FM - HR13 Statutory Declaration Template
FM - HR13 Statutory Declaration Template
FM - HR13 Statutory Declaration Template
Please complete the following form using the notes in the left-hand margin for guidance. More guidance on
making statutory declarations can be found at
When making the statutory declaration the declarant must say aloud:
I, [full name of person making declaration] of [address], declare that the contents of this statutory declaration are true
and correct.
Statutory Declaration
Insert the name, address
and occupation (or
alternatively, unemployed
or retired or child) of
person making the
statutory declaration. make the following statutory declaration under the Oaths and Affirmations
Act 2018:
Set out matter declared to
in numbered paragraphs.
Add numbers as necessary.
I declare that the contents of this statutory declaration are true and
correct and I make it knowing that making a statutory declaration that I
know to be untrue is an offence.
Signature of person
making the declaration
Declared at
Place (City, town or *in the state of Victoria
I am an authorised statutory declaration witness and I sign this document
Signature of authorised in the presence of the person making the declaration:
statutory declaration
Date on
This section must be I certify that I have assisted [name of the declarant] by [insert assistance
signed by any person who
provided, for example translating the document].
has assisted the person
making the statutory
declaration, for example Signed:
by translating the
document or reading it
aloud. If no assistance was
required, this section does
not need to be completed.
Under Section 19 of the Oaths and Affirmations Act 2018 (as of 1 March 2019),
previously Evidence (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1958, the list of persons who
may witness statutory declarations includes:
o Architect
o Chiropractor
o Conveyancer
o Dentist
o Legal practitioner
o Medical practitioner
o Midwife
o Migration agent
o Nurse
o Occupational therapist
o Optometrist
o Patent attorney
o Pharmacist
o Physiotherapist
o Psychologist
o Veterinary surgeon
• Bailiff
• Clerk of a court
• IBAC Officers
• Judge
• Magistrate
• Master of a court
• Member of the Australian Defence Force who meets at least one of the
following criteria:
o An officer
o A warrant officer
o State
o Territory
o State authority
o Territory authority
• Police officer
• Police reservist
• A school principal
• Sheriff
• Sheriff’s officer
o A judicial officer
o A member of VCAT
o A public notary