Natural Muscle - March 2008
Natural Muscle - March 2008
Natural Muscle - March 2008
l ll 00l8l8 80 800ll0 00f l0000l0 l0 l00l 0l80008 0l
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First, get this one fact straight: nsulin is the most Anabolic (Muscle Building) of all hormones. n
fact, insulin causes more lean muscle growth than Testosterone, Anabolic Steroids and/or GH
(Growth Hormone)! As a former multi-discipline teacher of the sciences and creator of over a dozen
supplements that sold into the tens of millions of dollars, please allow me to share some amazing
new science-backed biochemistry to help you gain lean muscle fast.
Jack Owoc's Research-Proven 10-Compound- Protocol to
gnite 8ynthesis of Lean Muscle
1} Whey and Casein Protein Hydro-lysates: these extraordinary proteins increase insulin
production by 110% greater than carbs alone and increase glycogen synthesis by 35%. Whey and
Casein Protein Hydrolysates are far superior to intact proteins such as whey, casein and egg for
promoting nitrogen utilization and muscle growth. The powerful lean muscle building effect occurs
after consuming Protein Hydrolysates prior to, during and after training. These specialized peptides
dump into the blood rapidly causing super high blood levels of amino acids and increased production
of the powerful anabolic hormone, insulin. These two physiological events result in a potent anabolic
(muscle building) response in the body. Shotgun
and SyntheSize
l, l0
l llM
ll, 0
lll k
l 0
ore Endurance by up to 34%
U Enhanced buffering of acid build-up from
intense exercise*
U Enhanced energy recovery by up to 20%
U Enhanced ability to ght cortisol*
U Enhanced m
ental acuity*
U Im
ediate im
ents in endurance exercise capacity*
flf8l Z00 00l0
l0 0M8ll l00lf l0ll 8M0 80
800f088 l0
[email protected]
Nlll f000l90
f8ll $N
Natural Muscle March 2008 10 Natural Muscle March 2008 11
March 2008
Tricks of the Trade 29
Muscleology Series- Kettle bell 30
Upper Body Blitz 38
The MUSCLE Chef 34
Fitness for Her 24
Sherrys Fitness Formula 26
What are you Waiting For? 36
Pzs Perspective 46
Welcome to my World 50
Call: 888.519.9300 Int: 805.988.0640 SANN.NET
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Some of these studies
were performed at a different dosage than that in our product. The efficacy of this ingredient at the dosage level in our product has not been established in
a clinical study and may not be equivalent. Some of these studies were performed on animals and not humans. Because of differences between humans
and animals and the difficulty in determining the equivalence of dosages administered to animals and humans, the results of animal studies may not be
transferable to humans. **Blood tests were conducted through the life extension foundation and are on file with the SAN Corporation. No Claim is made
with the exception of what is provided within this graph.
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unsurpassed rate.*
Ideal for strength and
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Unparalleled during
carb-up right before
Replenish glycogen at
lightning fast speed.*
Deliver BCAAs at an
unsurpassed rate.*
Ideal for strength and
endurance sthletes.
Unparalleled during
carb-up right before
Dave Gandellto hell...
and back
Natural Muscle March 2008 12 Natural Muscle March 2008 1
Super Anti-Catabolic/
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Results of the Independent Pilot Study Conducted At Ohio Research Group:
Subjects Added an Average of 2 1/2 Times More Lean Mass in a Single Dose
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Significant Decrease in the Percentage of Body Fat in a Single Dose
Look For The Results of the NEWGroundbreakingClinical Trial Coming Soon and See
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Results of the Independent Clinical Trial Conducted at Baylor
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Increased Natural (Free) Testosterone an Average of 600%
Up to a 600%Increase in Testosterone to Estrogen Ratio
Returns to Baseline Within 3 Weeks of Stopping Novedex XT
Rock Solid Safety Data
Increased Strength:
- 322%more than Creatine Ethyl Ester
- 776%more than Arginine Alphaketoglutarate
Willoughby D. S., & Wilborn C. Eight weeks of aromatase inhibition using the nutritional supplement Novedex XT: Effects on serum steroid hormones, body
composition, and clinical safety markers in young, eugonadal males. International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 2007, 17, 92-108 2007
Human Kinetics, Inc. *Standard deviation bars have been omitted for clarity. Differences between groups were statistically significant. *Ziegenfuss T.N., Mendel
R.W., and Hofheins J.E. Comparison of Purported Anabolic Supplements on Body Composition and Muscular Performance. Ohio Research Group. Wadsworth, Ohio
44281, USA. - Presented at the ISSN Convention in June 2006, Las Vegas, NV. (Neither the research team or The Ohio Research Group received any financial
compensation fromGaspari Nutrition, nor do they endorse this, or any other Gaspari Nutrition product.) Visit www.gasparinutrition.comfor all pertinent study data.
Lets get right to the point: Only Gaspari Nutrition dares to let the results of unbiased, independent clinical
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Interestingly, most of these compound innovations contained in Meltdown
didnt even exist and had to be chemically engineered in the lab. For ex-
ample, 20 milligrams Synephrine is supposed to be a fairly decent fat loss
compound similar in action and chemical structure to ephedrine. So we
set up a human subject study and tested all the parameters of fat loss
using 1) 25 mgs of pure Synephrine then, 2) 50 mgs of pure Synephrine
HCl (hydrochloride) and nally, 3) 200 mgs of pure Synephrine HCl. Even
when these high amounts of pure Synephrine were stabilized with HCl and
bound to a polymer-lipid based delivery system, thermogenesis was not
induced. Furthermore, energy, heart rate and oxygen uptake did not in-
crease nor were any other markers of fat loss apparent! We were about to
give up on Synephrine until I came up with one last creative effort to get
this compound to work. We turned to several molecular modications of
Synephrine to see if this scientic approach would make this compound
an effective fat loss agent. I must admit that there was a great deal of ap-
prehension because generally speaking, if an ingredient doesnt work to begin with,
it normally doesnt work no matter what you do to the chemical structure. The an-
swer to the Synephrine challenge was to chemically engineer Methyl Synephrine. To
our delight Methyl Synephrine didnt make your heart race or give you anxiety like
ephedrine but provided almost equal amounts of thermogenesis, energy and feel-
ing of well being. After perfecting Methyl Synephrine, human subjects were excited
about its effectiveness and our scientic teamwas even more excited knowing how
well beta andrenergic agonists stack with alpha antagonists in regard to fat loss.
With Yohimbine HCl, 11-hydroxy Yohimbine, alpha-Yohimbine and Methyl Syn-
ephrine VPX could have easily stopped here and delivered the best fat burner
ever created. However, we had a great deal of other new compounds equally
important in assembling the most profound scientic fat loss innovation of the
decade. It is well documented in research that ephedrine and caffeine stacked
together have a signicant synergistic effect to cut fat and that ephedrine and caf-
feine stacked with Yohimbine had an even greater capacity to destroy fat. There-
fore, we theorized that combining caffeine with Methyl Synephrine (the chemical
cousin of ephedrine) would exert a similar fat loss effect. More importantly, we
theorized that we could even beat the old-school Ephedrine-Caffeine-Yohimbine
combination with a more scientically hip: Caffeine-Methyl Synephrine-Yohim-
bine HCl, 11-hydroxy Yohimbine, alpha-Yohimbine stack. And, human subjects
(including myself) conrmed that our theory was correct! All my staff and I can say
is that this combination rocks, period!
Phenylethylamine (PEA) processes the unique capacity to increase metabolism
by stimulating your thyroid gland and inducing thermogenesis to burn fat while
eliciting the mild euphoria of eating a 1000 chocolate bars. So imagine if you
could take PEA and make it 40 to 60 times more effective? Meltdown may give
you the buzz of 40,000 fat and calorie free chocolate bars while melting fat off
faster than a blow torch! Therefore, it was now time to add our new breakthrough
fat loss compounds called, R--M-PEA (R--Methylphenylethylamine) and n-
Methyl--PEA (n-Methyl--Phenylethylamine). We originally began working with
ordinary -PEA and -PEA HCl but found these compounds to have far too many
limitations. First, they were metabolized far too quickly and secondly, their ability
to cross the blood brain barrier was weak and could, therefore, be astronomically
improved up to 40 to 60 times by using the R--M-PEA and n-Methyl--PEA ver-
sions! This is mind boggling considering that most consumers and other supple-
ment companies are already satised with ordinary PEA. But remember, Im stak-
ing my entire career and reputation on my guarantee that Meltdown is the most
profound scientic fat loss innovation of the decade!
It is commonly known to skilled biochemists that the kinetics of any version of PEA
can be extended when combined with an MAO inhibitor. However, I was highly dis-
appointed with lack of MAO inhibiting capacity of Hordenine and Hordenine HCL.
We needed this compound to kick butt for two major reasons. To achieve the de-
sired MAO inhibition effect, we again had to alter the basic chemical structure to
create a super type of High Powered Hordenine. Unlike straight Horde-
nine or Hordenine HCl, this special Hordenine had
to be a potent MAO inhibitor
to pre-
Above is the chemical structure of yohimbine (R1 = R2
= H) and its 2 hydroxylated metabolites, 10-hydroxy-
yohimbine (R1 = OH, R2 = H) and
11-hydroxy-yohimbine (R1 = H, R2 = OH).
Combined with Owocs new Methyl Hordenine & Methyl
Synephrine are the worlds most powerful fat loss
compounds - ALL contained in
*When combined with increased exercise and a reduced calorie diet. Use only as a dietary supplement. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
vent PEA from being metabolized by the monoamine oxidase (MAO) enzyme.
Blocking MAO would increase the duration of action of our brilliant R--M-PEA
and n-Methyl--PEA inventions and permit easy transport across the blood brain
barrier. In medicine this is called increasing the pharmacokinetic value. This would
allow R--M-PEA and n-Methyl--PEA two of the most potent legal designer fat
loss compounds to become even more efcacious.
Of equal importance, adding the appropriate functional group to the chemical struc-
ture would also ramp up Hordenines intrinsic andrenergic fat burning capacity. So,
after attempting to stabilize Synephrine with HCl and failing at hydroxylation to make
it more soluble as was accomplishedwith 11 Hydroxy Yohimbine, we nally arrivedat
adding a Methyl functional group to Hordenine thus giving birth to Undisputed King
of all MAO Inhibitors called, Methyl Hordenine AKA High Powered Hordenine! - not
to mention that Methyl Hordenine and Methyl Synephrine are an outstanding beta
adrenergic agonist fat loss stack that works synergistically with the triple Yohimbine
alpha 1 and alpha 2 andrenergic antagonists. And, we are all well aware from old
days of the Ephedrine (an andrenergic agonist), Caffeine and Yohimbine stack that
Caffeine further enhances the effect of andrenergic agonists like Methyl Hordenine/
Methyl Synephrine and Yohimbine. And, our Methyl Hordenine innovation produced
effects beyond our wildest imagination with real human subjects when combined
with R--M-PEA and n-Methyl--PEA and the other above-mentioned compounds
in Meltdown. This resulted in a super clean mild X buzz with unprecedented men-
tal acuity that lasted for hours and extended thermogenesis, carb Craving Control
and other markers of fat loss.
Methyl 8ynephrine AKA 8uper 8ynephrine
Caution: Synephrine DOES NOT WORK! I hate to burst your bubble but Synephrine
and Synephrine HCl are as useless as a screen door on a submarine. However,
Methyl Synephrine is an off the chain version of Synephrine. This adrenergic amine
robustly accelerates fat metabolism and thermogenesis to simultaneously speed
up the fat burning process. Unlike its chemical cousin Ephedrine, Methyl Syneph-
rine has mild stimulating properties on the central nervous system which is highly
desirable because you get ultimate fat burning properties without the racing heart
and anxiety that ephedrine caused. This is because Ephedrine works at the beta 2
receptor which acts on the CNS (central nervous system) and may have side effects
in unhealthy individuals while, Methyl Synephrine is one of the adrenergic amines
that stimulates the beta-3 receptors. This functions to increase the metabolic rate
without affecting heart rate or blood pressure. Synephrine releases epinephrine and
norepinephrine primarily in the beta-3 receptor sites in adipose (fat) tissue. Stimu-
lation of the beta-3 receptor sites brings forth lipolysis meaning it stimulates fat
metabolism. Another distinctive physiological property of Methyl Synephrine is its
role as an Alpha-1 adrenergic agonist which plays a major part in the metabolization
and destruction of body fat by freeing up stored body fat and allowing you to burn
it for energy (lipolysis). Acting on both Alpha 1 and Beta 3 receptors to induce fat
loss is why Methyl Synephrine will earn its reputation as a powerful lipolytic agent in
scientic circles when it is released to the general public.
Further, adding a functional group to the chemical structure ramped up Synephrines
Beta 3 intrinsic fat burning capacity so that it worked like its chemical cousin ephed-
rine. So, after trying stabilization of Synephrine with HCl and failing at hydroxylation,
we nally arrived at adding a Methyl functional group to Synephrine thus giving birth
to Methyl Synephrine. This compound was so impressive that we trade marked it as
Super Synephrine! And, of course our Super Methyl Synephrine produced effects
beyondour wildest imagination with real human subjects when combinedwith R--M-
PEA and n-Methyl- PEA and the other above-mentioned compounds in Meltdown.
Meltdown Fat Assault Matrix Declares
Death toFat Cells - M-TTAl
Tetradecylthioacetic acid (TTA) is referred to in science as having pleiotropic proper-
ties meaning that it produces many effects froma single compound. As you probably
expected, these effects all relate to monster fat loss! In fact, the biological responses
to TTA in regard to fat loss are so profound that it is hard to believe a fat burning
agent of this diverse nature actually exists. Guess where fat is burned? Its burned
in the mitochondria of the muscle cell and TTA induces mitochondrial proliferation
(increases the number of mitochondria in the cell). The more mitochondria contained
within a muscle cell, the greater your capacity to burn fat. So its no wonder that
another biological response to TTA is increased catabolism of fatty acids. You have
probably heard the word catabolismbefore in reference to destroying muscle tissue
which is not good; however, in the case of TTA we refer to catabolism in regard to
destroying fat which is highly desired! Meltdown does NOT contain TTA. About 10
years ago I was tagged with the name Supplement Guru for a reason and that
was because I amsomewhat of a freak in the eld of research and development sci-
ence and also overly enthusiastic about bringing you new supplement innovations
that have physique-altering properties. Therefore, although very powerful, I wasnt
going to use just TTA. Instead, the goal was to turn the heat up a several hundred
percent in Meltdown with M-TTA or Methyl TTA. M-TTA also promotes anti-adiposity
meaning it prevents you from storing fat along with improving insulin sensitivity. If
you read my Zero Impact Diet book or read the newest N.O. Shotgun article, you
would know the importance of insulin sensitivity in building muscle and annihilating
body fat. Other biological aspects of M-TTA are, reduced proliferation and apoptosis
(death) to fat cells.
Comparing other Fat Burners to Meltdown is Like
Comparing a Tricycle to a 8tealth Bomber
Meltdown is the worlds most scientically sophisticated advanced fat burner. Melt-
down is powered by a pharmaceutically inspired polymer based lipid delivery system
called PolyLipid. This steady state technology delivers both rapid and sustained
controlled-release of the powerful active Meltdown compounds. VPX is the father
of liquid delivered fat burners in the nutritional industry and to date has engineered
and sold more liquid delivered fat burning ingredients than all other companies com-
bined! You wont catch VPX doing any mindless capsule within a capsule hocus
pocus nonsense. PolyLipid Delivery is advanced and authentic pharmaceutical sci-
ence that dramatically improves the pharmacokinetics of fat burning compounds.
You will only nd the pure R--M-PEA and n-Methyl--PEA powerhouse versions
of PEA in Meltdown. Well, guess what? There are many other really cool fat loss in-
gredients in Meltdown like the bio-molecularly engineered, CCK-8, and pure cAMP.
However, unfortunately, Im out of time and this magazine was supposed to go to
print today and here Imspilling my heart and soul out to you about the greatest fat
loss invention of the 21st Century.
Rock On my friends - its time to get so ripped and shredded to such
a degree that on lookers will stare in disbelief and offer you Band
Aids for all those cuts. -Jack Owoc
Natural Muscle March 2008 1 Natural Muscle March 2008 1
Contributing Writers
Mark Alvisi
Dr. John Atherton
Sherry Goggin
Eric Hoult
Pz Hopkins
Brenda Kelly
Skip Lacour
Richard Nannis
Danielle Nagel
Gina Ostarly
Kristal Richardson
Hugo Rivera
John Atherton
Debbie Baigrie
Alex Gonzalez
Walt Ostarly
Gordon Smith
Debbie Baigrie
[email protected]
Art DireCtor
Alex Gonzalez
Web site
Shelly Dickson
Natural Muscle Magazine is distrib-
uted to select gyms and health related
businesses throughout the USA. If you
would like to carry the magazine at
your location please call 81-1-80,
email [email protected], fax 81--
20, or order online at www.natural- There is a one time fee for
this. Natural Muscle Magazine is avail-
able free of charge at select locations,
limited to one copy per reader. No per-
son, without written permission, may
take more than one copy of each issue.
Natural Muscle Magazine does not nec-
essarily agree with the views in articles
and assumes no responsibility for any
claims or representations contained in
this magazine or in any advertisement.
Copyright 200 Natural Muscle
Magazine, Inc., all rights reserved.
Readers are advised to consult their
physician before starting a diet or exer-
cise program.
Debbie Baigrie
Cover Photo: Suzanne
(the new forty)
by Walt Ostarly
Cover design by
Alex Gonzalez
Come, my friends,
Tis not too late to seek a newer world.
Push off, and sitting well in order smite
The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds
To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths
Of all the western stars, until I die.
It may be that the gulfs will wash us down:
It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles,
And see the great Achilles, whom we knew.
Tho much is taken, much abides; and tho
We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are;
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to fnd, and not to yield.
----- Tennyson (Ulysses)
While its tempting to play
it safe, the more were will-
ing to risk, the more alive
we are. In the end, what we
regret most are the chances
we never took.
my two cents
Natural Muscle March 2008 18 Natural Muscle March 2008 1
Victor Garcia Novice and Open muscle winner
Ava Cowan advanced fgure winner
20 NaturalMuscleDec07/Jan08
hen competitors begin
their preparation for
ftness and bodybuild-
ing competitions their
friends and families
sometime think they are crazy. The diets,
the training, the regimen and personal
and fnancial sacrifces and more some-
times make it all more than questionable.
But, its a passion for most, physically
and psychologically, and their zeal for
ftness greatness live on in their memo-
ries far beyond the show.
So, when many of these ftness
zealots began arrive at the recent Fit-
ness America Weekend in Hollywood
(California, that is), it all quickly came
together and the toil soon became so
worth the struggle.
You could see it on the faces of the
over 00 world class natural ftness ath-
letes who arrived at the Wilshire Grand
Hotel for registration. The veterans with
their air of dominance and novices trying
to look cool all were tingling with excite-
ment. They had mentally and physi-
cally prepared all year for this annual
extravaganza and were fnally standing at
the gateway to the toughest competition
of the season and all staged in theatrical
style. They had made it to the World
Championships of Natural Fitness,
Model, Bikini, Muscle & Figure!
There was Ava Cowan, the eclectic
fgure chick from Pompano Beach who
with her hunky beau Armond Scipione
captured the media the moment they
entered the venue. She went on to win
the Figure America Championships
while Armond was so busy with press
photographers, he did not even have
time to compete! Recently, Ava stated,
I have told many young women about
the show and how much I enjoyed the
way it was run. This was the highlight of
season for me.
The 18
Annual Fitness America
Pageant was star studded as usual. Two-
time Fitness Universe Pageant Champion
Sherri Vuvick was there with a new
routine laced with gymnastics, dance
and lots of spectacular choreography and
was the odds on favorite. Even former
Fitness America Pageant Champion
Sylvia Tremblay was trying to be the
frst to win the show twice and added a
lot of new acrobatic moves to woo and
wow the seasoned audience and expert
judges. But it was a former Ms. Fitness
Champion that would pass both veterans
and 0 other ftness stars to capture the
renown ftness crown. Finnish acrobatic
and circus performer Elsa Lautala was so
unique in her performance and refresh-
ing, that she edged passed Sheri by just
one quarter point to win the title. I
really had a fabulous time and an amaz-
ing year!, she said. Upon her return to
Finland, Elsa was treated to a meeting
with the President of her country at the
Presidential Palace.
the most
part of
the show
was the
Ms. Bikini
where the
Open Class
and Tall)
and Clas-
sic winners all competed
for the overall title and to the aston-
ishment of everyone, age conquered
youth! A striking and exotic looking
Amelia Powers captivated the judges
and knocked off some veteran bikini
stars including Janelle Nicolo (Short),
Siena Perezcano (Medium) and Monica
Cariveau (Tall). The year old Amelia
was shocked with her win and exclaimed
backstage, How wonderful is this?!
But the mother of two boys is not new to
experiencing the thrill of victory having
been a -time Ms. Fitness Peru.
The Model America Champions
were both newcomers to the show and
stole the competition from the 100+
sports models. Texan Geoff Begnaud at-
tended the Model Universe in Miami last
year, but just to see the show and to help
he could handle the competition. The
registered nurse went on to topple over
0 of the worlds hottest sports ftness
models. And, Tampa native Amanda
Latona was nothing less than stunning
with her curvaceous body, suave moves
and overall appearance. Both winners
were frst timers to the show, but that
didnt seem to matter to the Hollywood
agent judges.
The fnale of the weekend was
the Musclemania World Champion-
ships with an amazing bevy of natural
bodybuilders who strutted their stuff
in front of an exuberant Saturday night
audience. Mr. Columbia Ricardo Plata
won the Professional Division in a sur-
prising upset over many veteran natural
stars. And, in the Open Division, former
heavyweight NPC competitor James
Ward Jr. dominated his class but barely
beat out two formidable challengers for
the overall title in former NPC middle-
weight star Danny Hester and 200
Musclemania Junior Champion Bradly
Castleberry. The show had an amaz-
ing line-up of international competitors
including teams from India, Africa, Latin
America, Europe and more.
All of these events were thrill-
ing and kept the excitement pulsating
throughout the weekend. And for most
competitors, just being part of the Fit-
ness America experience was worth the
athletic, personal and fnancial sacrifces.
But, the greatest award is having lifelong
memories and returning home feeling
like a star.
The memories continue when the
Universe Weekend returns to Miami on
June 20-21. For more information, visit
hollywood, CA
Natural Muscle March 2008 20 Natural Muscle March 2008 21 20 Natural Muscle March 08
22 Natural Muscle March 2008
2 Natural Muscle March 2008
*When combined with increased exercise and a low calorie diet. Use only as a dietary supplement. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Natural Muscle March 2008 2 Natural Muscle March 2008 2
IFBB pro
ftness for her
Bodywell Nutrition LLC 2007. For best results, use Tight Curves in conjunction with a sensible diet and exercise program. Consult with your physician before starting any diet or exercise program.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
s we are offcially underway
into 2008, Ive been receiving
an overwhelming amount of
emails asking me the million
dollar question.How can I
get abs? Many of you tell me you are do-
ing thousands of sit ups and you still dont
even see a one pack..much less a six pack!
Well, Im here today to offer a solid plan
that will have you on your way to having
that stellar midsection you desire!
Abs are like every other part of a sculpted
body - the product of genetics, diet, and
exercise. Theres nothing you can do about
your genetics; they were established at
conception. The secret of great abs is fol-
lowing the three-pronged approach just as
you would for any other body part.
First, a clean diet. This means, lean pro-
tein, lower carbs-and stick with complex
carbs, fruits, veggies, and tons of water.
Make sure to limit processed sugars and
foursthese are killers! Second, regular
aerobic exercise-try at least 0 minutes of
moderate intensity cardio most days of the
week. Finally, since the abs are a muscle
group, you will need to train them as you
would any other muscle group. A strength
training routine should be performed three
days a week allowing at least one day
of rest in between routines (see sample
routines below).
Defned abs refect your level of ftness.
Like biceps, triceps and pectoral muscles,
theyre just waiting to come out and show
themselves to the world. The challenge
in getting abs is the classic love-hate
experience of the gym: Everyone would
love to have them but everyone hates to
work them. Working abs is the worst
part of working abs. Spend any time in a
wellness center or gym and youre sure
to hear what I call The Abs Excuse: I
hate doin abs.
The reason is that non-competitive ath-
letes generally think in terms of multiple
sets and reps of two or three exercises
usually variations on crunches - done
fve or six times a week. A bad idea and an
easy recipe for hating abs. Competitive
body builders and fgure competitors like
me have a number of different routines
and are constantly changing them which
makes doing abs more tolerableand
even fun sometimes!
Heres the no-secret secrets to im-
proved abs:
1.Think COREnot just abs. Core in-
cludes lower back.
k Stand up straight; dont slouch. Keep
your head up and shoulders back.
kHave fun with a Swiss ball. Begin with
just sitting on it to perfect your balance
and then move to a wide range of Swiss
ball exercises.
k Perfect your torso twisting routines;
they will strengthen all elements of the
core and help bring out abs.
2. Four to six small meals a day. Three
meals and two snacks is perfect. Calorie-
burning eating will shed fat and allow abs
to make their appearance. When working
abs, I follow a schedule that includes
8 a.m. breakfast; 11 a.m. snack; 1 p.m.
lunch; p.m. snack; p.m. dinner; and a
fnal snack at p.m.
3. Cardio, cardio, cardio. At least 0
minutes and as many days a week as
your schedule allows.
4. Plan your meals in advance. Know
what and when youre going to eat and
keep to your schedules. By planning,
you limit the risks of either starving
yourself or overeating.
5. Keep a food and exercise journal.
Log what you eat and the times. Keep
track of your gym routines. Its good
to be accountable-even if it is only to
how can i get abs?
like these?
Sample ab routines:
Ab routine #1
1. Sit-ups on the Incline Bench: sets of 1-20.
I use a -8 pound med ball for this one as well. Wrap you legs securely around
the upper part of the incline bench. Hold med ball (if you chose to use it) on your
chest and sit up until you are almost touch the bench then raise and contract.
Repeat for 1-20.
2. Kickouts: sets of 0.
Sitting on the edge of the bench, lean back and hold onto either side of the bench.
Kick legs straight out in front of you with toes pointed. Its important that legs
kick out parallel to the ground to get the full benefts of this exercise.
Draw legs back in and repeat for 0.
3. Sit-ups with 10lb weight: sets of 1.
Laying on the foor put your legs straight up with toes pointed. Holding a 10lb
weight (or lb or no weight), push the weight straight up towards your toes and
Repeat for 1.
Ab routine #2
1. Hanging Leg Rises: sets of 1-20.
I use straps and try to do most of the reps with straight legs bringing them as high
as I can and contracting my abs hard. When I get tired, I bend my legs slightly
as I bring them up. You can also do this exercise on something called the Power
Tower if you do not have straps.
2. Crunches on the Swiss Ball with a 10lb plate: sets of 2.
I hold a 10lb plate behind my head while Im sitting on the Swiss Ball and I
crunch. Make sure you are keeping about a in. distance between your chest and
chin to avoid injury to the neck.
3. Knee Tucks: sets of 2.
Lying on your back, place your hands under the sides of your rear, point your
toes, and roll and tuck your knees up to your chest. Extend your legs straight out
without touching the ground and repeat for 2.
Crunch in Bed
Before you even get out of bed in the morning, do 10 stomach crunches while
lying fat on your mattress. Increase daily by one until you get up to 100. Think
youll never get there? Try it. You may eventually have to set your clock to
wake up 1 minutes earlier, a small price to pay for a fatter stomach.
Natural Muscle March 2008 2 Natural Muscle March 2008 2
raising your
Im overweight, and Ive heard that
I can stimulate my metabolism to
burn more calories, and I dont
have to diet to lose weight. If this
is possible, please tell me how.
There are three very good ways to raise your metabolism, and if
you use them in combination, you will burn considerably more
calories each and every day.
1. Eat more and eat more often. By eat more I dont mean to
shovel in more food at one sitting. I do mean to eat smaller meals
throughout the day, fve to six meals. This equates to a meal every 2
to three hours. Each of these feedings should consist of 0 percent
carbohydrates, 0 percent protein and 10 percent fat. The combina-
tion of small, balanced, frequent meals allows your body to utilize the
nutrients it needs when it needs them. If you dont feed your ody the
nutrients it needs every few hours, it will use your muscles for energy,
and preserve your fat deposits. Also, these smaller, more-frequent
meals stimulate your metabolic rate as your bodys digestive system
works and you maintain a stable glucose level. This will give you more
energy, prevent hunger pains and keep you from bingeing.
2. Work out intensely with weight. High-intensity weight training
is an excellent way to increase your metabolic rate. Muscular output
places a great demand on your body to burn more
calories for faster growth and recuperation. Your muscle mass is the
single most important factor determining how many calories you burn
- even at rest. Strive to build muscle and youll speed up your metabo-
lism automatically.
3. Dont neglect cardio work. Participate in some type of cardio-
vascular activity at least three times per week and youll not only burn
more calories but also speed up your metabolism. Choose an activity
you enjoy so youll stick to it. You may also want to alternate activities
so you dont get bored. For example, switch off every few workouts
between rowing machine, treadmill and stair-stepper. This will keep
your interest high and will also prevent your body from learning to
coast, which can happen when you do the same exercise at the same
intensity level for too long.
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8 Natural Muscle March 2008
Natural Muscle March 2008
As a child, I was involved in gymnastics. I excelled at the sport for several years, but decided
I wanted to join my grade schools sports teams. I played volleyball and basketball in high
school. My junior season I was forced to choose between the two because of the demanding
schedule. Ultimately, I chose volleyball and was recruited by one of the top teams in the country.
I started my freshmen year as a defensive specialist for the University of Florida Gators vol-
leyball team. I thrived on competition, loved lifting weights, and reading everything I could
get my hands on regarding nutrition. I decided to pursue a degree in Nutrition and received
my Bachelors of Science in 200.
After college I held a couple jobs in Medical Sales, but decided quickly that was not for
me. I went back to college to pursue a second Bachelors Degree in Nursing. I stayed on that
path for about seven months, but my passion for competition, nutrition, and ftness would not
subside. I yearned for something more.
Believe it or not, I was riding my bike with my husband on a Saturday morning when
we came across a sign, Planet Fitness Coming Soon. Excited, I rode home and searched
the Internet to learn about the gym. I immediately completed an application and the rest is
history. Now, I have my dream job as the head of the Personal Training Department at Planet
Fitness in Melbourne, FL. I look forward to getting up every morning to help motivate people
to transform their lives through nutrition and exercise.
Arnold Press: Lateral Raise:
on the go
Arnold Press:
Target Muscle: Delts
Start: Stand upright holding dumbbells directly in front of your shoul-
ders with palms facing you. Point elbows downward
Movement: Press the weights upward and rotate elbows outward while
turning your wrists so your palms are facing forward at the end of the
movement. Lower weight slowly, repeat movement.
Lateral Raise:
Target Muscle: Delts
Start: Hold dumbbells at your side with palms facing inward.
Movement: Slowly lift weights upward out to the side until your hand
is just above shoulder level. Lower weight to a few inches from your
thigh and repeat.
Target Muscle: Pecs
Start: Place your hands shoulder width apart and drop your hips so your
entire body forms a straight line. Keep your legs straight.
Movement: Lower your entire body until your nose nearly touches the
ground. Push yourself back up with your hips remaining in line with
your body. Repeat.
Dumbbell Kickback:
Target Muscle: Triceps
Start: Bend over at the waist with legs slightly staggered. Keep your
back fat and chest facing forward. Your upper arm should be almost
parallel to the ground and your lower arm perpendicular to the ground.
Movement: Extend your lower arm back until almost parallel to the
ground. Lower slowly, repeat movement.
Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Extension:
Target Muscle: Triceps
Start: Hold the dumbbell behind your head with your arms bent roughly
0 degrees.
Movement: Press the dumbbell up toward the sky until your arm is ex-
tended. Lower slowly, repeat movement.
Dumbbell Curl:
Target Muscle: Biceps
Start: Stand upright. Hold the dumbbells at your side with palms facing
Movement: Lift the dumbbells toward your chest, slowing supinating
your wrists until the weight is at shoulder level. Squeeze your bicep
throughout the movement. Lower slowly, repeat movement.
Dumbbell Kickback: Push-up:
Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Extension: Dumbbell Curl:
0 Natural Muscle March 2008
1 Natural Muscle March 2008
he problem many face
when trying resistance ex-
ercise is seeing defnite re-
sults quickly. When I frst
started, it seemed as though there
were very little progress despite
intense desire and extreme effort. It
took many mistakes and even a few
injuries before I actually listened to
those who had achieved what I most
wanted. There is a method to the
madness, I can assure you. That was
twenty-three years ago and many
lessons learned for me since then.
The frst mistake I made when
I frst started was doing too much
too often. This is a critical mistake.
Doing any exercise every day retards
progress and greatly increases the
likelihood for injury. There is an equa-
tion that I have come to understand
over time, which appears to hold some
truth in terms of long-term success:
appropriate effort x appropriate rest
= muscle gain. The equation has to be
in balance in order to work. In other
words, the more extreme the exertion,
the more time is needed for resting and
Many bodybuilders break their
routines into segments, so that they can
focus on a specifc body part each day.
For example, chest, shoulders, and tri-
ceps is a popular combination; followed
by back and biceps; and, fnally legs.
Training each part heavy only once a
week, and training each part overall twice a week is
very popular. I, myself, have added a fourth day to the
routine, making it an eight-day routine. Three days on,
one day off, then three on again, one day off is how
mine is laid out.
Another important point is not to train heavy on
back to back days. It takes enormous energy to lift
heavy weights, and the following day should be rela-
tively light in terms of effort. In other words, place a
back day next to a heavy chest
day. Then the next day, which is legs, can be done
heavy. Alternating heavy and light days balances the
equation out nicely and promotes healing and provides
the much needed rest for recovery and growth.
Calves are going to be the toughest muscle to
stimulate of all. They are used constantly, whether
through walking or running. Youll have to go above
and beyond punishing them when their day falls. An
old adage with calves is lots of pain, little gain. It is
better to lighten up a little on the weight and reduce the
time between the sets to nearly nothing. When the burn
leaves, go right back and punish them again. They are
stubborn, but they will respond if trained correctly and
with enough intensity.
Abdominals are another muscle group that must
be trained hard. Stay away from weights with the abs.
It only adds bulk and makes the midsection appear
larger. Focus on the burn and hit them with great
intensity and effort. If they arent burning and you
arent sweating, then they likely will not respond at
all. Additionally, hitting the abs as much as fve times
a week is also a plus. It fies in the face of the growth
rule, but then again, you dont want growth out of
the abs: you want defnition and hardness.
Eat a lot of protein: at least one gram per
kilogram per pound of bodyweight. Lean meats
are favorable. Stay away from soy protein: it has
estrogen and promotes elevated female hormone
levels. Arginine, ornithine, and lysine combination
supplements taken an hour before working out help
to release GH (growth hormone). Balance out your
meals to six, and eat every three hours. Stay away
from refned sugar, as it causes a heavy insulin re-
lease that hinders growth.
Purchase a recovery drink that contains
creatine, arginine, lysine, and glutamine. Drink
as recommended on the container. What is most
important is to drink one within one hour after
exercise. Wait one hour after drinking it before
Finally, get enough rest. Sleeping for at least
- hours a night is crucial. Take rest days when
needed. Remember, rest is part of the equation.
Taking time off is usually benefcial.
Following a few simple tried and true techniques
can turn a frustrating experience into a delightful one.
Many turn to steroids simply because they had merely
misunderstood how to make their lifting much more ef-
fcient. Steroids do more harm than good overall. They
give a false feeling of strength and invulnerableness.
The human body is an extraordinary mechanism and
should be treated with respect and care. By tweaking
your routine a little, you too can enjoy hardy gains for
years to come.
By Scott Brandt
Never train
heavy on
back to back
Marckus Reinhardt
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2 Natural Muscle March 2008
Natural Muscle March 2008
*When combined with increased exercise and a low calorie diet. Use only as a dietary supplement. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
*When combined with increased exercise and a low calorie diet. Use only as a dietary supplement. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Natural Muscle March 2008
Natural Muscle March 2008
C: When did you decide that your life is not
your own and will be lived serving a greater
dg: When I told my mom and my friends that I have
lived my life! My mom cried and everyone cried cause
they thought I was giving upbut thats not what I was
RC: So what were you saying?
dg: that I wasnt giving up, but that my life and how I
wanted to live it was over, and now I must fulfll my true
purpose, to live for God my Creator!
RC: What does that mean exactly?
dg: When I said I wanted to live, HE showed me the
kind of power that only HE could givefrom healing,
continuing to give me strength and showing me why I
should be grateful everyday that I live.
RC: You seem to be deep in thought daveWhy did
that question make you search for words?
dg: Because I had to go back to that moment of being
rushed to the emergency roomfast forward to see what
God allowed to happen to me, the chemo the surgery, the
suffering and through it all HE pulled me through, show-
ing me progress through it all!
RC: With glossed eyesthe both of
usWhy do you think god allowed
you to come through all of this, while so
many others perish? Why you?
dg: Through my life, I have been
able to gain knowledge about my gifts,
favor and blessings. Ive been able to
help people throughout my career as a
trainer. I have been able to both inspire
and teach peopleand through it all,
what I learned about my life was that I
had been planting seeds that have made
a difference in many peoples lives. I
had changed peoples lives even before
cancer. What God showed me was that
all the work that I had done, he compen-
sated me with Love, and the love that HE
showed meHEALED ME! The love
from HIM through other people gave
me the support and the knowledge that I
needed to survive and to overcome any
obstacle because I believe in HIM and in
the power that HE is within us!
RC: So youre saying hIS love cured you?
dg: Gods Love cured me! He loved me enough to
continue my journey, HE believed in me as I believe in
Him that I could fulfll HIS purpose.
RC: So would you conclude that the healing is for
dg: For everyone who believes!
RC: how did You come to believe?
dg: Throughout my whole life my parents instilled in
me that I can do all things through Christ who strength-
ens meI used that in any challenge or obstacle that
confronted me and always was able to overcome by faith.
After overcoming cancer the frst time, my faith was
strengthened and God prepared me for what would be
the end of my natural life and the beginning of a grateful
, blessed and fulflled life.
The Carnal Man- who has been born again, but is stuck in
some stage of babyhood. He has never matured enough
to depend on God more than he depends on his senses.
Malnourished, he is governed by his fve senses and can
remain at various levels of this stage his whole life!
RC: tell us about your frst experience with cancer?
dg: After noticing a lump, eight months later I fnally
made an appointment to see a doctor, and immediately
received an ultrasound. The following day I met with an
urologist and was diagnosed with cancer. Several minutes
later I blacked outthree days later I was having surgery
and the tumor was removed. No trace of the cancer was
found in my body after the surgery, yet doctors all over the
country were dumfounded by what they had found.
RC: What did they fnd?
dg: An immature teratoma, which is an unusual and rare
tumor in which different cancers can grow at a very rapid
and aggressive rate. Four weeks later after surgery I was
back in the gym but, with the knowledge that the cancer
might come back and the fact that the doctors didnt have
a cure it if it did! Yet, I was extremely grateful to be
alive and happy to be back in the gym working out.
RC: tell us about the second diagnosis which ulti-
mately changed your life!
dg: After numerous tests and scans over the next two
years, my worst nightmare had come upon me. The
Cancer was back! Not one doctor could make me feel
as though they could cure mein faith, over the next
fve months, I tried to battle this thing through a holistic
approach of proper nutrition, vitamins and prayer. I even
continued to live my life; managing health clubs, train-
ing clients, modeling and hosting/emceeing. But things
changed while hosting Lou Zwicks Universe Weekend
in Miami Beachthat weekend I realized how fast the
cancer was spreading inside of me. After hosting the
Fitness Universe, Model and Bikini Universe I was not
able to host the Musclemania Superbody which was the
fnal event due to extreme abdominal pains, cramping,
headaches and dizzinessI continued to deny the fact
that I was literally dying!
RC: did you go to the hospital that night?
dg: No, I went two months later, I had to be admitted
through the emergency room.
RC: Why did you wait?
dg: Because I still had plans, I did a runway show
just two days before. I just continued to think it would go
away. But once admitted, hard reality hit, I was given
a death sentence that I would not live past three days and
that no doctor would take my case. But that nightDr.
Benedetto, from Sylvester Cancer Center answered my
prayer, he believed he had a cure.
RC: god is good! In a nutshell, what was the actual
dg: The Confrmation of my Faith, for which Dr. Bene-
detto was the instrument HE used.
Increasing your Faith, is like weight lifting, you start
where you are and as pressure is added overtime
RC: In closing, whats the most important thing youd
like to share with those reading this interview?
dg: Allow God to guide your journey and live everyday
with a purpose.
Id like to thank You, Javen Campbell, My Parents and
my Family, the Eiseman family, Betty and all of my
Golds Gym Family, and the thousands of people who
supported, loved and continue to pray for me from across
the country, many whom Ive never had the pleasure of
meeting. And Finally, Id like to thank God for my angel
Diana Chaloux.
Through it all Dave would go through; rounds of che-
motherapy which consisted of 1 chemos per a round
given in a day period for a total of Chemos over
What kind of Man
are you?
The Natural Manwho depends on his senses, relying mostly on his sensory mechanism,
he is governed by his senses. The natural man says if it doesnt make sense, dont receive it!
a fve month period. His faith would be tested time and
time again however, throughout the course of his life,
others of faith were positioned in his life, whose faith
was suffcient to assure the full manifestation of the truth.
Through it all, he continued to workout at the Golds Gym
he manages.
Some of the tools Dave used: the Bible on DVD, tele-
vised messages from Joel Olsteen, Pators Crefo Dollar,
Bob Coy, Javens Gospel music CDs and teachings, and
back in action!
Dave Octavio Gandell
Born: San Turce, P.R., July 18,1975
Died: August, 2006 at age30
Reborn: February 1
, 2007
Increasing your Faith is like
weight lifting, you start
where you are and as
pressure is addedovertime
various other inspirational music and programs. And just
as important, Prayers from all: co-workers, employees,
gym members and countless others he may never meet
here on earth.
The Spiritual Man- Who is the born again man, the man
who experienced from death to Life, the man who spirit
has been re-created. His Spirit has now ascended above
his intellect-his mind-his body/Flesh- his emotions and
his senses. His life is governed by the Word of God.
Interview by
Ron Coleman
at his worst ...
dave octavio gandell
Natural Muscle March 2008 Natural Muscle March 2008
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ocated near historic down-
town Dunedin, the ,200
square-foot building, known
as Imago Art Group, was
home to an array of creative
and talented local artists.
Each had their own distinct studio and the
frst Friday of every month they opened the
gallery to the public showcasing the works
of a featured artist. There was food and
drink; music and mingling among the art-
-a good time was always had by all. Imago
magazine, after which the art colony was
named, also had their headquarters on the
premises. The magazine promoted arts
and entertainment in the Tampa Bay area
and was a vehicle for members within the
group to get more exposure. I had been a
friend of Imagos for the past fve years,
having written a column for the magazine,
and was a regular supporter of their events.
In September, Imago magazine decided to
break their ties and vacate the offce space.
As fate would have it, I was looking to
expand. I was presented the opportunity
to take up residence and set up shop. It
was the perfect match. I spent the better
part of three months renovating the 00 sq
ft space. I felt a little like Ty Pennington,
only it was an extreme offce make-over
minus the big design team.
This was the perfect spot for meetings
and seminars and to conduct business. It
was an ideal place for me to write where
the atmosphere was impossible to explain.
With a second book in the works, I thought
the creative juices could get a boost here in
a big way. I can only describe it as quirky
and just so inviting. I was taking my ca-
reer and my message in another direction
and this place was going to serve a very
signifcant purpose.
With help from a few close friends,
I put my personal touch on every aspect
of the renovations. You could aptly apply
the expression labor
of love, since that is
what it became. The
walls that were pale
yellow and garish
raspberry were paint-
ed beautiful shades
of grey and cherry
cobbler redremi-
niscent of the colors
of my book. From the
antique plank table
to the cozy charcoal
love seat, each piece
of furniture I hand
pi cked wi t h such
TLC. So, too, I had
funky mirrors and
phenomenal art to
beautify those freshly
painted walls from
artists like Mark Run-
ge, Robert Suther-
land, Denis Gaston,
and Herb Starr. I had
accent tables and
comfortable chairs
and stylish rugs cov-
ering the newly pol-
ished wooden floor
that made you want to kick off your shoes,
sit and stay a while. Before I knew it every-
thing associated with me as an author was
there as well. Prototypes of my new line
of Pz merchandise had just arrived. Tee
shirts and totes were strategically placed
throughout the room and, of course, a
generous supply of Natural Muscle along
with copious copies of my latest book Club
Shattered. In a short but intense period I
had totally transformed the room. By the
time of the frst Friday on December
I was just about there. My door was open
that night to accept the visitors who came
to the regularly scheduled event. I was
the new kid on the block, and an author
to boot, so I drew a lot of folks who were
curious to see me and what I had done with
the space. It was so cool, and I was proud
of what it represented. I had exciting plans
for the future. Next month was to be my
turn for the offcial grand opening, and I
was beginning the preparations. The New
Year was going to start off with a bang.
Little did I know that my grand opening
wasnt meant to be. Little did I know that
less than 8 hours later the world wouldnt
look the same.
Sometimes the best laid plans go
awry. Now, it was all gone. As I often
say, in the blink of an eye everything can
change. In this case, in a fash of an
accelerant, it did.
During the early morning hours of
Sunday, December
The Imago Art
Gallery was destroyed by fre at the hands
of an arsonist. At the time, there were two
people inside who narrowly escaped. They
literally had seconds to make their way out
with the fames following close behind.
Thats the good news. We are extremely
grateful they are alive and managed to get
out safely. The bad news is all is in ruin,
including my space. It was a complete
and utter loss.
Okay, so what do I do now? Whats
my next move? The building is gone. My
beautifully renovated offce space is gone.
My marketing materials are gone? My
opening cant happen. Instead, the bright
yellow and black structure, once known
as Imago Art Group, has been reduced to
charred memories of what has come before
and gutted possibilities of what was yet to
be. So what now? The time, energy, and
money I had invested were considerable.
The plans I had in place no longer had a
home. The fre took it from me. How do I
come out on the other side?
Pzs Pointers to coming out
on the other side
Coping with lossbig and small--
After the initial shock of the fre set in
I was easily reminded of the tragedy of
/11. The losses both I and the other art-
ists experienced are tough to measure and
tremendous to us in the small scheme of
things. I know my life is going to be im-
pacted by this loss for sometime to come.
Most of the artists lost their lifes work and
the tools of their craft turned into rubble.
No dollar amount can be assigned to
creations that can never be the duplicated
in quite the same way. No dollar amount
can cover the possibilities of what should
have been. But the magnitude of these
losses cant even scratch the surface in
relation to the losses on /11. Those losses
were big on a multitude of levels: loss of
life, loss of innocence, loss of freedoms,
loss of national pride, loss of commerce,
loss of a landscape. Time will not heal
the wounds of those who lost so much,
including a nation. Time will only allow
us to put the loss in its proper perspective
and proper place.
Its only stuff Yes, thats true in
many respects. Then again, it isnt. You
see, when you put your heart and soul into
a project or a venture and its snuffed out in
seconds in such a horrifc manner it cant
help but hurt. The loss is more than just
the material objects. All the charming fur-
niture and art and books and merchandise
and personal stuff I had in that space was
a part of me. It was part of a larger plan I
had to do great things with my message.
The space was a place that presented so
much promise. I had just fnished remaking
the studio and never even got the chance
for others to enjoy it. (In case you are
wondering, I didnt have insurance on the
contents. I hadnt even had the chance to
take pictures. The owner had structural
insurance but that didnt help any of the
tenantsincluding me.) Think about the
victims of natural disasters like hurricanes
and tornadoes. Think about the wild fres
that ravaged California. One minute folks
have a home or a business and the next
minute they dont. Even though theirs is
one brought on by nature, the end result
is still the same. Lives are forever altered.
It is easy to say, its only stuff and you
can get more. Its true and you can. But
having just experienced this loss I can tell
you material objects are symbolic of more
than meaningless, tangible stuff.
Go for the Do-over Life presents
a lot of instances when we are faced with
do-overs. By that I mean sometimes our
efforts dont work out quite as we had
planned the frst time out. We are faced
with having to do something over again.
The good thing about a do-over is you have
an opportunity to learn from the past. You
may even come out on the other side better
than before. You have the chance to change
or improve or adjust or handle a situation
with the knowledge you now have. It can
actually end up being a blessing disguised
as a misfortune. If something in your life
has ended in failure or you didnt get the
outcome you were hoping for, dont stop
there. Look at The Arnold Classic. Only
one competitor can be crowned champ at
this 20
anniversary extravaganza. Some
of the contenders have been there before
but didnt win. They are back to try again.
They are going for the do-over and will uti-
lize all the valuable wisdom stored within
to capture that title. That should work in
their favor. Make the past count and work
in your favor. Dont wallow in it or fret
over it for too long. Life is waiting to carry
on. Its waiting for you to succeed.
You may have to dig deeper
In times of tragedy we are tested in count-
less ways. We speculate and question why
a calamity happens and why it happens
to us. We dig deep and search our soul
for answers to these diffcult quandaries.
Sometimes we dont have much luck
relieving the pain and it results in more
pain and confusion. Life isnt fair and we
dont deserve this, right? In times when
you feel the most despondent you must dig
deeper and hold on tight. Underneath the
layers of pain and disappointment there is
the faint glimmer of light in the darkness.
Tear away those layers one by one until
the light can begin to shine brightly once
again. It WILL get better.
The magic lives on
Only a short time has passed since Imago
burned. I have quiet moments when I
refect on the senselessness of it all but
mostly on the magic I felt was to come. I
realize the magic cant end here. There is
reason nowmore than ever to carry on with
what I started. My message is one of em-
powerment and inspiration. The only way
I can succeed at helping others is to walk
the walk with a sincere heart. That path
is sometimes narrow and usually rough
because it is the road less traveled. This fre
is nothing more than an obstacle along the
way. It wasnt directed at me personally,
formyou can survive. When tragedy
comes---regardless how great-- your set-
backs will only be temporary. Not only
can you survive, but if you so choose, you
can even thrive. Dont let the arsonists
win. Dont let the bullies win. Dont let
the failures stand. Dont let the setbacks
keep you back.
Coming out on the other side of the
fre youll have a choice. You will let it beat
you down and consume you to the point
that youll lose your focus and never ful-
fll your destiny, or you will fnd yourself
ready and undaunted to tackle all life has
to bring from here forward.
Pz is the author of Club Shattered. As
a motivational writer and personal power
coach, Pz specializes in the area of rela-
tionships and the human condition.
Contact Pz with ideas, questions, or
feedback: [email protected]
Visit her website
on the other side of the
but it effected me personally. While I wish
that it never happened, it did. That door is
closed, but Im still here. In the meantime,
other doors have openeddoors that
would not have shown themselves if not
for the fre. Part of what will happen in the
future depends on me. If I continue to have
faith and determinationlike the little
engine that couldnothingnot even a
blazing frecan stop the message from
rolling on down the track. If something in
your life has got you down or broken your
spirit and youve lost the magic, its time
to snap out of it. Decide youre not going
to let your magic slip away. Magic makes
the world go round. Dont let anything or
anyone rob you of the wonder that is yours
to experience and share with others.
What about the fres in your
The reason I share this fre and my loss
with you is to let you know when adversity
comes knockingno matter the shape or
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