Rfid Based Smart Parking System IJERTV11IS070127
Rfid Based Smart Parking System IJERTV11IS070127
Rfid Based Smart Parking System IJERTV11IS070127
Abstract - The problem of parking in big cities, especially decreasing the man power and providing
mega-cities, has become one of the key causes of traffic authentication for the vehicles from avoiding the
congestion, driver frustration & air pollution. Locating theft and other such mishaps.
parking spaces in central areas, especially during peak
hours, is a thoroughly cumbersome process. The issue arises
from not knowing where parking spaces may be available at
any given point of time. Even if known, many vehicles may be Improper parking often leads to inappropriate space that
competing for limited parking spaces causing severe traffic causes vehicles to damage each other. Insufficient
congestions. parking spaces result in traffic congestion and driver
The developed system in this project monitors the frustration. There arises a situation which is called
availability of idle parking slots and guides the vehicle to the tailgating in which one vehicle follows the other vehicle
nearest such slot. The feature of pre-reservation of parking blindly without proper identification. Most of the time
slots can also be incorporated in the system. The system’s gates are open which leads to entry of all kinds of
reservation-based parking policy has the potential to vehicles inside the premises. Security guards are
smoothen the operations of parking systems, as well as
ineffective to allow selective vehicles inside the premises
mitigate traffic congestion caused by parking search. As an
added advantage it also saves the time required to check-in due to lack of proper identification system. The system of
and get slots to park vehicles. opening the gate is manual and dependent on the
This project deals with an effective way of checking into the availability of the guard. In a large parking lot where
parking space and easily finding empty parking slots. This there are hundreds of slots available for parking, finding
system also helps in managing the number of vehicles an empty slot manually is a very tedious task. It is really
moving in and out in complex parking structures such as time consuming and frustrating. The manual parking
dedicated parking lots/buildings by detecting a vehicle using system consists of many tasks like issuing tokens, noting
IR sensors and providing feedback. The fully automated the check-in and check-out time, calculating fare and
smart car parking system is rudimentary and does not
finally collecting the amount. The cost of land has grown
require heavy lines of code nor expensive equipment. It is a
simple circuit built for demonstration and to fulfil the exact exponentially in cities, so it becomes essential that the
need of purpose. parking solution requires the least possible space and can
accommodate the maximum amount of vehicles. An
Keywords – RFID, Arduino, Smart Parking, Sensors, average person spends 10 to 15 % of his travel time
Servo Motor. looking for a suitable parking spotin metropolitan cities.
were that all cars need to be rotated to access one car, Block Diagramn of the designedSmart Parking System
high initial cost and high maintenance and Complicated
Robin Grodi, Danda B. Rawat and Fernando Rios-
Gutierrez published a paper in 2017[2] titled ‘Smart
Parking Occupancy Monitoring and Visualization system
for smart cities’. Robin Grodi, Danda B. Rawat and
Fernando Rios-Gutierrez had done work on how the
vehicle will occupy in the particular allocated place.
RFID sensors detected the presence of a vehicle or other
objects in the allocated slot. Once a vehicle was detected,
the system needed a way to notify drivers or a parking
spot being occupied. The disadvantage was that, the
parking place would be detected only to the nearby places
and there was no GPS sensor to search the parking slots
from afar.
Dharmini Kanteti, D V S Srikar and T K Ramesh
published paper titled ‘Smart Parking System for
Commercial Stretch in Cities’ in 2017[3]. They
developed a Smart Parking System. In their model pre-
registered IP cameras would capture the vehicle
registration number and then they would proceed
without interruptions. Their details like parking time
estimate, their place of visit etc. would be recorded. For
pre-registered users, the amount would be deducted from
e-wallet and then the users would be notified. A similar
pricing system would be followed for new users but the
payment would be offline. The disadvantages were that Circuit Diagramn of the designedSmart Parking System
the system could serve all the parking requests but
beyond the number of 80 it couldn’t accommodate more
cars since the parking became full.
Vijay Paidi, Hasan Fleyeh, Johan Håkansson and Roger
G. Nyberg presented a paper in 2018[4] titled ‘Smart
parking sensors, technologies and applications for open
parking lots’. The authors in the paper suggested smart
parking sensors, technologies, and applications for open
parking lots. This study proposed a mixture of machine
vision, convolutional neural networks & multi- agent
systems suitable for open parking lots because of less
expenditure and resistance to varied environmental
conditions. As reservation is not possible in an open
parking lot, it becomes difficult to facilitate the driver in
the decision-making process of choosing a parking lot.
displayed on the LCD display. If the card number is consists of two main components, a
matched with saved number in the database, the Arduino transponder/tag attached to an object to be identified,
will allow the car to park in the secured area. With the and a transceiver also known as interrogator/reader. A
help of IR sensors placed in each slotthe information about reader consists of a Radio Frequency module and an
the occupancy of slots is displayed on the LCD display. A antenna which generates high frequency
welcome message with the name of the card holder is also electromagnetic field. The powered chip inside the tag
displayed on the LCD display. As the car enters, then responds by sending its stored information back
informationabout the free slots i.e., the free slot number is to the reader in the form of another radio signal. This
displayed on the LCD display. As the car exits the parking is called backscatter.
lot, there would be another RFID reader and the exit gate, Technical Specifications
to prevent multiple entries using a single card. This also Brand: EM18
prevents the entry of vehicles from the exit side. As the
Operating frequency: 125KHz
car leaves the parking lot through the exit, the number of
available slots is updated and it displays the same on the
LCD display. Operating voltage: 4.5V to 5.5V
Current Consumption: 50mA
COMPONENT SPECIFICATIONS Operating Temperature: 0 oC to +80 oC
1. Arduino Uno Range: Up to 5cm
Arduino UNO is a low-cost, flexible, and easy- to-use
programmable open-
source microcontroller board that can be integrated
into a variety of electronic projects. Arduino UNO
features AVR microcontroller Atmega328, 6 analog
input pins, and 14 digital I/O pins out of which 6 are
used as PWM output. This board contains a USB
interface i.e., USB cable is used to connect the board
with the computer and Arduino IDE (Integrated
Development Environment) software is used to
program the board.
Technical Specifications:
Microcontroller: ATmega328P
Operating Voltage: 5V
Input Voltage (recommended): 7-12V
Input Voltage (limits): 6-20V
Digital I/O Pins: 24 (of which 6 can
provide PWM output)
Analog Input Pins: 6
Flash Memory: 32 KB of which 2 KBused
by bootloader 3. IR Sensors
SRAM: 2 KB An infrared sensor is an electronic device, that
EEPROM: 1 KB emits in order to sense some aspects of the
Clock Speed: 16 MHz surroundings. An IR sensor can measure the
heat of an object as well as detects the motion.
These types of sensors measure only infrared
radiation, rather than emitting it that is called
a passive IR sensor. The emitter is simply an
IR LED (Light Emitting Diode) and the
detector is simply an IR photodiode that is
sensitive to IR light of the same wavelength
as that emitted by the IR LED. When IR light
falls on the photodiode, the resistances and
the output voltages will change in proportion
to the magnitude of the IR light received.
Technical Specifications
5V DC Operating voltage
2. RFID Module I/O pins are 5V and 3.3V compliant
RFID or Radio Frequency Identification system Range: Up to 5cm
The future of smart parking system is expected to be
significantly influenced by the arrival of automated
vehicles (AVs). Several cities around the world are
already beginning to trial self-parking vehicles, specialized
AV parking lots, and robotic parking valets. The
automated parking fee system would allow people to
travel without cash. Also, as it would reduce the waiting
time, long queues, tension, stress and increase the
efficiency of the parking system. The smart parking
management system can be applied for plane, ship and
fleet management. For residential and domestic parking
system the device can be interfaced with Home
Automations which can control the various home
When a vehicle with authorized car (here for appliances by sensing whether the user is arriving or
example: Srikanth) wants to enter and park in the departing from the parking space.
parking lot, the RFID reader reads the tag on the
vehicle and displays the message on the LCD "
Welcome Srikanth". After this Srikanth will get to see REFERENCES
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