IoT Two Marks
IoT Two Marks
IoT Two Marks
Two Marks
1. Define Internet of Things.
1. Tell about Smart Objects.
Smart objects are any physical objects that contain embedded technology to sense and /or
interact with their environment in a meaningful way by being interconnected and enabling
communication among themselves or an external agent.
1. What is JSON in Python?
JSON is a syntax for storing and exchanging data.
JSON is text, written with JavaScript object notation.
Python has a built-in package called json, which can be used to work with JSON
2. Compare List, Tuple and Dictionaries in Python.
Parameters List Tuple Dictionaries
Basics A list is similar to Tuples are A dictionary in
an array in other collections of Python is an
languages (like Python objects unordered collection
ArrayList in Java or separated by used for storing key:
vector in C++). commas. value pairs.
Representation A List is A Tuple is A Dictionary is
represented by [ ] represented by ( ) represented by { }
Homogeneity A list is a non- A tuple is a non- A dictionary is a
homogeneous data homogeneous data non-homogeneous
structure that stores structure that stores data structure that
stores key-value
elements in columns elements in columns
and rows. and rows.
Example [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] (10, 20, 30, 40, 50) {1: 'one', 2: 'two', 3:
4. How will you monitor the moisture in soil for smart irrigation?
Soil moisture sensor: These sensors are placed in the soil at different depths to measure
moisture levels.
Weather Stations: Weather stations can provide data on temperature, humidity, and
precipitation, which can indirectly indicate soil moisture levels.
Satellite imagery: Remote sensing technologies, including satellite imagery, can
be used to assess soil moisture levels over larger areas.