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Solved Paper (2022-23)

• 11 I

B. Tech.
(SS~· ~AT ION , 2022-23
Max. Marks : 100

all sections. If require any missi,f.!_~gata; then choose

At~emPt ~~""~: ,
t. sUitably. •1 t\~.'l,:;9 1

tall questions in brief. .i. ,;JC· ' i • (2 x 10 = 20)
L AtteIIlP b (,~ ,.l~
Define Mach num er. J~ ..~fr~~\. .:~N;/F
a. e Mach number is a dim~~i~e~~~MW1tity used !11 fluid dY!1amics
- :d aerodynamics to ;peed ~fan obJect or fluid flow
relative to the speed oi~9µgd in,\Uiat medium.
ij' ..;::,~(?

b. What do you~~, ~~".$' DART ?

, .,v~"", Unit-1 •
• Refer Q. 1.29, ;%_,/'~
c. Mentio ntages of t'tpou «,i ion
• . over air refri > •
e 2-3A, Unit-2. --»-""

d. Bow lbes an actual vapour co


that qi heoretical c~~Je ?

•<. £~(':-' , .3, Page SQ~f;\Jnit..- ,~1 <}/k~ Question.
e. ~£,,,are the desir~ft~~plop:~i;~ ~fan ~deal refrigerant ?
'*·*~:, "
• Refer Q. 3.21, Page 3-24A,.""'Unit~.
.,,k "3,>,~~~1~

t hplain CFC-free refrigerant.

- A_ CFC-free refrigerant is a cooling substance used in systems like
air conditioners and refrigerator s that doesn't contain
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), harmful compounds that deplete the
~:~ne l?~er. These eco-friendly alternatives, such as HFCs or HFOs,
nu~igate environmenta l damage and reduce ozone depletion,
w e 8 ~111 providing effective cooling and heating solutions.

Ret sensi"ble heat factor.

I- Define
er Q. 4 -22, Page 4-34A, Unit-4.
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning SP-31 A <ME-Seni-s)

h. Define heating and humidificatio n process on

Psychrometric chart.
An'L Refer Q. 4. 7, Page 4-10.A, Unit-4•

i. Explain de-frosting in refrigeration.

AB Defrosting in refrigeration is a pro~ess used to.remove accumulated
ice or frost from the evaporator coils of a coohng system, such as a
refrigerator or freezer. Frost buildup can ~educe efficiency and
cooling capacity. Defrosting involv~s temporarily stopping the cooling
cycle, allowing the accumulated ice to melt or evaporate, and then
resuming normal operation to maintain optimal cooling
Performance. ~"'~\\\.i
-~ \\'?"'-\,),_ ••

J•• Write the function of

capillary tube.~ \f$~,·

ms The capillary tube in refrigeration fdll~~g functions :

1. Restriction : It acts as a flow resttictor;~~gyla tmg the flow of
high-pressure, high-temperatur~_ r~ifige{aQ)~from the condenser
,. • '~'<~~',
t o theevaporator.

·•~-.J~~ ~\/·
2. Pressure drop : The tu ~~\1nail~~piete r causes a significant
pressure drop, which 1ac1'Iiffi -~$4h ~~fri re gerant's expansion • from
high pressure to low prfs: lec:i\Ung to cooling and vaporization. •

3. Efficient heat exch:~.f

ell 9'Pressure drop results in
,,,<>~ ··\·~·
heat exchange, .•.. owl~ ~t~e refrigerant to absorb Jie~t,y:¥1_ . ·. the
~-.~, di
evaporator coo01"~ es ._ oun ng space. tut-;J\\,·
,,,,x:·=. ,.

' '-i ~~~)-;

-~ . }:·~y ...)~;: ::
• b

t~.~'1~- . Section-B 8 t_:,:,~;,;:~y/ _J'\\5-t·,F'

',;11.:i: .tJf
'" . ,,\~ '·'" .· ;~ •,t~,..~~,--· ''"'~·
6~ i='.'t~-"~>".il~'
.. ....
tS'i-ee of the following:

~,i: '·\\~\ ·--¾•'·''"''""
.._ ..,~~'}k
~,~,._);'(·10 x 3 = 30)
maintaiu.~_:k_at .:\j\:ic while the
.¢. ·»

l/C A ili\i1._st'~fike is to be'<:-~".~~~:. ,~· , , ~ ~ .(:;

Ii surroUndings are at 35 °C. '{he~Jiea\,~,!eaka ge from the

f{l~\· tlli1 ..1: • h Id ~~)'~'-~~1- • •
4~iit-. surrowi~gs mto t e ,,,,c.p sjbr~e 1sJest1mated to be 29
~->f-•,i/>,6.:-:- ,<'c/;J,ii'1{? _ .. ,&-~ .~• ~-

~:=titt~W:,..~~~iictual COP grvtli~ re -:•,-·"'¢_r~tion plant is one-third


·•=;,~,,ffff'~ideal plant woi:~g~lte.~le ~\he same tem eratures.

Findthe power requlFJa~~di4\,..,_ .e the.plant. p ...

Refer Q. 1.8, Page 1-8A, Unit-1~,,$'~-<.,':.>..


b. What are the advantages of compound compression ,vith

intercooler over single
stage compression ? '

ma- Refer Q. 2.13, Page 2-19A, Unit-2.

c. Draw a neat diagram of three-fluid system of refrigeration

(Electrolux refrigeration system) and explain its "Torking.
j\R Refer Q. 3.17, Page 3-20A, Unit-3.

d. What is fog ? Show on the psychrometric chart when two

air streams yield fogged state or air.
Solved Pape r (2022•23)

and high hum idity ~r is mixed with cold air, the

ition on the
WJien. w8flllwur e will be a fog and the final cond
satur ation curve
resulttlli Ill. chart will lie to.the left or above the
pSY_~.., ents the fog region.
y is
which repre also resu lt ·when stean1 or a very fine wate r spra
satu rate the
'fhe fog ~ay •r in a grea ter quan tity than requ ired to
2. u,jeeted 1nto ai
air- quantity ofstea m ifnot mixed properly, may result fog.
Even 1esse r ;
l 1
fog region


,t ~«;-:••
temp~"~_,,µ ·~\%¥NAft
~,~111,,. 1 ·,1w;v
Mi:o•ng ofAir sw
tls ~-
ii~~ Q. 4. 7 Page 4-l0A Urlit•4.
, ,
4 ~,t,~~ t ..beid't'-*.'':'W
ui men tsAf'>»"¾T use'd in

= ~ W.r;:::a:~::~1~:::&J::e-:~:~~:.
i.1. ?' . ,. ~- 1 g i<\....: t',,.

e. Which a1:e 1 ~~llp rta~ . eq_ P

ge 5-2A , uru·t- 5 ,\~11:t. ~tl\\¥ ~l

1,wla ; -. '.}fl' ~¼t ~--,...

• .
..d~ •
-~'- '
i-.'\.-,lr "~-l'tMf·
•• .ion-C -=--~~1~
4i~1~ )""
Sect .. •rn . ~w-,~\..
··•I~"'~f\t~, , . ~ ,~
(1? X 1 = 10)
Att e7 -~ One.part Of~Jl.~ foll~ r,~: .~,~fr' cabi n load of
• ,,, refrigeratjoftpl~if !t."a s tg Han dle a
nes. The atni"'~bsP,t,,.·"•··'· i~~l. lm~~ ratu re is 17 °C. The
''·''.,_,,,. '"'~'·"····· :p
of 0.95 bar and
atmospheric air is clm itPl ll:t\ to'a pres sure
air is then
temperature of 30 °c~, fue to}l am actio n. This
cool ed in a
further com pres sed in a;~9 piire ssor to 4. 75 bar, to 1 bar
heat exch ange r to 67 °c,'~;xp ande d in a turb
The air leav es the cabi n
Pres sure and supp lied to the cabi n.
effic ienc ies of both
at a temp eratu re of 27 °c. The isen trop ic
mas s of air
~DlP resso r and turb ine are 0.9. Calc ulate the air,
~irc ulat ed per min ute and the C.O .P.
P • l.004 kJ I kg Kan d CPI Cv = 1.4.
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning SP-33 A <ME-Sein-6)

Let r3 = Temperature ofair after isentropic compression

in the compressor,
r 3, = Actual temperature of air leaving the
r 5• = Temperature
of the air leaving the turbine aft
. d er
isentrop1c expansion, an
. temperature of the
T6, = Actual air leaving the
For isentropic compression process 2-3~


4. 75)1.4 •. f/1ff'
1 = --
( .. - (5)0·;, _ ¢fl'
. 0.95 w -~ ·,i'/-

T2 x 1.584 = 303 x 1.5, • .·0if~w· ?#JJf/1'

·ency of the compressor
Isentropic increa,
11c =
Actual incr · --ix

- Ta -i!f2 48
1 • 177
0.9= -,~,,~•=303+- =499.7K
T,3' - 303%\>,-::f-' 0 •9
Isentropic expansion process 4:-5,
T ( Jr.=! "'-•-1 •
T: = :: ' =( 4.;5) u = (4.75)0.2as= 1.561

T _ 340 _
6 - _ - 217.8 K
1 561
Isentropic efficiency of the turbine,

T. - ~- -
----~ 340 - T.5,
r. - - 340-211.8
-6) Solved Paper (2022-23)

340- ½·
0•9 = 122.2
T5, 340 - (0._9 x 122.2) = 230 K
of air circulated per minute,
r.fSSS 210 Q 210 X 30
ma = cP(Ta - ~.) 1.004 (300 - 230)
ma =89.64kg/min
210Q 210 X 30
ma cP(T;, -1;) 89.64 X 1.004 (499, 7 - 303)
COP= 0.356

135.37 0.5443

=8 /1 + X1hfg1 = 0 _5443 + x1 x 1297.68
81 = 0.5443 + 4.934x1 .. (1)
Refri gerat ion and Air Cond itioni ng SP-3 5A <ME-Setn-6)

1166 .94
Entro py at point 2, s 2 = s12 + T. = 1.124 2 +

s 2 = 5.04 ... (2)
Since entro py at point 1 and 2 is equal there fore,
0.5443 + 4.934 x 1 = 5.04
5.04- 0.544 3
x 1 = 0.91

-- 298 t

•• .i:;f,,ef'

Entha lpy_, ..
, diagr am

. ...

1316 .26 - 298.9

1465 .84-1 31Sf (•
• ...

= 6.8 ,,f?' ,1,$11}½,


#..~- -.

5. Atted:ipt any one part ti,, 7.lt"· ... ,. (10 x 1 = 10)

a. With the help of a nea,- , ''irtch ;\Jxp lain in brief the work
n Refr igera tion
princ iple of. p~ac tical Vi\l !i~ Abso rpt~o the
syste m, obta1 n1ng an e:q>re'ss1on for maxi mum C.O. P of
cycle . Also dete rmin e the C.O. P of a Vapo ur· Abso rptio
syst em havi ng a gene rato r temp erat ure of 1100
cond ense r
evap orato r temp eratu re of -15 °C and, abso rber/
temp eratu re of 40 °c.
m :
Prac tical Vap our Abs orpt ion Refr iger ation syste
Refer Q. 3.8, Page 3-llA , Unit- 3.
Expr essio n for maxi m1rm C.O. P : Refer Q. 3.9, Page 3-l2A
Num erica l: Refer Q. 3.10, Page 3-14A , Unit- 3.
()tS,.sein-6) Solved Paper (2022-23)
. e primary refrigera. nt. What are the d .
pef10 • f • es1rable
J,.roperties of a pnlmla? re rC1gerant ? Give the refrigerant
. P. for the fo owing : HCLF2, C~F-CF and NH
olJlll~ . t R c. Q 3
. ary refriger~ : e1er . .19, Page 3-22A, 3'Unit-a a·
- ~blepro pert1es : Refer Q. 3.21, Page 3-24A, Unit-3'.
frigerant number :
:cLF' _ R-22 (Monochloro-difluoro-methane)
CH/-CF3 -R-134 a.
Nffs _ R-717 (ammoma)

& Attempt anf one part of the foll~wing: . . .. (10 x 1 = IO)

Classify diff~rent types of a1r-cond1t10IJ,J:!!S',, system used.
a. l)raW neat diagram of air:con ditio~: s,, ~equired
for winter season. Explain the i~JtrfEIR.:g ·of different
components in the circuit. .AM@¾: ·.,,%tffftP
• Classification: ~Mer Q. 4.1, Pag;kiJ .t~{ .
AC system forwmter season:_;,~efe~tlt4.~V,; Page 4-41A, Umt-4.
. . .,,fi;i/h. -i:tf22lil1>b, ~,~,pP .
t,. Room mr having a DBT<il!;,o 0 f{IJt8 WBT of 25 °C 1s cooled
through sensible co~JJ,.~gtif!1pc,1ss up to a temperatu re of
25°C show it on a p§f.~~pJrl'.fffic chart and determine the
amount of heat r~mhve<lrf,wt,kJ / kg dry air). d,~

Heat rtQecte~r.eJrtoved = c (td 1 - td ) .¥fl,\ '%:zW/iitV·

\j,,,._J.~,,.\{fli, .A"Wf pm 2
t1%ti~J'&\:,, -«:,i.:-;\~;''
,:;,,~~; -'..\;f:."*<l ,.,:Y:f t ~,~t1. .02--,'~;>'l.--.~'Tfkg K
• • !Tu, . ~~JfPpm = h um1·d spec1·fic h e~,~iiif
, •,x~ - ~f\~l\k, .,~r/
q - 1.022 (313 - 22§d:(t~,, \0}~h"'~~
1 022 15 ,,ii""'¾f''n' "·*,,t,/
=· :<~t f{~ JtJf/ .,~>A)iw

- 15.33 RJ/kg .~w,t.,;~~
• \~\ft~:::-.
. \ ''ffi,--~~ir-
'=·Si",,,· ...

' ' ' 't 0%f ·,:i'f

Specific humidity

25°c 40°0
Fig. 4.
SP -37 A (ME-Seni-s)
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
(10 x I= lO)
7. Attempt any on e par t of the following:
ma nu fac tur in. g in ice
a. Ex pla in the wo rk ing of ice
ma nu fac tur ing plant.
Refer Q. 5.17, Page 5-25A, Unit-5.

b. Explain the me tho ds of foo

d pre ser vat ion
_, . ail.
in det
Q. 5.15A, Page 5-22A, Unit-5.
D' E Refer Q. 5.14, Page 5-21A, and

~..,, :,ff·
' ..


\\.\ \f{H}\& ~ ,
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• .,'•~p-··

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