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Alamat : Dusun 2 Desa Margoyoso Kec. Jayaloka Kab.Musi rawas31665



Mata pelajaran: Bahasa inggris

Kelas : VII/ Tujuh

Jawablah pertanyaan dengan benar!

1. You want to say greeting to your father d. Let me introduce my self
before you sleep. What do you say? 8. Edo: ..... ?
a. Good morning dad Adi: I live in surabaya
b. Good night dad a. Where do you live?
c. Good afternoon dad b. What is your name?
d. Good evening dad c. Where do you come form?
2. “See you again” in indonesian means .... d. What is this?
a. Selamat sore 9. What is the third day of the week?
b. Terima ksaih kembali a. Monday
c. Sampai bertemu lagi b. Friday
d. Selamat sampai tujuan c. Wednesday
3. Ardi: Thank you very much d. Sunday
Fajar: ...... 10. What days are the weekend?
a. Never mind a. Sunday and Monday
b. See you b. Firday and Saturday
c. Good morning c. Tuesday and Wednesday
d. You are welcome d. Saturday and Sunday
4. What do you say when someone has 11. Today is Thursday. Tomorrow is ...
return your lost wallet a. Friday
a. I’m sorry b. Sunday
b. No problem c. Tuesday
c. Thank you d. Saturday
d. It’s ok 12. We commemorate hero’s day on ...
a. August
Read and answer question 5 and 6! b. March
Jihan : Good morning Miss Yuli c. November
Miss Yuli: Good morning, Jihan d. October
Jihan: I’m sorry miss, I came late 13. We celebrate kartini’s day on
Miss Yuli: It’s ok. Come in, please. a. April 21st
Jihan: Thank you, Miss b. December 22nd
5. In the text, which is expression of apology c. July 23rd
a. Good morning d. June 1 st
b. thank you 14. .... many people standing outside bthe
c. that’s ok movie theater.
d. I’m sorry, I came late a. There is
6. What is respon of apology? b. There are
a. That’s ok c. There
b. Come in d. Is there
c. Thank you 15. We use this thing to cook. It is a ....
d. Please a. Basin
7. Ok guys, .... this is vida. She moved from b. Stove
bogor now she lives in lubuklinggau and c. Kinfe
she is our new class mate. d. Rack
a. Say hello to vida 16. You can put thev food in the .... to keep it
b. Let me introduce our new friend fresh and cold.
c. Please welcome a. Microwave
b. Refigerator Kiran: these are my cat.
c. Stove a. What is this?
d. Rice cooker b. What is that?
17. Pillow, blanket, bolster and wardobe are c. What are these?
things in .... d. What are those?
a. Bath room 25. This animal lives in the sea and land. What
b. Living room animal is it?
c. Dining room a. Tiger
d. Bed room b. Dolpin
18. Rocky : I’m sorry, the ... is too small, I’m c. Crocodile
worried that there wiil not be a good place d. Elephant
for our to learn to cook 26. The bird can fly on the trees because bird
Roy : oh it is fine Rocky, it is has ...
comportable enought for us pratcise a. Wings
cooking b. Fin
a. Kitchen c. Tail
b. Dining room d. Beak
c. Bedroom 27. It has a long trunk and tusk. What animal
d. Living room it is?
19. Mother makes cake using ... oven a. Giraffe
a. A b. Fish
b. An c. Elephant
c. Some d. Goat
d. Is
20. They buy some ... This text below is for question 28 to 30
a. Friut My favorite animal is rabbit. Rabbit has
b. A fruit two long ears. Its eyes are big and black,
c. Fruits but when it is dark its eyes are red. It has
d. An fruit two lomg teeth. Its nose is small and soft
21. Jeny eat .... chicken noodle pink.it jumps, it is vegetarian and its
a. A Bowl of favorite food are carrots.
b. A Cup of 28. How many ears does the rabbit have?
c. A slice of a. Two ears
d. A bar of b. Three ears
22. Dea has a tin of milk. What is the meaning c. Four ears
a tin of milk? d. Five ears
a. Sebotol susu 29. Does it has short teeth?
b. Sekotak susu a. Yes, it does
c. Setetes susu b. No, it does
d. Sekaleng susu c. Yes, it doesn’t
23. In below is things uncountable d. No, it doesn’t
a. Bottle and book 30. What is title of the text?
b. Apple and money a. Rabbit are very funny
c. Salt and milk b. My favorite animal
d. Egg and rice c. My animal
24. Sinta: ...... ? d. Rabbit

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