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Design of formworks
Supervising Concrete Works 8. Formworks Design for Maximum Re-Use 8.2. Design of formworks

In most cases, the contractor will plan and design the formwork, except for unusual or complex
structures, such as haunch slabs having tremendous thickness. This is desirable since the
contractor is in the best position to evaluate men, materials, equipment, and procedures, and
arrive at a design that is both structurally sound and adapted to efficient erection and concreting.
8.2.1. Design Considerations
Design requires investigation before deciding on the most suitable type of application to be
considered. Sometimes, most contractors rely on the experiences and recommendations of
reputable form fabrication specialists.
The factors that must be taken into consideration in the design of the formwork are not limited to
the following:

1. Probable weather condition that may be encountered during the planned schedule of
2. Installation schedule sequence, restrictions and method of depositing and consolidating
3. Number, size, height, and profile of lifts in each pouring stages (typical for long column and
4. Degree of form flexibility, reusability, and methods of form handling; allowable deflections.
5. Estimated cost
ACI 347-014 Guide to Formwork for Concrete
1.4.4 Design, inspection, review, and approval of formwork —Although the safety of formwork is the
responsibility of the contractor, the engineer/architect, or approving agency may, under certain
circumstances, decide to review and approve the formwork, including drawings and calculations.
If so, the engineer/architect should call for such review or approval in the contract documents.
Approval might be required for unusually complicated structures, for structures whose designs
were based on a particular method of construction, for structures in which the forms impart a
desired architectural finish, for certain post-tensioned structures, for folded plates, for thin shells,
or for long-span roof structures.
The following items should be clarified in the contract documents:

• Who will design formwork;

• Who will inspect the specific feature of formwork and when will the inspection be
performed; and;
• What reviews, approvals, or both will be required
o For formwork drawings;
o For the formwork before concreting and during concreting; and
o Who will give such reviews, approvals, or both.
1.4.5 Contract documents — The contract documents should include all information about the
structure necessary to the formwork engineer/contractor for formwork design and for the
preparation of formwork drawings, such as:

• Number, location, and details of all construction joints, contraction joints, and expansion
joints that will be required for the particular job or parts of it;
• Sequence of concrete placement, if critical;
• Tolerances for concrete construction;
• The live load and superimposed dead load for which the structure is designed and any live-
load reduction used. This is a requirement of the ACI 318;
• Intermediate supports under stay-in-place forms, such as metal deck used for forms and
permanent forms of other materials; supports, bracing, or both required by the structural
engineer’s design for composite action; and any other special supports;
• The location and order of erection and removal of shores for composite construction;
• Special provisions essential for formwork for special construction methods, and for special
structures such as shells and folded plates. The basic geometry of such structures, as well
as their required camber, should be given in sufficient detail to permit the formwork
engineer/contractor to build the forms; Special requirements for post-tensioned concrete
members. The effect of load transfer and associated movements during tensioning of post-
tensioned members can be critical, and the contractor should be advised of any special
provisions that should be made in the formwork for this condition;
• Amount of required camber for slabs or other structural members to compensate for
deflection of the structure. Measurements of camber attained should be made at soffit
level after initial set and before removal of formwork supports;
• Where chamfers are required or prohibited on beam soffits or column corners;
• Requirements for inserts, water-stops, built-in frames for openings and holes through
concrete; similar requirements where the work of other trades will be attached to,
supported by, or passed through formwork;
• Where architectural features, embedded items, or the work of other trades could change the
location of structural members, such as joists in one-way or two-way joist systems, such
changes or conditions should be coordinated by the engineer/architect; and
• Locations of and details for architectural concrete. When architectural details are to be cast
into structural concrete, they should be so indicated or referenced on the structural plans
because they can play a key role in the structural design of the form.
ACI 301 Specifications for Structural Concrete Design and engineering of formwork shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. When
required by the Contract Documents, design calculations for formwork and formwork drawings
shall be sealed by a professional Engineer licensed in the state where the work will be done. Design formwork, shores, reshores, and backshores to carry all loads transmitted to them
and to comply with the requirements of the applicable building code. Design formwork to
withstand the pressure resulting from placement and vibration of concrete and to maintain
specified tolerances. Do not use earth cuts as forms for vertical or sloping surfaces unless required or permitted
by Contract Documents. Maximum deflection of facing materials reflected on concrete
surfaces exposed to public view shall be 1/240 of the span between structural members of the
8.2.2. Formwork Design Criteria and Calculations

1. Loads and Pressures

• Vertical loads on formwork include the following loads:

o Dead Load (the weight of reinforced concrete freshly placed and the weight of
o Live Load (materials storage, workmen and equipment. runway impact for concrete
• Horizontal Loads– external forces in the horizontal direction such as wind pressure,
eccentric loads due to concrete placing forces due to starting, running and stopping
2. Lateral Pressure of Fresh Concrete
• Factors affecting lateral pressures on forms
o Weight of concrete
o Rate of placing concrete
o Vibration
o Temperature
o Other variables
The formwork design aims at designing a form that is strong enough to handle the calculated
loads safely and stiff enough to maintain its shape under full load. When designing concrete
formwork, the following design simplifications and assumptions are made:

1. All loads are assumed to be uniformly distributed. The loads on sheathing, joists, and stud:
are infact always distributed, though not always uniformly. Loads on wales and ledgers are
applied at points where the studs or joists bear on them, but it is convenient and generally
sufficiently accurate to use an equivalent uniform load for design, so that the spacing and
the number of point loads can be neglected.
2. Beam supported over three or more spans are regarded as continuous and approximate
formulas are used.
3. For continuous beams over two spans, design values for simple spans may be used safely
when the deflection or bending moment governs the span.
4. Strength of nailed connections is neglected in determining size of main form members.
ACI 347-014 Guide to Formwork for Concrete
2.2.1 Vertical loads — Vertical loads consist of dead load and live load. The weight of formwork
plus the weight of reinforcement and freshly placed concrete is dead load. The live load includes
the weight of workmen, equipment, material storage, runways, and impact.
Vertical loads assumed for shoring and reshoring design for multistory construction should
include all loads transmitted from the floors above as dictated by the proposed construction
schedule. Refer to Section 2.5.
The formwork should be designed for a live load of not less than 50 lb/ft2 (2.4 kN/m2) of horizontal
projection. When motorized carts are used, the live load should not be less than 75 lb/ft2 (3.6
The design load for combined dead and live loads should not be less than 100 lb/ft2 (4.8 kN/m2)
or 125 lb/ft2 (6.0 kN/m2) if motorized carts are used.
2.2.2 Lateral pressure of concrete — Unless the conditions of Section or are met,
formwork should be designed for the lateral pressure of the newly placed concrete given in Eq.
(2.1). Maximum and minimum values given for other pressure formulas do not apply to Eq. (2.1).
P = wh (2.1)
p = lateral pressure, lb/ft2 (kN/m2);
w = unit weight of concrete, lb/ft3 (kN/m3); and
h = depth of fluid or plastic concrete from top of placement to point of consideration in form ft
8.3. Planning for maximum re-use
Supervising Concrete Works 8. Formworks Design for Maximum Re-Use 8.3. Planning for maximum re-use

The plan or procedure to be followed in getting maximum reuse of forms will vary greatly
depending on the conditions of the individual job. Generally the sooner the forms can be stripped,
the more economical and practical it becomes to schedule its many reuses. Thus specifications
or local code requirements for stripping and reshoring are an important factor in planning form
reusage. In multi-storey buildings where forms and shores will be supported by the recently built
structural members, special problems must be considered.
8.3.1. Developing a Practical Re-use Plan
The minimum number of forms is established by the number of different shapes, sizes, and
combinations of concrete members in the structure. Where the same size, shape, or combination
is repeated there is an opportunity for reuse. but placing schedule, stripping time. and other
factors related to a specific job make it impractical to take advantage of all theoretical
opportunities to reuse forms. Thus, if the same size column appears l00 times in a building,
theoretically all of these columns could be cast by reusing one form l00 times, but this would not
permit a smooth work flow and would extend the construction over an unreasonably, longtime.
In most cases. it is necessary to make a detailed study of work flow and construction sequence to
decide on a practical number of reuses that will result in a fast smooth efficient job with lowest
overall cost. In simpler cases, it may be possible to see immediately the number of forms required
and the number of reuses that can be planned. Divide the total structure into unit areas and mark
on a key plan the days for erection forms, setting steel, installing mechanical and electrical work,
and placing concrete. Experiment with various sizes of area to maintain steady progress. This will
determine the reuse of forms.
8.3.2. Comparing Re-use Schemes
In comparing different schemes. the contractor may calculate the size and number of forms
required in each case and find the ratio of form contact area to total area of concrete structure.
This ratio is an indicator of over-all reuse efficiency, although it does not necessarily indicate the
number of reuses of a particular form in the plan. In comparing two plans, where one has more
reuses than the other, the contractor should take into account the time and cost of repairs and
reconditioning between uses. Forms often have to be cleaned between reuses, and a vibrating tool
for example, may damage the contact surface of a form so that a panel must be replaced before
the form can be reused.
8.3.3. Steps in Planning for Maximum Reuse
The builder must first review all contract requirements for factors such as architectural details
which would influence the formwork plan. At this early stage, it is sometimes possible to suggest
changes which will permit better form use and reuse. Any approved changes can then be
incorporated early in the planning phase.
Next a sketch is developed to aid in visualizing the problem. The sketch should show the
placements of required concrete including its location dimension and elevation. On other jobs.
This sketch could be a plan or elevation or whatever helps most to understand the problem. The
next steps are:

1. Find the placement that will require the greatest number of forms, and decide what form
sizes will be used. List all the forms that will be required for this placement.
2. Check for possible reuses. Can any of the forms be used elsewhere without modification?
Which forms can be used elsewhere with only minor modification?
3. Consider using fom1s available from other parts of the job. Find out how many other forms
will be needed to complete all of the placements.
4. Make a form flow schedule, based on both logic and form availability.
5. A placement analysis flow diagram, also based on logic and form availability, helps
understand the form flow schedule.
6. The proposed form flow schedule must be checked against the project schedule.
Sometimes added forms may be needed to keep the work on target, instead of getting the
maximum reuse from each form.
8.3.4. ACI_347-014-Guide-to-Formwork-for-Concrete
1.4—Contract documents
The contract documents should set forth the tolerances required in the finished structure but
should not attempt to specify the manner in which the formwork engineer/contractor designs and
builds the formwork to achieve the required tolerances. The layout and design of the formwork, as
well as its construction, should be the responsibility of the formwork engineer/contractor. This
approach gives the necessary freedom to use skill, knowledge, and innovation to safely construct
an economical structure. By reviewing the formwork drawings, the engineer/architect can
understand how the formwork engineer/contractor has interpreted the contract documents. Some
local areas have legal requirements defining the specific responsibilities of the engineer/architect
in formwork design, review, or approval.
1.4.1 Individual specifications—The specification writer is encouraged to refer to this guide (ACI
347 014 Guide to Formwork for Concrete) as a source of recommendations that can be written into
the proper language for contract documents.
The specification for formwork will affect the overall economy and quality of the finished work,
should be tailored for each particular job, clearly indicate what is expected of the contractor, and
ensure economy and safety.
A well-written formwork specification tends to equalize bids for the work. Unnecessarily exacting
requirements can make bidders question the specification as a whole and make it difficult for
them to understand exactly what is expected. They can be overly cautious and overbid or
misinterpret requirements and underbid. A well-written formwork specification is of value not only
to the owner and the contractor, but also to the field representative of the engineer/architect,
approving agency, and the subcontractors of other trades. Some requirements can be written to
allow discretion of the contractor where quality of finished concrete work would not be impaired
by the use of alternate materials and methods.
Consideration of the applicable general requirements suggested herein will not be sufficient to
make a complete specification. Requirements should be added for actual materials, finishes, and
other items peculiar to and necessary for the individual structure. The engineer/architect can
exclude, call special attention to, strengthen, or make more lenient any general requirement to
best fit the needs of the particular project.
1.4.2 Formwork materials and accessories—If the particular design or desired finish requires
special attention, the engineer/architect can specify in the contract documents the formwork
materials and such other features necessary to attain the objectives. If the engineer/architect
does not call for specific materials or accessories, the formwork engineer/contractor can choose
any materials that meet the contract requirements. When structural design is based on the use of
commercially available form units in standard sizes, such as one-way or two-way joist systems,
plans should be drawn to make use of available shapes and sizes. Some latitude should be
permitted for connections of form units to other framing or centering to reflect the tolerances and
normal installation practices of the form type anticipated.
1.4.3 Finish of exposed concrete—Finish requirements for concrete surfaces should be described
in measurable terms as precisely as practicable.
8.4. Formwork fabrication area
Supervising Concrete Works 8. Formworks Design for Maximum Re-Use 8.4. Formwork fabrication area

Codes and Standards

Formworks design
Design of formworks shall include consideration of the following factors:

• Rate and method of placing concrete

• Construction Loads, including vertical, horizontal and impact loads
• Special form requirements for construction of shells, folded plates, domes, architectural
concrete, or similar types of elements
Fabrication and Installation

• Construction drawings shall be prepared and approved by the supervisor before setting-out.
• The required setting-out shall be performed prior to installation and the most important
setting shall be inspected by the supervisor.
• Forms and their supports shall be designed so as not to damage previously placed
• Sheathing boards shall be installed in accordance with the location, shape and dimension
of concrete to be molded.
• The material of the formwork should be cheap, easily available and should be suitable for
• The formwork should be set accurately to the desired line and levels should have plane
• It should be as light as possible.
• The material of the formwork should not warp or get distorted when exposed to the
• It should rest on firm base.
Tolerance is a permissible variation from lines, grades or dimensions given in contract drawings
Suggested tolerance for concrete structures can be found on Table 2-1.

Construction Joints

• Forms shall not be connected to other temporary works such as scaffolding or batter
• Concrete forms shall be inspected by the supervisor prior to concrete placement.
• Shores shall be fixed vertically above other shores in the lower story as a general rule
• The material of the formwork should be cheap, easily available and should be suitable for
• The formwork should be set accurately to the desired line and levels should have plane
• It should be as light as possible.
• The material of the formwork should not warp or get distorted when exposed to the
• It should rest on firm base.
The operation of removing the formwork is known as stripping. Stripped formwork can be reused.
Reusable forms are known as panel forms and non-usable are called stationary forms.
Removal of Forms and Shores

• No construction loads shall be supported on, nor any shoring removed from, any part of the
structure under construction except when that portion of the structure in combination with
remaining forming and shoring system has sufficient strength to support safely its weight
and load planned thereon.
• Determination of the time of form removal should be based on the resulting effect on the
• When forms are stripped there must be no excessive deflection or distortion and no
evidence of damage to the concrete
• In no case should the supporting forms and shores be removed from the horizontal
members before concrete strength is at least 70% of design strength.
• No construction load exceeding the combination of superimposed dead load plus specified
live loads shall be supported on any unshored portion of the structure under construction,
unless analysis indicates adequate strength to support such additional loads.
• Forms shall be removed in such manner as not to impair safety and serviceability of the
structure. All concrete to be exposed by form removal shall have sufficient strength not to
be damaged thereby.
9.1. Plans and Drawings, Specifications
Supervising Concrete Works 9. Formworks Construction 9.1. Plans and Drawings, Specifications

After the form design has been prepared on the basis of the contract drawings and specifications,
formwork design information must be given to the men at the jobsite so that thev can build the
forms. Much time and expense can be saved in the office, shop, and on the job if simple, clear and
complete drawings are prepared. The ideal drawings contain essential notes and instructions for
construction the forms, but they are not cluttered with unnecessary lines, marks, symbols, or
Items that are standard practice with the contractor are sometimes omitted to simplify the
drawings, but this requires draftsmen, designers, and a field force thoroughly familiar with the
contractor’s established procedures. With frequent changes of personnel being the rule rather
than the exception in today’s construction industry, it is much safer to provide a stamp, or
preprinted paste to repeat the standard practice items on each applicable drawing, or at least refer
back to a standard drawing.
A formwork drawing is a definite order for workmen to perform certain operations in a specified
and complete manner. With this mind, the supervisor can materially improve the presentation by
following the simple rules:

• Use a standardized, large, clear title block with a wide space for full identification of the part
of the structure for which formwork is to be used. If possible, number the formwork
drawing sheets in order of their use
• Make all drawings large and bright (a scale of 1/8 inch = 1 ft) including the dimensions and
label them clearly.
• Use standard symbols and abbreviations indicating their meanings on one of the drawing
sheets. Issue orders as commands (e.g. instead of saying “this column is to be chamfered
at the corners” instead rather say “chamfer column corners with 1inch skewback” To help
the workmen visualize the job more rapidly, use the isometric views particularly where new
methods are being tried or new shapes are being formed.
Construction Drawings
The construction drawing should be provided prior to formwork construction. The construction
drawings/framing plan are not only for the formwork but also for other works. The following
should be carefully studied and checked:
1. Waterproofing

• Details for internal waterproofing work ( bathroom and toilet)

• Details for internal waterproofing work ( bathroom and toilet)
• Sloping of roof floor and details for parapet wall
2. Mechanical and Electrical Works

• Openings for sanitary wares and ducts

• Pipes for pits and sloping for pit slab
• Base of mechanical and electrical equipment
• Size and position of manhole
• Box-out for beams and walls
• Elevator work relating to structure
3. Position of structure, shape and dimension

• Intersection of structure and point of construction joint

• Levelling of upper floor slab and beam and levelling of line from benchmark
• Dimension, shape. layout and symbol of structure element
• Main setting line and outer line structure
4. Finishes

• Opening sizes and shape

• Embedment
• Inserting accessories, dowel bar for CHS
• Surface of concrete and position of groove
• Additional concrete and position of groove
5. Temporary facilities

• Openings for equipment and for material transportation and lifting

• Accessories embedment for scaffolding supports.
Formwork Fabrication Drawings
After the form design is prepared on the basis of the contract drawings and specifications,
information on formwork design should be given to the form workers. Ideally, the drawing should
contain important notes and instructions for making the forms but these should not be clutter with
the unnecessary lines, symbols, and dimensions .
While making the formwork fabrication drawings, the contractor may have ideas on the actual
quantity of materials to be used and maximize or recycle these materials.
Based on the concrete drawings, the contractor may provide the drawings of the formwork
fabrication that include information about the position of the form, shape and dimension, and the
position and spacing of the waler with material size that fits with the design of formwork. With
these. the drawings are now ready for execution.
Formwork Installation Drawings
Formwork installation drawings are drawings that shows the position, location, number and
spacing of vertical and horizontal supports of the form ties. It shows the details of the prescribed
supporting system, its parts and components.
If panel forms or other pre-built form components are to be used for an entire job, or for a major
part of it, an installation drawing showing location of panels is essential. Such a drawing can be
mere skeleton or outline, showing only major dimensions needed for locating formwork
components. Each panel should be given an appropriate identifying mark to aid in positioning it
when the forms are erected. Panels of the same size and shape will all bear the same mark. By
means of subscripts or other identifying nµmbers the order in which panels are to be used can
also be indicated if desired.
To supplement the installation drawing, a detail or “make up” drawing of each panel or form
component must be prepared, showing all essential dimensions so that bench carpenters need
not refer to the architect’s drawings. The detailed drawing should indicate the mark number
corresponding to the basic installation drawing, and indicate how many of any given unit are
required. Various additional details are needed to show how to handle intersections, corners,
bulkheads, inserts, and other special items. Details frequently are shown on the same drawing
with the layout and other components, but it simplifies shop work if a single sheet is prepared for
each panel or other component to be built.
When non-standard, complex items are required, the designer or detailer can often help. Speed the
work by giving the carpenter a simple pictorial sketch to supplement the conventional plan and
elevation. Photos illustrates the various samples of an installation drawings of the different
structural sections of a building.
In addition to specifying method of construction, types of materials, sizes, lengths, and connection
details, formwork drawings should provide for numerous other details. The following items. The
following items maybe useful as a check list, although not all will apply to every job:

1. Sequence of concrete placement and minimum elapsed time between adjacent placements
if required for proper action of the formwork design.
2. Field adjustment of the form during placing of concrete.
3. Sequence of removal forms and shores, including a layout for complex projects.
4. Details on shoring, reshoring, or leaving original shores in place as forms are stripped.
5. Design allowance for construction loads on new slabs when such allowance will affect
development of shoring and/or reshoring schemes.
6. Anchors, form ties, shores, and braces, including spacing and fastening for diagonal
7. Waterstops and keyways, inserts required for later attachment of other construction
materials: curb angles.
8. Working scaffolds, ladders, and runways including safety features.
9. Weepholes or vibrator holes when required.
10. Drilling, if required, for prefabricated panels to take necessary ties.
11. Screeds and grade strips and their supports.
12. Crush plates or wrecking plates where stripping may damage concrete.
13. Details of all ties and spreaders, including removal of spreaders or temporary blocking.
14. Cleanout holes and temporary openings for placing concrete up to height of opening.
15. Construction joints, control joints and expansion joints to conform to design drawings.
16. Dimensioned chamfer strips for exposed corners if not for standard practice; if chamfers
are standard practice, and show only locations where they are prohibited.
17. Camber or adjusted elevations to compensate for settlement or deflections of forms, as
well as any camber specified by structural designer
18. Mudsills or other formwork foundations.
19. Special provisions such as protection from ice and debris at stream crossings; fire
protection: and safety program for the entire formwork operation.
20. Formwork coatings, and how often to apply them.
21. Notes to formwork erectors for conduits and pipes embedded in concrete.
22. Temporary openings or attachments for climbing crane or other material handling
Rechecking Structural Drawings
Structural and contract drawings and specifications are the formwork designer’s major source of
information concerning the job being formed. A number of items in the foregoing check list are
derived directly from the contract drawings, and when the formwork plans have been completed, a
final recheck for agreement with the contract documents is advisable. The following are important
items to cover:

1. Number, location, and details of all construction joints, contraction joints, and expansion
joints that are required or permitted.
2. Locations of and details for architectural concrete; any special architectural patterns
3. Intermediate supports under permanent forms (such as forms of metal decking, insulation
board.), supports required by the structural engineer’s design for composite action, and any
other supports.
4. Specified location and order of erection and removal of shores for composite construction.
The same type of specification may apply to shell structures where proper deflection
sequence is necessary for the structure to assume its proper stress pattern and loaded
5. Essential provisions for specialized construction techniques.
6. Location and amount of camber specified to compensate for deflections in the completed
7. Requirements for inserts, built-in frames for openings, holes through concrete, and the work
of other trades to be attached to or supported by formwork.
9.2. Formwork Fabrication
Supervising Concrete Works 9. Formworks Construction 9.2. Formwork Fabrication

Perhaps the first step in any formwork job is the fabrication. At this stage the production of a
strong rigid and accurate form that can be easily handled in erection is the primary objective.
Formwork materials must be worked on correctly in accordance with the positions, shapes, and
dimensions of the members shown in the installation drawings and fabricated rigidly to withstand
the expected loads.
Fixing forms with the use of nails and screws are not part of the load path on wall formwork
during the placement of concrete for they do not have a purpose in the structural action. Even the
fixings that hold the plywood to the studs and the studs to the walers, have no part too in the
resistance to the pressures of the concrete that act on the formface. The purpose of keeping
formwork fixed tightly is to make the formwork intact while it is being made, raised, and put up by
workers. Except for small forms, minor fixings such as nails do not usually give enough strength to
resist lifting by crane. Attention must be given to the type and spacing of the plywood fixing if
crane lifting or a large number of reuses is expected.
A typical fabrication sequence for formwork assembly would start with the assembly of the studs,
the top and bottom plates. Uniformity of the depth of the studs and plates is essential together
true formface. The fixing used to connect the cut members will depend on the size of the form the
way it is intended to be handled and transported. At least, they must be securely nailed together.
In addition to load and span for the selected plywood, stud spacing mµst suit the sizes of the
plywood sheets being used and the intended position of the junction of the plywood sheets. Care
should be taken during nailing to ensure that the carpenter’s weight does not cause any
deflections on the forms being assembled. Such composite action would introduce a built-in mis-
alignment on the completed form which can be nearly impossible to correct without at least
partial dismantling of the form.
Fabrication Checklist
Preparation Work

1. Check all workshop drawings and quantity take off for the day work target schedule.
2. Check all tools and equipment prior to the daily work.
Execution of Fabrication
Measure correctly and mark the material in accordance with the formwork fabrication drawings

1. Cut materials accurately with marking.

2. Prepare full size drawings of such parts of concrete forms as deemed necessary
3. such as round shape.
4. Nail supporting material such as waler in accordance to formwork fabrication drawing. (1.5
times sheathing board thickness nail is recommended to be used for fixing).
5. In order to avoid misplacement of formwork on the site, fabricated materials should be
marked to show the symbol, position to be used and direction of the form.
9.3. Inking/Marking
Supervising Concrete Works 9. Formworks Construction 9.3. Inking/Marking

There are various procedures for inking or marking. Some of these are the main inking, inking for
formwork, inking on a blinding concrete, batterboard, layouting and inking for finishing. Main
inking shows the centerlines and the location of the foundations and also the height of the blinding
concrete surface. Inking for formwork shows the locations of columns, walls, openings and
others. Inking on a blinding concrete shows the centerlines and the location of the foundations and
also the height of the blinding concrete surface. Batterboard is a temporary mark that shows the
center lines of the building while lay-outing to determine the location of the building. Inking for
finishing shows the locations that need finishings such as partitions and others.
Based on the concrete plan, the location and dimension of columns and the location and
thickness of walls should be marked on the concrete surface. The marking of the height of 1,000
mm above the floor would be done on the rebars or steel frames which are permanently fixed into
position to assure unnecessary movement.

9.4. Installation of Formworks

Supervising Concrete Works 9. Formworks Construction 9.4. Installation of Formworks

The erection of rigid and accurate forms that can be easily stripped and successively reused is
perhaps, the primary concern in formwork installation. In almost every project, the formworker
must carefully analyze how the total form structure can be broken down into separate elements to
achieve the most economical formwork construction procedure.
The installed or erected form must withstand the vigorous actions of the farmworkers,
reinforcement fixers and connectors. Formwork installation should keep the joints tight, fix the
formwork assembly in such a manner for easy stripping in order that it will be fully recovered as
much as possible for re-use.
9.4.1. Ground Forms
Although concrete work underground are usually hidden from view, the need for accuracy in
formwork associated with it should not be treated lightly. The lines, levels , positions of the
foundation structure set the starting accuracy of the following work on columns and walls.
Careless work during this stage, creates the later problem of correcting levels and alignments to
obtain the specified requirements for the exposed concrete work. The needless expense should
be avoided.
Work in the ground can be difficult, the workspace is often very confined, and it can be almost
impossible to kept the excavations, reinforcement and the formwork clean, particularly in wet
weather. Where ground is hard, it can be difficult to drive pegs for the support of forms. When the
ground is soft, even quite long pegs, driven deeply, may not give the needed support. For rocky
ground, penetration and alignment are hard to achieve. Like formwork, in excavations for footings,
wet weather can make work difficult and dirty.
Edge forms for ground
The basic requirements of an edge is that it should be straight, and strong; stiff straightness is
needed to achieve an accurate line. Adequate strength is necessary to resist the loads that act on
it. Workers usually walk on it, concrete worker screed on it, often heavy vibrating screeds use it as
a guide and the concrete pressure pushes it outwards. Under these loads, accurate lines and
plumbs face must be maintained. For this, edge form should be stiff.
Edge forms span continuously along a line of pegs. The peg maintains the lines, level and plumb
of the forms, and transmit the loads to the ground. Peg spacing are dependent on edge
construction, the concrete depth and the soil characteristics.
9.4.2. Forms for Footings
Although forms for footing are sometimes not necessary on most building construction, the
excavated face of the ground wall already serves, the face function of a form in confining the
concrete during pouring work. However when it is specified that concrete to the base and the
pedestal are to be placed integrally, then the pedestal form must be suspended in position. To
avoid caving-in the face of the excavation, the pegs must be located well back from the faces of
the excavation. Braces should be fitted in two directions to prevent the form from moving
9.4.3. Column Forms
Columns formwork enables the construction of columns that perfectly align to other adjacent
columns, wall and building facades. These columns will have the specified surface quality and
accurate shape and position. The requirements for the accuracy of columns vary according to
their position in the project documentation. These should cover plumb, twist, face steps and its
relationship to the entire position. If the column is located outside of the building, each successive
pour should be an extension of the previous pour.
Erecting the column forms should be made carefully to avoid twisting from the square or
rectangular cross section. To prevent this, there is a need to alternate the direction of members of
yokes or the direction of tensioning for some types of clamps. Line and thickness tolerances will
not control the twisting unless referenced to grid on the floor such as column center-lines. Column
tolerances for width and thickness should not be based on a reference point on the column form
or from a single point on the floor.
The real height of the column form is equal to the storey height minus the slab thickness if the
slab is formed with columns, the slab sheathing thickness should also be subtracted. The made-
up panels are frequently cut shorter than the true height which is about one-half or more, and then
shimmed up at the bottom or pieced at the top to the exact height in the field. The exact amount
of reducing height depends on local field practice and job conditions. Sometimes, grade is
checked at the base and any necessary corrections indicated by a mark on the template, or
elevation may be checked at the top of the form to make final adjustments.
If columns are formed and casted and stripped independently before the forming of other
structural members, a common practice to allow columns to take initial shrinkage on the adjusted
form must be little higher than the true of column, to further allow shrinkage and variations that
can occur when other member are already framed in. Some contractors allow about half an inch of
concrete to cover small shrinkage and any irregularities, but the exact amount depends on local
conditions. Frequently, specifications require the contractors to chisel or sandblast 1/16 in. or
more from the top of concrete to remove laitance before casting the next lift.
Tied columns
Tied columns in the shape of a square or rectangle are generally built in four panels.
Spacing for the clamps should be marked on each panels as they are built. Tied column forms
may be installed and erected in place, panel by panel, or the forms may be assembled into a
complete column box erected in place as a complete unit. The latter method is preferred if
equipment is available to lift the assembled form because it saves some of the work of temporary
Round Columns
There are various methods of forming round columns with the use of proprietary products or
normal construction materials. Generally, these proprietary products are those disposable or
single- use column formwork systems while the construction materials are those used for spirally
wound, cylindrical forms; plastic and steel.
Plastic and galvanized sheet steel forms are spirally wound from one layer of material and neither
of these two have any problem with moisture. These metal and plastic forms require support to
maintain their circular shape while all others require support to maintain plumb and vertical line.
Thin forms are easily distorted out when the wedges are tightened. Therefore. This type of yoke is
not suited.
For the metal forms. two pieces of plywood that are cut to halves of the round form shape and
then cleated, can tightly fit to the form. When used with plastic forms, a clearance gap
approximately 3 mm should be provided as allowance for the stretching of the plastic form
caused by the fluid concrete pressure. An arrow pointing to the top marks the plastic spiral forms
direction wall, flange and stiffeners thickness are greater. In both case, these are usually fitted to
the stiffening ribs and the fabricated sections would incorporate fixing for braces.
Bolts or propriety wedges provide the connection of the two halves. It was noted earlier that
wedges enable faster assembly and stripping of the form. Figure ___ illustrates several methods of
formwork for round column.
Bracing column formwork
Two functions are performed by column form bracing: maintenance of the accuracy of the column
form position and plumb, and protection of either the column formwork or the bracing from
impact or wind. Collision of crane hoisting bundles of materials or concrete (kibble) buckets can
produce these impact forces. These impact forces can happen as a result of the collision of
concrete (kibble) buckets or the bundles of materials hoisted by the crane. Sometimes, the form
and its bracing cannot withstand these impact without resulting to damage and misalignment.
The illustrations shown below on column bracing are suited for tall and slender columns. For large
and heavily-reinforced columns which are often used in the lower levels of high-rise buildings, the
widths of the column form and the strength of the reinforcement may be such that only
adjustment devices for the form base are required. With this, reinforcement and form assembly
should have the necessary strength within itself to withstand any expected impact.
In reference to the illustration, the telescopic props are only wedged between the column form
clamps and the blocks and is shot-set to the floor slab. With this, even a small or weak impact on
these props can result to dislodgement which could cause injury. Moreover. the column forms
which placed at the edge of the floor slab can also pose real danger to the public. However, if
fitted with connection devices, these telescopic props can be suitable for column bracing (See
Figure 10-6). The bolted hinges at the end of the props will help in preventing these props to fall
against any impact. If the prop has tension force, the lock pin will slide to the other end of the lot
and so the prop will have the resistance against tension loads and a good deal of impact’s energy
will have been absorbed during this movement.
The horizontal sliding, which will be resisted by the column reinforcement, can result from the
impact on this assembly. The whole assembly will have the tendency to rotate on the outer base
of the braces and the column form will tend to lift upwards if the horizontal impact is at the top of
the form. This will be resisted partly by the weight of the assembly and the forces that are needed
to bend and distort the reinforcement. It should be noted also that the over tightened sloping
brace adjustment will result to lifting the column formwork out of its base and also severe grout
For internal columns, enough braces are needed to resist forces in any directions. For rectangular
or four-sided columns, it is convenient to have four sets of braces due to fixing considerations
while three equally-spaced braces are sufficient for round columns.
Hoisting column forms
This is used for the individual form faces of conventional column formwork. Nail fixing of the
plywood to these studs will not be adequate to cater to the impacted loads of crane hoisting. At
the very least, screw fixing will be needed. The bolt between the two studs should be adequate to
cater to the weight of the formwork. At the least it should be 12 mm diameter and lock nutted at
the end. The practice of using a plain rod for the bolt must be avoided. With a high impact load it
can be pulled out causing an accident. Depending on the type and the manner in which column
forms are constructed, hoisting method should vary.
9.4.4. Wall forms
There are two types of wall formwork in general. The first of these type require only one face of
work. Walls for basement building is a typical example of this one face wall form. The cut ground
surface would serve as the other form face for the wall.
On the other hand, double faced formwork assembly consist of two opposing form faces tied
together in some regular pattern, and with both face or one face closed. In conventional formwork
the form face is usually plywood with a sealed face. In some cases the form face may be solid
timber boarding. The form face spans onto a grid of timber framing members to bring the loads to
the cross wall ties.
Horizontal Waler – For this type of form, the vertical studs are fixed directly to the back of the form
face material, in this case plywood. At the ends of the studs, horizontal top and bottom plates are
fixed. Wedges under the bottom plate hold the wall forms to level. Pairs of horizontal walers are
fixed to the outer face of the studs. The wall ties connect between the walers on opposing wall
Vertical Waler – Here the plywood spans vertically to pass the concrete pressure loads onto the
joists. These span horizontally to carry the loads to the vertical walers. In turn, the walers span
vertically to carry the loads to the ties where the forces are balanced by the equal and opposing
forces from the other formed face.
Wall Tying
Formwork tying system’s primary function is to connect the two faces of the double faced forms
together and affect the balance of pressure between them during concrete pouring. The very
distinctive characteristics of each type of wall ties need a sequence of installation to suit each
particular case. Wall ties, also known as tie rods, tie bars and tie bolts, can be described under
three broad groupings: He-bolts, She-bolts and Through ties.
Provision for Hoisting Wall Forms
With the increased use of cranes on building sites. only the small forms are being manually
handled into position. However, for all of these, the special requirements of designing the
formwork for hoisting have to be taken into consideration. There are two matters that should be
considered here. First the fixing within the form structure to give it enough strength and stiffness
for hoisting, and second, is the provision of properly-designed hoisting points.
For the forms which need to be hoisted by crane, the walers should be securely fixed to the sub-
framing, studs or joists. At the least, coach screws or bolts are needed. On the other hand, bolted
angle cleats to the studs will be needed if the hoisting is applied to the walers. For long wall forms,
the hoisting setup should be arranged to prevent the forms from bending. Firstly, the hoisting
points should be spaced at about 60% of the length of the form. Secondly, long lifting slings
should be used to minimize the compression induced in the top of the form by the inclined sling
forces. But, if shorter slings are used, the compression force will increase and will result to
twisting of the top of the form.
9.4.5. Beam/Girder Forms
The construction of a beam or girder formwork consists of the bottom and two sides, with the
necessary ties and braces, and the vertical shores holding the beam soffit. Beam sides overlap the
bottom form and also rest on the shore heads. Details of beam formwork assembly may vary
depending on the stripping plans as well as materials to be used, location of the structural
member in the building and the anticipated loads to be carried.
Beam or girder bottoms (Soffit) are frequently made of plywood with the attached supporting
members running the length of beam bottom. Spacing of supporting members will depend on the
form design and the load to be carried by the beam bottom. Various way of constructing beam
bottom forms:

• Narrow Based Beam Form

• Wide Based Beam Form
• T-Head Shoring
• Heavy Ledgers and Stiffeners
The next stage in beam or girder form construction is the beam sides. Plywood beam sides
eliminate the cleats, but may require vertical stiffeners, or vertical blocking to transfer deck load to
the shores. For either wood or plywood sides the ledger is nailed to the beam side at a distance
below the top to allow for the depth of slab forming joists that may be supported on the beam
9.4.6. Slab Forms
Slab or soffit forms are defined as level or near level, single-faced formwork surfaces that are
used to serve as moulds under the reinforced concrete structures such as suspended floor slabs.
These form surfaces are used as a place for storing formwork components and reinforcements.
Aside from that, it also functions as a working area for all the construction workers. A complete
form surface includes guardrails at its perimeter and ladders or stairs.

9.5. Construction Joints

Supervising Concrete Works 9. Formworks Construction 9.5. Construction Joints

Construction joints are planned interruptions to continuous concrete structure. Reinforcement is

usually continuous through the joint. ACI Committee 347 recommends that construction joints be
located between form panels whenever feasible. If the architect-engineer has not positively
specified construction joint locations, the contractor should make a proposal indicating locations
and submit this for approval.
Method of construction for the construction joint should also be approved by the architect-
9.6. Stripping of Formworks
Supervising Concrete Works 9. Formworks Construction 9.6. Stripping of Formworks

Forms and shoring should be designed for easy, safe removal in a way that permits the concrete
to take its load gradually and uniformly without impact or shock. Stripping was formerly referred
to as “wrecking,” and this description was often given a literal interpretation when forms were
removed; there was little or no salvage of materials. Today, with increasing emphasis on panel
systems, modular formwork components, and economy through maximum reuse of forms, much
more attention is given to building forms that can be removed intact. The larger weight and
surface areas of flying forms on ganged panel units that are handled by crane present some
difficulties in achieving the desired gradual removal, and special devices and techniques may be
Considerable damage can be done to formwork which has not been planned for orderly
dismantling. The sequence of stripping is a consideration in how the forms are to be made or
assembled. For example, column forms should be made so that they can be stripped without
disturbing adjacent beam and girder forms. Column panels can be pried out from the bottom so
that they can drop down free of beam form. Beam and girder side forms may be made to come
out before slab soffits. The designer should provide crush plates or key strips to facilitate removal
of difficult form intersections or where there is danger of damage from stripping tolls. Small form
openings to permit introduction of air or water under pressure sometimes simplify stripping.
Bolted nitrogen has also been used to break forms loose, where large form areas required
pressure not available from the normal construction site compressor.
Special attention required for removal of large ganged panels or flying forms is frequently planned
in advance, for example hinging part of the form which can be released before the entire from is
moved. Jacks may be used for support and adjustment so that the form can be gradually freed by
loosening the jacks. If it is necessary to let a slab form fall free, a platform or other support should
be placed to reduce the drop to a minimum distance. Special hardware can be developed to help
out when forms stick and refuse to drop as planned. When stripping large wall form sections, it is
advisable to leave a few ties connected until the crane has secure hold, thus preventing it from
breaking loose accidentally. Stripping of wall gangs can be speeded by attaching a second crane
line to exert an orchard pull at the same time the boom hitch is pulling upward.
Time devoted to training the stripping crew in both the order and method of form removal be
spent. Stripping requires considerable care on the part of workmen to avoid damage to the
concrete, which can be marred by scratching and shipping even though it has sufficient structural
load bearing strength. The contractor is advised both to protect the concrete and to extend the
useful life of his forms by careful handling. Not only must the forms hold together, they must
remain dimensionally accurate and edges should stay in good condition to make accurate
alignment clean joints possible.
Form panels and shoring components should not be dropped but should be handed down lowered
on stretched ropes, cables, or other devices to avoid damage. Various rigs on wheels can be
devised for different kinds of stripping jobs to improve the safety and speed of the workers:
traveling suspended scaffolds are particularly helpful in bridge work.
9.7. Determination of time for form
Supervising Concrete Works 9. Formworks Construction 9.7. Determination of time for form stripping
Since early form removal is usually desirable so that forms can be reused, a reliable basis for
determining the earliest proper stripping time is necessary. When forms are stripped there must
be no excessive deflection or distortion and no evidence of cracking, or other damage to the
concrete, due either to removal of support or to the stripping operation. Supporting forms and
shores must not be removed from beams. floors. And walls until these structural units are strong
enough to carry their own weight and any approved superimposed load, unless provision has been
made to allow for anticipated temporary construction loads, as for example in multi-storey work.
Strength of concrete necessary before form stripping and the time required to attain it vary widely
with job conditions. Generally forms for vertical members such as columns and piers may be
removed earlier than those for beams and slabs. ACI 347 recommends removal of formwork
support from horizontal members only after 70 percent of the design strength has been reached,
unless otherwise approved by the engineer-architect. Even if concrete is strong enough to show no
immediate distress or deflection under load, it is possible to damage corners and edges during
stripping and to develop excessive creep deflection with time. The individual who designed the
structure and understands its behavior under load is best prepared to decide what strength is
required for stripping.
If strength tests are to be the basis for the engineer-architect’s instructions to the contractor on
form removal, the type of test, method of evaluating, and minimum standards of strength should
be stated clearly in the specifications. The number of test specimens as well as who should make
them and perform the tests should also be specified. The most widely used method is to test
Specimen cured on the job under conditions no better than the least favorable curing conditions
for actual portions of the structure which the test specimens represent. If such specimens are
used it is advisable to keep a curing record including time, temperature. and method for both the
concrete test specimens. This information together with the weather record assist both the tractor
in determining when forms can be safely stripped. Thus they offer a conservative basis for
determining stripping time. A more direct method of strength evaluation is to test cores from the
structure. However, core test results must be carefully evaluated.
On jobs where the engineer has made no provision for approval of shore and form removal based
on strength and other considerations peculiar to the job, and where local codes do not establish
specific stripping standards, refer to ACI 347 Guide to Formwork for Concrete

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