Earth Resistivity Testing 2934945 - 2
Earth Resistivity Testing 2934945 - 2
Earth Resistivity Testing 2934945 - 2
SP0510C07. Substation Earth System Injection Testing Analysis Suitable barriers and warning signs for erection at the
Tool source and the remote end to prevent inadvertent contact
SS1-7.3. Substation Standards - Soil Resistivity Testing. with 'LIVE' equipment, if deemed necessary.
Maps and site plans – use these for marking where test readings PPE including full-length protective cotton clothing, safety
were taken, these may include but not be limited to: footwear, safety helmet. All PPE to be inspected and
confirmed within test date (where applicable) prior to use.
Local map – Can give useful information on surrounding
area. Additional PPE Required
Geological / Soil survey map (Should be available from
Additional PPE as required: brim for safety helmet, leather
local council).
work gloves, class 00 gloves, hearing protection, safety
Civil Works - Site Clearing Plan.
eyewear, high visibility clothing when working on or near
Civil Works - Earth Grid Plan.
Google earth EC (Will show existing network).
Sun protection to be used when working outdoors.
Geotechnical Report
Test Equipment Manuals 5. TEST METHOD DESCRIPTION
For the purpose of this SWP only the Wenner method of testing
shall be described.
All equipment used is to be calibrated and within test due date.
Earth Resistivity Testing
Earth Resistivity Tester / Injection test unit.
Ground Grid Conductor Locator.
Flexible Insulated Wire on Easy-to-Spool Reels.
Earth test electrodes (stake).
240V Portable Generator.
Measuring Wheel/Measuring tapes (100m).
The depth shown ‘b’ must be less than a/20. E.g. at 0.5m
spacings, the electrodes can only be driven into a depth of 2.5cm;
at 10m they can be driven to 50cm, but can be less.
By completing this testing accurately, and with spacings as large
as practically possible, we obtain details about the soil such as
whether it is homogenous or has multiple layers, and the apparent
resistivity of those layers. This provides valuable information
when designing earthing systems for maximum performance
comparable sites can be identified from the soil survey map allows) and run out your current and potential leads to
to enable thorough testing to acceptable soil depths. a distance allowing that measurement. Eg. 30m
spacings require a minimum of 45m current leads and
Tip: Make sure your earth resistivity meter has a fully charged
15m potential leads. The current and potential leads
battery before leaving for site. If possible, have two available.
shall be run on opposite sides of the straight line
6.2. Carry out an onsite risk assessment being measured and as far from each other as
Prior to performing this activity, any hazards associated practical. This will reduce any inductive effects. Bring
with pre-requisite tasks at the worksite shall be identified both ends of the leads back to the centre point.
and assessed with appropriate control measures Note: Care must be taken if using spools wound around
implemented and documented in accordance with the metallic drums with magnetic properties. Place current and
HazChat – On-site Risk Assessment and using reference voltage spools at 90º angles to each other to reduce any
document EQL SWMS – Safe Work Method Statements. transformer effect.
If any risks cannot be managed or reduced to an
acceptable level, do not proceed with the task and seek • Starting at a spacing of 0.5m, place the 4 electrodes
assistance from your Supervisor. in a straight line taking care not to exceed the a/20
depth. This would place your current electrodes at
6.3. On site testing procedure 0.75m from the centre point and your potential
After completion of the HazChat and arrival at the site to be electrodes at 0.25m from the centre. Connect the
tested, the following steps should be followed to obtain electrodes to the meter as shown in Figure 1 and
satisfactory test results: measure the resistance, record on the test report.
See below for common troubleshooting.
• Identify the first straight line to be traversed from your
drawings / maps. Stake the centre point of the line. Note: When the meter is on, all electrodes should be
treated as live unless proven otherwise. The meter should
Tip: Run out 2 100m tape measures in opposite directions be turned off between measurements and before anyone
from the centre point to guide the placement of your touches exposed conductors or electrodes.
• Reverse your Current and Potential leads at the
• Estimate maximum spacing of your electrodes (you meter, ie. C1-P1, P1-C1, C2-P2, P2-C2 and measure
should be prepared to go as far as your equipment
the resistance again and record on the test report. first. Inconsistencies between the two line traverses
This is a check of the setup and equal spacing of the could suggest buried conductors, adjacent metallic
electrodes. You should get approximately the same interference or poor test setup. Carry out extra
result. traverses until confident of your results.
• Repeat the two steps above at increasing electrode • Ensure you have recorded weather conditions
spacing distances, each spacing distance and including recent patterns and mark your traverse lines
resistance measured should be noted on the test on a site plan.
Tip: Doubling your spacing each time allows a quick check
of the soil homogeneity. If your resistance reading halves
each time you move your spacing out, you are measuring
a homogenous layer.
• If possible, enter the data into the electronic copy of
the Substation Earth System Injection Analysis Tool -
2941578. Analyse the graph of apparent resistivity vs
spacing. This graph will tell you if you have gone to a
large enough spacing. Refer Figure 2, this suggests a
homogenous soil (approximately 350Ωm to a depth of
at 64m). No further testing would be required. Figure
3, however, shows a change in layer, but further
spacing would be required to try and determine the Figure: 2 – Homogenous Soil
resistivity of the lower layer.
Note: This is not as critical if testing for upper layer
resistivity for step and touch voltage criteria.
• Repeat this process again for another traverse. You
should measure the second traverse line at 90º to the
7.1. Resistivity-Depth Curve
A quick assessment of the layering of the soil model can be
obtained from Resistivity-Depth graphs as shown in Figures 2
and 3. However, this is not always the preferred method for
determining resistivity value.
7.2. Inverse Slope
The following is an extract from SS1-7.3. Substation Standards
- Soil Resistivity Testing. It describes a process of using a
graph of 1/(2πR)-Depth to determine soil layer depths and
Problem Possible solution
Meter reports High Use water (saltwater if you can) to help
impedance at close lower electrode contact resistance. You
spacings can also use extra electrodes connected
Note: The distance between the extra
electrodes needs to be kept to less than
Meter reports High Drive electrodes deeper without
impedance at far exceeding a/20. Use water.
Manually spacings Try another meter, different type of
t d meter.
Resistance Spacing of electrodes is probably not
measurement is equal.
different (>5%) when
current and potential
leads are crossed.
Physically cannot If testing for earthing design, it is
increase electrode important to try and get lower layer
spacings to get resistivity. Try and locate an area
satisfactory results. nearby that has similar soil qualities
where you can increase the electrode
Use geo-tech data if possible.
Core sample if necessary (inner city).
Figure: 4 – Determination of layer depth and resistivity by inverse slope Soil appears to be Could be buried services, do second
very low resistivity traverse at 90º.
and homogenous