Innovative Interview Sample

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Job Interview Questions Series


Interview Questions

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Leadership 5

Chapter 2 Personality 17

Chapter 3 Confidence 51

Chapter 4 Character 57

Chapter 5 Adaptiveness 75

Chapter 6 Composure 85

Chapter 7 Behavioral 93

Chapter 8 Innovation 111

Chapter 9 Problem Solving 123

Chapter 10 Job Competency 131

Index 151
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Thanks again for your purchase. Good luck with your interview!

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Problem Solving

Job Competency
6 Innovative Interview Questions You’ll Most Likely Be Asked

001. Have you had the sole responsibility of bringing about

changes in a company’s organizational processes, or did
you accomplish this type of change as the member of a

The correct answer to this question should shed insight on
how the candidate led the company he worked for to bring
about change in the way a company does business in response
to changing market conditions.

As an example:
I have always endeavored to work within the framework of a
team. An individual can make mistakes he is unaware of. When
several minds work together, many potential errors can be detected
before a process is compromised. Only in emergency or unusual
circumstances should an individual work by himself on important

002. If you had sole responsibility for bringing about

organizational change, how did your co-workers respond
to the changes you were trying to bring to the company’s
organizational processes?

This question examines the candidate’s ability to provide
leadership under challenging conditions. The correct answer
should provide concrete evidence of the candidate’s ability to
provide leadership.

As an example:
When an individual works on a project without collaboration, the
people who will be required to implement the project or changes
Leadership 7

usually have doubts about the validity of the changes that are being
implemented. Great caution must be exercised when business
realities place the responsibility on the shoulders of a single person.

003. Are you able to make a judgment as to whether it is

better for an individual or better for a team to bring about
organizational changes?

The correct answer to this question asks the candidate to make
a value judgment. An interviewer will also make a judgment
as to the value of the candidate’s answer. The answer
provided by the candidate will provide insight to the thought
processes of the person applying for the job.

As an example:
It is always better for organizational change to come through a
committee or a team. Teamwork goes a long way in alleviating
troubles that can arise later in a process.

004. As a leader, manager, or supervisor, what creative

methods have you personally developed to motivate your

The correct answer to this question requires the candidate’s
response to include some reference to recognized motivational
theory such as needs, values, or goals.

As an example:
Current motivational theory teaches us that in today’s workplace,
financial bonus campaigns have less of a motivational factor than
8 Innovative Interview Questions You’ll Most Likely Be Asked

it did just a few years ago. Intrinsic motivation that enhances an

employee’s personal prestige or image of himself may have a far
greater impact than paying a huge bonus. A bonus is spent and gone,
but an employee who feels good about his work will be motivated to
work even harder.

005. What methods have you developed to motivate employees

to accomplish undesirable tasks?

The interviewer is looking for concrete evidence of how the
candidate is able to apply motivational theory in practical
ways. The correct answer must show the interviewer that the
candidate is able to successfully apply motivational theory.

As an example:
The best way to motivate workers to accomplish undesirable tasks is
to simply help workers understand how beneficial the results will be,
and that you will do your best to ensure every worker in the work
center will have an equal opportunity at accomplishing undesirable
tasks. There must be equality in scheduling workers to do jobs
nobody wants to do.

006. When faced with a subordinate or a peer who is vocally

unhappy about accomplishing an undesirable task, what
methods have you discovered or developed to mitigate the
dissatisfaction and to encourage the person to get the job

This question seeks to gain an understanding of how the
candidate would deal with undesirable workplace situations.
Leadership 9

Correct answers to this question will provide insight on how

well the candidate is able to respond to serious job complaints.

As an example:
Dissatisfied workers who vocalize their complaints are a real
problem in most workplaces. In the first place, you must enforce that
complaints must be vented through prescribed protocols. Spreading
dissatisfaction to other workers is not acceptable. Secondly,
dissatisfied employees must be taught the importance of completing
the task that is causing the disruption. This process can only be
completed so many times before a complaining employee may find
their job in jeopardy.

007. How can company leadership become proactive in

identifying employees who have creative talents that would
benefit the company?

The correct answer must address the different methods
a company might use to identify and encourage talented
employees to express their creativity.

As an example:
Companies trying to encourage employee creativity are an
organizational culture that fosters creativity and company leadership
that is committed to supporting the creative efforts of employees. If
a company does just these two things, they will encourage creative
employees to come forward.
10 Innovative Interview Questions You’ll Most Likely Be Asked

008. As a manager or corporate officer, have you ever asked the

question, “What is our company really good at?”

The correct answer is “yes,” alongside the appropriate level of

As an example:
This question addresses the core essence of every company in the
country. What exactly does your company do best? The candidate
should be able to provide real examples of how they have led a
company to focus on the process that made them a leader in their

009. Have you ever asked the question, “What are our
company’s core competencies?”

Again, the correct answer is “yes.” The candidate should
understand what the core competencies are of the business
they are working for. Core competencies are defined as a
skill set that sets a company apart and gives it a competitive

As an example:
Core competencies are the foundational values that define a company.
If a company is wandering off course, it is appropriate for people
within the company to step up and say we have moved away from the
things that brought us to this point, and must be depended upon to
take us into the future.
Leadership 11

010. As a leader, how do you think your subordinates perceive

your personality?

To answer this question correctly, the candidate will need
to exhibit some transparency. What people think about us
may not always be flattering. But for a leader, it is not always
possible to be popular.

As an example:
The answer may include the thoughts that some people do like me
as a leader, and some people have been very unhappy with some
decisions I have made. As a leader I am required to balance the needs
of the organization, the needs of the employees and the needs of the

011. As a leader, how do you respond to rapidly changing

business requirements?

Change is the one constant that businesses must learn to work
with. As an effective member of an organization’s team, I must
learn to change my approach to my job as market conditions

As an example:
A recent change in a regulation concerning the disposal of our
company’s waste products will require us to do a better job of
ensuring potentially hazardous waste is properly collected and
disposed of. Instead of complaining, I need to take the lead and make
sure the regulations are complied with.
12 Innovative Interview Questions You’ll Most Likely Be Asked

012. Can you tell me about a leadership decision you would like
to change now that you have had time to think about it?

To answer this question correctly, the candidate will need to
do an honest reflection back to a problem that would have had
a better solution if the candidate had done things differently.

As an example:
Years ago, I was faced with a decision to go forward with a business
acquisition that had the potential to increase my company’s
profitability significantly. Because of the financial risks associated
with the acquisition, I decided not to go forward and make the
transaction. Another company took advantage of the opportunity,
and it took us years to recover the competitive advantage that we lost.

013. As a manager or leader, have you had to work on an

unexpected assignment over the weekend when you
already had plans? How did you handle that situation?

If the candidate has worked in a leadership position very
long, the answer will be a resounding yes. Most people in
leadership are asked to work beyond their normal hours to
ensure important projects are completed on time. To answer
the second part of the question, the candidate will need to
provide a factual answer on how he handled the situation.

As an example:
I had plans with my family to go camping over the Fourth of July
weekend. We had been planning on getting away for several weeks.
During this time the company was trying to win a contract for a
national advertising campaign. The client was not happy with the
Leadership 13

work that was presented to him and gave an ultimatum with an

impossible deadline to fix the problem. My family was disappointed,
but they knew my job was essential to keeping a roof over our heads,
and they also knew there would be another weekend before the
summer was over.

014. If you were in a group of about 10 executives, and you were

asked to describe your leadership style, what would you

The answer to this question may take any number of
directions. Some leaders take an authoritative style, and some
leaders take a style that is focused on building a consensus.

As an example:
My leadership style is best described as allowing the people who work
for me to have sufficient leeway to express their own leadership and
creative talents. I get involved when there are difficult decisions to be
made that require executive authority to solve. I can be described as a

015. How do you deal with the stress that goes along with being
in charge?

The correct response to this question revolves around the
issue of knowing how to find a proper balance between
responsibility and the need to take care of your own health.
14 Innovative Interview Questions You’ll Most Likely Be Asked

As an example:
My workload is tremendous with seemingly impossible deadlines.
Each day I take a few minutes away from my desk to get up and walk
down to the break room, or to take a quick walk around the building.
I try and laugh about my situation and try to have a smile for
everyone who puts more work on my desk.

016. Since the time you moved into executive roles, what has
been your most outstanding achievement?

I was instrumental in improving health insurance benefits for
the company I worked for.

As an example:
When the company hired me, only 50 percent of company employees
were able to afford the company’s health insurance benefits. During
almost a year of intense negotiation with our insurance provider, I
was able to negotiate a cost level that our people will be able to afford
without causing them to reduce their overall quality of life.

017. As a company leader, have you ever held back from getting
involved in an issue knowing you could have made a
positive impact on the eventual outcome?

Each candidate for the job may answer the question much
differently. Some candidates may not have an experience
where they held back when their input was needed. The
interviewer is looking for a response that explains why the
candidate did not get involved and what he will do differently
if faced with a similar situation in the future.
Leadership 15

As an example:
The company was having a real problem with employee retention
and needs a solution that would work. After some other people
came to me with some suggestions that would work, I still did not
get involved. It took the company another six months to correct the
issues that were causing the problems. My lack of action cost the
company several thousand dollars.

018. How does your background in executive leadership make

you qualified for this position?

I have spent many years preparing in the effort to prepare
myself to be a leader at the community college level. I believe
my preparation makes me ready to step up into an executive
leadership position.

As an example:
I have worked in virtually every administrative position there is
in a community college setting. I have recently finished a PhD in
educational administration, and I have been instructing business
administration classes for over 10 years. I am now ready to assume
even greater responsibilities as an executive.

019. Please tell me one area you need to improve in to become a

better leader.

Everyone has an area or two they can improve in, so I will
share with you one area where I need to improve.
16 Innovative Interview Questions You’ll Most Likely Be Asked

As an example:
I am not always as patient as I need to be with people who say things
that do not make sense for me, or do not seem to fit the subject we are
talking about. To make the necessary improvement, I need to become
a better listener, and I need to make an effort to be more patient with
comments that do not seem to make sense for the situation we are

020. Have you built up enough respect for your ideas that
people at your last job actually came to you for suggestions?

During the last year, I really began to feel that I was being
recognized as someone who knew what she was doing.

As an example:
About two months ago the agency had the opportunity to earn
a major contract, but there was stiff competition from two other
companies. After several failed attempts to put together a proposal
the client would accept, the boss came to me and asked for my
opinion. I did have an idea that eventually was developed into a
proposal that the client accepted.







Problem Solving

Job Competency

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