Anemia Hemolitica
Anemia Hemolitica
Anemia Hemolitica
Hemolytic Anemia
Andrew Mackin, BVMS, MVS, DVSc, DACVIM
Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine
Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA) is Secondary IMHA: Associative IMHA has been
one of the more commonly encountered causes strongly linked with organisms that infect red
of anemia in dogs and cats. IMHA can affect blood cells (RBCs) (e.g., Babesia species in dogs
animals of any age, but it most commonly affects and Mycoplasma haemofelis in cats) and much
young adult and middle-aged dogs and cats. more speculatively with feline leukemia virus
infection, medications (particularly sulfur drugs
The condition can either be primary in dogs and antithyroid medications in cats),
(nonassociative), in which the immune disease recent vaccination, or neoplasia.1 Suspected
has no known causative trigger, or secondary secondary IMHA may also follow bee stings and
(associative), in which the trigger or cause is an elapid snake bites.2,3 However, for many of these
underlying condition.1 Practically speaking, proposed potential triggers, causation has not
although a cause for secondary IMHA can often been definitively established.
be suspected on the basis of a temporal
association with drug administration or
underlying disease, proving causation is usually PATHOPHYSIOLOGY
impossible. Although primary and secondary IMHA in dogs and cats is an antibody-mediated
IMHA occurs in dogs and cats, primary IMHA disease. It’s a classic example of a cytotoxic
is more common in dogs and secondary IMHA (type II) immune-mediated reaction in which
is more common in cats. antibody and complement attachment to the
surface of RBCs leads to hemolysis. Hemolysis
Primary IMHA: Although it has no obvious can be extravascular (antibody-coated RBCs are
identifiable cause, primary IMHA is associated recognized and phagocytosed by macrophages in
with an inherited predisposition in dogs, most organs such as the spleen) or intravascular
commonly cocker spaniels, springer spaniels, and (antibody and complement on the RBC surface
poodles. lead to direct cell lysis within the circulation).
Extravascular hemolysis: With the more common inflammation associated with IMHA leads to a
extravascular hemolysis, hemoglobin is released inside functional iron deficiency (anemia of chronic disease).4
macrophages and eventually metabolized to bilirubin.
Excessive bilirubin production can sometimes
overwhelm hepatobiliary metabolic pathways, leading CLINICAL PRESENTATION
to hyperbilirubinemia and jaundice (FIGURE 1). Many Most commonly, dogs and cats with IMHA exhibit
patients with IMHA, however, never become clinically clinical features suggestive of moderate to severe
jaundiced. anemia: pale mucous membranes, lethargy, exercise
intolerance, and collapse. Physical examination will
Intravascular hemolysis: With the less common often reveal tachycardia, tachypnea, and strong
intravascular hemolysis, intracellular hemoglobin is (bounding) pulses associated with the sympathetic
released directly into the circulation, leading to stimulation triggered by local tissue hypoxia. Patients
hemoglobinemia, hemoglobinuria, and potentially with severe anemia often have a grade 1 to grade 2
kidney damage caused by hemoglobinuric nephrosis. systolic left-sided (hemic) murmur. Some patients with
extravascular hemolysis will exhibit mild to marked
Intuitively, because hemolysis involves peripheral jaundice, and patients with intravascular hemolysis will
destruction of RBCs, resultant anemia would be have hemoglobinemia (red-pink serum) and
expected to be highly regenerative as the marrow hemoglobinuria (dark “port wine” urine) (FIGURE 2).
responds (within 3 to 5 days) by maximizing
production of new RBCs. However, some cases of Some patients also show signs consistent with enhanced
IMHA are actually poorly regenerative, either because inflammatory and mononuclear phagocytic processes,
antibodies against RBCs are also directed against including inappetence, a low-grade fever, mild
marrow erythroid precursors or because the lymphadenopathy, and palpable splenomegaly. Such
signs are often erroneously interpreted as evidence of
infection. Occasionally, affected animals will have
Evans syndrome, a combination of IMHA and
immune-mediated thrombocytopenia; these patients
may exhibit bleeding in the form of cutaneous and
mucosal petechiae and ecchymoses, melena, and
hematuria. A common complication of IMHA is
pulmonary thromboembolism; affected patients will
often exhibit acute onset of dyspnea.
needed, by use of advanced imaging techniques such as blood on a microscope slide (FIGURE 5) and the
contrast-enhanced computed tomography and sample is gently mixed by tilting the slide while
pulmonary scintigraphy. watching for gross agglutination (speckles) (FIGURE 6).
The test should be performed with saline and blood at
or above room temperature to avoid an erroneous
Immunologic Testing false-positive result caused by cold agglutination, a
Strictly speaking, diagnosis of IMHA requires result of dubious diagnostic significance. If gross
confirmation of the immune-mediated nature of the agglutination is not observed, a cover slip is placed over
disease. Although many different immunologic tests the sample and the slide is inspected microscopically
have been used over the years, 2 particular tests have for microagglutination (strongly adhered RBC clumps).
stood the test of time: in-saline agglutination testing Both gross and microscopic agglutination support a
and Coombs’ testing. diagnosis of IMHA. In-saline agglutination test
specificity can be increased by adding saline washing
In-Saline Agglutination Testing: In many patients steps before assessing for agglutination.9 Because RBC
with IMHA, particularly those with high levels of agglutination does not occur in many IMHA patients,
antibody bound to cell membranes, RBCs can be a negative in-saline agglutination test result does not
strongly adhered to each other by antibodies attached rule out IMHA.
to more than one RBC. Resultant RBC
autoagglutination is noted by visible red speckles in Coombs’ Testing: The most common send-out test
anticoagulated blood (FIGURE 4) and by rapid used to confirm a diagnosis of IMHA is the Coombs’
separation of RBCs from plasma in blood samples that test, or direct antiglobulin test (DAT), which detects
stand in tubes without mixing. This immune-mediated antibodies and/or complement bound to RBC
agglutination process is so strong that no amount of membranes. Many laboratories use a polyvalent mix of
washing with saline will separate attached RBCs, antibodies directed against IgG, IgM, and complement.
whereas rouleaux formation (another process that The end point of the DAT is RBC agglutination, and
causes RBCs to adhere to each other in sick patients addition of antibodies that bind to IgG, IgM, or
and leads to visible speckles) is readily dispersed by complement on the cell membrane increases the
saline. A positive in-saline agglutination test, therefore, number of antibodies bound to RBCs, leading to
strongly suggests a diagnosis of IMHA and is often agglutination in samples that would otherwise not have
thought to indicate a more severe disease process. true autoagglutination. Test sensitivity is therefore
increased compared with slide agglutination, albeit
The simplest in-clinic version of in-saline agglutination with potentially decreased test specificity. With use of a
testing is the slide agglutination test, in which 4 to polyvalent mix of antibodies, DAT sensitivity is
10 drops of saline are added to 1 drop of anticoagulated reported to typically range from 60% to a little over
FIGURE 5. In-saline slide agglutination test process. A drop FIGURE 6. Strong positive in-saline slide agglutination in
of EDTA anticoagulated blood has already been added to a blood from a jaundiced dog with IMHA; red speckles persist
microscope slide, and 4 drops of saline are being added. despite addition of saline.
80%, and test specificity is generally 95% or above.10,11 IgA, and complement as well as a standard polyvalent
Modifications to the standard DAT that may increase antibody/complement mix. Because, depending on the
diagnostic value include running the test at different method used, the diagnostic accuracy of the DAT can
temperatures and a wide range of titers and using vary from mediocre to highly accurate, a patient can
individual monovalent antibodies against IgG, IgM, potentially have IMHA despite a negative DAT result.10
(must be present)
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
and phosphofructokinase deficiency in some Another diagnostic clue for dogs and cats that are
affected dog breeds suspected to have IMHA but do not meet initial
Osmotic fragility testing to detect hereditary criteria for a definitive diagnosis is an appropriate
increases in RBC fragility in affected breeds of response to immunosuppressive therapy.
cats and dogs. True IMHA, however, can also
cause increased RBC osmotic fragility.12
■ Testing for hemostasis THERAPY
Evaluation of prothrombin time, partial Because IMHA is an immune-mediated disease,
thromboplastin time, D-dimer, and treatment has typically been centered on suppressing
antithrombin if hemolysis is suspected to result the immune system and providing supportive care to
from microangiopathic RBC damage and an keep the patient stable until the immune-mediated
associated consumptive coagulopathy, component of the disease is controlled. Careful initial
particularly in patients for which schistocytes diagnostic evaluation is needed to ensure that the
are seen on blood smear patient does not have nonimmune hemolytic anemia or
■ Bone marrow evaluation (aspiration IMHA secondary to an underlying trigger such as
cytology and/or histopathology biopsy) babesiosis or mycoplasmosis; otherwise, standard
Marrow evaluation for patients with suspected therapy will probably be at best ineffective and at worst
IMHA associated with precursor-targeted dangerous.
immune-mediated anemia13,14
Marrow evaluation for patients with
glucocorticoids alone. For dogs, the standard Many drugs have been used as a second
recommended glucocorticoid therapy is oral prednisone immunosuppressive agent for dogs with IMHA, but
or prednisolone at a starting dose of 2 mg/kg q24h (for strong evidence for efficacy is lacking. The ACVIM
large breed dogs, a lower dose of 1 to 1.5 mg/kg q24h recently published a consensus statement regarding the
or 50 to 60 mg/m2 q24h is suggested). For dogs, no treatment of IMHA in dogs and suggested
evidence indicates that twice daily dosing with consideration of azathioprine, mycophenolate mofetil,
prednisone or prednisolone is any more effective than cyclosporine, or leflunomide as reasonable choices for a
once daily dosing, and side effects tend to be more second agent.16 Although it is uncommon for cats with
pronounced with twice daily dosing.15 Cats typically IMHA to need therapy beyond glucocorticoids,
need, and tolerate, a higher dosage of glucocorticoids; mycophenolate mofetil, cyclosporine, and leflunomide
prednisolone (preferable to prednisone in cats) is (but not azathioprine) can all be used in cats with
typically commenced at 2 mg/kg PO q12h. For IMHA that is refractory to glucocorticoids.
patients that do not tolerate oral therapy, injectable
dexamethasone can be substituted, usually at
approximately one-seventh of the calculated prednisone Azathioprine
or prednisolone doses. Azathioprine, a purine synthesis inhibitor that inhibits
lymphocyte proliferation, has long been used to treat
Recommended glucocorticoid starting doses are IMHA in dogs. The recommended starting dose for
typically considered to be immunosuppressive, and dogs is 2 mg/kg PO q24h. Azathioprine is usually well
such doses are indicated for patients with acute and tolerated, but a reversible hepatopathy develops in up
severe IMHA. These starting doses, however, are poorly to 15% of treated dogs.17 For this reason, liver enzymes
tolerated over the long term and are often associated of dogs receiving azathioprine should be monitored
with numerous unacceptable side effects including regularly, and azathioprine should be discontinued if
polyuria/polydipsia, polyphagia, panting and the ALT level rapidly rises beyond that expected from
hyperventilation, muscle weakness and atrophy, glucocorticoids alone. Less common side effects include
hepatomegaly and a pot belly, alopecia, susceptibility to mild anemia and (rarely) severe neutropenia.
infection (e.g., pyoderma and urinary tract infections), Azathioprine is dangerously myelosuppressive in cats;
calcinosis cutis, poor wound healing, and increased risk therefore, its use in cats is not recommended.
for pulmonary thromboembolism. For this reason,
although starting doses of glucocorticoids are often
effective at treating initial episodes of IMHA, tapering Mycophenolate Mofetil
of starting doses should usually begin within a few Mycophenolate mofetil, another purine synthesis
weeks of commencing therapy. inhibitor, has recently gained popularity for treatment
of IMHA in dogs. The recommended starting dose is
8 to 12 mg/kg PO q12h. The most common side
Other Immunosuppressive Agents effect, which occurs in about 20% of treated dogs, is
Glucocorticoids alone may not be sufficient to control diarrhea, which can sometimes be severe and is most
immune disease in patients with severe or refractory common at doses higher than the currently
IMHA. Even when glucocorticoids are initially recommended starting dose.
effective, unacceptably high doses with associated
steroid side effects may be needed to maintain IMHA
remission. In these circumstances, a second Cyclosporine
immunosuppressive agent is often added to the Cyclosporine, a calcineurin inhibitor that inhibits T-cell
therapeutic regimen to either increase the chances of function, seems to be the most potent
initial remission or enable more rapid tapering of immunosuppressive agent standardly available for
glucocorticoid doses for patients experiencing veterinary use. The recommended starting dose for the
unacceptable steroid side effects. A second treatment of IMHA in dogs is 5 mg/kg PO q12h of the
immunosuppressive agent is much more commonly most bioavailable modified (microemulsified)
used in dogs than in cats, probably because cats are formulation of the drug. Unlike other
more likely to respond to glucocorticoid monotherapy immunosuppressive agents, cyclosporine has a
and because they also seem to be less sensitive to steroid veterinary-approved formulation, which enables
side effects. accurate dosing in smaller patients. The most common
1. Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA) is a 6. Which red blood count abnormality strongly
good example of which type of immune-mediated supports a diagnosis of IMHA in dogs?
reaction? a. Heinz bodies
a. Type I (allergic) b. Eccentrocytes
b. Type II (cytotoxic) c. Schistocytes
c. Type III (immune complex) d. Spherocytes
d. Type IV (delayed)
7. Which of the following immunosuppressive agents
2. Which of the following clinical features does not has no known marrow suppressive effects?
strongly suggest the presence of intravascular a. Azathioprine
hemolysis? b. Mycophenolate mofetil
a. Hemoglobinemia c. Leflunomide
b. Hemoglobinuria d. Cyclosporine
c. Jaundice
d. Ghost cells 8. Which of the following immunosuppressive agents
is considered to be highly dangerous in cats?
3. Which organ is most likely to be damaged by the a. Prednisolone
presence of intravascular hemolysis? b. Cyclosporine
a. Brain c. Mycophenolate mofetil
b. Heart d. Azathioprine
c. Liver
d. Kidney 9. Which is the preferred blood product for
transfusing dogs with IMHA?
4. Which of the following infectious diseases has a. Fresh frozen plasma
been strongly associated with secondary IMHA b. Packed red blood cells that are fresh or have
in dogs? been stored for fewer than 10 days
a. Brucellosis c. Whole blood that is fresh or has been stored for
b. Leptospirosis fewer than 10 days
c. Babesiosis d. Whole blood that has been stored for more than
d. Bartonellosis 10 days
5. Evans syndrome should be suspected in IMHA 10. Which of the following anticoagulants used to
patients that have what abnormality on routine prevent pulmonary thromboembolism can be
complete blood count evaluation? given orally?
a. Marked thrombocytopenia a. Unfractionated heparin
b. Marked neutrophilia b. Dalteparin
c. Pancytopenia c. Enoxaparin
d. Schistocytosis d. Rivaroxaban