population whose total diversity
is similar to the body’s own antibody repertoire. The process is
typically performed in vitro, creating the capacity to modulate the
nature and stringency of the screening conditions to more effi-
ciently select library members showing high affinity or specificity
to a target.
SELEX can operate on either a ssDNA or ssRNA library, with
the choice typically made by carefully examining the intended
application of the aptamer. RNA-based aptamers have a more flexi-
ble backbone that allows them to adopt a wider range of secondary
and tertiary structures. Though built on a less flexible backbone,
ssDNA aptamers have higher chemical stability, and screening of
DNA libraries requires fewer processing steps. In this chapter, the
technological advances offered by Hi-Fi SELEX, including its use
of the partitioning step of ddPCR, are specifically applied to ssDNA
aptamer selections.
DNA libraries used for SELEX typically contain ~1014 unique
members of equivalent length, each composed of a random oligo-
nucleotide sequence within a variable core region that is flanked by
universal fixed sequences at the 50 and 30 ends. Library diversity is
largely encoded in the variable core region. This region can be
created utilizing different randomization strategies and nucleotide
chemistries. Most often, chemical syntheses that equally weight the
frequency of each naturally occurring nucleotide are employed, but
variable core regions composed of partially randomized sequences
[16], genomic DNA inserts [17, 18], and various chemically mod-
ified nucleotides [19–21] have also been used with success.
Hi-Fi SELEX typically employs a variable core region that is
40 nt in length (Fig. 2) so as to generate reasonable diversity while
keeping the mass of the starting library suitable for the screening
process. However, smaller or longer randomizations can be used.
The sequences of the universal fixed regions (typically 20 nt each)
flanking the 50 and 30 ends of each variable core sequence are
engineered to achieve high-fidelity amplification of retained library
members by eliminating, or at least minimizing, self-association
and primer-dimer pairing reactions that can promote formation of
Highly Efficient and Reliable DNA Aptamer Selection Using the Partitioning. . . 537
Fig. 3 Schematic of chemistries used to immobilize target protein, neutralize reactive groups, and passivate
nonspecific binding sites on the surface of a Nunc Immobilizer Amino plate
3.4 Retained Pool Following each selection round, the polymerase chain reaction
Amplification by (PCR) is generally used to amplify the pool of retained library
ddPCR sequences. In SELEX, this step is conducted as a conventional
bulk PCR reaction using a standard thermal cycler and universal
forward and reverse primers targeting the fixed flanking sequences
of each library member.
This approach tends to be problematic, as illustrated in Fig. 4
for a relatively simple pool of 105 unique library members. Though
the desired 80-bp dsDNA amplicon is created, a maximum in its
total abundance is typically reached after a limited number of cycles.
Beyond that cycle, various artifacts, including formation of 80-mer
heteroduplexes hybridized together through only their common
flanking sequences, oligonucleotide stretches within the universal
primer regions mispriming certain variable core region sequences,
and improperly extended products acting as spurious primers on
heterologous sequences, promote conversion of the library to
increasingly aberrant high molecular weight (HMW) by-products.
To avoid these complications, Hi-Fi SELEX replaces traditional
PCR with the partitioning capabilities of ddPCR. When as few as
105 retained library members are recovered in a given Hi-Fi SELEX
round and then amplified by the ddPCR-based protocol described,
an 80-bp amplicon concentration of greater than 1 μM is generally
realized in the final ~25 μl sample. Moreover, all amplicons pro-
duced are in their fully complementary (homoduplexed) dsDNA
state. As a result, a regenerated ssDNA library can be created from
as little as 105 retained members in quantities sufficient to not only
proceed to the next selection round, but also to determine the
mean binding affinity of the enriched pool after each selection
round, providing a metric of how the overall selection is
The amplification protocol used in Hi-Fi SELEX is conducted
in two steps as follows:
Determine the concentration of the retained library CLibrary:
1. Dilute 0.5 μl of the desalted concentrated pool of retained
80-nt library members in 9.5 μl nanopure water.
2. To a qPCR well, add 5 μl of the solution created in step 1,
along with SYBR green mastermix (to 1 final), FP and RP
(250 nM final each). Top up the final volume in the well to
20 μl by adding nanopure water.
3. Begin cycling with an initial activation step at 95 C for 3 min
followed by 39 cycles of amplification, each composed of dena-
turation at 95 C for 30 s and annealing/extension at 60 C for
Highly Efficient and Reliable DNA Aptamer Selection Using the Partitioning. . . 541
Fig. 4 Comparison of amplification of a retained pool (105) of library members by conventional PCR (standard
SELEX; upper panel) and by ddPCR (Hi-Fi SELEX; lower panel): Although the desired 80-bp dsDNA amplicon is
created in conventional PCR, a maximum in its total abundance is typically reached after a limited number of
cycles. Beyond that cycle, various artifacts, including formation of 80-mer heteroduplexes hybridized together
through only their common flanking sequences, oligonucleotide stretches within the universal primer regions
mispriming certain variable core region sequences, and improperly extended products acting as spurious
primers on heterologous sequences, promote conversion of the library to increasingly aberrant high molecular
weight (HMW) by-products. A small-scale “pilot” PCR reaction [32, 33] is therefore generally performed to
determine the maximum number of PCR cycles that can be conducted before accumulating unacceptable
amounts of by-products, which are known to adversely affect selection and must therefore be removed by gel
electrophoresis or other means [34]. That pilot reaction typically shows that standard PCR amplification of the
retained pool must be stopped at ca. 22–25 cycles since HMW by-products generally start accumulating when
the amplicon concentration reaches ca. 20–50 nM. Termination of amplification at this relatively low cycle
number generally yields ~1010–1012 80-bp amplicons, or 1% of that needed to initiate the next selection
round. As a result, in SELEX, the PCR step must be multiplexed across 100 or more parallel reactions, each
amplifying between ~ 105–106 library members to create 1011–1012 amplicons per well. The products of the
parallel reactions are then pooled and concentrated to reach the concentration (i.e., 1014 amplicons in 100 μl)
required for downstream processing and the next round of SELEX. The use of emulsions in ddPCR to isolate
and amplify single templates by PCR is well established, and it is known that the resulting partitioning of single
templates into individual droplets reduces formation of unwanted by-products when coamplifying mixtures of
templates (e.g., multiple genes) [35, 36]. Spurious priming events are greatly reduced within each droplet, in
part because competition between different templates and biases resulting from differences in amplification
efficiencies are avoided [37]. Moreover, post amplification, the emulsions can be broken to recover the full set
of amplicons in an aqueous phase suitable for downstream processing. In Hi-Fi SELEX, the pool (~108) of
competent 80-nt ssDNA library members retained after a selection round is therefore partitioned among a
similar number of nL-sized droplets. ddPCR partitions ca. 20,000 droplets per well, which means 100 wells
542 Aaron Ang et al.
30 s. Set the heating and cooling rates at 2.5 C s1 for even
heat distribution in the well.
4. Determine CLibrary by comparing the recorded quantitation
cycle Cq to corresponding Cq data from a standard curve
derived from a dilution series of the initial 100 μM library
stock with sequence diversity from 108 down to 102 unique
library members.
5. From CLibrary and the retained library volume (~25 μl) the
number of ddPCR wells required to conduct the retained
library amplification is computed by assuming 17,000 readable
drops having a CPD of 50 are created per ddPCR well. If, for
example, the retained library contained 108 members (typical
for 1st and 2nd rounds of Hi-Fi SELEX), 120 wells are
required (120 wells 17000 droplets 50 copies/
droplet ¼ 108).
Droplet based amplification of the retained pool (see Note 10)
6. From the remaining 24–25 μl of desalted retained library,
prepare an appropriate volume (¼ 20 μl # of required wells
(¼ ~2–2.4 ml)) of ddPCR sample mixture by adding ddPCR
master mix (1 final), 900 nM each of FP and phosphorylated
RP (final) and nanopure water.
7. Load a 20 μl aliquot of this sample mixture into each well of a
droplet-generation cartridge.
8. Add 70 μl of fluorinated oil to each of the corresponding oil
wells of the cartridge.
9. Insert and process the cartridge in the droplet generator.
10. Transfer the stable emulsion (containing ca. 17,000 readable
droplets) formed in each well into a well of a standard 96-well
PCR plate for thermal cycling.
11. Repeat steps 7 to 10 until the sample is fully processed.
12. Begin cycling with an initial activation step at 95 C for 5 min,
followed by 35 amplification cycles (note that this is fewer
cycles than typically used for ddPCR quantitation), each
composed of denaturation at 95 C for 30 s then annealing/
extension at 64 C for 30 s. Set the heating and cooling rate-
s at 2.5 C s1 to ensure even heating of all droplets in
each well.
Fig. 4 (continued) are required to accommodate 50 templates into each droplet (CPD ¼ 50). As a result of the
low sequence heterogeneity per droplet, minimal HMW by-products formation is observed over 40 or more
ddPCR cycles, permitting high-fidelity end-point amplification of all retained library members into more than
1014 total copies of the desired 80-bp dsDNA amplicon products. Adapted from [15] with journal permission
Highly Efficient and Reliable DNA Aptamer Selection Using the Partitioning. . . 543
13. Immediately after amplification, pool all of the wells and spin at
5000 g to separate the reacted droplets from the continuous
oil (bottom) phase.
14. Discard the continuous oil phase.
15. Recover the double-stranded DNA by subjecting the droplet
phase to a freeze (80 C for 15 min)/thaw cycle.
16. Immediately spin down the frozen droplets at 14,000 g for
5 min to create sufficient force to burst them.
17. Repeat steps 15 and 16 two more times to generate and
recover a clear aqueous (top) phase containing the soluble
amplified material. Set aside 5 μl of the clarified aqueous phase.
18. Process the remaining clarified aqueous phase in a centrifugal
filter unit to concentrate the amplified library to ~25 μl.
19. Analyze the 5 μl aliquot from step 18 on a 1.5% agarose gel
alongside a properly sized molecular weight ladder to confirm
proper amplification of the library.
Fig. 5 Fluorescence (SYBR green) based melt analysis for serial reductions in the sequence diversity of
dsDNA-amplicon representations of an 80-nt Hi-Fi SELEX library: The double stranded amplicons of retained
library members are homogeneous in terms of their two flanking sequences, while presenting a highly diverse
ensemble of variable core-region sequences. Denaturation of the amplified library followed by cooling to 55 C
therefore results in two distinct dsDNA populations: fully homoduplexed amplicons characterized by a
Gaussian melting envelope centered at a relatively high melting temperature (Tm ~ 81 C), and heteroduplexes
exhibiting only partial complementarity (typically through only their common flanking sequences). The
heteroduplexed pool of amplicons collectively exhibits a Gaussian melting peak characterized by a much
lower Tm (~67 C).
Highly Efficient and Reliable DNA Aptamer Selection Using the Partitioning. . . 545
Fig. 6 Standard curve for qPCR-based sequence diversity determination: normalized melt peak areas (a) and
fhetDNA values (b) as a function library diversity
3.6 Enzymatic The ddPCR amplification step generates 80-bp dsDNA products
Regeneration from which the sense strands must be recovered in order to con-
of the Single-Stranded tinue the Hi-Fi SELEX process. A number of purification methods
Library have been established for stoichiometric removal of the antisense
strand from the sense (aptamer library) strand of amplicons, includ-
ing alkaline denaturation followed by streptavidin capture of bioti-
nylated antisense strands (generated by chemically modifying the
RP) [40] or electrophoretic separation of poly-T-labeled antisense
strands [41]. The relative performance of these various methods
has been studied by Civit et al. [42] and others [43, 44], who have
collectively shown that enzymatic digestion of 50 -phosphorylated
(PO4) antisense strands with λ-exonuclease generally works best.
However, λ-exonuclease hydrolysis activity is appreciably lower
on ssDNA than on complementary dsDNA [45]. As a result, we
have shown that enzymatic regeneration of a ssDNA library stalls
when acting on heteroduplexed amplicons produced in the bulk
PCR amplification step employed in standard SELEX [15]. A par-
tially regenerated library composed of a mixture of desired 80-nt
ssDNA and partially processed dsDNA material is therefore created
(Fig. 7, right half), compromising the next round of selection.
In Hi-Fi SELEX, in addition to mitigating formation of
unwanted HMW products, the ddPCR based amplification of
retained members described above provides a means to eliminate
formation of heteroduplexes during amplification and thereby yield
a pool of fully homoduplexed amplicons (as evidenced by melt
analyses of those pools (Fig. 7)). Complete stoichiometric regener-
ation of the required 80-nt ssDNA library by λ-exonuclease proces-
sing can then be achieved (Fig. 7, left half) using the following
1. Generate the sense-strand library from the 25 μl pool of con-
centrated amplicons prepared in step 18 from Section 3.4 by
reacting with 5 U of λ-exonuclease at 37 C for 1 h, followed by
heat inactivation at 75 C for 10 min.
2. Purify the digested product using standard phenol chloroform
extraction by adding to the sense-strand library a 2 volume
(i.e., ~50 μl) of phenol:chloroform:isoamyl alcohol (25:24:1).
3. Vortex to create an emulsion and centrifuge at 14,000 g for
5 min at room temperature.
Highly Efficient and Reliable DNA Aptamer Selection Using the Partitioning. . . 547
Fig. 7 Efficient stoichiometric regeneration of the ssDNA library in Hi-Fi SELEX: (a) ddPCR amplification of
retained members results in formation of fully complimentary homoduplexed amplicons, while conventional
bulk PCR used in SELEX yields a mixture of homoduplexed and heteroduplexed amplicons; (b) λ-exonuclease
processing of the homoduplexed amplicons produced by Hi-Fi SELEX results in stoichiometric recovery of the
ssDNA library in 30 min, while relatively little ssDNA product is recovered from the bulk PCR product. Adapted
from [15] with journal permission
log C Library ¼ logðT Þ C q logðE Þ ð4Þ
4 Notes
Fig. 8 Representative adsorption isotherm and mean Kd value determined using the qPCR based binding
analysis method: data shown are for a retained pool of tight binding library members with fixed regions against
human α-thrombin
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556 Index
Droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) ..................................5, 51, I
70, 99, 113, 128, 144, 163, 173, 194, 210, 230,
277, 304, 323, 336, 350, 363, 389, 402, 425, Immunoglobulin heavy-chain gene (IGH) ....... 230–240,
446, 460, 479, 492, 515, 532 242–244, 248, 251
Duplex digital PCR.............................................. 128, 276 Inhibitor tolerance ........................................................ 111