H18075 - VVD 5.1.1 Upgrade Guide
H18075 - VVD 5.1.1 Upgrade Guide
H18075 - VVD 5.1.1 Upgrade Guide
1 on
Dell EMC VxRail
Upgrade Guide
This guide provides information for upgrading VMware Validated Design
(VVD) on VxRail from version 5.1. to 5.1.1. The document is based on
VMware’s validated design upgrade documentation. It provides step-by-
step instructions for upgrading the VxRail and Software-Defined Data
Center (SDDC) components that are deployed according to the SDDC
5.1 VVD on VxRail Guide.
January 2020
Use, copying, and distribution of any software described in this publication requires an applicable software license.
Copyright © 2019-2020 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved. Dell, EMC, Dell EMC and other trademarks are trademarks of Dell Inc. or its
subsidiaries. Other trademarks may be trademarks of their respective owners. [1/13/2020] [Upgrade Guide] [H18075]
Upgrade policy
VVD provides guidance to upgrade the SDDC management products according to an upgrade validation policy.
Dell EMC has further validated and adjusted these procedures for the VVD on VxRail implementations.
Update Does not impact the SDDC design and implementation, ensures
interoperability, includes bug fixes and VxRail patches.
The upgrade of a VVD provides a specific procedure to move between each release. Unless specific express
patches or hot fixes are required for an environment, a deviation is not supported.
Upgrade paths
You must run VVD version 5.1 before you upgrade to version 5.1.1.
Upgrade paths of this validated design
Currently Installed Version Upgrade Path
4.1 4.2
4.2 4.3
4.3 5.0.1
5.01 5.1
5.1 5.1.1
Upgrade sequence
The upgrade process of this VVD release provides the following benefits:
• Reduces the overall time to upgrade and the impact of a failed component upgrade.
• Upgrading the operations management layer first provides continuous monitoring and alerting during the
subsequent upgrade processes.
• By decoupling the upgrade of Site Recovery Manager and vSphere Replication from the upgrade of
Platform Services Controller and vCenter Server in both Region A and Region B, you can accurately size
and schedule the maintenance windows for the end-to-end upgrade across both regions.
Upgrade sequence of this VVD
Order Upgraded Component Sub-Component (in SDDC Layer
or Updated Order)
1 No vRealize Suite Lifecycle Operations Management
2 Yes vRealize Log Insight Content Packs Only
3 Yes vRealize Operations Management Packs Only
4 No vRealize Business for Cloud Management
5 No vRealize Automation
12 Yes ESXi, Firmware, BIOS, vSAN VxRail Composite Bundle VxRail LCM Edge
Compute Cluster
Note: VVD requires a compatible and supported backup solution. Refer to your backup solution documentation
for the interoperability with the vSphere versions listed in the Release Notes. If the backup solution is not
compatible, upgrade the backup solution before you upgrade the rest of the components of this VVD
For information about all components included in the VVD 5.1 software bill of materials, see VMware Validated
Design Release Notes.
• Review the VMware Validated Design Planning and Preparation documentation and the individual
prerequisites for each product. Address any hardware or software requirements that might impact the
• Verify that your VMware vSphere Storage APIs for Data Protection-based backup solution has been
certified with vSphere 6.7 P01. For more information, contact your backup solution vendor.
• Review all custom integrations developed and deployed externally from the VVD framework to ensure
compatibility with product versions in the updated software bill of materials, such as vRealize Orchestrator
• Review all third-party product integrations in your environment to ensure compatibility with the product
versions in the updated software bill of materials.
vRealize Log Insight Content Pack for vRealize Automation 7.5 1.0
1. Log in to the vRealize Log Insight user interface.
a Open a Web browser and go to ht t p s: / /sf o0 1v r li 0 1. sf o 0 1. ra inp ol e. lo ca l.
b Log in with username: admin and password: vrli_admin_password.
2. Click the configuration drop-down menu icon and select Content Packs.
3. Uninstall the outdated content packs for vRealize Automation and Microsoft SQL Server.
a In the navigation pane, under Installed Content Packs, click VMware-vRA 7.3+
b Click the settings drop-down menu icon , select Uninstall, and click OK.
c To confirm, click OK.
d Repeat Steps 3.a to 3.c for content pack Microsoft – SQL Server.
4. Install the new content pack for vRealize Automation.
a In the navigation pane, under Content Pack Marketplace, click Marketplace.
b Click the VMware – vRA 7.5+ content pack.
c In the Install Content Pack dialog box, select the checkbox to accept the terms of the license
d Click Install, and then click OK.
5. Update content packs.
6. In the Navigator, under Content Pack Marketplace, click Updates.
7. On the Log Insight Content Pack Marketplace page, click the Linux 2.0.1 content pack update.
8. In the Update Content Packs dialog box of Linux 2.0.1, click Update.
9. Click OK to complete the update of the Linux 2.0.1 content packs.
10. Under Installed Content Packs, verify that the version number of each content pack matches with
the version for this validated design.
1. Log in to vRealize Operations Manager by using the operations interface.
a Open a Web browser and go to ht t p s: / /v ro ps 0 1sv r0 1 .r a inpo le .l oc a l.
b Log in with username: admin and password: vrops_admin_password.
2. Upgrade the Management Pack for NSX for vSphere.
a On the Solutions page, select Management Pack for Storage Devices from the solution table.
b Under Configured Adapter Instances, verify that the Collection State is Collecting and the
Collection Status is Data receiving.
4. Repeat this procedure and upgrade the Management Pack for Site Recovery Manager.
• Verify that your backup solution is compatible with vSphere 6.7 P01. Contact your backup solution
vendor for product compatibility matrices.
• Verify that all customizations or integrations are compatible with the backup solution. Contact your
backup solution vendor.
• Verify that the backup solution is fully operational and compatible with any other clients, such as,
reporting tools, web browsers, and so forth. Contact your backup solution vendor for their product
compatibility matrices.
• Allocate adequate time for the duration of the maintenance window. Contact your backup solution
vendor to estimate the time required to upgrade and verify solution operations.
• Verify that no alarms exist for the backup solution in both the vSphere Web Client and backup solution
management interfaces.
What to do next
Verify that backup solution is operational after the upgrade.
Note: vRealize Operations Manager and vRealize Log Insight might generate several false alerts during the NSX
upgrade procedure.
• Download the NSX upgrade bundle, VMware-NSX-Manager-upgrade-bundle-6.4.6-
build_number.tar.gz, from My VMware to a Windows host that has access to your data center.
• Review the release notes for this NSX build.
• Review Operational Impacts of NSX Upgrade in the NSX Upgrade Guide to understand the impact that
each component might have on your environment.
• Review Upgrade NSX in a Cross-vCenter NSX Environment and Upgrade NSX Using Upgrade
Coordinator in NSX Upgrade Guide to understand the prerequisites for your environment and the
provided detailed upgrade guidance.
• Verify that all virtual networking integration in the environment has been quiesced of all activities,
including but not limited to the following operations:
Users ordering new virtual machines backed by virtual wires over the cloud management platform
Тhird-party integration that automates the ordering or deployment of new virtual machines that are
backed by virtual wires
Administrators manually creating new NSX-based components
Without quiescing the environment, rollback operations might be disrupted by orphaned objects
generated after you have taken snapshots. That could result in an extended maintenance window.
• Validate the NSX Manager file system usage and perform space reclamation if necessary.
2. If the filesystem usage is at 100 percent, enter Privileged mode and clear the logs by running the
following commands.
purge log manager
purge log system
a Log in to one of the hosts in the cluster by using the ESXi Host Client.
b Select Host > Manage.
c On the Packages tab, search for es x- n .
d Note the current version of the esx-nsxv VIB.
1. Log in to the Management NSX Manager appliance user interface.
Setting Value
Do you want to enable SSH? Yes
Do you want to join the VMware Customer Yes
Experience Program
Note: You are logged out of the NSX Manager while it reboots.
6. Log in to the Management NSX Manager appliance user interface.
Note: You cannot restore the new NSX Manager from previous backups.
11. To complete the NSX Manager upgrade in the management cluster, repeat the steps for the NSX
Manager on Region B, lax01m01nsx01.lax01.rainpole.local.
12. Repeat the procedure for the shared edge and compute cluster.
13. Start with the primary NSX Manager Region A, sfo01w01nsx01.sfo01.rainpole.local, and complete
the upgrade of the Region B NSX Manager, lax01w01nsx01.lax01.rainpole.local (if applicable).
1. Log in to vCenter Server by using the vSphere Web Client.
Setting Value
Select Components Clusters Deselected
Universal Logical Routers Deselected
NSX Edges Deselected
Service VMs Deselected
Define Pause Upgrade Pause between components Enabled
Options Pause on error Enabled
6. On the Review Plan page, verify that Pause between components and Pause on error are set to Yes,
and click Start Upgrade.
7. Monitor the progress of the upgrade of the NSX Controller nodes.
a From the Upgrade tab, click View Details.
b The Planned Controllers Upgrade Details dialog box shows the overall progress of the controller
c On the Management tab Click NSX Controller Nodes.
The Upgrade Status column shows the following stages for each NSX Controller:
NSX controller stages
8. After the upgrade is completed, select the Management tab, and in the NSX Controller nodes
section, verify that the upgraded NSX Controller has the following configuration.
NSX controller configurations
9. After all of the NSX Controllers have been upgraded, click Resume on the Upgrade tab.
10. After the upgrade of the NSX Management Controller cluster is completed, repeat the procedure on
the Shared Edge and Compute cluster in Region A.
Before you upgrade the NSX components on the ESXi hosts, verify the following:
• vSphere DRS is enabled and set to Fully Automated on the clusters.
• vSphere vMotion functions correctly between the ESXi hosts in each cluster.
• All ESXi hosts are connected to vCenter Server.
• No ESXi hosts are in maintenance mode in vCenter Server.
1. Log in to vCenter Server by using the vSphere Web Client.
Setting Value
Select Components Clusters Selected
Universal Logical Routers Deselected
NSX Edges Deselected
Service VMs Deselected
Define Pause Upgrade Options Pause between components Enabled
6. On the Plan Host Clusters page, select Group for newly added Clusters, and click Edit.
7. In the Edit Upgrade Group dialog box, verify that the following settings are configured, click OK, and
click Next.
Upgrade group settings
8. On the Review Plan page, verify that Pause between components and Pause on error are set to Yes,
and click Start Upgrade.
9. Validate that the NSX Controllers are running version 6.4.6.build_number, and click Resume to
proceed to the upgrade of the next cluster.
10. Monitor the progress.
11. From the Upgrade tab, click View Details.
The Upgrade Plan Progress dialog box shows the overall progress of the cluster upgrade. Click the
Details button for additional information about each step.
12. Click the Host Preparation tab.
The NSX Installation changes to In Progress while the NSX upgrade is applied to each ESXi host.
Each host is placed in to maintenance mode during the upgrade.
13. Wait for the NSX VIB upgrade of each ESXi host in the management cluster in Region A.
After the upgrade of all ESXi hosts is completed, they are in a ready state, indicated by a green
checkmark, with a VIB version of 6.4.6.build_number.
14. Repeat the steps to upgrade the NSX components on the remaining clusters in Region A and Region
15. When you perform the upgrade on a secondary node in Region B, provide the following user name
and password in the Enter Secondary Manager Credentials dialog box, and click OK.
Secondary Manager credentials
Setting Value
User name [email protected]
Password svc-nsxmanager_password
• lax01m01psc01
4 sfo01w01udlr01 - -
5 - -
6 - -
1. Log in to vCenter Server by using the vSphere Web Client.
Setting Value
Select Components Clusters Deselected
Universal Logical Routers Selected
NSX Edges Selected
Service VMs Deselected
Define Pause Upgrade Options Pause between components Enabled
Pause on error Enabled
6. On the Universal Logical Routers page, select universal_routers_host_cluster, and click Edit.
7. In the Edit Upgrade Group dialog box, verify the following settings and click OK.
UDLR settings
8. On the Plan NSX Edges page, select edge_host cluster, and click Edit.
9. In the Edit Upgrade Group dialog box, verify that the following settings are configured, click OK, and
click Next.
Management Edge settings
Note: Performing the upgrade in a serialized order minimizes disruption on both the management and shared
and edge compute clusters.
10. On the Review Plan page, verify that Pause between components and Pause on error are set to Yes,
and click Start Upgrade.
11. Verify that the NSX Controllers are of version 6.4.6.build_number , and click Resume to proceed
to the universal logical router upgrade.
12. Monitor the progress. From the Upgrade tab Click View Details.
The Upgrade Plan Progress dialog box shows the overall progress of the Universal Logical
Router upgrade.
13. From the navigation pane, under Networking and Security click NSX Edges.
Setting Value
User name [email protected]
Password svc-nsxmanager_user_ password
Confirm password svc-nsxmanager_user_ password
19. Repeat the steps to upgrade the NSX Edge instances in the shared edge and compute cluster,
starting with Region A, and following with Region B.
The Platform Services Controller instances for the management and for the shared edge and compute clusters
are configured as highly available pairs, you must upgrade each component in the following order. Start the
upgrade process by disabling traffic to the management Platform Services Controller in the load balancer,
upgrading the virtual appliance, then reenabling traffic in the load balancing for that Platform Services Controller
Repeat this process for the Platform Services Controller instance for the shared edge and compute cluster.
• Download the vCenter Server Appliance Installer VMware-vCenter-Server-Appliance-
14367737-patch-FP to a shared storage location where it can be mounted to the vCenter and Platform
Services Controller VMs.
• Review the release note of the vCenter Server version in this validated design.
• Verify that all management ESXi hosts have lockdown mode disabled during the upgrade.
• Verify that the management clusters do not have vSphere DRS set to Fully Automated.
1. Log in to vCenter Server by using the vSphere Web Client.
Setting Value
1. Log in to vCenter Server by using the vSphere Web Client.
a From the Home menu of the vSphere Web Client, select Networking & Security.
b In the Navigator, select NSX Edges.
c From the NSX Manager drop-down menu, select the NSX Manager, and double-
click the sfo01psc01 NSX Edge device.
d On the Manage tab, click Load Balancer > Pools.
e Select the psc-https-443 load balancer pool and click Edit.
f In the Edit Pool dialog box, from the Members pane, select sfo01m01psc01, and click Edit.
g In the Edit Member dialog box, from the State drop-down menu, select Disable, and click OK.
h In the Edit Pool dialog box, click OK.
i Repeat Step 2.e to Step 2.h for the psc-tcp-389 load balancer pool.
j On the Pools page, click Show Pools Statistics and verify that both psc-https-443 and psc-tcp-
389 report status DOWN for sfo01m01psc01.
3. Mount the VMware vCenter Server Appliance Patch ISO file to the Platform Services Controller virtual
machine Update the Platform Services Controller.
a In the VMs and templates inventory, expand the sfo01m01vc01.sfo01.rainpole.local tree and
expand the sfo01-m01dc data center.
b Expand the sfo01-m01fd-mgmt folder.
a From the vSphere Client, in Networking & Security inventory, select NSX Edges.
b From the NSX Manager drop-down menu, select the NSX Manager, and double-
click the sfo01psc01 NSX Edge device.
c On the Manage tab, click Load Balancer > Pools.
d Select the psc-https-443 load balancer pool and click Edit.
e In the Edit Pool dialog box, from the Members pane, select sfo01m01psc01, and click Edit.
f In the Edit Member dialog box, from the State drop-down menu, select Enable, and click OK.
g In the Edit Pool dialog box, click OK.
h Repeat Step 6.e to Step 6.h for the psc-tcp-389 load balancer pool.
i On the Pools page, click Show Pools Statistics and verify that both psc-https-443 and psc-tcp-
389 report status UP for sfo01m01psc01.
7. Disconnect the attached update .iso file from the Platform Services Controller appliance.
8. Repeat this procedure for the sfo01w01psc01.sfo01.rainpole.local Platform Services Controller
instance in Region A.
1. Mount the VMware vCenter Server Appliance Patch ISO to the Management vCenter Server virtual
• Confirm that the VxRail clusters are all in good health and have no alerts or warnings.
2. Open a Web browser and go to ht t p s: / /sf o0 1 m0 1 v xm0 1 .sf o0 1 .r ai npo le .lo c al.
3. Log in with user name [email protected] and password vsphere_admin_password.
4. Confirm that the cluster is in a healthy state prior to proceeding.
5. Select the dashboard icon from the list of management options and confirm the status is healthy with
a green checkmark.
6. Select the health tab and confirm there are not outstanding health issues with any of the hardware
7. Remediate any issues before proceeding.
8. Take a Snapshot of the VxRail Manager VMs in Region A.
a Log in to the Management vCenter Server at
ht t ps: // sf o 0 1m 0 1v c 01 .sf o0 1. r ai npo le .lo c al using the vSphere Web Client.
b Navigate to Hosts and Clusters.
c Locate the VxRail Manager VM.
d Right-click and select Create a snapshot.
9. Open a Web browser and go to https://sfo01m01vxm01.sfo01.rainpole.local
10. Log in to the vSphere Web Client.
11. Select the Config Icon.
12. Click Local Upgrade.
13. In open file dialog, navigate to the upgrade composite package file, VXRAIL_COMPOSITE4.7.410-
xxxxx_for_4.7.x.zip, previously downloaded and saved locally, and then click Open to select.
14. Monitor the progress until the upload has completed.
15. Click Continue to proceed with the upgrade.
Individual upgrade tasks can be monitored by expanding the details control located below the
progress bar.
1. Log in to vCenter Server by using the vSphere Web Client.
2. Open a Web browser and go to ht t p s: / /sf o0 1 m0 1 v c0 1. sf o 0 1. r ain pol e. l oc al /ui /.
3. Log in using the following credentials. Log in with user name [email protected] and
password vsphere_admin_password.
4. Create a fixed baseline for VMware Tools that is packaged with ESXi 6.7 release in vSphere Update
Manager Download Service.
a From the Home menu of the vSphere Web Client, select Update Manager.
5. Attach the new baseline and scan the VM folder for updates against the new baseline.
a On the VMs Baselines tab, click Go to compliance view, and select the sfo01-m01-mgmt01
cluster in the inventory.
b In the Navigator, click VMs and Templates, expand the and expand the sfo01-m01dc data
center, and select sfo01-m01fd-bcdr.
c On the Update Manager tab, click Attach Baseline.
6. In the Attach Baseline or Baseline Group dialog box, under the Baseline Groups pane, select the
VMware Tools for VMware Validated Design 5.1 baseline group, and click OK.
7. After you attach the baseline, click Scan for Updates.
8. In the Scan for Updates dialog box, under Scan for Updates, select only VMware Tools upgrades,
and click OK.
9. After the scan is complete, the folder status is Non-Compliant.
10. Remediate the virtual machines and upgrade VMware Tools to ESXi 6.7 P91 release.
The Update Manager remediation process starts running and restarts the virtual machines.
11. After the VMware Tools upgrade is complete on each virtual machine in the folder, review the
Summary tab for each virtual machine, and verify that the VMware Tools status is Running and
version is <current>.
12. Navigate back to the sfo01-m01fd-bcdr folder and run the Scan for Updates operation again to verify
that the management virtual machines are Compliant.
Note: Because of the use of Guest Managed VMware Tools in the virtual machines, the Compliance Status
might report Incompatible for the overall folder.
13. Delete the snapshot from each virtual machine in the folder.
a From the Home menu of the vSphere Web Client, select VMs and Templates.
b In the Navigator pane, expand the sfo01m01vc01.sfo01.rainpole.local tree and select the
sfo01-m01fd-bcdr folder.
c Right-click each virtual machine and select Snapshots > Delete All Snapshots.
d In the Confirm Delete dialog box, click Yes.
14. Repeat the procedure for the other management virtual machines using their respective folders in
Region A.
Upgrade the VxRail clusters and VMware tools for the Management
cluster in Region B
In a dual-region SDDC, after you complete the upgrade of the virtual infrastructure components for the
management cluster in Region A, start the upgrade of the VxRail clusters, ESXi hosts, VMware Tools, in
Region B. Upgrading both regions enables failover and failback between Region A and Region B.
General Parameters for Update of UMDS and Management ESXi in Region B
Component Value
vSphere Web Client URL https://lax01m01vc01.lax01.rainpole.local/vsphere-client
vCenter Server lax01m01vc01.lax01.rainpole.local
Cluster lax01-m01-mgmt01
Upgrade the components for the Shared Edge and Compute clusters
After you upgrade the components that support the management cluster, upgrade the components for the
shared edge and compute clusters to complete the upgrade of the SDDC virtual infrastructure layer.
1. Log in to vCenter Server by using the vSphere Web Client.
2. Open a Web browser and go to ht t p s: / /sf o0 1 m0 1 v c0 1. sf o 0 1. r ain pol e. l oc al /v sph e r e-
cl ie nt /.
3. Log in with user name [email protected] and password vsphere_admin_password.
4. From the vSphere Client menu, select Global Inventory Lists.
5. Click vCenter Servers.
6. Click the sfo01m01vc01.sfo01.rainpole.local vCenter Server object and click the Configure tab in
the center pane.
7. Under the Settings pane, click Advanced Settings and click Edit.
8. In the Edit Advanced vCenter Server Settings dialog box, configure the following properties and click
a Search for the c o n f i g . S D DC .D ep l o ye d . Ver s i o n property and change its value from 5. 1 to
5. 1. 1.
b Add the config.SDDC.Deployed.WorkloadDomain and
config.SDDC.Deployed.InstanceId properties.
SDDC properties
Name Value 1
config.SDDC.Deployed.Type VVD-VxRail
config.SDDC.Deployed.Flavor Standard
config.SDDC.Deployed.Version 5.1.1
config.SDDC.Deployed.WorkloadDomain Management
config.SDDC.Deployed.Method Automation
config.SDDC.Deployed.InstanceId unique_identifier*
Note: To generate a unique identifier, use the Online UUID Generator website https://www.uuidgenerator.net/
and copy/paste the UUID in to the config.SDDC.Deployed.InstanceId value. The Online UUID Generator is a
universally unique identifier that generates random numbers using a secure random number generator.
c Click OK to close the window.
a Search for the c o nf i g .S D DC .D ep l o ye d . Ver s i o n property and change its value from 5. 1 to
5. 1. 1.
b Add the config.SDDC.Deployed.WorkloadDomain and
config.SDDC.Deployed.InstanceId properties.
Name Value
config.SDDC.Deployed.Type VVD-VxRail
config.SDDC.Deployed.Flavor Standard
config.SDDC.Deployed.Version 5.1.1
config.SDDC.Deployed.WorkloadDomain SharedEdgeAndCompute
config.SDDC.Deployed.Method Automation
config.SDDC.Deployed.InstanceId unique_identifier*
Note * Use the unique_identifier you generated for the Management vCenter Server. See Set SDDC
Deployment Details on the Management vCenter Server in in Region A.
9. Click OK to close the window.
Name Value 1
config.SDDC.Deployed.Type VVD-VxRail
config.SDDC.Deployed.Flavor Standard
config.SDDC.Deployed.Version 5.1
config.SDDC.Deployed.WorkloadDomain Management
config.SDDC.Deployed.Method Automation
config.SDDC.Deployed.InstanceId unique_identifier*
1. Log in to the Compute vCenter Server by using the vSphere Client.
2. Open a Web browser and go to ht t p s: / /l a x0 1w 01v c0 1 .l ax 0 1. r ain pol e .lo ca l/ ui /.
3. Log in with user name [email protected] and password vsphere_admin_password.
4. From the vSphere Client menu, select Global Inventory Lists.
5. Click vCenter Servers.
6. Click the lax01w01vc01.lax01.rainpole.local vCenter Server object and click the Configure tab in
the central pane.
7. Under the Settings pane, click Advanced Settings and click Edit.
8. In the Edit Advanced vCenter Server Settings dialog box, configure the following properties and click
Name Value
config.SDDC.Deployed.Type VVD-VxRail
config.SDDC.Deployed.Flavor Standard
config.SDDC.Deployed.Version 5.1.1
config.SDDC.Deployed.WorkloadDomain SharedEdgeAndCompute
config.SDDC.Deployed.Method Automation
config.SDDC.Deployed.InstanceId unique_identifier*
Note: * Use the unique_identifier you generated for the Management vCenter Server. See Set SDDC
Deployment Details on the Management vCenter Server in Region B.
9. Click OK to close the window.
• Ensure that verified backups of all management and tenant virtual machines are available.
• If a data protection (VADP) based backup solution is running on the management clusters, verify that the
solution is properly shutdown following the vendor guidance.
• If the hosts in a vSAN cluster are to be shut down, appropriately shut down the tenant workloads in the
shared edge and compute cluster.
• Verify that the console of the virtual machine and its services are completely shut down before moving to
the next virtual machine.
Note: The vCenter Server instances, NSX load balancers for the Platform Services Controllers, the Platform
Services Controllers, and the management clusters are the last virtual machines to be shut down.