IoT Two Marks

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Internet Of Things

Two Marks

1. Define Internet of Things.

2. List out the characteristics of IoT.

 Dynamic & Self-Adapting
 Self-Configuring
 Interoperable Communication Protocols
 Unique Identity
 Integrated into Information Network.

3. Name the communication models used in logical design of IoT.

a. Request-Response Model
b. Publisher-Subscriber Model
c. Push-Pull Model
d. Exclusive Pair Communication Model

4. Mention the functional blocks of an IoT system.

 Connectivity
 Processor
 Audio/Video Interfaces
 Input/Output interface
 Graphics
 Storage Interfaces
 Memory
5. What is dynamic and self-Adapting in IoT?

6. Tell about Publisher-Subscriber Model.

Publisher: It transfers data to the broker. Publishers don’t know about consumers.
Broker: It accepts publisher data and sends it to the appropriate subscriber.
Subscriber: It consumes the topics that the broker manages.

1. Tell about Smart Objects.
Smart objects are any physical objects that contain embedded technology to sense and /or
interact with their environment in a meaningful way by being interconnected and enabling
communication among themselves or an external agent.

2. What is meant by SCADA?

 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
 SCADA is an autonomous system based on closed-loop control theory or a smart system or a
CPS data connects, monitors, and controls equipment via network in a facility such as a plant
or a building.

3. Differentiate MQTT and COAP.

Message Queuing Telemetry Transport Constrained Application Protocol
It uses Publish-Subscribe model It uses Request-Response model.
This uses only Asynchronous This uses both Asynchronous and Synchronous
messaging mode.
It is used in IoT applications and is secure It is used in Utility area networks and has
secured mechanism.
4. Differentiate between MQTT and WSN.
Message Queuing Telemetry Transport Wireless Sensor Network
MQTT is a lightweight publish-subscribe WSNs focus on sensor data exchange and
messaging protocol for efficient, secure, and routing protocols
scalable for Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
Example: the smart home app on your phone Example: In a smart home, sensors control
wants to display how many lights are on in lighting, heating, and security systems.
your house.

5. How Zigbee is different from other wireless technologies?

6. List the advantages of Modbus.

 Implementation Ease and Simplicity
 Interoperability
 Wide Applications
 Flexibility in communication mediums
 Effective for Low-bandwidth Networks

1. What is JSON in Python?
 JSON is a syntax for storing and exchanging data.
 JSON is text, written with JavaScript object notation.
 Python has a built-in package called json, which can be used to work with JSON
2. Compare List, Tuple and Dictionaries in Python.
Parameters List Tuple Dictionaries
Basics A list is similar to Tuples are A dictionary in
an array in other collections of Python is an
languages (like Python objects unordered collection
ArrayList in Java or separated by used for storing key:
vector in C++). commas. value pairs.
Representation A List is A Tuple is A Dictionary is
represented by [ ] represented by ( ) represented by { }
Homogeneity A list is a non- A tuple is a non- A dictionary is a
homogeneous data homogeneous data non-homogeneous
structure that stores structure that stores data structure that
stores key-value
elements in columns elements in columns
and rows. and rows.

Example [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] (10, 20, 30, 40, 50) {1: 'one', 2: 'two', 3:

3. What is class in python?

 A class is a code template for creating objects.
 Objects have member variables and have behaviour associated with them.
 In python a class is created by the keyword class.

4. Outline various control flow in python.

 if statement
 for statement
 while statement
 range statement
 break/continue statement
 pass statement
5. List out the steps in IoT Design Methodology.

6. Mention various modes in file handling.

The mode can be read (r), write (w), append (a), read and write (r+ or w+), read-
binary (rb) and write-binary (wb)

7. What do you mean by file handling in python?

 File handling in Python allows us to store data that can be accessed by our code for
various purposes like reading, writing, modifying and deleting data from files.
 The open(filename, mode) function is used to get a file object.
1. Define IoT device.
 IoT devices are hardware devices, such as sensors, actuators or appliances and other
machines that collect and exchange data over the Internet.
 Most IoT devices are configured and managed through a software application.
 For example, an app on your smart phone to control the lights in your home.

2. List out Amazon web services for IoT.

3. Mention the features of Raspberry pi.

The Raspberry Pi features a Broadcom System-on-Chip (SoC) with an ARM processor,
RAM, storage, GPIO (general-purpose input/output) pins, and various interfaces, such as
USB, Ethernet, HDMI, and Wi-Fi.

4. How is Raspberry Pi different from a desktop computer?

Size: Raspberry Pi has the standard size of our credit card. The latest size of Raspberry Pi
is 56.5 mm x 85.60 mm ×17 mm. Whereas, an average desktop tower is estimated at 24
× 8 inches.
Memory and Storage: The RAM of Raspberry Pi ranges from 1 GB to 8 GB. In
general, computers often have more RAM than Raspberry Pi and are also comparatively
higher like 16 GB, 32 GB, and more.
Price difference: new computer between the range of $400 and $3500. Raspberry Pi is
thought to be less expensive. It ranges between $150 – $250.

5. What protocols does the SkyNet messaging platform support?

The single SkyNet API supports the following IoT protocols:
HTTP, REST, WebSockets, MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport), and CoAP
(Constrained Application Protocol) for guaranteed message delivery and low-bandwidth
satellite communications.
1. What are the elements of a home automation system?
 Sensors,
 Controllers and
 Actuators
2. List out IoT applications based on environment.
 Environmental protection,
 Extreme weather monitoring,
 Water safety,
 Endangered species protection,
 Commercial farming

3. Mention any four applications in industry based IoT.

 Asset tracking,
 Inventory management,
 Remote monitoring and control
 Smart robotics

4. How will you monitor the moisture in soil for smart irrigation?
 Soil moisture sensor: These sensors are placed in the soil at different depths to measure
moisture levels.
 Weather Stations: Weather stations can provide data on temperature, humidity, and
precipitation, which can indirectly indicate soil moisture levels.
 Satellite imagery: Remote sensing technologies, including satellite imagery, can
be used to assess soil moisture levels over larger areas.

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