1 April 2024 - 5 April 2024
Penggal: 1 Minggu: 4 Tarikh: 1/4/2024 Hari: Isnin
Learning objectives
M By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to guess the meaning of at least 5 words based on contextual clues.
C By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to read and answer at least 4 questions correctly.
Lesson Procedures
Pre-lesson: Teacher writes electricity on the board and pupils brainstorm the uses of electricity in groups.
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils refer to page 8 Activity 1. Pupils read and discuss the questions in small groups. Pupils read the text to find out the answers.
2. Pupils refer to the map on page 8 and guess which country does the map show, guess the which area is in red based on the picture of buildings.
3. Pupils refer to Activity 2. Pupils look at the text and choose the type of text. Pupils also share how they know it is a newspaper text.
4. Teacher explains that Activity 3, pupils identify the four features in the newspaper text. Pupils share their answers orally.
5. Pupils refer to the vocabulary panel in Activity 4. Teacher explains that pupils will scan the text to find the words in the vocabulary panel. Pupils guess the
meaning of the words from the words before and after the words in bold. (PBD)
Post-lesson: Pupils check the answers in textbook page 134.
35/36 pupils could tell the meaning of the words and answer comprehension questions based on the text.
科目 / 班级 :体育/ 4C 日期/时间 : 1/4/2024 /9:00-9:30am
主题/题目 : 单元一:平衡大比拼
内容标准 : 1.2 能够做出正确的直体往后倒和着地动作姿势 学习标准 : 1.2.1 在协助下, 进行直体往后倒和着地动作
2.2 能够实践直体往后倒和着地动作概念 2.2.1 能够说明直体往后倒和着地动作概念
学习目标 : 学生能够以正确的姿势做出直体往后倒和着地 I – Think :-
跨课程元素 : 企业家元素 教具 : 哨子、垫子
活动 1. 全体学生做热身运动。
2. 学生聆听教师说明直体往后倒和着地动作姿势。
3. 学生复述直体往后倒和着地动作概念。学生进行“大树倒下来”的游戏。(课堂评估)
4. 教师巡视并及时纠正动作不标准的学生。
5. 学生进行松弛运动。
反思 35/35 名学生能够学生能够以正确的姿势做出直体往后倒和着地动作及说出动作的概念。2/37 名学生须给予个别辅导。
Learning objectives
M By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen and respond with at least 1 appropriate answer.
C By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to read and share their opinions on informing parents about their whereabouts and who they’re with.
Lesson Procedures
Teacher writes ‘That’s ______’s desk’ on the board. Pupils suggest a name to the teacher to fill in the blank. Pupils are encouraged to try
the sentence on the board to describe their friends’ objects.
1. Pupils refer to textbook page 7 Activity 1 and asked to say the sentences. Pupils are asked if they notice the sound of apostrophe ‘s’;
is it /s/ or /z/
2. Teacher guides pupils to do Activity 2. Pupils say out the phrases in pairs. Some pupils are called out to write the phrases on the
3. Pupils listen to audio CD1-08. Pupils listen and read the sentences in Activity 3 with the correct words at the end.
Lesson delivery
4. Teacher asks pupils if they can find another word that ends with ‘s’ with /z/ sound.
5. Pupils conduct a think-pair-share session on why it’s important for their parents to know their whereabouts, what they do and who
they’re with.
5. Pupils refer to Activity 4. Pupils can copy the tables into their exercise books. In pairs, pupils take turns to listen and respond to their
partner. (PBD)
Post lesson Teacher walks around and points at a few pupils’ objects. Selected pupils can answer by saying, “That’s _______’s (object)”.
33/36 pupils could listen and identify the words with the target sounds. 33/36 pupils could read and share their opinions on informing parents about their
whereabouts and who they’re with. 3 pupils needed guidance on the topic learnt.
Learning objectives
M By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to transfer at least 4 information correctly form the email to the biodata.
C By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to read and answer at least 5 questions correctly during the game.
Lesson Procedures
Pre-lesson Pupils are asked if they have sent an email before.
1. Pupils refer to textbook page 11. Pupils look at the picture and shares what the email is about.
2. Pupils create a biodata based on Activity 2 in page 11 in their exercise books. Pupils transfer information from the email to the
Lesson delivery biodata.
3. Pupils exchange books with their friends to discuss and tick if it’s correct.
4. Pupils play the ‘Fan and Pick’ game with their group members.
Post lesson Pupils share about their favourite sport.
30/30 pupils could transfer information correctly form the email to the biodata. 30/30 pupils could read and answer 5 questions correctly during the game.
Learning objectives
M By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to transfer at least 4 information correctly form the email to the biodata.
C By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to read and answer at least 5 questions correctly during the game.
Lesson Procedures
Pre-lesson Pupils are asked if they have sent an email before.
1. Pupils refer to textbook page 11. Pupils look at the picture and shares what the email is about.
2. Pupils create a biodata based on Activity 2 in page 11 in their exercise books. Pupils transfer information from the email to the
Lesson delivery biodata.
3. Pupils exchange books with their friends to discuss and tick if it’s correct.
4. Pupils play the ‘Fan and Pick’ game with their group members.
Post lesson Pupils share about their favourite sport.
34/35 pupils could transfer information correctly form the email to the biodata. 34/35 pupils could read and answer 5 questions correctly during the
game. A pupil needed guidance on the topic learnt.
4.3.1 Use capital letters, full stops, question marks and commas in lists appropriately in guidedpeople
2.1.5 Describe writing at objects
and discourse level
using suitable statements
Learning objectives
M By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to use capital letters, full stops and commas in at least 5 sentences correctly.
C By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to describe people to fill in at least 4 blanks correctly.
Lesson Procedures
Pre-lesson Pupils do a recap on main format of an email.
1. Pupils refer to textbook page 11 to read the email again.
2. Pupils are shown another picture and an email text with blanks. Pupils are called out to the front to fill in the blanks as other
Lesson delivery friends guide them orally.
3. Pupils write an email about themselves in their exercise books to reply the email from the textbook (M). Pupils are guided to write
sentences. (PBD)
Post lesson Pupils exchange books with their friends from other groups to read their email write-up.
30/30 pupils could use capital letters, full stops and commas in at least 5 sentences correctly. 30/30 pupils could describe people and fill in the blanks
Learning objectives
M By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to read and match at last 4 antonyms correctly.
C By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to write at least 3 sentences using the adjectives to describe a phone.
Lesson Procedures
Pre-lesson: Teacher writes a few adjectives on the board (big, small, fast, slow). Teacher explains that these words are adjectives and gives a sample sentence.
Teacher asks pupils to share sample sentences using other adjectives that they might know.
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils refer the adjective in textbook page 8 Activity 1. Pupils are asked if they know of other adjectives starting with ‘un-‘. Pupils share their answers.
2. Teacher explains that pupils are going to read the text with 8 adjectives in blue. Pupils are guided by CD1-09. Pupils match the blue words with their
opposites in the box. (PBD)
3. Pupils listen to their audio again to check their answers.
4. Teacher writes a few words (screen, keys, answer key, end call key, sim card, ringtone, charger, hands free). Teacher holds up his/her phone and ask pupils
if they the words on the board.
5. Pupils are asked to write the adjectives that they can use to describe a phone.
6. Teacher writes an adjective and a sample sentence using the adjective to describe a phone.
7. Pupils write 3 sentences using the adjectives that they have written to describe phone.
Post-lesson: Pupils share their sentences with the class.
36/36 pupils could read and match at last 4 antonyms correctly. 36/36 pupils could write sentences using adjectives to describe a phone.
Learning objectives
M By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to listen and point to at least 5 pictures correctly.
C By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to listen and say out the ending sounds of at least 5 words correctly.
Lesson Procedures
Pre-lesson Ask pupils what subjects they are good at and what subjects they are bad at.
1. Pupils are given a set of puzzles. Pupils match the pictures of the subjects to the words.
2. Pupils listen to a song (CD 1 Track 19) and are asked to guess what the song is about.
Lesson delivery
3. Each pupil in the group takes the piece of puzzle with subject pictures on it. Teacher plays the song and pupils raise the pictures
according to the lyrics.
Post-lesson: Pupils sing the song and share why they like and don’t like certain subjects in a think-pair-share session with their group
Post lesson
29/30 pupils could listen and point to at least 5 pictures correctly. 29/30 pupils could listen and say out the ending sounds of the words correctly.
Learning objectives
M By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen and discuss the questions with at least 1 suitable answer.
C By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen and answer at least 1 question for each dialogue correctly.
Lesson Procedures
Pre-lesson: Teacher asks pupils what would they do if there’s an emergency at home. Pupils think and share their thoughts.
1. Pupil refer to textbook page 13 Activity 1. Teacher asks a few questions while pupils look at the pictures. Ex: Where are they? Do they look happy? What
are they doing? Pupils share their thoughts.
3. Pupils listen to audio 1.4 and check their answers. (1.b, 2.c, and 3.a)
4. Pupils listen to the audio again and answer the questions in Activity 3 in their exercise books. Teacher and pupils discuss the answers.
5. Pupils write Activity 4 in their exercise books. Pupils listen to the audio and answer the questions. (PBD)
6. Pupils write the questions from Activity 5 and try to discuss the questions with their partners.
Post-lesson: Teacher and pupils discuss the questions. Pupils vote on which they think is the popular job between firefighter, astronaut and captain.
34/36 pupils could listen and discuss the questions. 34/36 pupils could listen and answer the question for each dialogue. 2 pupils needed guidance on the
lesson learnt.
Learning objectives
M By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to make and narrate at least 3 suitable sentences.
C By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to read and fill in at least 4 spaces correctly.
Lesson Procedures
Pre-lesson: Teacher uses a clock or writes a particular time on the board and asks pupils to tell their partners what were they doing at the time on Saturday.
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupil refer to textbook page 12 Activity 1. Teacher asks a few questions while pupils look at the pictures. Ex: Who do you see? What are they doing? What
are they wearing? Do they look happy/ worried/sad? What do you think happened? Pupils share their thoughts.
2. Pupils listen to audio 1.3 and think about their answers again. Pupils share their answers.
3. In pairs, pupils take turns to practise the dialogue.
4. Pupils refer to Activity 2 and asked to refer to the Look! box to complete the task. Pupils write the exercise in their exercise books/share orally.
5. Pupils refer to Activity 3. Teacher explains that pupils will match the actions and the activities and make dialogues using the matched phrases. Teacher
demonstrates an example.
6. Pupils work in pairs and make the dialogue with teacher’s guidance. (PBD)
Post-lesson: Pupils are invited to perform their new dialogues.
Learning objectives
M By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to describe the places and objects in the textbook using at least 3 sentences.
C By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to describe at last 2 objects they have got and haven’t got.
Lesson Procedures
Pre-lesson: Pupils are asked to recall adjectives they have used in the previous lesson and think about the opposites as well.
Lesson delivery:
1. Teacher writes ‘very’, ‘really’ and ‘quite’ on the board. Pupils are asked to share a sentence using each word on the board.
2. Pupils are asked to refer to the KEY PHRASES in page 8 and asked to try constructing sentences using the adjectives.
3. Teacher draws a table on the board with headings TV programmes, Places, People, Games or Films. Teacher asks pupils to use other adjectives to describe
based on the headings.
4. Pupils read the text in Activity 1 and find examples of: has got, have got, hasn’t got and haven’t got. Pupils share the sentences.
5. Pupils refer to page 9 Activity 3. Pupils are guided to complete the table in their exercise books. (PBD)
Post-lesson: In pairs, pupils discuss what they have got and haven’t got using adjectives.
*Pupils are informed to bring a white A4 paper, rope or thread and stationeries including scissors.