Py Chem Flow An Automated Pre Processing Pipeline in Python For Reproducible Machine Learning On Chemical Data

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PyChemFlow: an automated pre-processing pipeline in

Python for reproducible machine learning on chemical

Mario Lovrić *,1,2,3, Tomislav Duričić 4, Hussain Hussain 4, Bono Lučić 5, Roman Kern 4
Mario Lovrić, Centre for Applied Bioanthropology, Institute for Anthropological Research, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Mario Lovrić, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Osijek, Kneza Trpimira 2b, HR-31000 Osijek, Croatia
Mario Lovrić, Copenhagen Prospective Studies on Asthma in Childhood, Herlev and Gentofte Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Tomislav Duričić, Hussain Hussain, Roman Kern, Know-Center, Sandgasse 36, AT-8010 Graz
Bono Lučić, Ruđer Bošković Institute, Bijenička Cesta 54, HR-10000 Zagreb
*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Abstract: PyChemFlow is a Python library for automated and The user can run the library with a one-line command after
reproducible data pre-processing. Based on open-source splitting data into train and validation sets or while working
code, PyChemFlow has simple requirements that rely on with additional data. This is especially useful when
pandas, scikit-learn and joblib. The library's backbone is built reproducibility is critical. PyChemFlow also offers the ability to
up of transformer objects, which are fully constructed during persistently store metadata, in addition to providing
the PyChemFlow fitting process using training data and can customizable and configurable data manipulation steps.
be conveniently stored using joblib.

without expertise in ML/chemometrics. Another work by

Krstajić et al [7] presented the importance of processing data
1 Introduction prior to validating and prior to cross-validation during model
training in cheminformatics. Beyond the importance in
With ever rising computational resources, good quality data supervised ML models, correct processing of data is also
and developments in chemical informatics there is also a crucial in transfer learning [8]. There are several prior works
growing need for reproducibility, as already addressed by presenting automated data pre-processing pipelines.
numerous researchers [1]–[3]. While there are currently Torniainen et al. created an open-source python module for
available software (e.g. and data pre-processing of near infrared spectroscopic data [9] which
repositories (e.g. supporting reproducible constitutes of multiple steps such as normalization,
research, there is still a lot of clutter since many researchers smoothing and filtering. Another Python based initiative was
publish the same data set with their individual processing published by Bilal et al [10]. Their tool was developed for use
methods but also already pre-processed data. Therefore, in ML and includes the following automated components:
one might find it difficult to reproduce the data transformation data type detection, missing values imputation, qualitative
pipeline. In settings which are beyond conducting research, data encoding features scaling, feature selection and
such as industrial application, one also wants to ensure a extraction. However, no code was published alongside the
model generalizes well on unknown data, i.e., in the paper. Incorrect data pre-processing, as discussed, can
extrapolation regime or being out of applicability domain [4] cause information leakage leading to inflated results and
sometimes referred to as out-of-distribution generalisation. overly optimistic model generalization [11].
Data can stem from different laboratories or be measured by The motivation for PyChemFlow is to create an open-source
different instruments. Hence one needs to ensure models flexible automated data pre-processing pipeline to ensure
and data transformation pipelines are reproducible and reproducible machine learning model creation. Besides data
applicable regardless of the data source while being manipulation, pipeline storing, or persistence is in the
convenient to use. Furthermore, storing the same data in spotlight as well. Therefore, the code in the given repository
multiple locations can lead to unnecessary energy given creates persistent pre-processing transformers, which
consumption. Worth mentioning are also websites like can be stored and re-used. The following sections describe which support reproducibility by the pipeline, program code and how to use the library.
providing the code along with the published papers.
Reproducibility by means of data processing or manipulation
was previously discussed in the literature. A metanalysis by 2. Computational Methods
Kapoor and Narayanan [5] from 2022 shows that still many
authors do not follow the conventions for the correct use of Transformer object
data pre-processing. The reproducibility crisis is well PyChemFlow is written in the programming language Python,
described in [6]. Among the topics of this study are the Pre- while also utilizing the libraries joblib
processing of training and test set which is described as (, pandas [12]
“using the entire dataset for any pre-processing steps such ( and scikit-learn [13]
as imputation or over/under sampling” and Feature selection ( PyChemFlow is forked from the
on training and test set, being “Feature selection on the repository published previously with [14]. The pre-
entire dataset results in using information about which processing steps are depicted in Scheme 1.
feature performs well on the test set”, which are the issues in
the focus of this work. The driver for such incomplete
research is easy-to-use machine learning (ML) algorithms ORCID: Content not peer-reviewed by ChemRxiv. License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Missing Data Imputation
In practice, missing data is a frequent occurrence because of
manual data entry systems, incorrect measurements,
equipment malfunctions, intentional omissions etc. A few
missing values in some features (if the number of instances
were reduced) can reduce the sample size, hence here an
imputation step is done.

Qualitative Data Encoding

Scheme 1. A schematics representation of the transformer Many ML algorithms expect all input and output attributes to
object be numeric. This means if a dataset contains categorical
data, first encode it in a numeric format before using an ML
The key steps in PyChemFlow development were: 1) algorithm. Encoding is a mandatory pre-processing stage
creating a Pipeline object from scikit-learn which can ingest when working with qualitative data for ML models and there
multiple processing steps which gives a layer of flexibility to is a spectrum of methods for categorical data encoding.
it; 2) a custom transformer object based on the scikit-learn
TransformerMixin class ( Feature Scaling It is common for real-world datasets to contain features that
rMixin.html) which creates empty dictionary objects and vary in units, size, and scale. As a result, feature scaling is
inflates them with meta-information of the data during required for ML models to comprehend these variables on
pipeline fitting based on 3) a custom pre-processing class. the same scale. Some machine learning algorithms are
The Pipeline and TransformerMixin objects are key to sensitive to feature scaling while others are completely
creating persistent transformers for later use of PyChemFlow. insensitive to it. Scaling data is required for machine learning
Once PyChemFlow is fit on training data, the joblib library is methods such as logistic regression, linear regression and
used to save PyChemFlow object to persistent storage as neural networks that use gradient descent as an optimization
a .joblib file which can easily be loaded and applied technique.
(transform) to another data set given the same variable
names. Utilization of the library
The GitHub repository has a file which
Pre-processing procedure presents/describes the main steps. The data set should be
Data manipulation functions are packing the repositories’ split into a training set and a validation/test set prior to
CustomPreprocessor class. The class consists of a multitude preprocessing. The PyChemFlow pipeline must be imported
of steps as depicted in Scheme 2 (in the first version of the from the core directory.
procedura, the steps are not optional).
import joblib
import pandas as pd
from core.transformer import preproc_pipe

The preproc_pipe must then be applied via the fit_transform

function to the train set loaded as a pandas DataFrame,
which can be stored in persistent storage as a .joblib file.

Scheme 2. A schematics representation of the pre-processing processed_train =

class joblib.dump(preproc_pipe, “file.joblib”)

A total of 7 pre-processing steps are applied to the input data The pipeline can then be reloaded and applied to the test or
and we shortly describe each of these steps. A. Handling null other data sets by using the transform function.
values involves identifying and replacing missing or
undefined data points in the dataset. This can be done by preproc_pipe_load = joblib.load(“file.joblib”)
methods such as data imputation or deletion. B. Removing
correlated features using the Spearman method involves processed_test = preproc_pipe_load.transform(test)
calculating the correlation coefficient between features in a
pairwise fashion and identifying features with a high In this example, the train and test are pandas data frames
correlation that can be removed to improve model which were pre-split.
performance. C. The declaration of feature types includes
the identification of continuous and discrete features, as this
information is important for proper data preprocessing and 3. Limitations and future work
modeling. D. One-hot coding of discrete features involves
creating a new binary representation for each discrete As with many pre-processing and data manipulation tools
feature category. This allows models to better handle and libraries there is no one-fits-all and a user might run into
categorical data. E. Variance-based feature selection allows need for further customization. The PyChemFlow codes in
the identification and removal of features with low variance open source are well documented and can easily be further
because they are unlikely to contain useful information for modified by those with a solid foundation in Python
the model. F. Min-max scaling is a technique in which the programming. However, the authors tried to cover the basic
values of a feature are scaled to a specific range, usually steps of data processing so that the library can be used as is.
between 0 and 1. This ensures that all features are on the Future work of this library is an increased customization,
same scale which could prevent bias due to varying feature addition of optional steps and flexibility by providing
ranges. additional arguments into the functions and classes. The ORCID: Content not peer-reviewed by ChemRxiv. License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
authors see this library as a dynamic one which will be used [9] J. Torniainen, I. O. Afara, M. Prakash, J. K. Sarin, L.
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