2020-2021 - Class - Xi - Psychology - What Is Psychology - Studynotes
2020-2021 - Class - Xi - Psychology - What Is Psychology - Studynotes
2020-2021 - Class - Xi - Psychology - What Is Psychology - Studynotes
Behavior refers to the responses or reactions we make or activities we engage in our day
to day life. The behavior is of two type’s overt (external) and covert (internal), The
behavior which is visible and can be observed by others is known as external or overt
behavior and the covert behavior is actually internal aspects.
8. What are the famous themes associated with the modern psychology?
The five major themes in the field of psychology are
i. Psychology like other sciences attempts to develop principles of behavior and
mental processes. In Psychology lot of theories on personality, learning,
motivation and emotions are developed like the physical and biological
sciences in practice.
ii. B = f{P*E} is a famous hypothesis proposed by Kurt Lewin and it says that the
“Human behavior is a function of the attributes of persons and
In opinion of Kurt Lewin each and every individuals behavior is actually
resulting due to his or her interaction with the existing environment.
iii. Human behavior is caused, each and every behavior is having a cause and
people are acting in society due to various reasons and this causes or
causative factors are the source of knowing and understanding behavior.
iv. Understanding of human behavior is culturally constructed. Cultural concepts
are reflecting in ones own behavior and we can understand the beahviour
mainly in terms of the cultural aspects like various customs and traditions
and rituals.
v. Human behavior can be controlled, modified through the application of
scientific principles and methods of psychology. The scientific behaivour
theories especially led to the rise and development of an approach and this
approach is the base for the development of the above theme in psychology.
9. Explain evolutionary approach of psychology in detail?
The evolution of psychology as a separate subject took place due to the efforts and
hard work done by the various philosophers and psychologists. These approaches
of evolution are formally known as schools of psychology and which are as follows.
14. What are the various professions where psychologist can work?
The term mind has returned to the psychology due to the research work done by
Neuroscientist Robert Sperry and Physicist Penrose. They made a statement “That
the mind can’t exist without brain”. To support the above statement they provided
the clinical evidences.
An amateur athlete who lost his arm in a motor cycle accident but he continues to
feel his arm and also continued to feel its movements.
A young man who suffered with brain injury in an accident and after the surgery
returned home. He is not able to recognize his own parents and started claiming
that they his parents are replaced by their duplicates.