Activity On Topic 1 - STS (Sibbaluca - Aira Mae C.) BSACC-1A

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Sibbaluca, Aira Mae C.


Activity on Topic 1: Historical Antecedents in the Course of Science and Technology


1. E – jeepney (Leonardo ➢ It was used to transport many ➢ Compared with traditional jeepney, E-jeepney
Salvador Sr.) passengers much faster and cheaper is more cost-effective; has 87% lower greenhouse
than any Cable Car could. gas (GHG) emissions; does not produce smog;
reduces air pollution and its associated health
P effects; and is more preferred by the majority of
the riding public due to its safety, environment-
H friendly, and comfortable ride.
I ➢ Https://
2. Bamboo Incubator (Dr. ➢ Open incubators work well for infants ➢ In 1941, to help rural communities without
L Fe Del Mundo) who primarily need to be temporarily electricity, Dr. Fe Del Mundo designed the
warmed and have their vital statistics bamboo incubator, a makeshift incubator that
I measured. The inability to control the utilized two wicker laundry baskets of varying
humidity and guard from airborne sizes. She put hot water bottles in the space
P germs means that open incubators are between the baskets to regulate the temperature of
not ideal for babies requiring a more the infants then added a hood and oxygen.
P controlled environment and germ ➢ Https://
protection. reads/features/amazing-inventions-by-filipinos-
I a00204-20200529
N 3. 16 – Bit Microchip ➢ The 16-bit family offers key ➢ This invention has allowed computer users to use
(Diosdado Banatao) communication and control peripherals graphics for commands and not the usual typed
E like SPI, UART, CAN, I2C, PWM and commands in older computers. It has allowed data
Timers, as well as specialized processing to be a little faster using very little
S peripherals for USB, graphics, motor space (small chips instead of large boards).
control and digital power.
4. Video Phone (Gregorio ➢ The videophone first caught on as a ➢ Zara's video telephone invention enabled the
Zara) device that easily enabled distance caller and recipient to see each other while
learning and video conferencing and conversing, laying the foundation for
also proved helpful for the hearing videoconferencing.
Sibbaluca, Aira Mae C.

Activity on Topic 1: Historical Antecedents in the Course of Science and Technology

impaired. Then came such derivations
as Skype and smartphones, and the
videophone became ubiquitous
5. Patis (Ruperta “Aling ➢ Patis is also used in place of table salt ➢ Fish sauce production is relatively unsustainable.
Tentay” David) in meals to enhance the flavor of the Whether farmed or wild caught, the seafood
food, where it can either be dashed industry is environmentally destructive due to its
from a dispensing bottle onto the food direct impact on decreasing marine populations,
or poured into a saucer and mixed with polluting waters and habitat destruction.
calamansi and labuyo chilis and used as ➢
a dipping sauce. effects/
6. Computer (Charles ➢ The computer was invented in order to ➢ Computer has been intervened to every sphere of
Babbage) automate mathematical calculations human life such as Mobile phones, TV shows,
that were previously completed by Supermarkets, Hospitals, Railways, Matrimonial,
people. Share Tradings, Online Purchasing, Banking,
Sports, Traffic controls, Security Surveillance
systems, Job Recruitment, Robotics, Machine
W Learning, Artificial Intelligence etc.
O ➢
R 7. Television (Vladimir K.
Zworykin and Philo
➢ To help people stay up to date of the
latest happenings around the world.
➢ Television contributes to our education and
knowledge. Documentaries and information
L Farnsworth) programs give us insight on nature, our
environment and political events. Television has
D a huge impact on politics. In election years,
discussions, speeches and campaign news of
candidates are broadcast almost every day.
8. Light Bulb (Humphry ➢ The light bulb was invented for the ➢ The electric light bulb has been called the most
Davy) purpose of giving off light. It was important invention since man-made fire. The
designed to produce a more consistent, light bulb helped to establish social order after
Sibbaluca, Aira Mae C.

Activity on Topic 1: Historical Antecedents in the Course of Science and Technology

longer-lasting, higher quality light than sundown, extended the workday well into the
that produced by oil or gas lamps night, and allowed us to navigate and travel safely
(which were the standard means of in the dark. Without the light bulb, there would be
lighting before electric light). no nightlife.
-invented-light-bulbs/ -
9. Telephone (Alexander ➢ They used this to communicate with ➢ Telephones allowed people to talk business and
Graham Bell) people whose far away from them. negotiate contracts more quickly and efficiently.
Phones made it possible to conduct business
without being in the same room, which reduced
both travel time and costs. It also allowed
businesses to expand beyond their local area by
attracting customers from anywhere.
change-the-world/ -
10. Steam Engine (James ➢ Steam power became the energy source ➢ Steam engines made it possible to easily work,
Wyatt) for many machines and live, produce, market, specialize, and viably
vehicles, making it cheaper and easier expand without having to worry about the less
to produce commodities in large abundant presence of waterways. Cities and
amounts. towns were now built around factories, where
steam engines served as the foundation for the
livelihood of many of the citizens.

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