Lab 2
Lab 2
Lab 2
Configuring HDFS
• Update /home/student/hadoop/etc/hadoop/core-
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>
Configuring YARN (Part 2)
• Add these lines to yarn-site.xml:
Formatting HDFS
• Try hdfs namenode –format
• Is it working? If not, how to make it work?
• Hint:
• After the Hadoop settings, the default path for hadoop is now point to hdfs file system:
Try to run a set of commands and
inspect their outcome!
• hadoop fs -mkdir /user/hdfs
• hadoop fs -ls /user
• touch sample.txt
hdfs dfs -put sample.txt /user/hdfs/sample.txt
• hdfs dfs -ls /user/hdfs/
• echo "This is line 1." >> sample1.txt
• echo "This is line 2." >> sample1.txt
• echo "This is line 3." >> sample1.txt
• cat sample.txt
• hdfs dfs -appendToFile sample1.txt /user/hdfs/sample.txt
• hdfs dfs -get /user/hdfs/sample.txt
• hdfs dfs -rm /user/hdfs/sample.txt
• exit