Article Final Amrp Lcbs Jpoh
Article Final Amrp Lcbs Jpoh
Article Final Amrp Lcbs Jpoh
Andrés Mauricio Rúa Peláez1, León Carlos Berrocal Salgado2, Juan Pablo Ortiz Hernandez3
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Facultad de Minas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia- sede Medellín.
In this article, the broad world of graphene, a two-dimensional material with exceptional properties, will be explored. The different
methods of graphene synthesis and their impact on the quality and properties of the resulting material will be analyzed.
Furthermore, the unique characteristics of graphene will be introduced, emphasizing its high electrical conductivity, mechanical
strength, and its capacity to act as an ideal platform for electrochemistry. Lastly, the application of graphene as an anode in lithium-
ion batteries will be examined, encompassing aspects of its performance, advantages, and associated challenges.
En este artículo, exploraremos el amplio mundo del grafeno, un material bidimensional con propiedades excepcionales.
Comenzaremos analizando los diferentes métodos de síntesis del grafeno y su impacto en la calidad y las propiedades del material
resultante. A continuación, se introducirá en las características únicas del grafeno, destacando su alta conductividad eléctrica, su
resistencia mecánica y su capacidad para actuar como una plataforma ideal para la electroquímica. Finalmente, se examinará la
aplicación del grafeno como ánodo en baterías de ión-litio abarcando aspectos de su rendimiento, ventajas y desafíos asociados.
The term "graphene", which has its root in the words Graphene is a material whose characteristics largely
"graphite" and "alkene", was first coined to describe a depend on the synthesis route used for its creation [4].
single two-dimensional sheet component of graphite. Since its discovery, different techniques have been
Graphene can be defined as an atom-thick sheet consisting developed to produce graphene materials with various
of a hexagonal arrangement of carbon atoms with 𝑠𝑝 2 morphologies (spheres, nanoparticles, nanotubes,
hybridization. nanowires, graphene sheets, porous carbon, aerogels, and
other graphene-based structures) [9]. These routes include
Graphene can be considered as the origin of all other physical and chemical methods such as mechanical
graphitic forms, as it can be packed one sheet on top of exfoliation, thermal decomposition of SiC, chemical
another, to form graphite (3D) or rolled up in the form of vapor deposition (CVD), exfoliation and reduction of
carbon nanotubes (1D) [3,7]. graphite oxides, liquid-phase exfoliation of graphite,
solvothermal synthesis, organic synthesis, and other
3. PROPERTIES methods [4]. However, some of these techniques have
limitations in terms of costs and industrial scalability,
Electronic Properties which hinders their application in large quantities.
Graphene exhibits a dipole electric field effect and charge This article will focus on the most important and
carriers can move in this material continuously if the promising routes for industrial-scale graphene
temperature is manipulated, suggesting that ultrahigh production. However, special mention will be given to the
velocities of up to 15000cm2V-1s-1. In suspended graphene mechanical exfoliation method or "tape method," as it was
and decreasing impurities, velocities of up to 200000 the precursor to all current routes. Despite its ability to
cm2V-1s-1 cans be obtained at room temperature [2]. generate one or a few layers of high-quality graphene,
mechanical exfoliation is a complex method for
Mechanical Properties producing large masses of graphene, making it
impractical for industrial applications [7]. On the other
The defect-free graphene has a Young's modulus of 1 TPa hand, graphene synthesis by chemical vapor deposition
and a fracture toughness of 130 GPa [9]. By reducing the (CVD) is practical but not cost-effective for large-scale
oxide by means of a hydrogen plasma, the modulus production. Nevertheless, it has been recognized as one of
decreases to a value of 0.25 TPa. With this in mind, the the most promising processes for generating high-quality
materials can be assembled by graphene platelets graphene sheets, particularly for electronic applications.
improving their mechanical characteristics.
Now we will focus on two widely used and relatively cost-
Optical Properties effective methods: liquid-phase exfoliation or thermally
expanded graphite exfoliation, and reduction of graphene
The transmittance decreases linearly with the number of oxides [1]. In the liquid-phase exfoliation method,
layers n in the graphene except for photons with an energy expanded graphite or isolated graphite flakes are obtained
of less than 0.5 eV. Even so, it is a material with an ultra- through the thermal expansion process of intercalated
fast photo-response of up to 40 GHz used as a transistor graphite compounds, commonly known as expanded
for optoelectronic devices for communications or sensing. graphite or EG. These flakes are dispersed in solvents
such as tetrabutylammonium hydroxide (TBA) or oleum
Thermal properties to weaken the intermolecular forces between the graphene
layers. Exfoliation is facilitated by the application of
Conductivity is determined by phonon transport, which external forces and generate high-quality graphene sheets.
means, diffuse conduction of electrons at high The method's high scalability and cost-effectiveness
temperature and ballistic conduction (in a specific render it highly appealing for the large-scale production
direction without being diffuse medium). In graphene, of graphene.
Rúa-Peláez; Berrocal-Salgado;Ortiz-Hernández. Junio. 2023
One commonly employed and extensively explored defects" are generated, while the addition or removal of
approach involves the reduction of highly oxidized carbon atoms in graphene sheets produces edges,
graphene oxide (GO) using various techniques such as deformations, and vacancies, known as "intrinsic
chemical, electrochemical, and thermal methods. defects." Therefore, it is critical to achieve a controlled
Exfoliated graphite sheets serve as the starting material chemical doping concentration in graphene for its
for producing reduced graphene oxide (rGO), application in electrochemical energy storage devices.
functionalized graphene sheets (FGSs), or chemically
converted graphene (CCG). The synthesis of graphene Edge functionalization
oxide typically involves the Hummers method, where
graphite undergoes a reaction with potassium Edge functionalization refers to the chemical or physical
permanganate (KMnO4) and concentrated sulfuric acid modification of graphene edges. It involves introducing
(H2SO4). As a result, GO sheets are heavily oxidized, functional groups or controlled defects at the edge sites of
containing an abundance of residual groups such as graphene to alter its chemical and physical properties [4].
epoxides, carbonyls, hydroxyls, and carboxylic acids This technique allows for the improvement of the
attached to their surface. There exist numerous techniques graphene's surface characteristics and harnesses its highly
for reducing GO to obtain rGO, including sonolysis, reactive edge sites to interact with different chemical
thermal, chemical, photochemical, photothermal, species. Edge functionalization can be achieved through
microwave-assisted and electrochemical reduction. various methods, such as chemical oxidation, ball milling,
deposition of atoms or molecules at the edge sites, among
others. These processes modify the chemical bonds and
5. GRAPHENE FUNCTIONALIZATION electronic structure at the edge sites, which can affect
electrical conductivity, adsorption capacity, chemical
Functionalization offers a highly effective strategy for reactivity, and stability of graphene. Surface
enhancing the performance of graphene and graphene functionalization plays a crucial role in creating graphene-
oxide. Through chemical or physical methods, these based materials with outstanding characteristics at both
materials can be modified by introducing covalent or non- the macroscopic and surface levels, which is essential for
covalent bonding interactions. This process allows for the efficient storage systems. It is particularly important to
tailored modification of their properties and opens new highlight that graphene edge sites are highly reactive and
avenues for their application in various fields. [1]. play a central role in covalent interactions with diverse
Generally, when functionalization is carried out through chemical species.
covalent interactions, the outer layer of graphene
structures is affected, resulting in the emergence of Topological and structural defects
defects and the loss of electronic characteristics. On the
other hand, non-covalent functionalization is often The improvement of the performance of graphene has
preferred as it does not alter the shape or electrical been approached through the functionalization of
properties of graphene but rather introduces new chemical structural and topological defects. This emerging strategy
groups. Over time, various functionalization techniques shows promise in optimizing your properties. Structural
have been developed, such as doping with heteroatoms, defects in graphene can play a crucial role, acting as
edge functionalization, and the introduction of electroactive sites or serving as anchors for other active
topological/structural defects, for the synthesis of species such as metals and heteroatoms [1]. It is important
graphene-based materials used in batteries. to highlight that defects in graphene have a direct impact
on its properties [2]. Therefore, proper management of
Doping with heteroatoms these imperfections can result in better performance of the
The introduction of heteroatoms, such as boron,
phosphorus, and nitrogen, into the graphene structure by
means of heteroatom doping can lead to an electronic
modification that optimizes its optoelectronic
characteristics. These chemical activities are especially
beneficial for electrochemical energy storage systems [1].
By incorporating heteroatoms into graphene, "extrinsic
Rúa-Peláez; Berrocal-Salgado;Ortiz-Hernández. Junio. 2023
Rúa-Peláez; Berrocal-Salgado;Ortiz-Hernández. Junio. 2023
Graphene compound anodes still required to overcome these challenges and achieve
optimal performance in terms of power, energy and long-
Several types of composite anodes containing graphene term cyclability [8].
have been developed with the aim of increasing storage
capacity and preventing layer stacking. Examples include 7. DISCUSSION
compounds of rGO with nanoparticles of SnO 2, copper
oxide, silicon oxycarbide, and titanium dioxide (TiO), In the various consulted articles, it is evident that the
among others [5,8]. However, many of these compounds authors are aware of the significant implications that the
did not show significant improvements in electrochemical industrial application of graphene would have,
properties compared to graphite. Deficiencies in cycle particularly in contexts such as batteries, as the world is
stability and low coulombic efficiency were also undergoing an energy transition that requires new
observed. One positive aspect was that the presence of technologies to store and distribute energy effectively.
graphene was found to increase the charge capacity Considering this, it is easy to understand why the
compared to other carbonaceous compounds [4]. Some of widespread use of graphene has not yet been achieved.
the most promising advancements were achieved with Firstly, there are technical and economic challenges
compounds containing SnO2, NiO, and MoS2 due to their associated with large-scale production of graphene.
high gravimetric capacities. However, they exhibited Secondly, there is a lack of certainty or insufficient
limited lifespan and unsatisfactory electrochemical evidence regarding a significant increase in battery
reversibility. Different hybrids containing graphene along efficiency when implementing this material. Thirdly,
with other phosphides, metal oxides, and intermetallic there is a lack of consensus on the real metrics used in
compounds were also developed. These hybrids showed experiments conducted over the years. Without this
improved gravimetric capacities and cycling stability. agreement, it is difficult to align advancements towards a
However, most of them had the disadvantage of high common goal.
delithiation voltage and an irreversible capacity in the first
cycle exceeding 30%. Hybrid materials incorporating a However, despite these challenges, energy issues, the lack
three-dimensional graphene matrix were reported, which of alternatives, and the scarcity of raw materials such as
proved beneficial in reducing material resistance and lithium continuously drive extensive research efforts to
enhancing mechanical stability and high-rate storage achieve favorable outcomes that enable the application of
capacity. However, these porous materials had relatively graphene in various emerging technologies, including
low density, sacrificing volumetric capacity. It is batteries.
important to highlight that although practical
implementation challenges still exist, these compounds 8. CONCLUSIONS
continue to show indications that they will be a highly
viable option for constructing LIB anodes. El graphene has emerged as a revolutionary material with
unprecedented potential in a wide range of scientific and
Complete cells made up of graphene anodes and anodes technological applications, particularly highlighting its
containing grapheme promising use in lithium-ion battery anodes. Its versatile
synthesis, combined with its exceptional properties,
Different complete cells containing graphene as anode positions it as a promising candidate for electrode use in
have been reported, e.g., cells containing rGO/𝑇𝑖𝑂2 electrochemical devices. Although there are still
anodes coupled to 𝐿𝑖𝐹𝑒𝑃𝑂4 cathodes, rGO/𝐹𝑒3 𝑂4 anodes challenges to overcome, graphene continues to be the
coupled to a commercial 𝐿𝑖1.2 𝑁𝑖0.2 𝑀𝑛0.6 𝑂2 cathode, or subject of intensive research, and its impact on industry
𝐿𝑖𝐶𝑜𝑂2 or 𝐿𝑖𝑀𝑛2 𝑂4 cathodes [4]. In general, it is and society is expected to continue growing in the coming
observed that complete cells using graphene-containing years.
materials as anodes exhibit stable charge/discharge
capacities, but often face challenges such as irreversible Compared to other materials, carbon-based components
capacities in the first few cycles, low coulombic exhibit unique characteristics in the field of energy
efficiencies, poor capacity retention and poor storage. Their low cost, controllable microscopic
electrochemical performance in some cases. Although structure, adjustable electrical conductivity, and capacity
significant progress has been made in graphene-based for surface modification set them apart. Specifically,
whole cell research, more research and development are various carbon materials have played a fundamental role
Rúa-Peláez; Berrocal-Salgado;Ortiz-Hernández. Junio. 2023
in lithium metal batteries. However, these advances have [6] Tavassol, H., Jones, E. M., Sottos, N. R.,
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significant progress has been made in investigating the
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composites as anodes. It is important to note that the lack lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Alloys and
of standardization in battery testing represents a hurdle to Compounds, 170885.
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properties have been reported based solely on half-cell [8] Wu, Z., Sun, K., & Wang, Z. (2022). A Review of
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not yet been fully realized. However, the potential of this applications. Advancedmaterials, 22(35), 3906-
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technologies is equally evident. Therefore, it is essential
to continue investing in research on the use of graphene
and explore all possible avenues and alternatives to
achieve efficient results with its implementation.
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