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TCS NQT Real Interview Experenices

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TCS NQT Real Exam & Interview Experience

Experience 1
Candidate Name: Etka Kumari | Qualification: B.Tech (CSE) | Selected For Assistant System Engineer
Role In TCS

Exam Pattern - NQT

Foundation Section - Numerical, Verbal and Reasoning

Advanced Section - Advanced Quant and Reasoning, Coding

(The Candidate Cleared This Exam & Got Mail from Talent Acquisition Team For Interview)

The Interview Lasted 20 – 25 Minutes (Moderate Level)

There were three Interviewers Present at the time of interview one from Technical, one from
Managerial & one from HR Department

Questions Asked

1)Tell Me Something About Yourself

2)Questions Related to Stream (CSE)

3) Questions Related to DBMS

In DBMS Questions Related Joins, Questions Related Views, Questions Related Transactions Was

4) Questions Related to Resume (Most of the questions asked from resume)

5) Questions Related to Project Done

She had mentioned Python, Machine learning, Flutter development in her resume so she was asked
few questions regarding this

Python Question 1: Difference Between List & Tuple

Question 2: Object Orientated Programming Implemented Through Python

6) Are you willing To Relocate?

7) Are you okay with night shifts?

8) Why Should We Select You?

9)What are your expectations?

10) why TCS?

Important Points: Most of the questions will be asked from resume & projects itself so please add
only what skills you have & projects & internships you have done on your resume
Experience 2
Candidate 2: Shika | Selected for Digital Role

I was scheduled interview after clearing TCS NQT exam

I had Technical & Managerial Round on Day 1 & HR Round Was Scheduled On Day 2

Questions Asked (20 Minutes Interview)

1) Introduce Yourself

2) Questions related to the Project

3) Questions related to algorithms used in the projects

4) Questions related to machine learning

a) What is NLP?

b) What is CNN?

c) What is RCNN?

5) Questions Related to Resume

I had mentioned Web development in her resume so the interview asked questions regarding that
6) Asked Questions regarding latest technologies Like New Algorithms, Framework used, Machine

7) What is your strength & weakness?

8) Who is your role model?

9) Did you use any quality of your role model in your life?

10) Motto behind the project you have done?

11) Do you Any questions for us?

Next Day scheduled for HR Interview

Interview was conducted half an hour late

1) Ask about myself

2) Ask about hobbies
3) Asked about extracurricular activities
4) Will you be okay to relocate
5) What do you know about TCS which is not related to Consultancy services or IT. Tell me
something else about TCS
6) Do you have any questions for me

Most Of the Questions was related to the project and the interviewers were impressed with that
project. The project is related social cause field
Experience 3
Candidate Name: Prateek | Qualification: Production Engineering | Selected For Ninja Profile

Duration Of the Interview Was 45 to 50 Minutes

Questions Asked

1) Introduce Yourself?

2) Do you know coding?

3) Which languages do you know? I answered C & C++ are my priority but I also know about java and

4) What is the difference between C & C++. I gave 4 to 5 difference and in that I mentioned about
oops concept so the interviewer formulated a question regarding this point

5) What is the difference between object-oriented language & structure-oriented language

6) In oops concept interviewer asked about polymorphism, in Encapsulation, inheritance

7) Software development life cycle

8) Do you know how to implement Software development life cycle in other companies

9) He Asked Can you write a code? I said Yes. So, he told first one will be easy one and second one
will be tough one.

Question 1: Find the number of characters in a String. he gave one paragraph and told me to find the
number of a character excluding spaces

Question 2: In a given paragraph you to have to arrange the word sequentially like alphabetical order.
He only asked to give approach for it

10) He Asked about points I have mentioned in my resume (I had mentioned Html & CSS)

Question 1: Have you used Html & CSS

Question 2: Difference between Html & CSS

11) He asked about DBMS questions (Like what is DBMS & where We use DBMS) and Basic queries
related to DBMS

MR & HR Round

1)How was your pandemic period

2) Why do you want to shift from non-it background to IT background (Since I was from production
engineering stream)

3) Why TCS?

4) What are your long term and short-term goals?

5) Are you able to work in night shifts?

5) Do you any questions for us?

Important Tip: Candidate had written lot of points on resume and he regretted that because most of
the questions will be asked from resume and he was not knowing all the topics he had mentioned in
the resume

TCS Prime

First I had to appear in the TCS NQT exam for priority institutions, where many other college students
appeared. The scheme of the exam was this (No -ve marking):

Part A – Foundation Section

Numerical Ability – 25 mins (Practise the short tricks as time is low)

Verbal Ability – 25 mins (Easy)

Reasoning Ability – 25 mins (Easy-Medium)

Part B – Advanced Section

Advanced Quantitative and Reasoning Ability – 25 mins (Medium but Timeconsuming)

Advanced Coding – 90 mins (1 question on numbers and array [LC easy]

another was String and 2D array manipulation [LC Medium])

Total Duration (in minutes) – 190

I solved both the coding questions and got shortlisted for Prime. If you do only

Part A then you will be shortlisted for Ninja and 1-1.5 coding will get you Digital.

TCS Interview Experience For Prime (On-Campus) 2024

There was only one interview round ON-CAMPUS with 3 panel members –

Technical (T), Manager(M), HR

I entered by greeting them. They all had a smiling face.

T: How was ur day?

M took my resume: You can start by introducing yourself

M: How was your NQT exam? Did you solve all the coding questions?

M: Oh you got Prime that means you solved all ha ha ha XD

M: Do you remember the questions:Trust me I had them in my mind but at

that moment I couldn’t remember the questions at all

M: It’s fine. Don’t stress so much!

T: WAP to find the square root of a number.I used the binary search

approach to code the solution on paper. They saw and nodded.

T: Can you dry run it for 6096?They just wanna see if you can dry-run
solutions or not. They won’t need you to reach the answer and solve it


T: WAP to find the length of the Longest Palindrome Subsequence.I got a

little panicked at first as I never imagined that they could ask DP.I told them

my recursion approach.

T: What will be the time complexity here?

M: Can we lower it? How?

T: Code it down.I made many mistakes in the code and was sweating. M

asked me to calm down. In the end, I wrote it all down and they were


M: Why have you used Mongo DB in your project and not SQL?

M: You have worked in Power BI when you were at PWC. Do you know how

to import data from a cloud database whose contents are changing


M: Have you worked on CSS? What is its speciality?I couldn’t answer this

speciality question. I told them I am not sure

HR: Tell a real-life problem that you can solve by introducing tech. Anything

that’s around you.

TCS Interview Experience For Prime (On-Campus) 2024-Hiringhustle 4

HR: What do your father and mother do? Are you a single child?

M: We don’t have an office in your hometown. So if we relocate you to

some other city or abroad, are you okay?

HR: If you have a family emergency, what will you do?Answer

diplomatically. Balance family and work

HR: What do you know about TCS?

M: How much time do you expect to work in an office?

M: You are from Electronics and Telecommunications Eng. So why did you

start coding?

HR: Do you have any questions for us?

I was selected for Prime. They don’t dump anyone from Prime. If you don’t have

a good interview you will be demoted to Digital.

PS: Know a little bit about the company. Know everything in your resume. Be

ready for all template questions from all topics. You should know a little of

everything to crack the TCS interview. Many friends got questions about

diverse topics. Most importantly be confident and answer everything. Don’t

remain silent. Say whatever is going on in your mind – right or wrong. All the


Experience 5:
Candidate Name: Hemanth | Branch: Electrical & Electronics Engineering | Selected for Ninja Profile

The interview panel consisted of three people One Technical, One HR, One Manager Interviewer

Questions Asked (20 to 25 Minutes)

1)Introduce Yourself

2) Question was asked related to my project

3) I had mentioned SQL & C Programming on my resume So he asked on questions

Like what is structures? What is Unions? What is Enumeration? What is array? What is difference
between C & C++? What is difference between array & structures?

In SQL he asked me to tell the different commands like DDL, DCL, DML

4) Do you have PC?

5) Which operating system are using?

6) Are you familiar with Linux, Unix mac os?

7) Which software are you using for c programming code compilation?

8) Since I am from electrical background some questions were asked from that also like what are
diodes? What are capacitors? What are resistors? What we used for electrical measurements?

Difference between one electrical appliance to another electrical appliances

HR Round

1)Are you willing to relocate

2) Bond

3) Document Verification

4) Do you have any questions for us

TCS Prime Interview Experience | On Campus 2024 (Tier 3) | Selected ✅
I had appeared for the TCS NQT for Priority Institution in Jan, 2024. For our

college it was a pool campus where almost 1000 students participated.

Exam Pattern - 190 mins

Foundation Section - Numerical, Verbal and Reasoning

Advanced Section - Advanced Quant and Reasoing, Coding

I solved both the coding problems in pretty quick time and performed pretty

good in aptitude too. As a result I got shortlisted for Prime. Many of my friends

who solved around 1.5 codes got shortlisted for digital, and who solved only 1

code, they got call for ninja. Take coding seriously! As many of friends who

are better than me in aptitude but were not able to solve a single code were

not even called for Ninja!

I was called for interview at thier office, after around 20 days from my NQT.

I had only 1 round of interview where there were 3 different panelists, Manager,

Technical and HR. They took my interview simultaneously.

For technical round, I was mostly grilled with in depth questions from Java

(Yes! I had Java in my Resume). After a pretty in depth discussion on Java,

They started asking questions from Operating Systems, Linux and Computer

Networks. As I had a pretty good rank in TCS Codevita (Under 500) so they

were pretty impressed with that. But still they asked me to solve two LeetCode

Medium Coding problems on paper. I solved both of them quite easily. After

that they asked pretty general HR type questions, which can be easliy found

on internet.

TCS Interview Experience For Prime (On-Campus) 2024

After around 2 weeks, they announced that I got selected for the Prime Role!

And the fact is, from our college out of 400 students who applied for the NQT,

they only seletcted 5 guys for prime interview and 2 of us got the prime offer!

So its not that easy!

Few Tips - Practice good amount of coding, as many of my friends got

LeetCode Hard problems as well. You should have in depth knowledge of OS,

CN, DBMS, OOPs, Linux, Cloud and Cybersecurity. If you are well versed with

Java/Python then its a plus point for you. Whatever you are writing in your
resume, please make sure that you know each and everything of those

topics! And after that do some research about the company as well!

Experience - 7
Candidate Name: Meena | Branch: CSE | Selected In TCS NQT

Question Asked

1) Introduce Yourself

2) Asked Questions Related Excel (Because I mentioned It In My Resume)

3) Questions Related To DBMS

4) What is normalization

5) what are the types of normalization & explain those concepts

6) What is Primary Key? What is Foreign Key? What is Unique Key?

7) Interviewer asked me to code and share the screen the question was related prime number

8) He asked related to java and c++

9) What is Inheritance?

10) Types of Inheritance

11) What is multiple inheritance vs multi-level inheritance

HR Round

1) Why TCS?

2) Do you think python is better than other language program

3) What are the steps you take to reach the level you are right now and to reach higher level

4) I used to add I think so, I think so everytime while answering questions so the HR asked me are
you not confident with the answers you are giving us why are you adding “I think so “

5) Do you have any questions for us?

Cracking the TCS NQT Interview for a Digital Role: My Experience

The Interview Process:

The TCS NQT interview typically involves document verification followed by

two interview panels – HR and Technical. My experience mirrored this structure.

HR Round:
The HR representative initiated the interview with some general questions,

including my father’s occupation. While I politely answered, I avoided venturing

into specifics unrelated to the role. He then inquired about relocation

willingness and the possibility of a Ninja role offer (TCS’s fresher program). I

declined the Ninja role offer and explained my reasoning for preferring the

digital role instead.

Technical Round:

The technical round comprised two interviewers via Zoom. It began with a self introduction followed
by a series of questions based on my resume.

Here are some key questions I encountered:

Technical Skills:

Familiarity with Linux OS

Understanding of SQL (relational vs. non-relational databases, examples)

Preferred extensions for development in VS Code

Programming Concepts: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles

Cybersecurity and DevOps Awareness: General understanding of

cybersecurity and DevOps practices

Career Aspirations: Long-term career goals within TCS (5-year vision)

Project-Specific Inquiries: Specific details about my Flutter project and any

challenges encountered.

The second technical interviewer focused on networking concepts:

TCP vs. UDP Protocols:

TCS Interview Experience For Prime (On-Campus) 2024-Hiringhustle 6

Explaining the key differences between the two protocols

SQL Injection and String Reversal:

Understanding of SQL injection vulnerabilities

Coding a solution to reverse a string without using a third variable (using

two pointers)

Overall Observations:

Both interviewers were approachable and encouraging. They created a

comfortable environment that allowed for open communication. It’s essential to

be confident, friendly, and honest during the interview. If you encounter an

unfamiliar question, a simple “I don’t know the answer right now, but I’m eager

to learn” can go a long way.

Key Takeaways:

This experience highlighted the importance of:

Tailoring Your Resume: Ensure your resume showcases relevant skills and

experiences that align with the digital role requirements.

Technical Proficiency: Brush up on core technical concepts mentioned


Communication Skills: Articulate your thoughts and responses clearly and


Honesty and Enthusiasm: Be honest about your knowledge and

demonstrate a genuine interest in the role and TCS as a company.

By preparing thoroughly and maintaining a positive attitude, you can

significantly increase your chances of success in the TCS NQT interview for

a digital role.

TCS Interview Experience For Prime (On-Campus) 2024

College:- Baddi University of Emerging Science and Technology

Profile:- Ninja

Based on my NQT results, I got shortlisted for the Ninja profile.

The interview was conducted on zoom, and there were two interviewers. One

asked technical questions and the other asked HR/MR questions. Both the

interviews combined lasted for 30-35 minutes.

1.What is an array?

2.Can an array store elements of different datatype?

3. Give the code for Armstrong number.

5.What are pointers? What is a null pointer?

6.Can foreign keys be null?

7.Can you tell me more about these projects that you have mentioned in your

These were all the technical questions. After this the HR interviewer took over

and asked some basic questions. Then he asked for some documents.

1.Have you done any team project? How do you work in a team?

2.How do you manage stress?

3.Are you ready to relocate?

Experience - 10
Candidate Name : Rishitha | BE | Selected In TCS

Three interviewers were present

Questions Asked

1)Introduce Yourself

2) Asked Question Related to my Project (My project was based on Database connectivity)

3) What is the project? Why did you do this project? what is the technology used in the project ?

4) He asked me write two or three commands used in project in the chat window

5) He asked me DBMS questions

6) what do we call a query written inside another query?

7) How many types of sub query are there?

8) Asked me to write an example of corelated and non-corelated sub query in chat window

9) write sql commands in chat window

10) what is the difference between DBMS & File System

11) Asked questions related to what is mentioned in my resume

12) Like what is c++? What are unions? What are structures? What is diff b/w structure and array?

13) Asked questions related to Data structures Like What is LinkedList? Give real life example of

14) Next programming logic questions was asked. he asked to me to explain the logic on how to
implement the program related to prime number question

15) Questions related to python Like How to connect the python program to database? What are the
tools available? What tools did you use in your project?

16) What is difference between list & tuple

MR Round

1) According to you what is the most difficult situation to work in a team

2) Why TCS?
3) How can you justify that you are quick learner (this question was asked because I had mentioned I
am quick leaner)

HR Round

1) Discuss about my micro curricular activities and my event management capabilities

2) Asked questions about my medals (because I had mentioned this in the resume)

3) Do you have any questions for us?

TCS NQT Ninja Interview Experience

College:- KSI

Profile:- Assistant System Engineer


This was an online assessment round. There were in total 2 sections:-

Foundation section

This section had questions on traits, numerical ability, and verbal and

reasoning ability.

The duration to complete this section was 75 minutes. I completed the

foundation section in just 60 minutes.

I was satisfied with my test.

Advanced section

The advanced section had questions from advanced reasoning ability and

advanced quantitative ability along with some coding questions.

The total time allotted was 90 mins where 55 mins was allotted for the coding


TCS NQT Interview

After the NQT exam, I got the results after 2 weeks. I was shortlisted for the

interview round after clearing the online test.

I had two interviews conducted on two days, one was a technical interview and

one was a HR interview. Both the interviews were conducted on Zoom.

TCS NQT Interview Questions with Answers:-

1.Introduce yourself

2. Difference between C and C++.

3.What are the different operators in C?

4.Write a program to reverse a given number.

5.What projects have you done?

These were all the questions asked in Technical Interview. The interviewer

asked if I had any questions, and I said no. Then I was told to wait for the HR


The HR Round was conducted the following day. It was a short 10 minute

round. The questions in this round included:-

1.Introduce yourself.

2.Do you know who is the current CEO of TCS?

3.What do you know about TCS?

4.Are you ready to relocate?

This was all from my TCS interview. The rounds went well and I got an email

some days later that I was shortlisted for the role

Experience -12
Firstly there will be an online test on TCS ion platform which comprises aptitude and programming
questions then the shortlists will have the final round which is an Interview round. It is a panel
Interview where 3 people will ask questions based on Technical, Managerial & HR.


1) Introduce yourself.

2) Tell me about your projects & explain one project, what was your role in it?

3) Difference between Schema & Table.

4) Difference between Delete & Truncate.

5) Types of keys used in SQL & their uses.

6) Table 1 contains a primary key & 2nd table contains a foreign key. If we delete the primary key
from Table 1 then what will happen? Can we delete a primary key from a table?

7) There are 2 tables, write a single query to select name=”Name1″ and id=”id1″ from table 1 and
id=”id1″ from table 2.

8) Types of joins in SQL.

10) Difference between C & C++.

11) What is object-oriented programming?

12) Given a simple Decimal to binary conversion code to do in C++(Preferred language).

13) Which language is preferred nowadays & why?

14) Why do we use HTML5 today instead of previous HTML versions?


1) What new things have you learned during these 5-6 months in lockdown?

2) Define the top 2 qualities of leadership.

3) Define the vision for a leader in 2 pts.

4) If another company is offering you a higher CTC than us will you choose TCS then?

5) Why do you want to join TCS?


1)Are you available to work at any job location across India?

2) Are you open for any job shifts (Day/Night)?

3) If someone is Ill at your home and you are in Chennai and you have to deliver a presentation to an
important client the same day, what will you do in such a situation?

4) Will you do any higher studies after B. Tech?

5) Do you want to ask any questions?

Interview Experience - 13
The first company to ever interview me turned out to be Tata Consultancy Services and I got selected
for TCS digital profile via on-campus drive. I cleared the aptitude and coding rounds with flying
colors. The only stage left was the interview. It was completely online conducted through cisco
meetings. There were a total of 3 interviewers. Their videos were turned off, so I could not see them.

Management Round: Here are the series of questions that were asked in the first round.

Tell us about something not in your resume.

What is your greatest strength and explain a situation where you showcased it?

What is your major subject?

Technical Round:

Are you comfortable operating systems?

What is the difference between a program and a process?

What is a thread?

What is the difference between single thread and multi-threading and when are they useful?

What is the difference between runtime error and compile-time error? Give examples.

Are you comfortable with python?

Explain the memory management process in python.

Explain python data structures.

Explain a few python modules.

What is the difference between NumPy and Scipy?

Out of NumPy array and list which one occupies less memory?

Are you comfortable with the Django framework for python?

Explain your project.

The project is pretty outdated so why did you choose it?

Human Resources Round:

Why did you choose TCS?

Are you willing to relocate?

Do you have any feedback for us?

Team sign off: It was a pleasure talking to you and good luck with the results and your future!

Key points from the interview:

Do not worry about not making a good first impression if you could not. Just progress with the
interview and get better and better and most importantly “finish with a bang!”.

Maintain a cheerful attitude even if you do not get positive feedback.

Communication with confidence matters the most! You must be able to confidently say “Yes” if you
know the answer and thus answer it. You should also be equally confident to say “No” and this is
where your complete attitude is exposed.

Make sure you have a complete idea of what you wrote in your resume and also be extra prepared to
talk about something not mentioned in it.

Ask questions whenever necessary.

Questions vary depending on the assigned team. Hence, be prepared for anything especially the
topics you mentioned in your resume.
Interview Experience 14
Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) conducts the TCS NQT (National Qualifier Test) to hire fresh college
graduates from all over India. To stay updated, keep in touch with your college’s placement cell,
classmates, Internet resources, and the TCS careers website. Apply promptly once the application
period begins.


This was the final round where Technical+Manager+HR all the three persons were present in the
Interview room.

As soon as I entered the room(Please ensure you are in full formals along with a pen) I was asked to
seat and all three of them were going through my resume. After sometime after going to the resume
I heard the comment ‘Impressive’. My guess on that response was the resume template and format
used(very Imp) and I used the ATS checker to improve my score. But make sure whatever might the
template or format used if your resume doesn’t contain as many skills or achievements with valid
proof relevant to the job profile it would be hard.

Initially, the asked to introduce myself, followed by rapid questions.

Technical Person started the proceedings by asking questions from OOPS concepts explaining
Polymorphism and Abstraction with suitable examples of what is the exact need to use that in your
Then I did a project in Web full stack so I was asked questions about the CSS properties like the need
for Screen resolutions and media query properties.

The interview predominantly emphasized the projects I had undertaken and the tools I utilized within
them. It’s crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of your projects from start to finish. The
interviewers were particularly interested in projects that showcased innovation, such as those where
I identified a unique problem and devised a solution rather than simply working on existing projects.
This highlights the importance of showcasing creativity and problem-solving abilities in your projects.

Questions on MongoDB(bcoz I Have included them in my resume and used it in my project) like
Insertion, Updation, and deletion commands and along with that why go for MongoDB rather than
conventional databases like Mysql.

Questions on Mysql were asked about the difference between Delete, Drop, and Truncate

During the HR segment of the interview, I was initially asked about my motivation for wanting to join
TCS. This was followed by a series of quick questions related to TCS itself, including recent changes in
the CEO position, noteworthy news concerning TCS, and the identities of the Chairman and CEO of
TCS. It’s important to be familiar with these basic details about the company, as TCS expects
candidates to have a fundamental knowledge of its operations.

Towards the end of the HR interview, I was questioned about my willingness to work across various
locations throughout India and my flexibility with different shift timings. I responded positively,
affirming my comfort with both aspects. The interview concluded after approximately 45 minutes,
and I was informed that the results would be communicated via email.
This part of the interview assesses your alignment with the company’s values, your awareness of its
recent developments, and your adaptability to potential work conditions. Being well-prepared to
discuss these aspects can leave a positive impression on the HR interviewers.

After a week I received a mail that I got shortlisted from their Interview Process and received the
Digital cadre offer letter immediately. Thats all!!!

Important Tips

Start with questions you’re confident in, and don’t spend too long on any single question.

Communicate confidently and respectfully during interviews.

Maintain a professional appearance and be patient throughout the process.

Be honest; don’t pretend to know things you’re unfamiliar with.

Remember, the goal is to showcase your skills, knowledge, and enthusiasm to secure a position at

Interview Experience 15
Hello everyone, I have gone through the hiring process of TCS Digital, and here is my experience
which I would like to share with you all. So, kindly read the article till the end and do like it if you find
it helpful 🙂

And best of luck everyone!!

The number of rounds that were conducted: -

Round 1: MCQ + Coding Round

Round 2: Technical Interview Round (Technical + Managerial + HR)

About all rounds:

Round 1: It comprises three sections – verbal ability, quantitative aptitude, and advanced coding (2
Coding questions). Verbal ability consists of 10-15 questions, quantitative aptitude consists of 15-20
questions, and for the advanced coding section, there are 2 codes which are needed to be solved in
60 minutes.

Round 2: In this round the questions were from computer science backgrounds like Data Structure
and algorithms, Database and management systems, SQL queries, AI, Machine Learning, and Cloud
Computing. There were 3 people present in the meeting first for technical questions, the second for
managerial rounds, and the third for HR questions.

Some of the Questions asked were (Both form technical and managerial):-
Tell me about yourself

About projects done

ML (as one of my projects was from the ML domain)

About Cloud Computing

Some basic networking questions

He asked questions from DBMS like acid properties etc.

He gave some SQL queries to write based on some tables or data

Web designing questions as I have made projects in that

He asked to write code for one of the pattern questions (not just the basic pattern question)

Questions from HR:-

Any preferred location?

Any expectations from us?

If you need to work in shifts is that ok?

And some 2-3 situation-based questions (you can easily find some examples in the internet)

All the best to you all who are preparing for such interviews and if you find this article helpful and
you got some ideas then do like it :))

Interview Experience 16

Name: Arpit Goyal

College: Delhi Technical University (DTU)
Profile: Assistant System Engineer

TCS Technical Interview

I got the result of TCS NQT within two weeks. I got the link for my Technical Interview link on
my mail. I received the HR interview link the next day on my mail. Both the rounds were
conducted on Microsoft Teams. In the technical interview, I was asked many programming
and coding questions. I am sharing them below:
Q. Introduce yourself.
Q. In your resume, you mentioned this project. What did you do in this project? Explain how
it is beneficial for the users.
In this, I briefed them about my projects. He cross examined me on the topics in the project
and asked about the technology used. He also asked me to show the working of the project.
Q. What is your preferred programming language?

Q. What are the 7 phases of SDLC models? Name all of them.

Q. What is the difference between a list and a tuple. Which one is preferred?
Q. What are the four basic principles of OOPS?
Q. What is the difference between Call-by-value and Call-by-reference?
TCS HR and MR Interview

This was also conducted in Microsoft Teams. I was asked the following questions.
Q. How was your technical Interview?
Q. Are you willing to work Night shifts? What if you get an emergency complain from a
Q. Are you willing to relocate? If not, which location will you prefer?
Q. Do you have any questions for me?

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