• English Proficiency:
o Tenses
o Articles and Determiners
o Antonyms - Synonyms
o Active Voice - Passive Voice
o Phrasal Verbs & Idioms
o Direct Speech - Indirect Speech
o Modals expressing various concepts - (Obligation, Request, Permission,
Intention, Condition, Prohibition, Probability, Possibility, Purpose, Reason,
Companions, Contrast)
o Coordination - Subordination
o Legal Maxims
1. Present Tense
2. Past Tense
3. Future Tense
Each of the three above mentioned tenses can further be divided into subparts. These subparts include:
• Simple
• Continuous
• Perfect
• Perfect Continuous
Present Tense
Present Tense can be defined as an expression for an activity that is currently in action or is habitually
performed. It is used for a state that generally exists or is currently ongoing.
• Simple Present
Singular Plural
Example: The girl sings a song Example: The girls sing a song
Here the subject is Girl (singular) and “s” has Here the subject is Girls (plural) and no
been added to the verb (sing), followed by the changes have been made with V1 (first
object (song) form of verb) and the object
Do not = don’t
• Present Continuous
• Present Perfect
Singular Plural
Example: He has cleaned the utensils Example: They have cleaned the utensils
Here, “He” is the subject + has Here, “They” is the subject + have
“Cleaned” is the third form of verb and “Cleaned” is the third form of verb and
utensils is the object utensils is the object
Singular Plural
Rule: Subject + has been + V1 + ing + Object Rule: Subject + have been + V1 + ing + Object
Example: She has been practising since Example: They have been practising since
morning morning
Here “She” is the subject + has been, followed Here “They” is the subject + have been,
by “ing” added to the the first form of verb followed by “ing” added to the the first form of
“practise” and then the object verb “practise” and then the object
Given below are a few examples that may help you differentiate between the four sub parts of present tense
Past Tense
Any event or action that took place in the past can be referred to as the past tense. Below we have
discussed in detail the four sub parts of past tense in English grammar.
• Simple Past
• Past Continuous
Singular Plural
Rule: Subject + was + V1 + ing + Object Rule: Subject + were + V1 + ing + Object
For example: She was going shopping For example: They were going shopping
Here, the subject is “She” + was Here, the subject is “They” + were
It is followed by the first form of verb (V1) Followed by the first form of verb (V1) “go”
“go” + “ing” and then the object “shopping” + “ing” and then the object “shopping”
• Past Perfect
Tansukh Paliwal