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Class 8 Science Question Bank Term 2 2020-21

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Delhi Public School, Gandhinagar

Class: VIII Subject: Science

Question Bank 2020-21

Chapter-5 Coal and Petroleum

Q.1 Which one of the following is a petrochemical? 1
(a) Ammonia (b) Coke
(c) Acetone (d) Paraffin wax
Q.2 Conversion of dead vegetation into coal is called: 1
(a) Carbonisation (b) Distillation
(c) Coal gas (d) Refining
Q.3 A natural gas stored under high pressure is called: 1
(a) CNG (b) LPG
(c) KLG (d) PNP
Q.4 Name the petroleum product used for surfacing of road: 1
(a) Peat (b) Lignite

(c) Paraffin wax (d) Bitumen

Q.5 Least polluting fuel for vehicles is: 1

(a) LPG (b) Kerosene
(c) CNG (d) Diesel
Q.6 In which of the following places natural gas has not been formed in India? 1
(a) Tripura (b) Jaisalmer
(c) Mumbai (d) Delhi
Q.7 Which of the following is not a constituent of petroleum? 1
(a) Lubricating oil (b) Coke
(c) Paraffin wax (d) Petrol
Q.8 Naphthalene balls are obtained from coal tar and are used as: 1
(a) Mosquito repellent (b) Honey bee repellent
(c) Moth repellent (d) Snake repellent
Q.9 Fossil fuels are obtained from: 1

(a) Remains of non-living materials (b) Dead remains of birds only

(c) Dead remains of insects only (d) Dead remains of living organisms

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Q.10 Choose the correct statement from the following: 1
(a) It is difficult to transport natural gas (b) Natural gas cannot be used directly
through pipes. for burning in homes.
(c) Natural gas is stored under high pressure (d) Natural gas cannot be used as power
as compressed natural gas. generation.
Q.11 Name any two renewable sources of energy. 1
Q.12 Expand PCRA. 1
Q.13 Name two fractions of petroleum which are used as fuel. 1
Q.14 What kind of pollution is caused by the burning of fossil fuels? 1
Q.15 Write the full form of LPG. 1
Q.16 Which gas is produced when coal is burnt in air? 1
Q.17 Can we use all our natural resources forever? 1
Q.18 Name the form of carbon used for manufacturing steel. 1
Q.19 Where and when was the first oil well drilled? 1
Q.20 Name the places where natural gas is found in our country. 1
Q.21 Coal tar is a mixture of about how many substances? 1
Q.22 State any two physical properties of coke. 1
Q.23 Where and why the coal gas was used for the first time? 1
Q.24 Name the fuel, which is hard as stone and black in colour. 1
Q.25 Name any two places where oil is found in our country. 1
Q.26 Can coal, petroleum and natural gas be prepared in laboratory from dead organisms? 2
Justify your answer with suitable reason.
Q.27 What do you mean by petrochemicals? State their use also. 2
Q.28 Name the gas obtained from natural gas and state one use of that gas. 2
Q.29 Name the petroleum product used as fuel for stoves, lamps and for jet aircrafts and 2
state the reason that why is petroleum called “black gold”?
Q.30 Why sunlight and air are inexhaustible natural resources? Comment. 2
Q.31 Look at the figure given below, where petroleum and natural gas deposits are shown. 2
Why do we find oil layer above water layer?

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Q.32 Why is natural gas preferred over petrol as a transport fuel? 2
Q.33 What is coal? Write its two uses. 3
Q.34 Name three constituents of petroleum and write their uses also. 3
Q.35 Explain about refining of petroleum. 3
Q.36 Mention any three tips advised by PCRA to save petrol/diesel. 3
Q.37 Why should we use some resources like coal and petroleum in limit? 3
Q.38 Write a short note about Coal Tar. 5
Q.39 List any five steps to conserve the resources. 5

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Chapter-7 Conservation of Plants and Animals
Q.1 Deforestation leads to: 1
(a) An increase in the temperature of the (b) Imbalance of O2 and CO2
(c) Increase in rainfall (d) Both (a) and (b)
Q.2 The reduction in rainfall could cause: 1
(a) Drought (b) Cold
(c) Flood (d) Greenery
Q.3 The removal of top layer of soil leads to: 1
(a) Desertification (b) Rainfall
(c) Snowfall (d) Deforestation
Q.4 The variety of organisms living on the earth, is referred to as: 1
(a) Food chain (b) Lithosphere

(c) Relationship (d) Biodiversity

Q.5 Which of the following activities are prohibited in national parks, sanctuaries and 1
biosphere reserves?
(a) Poaching (b) Hunting
(c) Felling trees (d) All of these
Q.6 Name the areas reserved for wildlife where they can freely use the habitats and 1
natural resources.
(a) Sanctuary (b) Oceans
(c) National park (d) Homes
Q.7 Large areas of protected land for conservation of wildlife, plant and animal 1
resources and traditional life of the tribal living in the area are referred to as
(a) Biosphere reserves (b) National park
(c) Sanctuaries (d) Zoo
Q.8 Animals whose numbers are reducing to a level that they might face extinction are: 1
(a) Reducing species (b) Extinction species
(c) Endangered species (d) Dangerous species
Q.9 ____ is the source book which keeps a record of all the endangered animals and 1
(a) Blue Data book (b) Red Data Book
(c) Green data book (d) Black Data Book

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Q.10 Migratory birds fly to far off places in a particular season of the year because that 1
place becomes:
(a) Hunting zone (b) Very hot
(c) Moderate (d) Very cold
Q.11 Write two natural causes of deforestation. 1
Q.12 Name two endemic fauna of Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve. 1
Q.13 Name the first Reserve Forest of India. 1
Q.14 How many rock shelters are there in Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve? 1
Q.15 What is flora? 1
Q.16 What do you mean by species? 1
Q.17 Define migratory birds. 1
Q.18 What do you mean by desertification? 1
Q.19 Can a forest regenerate naturally in a short period of time? 1
Q20. How are small animals important in ecosystem? 1
Q.21 Name the national park and wildlife sanctuaries of Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve. 1
Q.22 What was the aim of launching Project Tiger by government? 1
Q.23 Name two animals which are in danger of becoming extinct. 1
Q.24 When was Project Tiger launched? 1
Q.25 What is fauna? 1
Q.26 Mention any two factors which effect the natural habitat of endemic species. 2
Q.27 What is the aim of Forest Conservation Act in India? 2
Q.28 What is the unique feature of the biodiversity found in Pachmarhi Biosphere 2
Q.29 Name any two threatened wild animals. 2
Q.30 Why is it so that even protected forests are not safe for animals? 2
Q.31 State the human activities which are not allowed in National Parks. 2
Q.32 Why is it important to conserve forests? 2
Q.33 State various special features of Indian sanctuaries. 2
Q.34 How does deforestation lead to frequent floods and droughts? 3
Q.35 How can we protect wildlife? 3
Q.36 Explain the importance of recycling of paper. 3
Q.37 Does the soil erosion affect the fertility of soil? Give suitable reason for your 3

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Q.38 What would happen if we had no wood? Is there any alternative available to wood? 3
Q.39 Are only big animals facing extinction? Justify your answer with suitable words. 3
Q.40 Why are wildlife sanctuaries important for the conservation of plants and animals? 3
Q.41 Explain Reforestation and its useful effects. 5
Q.42 (a)Identify the following pictures and specify them as endemic/endangered species. 3

(i) (ii) (iii)

(b) Which type of figures are depicted in the paintings of rock shelters of Pachmarhi 2
Biosphere Reserve?

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Chapter -9 Reproduction in Animals
Q1. T The first cell of human body: 1
(a) Embryo (b) Foetus
(c) Zygote (d) Egg
Q2. Animals which give birth to young ones: 1
(a)Viviparous (b) Oviparous
(c) Fertilization (d) Amphibian
Q3. A narrow duct which starts from testes and joins the urethra: 1
(a)Sperm (b) Sperm duct
(c)Vas deference (d) Both a. and b.
Q4. The number of nuclei present in a zygote is: 1
(a) One (b) Two
(c)Three (d) Four
Q5. The multicellular organism which reproduces by budding is: 1
(a) Amoeba (b) Yeast
(c) Hydra (d) Paramecium
Q6. Which of the following animals does not undergo metamorphosis: 1
(a)Frog (b) Silk worm
(c)Mosquito (d) None of these
Q7. Which of the following is not an oviparous animal? 1
(a)Snake (b) Frog
(c) Rat (d) Fish
Q8. Reproduction is essential for living organisms in order to: 1
(a) Keep the individual organism alive. (b) Fulfil their energy requirement.
(c)Maintain growth. (d) Continue the species forever.
Q9. A feature of reproduction that is common to Amoeba and Hydra is that: 1

(a) They are multicellular. (b) They are unicellular.

(c) They reproduce sexually. (d) They reproduce asexually.
Q10. A method of reproduction which involves formation of gametes is: 1
(a) Budding (b) Binary Fission
(c) Sexual reproduction (d) Asexual reproduction
Q11. Which life process ensures that a plant or animal species will not disappear from 1
this earth?

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Q12. What is the name of reproductive process: 1
a) which involves two parents?
b) which involves only one parent?
Q13. Give another term for fertilized egg. 1
Q14. What is the other name of sex cells? 1
Q15. Name the male and female gametes in humans. 1
Q16. Name the process of fusion of gametes. 1
Q17. Name the technique which is used to help a woman with blocked oviducts to have a 1
Q18. Name the technique by which Dolly, the sheep was produced. 1
Q19. Name the parent sheep of which Dolly was clone. 1
Q20. Name the organ in humans which produces the male gamete. 1
Q21. Name the two methods of fertilization. 1
Q22. Which stage comes earlier in the development of a human baby from zygote: Foetus 1
or embryo?
Q23. Where does fertilization occurs in humans? 1
Q24. What is the other name of oviduct? 1
Q25. What is the other name of sperm duct? 1
Q26. Why do female frogs lay hundreds of eggs? 2
Q27. What is clone? Name one famous clone. 2
Q28. What type of couples are helped by IVF technique? 2
Q29. State whether gametes are involved in cloning or not. 2
Q30. Is cloning sexual mode of reproduction? Explain. 2
Q31. What are test tube babies? 2
Q32. Dolly was given birth by Scottish blackface ewe, but it resembled Finn dorsett 2
sheep. Why?
Q33. a) Do you think human beings also undergo metamorphosis? Why? 2+1
b) Name the larval stages of silkworm and frog.
Q34. Budding is an asexual mode of reproduction. Explain with diagram. 3
Q35. Microscopic organism like Amoeba reproduces by simple method. Explain. 3
Q36. Name and draw labelled diagrams of human male and female gametes. 3
Q37. a) In which sort of reproduction are gametes involved? 3
b) What is formed when two gametes fuse?

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c) What is the act of fusion called?
Q38. Explain the process of development of embryo in human beings. 5
Q39. a) Name the various parts of male and female reproductive system in human beings. 5
b) Differentiate between embryo and foetus.
Q40. a) What type of fertilization occurs in hens? 5
b) Explain how, chicks are born. How much time does the embryo present in hen’s
egg take to develop into a chick?

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Chapter-10 Reaching the age of Adolescence
Q1. T Reproductive age in men starts when the: 1
(a) Formation of sperms starts. (b) Menstruation starts.
(c) Body weight increases. (d) Height increases.
Q2. Which endocrine gland secretes growth hormone? 1
(a)Thyroid gland (b) Pituitary gland
(c) Adrenal gland (d) Pancreas
Q3. AIDS is caused by ____________. 1
(a)Bacteria (b) Worms
(c)Virus (d) Protozoa
Q4. Which of the following is a mis-matched pair? 1
(a) Adrenalin : Pituitary gland (b) Estrogen : Ovary
(c)Pancreas : Insulin (d) Testosterone : Testis
Q5. The hormone which is associated with male puberty is called : 1
(a) Oestrogen (b) Adrenalin
(c)Testosterone (d) Progesterone
Q6. The sex of a child is determined by: 1
(a)The presence of X chromosome in egg. (b) The presence of Y chromosome in
(c)The age of mother and father. (d) None of these
Q7. Which of the following human disease can be prevented by the same hormone 1
which brings about metamorphosis in frog?
(a)Diabetes (b) Anaemia
(c) Goitre (d) Rickets
Q8. Iodine is necessary for the synthesis of one of the following hormones. This 1
hormone is:
(a) Adrenalin (b) Insulin
(c)Thyroxine (d) Auxin
Q9. Which of the following hormone prepares our body for emergency situation? 1

(a)Testosterone (b) Oestrogen

(c) Pituitary (d) Adrenaline
Q10. Pimples and acne are formed due to increased activity of: 1
A.Adrenal Gland B.Sebaceous Gland C.Thyroid Gland D.Sweat Gland

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(a) A and B (b) B and C
(c) A and C (d) B and D
Q11. Which of the following is not an endocrine gland: Salivary gland, Adrenal gland, 1
Pituitary gland, Thyroid gland
Q12. What is the other name of “Voice Box”? 1
Q13. Name the male and female sex hormone. 1
Q14. Which of the two has a shorter reproductive phase of life : men and women ? 1
Q15. What is the other name of ductless gland? 1
Q16. Name the gland which secretes insulin. 1
Q17. Name the hormone whose deficiency causes diabetes. 1
Q18. Name the hormone which prepares our body for action to face emergency situation 1
like danger, fear, anger or excitement.
Q19. Name another term for “adolescents”. 1
Q20. What name is given to the onset of menstruation in human females(girls)? At what 1
age does this occur?
Q21. What is the effect of larger voice box in boys? 2
Q22. Who is responsible for the sex of unborn child : Father or mother? Why? 2
Q23. What are sex chromosomes? Name the two types of sex chromosomes. 2
Q24. Explain why, people are advised to use iodised salt for cooking. 2
Q25. State any two practices which should be adopted by adolescents to maintain 2
personal hygiene?
Q26. Where are the following glands located in our body? 2
a)Pituitary b) Thyroid c) Pancreas d) Adrenal
Q27. State the various ways in which early marriage and motherhood is harmful to girls. 2
Q28. What are the various ways in which AIDS virus can be transmitted? 3
Q29. Is it justified to say that mother is responsible for the sex of the baby? Why? 3
Q30. Define i) Menarche ii) Menopause iii) Menstruation 3
Q31. a) Which hormone lower the blood sugar level in humans? Name the gland which 3
secretes this hormone.
b) Name the hormone which maintains the salt balance in blood.
Q32. It was observed that tadpoles are not growing into adults in a village pond.A 3
scientist who was asked to find the reason for this concluded that the pond water did

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not contain sufficient amount of a mineral P which could make the hormone Q. The
hormone Q can cause a phenomenon R in tadpoles so that they become adult frogs.
a) What are P,Q and R?
b) Name the human disease which can be caused due to the deficiency of P in the
food and water.
Q33. State two changes that happen during puberty to : a) both boys and girls b) boys 5
only c) girls only.
Q34. a) What is meant by reproductive health? 5
b) State the conditions necessary to maintain good reproductive health during
Q35. a) What initiates changes at puberty? 5
b) Mention two secondary characters each of a boy and a girl.

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Chapter-12 Friction

Q.1 Friction can be reduced by using: 1
(a) Oil (b) Grease
(c) Powder (d) All of these
Q.2 Whenever the surfaces in contact tend to move or move with respect to each other, 1
the force of friction comes into play:
(a) Only if the objects are solid. (b) Only if one of the two objects is liquid.
(c) Only if one of the two objects is (d) Irrespective of whether the objects are
gaseous. solid, liquid or gaseous.
Q.3 A toy car released with the same initial speed will travel farthest on: 1
(a) Muddy surface (b) Polished marble surface
(c) Cemented surface (d) Brick surface
Q.4 If we apply oil on door hinges, the friction will: 1
(a) Increase (b) Decrease

(c) Disappear altogether (d) Will remain unchanged

Q.5 Fluids are: 1

(a) Liquids (b) Gases
(c) Solids (d) Both (a) and (b)
Q.6 Which of the following is responsible for wearing out of bicycle tyres? 1
(a) Muscular force (b) Magnetic force
(c) Electrostatic force (d) Frictional force
Q.7 Spring balance is a device used for measuring the _____________ acting on an 1
(a) Mass (b) Force
(c) Pressure (d) Magnetism
Q.8 A matchstick struck on a matchbox catches fire easily because: 1
(a) Friction may cause fire (b) Burning is property of matchstick
(c) None of the above (d) Force heated the match stick
Q.9 The frictional force exerted by fluids is also called ______ 1

(a) Drug (b) Drag

(c) Drop (d) Drown

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Q.10 A boat or an aeroplane has a pointed head. Why? 1
(a) To increase the friction of fluid (b) To reduce the friction of fluid
(c) To look good (d) For no reason
Q.11 What is the cause of friction? 1
Q.12 Why are wheels of vehicles made circular? 1
Q.13 What is the direction of force of friction acting on a moving object? 1
Q.14 What is the name of special shape given to objects moving in fluids? 1
Q.15 Why does the base of jar of a mixer become hot when it is run for few minutes? 1
Q.16 When does static friction come into play? 1
Q.17 Can we reduce friction to zero by polishing surface? 1
Q.18 If we push the book on the table, it stops after sometime. Why? 1
Q.19 Why handle of cricket bat or badminton racquet is rough? 1
Q.20 State any two methods by which friction between two solid surfaces in contact can 1
be reduced.
Q.21 Why a machine with moving parts will become less hot while running if it is well 1
Q.22 If there was no friction, what would happen to a moving object? 1
Q.23 An object is moving from north to south. What is the direction of the force of 1
friction on the object?
Q.24 On what principle do ball bearings work? 1
Q.25 1

In the above picture a boy is shown pushing a box from left to right. In which
direction the force of friction will act?
Q.26 Why is it easier for the fish to swim in water? 2
Q.27 Give two examples to show that friction produces heat. 2
Q.28 Two identical metal sheets, A and B, are rubbed with ordinary paper and sand 2
paper respectively. Which one of them will shine more? Give suitable reason for
your answer.
Q.29 How does the friction depend on the nature of the surface? 2
Q.30 We use ball bearings between the hub and axle of ceiling fan and bicycles. Why? 2

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Q.31 How brake stop moving bicycles and automobiles? 2
Q.32 Is it easier to hold a kulhar or a glass tumbler with greasy outer surface? Justify 2
your answer with suitable reason.
Q.33 How can you say that rolling reduces friction? Give one example. 2
Q.34 Define lubricants and name any two lubricants. 2
Q.35 Is friction a contact or a non-contact force? Give reason for your answer. 2
Q.36 When the two surfaces are pressed harder, friction increases, why? Explain with an 3
Q.37 State the factors which affect the fluid friction. 3
Q.38 Identify the given picture and define. Explain, how does it work? 3

Q.39 Give reason: 3

a. Why is it difficult to move an object on rough surface as compared to smooth
b. Why is it easier to move an object, when it is already in motion?
Q.40 Identify the following types of friction. 3

(i) (ii) (iii)

Q.41 Two blocks of iron of different masses are kept on a cemented floor as shown in 3
picture below. Which one of them would require a larger force to move it from the
rest position? Give suitable reason for your answer.

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Q.42 Two boys are riding their bicycles on the same concrete road. One has new tyres 3
on his bicycle while the other has tyres that are old and used. Which of them is
more likely to skid while moving through a patch of the road which has lubricating
oil spilt over it? Give reason for your answer.
Q.43 While playing tug of war Preeti felt that the rope was slipping through her hands. 3
State the reason for it and Suggest a way out for her to prevent this.

Q.44 A pencil is allowed to roll down an inclined plane from a fixed height. The foot of 3
inclined plane is (a) covered with silk cloth (b) covered with a layer of sand and (c)
covered with a glass sheet. On which surface will the pencil move the shortest
distance. Justify your answer with suitable reason.
Q.45 3

Two friends are trying to push a heavy load as shown in above picture. Suggest a
way which will make this task easier for them. And explain how?
Q.46 Why do we need to increase or decrease the friction? Explain with two examples 5
of each.
Q.47 What do you mean by fluid friction? How can fluid friction be reduced? Explain 5
with example.
Q.48 Imagine that if friction suddenly vanishes. Would life be affected? List any five 5
such situations to justify your answer.

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Chapter-13 Sound

Q.1 The hearing range of human ear is: 1
(a) 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz (b) Less than 20 Hz
(c) More than 20,000 Hz (d) 20 Hz to 25,000 Hz
Q.2 Pitch of sound is determined by its: 1
(a) Frequency (b) Speed
(c) Amplitude (d) Loudness
Q.3 The frequency of infrasonic sound is: 1
(a) More than 20 Hz (b) 100 Hz
(c) Less than 20 Hz (d) More than 20,000 Hz
Q.4 Cochlea is a part of: 1
(a) Hearing organ (b) Sound producing organ

(c) Muscular organ (d) Air pollution

Q.5 1 hertz is equal to: 1

(a) 1 vibration per minute (b) 10 vibrations per minute
(c) 60 vibrations per minute (d) 600 vibrations per minute
Q.6 The loudness of sound in normal breathing is: 1
(a) 30dB (b) 60dB
(c) 100dB (d) 10dB
Q.7 Loudness of sound is proportional to the __________of the amplitude. 1
(a) Cube (b) Square
(c) Square root (d) Cube root
Q.8 Stretched membrane is the sound producing part of: 1
(a) Veena (b) Dish
(c) Pan (d) Tabla
Q.9 Sound is produced by: 1

(a) Non-Vibrating objects only (b Vibrating and non- vibrating

(c) Vibrating objects only (d) None of these
Q.10 Above _____ dB the sound becomes physically painful: 1
(a) 50 (b) 60
(c) 80 (d) 70
Q.11 How does sound travel from one place to another? 1

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Q.12 Does any part of human body vibrate while speaking or singing a song? 1
Q.13 Where is voice box or larynx located in human body? 1
Q.14 How do whales and dolphins communicate under water? 1
Q.15 What is eardrum? 1
Q.16 How does sound play an important role in our lives? 1
Q.17 Name any two instruments which are simply beaten or struck to produce sound. 1
Q.18 In which medium sound propagates the maximum? 1
Q.19 What is vibration? 1
Q.20 Name a musical instrument which produces sound by blowing air into it. 1
Q.21 What is the unit of frequency? 1
Q.22 If an object oscillates 45 times in one second. What would be its frequency? 1
Q.23 What is the unit of loudness? 1
Q.24 Define time period. 1
Q.25 Define noise pollution. 1
Q.26 Which of the two, a drum or a whistle will produce sound of higher pitch? And 2
Q.27 Is there any animal that can hear sound of frequencies higher than 20,000 Hz? 2
Where are they used?
Q.28 Name some equipment that works at frequencies higher than 20,000 Hz. 2
Q.29 Vibrating objects produce sound, can we see the vibrations all the time? Give 2
suitable reason for your answer.
Q.30 Name the things from which Ektara musical instrument can be made. 2
Q.31 A simple pendulum makes 20 oscillations in 40 seconds. What is the time period 2
and frequency of its oscillation?
Q.32 Two astronauts are floating close to each other in space. Can they talk to each 2
other without using any special device? Give reasons.
Q.33 2

Identify the object used in above picture. And state the property of sound, on
which it is working.
Q.34 Why we should not put a sharp, pointed or hard thing into our ear? 2

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Q.35 Mention the difference between frequency of voice of: 2
1. A child and an adult.
2. A man and a woman
Q.36 Why are the voices of men, women and children different? 3
Q.37 State any three ways to control noise pollution? 3
Q.38 Would you listen any sound if you had been able to suck all the air in the tumbler? 3
Justify your answer with suitable reason.
Q.39 (i) Label the parts of human ear in the below given picture. 3

(ii) Identify the type of frequency shown in above diagram.

Q.40 (a) Rita saw a cracker burst at night at a distance from his house. He heard the 2
sound of the cracker a little later after seeing the cracker burst. Give reason for the
delay in hearing the sound.
(b) When we hear a sound, does any part of our body vibrate? Name the part. 1
Q.41 Describe an experiment to show that sound can travel through liquids. 3
Q.42 (a) How does loudness of sound depend on amplitude? If the amplitude is tripled, 2
by how much does loudness increase?
(b) What is the name given to the sound produced by irregular vibrations? 1
Q.43 How is sound produced, transmitted and heard by us? 5
Q.44 How is sound produced by human beings? Draw the diagram of larynx also. 5

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Chapter-14 Chemical effects of electric current
Q1. T Which of the following does not conduct electricity? 1
(a) Vinegar solution (b) Sugar solution
(c) Lemon juice solution (d) Caustic soda solution
Q2. Which of the following types of energy can be used to decompose water into its 1
(a) Heat energy (b) Light energy
(c) Chemical energy (d) Electric energy
Q3. Which of the following objects should not be chrome-plated? 1
(a)Car bumper (b) Gas stove
(c)Frying pan (d) Bicycle bell
Q4. Electrolytes conduct electricity due to movement of : 1
(a) Electrodes (b) Atoms
(c) Electrons (d) Ions
Q5. Non-metals generally do not conduct electricity. The non-metal whose one of the 1
forms can be used to make electrodes in electrolysis experiments is:
(a) Iodine (b) Carbon
(c)Silicon (d) Phosphorous
Q6. The decomposition produced by passing current through a conducting liquid is
(a)Dialysis (b) Hydrolysis
(c)Electrolysis (d) Electroplating
Q7. Which of the following is not an application of chemical effects of electric current? 1
(a)Electroplating of metals (b) Purification of metals
(c) Decomposition of elements (d) Decomposition of compounds
Q8. One of the following is not used for electroplating metal articles. This one is: 1
(a) Nickel (b) Chromium
(c)Sodium (d) Silver
Q9. In order to obtain a coating of silver metal on a flower vase made of copper, the 1
electrolyte has to be:
(a) Silver nitrate solution (b) Copper nitrate solution
(c) Sodium nitrate solution (d) Copper sulphate solution
Q10. The process of purification of an impure metal is like: 1

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(a) Electroplating a metal on the same (b) Electroplating a metal on the another
type of metal type of metal
(c)Producing a chemical compound by (d) Decomposing a chemical compound
electrolysis by electrolysis
Q11. What effect does an electric current produce when flowing through a conducting 1
Q12. List two objects around you which are electroplated. 1
Q13. What should be done to decompose water into hydrogen and oxygen? 1
Q14. Acidified water is electrolysed by using carbon electrodes. What is produced at: 1
a) Positive carbon electrode b) Negative carbon electrode
Q15. How is electricity carried in solids? 1
Q16. Name a device which glows even when a weak electric current pass through it. 1
Q17. What is the full form of LED? 1
Q18. Name the most common application of the chemical effects of electric current. 1
Q19. Distilled water does not conduct electricity. Why? 1
Q20. Which is the polluting waste generated by electroplating factories? 1
Q21. Which of the following conduct electricity and which do not conduct electricity? 2
Honey, Sea water, Common salt, Lemon juice
Q22. Which effect of electric current is utilized for detecting the flow of current through 2
a solution:
a) When a torch bulb is used?
b) When a magnetic compass is used?
Q23. Why does a brand new cycle have shining handlebars and wheel rims?What will 2
happen if these are accidently scratched?
Q24. A beaker contains acidified copper sulphate solution. A copper plate and a carbon 2
rod are kept in this solution. The copper plate is connected to the positive terminal
of a battery whereas the carbon rod is connected to the negative terminal of the
battery. What will you observe when an electric current is passed through this set-
up for a considerable time?
Q25. For electroplating copper on an iron object, which terminal of the battery (positive 2
or negative) is connected to the iron object? Also name the electrolyte you will use
for this purpose.

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Q26. a) What is meant by chemical effect of electric current? Explain with the help of an 2+1
b) Explain why, in the electrolysis of water acidified water is used.
Q27. When an electric current is passed through a cut potato for a considerable time, a 3
coloured spot is formed around one of the electrodes:
a) What is the colour of the spot?
b) Around which electrode the coloured spot is formed?
c) Which effect of electric current is involved in this process?
Q28. a) Name the three types of substance in which an electric current can produce 1+3
chemical effect? +1
b) State some of the characteristics of chemical changes brought about by the
chemical effect of electric current.
c) Why does an electric bulb glow when current is passed through it?
Q29. A strip of impure copper metal is given to you. Describe briefly how will you purify 5
it by using the chemical effect of electric current. Draw a labelled diagram of the
experimental set-up used for this purpose.

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Chapter-15-Some Natural Phenomena
Q.1 An electroscope is a device which is used to find if an object is: 1
(a) Charged (b) Magnetic
(c) Free of cracks (d) Hot
Q.2 The movement of the earth’s plates causes: 1
(a) Cyclones (b) Lightning
(c) Earthquake (d) Thunderstorms
Q.3 When two charged objects are brought close to each other: 1
(a) They will attract. (b) They will repel.
(c) They may attract or repel depending (d) There will be no effect.
on the type of charges they carry.
Q.4 Which of the following is not likely to cause tsunami? 1
(a) A major nuclear explosion under sea (b) Earthquake

(c) Volcanic eruption (d) Lightning

Q.5 Where is the lightning rod attached to protect the building from lightning? 1
(a) On the top of the building (b) On the bottom of the building
(c) In the middle of the building (d) All of these
Q.6 Amber is a: 1
(a) Metal (b) Rubber
(c) Resin (d) Sugar
Q.7 Which of the following occurs during lightning? 1
(a) Acid rain (b) Nitrogen fixation
(c) Greenhouse effect (d) Earthing
Q.8 During a thunderstorm which action may be done? 1
(a) Using Telephone having cord (b) Switching on / off electric lights
(c) Using a mobile phone (d) None of the above
Q.9 A major earthquake occurred on 26th January 2001 in which part of India? 1

(a) Uri (Kashmir) (b) Mumbai (Maharashtra)

(c) Guwahati (Assam) (d) Bhuj (Gujarat)
Q.10 During thunderstorm, if you are in a forest, it is safer to: 1
(a) Carry an open umbrella (b) Take shelter under short trees
(c) Take shelter under tall trees (d) Stand in open fields
Q.11 What are the two natural calamities? 1

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Q.12 Mention the interactions of two types of charges. 1
Q.13 What happens when two clouds with unlike charges approach each other? 1
Q.14 Who discovered the static electricity or lightning in clouds and when? 1
Q.15 What actually causes lightning? 1
Q.16 What is a plate? 1
Q.17 What are seismic waves? 1
Q.18 When and where a major tsunami took place in India? 1
Q.19 Mention any two natural calamities caused by earthquakes? 1
Q.20 Which kind of material is used to transfer charges from one body to another?
Q.21 In ancient times, what was the myth about lightning? 1
Q.22 Define current. 1
Q.23 What is lightning? 1
Q.24 Define electric discharge. 1
Q.25 Which earthquake can be really destructive? 1
Q.26 What is earthing? What is the application of earthing? 2
Q.27 Give any two examples of charged objects. 2
Q.28 What will happen if two balloons are rubbed with a woollen cloth and then brought 2
together? Give reason for your answer.
Q.29 What is an earthquake? And why does it occur? 2
Q.30 In ancient time what was the myth about earthquake? 2
Q.31 How does electric discharge occur in clouds? 3
Q.32 What is shown in the picture given below? Explain with suitable reason. 3

Q.33 What are fault zones? Name any two fault zones in India. 3
Q.34 What do you mean by disturbance inside the earth’s crust? 3
Q.35 Define Richter scale and state two earthquakes in India having magnitudes greater 3
than 7.5.

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Q.36 Identify the position of person shown in picture given below and mention that how 3
is it helpful during thunderstorms?

Q.37 (a) If a charged plastic straw is brought near another uncharged plastic straw, what 1
will happen?
(b) During construction of a building, the lightning conductor was a little shorter 2
and cannot be buried in the ground. Would the lightning conductor be still
effective? Explain.
Q.38 (a) If air and cloud were good conductors of electricity, do you think lightning 2
could occur? Explain.
(b) On a dry day why do you get a slight shock on touching the screen of a 1
television or computer monitor?
Q.39 (a) Explain why it is safer to use a wireless telephone instead of a landline 2
telephone during lightning?
(b) Name the device shown in picture below. 1

Q.40 Identify and define the device installed in the building shown in the picture given 5
below and label its parts. Also explain, how does it work?

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Q.41 What safety measures should be taken during lightning and thunderstorm? 5

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Chapter-16 Light

Q1. T The angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence: 1
(a) Always (b) Sometimes
(c) Under special conditions (d) Never
Q2. The least distance of distinct vision for a young adult with normal vision is about: 1
(a) 25 m (b) 2.5 cm
(c) 25 cm (d) 2.5 m
Q3. The angle between an incident ray and the plane mirror is 300. The total angle 1
between the incident ray and the reflected ray will be:
(a)300 (b) 600
(c)900 (d) 1200
Q4. The image of an object formed by a plane mirror is: 1
(a)Virtual (b) Real
(c)Diminished (d) Upside-down
Q5. Which of the following is a non luminous object? 1
(a) Sun (b) Moon
(c)Stars (d) Fire
Q6. A device which works on reflection of light from two plane mirrors arranged 1
parallel to one another is:
(a)Electroscope (b) Kaleiodoscope
(c)Periscope (d) None of these
Q7. As angle between two plane mirrors is decreased gradually, the number of images 1
of an object placed between them:
(a)Increases gradually (b)Decreases gradually
(c) First increases then decreases (d) First decreases then increases
Q8. How does the eye change in order to focus on near or distant objects? 1
(a)The lens moves in or out. (b) The retina moves in or out.
(c)The lens becomes thicker or thinner. (d) The pupil becomes larger or
Q9. The deficiency of one of the following in diet of a person for a considerable time 1
can lead to a disease called night blindness. This one is:
(a)Vitamin B (b) Vitamin D

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(c)Vitamin A (d) Vitamin C
Q10. An incident ray makes an angle of 650 with the surface of a plane mirror. The angle 1
of reflection in this case will be:
(a) 650 (b) 450
(c) 250 (d) 350
Q11. A ray of light is incident normally (perpendicularly) on a plane mirror.Where will 1
this ray of light go after reflection from the mirror?
Q12. What type of reflection takes place from: 1
a) A rough surface
b) A smooth surface
Q13. Name the phenomenon: When we sit in front of a plane mirror and write with our 1
right hand, it appears in the mirror that we are writing with the left hand.
Q14. Which part of the eye gives it its distinctive colour? 1
Q15. How are the two plane mirrors in a periscope arranged: 1
a) With respect to one another?
b) With respect to sides of the tube?
Q16. What will be the number of images formed when an object is placed between two 1
plane mirrors facing each other?
Q17. Name the instrument which works by producing multiple reflection from three 1
plane mirrors to form beautiful patterns.
Q18. State one use of kaleidoscope. 1
Q19. Name the device which is used to split white light into seven colours. 1
Q20. What happens when a beam of sunlight is passed through a glass prism? 1
Q21. What is dispersion of light? 1
Q22. Name a natural phenomenon showing dispersion. 1
Q23. What type of lens is present in human eye? 1
Q24. Name the phenomenon which enables us to see movies in a cinema hall. 1
Q25. What happens to the size of the pupil of our eye in bright light? 1
Q26. We can see the sun because it is glowing. How are we able to see the moon? 2
Q27. Name the two types of reflection. Which type of reflection makes us see an object 2
from all directions?
Q28. What is the full form of i and r ? What is the relation between them? 2
Q29. Calculate the number of images of a candle formed if it is placed between two 2
parallel plane mirrors separated by 40 cm.

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Q30. How many plane mirror stripes are there in a kaleidoscope? How are they arranged? 2
Q31. Explain why , we cannot see our surroundings clearly when we enter a darkened 2
cinema hall from bright sunshine but improves after some time.
Q32. What should we do when a dust particle or insect gets into the eye? 2
Q33. Name the cells of the retina of the eye: 3
a) Which are sensitive to bright light.
b) Which are sensitive to bright light.
c) Which produce sensation of colours.
Q34. a) What is periscope? 3
b) How many mirrors are there in a periscope?
c) State one use of periscope.
Q35. a) Explain how a hair dresser makes you see hair at the back of your head after the 3
hair cut is complete.
b) Two plane mirrors are kept at right angles to each other. A coin is placed in
between these two plane mirrors. How many images of the coin will be seen?
Q36. Explain why, an owl can see well in the night whereas an eagle can see well during 3
Q37. Explain how we can take care of our eyes. 3
Q38. What are the functions of following parts of the eye: a) Iris b) Eye-lens c) Ciliary 5
muscles d) Retina e) Optic nerve
Q39. a) What is blind spot in the eye? 1
b) Explain braille system in your own words. +2
c) Name any two defects of vision also suggest how can they be corrected. +2

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