Class 8 Science Question Bank Term 2 2020-21
Class 8 Science Question Bank Term 2 2020-21
Class 8 Science Question Bank Term 2 2020-21
Q.1 Which one of the following is a petrochemical? 1
(a) Ammonia (b) Coke
(c) Acetone (d) Paraffin wax
Q.2 Conversion of dead vegetation into coal is called: 1
(a) Carbonisation (b) Distillation
(c) Coal gas (d) Refining
Q.3 A natural gas stored under high pressure is called: 1
(a) CNG (b) LPG
(c) KLG (d) PNP
Q.4 Name the petroleum product used for surfacing of road: 1
(a) Peat (b) Lignite
Q.5 Which of the following activities are prohibited in national parks, sanctuaries and 1
biosphere reserves?
(a) Poaching (b) Hunting
(c) Felling trees (d) All of these
Q.6 Name the areas reserved for wildlife where they can freely use the habitats and 1
natural resources.
(a) Sanctuary (b) Oceans
(c) National park (d) Homes
Q.7 Large areas of protected land for conservation of wildlife, plant and animal 1
resources and traditional life of the tribal living in the area are referred to as
(a) Biosphere reserves (b) National park
(c) Sanctuaries (d) Zoo
Q.8 Animals whose numbers are reducing to a level that they might face extinction are: 1
(a) Reducing species (b) Extinction species
(c) Endangered species (d) Dangerous species
Q.9 ____ is the source book which keeps a record of all the endangered animals and 1
(a) Blue Data book (b) Red Data Book
(c) Green data book (d) Black Data Book
(b) Which type of figures are depicted in the paintings of rock shelters of Pachmarhi 2
Biosphere Reserve?
Q.1 Friction can be reduced by using: 1
(a) Oil (b) Grease
(c) Powder (d) All of these
Q.2 Whenever the surfaces in contact tend to move or move with respect to each other, 1
the force of friction comes into play:
(a) Only if the objects are solid. (b) Only if one of the two objects is liquid.
(c) Only if one of the two objects is (d) Irrespective of whether the objects are
gaseous. solid, liquid or gaseous.
Q.3 A toy car released with the same initial speed will travel farthest on: 1
(a) Muddy surface (b) Polished marble surface
(c) Cemented surface (d) Brick surface
Q.4 If we apply oil on door hinges, the friction will: 1
(a) Increase (b) Decrease
In the above picture a boy is shown pushing a box from left to right. In which
direction the force of friction will act?
Q.26 Why is it easier for the fish to swim in water? 2
Q.27 Give two examples to show that friction produces heat. 2
Q.28 Two identical metal sheets, A and B, are rubbed with ordinary paper and sand 2
paper respectively. Which one of them will shine more? Give suitable reason for
your answer.
Q.29 How does the friction depend on the nature of the surface? 2
Q.30 We use ball bearings between the hub and axle of ceiling fan and bicycles. Why? 2
Q.44 A pencil is allowed to roll down an inclined plane from a fixed height. The foot of 3
inclined plane is (a) covered with silk cloth (b) covered with a layer of sand and (c)
covered with a glass sheet. On which surface will the pencil move the shortest
distance. Justify your answer with suitable reason.
Q.45 3
Two friends are trying to push a heavy load as shown in above picture. Suggest a
way which will make this task easier for them. And explain how?
Q.46 Why do we need to increase or decrease the friction? Explain with two examples 5
of each.
Q.47 What do you mean by fluid friction? How can fluid friction be reduced? Explain 5
with example.
Q.48 Imagine that if friction suddenly vanishes. Would life be affected? List any five 5
such situations to justify your answer.
Q.1 The hearing range of human ear is: 1
(a) 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz (b) Less than 20 Hz
(c) More than 20,000 Hz (d) 20 Hz to 25,000 Hz
Q.2 Pitch of sound is determined by its: 1
(a) Frequency (b) Speed
(c) Amplitude (d) Loudness
Q.3 The frequency of infrasonic sound is: 1
(a) More than 20 Hz (b) 100 Hz
(c) Less than 20 Hz (d) More than 20,000 Hz
Q.4 Cochlea is a part of: 1
(a) Hearing organ (b) Sound producing organ
Identify the object used in above picture. And state the property of sound, on
which it is working.
Q.34 Why we should not put a sharp, pointed or hard thing into our ear? 2
Q.5 Where is the lightning rod attached to protect the building from lightning? 1
(a) On the top of the building (b) On the bottom of the building
(c) In the middle of the building (d) All of these
Q.6 Amber is a: 1
(a) Metal (b) Rubber
(c) Resin (d) Sugar
Q.7 Which of the following occurs during lightning? 1
(a) Acid rain (b) Nitrogen fixation
(c) Greenhouse effect (d) Earthing
Q.8 During a thunderstorm which action may be done? 1
(a) Using Telephone having cord (b) Switching on / off electric lights
(c) Using a mobile phone (d) None of the above
Q.9 A major earthquake occurred on 26th January 2001 in which part of India? 1
Q.33 What are fault zones? Name any two fault zones in India. 3
Q.34 What do you mean by disturbance inside the earth’s crust? 3
Q.35 Define Richter scale and state two earthquakes in India having magnitudes greater 3
than 7.5.
Q.37 (a) If a charged plastic straw is brought near another uncharged plastic straw, what 1
will happen?
(b) During construction of a building, the lightning conductor was a little shorter 2
and cannot be buried in the ground. Would the lightning conductor be still
effective? Explain.
Q.38 (a) If air and cloud were good conductors of electricity, do you think lightning 2
could occur? Explain.
(b) On a dry day why do you get a slight shock on touching the screen of a 1
television or computer monitor?
Q.39 (a) Explain why it is safer to use a wireless telephone instead of a landline 2
telephone during lightning?
(b) Name the device shown in picture below. 1
Q.40 Identify and define the device installed in the building shown in the picture given 5
below and label its parts. Also explain, how does it work?
Q1. T The angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence: 1
(a) Always (b) Sometimes
(c) Under special conditions (d) Never
Q2. The least distance of distinct vision for a young adult with normal vision is about: 1
(a) 25 m (b) 2.5 cm
(c) 25 cm (d) 2.5 m
Q3. The angle between an incident ray and the plane mirror is 300. The total angle 1
between the incident ray and the reflected ray will be:
(a)300 (b) 600
(c)900 (d) 1200
Q4. The image of an object formed by a plane mirror is: 1
(a)Virtual (b) Real
(c)Diminished (d) Upside-down
Q5. Which of the following is a non luminous object? 1
(a) Sun (b) Moon
(c)Stars (d) Fire
Q6. A device which works on reflection of light from two plane mirrors arranged 1
parallel to one another is:
(a)Electroscope (b) Kaleiodoscope
(c)Periscope (d) None of these
Q7. As angle between two plane mirrors is decreased gradually, the number of images 1
of an object placed between them:
(a)Increases gradually (b)Decreases gradually
(c) First increases then decreases (d) First decreases then increases
Q8. How does the eye change in order to focus on near or distant objects? 1
(a)The lens moves in or out. (b) The retina moves in or out.
(c)The lens becomes thicker or thinner. (d) The pupil becomes larger or
Q9. The deficiency of one of the following in diet of a person for a considerable time 1
can lead to a disease called night blindness. This one is:
(a)Vitamin B (b) Vitamin D