Barone 2023
Barone 2023
Barone 2023
*Candidate, Resident, Department of Health Sciences, School of S.B. and A.A. contributed equally to this manuscript.
Dentistry, Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro, Viale Europa, Conflict of Interest Statement: None of the authors have any rele-
Catanzaro, Italy. vant financial relationships with a commercial interest.
yAdjunct Professor, Section of Orthodontics and Address correspondence and reprint requests to Prof Giudice:
Temporomandibular Disorders, Department of Neurosciences, Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro, Viale Europa 88100, Cata-
Reproductive Sciences and Oral Sciences, University of Naples nzaro, Italy; e-mail: [email protected]
Federico II, Naples, Italy. Received March 9 2023
zProfessor, Department of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry, Accepted August 20 2023
School of Dentistry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. Ó 2023 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the American Association of Oral
xProfessor, Section of Orthodontics and Temporomandibular and Maxillofacial Surgeons
Disorders, Department of Neurosciences, Reproductive Sciences 0278-2391/23/01033-9
and Oral Sciences, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy.
kOral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Professor, Department of Health
Sciences, School of Dentistry, Magna Graecia University of
Catanzaro, Viale Europa, Catanzaro, Italy.
Conclusion: Despite study limitations, both orthodontic and surgical management of impacted M2M can
be effective suggesting that clinicians are able to choose best treatment for most cases.
Ó 2023 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial
J Oral Maxillofac Surg 81:1403-1421, 2023
Mandibular second molar (M2M) impaction is a with a retruded and sagittally underdeveloped
serious, although rare, disorder of eruption.1-3 mandible and a smaller mandibular gonial angle are
Although the true prevalence is still unknown, M2M morphologic features associated with impacted
impaction ranges from 0.03% to 0.65% of M2M, as shown for third molar impaction.7,10,17,21
adolescents, with a peak of 4.6% among those who Changes in eruption may alter the position of the
require orthodontic treatment.4-8 However, as mandibular second molar and alter its relationship to
recorded by Fan et al, there has been an increasing surrounding structures. To date, cone-beam computed
trend in M2M impaction in recent years.9,10 The inci- tomography (CBCT) allows a better visualization of
dence of impacted M2M is often detected between the 3-dimensional position of the impacted M2M
11 and 14 years of age, with a male preva- with more details in all the 3 spatial axes.22 In the cor-
lence.3,5,7,11,12 The diagnosis of M2M impaction can onal view, a vertically-oriented impaction of M2M
sometimes be delayed because no symptoms occur could create a closer relationship with the alveolar
and no primary tooth exfoliation is expected.13 nerve, according to its level of infraocclusion and the
Although several theories have been proposed, the eti- root development.1,4 In the axial view, a lingual posi-
ology of M2M impaction is still debated and both inter- tion of M2M could reduce the distance from the lingual
nal and external factors may be involved.4,5,7,13,14 nerve, which is close to the cortical plate.4 Both of
Internal factors may include an ectopic position of these altered eruption paths should be evaluated
the follicle or a failure of the eruption process (M2M with caution during the diagnostic phases, consid-
ankylosis).14,15 External factors depend on 1) deficit ering the potential risk of the surgical maneuvers.4,22
of retromolar space; 2) disorders of the primary denti- In the sagittal direction, a distal angulation could affect
tion; 3) alteration of adjacent permanent teeth; and 4) both the mandibular ramus and the third molar follicle,
obstacles in the M2M eruption path.4,5,7,13-15 while a mesial angulation or a more severe horizontal
Inadequate space for eruption is the most obvious impaction could result in root resorption and peri-
cause of impaction, considering the distance odontal damage of the first permanent molar.4
between the distal surface of the mandibular first To date, case reports or case series are the most
molar (M1M) and the mandibular ramus.5,7,16-18 common articles in the literature on eruption disor-
Several conditions can contribute to a reduction in ders of M2M.9,23-25 Despite the excellent results of
retromolar space, such as severe mandibular impacted M2Ms reported in these studies, a
crowding or ankylosis of the primary molar, which classification of the degree of difficulty for the
does not allow mesial displacement of the first characterization of the mandibular second molar is
permanent molar. On the other hand, premature loss still lacking.
of the primary molar could determine an excessive The purpose of this study was to systematically re-
mesial shift of the first molar, and its distal root view the treatment approaches for impacted M2M.
results in a lack of eruption guidance for M2M.4,5,13 The first objective of the meta-analysis was to summa-
As early as 1995, Shapira stated that the eruption rize the therapeutic success by analyzing the type of
path of the M2M could be compared to that of the treatment (surgical, surgical-orthodontic, or orthodon-
maxillary canine, in which the root of the lateral tic). The second objective of the meta-analysis was to
incisor plays an important guiding role.18 Eruption compare the therapeutic success rate with and
impairment could also be caused by adjacent supernu- without the third molar removal.
merary teeth or ectopic mandibular third molar (M3M)
position. However, as reported by some authors, alter- Materials and Methods
ation in the third molar position should be evaluated as
a contributing factor and not as the main cause of M2M ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA
impaction.7,13 With increasing frequency, local patho- A systematic review was conducted according to
logic bone lesion (eg, dentigerous cyst, tumor) may PRISMA guidelines and PICOS (participants, interven-
interfere with the obstructed eruption path of the tion, comparisons, outcomes, and study design)
mandibular second molar.4,5,13-15 Finally, genetic criteria including patients with mandibular second
background may influence M2M eruption in terms of molar impaction. The purpose was to analyze and
craniofacial structure.15,19,20 A class II malocclusion compare surgical and/or orthodontic treatment.
Outcomes focused on success rate, periodontal and studies, number of the included patients, type of inter-
endodontic sequelae, bone defects, and root damage. vention, methodological approach, outcomes, study
In terms of study design, randomized control trials results, and author’s conclusion.
(RCTs) and nonrandomized prospective or retrospec-
tive studies (case-control studies, cohort studies,
case series with more than 5 patients) were included. VARIABLES
Exclusion criteria were related to topic (all articles that The first predictor variable in the study was the ther-
did not fit the purpose of this study), and study design apeutic approach, which was divided into 3 cate-
(abstracts, editorials, expert opinions, animal studies, gories: surgical treatment, orthodontic treatment,
case reports, case series with less than 5 patients, and orthodontic and surgical treatment.
and review articles). Surgical treatment: This category included only sur-
gical procedures without orthodontic treatment. The
INFORMATION SOURCES, SEARCH STRATEGY, AND surgical procedures comprised surgical exposure, sur-
STUDY SELECTION gical uprighting, surgical repositioning, extraction of
the third molar alone, and strategic extraction of the
Five databases (PubMed, Cochrane Library, Google
first and second molars to properly reposition the re-
Scholar, Scopus, Web of Science) were investigated
maining teeth.
for the electronic search up to January 2023. The
Orthodontic treatment: This category involved or-
term sequence used in the PubMed search was as fol-
thodontic uprighting without any surgical procedures.
lows: ‘‘((((mandibular second molar) AND (impac-
Orthodontic interventions were utilized to achieve the
tion)) AND (therapy)) NOT (case report)) NOT
desired tooth positioning.
(systematic review)’’, ‘‘((((orthodontic treatment)
Orthodontic and surgical treatment: This category
AND (surgical treatment)) AND (impacted lower
encompassed a combination of surgical-orthodontic
second molar)) NOT (case reports[MeSH Terms]))
uprighting It involved both orthodontic techniques
NOT (review, systematic[MeSH Terms])’’, ‘‘((((ortho-
and surgical interventions, which could include
dontic treatment) OR (surgical treatment)) AND
removal of the third molar and removal of mucosal
(impacted lower second molar)) NOT (case reports
or bone coverage, as necessary, to achieve the desired
[MeSH Terms])) NOT (review, systematic[MeSH
Terms])’’. The term sequences used in the other search
The second predictor variable was the M3M
databases were: ‘‘((orthodontic treatment OR surgical
removal (yes/no).
treatment) AND (impacted lower second molar))’’
The outcomes were as follows: 1) the treatment suc-
and ‘‘(mandibular second molar) AND (impaction)
cess rate defined by the repositioning of the impacted
AND (therapy)’’ with a restricted search avoiding sys-
M2M in the dental arch with normal functional
tematic review, ‘‘((((orthodontic treatment) OR (surgi-
occlusal relationship and periodontal health; 2) the
cal treatment)) AND (impacted lower second molar))
time to repositioning defined by the time-to-event
NOT (case reports)) NOT (review, systematic)’’,
outcome; and 3) complications.
‘‘(((therapy) AND (impacted lower second molar))
NOT (case reports)) NOT (review, systematic)’’. A
manual search was performed by reading the refer- QUALITY ASSESSMENT
ence lists of the included studies. No language or pub-
The analysis of the methodological quality was per-
lication date restriction were applied.
formed independently by the same 2 investigators.
The electronic search was conducted indepen-
Nonrandomized clinical trials were assessed using
dently by 2 investigators (SB and AA). After screening
Newcastle–Ottawa quality assessment scale and ran-
titles and abstracts, studies were assessed for eligi-
domized clinical trials were assessed using the Co-
bility. Full-text reading was performed if missing infor-
chrane Collaboration Tool.26,27
mation persisted. A third author (AG) discussed and
The Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS) is a validated
resolved any disagreements between the 2 investiga-
tool based on a star rating system with 8 items in 3 do-
tors. Cohen’s kappa coefficient (k) was calculated to
mains (selection, comparability, and outcome) for the
assess inter-rater reliability between the 2 in-
qualitative assessment of the included studies. Each
study can be rated as poor, fair, or good/high quality.
The Cochrane Collaboration Tool is a validated in-
DATA ITEMS AND COLLECTION strument that assesses study design and methodology
Data extraction was performed in parallel by the according to 6 domains (selection bias, performance
same 2 authors (SB and AA) from the eligible studies. bias, detection bias, attrition bias, reporting bias, other
The following data were collected for qualitative anal- bias). Each domain expresses the risk of bias in the
ysis: author, publication date, country of the included format low, high, or unclear.
impaction related to mucosal and/or bone coverage.7,25 9 studies (Table 1, Fig 2).5,7,11,13,22,23,28,31,32 Six studies
Five studies did not specify clearly the pretreatment reported good quality.6,12,15,25,30,33 The most critical
impaction of the impacted M2M.11-13,15,32 Four studies item of the New Castle–Ottawa scale was in the
reported a short follow-up, ranging from 4 to comparability domain. The randomized prospective
6 months.6,28-30 Most of the included studies reported clinical trial showed an unclear risk of bias (Fig 2).29
a postoperative follow-up of 12 to 18 months.5,12,15,22,33
For some patients, Terry, Davis, and Pogrel were able to
record postsurgical data also up to 15, 2, and 6 years, QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS - STUDY OUTCOMES
respectively.12,30,33 Six studies did not report the Therapeutic alternatives for impacted M2M were
follow-up duration.7,11,13,23,31,32 categorized into 8 different options: orthodontic up-
In order to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of a righting, surgical-orthodontic uprighting, surgical
given technique, the following outcome variables exposure, surgical uprighting, surgical repositioning,
were considered: 1) success of M2M repositioning extraction of the first or second molar, third molar
with correct occlusion; 2) time for M2M repositioning; extraction, and surgical removal of pathologic lesions
3) M2M root damage (altered root growth, root frac- (Tables 2 and 3).5-7,11-13,15,22,23,25,28-33
ture, or root resorption); 4) M2M pulp chamber or
periodontal damage (endodontic lesion or altered 1. Orthodontic Uprighting
crestal bone height); 5) pathological condition of Five studies reported results after orthodontic up-
the continuous area (bone defects or bone lesions); righting.7,11,13,15,23 It can be performed when an
6) symptomatic sequelae; and 7) relapse or adequate coronal surface of the impacted M2M is
failure after treatment (no repositioning or M2M already visible.7,23 The mandibular second molar is
extraction).5-7,11-13,15,22,23,25,28-33 usually mesially inclined against the distal surface of
the first permanent molar.7 This procedure allows
RISK OF BIAS WITHIN STUDIES the distal tipping of M2M and its guided repositioning
through 2 available biomechanics: pushing from the
For nonrandomized studies, the analysis of the
mesial side or pulling from the distal side.7,15,23 The
methodological assessment showed fair quality in
success rate of this procedure (149 impacted M2Ms)
ranged from 46.2% to 100%.7,11,13,15,23 Young patients
Table 1. NEWCASTLE-OTTAWA QUALITY ASSESS- (12 to 19 years old) had significantly better results than
MENT adults, showing a shorter time for uprighting.7,13,23 No
correlation was found between sex and the outcomes
of orthodontic uprighting, while a more horizontal
Scale Outcome Quality
Author, Year (Range, 0-9) Assessment
M2M inclination and a greater depth contributed to
poor results.7,13,15,23 Significant advantages were re-
Johnson and Taylor, 4 Fair corded using miniscrews with direct or indirect skel-
197231 etal anchorage.7,11 As reported by several authors,
Davis et al, 197630 6 Good the presence of an adequate retromolar space for
Terry and Hegtvegt, 6 Good M2M is mandatory to achieve correct uprighting.7,11,13
199333 Orthodontic uprighting can lead to a high success rate
Pogrel, 199512 6 Good of M2M repositioning, limiting long-term complica-
Valmaseda-Castellon 4 Fair tions such as pulp necrosis or periodontal risk that
et al, 199913 are more common in surgical approaches.7,13
Going and Reyes- 4 Fair
Lois, 199932
2. Surgical-Orthodontic Uprighting
Magnusson and 6 Good
Kjellberg, 200915
Eight studies aimed to describe the postoperative re-
Kenrad et al, 2009 4 Fair sults after surgical-orthodontic uprighting of impacted
Gulses et al, 201228 4 Fair M2M.5-7,13,25,29,31,32 It is the same procedure of ortho-
Fu et al, 201223 3 Fair dontic uprighting, but its indication concerns a deeper
Padwa et al, 20175 4 Fair impaction of the mandibular second molar (mesially
La Monaca et al, 4 Fair angled with total bone impaction or horizontally posi-
20197 tioned).6,7,25,31,32 In these cases, surgery can be effec-
Abate et al, 202022 4 Fair tive in removing bone coverage, exposing the dental
Caminiti et al, 20206 6 Good crown, and eventually dislocating the tooth to allow
Lorente et al, 202225 6 Good the positioning of the orthodontic appliance for trac-
Barone et al. Managing Mandibular Second Molar Impaction. tion.5-7,25,29,31,32 Sometimes, the surgical goals could
J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2023. include the removal of the third molar to obtain
Johnson and Taylor31 Prospective case 20 M2M Periapical rx Success of M2M repositioning in Success rate: 100%
1972 series Mesially impacted (30- Surgery + orthodontics occlusion
Am J Or USA 50 between M2M and No M3M extraction NR
11-13 yr
Davis et al30 Prospective case 21 M2M Surgical uprighting (+splint - Continue root growth All teeth were in good alignment; buccal or lingual
1976 series Mesially-inclined with autogenous bone - Normality of pulp cham- inclination was recorded in 4/21 teeth after 2 yr.
Am J Or USA partially impacted graft) bers One tooth required additional treatment due to
(22.5-54 between 32% of cases - Normality of crestal bone inadequate uprighting. No periodontal pockets
M2M and M1M) height adjacent to the re- were found, and periapical radiographs showed
10-17 yr (mean age 13 yr) positioned tooth excellent bone height. In all uprighted molars,
- Pathology of continuous continued root growth occurred, and there was no
areas lesion found in the pulp chamber. Follicular cysts
were found to involve 3 impacted third molars.
Rx follow-up: immediately
post-op, 6 mo, 1 yr, 2 yr (4 pts
were lost to follow-up)
Terry and Hegtvegt33 Retrospective case 16 patients OPG - Occlusal stability All uprighted teeth achieved occlusal stability and
1993 series Partially erupted Surgical uprighting - Pulpal or periodontal have not become mobile. No pulpal or periodontal
OOOO mesioangular M2M 100% sequelae lesions have occurred during the follow-up period.
USA NR - Bone defects In the postoperative radiographic exams, bone fill
- Root resorption has been observed in the defects. No evidence of
root resorption was recorded on follow-up
1-15 yr radiographs.
Pogrel12 Retrospective case 16 patients with 22 M2M OPG - Immediate success rate The following results were reported:
1995 series Mesially impacted M2Ms Surgical uprighting (minimal - Bone defect and peri- Immediate Success rate: 17/22
Am J Or Dent Orth 11.7-17.9 yr (mean age apical movement, and no odontal lesion Splint for mobile tooth: 5/22
USA 14.1 yr) teeth were removed from - Continue root formation Continue root formation: 12/22
the sockets) - Pulp vitality18 mo-6 yr Closed apices: 22/22
18/22 Pulp vitality: 6/22
Extraction: 1/22
Table 2. Cont’d
on Retrospective case 28 M2M OPG A molar was considered functional
Eleven M2M were extracted for bad prognosis or
et al13 series 3 degrees of Different techniques: only if it had an acceptable because the patients refused a treatment. The
1999 infraocclusion (mild, surgical uprighting and position in the dental arch, success rate of conservative treatment was
Am J Or Dent Orth moderate, or severe) orthodontic traction, occluded with the antagonist, approximately 50% (1/2). The increased age at
Spain for impacted M2Ms surgical exposure, and was asymptomatic. diagnosis, severity of the cases, and the difficulty
Mean age: 17.3 2.2 yr orthodontic traction, NR and uncertainty of conservative treatment can
transplantation, and contribute to this poor result. Orthodontic
extraction. treatment of impacted M2M had a 75% (3/4)
Extraction of third molars success rate. In cases of surgical exposure with or
was considered if they without surgical luxation of M2M, M3M extraction
were found to interfere in the same operation is recommended when there
with the chosen is posterior crowding in the dental arch because
treatment (9 M3M) M3M could prevent M2M eruption even if it is not
the direct cause of the noneruption of these molars.
Going and Reyes- Case series 40 patients OPG - Success rate in terms of a Success rate: 100%. The time required for M2M
Lois32 unerupted, partially Surgical orthodontic normal functional occlusal uprighting ranged from 3 to 9 mo. Minimal
1999 impacted, mandibular uprighting relationship postoperative discomfort was reported, and there
JOMS molars The presence or absence of - Pulp or periodontal damage were no cases of paresthesia or infection.
USA NR M3M does not interfere - Root fracture
Table 2. Cont’d
Padwa et al5 Retrospective case- - Study group: 16 OPG - Primary outcome: success All uprighted molars were classified as type IA. At the
2017 control study patients with 19 Surgical uprighting or failure of the procedure latest follow-up, no periodontal bone levels on
JOMS impacted M2M M3M extraction if space for (failure defined as need for M1M or M2M were greater than 3 mm. Pulpal
USA - Control group: 16 M2M uprighting is extraction during the obliteration, periapical radiolucency, and root
patients with no missing (50% of cases) follow-up period) resorption were found in 31.6% (n = 6), 10.5%
impacted M2M - Secondary outcome vari- (n = 2), and 5.3% (n = 1) of repositioned M2M,
ables: change in the Pell respectively. Two teeth (10.5%) required extraction
Pell and Gregory
and Gregory classification, during the follow-up period. No patients reported
classification: type pain or infection during the follow-up period. The
postoperative long axis
IA (n = 5; 26.4%), mean change in the M2M angulation was
angle, postoperative peri-
type IB (n = 9; odontal bone levels on the 23.5 16.1 (P < .001). The preoperative posterior
47.3%), type IC distal aspect of the adjacent eruption space was 53.6% longer in the control
(n = 1; 5.3%), type first molar and on the than in the treatment group (P < .001), and it
IIB (n = 3; 15.7%), mesial and distal aspects of increased postoperatively more in the treatment
and type IIC (n = 1; the second molar, postop- group than in the control group (P < .001).
5.3%). The angle of erative posterior eruption
the long axis of the space, presence of periapi-
impacted M2M to cal radiolucency, pulpal
the occlusal plane obliteration, or root
Table 2. Cont’d
Caminiti et al6 Retrospective, single- 177 patients with 260 OPG - Success rate Among the 260 second molars treated in this study, 5
2020 group cohort impacted M2Ms Surgical-orthodontic - Periodontal consequences teeth (1.9%) required removal after surgical
AJO-DO study Horizontal, lingual, or uprighting - Endodontic consequences uprighting (3 for infection/abscess were removed
Canada partially erupted M2M M3M removal in 226 (86.9%) within the first month after operation, and 2 teeth
- Occlusal consequences
Mean age was failed because of fracture of the roots during
- Root development
14.5 1.7 yr for uprighting). Or the remaining successful molars (n.
females and All patients were followed for 255) at the time of follow-up, periodontal
15.1 2.2 yr for males a minimum period of 6 mo measurements showed pocketing depths greater
postsurgically (for >100 pa- than 5 mm in 17 teeth (6.7%), without bleeding on
tients the follow-up was probing. Root blunting occurred in 52 molars
longer than 5 yr). Time of (20.4%). Adequate bone fill was found in 233 teeth
follow-up ranged from 6 to based on radiographic examination (90.6%).
Endodontic examination showed all M2Ms have
22 mo (mean 12.1 mo).
tested positive on spot cold testing. Final tooth
position and the subsequent occlusal contact were
influenced by the preoperative position of the
Lorente et al25 Observational, 11 impacted M2Ms CBCT + OPG The molar eruption was considered Success rate: 100%. However, 1 molar did not reach
2022 prospective Vertical, distal, or mesial Surgically assisted successful if it erupted in a good ideal occlusion despite its appearance in the oral
M2M angulation $45
Abbreviations: CBCT, cone beam computed tomography; M1M, mandibular first molar; M2M, mandibular second molar; M3M, mandibular third molar; NR, not reported; OPG,
Barone et al. Managing Mandibular Second Molar Impaction. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2023.
by the impaction, or when there are multiple disadvan- guide the clinician in choosing the most appropriate
tages to restoring the impacted M2M.7,11,13,15 The suc- therapeutic approach among the previously listed
cess rate reported in the studies ranged from 7.7 to treatment options for M2M.7
77.3% (108 impacted M2Ms).7,11,13,15 The surgeon
has a key role because he should be able to extract
the impacted molar without damaging the periodontal
membrane of the distal tooth.15 In case of extraction of Five studies were included in the quantitative assess-
the second molar, it is possible to 1) wait for the spon- ment, and a meta-analysis for proportions was per-
taneous mesial drift of the third molar; 2) perform or- formed.6,7,11,13,15 Five studies reported data on
thodontic traction of the third molar; or 3) perform impacted M2Ms treated with orthodontic traction or
autotransplantation of the third molar in the extrac- surgical treatment alone.6,7,11,13,15 With regard to the
tion site.7,11,13,15 None of these approaches can guar- success rate, their results were subjected to a meta-
antee predictable results, considering the long-term analysis for proportions.6,7,11,13,15 Significant differ-
prognosis of the tooth.7,11,13,15 Mesial drifting of ences were found between surgical treatment alone
M3M is indicated only if it is a bud without root devel- (222 M2Ms) and orthodontic treatment alone (23
opment.7,13,15 The most important suggestion is to M2Ms) for M2M uprighting (I2 = 13%; OR = 4.97;
monitor the occlusal result, either because the mesial 95% CI: 1.49 to 16.51; P = .01) (Fig 3).7,11,13,15 Addi-
drifting could be associated with a mesial tipping, or tionally, no significant differences were observed
because the upper antagonist could extrude exces- when comparing surgical treatment alone (176
sively.7,13 Orthodontic treatment is probably a good M2Ms) to a combination of surgical and orthodontic
option, mainly considering the new available devices treatment (196 M2Ms) (I2 = 84%; OR = 1.00; 95% CI:
that could improve the final outcomes.11 On the con- 0.03 to 37.44; P = .99), or when comparing orthodon-
trary, autotransplantation can cause unpredictable tic treatment alone (18 M2Ms) to a combination of or-
pulpal necrosis and periodontal damage, mainly in thodontic and surgical treatment (46 M2Ms) (I2 = 0%;
adult patients in whom the root development OR = 4.14; 95% CI: 0.43 to 40.14; P = .22) (Figs 4,
is complete.7 5).6,7,11,13,15 A meta-analysis for proportions was also
performed to evaluate the therapeutic success rate in
7. Extraction of Third Molar relation to M3M removal (Fig 6). Four studies were
The results of third molar extraction were reported included: a total of 280 M2Ms were treated in addition
in 4 included studies.7,11,15,29 Surgical removal of M3M to third molar extraction, while in 164 cases the M3M
is indicated when the third molar is an obstacle to the was not removed.6,11,13,15 Given the heterogeneity
eruption path of the impacted M2M, which is still able (I2 = 75%), the random effects model was selected.
to erupt.7 The success rate ranged from 33 to 100% (62 No difference between the 2 groups was observed
impacted M2Ms).7,11,15 To achieve good results, M3M (OR = 1.98; CI 0.24 to 16.03; P = .5).
removal should be supported by an early diagnosis The time-to-event analyses recorded that median
of M2M impaction to improve and correct its eruption time when the event (M2M repositioning) occurred
path.7,11 In most cases, M3M extraction can be a surgi- in the 50% of patients was 0 days after surgical treat-
cal procedure combined with the other approaches ment, 180 days after surgical-orthodontic treatment,
described previously (surgical-orthodontic uprighting; and 108 days after orthodontic treatment (P = .0001)
surgical uprighting; surgical repositioning).7,11,15,29 In (Fig 7). Over a 6-month follow-up, the majority of
these cases, the surgical removal of the third molar can M2Ms (approximately 80% after orthodontic treat-
be useful to obtain sufficient space for M2M replace- ment, and 70% after surgical or surgical-orthodontic
ment in the dental arch, mainly in late adolescents.7 treatment) were effectively repositioned. Within the
Regarding the treatment time, Cassetta and colleagues initial year, all techniques exhibited roughly an 80%
found no difference comparing M2M uprighting with positive outcome rate.
or without surgical removal of M3M in younger pa-
tients (approximately 5.7 months).29
8. Surgical Removal of Pathologic Lesions Therapeutic approaches for impacted mandibular
Two studies described the management of impacted second molars require a synergy between oral sur-
M2M involved in pathologic lesions.7,28 The preva- geons and orthodontists to define an accurate diag-
lence ranged from 19 to 33%.7,28 Surgery may be per- nosis and consider the degree of difficulty of each
formed to remove bone lesions for histopathologic case. This systematic review aimed to summarize the
analysis.7,28 In these cases, the extent of the lesion, therapeutic strategies for M2M impaction, with a
the location of the impacted M2M, its root develop- meta-analysis focusing on the difference in success
ment, and the conditions of the adjacent teeth should rates between orthodontic and surgical therapy.
FIGURE 3. Random-effects and meta-analysis on the therapeutic successful rate (event) by comparing orthodontic (experimental) and surgical
(control) treatment for impacted M2Ms.
Barone et al. Managing Mandibular Second Molar Impaction. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2023.
An accurate diagnosis of M2M impaction is manda- biomechanics. The final decision depends on diag-
tory to define the best approach among the different nostic items, patient-related factors, and operator-
therapeutic options. This condition should be recog- related items. Diagnostic items include the available
nized as early as possible in order to start treatment diagnostic tools, the severity of impaction, the pres-
at the optimal age.14 Early adolescence has been ence of pathologic bone lesions, and the current status
considered the best time to treat impacted M2M of the involved and adjacent teeth. Patient-related
because its root development is not complete and items include the patient’s age and cooperation with
the third molar is still a germ bud.4,14,15,29,34 Although treatment. Operator-related items include the ortho-
some authors reported good results in adult patients, dontist’s skill in using the available devices, the sur-
younger subjects had better outcomes with a faster geon’s skill in performing the most appropriate
improvement of their clinical condition.1,4,14,23 procedure, and their previous experience.
The therapeutic decision for impacted M2Ms should A total of 1,008 impacted mandibular second molars
be made after a synergistic collaboration between the were analyzed in this systematic review. Most of the
oral surgeon and the orthodontist. Thirty surgical and impacted M2Ms were treated combining surgical treat-
orthodontic considerations should be assessed sepa- ment and orthodontic traction with a high success
rately to highlight the risks and benefits of the available rate.5-7,11,13,23,25,15,29,31,32 Considering the nature of
treatment options. A 3-dimensional analysis, which the included articles, which primarily consist of retro-
evaluates M2M impaction in all 3 spatial axes, is funda- spective cohort studies, our meta-analysis was limited
mental for both the surgeons, who must avoid intrao- to 5 studies.6,7,11,13,15 However, these studies provided
perative damage to surrounding structures, and the valuable data that allowed for comparative analyses of
orthodontist, who must manage the most favorable the different treatment strategies.6,7,11,13,15 Although
FIGURE 4. Random-effects and meta-analysis on the therapeutic successful rate (event) by comparing surgical-orthodontic (experimental) and
surgical (control) treatment for impacted M2Ms.
Barone et al. Managing Mandibular Second Molar Impaction. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2023.
FIGURE 5. Random-effects and meta-analysis on the therapeutic successful rate (event) by comparing orthodontic (experimental) and surgical-
orthodontic (control) treatment for impacted M2Ms.
Barone et al. Managing Mandibular Second Molar Impaction. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2023.
the variations in sample sizes among the different surgical-orthodontic therapy) were effectively reposi-
treatment groups should be considered when inter- tioned. The slight variance in timing between ortho-
pretating the results, our meta-analysis consistently dontic and surgical-orthodontic therapies can be
shows the effectiveness of surgical treatment in man- attributed to the increased complexity of cases
aging M2M impaction.7,11,13,15 In a distinct subset of managed via the surgical-orthodontic approach, which
impacted M2Ms, immediate success is achieved demands additional surgical steps alongside orthodon-
through the surgical procedure itself, swiftly reposi- tic traction, especially in instances of deeper impac-
tioning M2Ms within the dental arch. The orthodontic tion or complete inclusion. This extended timeframe
treatment is frequently necessary to stabilize the posi- accounts for the difference of a few months. Neverthe-
tion of the repositioned M2M or refine the occlusal less, over the first year, all techniques exhibited an
relationship. On the other hand, the orthodontic approximate 80% rate of positive outcomes. In the
approach often requires the support of surgical tech- balancing of surgical and orthodontic approaches,
niques to achieve successful outcomes, and moderate anamnestic data can be very important in the diag-
evidence supports this conclusion.7,11,13,15 Prior to or- nostic phase and can influence clinical manage-
thodontic traction, surgical procedures can effectively ment.4,5,35 As reported previously, age is not
remove mucosal and bone coverage, thereby exposing considered an obstacle in the treatment of impacted
the dental crown for a proper positioning of the ortho- M2M, but a more favorable prognosis could be
dontic appliance. Additionally, surgery can also assist achieved when the M2M roots are not yet fully devel-
in dislocating the tooth and removing any obstructing oped.7,12,13 As described by La Monaca and colleagues,
third molars, if necessary. Within this cohort, a 6- tooth movement in adolescents is easier and more
month follow-up period revealed that a majority of appropriate than in adults, who are often intolerant
M2Ms (approximately 80% following orthodontic to fixed orthodontic therapy.7 Furthermore, in the
treatment and around 70% following surgical or decision-making protocol, the initial M2M angulation
FIGURE 6. Random-effects and meta-analysis on the therapeutic successful rate (event) with (experimental) and without (control) third molar
Barone et al. Managing Mandibular Second Molar Impaction. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2023.
FIGURE 7. The Kaplan-Meier curve depicting the time to M2M repositioning is represented by the solid line, indicating the probability of a
successful outcome over time. Dotted lines delineate the confidence intervals of this event probability. As is evident from the visual representation,
it’s clear that within the cohort of impacted M2Ms, only a subset after surgical treatment achieved this outcome at t = 0 days, attributable to the
concurrent implementation of a surgical procedure and successful repositioning within the dental arch (where the surgical procedure coincided
with successful repositioning). Over a 6-month follow-up period, a majority of M2Ms (approximately 80% after orthodontic treatment and 70%
after surgical or surgical-orthodontic treatment) were effectively repositioned. Within the initial year, all techniques demonstrated an approxi-
mate 80% positive outcome rate.
Barone et al. Managing Mandibular Second Molar Impaction. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2023.
can also play an important role.4,7 The sample extraction when possible.6,11,13,15 Considering a total
analyzed in this study was mostly characterized by of 444 M2Ms, different therapies were considered in
mesially inclined M2Ms with different severity of addition to or without M3M removal. As reported in
bone impaction. Mesial inclination is the most com- this review, M3M removal is often part of other strate-
mon position for impacted M2M, mainly due to an gies, because third molar extraction alone could be
abnormal eruption path.4,7,36 This position often al- the successful treatment only in selected cases of early
lows for a less complex treatment for M2M reposition- diagnosis of mild M2M impaction that does not require
ing, as the tooth usually still has the potential to erupt. significant uprighting maneuvers. Sometimes, the surgi-
Regarding M2M angulation, the calculation of the cal goals could include the removal of the third molar to
angle between the long axis of the M2M and the per- obtain sufficient space for M2M repositioning.5,6,25,29,32
manent first molar can be crucial, ranging from 13 As reported by Kim et al, the development of the retro-
to 75 .15,19,23,37-41 Depending on the severity of M2M molar space can be predicted by age and sex, as it in-
impaction, surgery can effectively remove bone creases by 1.5 mm per year in girls and boys up to 14
coverage, expose the dental crown, and eventually and 16 years of age, respectively. Furthermore, as
dislocate the tooth to allow the positioning of the shown by Padwa et al, surgical procedures could also
orthodontic appliance for traction.5-7,25,29,31,32 The improve mandibular bone remodelling in adolescents.5
more appropriate clinical approach for M2M impac- The results of this comparative analysis support the
tion should also focus on periodontal evaluation. notion that the third molar does not interfere with
Although Padwa and colleagues found that peri- M2M uprighting if it is not a physical obstacle to the
odontal defects did not worsen after orthodontic up- eruption path of M2M. As reported in the literature,
righting of impacted M2Ms, an accurate preoperative retention of the third molar could be doubly useful.5
evaluation should be mandatory to support the deci- It could simulate a distal wedge effect, improving the
sions of both the surgeon and the orthodontist.5 postoperative stability during M2M uprighting.5 In
The decision-making protocol for the therapeutic cases of failure of M2M uprighting, it could be replaced
approach for impacted M2Ms should also consider by a spontaneous or guided mesial drift.5
the necessity of third molar removal. The results of A noteworthy aspect to consider is the quality of the
this review could support clinicians in avoiding M3M existing literature on this topic, which presents a
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