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CAN THO UNIVERSITY Independence - Freedom - Happiness


1. Course: English Semantics and Pragmatics

- Code: FL204H
- Credits: 03
- Hours: 45 theory periods
2. Management department:
- Department: English Language and Culture
- Faculty/School: School of Foreign Languages
3. Prerequisites: FL201H
4. Course objectives:
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
4.1. Knowledge:

4.1.1. Acquire knowledge on the similarities and differences between English

Semantics and English Pragmatics.
4.1.2. Acquire core knowledge on Semantics and Pragmatics in relation to other
branches of Linguistics.
4.1.3. Understand basic terms in word meaning, namely semantic features, types
of meaning, semantic fields, sense, reference, homonymy, polysemy,
synonymy, antonymy, anomaly, and ambiguity.
4.1.4 Understand some figures of speech: simile, metaphor, personification,
metonymy, synecdoche, irony, hyperbole, and euphemism.
4.1.5 Acquire core knowledge on sentence meaning, namely proposition, utterance,
sentence, sentence types, paraphrase, and entailment
4.1.6 Understand utterance meaning, including presupposition, conversational
implicature, speech acts, felicity condition, performative, constatives, politeness,
co-operation, and indirectness

4.2. Skills:
4.2.1. Know and explain basic terms in both Semantics and Pragmatics.
4.2.2. Analyze and distinguish some types of meaning, homonymy vs polysemy,
simile vs metaphor, sentence vs utterance .
4.2.3. Explain errors rooted from the wrong use of words and misunderstanding
the language used in context.

4.3. Attitudes:
4.3.1. Be active, critical and creative in taking this course.
4.3.2. Be active and cooperative in pair or group activities.
4.3.3. Be well-prepared before the class, be attentive during the class, and be
diligent after the class .
5. Brief course description:
The first chapter introduces Semantics, semantic meaning and pragmatic
meaning .
Chapter 2 focuses on word meaning.
Chapter 3 presents sentence meaning.
Chapter 4 analyzes utterance meaning.
6. Course outline:

Content Periods Objectives

Chapter 1. Introduction 4.1.1, 4.1.2
Chapter 2. Word meaning 20 4.1.3, 4.1.4
2.1 Semantic features
2.2 Semantic fields
2.3 Reference and sense
2.4 Synonymy – Antonymy
2.5 Homonymy – Polysemy
2.6 Ambiguity – Anomaly
2.7 Figures of speech

Chapter 3. Sentence meaning 4.1.5

3.1 Proposition 10
3.2 Sentence types
3.3 Paraphrasing
3.4 Entailment

Chapter 4. Utterance meaning 4.1.6

4.1 Presupposition 14
4.2 Conversational implicature
4.3 Speech acts
4.4 Felicity condition
4.5 Performative and constative
4.6 Politeness, cooperation and directiveness
7. Teaching and assessment methods:
- Lecture
- Discussion
- Pair / Group presentation
8. Course requirements:
- Participate at least 80% of course sessions.
- Fulfill pair and group work activities.
- Organize self-study and group work activities.
9. Assessment of student learning outcomes:
9.1. Assessment

No. Content Requirements Wighting Objectives

1 Attendance - Attend 100% of class lessons. 20% 4.2; 4.3
- Actively involved in class
2 Group work - 1 pair / group presentation 30% 4.1; 4.2

3 Final test - 1 final test 50% 4.1; 4.2;


9.2. Grading
- Grading components and final test scores will be marked on a scale of 10 (0 to 10),
rounded to one decimal place.
- The course final score is the sum of all the components of the evaluation multiplied by
the corresponding weight. The subject score is marked on a scale of 10 and rounded to
one decimal then converted to A-B-C-D score on a scale of 4 under Can Tho University
10. Course materials:
[1] Lectures
[2]Hurford, J. (1995). Semantics: A coursebook. Cambridge:CUP.
[3] Hatch, E. (1995).Vocabulary, Semantics, and Language Education. Cambridge: CUP
[4] T h o m a s , B . J . ( 2 0 0 1 ) A d v a n c e d V o c a b u l a r y a n d I d i o m s .
Cambridge: CUP.
[5] Yule, G. (1998). Pragmatics. Oxford: OUP.
11. Self-study guide
Week Content Theory Practice Students’ duties
(periods) (periods)
1 Chapter 1 0 1 Preparing at home:
+ Material [1]: Chapter 1

1-8 Chapter 2 0 8 Preparing at home:

+ Material [1]: Chapter 2
+ Exercises 1 –26

9 - 12 Chapter 3 0 7 Preparing at home:

+ Material [1]: Chapter 3
+ Exercises 27 - 33

13 - Chapter 4 0 6 Preparing at home:

15 + Material [1]: Chapter 4
+ Exercises 34-45

Can Tho, December 25th, 2017


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