Drug Recommendation System Based On Sentiment Analysis of Drug Reviews Using Machine Learning

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Drug Recommendation System based on Sentiment

2021 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering (Confluence) | 978-1-6654-1451-7/20/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/Confluence51648.2021.9377188

Analysis of Drug Reviews using Machine Learning

Satvik Garg
Department of Computer Science
Jaypee University of Information Technology
Solan, India
[email protected]

Abstract—Since coronavirus has shown up, inaccessibility of which treatment or medications to give to a patient based on
legitimate clinical resources is at its peak, like the shortage of indications, past clinical history.
specialists and healthcare workers, lack of proper equipment and With the exponential development of the web and the
medicines etc. The entire medical fraternity is in distress, which
results in numerous individual’s demise. Due to unavailability, web-based business industry, item reviews have become an
individuals started taking medication independently without imperative and integral factor for acquiring items worldwide.
appropriate consultation, making the health condition worse Individuals worldwide become adjusted to analyze reviews and
than usual. As of late, machine learning has been valuable in websites first before settling on a choice to buy a thing. While
numerous applications, and there is an increase in innovative most of past exploration zeroed in on rating expectation and
work for automation. This paper intends to present a drug
recommender system that can drastically reduce specialists heap. proposals on the E-Commerce field, the territory of medical
In this research, we build a medicine recommendation system care or clinical therapies has been infrequently taken care of.
that uses patient reviews to predict the sentiment using various There has been an expansion in the number of individuals
vectorization processes like Bow, TF-IDF, Word2Vec, and Manual worried about their well-being and finding a diagnosis online.
Feature Analysis, which can help recommend the top drug for a As demonstrated in a Pew American Research center survey
given disease by different classification algorithms. The predicted
sentiments were evaluated by precision, recall, f1score, accuracy, directed in 2013 [5], roughly 60% of grown-ups searched
and AUC score. The results show that classifier LinearSVC using online for health-related subjects, and around 35% of users
TF-IDF vectorization outperforms all other models with 93% looked for diagnosing health conditions on the web. A med-
accuracy. ication recommender framework is truly vital with the goal
Index Terms—Drug, Recommender System, Machine Learn- that it can assist specialists and help patients to build their
ing, NLP, Smote, Bow, TF-IDF, Word2Vec, Sentiment analysis
knowledge of drugs on specific health conditions.
A recommender framework is a customary system that
proposes an item to the user, dependent on their advantage and
I. I NTRODUCTION necessity. These frameworks employ the customers’ surveys to
break down their sentiment and suggest a recommendation for
With the number of coronavirus cases growing exponen- their exact need. In the drug recommender system, medicine is
tially, the nations are facing a shortage of doctors, particularly offered on a specific condition dependent on patient reviews
in rural areas where the quantity of specialists is less compared using sentiment analysis and feature engineering. Sentiment
to urban areas. A doctor takes roughly 6 to 12 years to procure analysis is a progression of strategies, methods, and tools for
the necessary qualifications. Thus, the number of doctors can’t distinguishing and extracting emotional data, such as opinion
be expanded quickly in a short time frame. A Telemedicine and attitudes, from language [7]. On the other hand, Featuring
framework ought to be energized as far as possible in this engineering is the process of making more features from the
difficult time [1]. existing ones; it improves the performance of models.
Clinical blunders are very regular nowadays. Over 200 This examination work separated into five segments: Intro-
thousand individuals in China and 100 thousand in the USA duction area which provides a short insight concerning the
are affected every year because of prescription mistakes. Over need of this research, Related works segment gives a concise
40% medicine, specialists make mistakes while prescribing insight regarding the previous examinations on this area of
since specialists compose the solution as referenced by their study, Methodology part includes the methods adopted in this
knowledge, which is very restricted [2][3]. Choosing the top- research, The Result segment evaluates applied model results
level medication is significant for patients who need specialists using various metrics, the Discussion section contains limita-
that know wide-based information about microscopic organ- tions of the framework, and lastly, the conclusion section.
isms, antibacterial medications, and patients [6]. Every day a
new study comes up with accompanying more drugs, tests, II. L ITERATURE SURVEY
accessible for clinical staff every day. Accordingly, it turns With a sharp increment in AI advancement, there has been
out to be progressively challenging for doctors to choose an exertion in applying machine learning and deep learning

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strategies to recommender frameworks. These days, recom- data. However, after considering its weaknesses like com-
mender frameworks are very regular in the travel industry, putationally costly, cold start, and information sparsity, the
e-commerce, restaurant, and so forth. Unfortunately, there model is shifted to a cloud-helped approach using tensor
are a limited number of studies available in the field of decomposition for advancing the quality of experience of
drug proposal framework utilizing sentiment analysis on the medication suggestion.
grounds that the medication reviews are substantially more Considering the significance of hashtags in sentiment anal-
intricate to analyze as it incorporates clinical wordings like ysis, Jiugang Li et al. [15] constructed a hashtag recommender
infection names, reactions, a synthetic names that used in the framework that utilizes the skip-gram model and applied con-
production of the drug [8]. volutional neural networks (CNN) to learn semantic sentence
The study [9] presents GalenOWL, a semantic-empowered vectors. These vectors use the features to classify hashtags
online framework, to help specialists discover details on the using LSTM RNN. Results depict that this model beats the
medications. The paper depicts a framework that suggests conventional models like SVM, Standard RNN. This explo-
drugs for a patient based on the patient’s infection, sensitivi- ration depends on the fact that it was undergoing regular AI
ties, and drug interactions. For empowering GalenOWL, clin- methods like SVM and collaborative filtering techniques; the
ical data and terminology first converted to ontological terms semantic features get lost, which has a vital influence in getting
utilizing worldwide standards, such as ICD-10 and UNII, and a decent expectation.
then correctly combined with the clinical information.
Leilei Sun [10] examined large scale treatment records to
locate the best treatment prescription for patients. The idea was The dataset used in this research is Drug Review Dataset
to use an efficient semantic clustering algorithm estimating the (Drugs.com) taken from the UCI ML repository [4]. This
similarities between treatment records. Likewise, the author dataset contains six attributes, name of drug used (text), review
created a framework to assess the adequacy of the suggested (text) of a patient, condition (text) of a patient, useful count
treatment. This structure can prescribe the best treatment (numerical) which suggest the number of individuals who
regimens to new patients as per their demographic locations found the review helpful, date (date) of review entry, and a
and medical complications. An Electronic Medical Record 10-star patient rating (numerical) determining overall patient
(EMR) of patients gathered from numerous clinics for testing. contentment. It contains a total of 215063 instances.
The result shows that this framework improves the cure rate. Fig. 1 shows the proposed model used to build a medicine
In this research [11], multilingual sentiment analysis was recommender system. It contains four stages, specifically, Data
performed using Naive Bayes and Recurrent Neural Network preparation, classification, evaluation, and Recommendation.
(RNN). Google translator API was used to convert multilingual
tweets into the English language. The results exhibit that RNN
with 95.34% outperformed Naive Bayes, 77.21%.
The study [12] is based on the fact that the recommended
drug should depend upon the patient’s capacity. For example, if
the patient’s immunity is low, at that point, reliable medicines
ought to be recommended. Proposed a risk level classification
method to identify the patient’s immunity. For example, in
excess of 60 risk factors, hypertension, liquor addiction, and so
forth have been adopted, which decide the patient’s capacity to
shield himself from infection. A web-based prototype system
was also created, which uses a decision support system that
helps doctors select first-line drugs.
Xiaohong Jiang et al. [13] examined three distinct al-
gorithms, decision tree algorithm, support vector machine
(SVM), and backpropagation neural network on treatment
data. SVM was picked for the medication proposal module
as it performed truly well in each of the three unique bound-
aries - model exactness, model proficiency, model versatility.
Additionally, proposed the mistake check system to ensure
analysis, precision and administration quality.
Fig. 1. Flowchart of the proposed model
Mohammad Mehedi Hassan et al. [14] developed a cloud-
assisted drug proposal (CADRE). As per patients’ side effects,
CADRE can suggest drugs with top-N related prescriptions. A. Data Cleaning and Visualisation
This proposed framework was initially founded on collabora- Applied standard Data preparation techniques like checking
tive filtering techniques in which the medications are initially null values, duplicate rows, removing unnecessary values, and
bunched into clusters as indicated by the functional description text from rows in this research. Subsequently, removed all

176 2021 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering (Confluence 2021)

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1200 null values rows in the conditions column, as shown
in Fig. 2. We make sure that a unique id should be unique to
remove duplicacy.

Fig. 4. Bar plot of count of rating values versus 10 rating number

for example, “a, to, all, we, with, etc.,” were removed from
the corpus. The tokens were gotten back to their foundations
Fig. 2. Bar plot of the number of null values versus attributes
by performing lemmatization on all tokens. For sentiment
Fig. 3 shows the top 20 conditions that have a maximum analysis, labeled every single review as positive and negative
number of drugs available. One thing to notice in this figure based on its user rating. If the user rating range between 6 to
is that there are two green-colored columns, which shows the 10, then the review is positive else negative.
conditions that have no meaning. The removal of all these B. Feature Extraction
sorts of conditions from final dataset makes the total row count
After text preprocessing, a proper set up of the data required
equals to 212141.
to build classifiers for sentiment analysis. Machine learning
algorithms can’t work with text straightforwardly; it should
be changed over into numerical format. In particular, vectors
of numbers. A well known and straightforward strategy for
feature extraction with text information used in this research
is the bag of words (Bow) [16], TF-IDF [17], Word2Vec
[18]. Also used some feature engineering techniques to extract
features manually from the review column to create another
model called manual feature aside from Bow, TF-IDF, and
1) Bow: Bag of words [16] is an algorithm used in natural
language processing responsible for counting the number of
times of all the tokens in review or document. A term or token
can be called one word (unigram), or any subjective number
of words, n-grams. In this study, (1,2) n-gram range is chosen.
Fig. 5 outlines how unigrams, digrams, and trigrams framed
from a sentence. The Bow model experience a significant
Fig. 3. Bar plot of Top 20 conditions that has a maximum number of drugs drawback, as it considers all the terms without contemplating
how a few terms are exceptionally successive in the corpus,
Fig. 4 shows the visualization of value counts of the 10-star which in turn build a large matrix that is computationally
rating system. The rating beneath or equivalent to five featured expensive to train.
with cyan tone otherwise blue tone. The vast majority pick
four qualities; 10, 9, 1, 8, and 10 are more than twice the
same number. It shows that the positive level is higher than
the negative, and people’s responses are polar.
The condition and drug column were joined with review text
because the condition and medication words also have predic-
tive power. Before proceeding to the feature extraction part, it
is critical to clean up the review text before vectorization. This
process is also known as text preprocessing. We first cleaned
the reviews after removing HTML tags, punctuations, quotes,
URLs, etc. The cleaned reviews were lowercased to avoid
duplication, and tokenization was performed for converting the Fig. 5. Comparison of various types of grams framed from a sentence
texts into small pieces called tokens. Additionally, stopwords,

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2) TF-IDF: TF-IDF [17] is a popular weighting strategy in TABLE I
which words are offered with weight not count. The principle L IST OF F EATURES EXTRACTED MANUALLY FROM USER REVIEWS
was to give low importance to the terms that often appear in Feature Description
the dataset, which implies TF-IDF estimates relevance, not a Punctuation Counts the number of punctuation
recurrence. Term frequency (TF) can be called the likelihood Word Counts the number of words
Stopwords Counts the number of stopwords
of locating a word in a document. Letter Counts the number of letters
Unique Counts the number of unique words
tf (t, d) = log(1 + f req(t, d)) (1) Average Counts the mean length of words
Upper Counts the uppercase words
Inverse document frequency (IDF) is the opposite of the Title Counts the words present in title
number of times a specific term showed up in the whole
corpus. It catches how a specific term is document specific.
N D. Smote
idf (t, d) = log( ) (2)
count(dD : td)
After the Train Test split, only the training data undergone
TF-IDF is the multiplication of TF with IDF, suggesting how a synthetic minority over-sampling technique (Smote) [22]
vital and relevant a word is in the document. to prevent the class imbalance problem. Smote is an over-
sampling technique that synthesized new data from existing
tf idf (t, d, D) = tf (t, d).idf (t, D) (3) data. Smote generates the new minority class data by linear
interpolation of randomly selected minority instance ’a’ in
Like Bow, the selected n-gram range for TF-IDF in this work
combination with its k nearest neighbor instance ’b’ in the
is (1,2).
feature space. Table II shows the total distribution of data on
3) Word2Vec: Even though TF and TF-IDF are famous vec-
final dataset i.e. after data cleaning. Fig. 6 shows the projection
torization methods used in different natural language preparing
of non-smote and smote using t-distributed stochastic neighbor
tasks [27], they disregard the semantic and syntactic like-
embedding (t-SNE) [21] of 1000 rows on manual features data.
nesses between words. For instance, in both TF and TF-
It displays that there are more orange points in the non-smote
IDF extraction methods, the words lovely and delightful are
t-SNE projection, which represents the majority class domi-
called two unique words in both TF and TF-IDF vectorization
nance. It also shows that there has been an increment in blue
techniques although they are almost equivalents. Word2Vec
points after using smote that brings out the balance between
[18] is a model used to produce word embedding. Word-
a majority and minority class that curbs the predominance of
embeddings reproduced from gigantic corpora utilizing various
the majority class.
deep learning models [19]. Word2Vec takes an enormous
corpus of text as an input and outputs a vector space, generally
composed of hundred dimensions. The fundamental thought TABLE II
was to take the semantic meaning of words and arrange vectors
of words in vector space with the ultimate objective that words Smote Class Train (75%) Test (25%)
that share similar sense in the dataset are found close to one No Negative 47522 15841
Positive 111583 37195
another in vectors space. Total 159105 53036
4) Manual Features: Feature engineering is a popular con- Yes Negative 78108 15841
cept which helps to increase the accuracy of the model. We Positive 111583 37195
Total 189691 53036
used fifteen features, which include usefulcount, the condition
column which is label encoded using label encoder function
from Scikit library, day, month, year features were developed
from date column using DateTime function using pandas.
Textblob toolkit [20] was used to extract the cleaned and
uncleaned reviews polarity and added as features along with
a total of 8 features generated from each of the text reviews
as shown in Table I.

C. Train Test Split

We created four datasets using Bow, TF-IDF, Word2Vec,
and manual features. These four datasets were split into 75%
of training and 25% of testing. While splitting the data, we
set an equal random state to ensure the same set of random
Fig. 6. t-SNE subplot before and after Smote using 1000 training samples
numbers generated for the train test split of all four generated

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E. Classifiers while building the recommender system, we normalized useful
Distinct machine-learning classification algorithms were count by conditions.
used to build a classifier to predict the sentiment. Logistic
Regression, Multinomial Naive Bayes, Stochastic gradient
descent, Linear support vector classifier, Perceptron, and Ridge
classifier experimented with the Bow, TF-IDF model since
they are very sparse matrix and applying tree-based classifiers
would be very time-consuming. Applied Decision tree, Ran-
domForest, LGBM, and CatBoost classifier on Word2Vec and
manual features model. A significant problem with this dataset
is around 210K reviews, which takes substantial computational
power. We selected those machine learning classification al-
gorithms only that reduces the training time and give faster
predictions. Fig. 7. Distribution of Useful Count

F. Metrics
The predicted sentiment were measured using five metrics, IV. R ESULTS
namely, precision (Prec), recall (Rec), f1score (F1), accuracy In this work, each review was classified as positive or
(Acc.) and AUC score [23]. Let the letter be: Tp = True negative, depending on the user’s star rating. Ratings above
positive or occurrences where model predicted the positive five are classified as positive, while negative ratings are from
sentiment truly, Tn = True negative or occurrences where one to five-star ratings. Initially, the number of positive ratings
model predicted the negative class truly, Fp = False positive or and negative ratings in training data were 111583 and 47522,
occurrences where model predicted the positive class falsely, respectively. After applying smote, we increased the minority
Fn = False negative or occurrences where model predicted the class to have 70 percent of the majority class examples to curb
negative class falsely, Precision, recall, accuracy, and f1score the imbalances. The updated training data contains 111583
shown in equations given below, positive classes and 78108 negative classes. Four different
Tp text representation methods, namely Bow, TF-IDF, Word2Vec,
P recision = (4) Manual feature and ten different ML algorithms were applied
T p + Fp
for binary classification. Results belonging to 5 different
Tp metrics given in Tables III, IV, V, VI.
Recall = (5)
T p + Fn Table III shows the results using evaluation metrics on a
Tp + T n bag of words vectorization technique. We can easily see that
Accuracy = (6) perceptron outperforms all other classification algorithms. All
T p + T n + Fp + F n
algorithms showed similar types of results ranging from 89%
P recision.Recall to 91% accuracy. Logistic regression and LinearSVC accom-
F 1score = 2. (7)
P recision + Recall plished a 90% AUC score. Even after achieving accuracy more
Area under curve (Auc) score helps distinguish a classifier’s prominent than logistic and LinearSVC, Perceptron achieved
capacity to compare classes and utilized as a review of the only 89.8% AUC score.
region operating curve (roc) curve. Roc curve visualizes the
relationship between true positive rate (Tpr) and false positive TABLE III
rate (Fpr) across various thresholds.
Model Class Prec Rec F1 Acc. AUC
G. Drug Recommender system LogisticRegression negative 0.85 0.87 0.86 0.91 0.90
After assessing the metrics, all four best-predicted results positive 0.94 0.93 0.94
Perceptron negative 0.87 0.85 0.86 0.92 0.898
were picked and joined together to produce the combined positive 0.94 0.94 0.94
prediction. The merged results were then multiplied with RidgeClassifier negative 0.80 0.87 0.84 0.90 892
normalized useful count to generate an overall score of drug positive 0.94 0.91 0.93
of a particular condition. The higher the score, the better MultinomialNB negative 0.81 0.85 0.83 0.89 0.881
positive 0.93 0.92 0.92
is the drug. The motivation behind the standardization of SGDClassifier negative 0.80 0.85 0.82 0.89 0.878
the useful count was looking at the distribution of useful positive 0.93 0.91 0.92
count in Fig. 7; one may analyze that the contrast among LinearSVC negative 0.84 0.87 0.86 0.91 0.90
positive 0.94 0.93 0.94
the least and most extreme is around 1300, considerable.
Moreover, the deviation is enormous, which is 36. The purpose
behind is that the more medications individuals search for, the Table IV manifests the metrics on the TF-IDF vectoriza-
more individuals read the survey regardless of their review is tion method. LinearSVC increased the TF-IDF vectorization
positive or negative, which makes the useful count high. So method performance to 93%, which is more noteworthy than

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the accuracy achieved by perceptron (91%) using bag of words After evaluating all the models, the prediction results of
model. There was a close competition between LinearSVC, Perceptron (Bow), LinearSVC (TF-IDF), LGBM (Word2Vec),
perceptron, and ridge classifier, with only a 1% difference. and RandomForest (Manual Features) was added to give
However, LinearSVC was picked as the best algorithm since combined model predictions. The main intention is to make
the AUC score is 90.7%, which is greater than all other sure that the recommended top drugs should be classified
algorithms. correctly by all four models. If one model predicts it wrong,
then the drug’s overall score will go down. These combined
TABLE IV predictions were then multiplied with normalized useful count
TF-IDF to get an overall score of each drug. This was done to check
Model Class Prec Rec F1 Acc. AUC that enough people reviewed that drug. The overall score is
LogisticRegression negative 0.79 0.74 0.76 0.86 0.826 divided by the total number of drugs per condition to get a
positive 0.89 0.92 0.90 mean score, which is the final score. Fig. 8 shows the top
Perceptron negative 0.89 0.83 0.86 0.92 0.895
positive 0.93 0.96 0.94 four drugs recommended by our model on top five conditions
RidgeClassifier negative 0.89 0.84 0.86 0.92 0.897 namely, Acne, Birth Control, High Blood Pressure, Pain and
positive 0.93 0.95 0.95 Depression.
MultinomialNB negative 0.85 0.83 0.84 0.90 0.883
positive 0.93 0.94 0.93
SGDClassifier negative 0.76 0.57 0.65 0.82 0.745
positive 0.83 0.92 0.88
LinearSVC negative 0.89 0.86 0.87 0.93 0.907
positive 0.94 0.96 0.95

The performance metrics of various classification methods

on Word2Vec can be analyzed using Table V. The best
accuracy is 91% by the LGBM model. Random forest and
catboost classifier provide comparable sort of results whereas
decision tree classifier performed poorly. Analyzing the region
operating curve score, we can easily manifest that the LGBM
has the highest AUC score of 88.3%.


Model Class Prec Rec F1 Acc. AUC

DecisionTree negative 0.61 0.69 0.65 0.78 0.751
Classifier positive 0.86 0.81 0.84
RandomForest negative 0.86 0.77 0.81 0.89 0.858 Fig. 8. Recommendation of top four drugs on top five conditions
Classifier positive 0.91 0.95 0.93
LGBM negative 0.86 0.82 0.84 0.91 0.883
Classifier positive 0.93 0.94 0.93 V. D ISCUSSION
CatBoost negative 0.81 0.79 0.80 0.88 0.855
Classifier positive 0.91 0.92 0.92 The results procured from each of the four methods are
good, yet that doesn’t show that the recommender framework
is ready for real-life applications. It still need improvements.
Table VI displays the performance metrics of four different Predicted results show that the difference between the positive
classification algorithms on manually created features on user and negative class metrics indicates that the training data
reviews. Compared to all other text classification methods, the should be appropriately balanced using algorithms like Smote,
results are not pretty impressive. However, the random forest Adasyn [24], SmoteTomek [25], etc. Proper hyperparameter
achieved a good accuracy score of 88%. optimization is also required for classification algorithms to
improve the accuracy of the model. In the recommendation
TABLE VI framework, we simply just added the best-predicted result of
each method. For better results and understanding, require a
Model Class Prec Rec F1 Acc. AUC proper ensembling of different predicted results. This paper
DecisionTree negative 0.65 0.75 0.69 0.80 0.816 intends to show only the methodology that one can use to
Classifier positive 0.88 0.83 0.85
RandomForest negative 0.79 0.81 0.80 0.88 0.857 extract sentiment from the data and perform classification to
Classifier positive 0.92 0.91 0.91 build a recommender system.
LGBM negative 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.85 0.787
Classifier positive 0.89 0.89 0.89 VI. C ONCLUSION
CatBoost negative 0.72 0.73 0.73 0.84 0.804
Classifier positive 0.88 0.88 0.88 Reviews are becoming an integral part of our daily lives;
whether go for shopping, purchase something online or go to

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