Corrigendum 3

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National Highways Authority of India NHAL

(Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Government of India)

Gt-5 6, FrER-10, TRI, T Roi - 110 075 e G-5 & 6, Sector-10, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075
FHTST/Phone : 91-11-25074100/25074200
No. NHAI/Asset Monetization/TOT/2022-23/TOT-11 14.03.2023

All Bidders,

Sub: Tolling, Operation, Maintenance & Transfer of Four lane Allahabad Bypass section of
NH-2 (New NH-19) in the state of Uttar Pradesh (TOT Bundle-11) Corrigendum 3-


Ref: NIT dated 24.01.2023.

The end chainage of the project has been modified to 713+215 Km and
accordingly revised provisions of RFP, DCA and Schedules are attached as Annexure
I. The revised Technical Schedules and Traffic report are also attached.

Further the Target Points as per Clause 24.1 of DCA are as fol lows:

Target Point Target Fee

1. Target Point 1 September 2030 Target Fee 1 Rs 31.71 Crores
2. Target Point 2 September 2037 Target Fee 2 Rs 62.99 Crores

Yours Sincerely,

(D.K. Chaturvedfz/>o22
Name of Work: RFP for Tolling, Operation, Maintenance& Transfer of four lane Allahabad Bypass section (from Km 628.753 to Km 713.461) of NH
2 (New NH-19) in the state of Uttar Pradeah (TOT Bundle 11)

Bid/ Package no: NHAl/AsetMonetization/TOT/2022-23/TOTBundle-11&12/1 dated 24.01.2023

Following Corrigendum is issued with respect to chainage change for TOT Bundle 11:
.No Clause Ref. Current Provision Revised Provision
. Cover Page, NIB, Footers, Four lane Alahabad Bypass section (from Km628.753 The end Chainage of the project has been modified to
1.1.1, 1.2.10 to Kim 713.461) of NH-2 (NH-19) in the state of Uttar 713+215 and accordingly the Project Name may be
Pradesh modified as "Tolling, Operation, Maintenance& Transfer
of Four lane Allahabad Bypass section (from Km
Project Length: 84.708 km 628+753 to Km 713+215) of NH-2 (New NH-19) in the
state of Uttar Pradesh (TOT Bundle-11)".

Project Length: 84.462 km

2. 1.2.1,2.1.6,2.11.1 j, 3.2 four
process: of Rs.84,708 (Rupees eighty cost
hundred and eight only)
ofthe RFPprocess: of Rs. 84,462 (Rupees eighty
fourthousand four hundred and sixty two only)
(Rupees eight and
3. 1.2.4, 2.1.6, 2.11.1 1A, BidSecurity lakh
8.47crore (Rupeeseightcroreand Bid Security of Rs. 8.45
forty five lakh only)
crore crore

2.11.2 d, Appendix
Para 22, Appendix II Para
forty seven
1,3,13, A
4. 2.2.2 (Technical .It hereby clarified that for an entity to be . I t is hereby clarified that for an entity to be
Capacity) consideredqualified as an O&M partner, it shall have considered qualified as an O&M partner, it shall have
expended a minimumi of Rs. 45.66 Crores (Rupees expended a minimum of Rs. 45.62 Crores (Rupees Forty
Forty five crore and sixty six lakh only)- as 0&Mcost five crore and sixty two lakh only) as OtM cost (on
(on Highway projects) over the past 5(five)years and Highway projects) over the past 5(five) years and shall
shall have, have, as an O&M Contractor individually or through Joint
asl 0&Mhandled
through Joint Venture, Contractor individually
for a minimum or Venture, handled for a minimum period of 2 (two) years
of 2 (two)years at least 2 (two) road projects, each at least 2 (two) road projects, each of which is at least
of which is at least 8.471 km in length. 3.446 km in length.
5. 2.2.2 B (Financial The Bidder shall have a minimum Net The Bidder shall have a minimum Net Worth of Rs. 422
Worth of Rs.
Capacity) 423 Crore (Four, hundredtwenty three crore only) Crore (Four hundred twenty two crore only) or Assets

Assets Under Management of Rs.,4235 Crore (Rupees Under Management of Rs. 4223 Crore (Rupees Four
Four thousand two hundred thirty five crore only) thousand two hundred twenty three crore only) (the
(the "Financial Capacity ") at the close of the Fin cial Capacity ") at the close of the preceding
preceding Financialyear... Financial year..
Page 2 of 3
S.No Clause Ref. Current Provision Revised Provision
6. Appendix 1A, 1C, Four lane
Allahabad Bypass section (from Km 628.753 The end Chainage of the project has been modified to
Appendix l, 1, IV, V, Vi, toKm 713.461) of NH-2 (NH-19) in the state of Uttar 713-215 and accordingly the Project Name may be
VIlI Pradesh
modified as "Tolling, Operation, Maintenance & Transfer
of Four láne Allahabad Bypass section (from Km
628+753 to Km 713+215) of NH-2 (New NH-19) in the
7. DCA Article 9.1.1
stateof Uttar Pradesh (TOT Bundle-11)".
(Performance Security)
Concessionaire shall..provide tothe Authority The Concessionaire shal....provide to the Authority'no
than 45 (forty five) days from the date of this later than 45 (forty five) days from the date of this
Agreement, an irrevocable and unconditional Agreement, an irevocable and unconditional. guarantee
guaranteefrom a
Scheduled Commercial Bank in from a Scheduled Commercial Bank in India with a

India with a minimum validity of 12 (twelve) minimum validity of 12 (twelve) months at a time for a
months at a time for a sum equivalent to Rs. 11.41 sum equivalent to Rs. 11.40 Crore (Rupees eleven
Crore (Rupees eleven
escalating at
crore and forty one lakh only) crore and forty lakh only) escalating at Price Index
Price Index annually from first annually from first anniversary of the Appointed

anniversary of the Appointed Date.. Date..
RFP, DCA & Changes in Four lane Allahabad
Schedules Bypasssection (from Km 628.753 The end Chainage of the project has been modified to
toKm 713.461) of NH-2 (NH-19) in the state of Uttar 713+215 and accordingly the Project
Non- Pradesh
Name may be
Technical) modified as Tolling, Operation,
Maintenance & Transfer

Project Length: 84.708 km

of Four lane Allahabad Bypass section (from Km
628+753 to Km 713+215) of NH-2 (New NH-19) in
state of Uttar Pradesh (TOT Bundle-11)"

Project Length:84.462 km

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