Proof Ans

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A few extra proof problems for the final

1. Let V and W be vector spaces and let T : V → W be linear. Prove that T is one-to-one if and
only if ker(T ) = {0}.

Answer: First you should always write down (or at least make sure you know) the definitions
of all of the terms in the problem.
Next, you should write down the hypotheses (assumptions) and conclusions (goals of the prob-
lem). In an if and only if (IFF) problem, you should prove both directions.
So, first we will assume T is one-to-one. This means that if u and v are in V and T (u) = T (v)
then u = v.
Goal: we want to show that ker(T) = {0}.
Recall the definition of ker(T ) = v ∈ V T (v) = 0 .
Let v ∈ ker(T ), then T (v) = 0. However, because T is linear, T (0) = 0. As T is one-to-one,
since T (v) = 0 = T (0), v = 0 and ker(T ) = {0}, the set consisting only of the zero element of
Now, we assume ker(T ) = {0}.
Goal: We want to show T is one-to-one.
To check the definition, we let u and v be vectors in V and we assume T (u) = T (v).
(We need to use the assumption that ker(T ) = {0} so we rewrite T (u) = T (v) to become
0 = T (u) − T (v) = T (u − v) since T is linear.
Since ker(T ) = {0}, u − v = 0 so u = v. This finishes the proof.

2. Let A be an m × n matrix. Prove that the columns of A are independent if and only if Nul(A) =

Answer: To talk about the columns of A, we first need to label them, so let A = [a1 , a2 , . . . , an ]
where a1 , . . . , an are all in Rm .
In this proof, we will prove both directions at the same time by making each step an IFF proof,
thereby proving both directions at the same time.
The columns of A are independent IFF the only weights x1 , . . . , xn that make
(1) x1 a1 + x2 a2 + · · · + xn an = 0
are x1 = x2= ·· · = xn = 0 by the definition of linear independence.
 x2 
Let x =  .. , then the vector equation (1) is equivalent to the matrix equation Ax = 0.
 
Therefore, the columns of  A are linearly independent IFF the matrix equation Ax = 0 has
 x2 
only the trivial solution, x =  ..  = 0.
 
Since Nul(A) is the set of all solutions to Ax = 0, this means that the columns of A are
linearly independent IFF Nul(A) = {0}, and this proves the statement.

3. Let V and W be vector spaces and let T : V → W be linear. Let {v1 , v2 , . . . , vk } span V .
(a) Prove that {T (v1 ), T (v2 ), . . . , T (vk )} spans range(T ).

Answer: Before starting, we think of the definition of range(T ) and spanning set. Then
we begin!
Let w ∈ range(T ). Then, by definition range(T ), there is a v ∈ V such that T (v) = w.
(Now relate this fact to the assumption that {v1 , . . . , vk } spans V .)
Since {v1 , . . . , vk } spans V , there are weights c1 , . . . , ck in R such that v = c1 v1 + c2 v2 +
· · · + ck vk .
(Now relate to T (v) = w.)
Then, w = T (v) = T (c1 v1 + c2 v2 + · · · + ck vk ),
By linearity we see w = T (v) = c1 T (v1 ) + c2 T (v2 ) + · · · + ck T (vk ), and, since w is an
arbitrary element of range(T ), {T (v1 ), T (v2 ), . . . , T (vk )} spans range(T ).
(b) Now assume T maps onto W . Prove that {T (v1 ), T (v2 ), . . . , T (vk )} spans W .

Answer: Since T is onto W , this means W = range(T ), and by the result of part (a),
{T (v1 ), T (v2 ), . . . , T (vk )} spans W .

4. Describe the zero vectors in the following vector spaces: Rn , Pn , M2×3 .

Answer: The point of this question is to help you realize that 0 means different things in
different vector spaces.
 So:
In Rn , 0 =  .. .
 
In Pn , 0 is the zero polynomial so ∀t ∈ R, 0(t) = 0 (for all t ∈ R, the zero polynomial
evaluated at t is equal to the number zero).
0 0 0
In M2×3 0 = , the 2 × 3 matrix with all entries being zero.
0 0 0
In each of these vector spaces, these vectors satisfy 0 + v = v + 0 = v for all v in the vector
space, which is the condition to be the zero vector.

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