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2020-2021 - Class - Xi - Psychology - What Is Psychology - Studynotes

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Behavior refers to the responses or reactions we make or activities we engage in our day
to day life. The behavior is of two type’s overt (external) and covert (internal), The
behavior which is visible and can be observed by others is known as external or overt
behavior and the covert behavior is actually internal aspects.

1. What is Psychology and define the term?

Psychology the word is derived from two Greek words Psyche and Logos, Psyche
means soul and Logos means a meaningful study or the subject of study. Thus
psychology means a systematic study of human behavior. In early 1910’s John
Watson of America defined the term psychology as systematic study of human
behavior and later the term mental processes got added.
2. Explain psychology from the point of social science?
Psychology is a systematic study of human behavior and various mental processes,
Psychology as a social science it studies the human behavior from the point of view
of the society and the culture and the various changes which are resulting in society
and the culture and its impact on behavior will be studied in a good way.
3. Differentiate the concept of psychology from the two popular notions?
Psychology is a systematic study of human behavior and mental processes and the
popular notions of the psychology are “out of sight is out of mind”, “distance makes
the heart grow fonder”. The above two views are commonly used by the people in
day to day life and the psychology is different with such views because it studies the
human behavioral phenomenon in terms of various causes and consequences.
4. Explain Psychology as a natural science?


Psychology is a systematic study of human behavior and mental processes,
Psychology has its roots in philosophy like other sciences and arts. The modern
psychology developed due to the application of scientific method and experimental
methods to study the psychological phenomenon or the behavior.
Psychology was influenced by Descartes and later development of the physics
influenced the development of psychology. The hypothetico deductive reasoning
model supported the psychological research in the modern era one side and another
side the experimental method of investigation is carried from the physical science
perspective to the field of psychology for studying the behavior. The above two
concepts led to the development of various theories of learning, memory, attention
and perception…etc in the field of psychology.
Apart from physical science psychology is highly influenced and affected by biological
sciences and the biological sciences focused on studying the relations between the
biological organs and various glands and their secretions and its impact on human
behaivour. The above reasons are enabling a large number of people to argue that
psychology as a natural science.
5. Explain the historical development of psychology in India?
The modern era of Indian psychology began with the establishment of first
psychology laboratory in 1915 at Calcutta University and the first department of
psychology in the year 1916. The department of applied psychology in the year 1938
is the beginning of modern experimental psychology in India.
In the year 1922 Indian Psychoanalytic association was formed and the early
development of psychology in India was influenced by Dr. N.N. Sengupta received
training in USA in Experimental tradition of Wund’t. Professor G. Bose was trained in
psychoanalytical method affected the early development of psychology in India.
6. What is constructivism?
Human beings are actively constructing their minds through the exploration of
modern physical and social world and this view is known as constructivism.
7. Critically explain about introspection as a method of investigation?
Introspection as a method of investigation became popular due to the work done by
Wilhelm wund’t, Introspection is a combination of two Latin words Intro, Spiere
which means self-evaluation or self-observation of one’s own experiences. In


Introspection as a method of investigation is having various limitations and the
experimenter or the observer and the subject are same. The subjective nature of the
study and not having any scientific base are the difficulties with the above method.

8. What are the famous themes associated with the modern psychology?
The five major themes in the field of psychology are
i. Psychology like other sciences attempts to develop principles of behavior and
mental processes. In Psychology lot of theories on personality, learning,
motivation and emotions are developed like the physical and biological
sciences in practice.
ii. B = f{P*E} is a famous hypothesis proposed by Kurt Lewin and it says that the
“Human behavior is a function of the attributes of persons and
In opinion of Kurt Lewin each and every individuals behavior is actually
resulting due to his or her interaction with the existing environment.
iii. Human behavior is caused, each and every behavior is having a cause and
people are acting in society due to various reasons and this causes or
causative factors are the source of knowing and understanding behavior.
iv. Understanding of human behavior is culturally constructed. Cultural concepts
are reflecting in ones own behavior and we can understand the beahviour
mainly in terms of the cultural aspects like various customs and traditions
and rituals.
v. Human behavior can be controlled, modified through the application of
scientific principles and methods of psychology. The scientific behaivour
theories especially led to the rise and development of an approach and this
approach is the base for the development of the above theme in psychology.
9. Explain evolutionary approach of psychology in detail?
The evolution of psychology as a separate subject took place due to the efforts and
hard work done by the various philosophers and psychologists. These approaches
of evolution are formally known as schools of psychology and which are as follows.


This approach of psychology actually is a thought process associated with the
concepts of Wilhelm Wund’t, while establishment of the first psychology laboratory
in Leipzig university of Germany Wund’t said that the “studying the structures of the
mind” is important in psychology.
Wund’t supported introspection as a method of investigation. Introspection is a
word which derived from two Latin words “intro and Spiere”. Which means self-
evaluation of one’s own experiences. As a method of investigation in the field of
psychology introspection is having its limitations.
Functionalism as a thought process was initiated by William James of America, James
established the first psychology laboratory to carry the experiments in
Massachusetts in Harvard University. He criticized structuralism and tried to define
psychology should focus the functions of the mind rather than its structures. In his
view psychology need to focus on functions rather than the structures of the mind.
James suggested introspection as well as observation as valid tools or methods of
Gestalt psychology
Gestalt psychology emerged as a reaction to structuralism in Germany, The chief
proponent of Gestalt psychology is Max Wertheimer a professor of psychology in
Berlin University. They focused on organization of perceptual experiences rather
than focusing on what mind consist. According to them perceiving the things as a
whole is better than perceiving various components as independent elements.
Behaviorism as a movement of psychology came in to focus during the early 1910’s
due to the work of John Watson, He rejected the ideas of mind and consciousness
and clearly defined the “Psychology as a systematic study of human behavior as well
as mental processes”. Watson criticized the concept of studying the mind and
rejected introspection as a method of investigation because its subjective nature.
Experimental and observation methods are considered as valid for studying the
human behavior.
The ideas of Watson are still dominant and influenced very famous psychologist like
BF skinner.


Sigmund Freud is very popularly known as father of psychoanalysis for his research
work, he shook the entire world with the radical view of understanding human
behavior as a dynamic manifestation of unconscious desires and conflicts.
Psychoanalysis is a system of understanding human personality and method of
treatment of psychological disorders.
Humanistic perspective
Humanists such as Abraham Maslow & Carl Rogers viewed human beings as kind,
cooperative, friendly and kind by nature. They emphasized the free will of human
beings and their natural striving to grow and unfold their inner potential. They
criticized the concepts of behaviorism S-R and saying that the behavior is not only
because of environmental factors and it is due to inner self of the human beings.
Cognitive perspective
Cognition is the process of knowing it involves thinking, understanding, memorizing
and perceiving. According to this approach human mind is like a computer which is
collecting the data and converting the data in to various forms to provide solutions
to the problems.
10. What is Psychoneuroimmunology?
Psychoneuroimmunology is a branch of study, it studies the links between mind,
brain and immune system and also it studies the effect of stress on immune system.
11. What is the difference between basic and applied psychology?
Basic vs applied psychology are actually the two different broader terms used to
classify the subject knowledge of psychology.
Basic psychology is actually the knowledge and the information which is developed
through continuous and constant research work. The principles or the theories
which are emerged in the field of psychology are known as the basic psychology.
Applied Psychology is the term associated with the usage or application of the basic
psychology to the different other subjects or the other fields for the purpose of
providing solutions to various problems in life.
Education psychology, sports psychology, cultural and cross cultural psychology,
environmental psychology……etc.
12. Explain various Branches of Psychology?


Cognitive Psychology
Cognitive psychology focus on various mental processes involved in various skills like
memory development, acquisition, storage, manipulation and how the human
beings are involved in thinking and providing solutions to the different problems in
their day to day life is the matter of study.
Biological Psychology
It focuses on relationship between the biological system and the behavior of the
people and how biological system or the physical body functions are affecting and
shaping the human behavior is the matter of study.
It emerged due to the works done by the neurologists along with the psychologists
and its focus of study is how the various neurotransmitters or the chemical
substances released by the neurons are causing behavioral changes in daily life.
Developmental psychology
It studies the physical, social and psychological changes which are occurring or
resulting in different stages of developmental period from the time of conception to
till death.
Social Psychology
Social psychology is a branch which concentrates and focuses on how people are
influenced in day to day life. The major topics of study are attitude, compliance,
obedience and group formation, prejudice, aggression and intergroup relations are
the matter of discussion in social psychology.
Cross-cultural and cultural psychology
Studying the impact of ones own culture on his or her behavior is actually known as
cultural psychology. The term cross cultural psychology is a way of knowing and
understanding the behavior from the point of various other or the foreign cultures
and its significance on behavior of individuals.
Environmental psychology
Environmental psychology focuses on studying the relationship between the various
environmental factors like pollution, crowding, noise temperature, humidity, climatic
changes, natural disasters..etc, and its consequences on human behavior.
Health Psychology


Its focus is on various factors like stress, anxiety, depression and their impact on
human life and these aspects prevention and control, through systematic coping
abilities is the concept of study.
Clinical and Counselling Psychology
Clinical psychology is dealing with the chronic and severe problems like substance
abuse, eating disorders, bipolar and schizophrenia and the various causes and
treatments of the particular disorders are discussed in the field of clinical
Counselling Psychology
Counselling is a voluntary process and it is known as a helping relation in between a
counselor and client. The counselling psychology deals with the entire process of
carrying the counselling and its types and methods.
Industrial/ Organizational Psychology
Industrial/Organizational psychology is one of the growing area, its focus is mainly on
various development of good relations in the working environment and motivating
the people in goal achievement while creating a good working culture and working
Educational Psychology
Educational Psychology is a science which deals with the various issues related to the
field of education and its significance can be seen in mainly teaching and learning
process and discipline management. All the different activities related to the field of
education are totally focused and highlighted in a right way.
School Psychology
School Psychology is another field and it is closely connected with educational
psychology in nature, it focuses on designing programs which promote intellectual,
social and emotional development of children.
Sports Psychology
Sports Psychology is focuses on improvement of sports men/women’s performance
while applying the principles and knowledge of psychology. Its main focus in on
team development and building good relations among the people in work.
13. Explain the relations among Psychology and other disciplines in detailed way?
Psychology and Philosophy


Psychology is actually separated from philosophy in the year 1879 by Wilhelm
Wund’t while establishment of first laboratory in Leipzig university of Germany.
Psychology started growing as an independent subject but at the same time the
growth and development of the psychology its various approach from philosophy.
Psychology and Medicine
Medical sciences and the Psychology are closely connected or collaborated with each
other in the modern world. The knowledge of psychology and its principles are
supportive to the medical professionals in dealing with the patients and
understanding the behavior of the patients in a right way. The change of the
definition of the health from the narrow definition of “sickness or absence of a
disease” to the complete physical, emotional and social wellbeing of the individuals.

Psychology and Economics

Economics is a science dealing with the human needs and wants and these needs
and wants are more psychological. The micro economic theories and principles are
closely connected with the psychology and the economic topics like consumer
behavior and purchasing style of the people can be understood on base of
Psychology and Political science
Politics and psychology relations are very strong and the way how the people
develop the attitudes towards the political parties and how the politicians are able to
influence the attitudes of the people and form the government.
Psychology and Sociology
Psychology as a study of human behavior and mainly the behavior is studied in terms
of social and cultural aspects in our society. The changes resulting in society and
culture are directly affecting the behavior of the people in working environment.
Psychology and computer science
The progress and the development in the field of computer science is mainly due to
the research carried in knowing and understanding of the functions of the brain.
The above research supported in rise and development of the computer memory
and its functions, in recent days the computer scientists are actively involved in
development of artificial intelligence in the modern world.


Psychology- Law and Criminology
Psychology and its knowledge is helpful in knowing and understanding the crimes
and criminal behavior in a right way. The psychology as a subject is fully supportive
and helpful in rehabilitation of the criminals and correcting their behavior through
various means.
Psychology – Mass communication
Psychology is closely connected with mass communication and it is actually a way of
presenting the data or the information regarding various issues in touching the
hearts of the people. The mass communication as a means to influence the
attitudes and enable and motivate the people for better goals achievement.
Psychology Music and Fine arts
Music and Psychology have converged in many areas, the psychologist are using the
various musical instruments and themes in order to improve the quality of life. The
psychologist are doing the experiments with support of various ragas in healing
psychological disorders.
Psychology Architecture and Engineering
Architecture and engineering are connected or associated with the psychology, The
way how an engineer and architect are able to understand the clients needs and
wishes and design and complete the work is associated with the psychology. The
need oriented understanding and the work completion system are closely connected
or associated with the psychology.

14. What are the various professions where psychologist can work?

The psychologist can work as counselors, clinical psychologist, Lecturers and

psychotherapist. The areas of working are the schools, colleges as academic and
personal counselors and, industries as Human resource managers, training and
development officers, Labour relations managers….etc.
As a clinical psychologist they deal with the various variety of psychological
disorders and they will try to treat with the support of various therapeutic
techniques. They are working in hospitals, clinics and also private practitioners.
As a counseling Psychologist they are working with the motivational and emotional
problems. They are mainly dealing with the routing life problems and trying to


support the people emotionally and morally. The general problems like adjustment
and emotional and motivational problems are deal by the counseling psychologist.
The seriousness of the problems is not that much on comparing to the clinical
As a community Psychologist generally their focus is on problems related to the
community health, They are trying to establish community health centers to deal
with the mental and physical problems of the people in rural areas. They are fighting
with the social problems and leading for the change in the way of thinking of the
As a school Psychologists are working in the educational settings. The school
psychologist is mainly dealing with the various wide variety of problems which are
experienced by the teachers and the students in the process of teaching and
learning. They are supportive to the school functions and they are guiding and
providing the counseling services to children on various issues related to them.
As an Organizational Psychologist, The psychologist working to improve the working
conditions and also trying to solve the problems in organizations. They are mainly
focused to improve the relations between the management and the working
community. As well as the recruitment of the employees, selection and training of
the employees are the core aspects of organizational psychologists.

15. How the word mind is back to the field of Psychology?

The term mind has returned to the psychology due to the research work done by
Neuroscientist Robert Sperry and Physicist Penrose. They made a statement “That
the mind can’t exist without brain”. To support the above statement they provided
the clinical evidences.

An amateur athlete who lost his arm in a motor cycle accident but he continues to
feel his arm and also continued to feel its movements.

A young man who suffered with brain injury in an accident and after the surgery
returned home. He is not able to recognize his own parents and started claiming
that they his parents are replaced by their duplicates.



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