Riello UPS WhitePaper SuperCaps 01-20 EN

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At present, electricity can be stored using Supercapacitors represent an innovative and
technologies that differ both in physical operating green storage technology, characterized by
principles (electrostatic and electrochemical) relatively low energy density (less than storage
and in performance characteristics (specific with electrochemical batteries) combined
power, energy density, storage and conversion with extremely high power density. Since the
efficiency). accumulation of electricity is based on almost
reversible electrostatic processes, they also
The solutions that seem to be most suitable have a high efficiency and long life span (an
for this purpose are electrochemical batteries, estimated 1,000,000 life cycles at 25°C).
storage systems with hydrogen accumulation
and electrochemical and electrostatic Due to their operational characteristics,
condensers - also called supercapacitors or supercapacitors can be used effectively in
ultracapacitors. storage systems and to power short-lasting
power peaks.
In this white paper we will discuss
supercapacitors, which operate in a similar The diagram in figure 1 highlights how
way to normal capacitors – what makes them supercapacitors occupy a region of the plane
“super” in comparison is the amount of energy between the electrochemical batteries and
they can accumulate. traditional capacitors.

Figure 1

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whitepaper No. 01-2020


Supercapacitors store electrical energy through
electrostatic fields: an elementary cell essentially • Braking with recovery of metropolitan trains:
consists of two porous electrodes, characterized the kinetic energy when trains brake can be
by a high ratio between the surface of the plates fed directly into the main driving line that
and weight, immersed in an electrolytic solution. powers the train as it accelerates. Instead
of dissipating, any excess is accumulated in
supercapacitor batteries arranged in electrical
power stations to supply other critical loads.

• Hospital diagnostic equipment: many

radiological devices are characterized by
large short-term power absorptions - the
examination time - interspersed with periods
of more modest absorption. The introduction
of supercapacitor batteries allows the power
peaks taken from the network to be contained,
avoiding oversizing of the power systems.

• Improvement of electricity supply quality:

A capacitor is characterized by its capacity uninterruptible power supplies tend to
(measured in Farad) which is the index of the operate in environments of critical loads
amount of charge, or better the electrons, which with intermittent power withdrawals and
it is able to accumulate. The capacity grows as short-lasting peaks. The introduction of
the area of the plates increases and the distance supercapacitor banks enables the UPS to be
between them decreases. Supercapacitors optimized without being forced to oversize
differ from standard capacitors because they the batteries to cope with the delivery of the
are able to accumulate millions of times the required powers even if for short periods of
number of electrons. time.

As already mentioned, supercapacitors do • Renewable energy applications: in

not require chemical processes to make the photovoltaic solar applications it is necessary
accumulated energy available, therefore the to replace the batteries every 3-7 years as
time they need to accumulate electrons on a they decline in performance. Supercapacitors
plate, and to subsequently charge the capacitor, charge and discharge quickly and support
are very short. For this reason, supercapacitors multiple cycles, so they can be replaced
are widely used in applications where large every 20 years. By reducing the frequency of
quantities of energy are required in short times, maintenance interventions, life cycle costs are
or with devices capable of charging in a few also reduced, which increases efficiency too.

Thanks to their high capacity levels and currents,
supercapacitors can be used for energy storage
solutions that can be installed in small spaces.
When used as auxiliary power sources in peak
currents, they allow you to reduce the size of
the power supplies and act as a function that
can produce higher current and improve overall

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In critical settings like modern Data Centers or A supercapacitor offers benefits
with electromedical and industrial applications, including:
the installation of a system with traditional
batteries provides insufficient time to solve some
• High power density
of the most common failure problems when
• Instant charge/discharge
starting the generator set, such as the fuel block
• Very slow deterioration
or a failure in the starter battery.
• Not sensitivity to fluctuating temperatures
• No toxic and flammable components
• A Data Center can take 3 to 6 hours to
• Up to 15 years or 1,000,000 charging cycles
transfer its operations to a mirroring site or to
• A long lifecycle translates into a reduction
in disposal costs and a mitigation of the
environmental impact
• Medical electrical installations require safe
and continuous energy to guarantee lifesaving
services On the other hand, its shortcomings
• Automated production processes require
uninterrupted power supply to prevent • Low energy density means it requires frequent
machinery or equipment failure recharging
• Costs are still quite high, in part due to the
In each of these and in many other cases, materials used which are essentially carbon
a generator set supported by a UPS with and graphene
supercapacitors that offers relatively short
autonomy is the most efficient and effective
continuity solution. COSTS
The main obstacle to widespread adoption
of supercapacitors to uninterruptible power
supplies its initial cost. To understand the current
state of use of supercapacitors, compared to
normal batteries, there needs to be an analysis of
life cycle costs and a comparison on the return
on investment (ROI).

The hypothesis below refers to:

• a power requirement of 5 kW for 20 seconds;

• the calculation is based on the additional
cost incurred for a system that uses
• the assumption that the initial cost of the
battery is zero;
• the assumption that the cost of replacing the
supercapacitor and battery is equal to the
initial price (hardware cost 100%);
• maintenance of optimal battery conditions and
its duration of 20 years;
• battery maintenance carried out every 2 years,
and for supercapacitors every 10 years.

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In this second hypothesis, a UPS life of 30

Capex in UPS systems:
Supercapacitors vs. Classic batteries years is assumed and that the price of the
supercapacitors has decreased by half within the
Solution required first required replacement period.

5 KW of power required for 20 seconds

Capex in UPS systems:
Supercapacitors vs. Classic batteries
V max 300 - V nominal 240 - V min 160

Initial hypothesis of costs and maintenance Solution required

UPS life = 20 years

5 KW of power required for 20 seconds
Supercapacitors Batteries V max 300 - V nominal 240 - V min 160

n° supercapacitors 6 number of batteries 20 Initial hypothesis of costs and maintenance

cost for each 405 € cost for each 0€

total initial cost 2.430 € total initial cost 0€ UPS life = 30 years

maintenance period every 10 years (1 time) maintenance period every 2 years (9 times) Supercapacitors Batteries
single maintenance cost 442 € single maintenance cost 442 €

total maintenance cost 442 € total maintenance cost 3.978 € n° supercapacitors 6 number of batteries 20

cost for each 405 € cost for each 0€

replacements 1 replacements 3 total initial cost 2.430 € total initial cost 0€

hardware cost 100% hardware cost 100%

replacement cost 884 € replacement cost 884 € maintenance period every 10 years (2 btimes) maintenance period every 2 years (14 times)

total replacement cost 884 € total replacement cost 2.652 € single maintenance cost 442 € single maintenance cost 442 €

total maintenance cost 884 € total maintenance cost 6.188 €

disposal cost 85 € disposal cost 384 €

total disposal cost 85 € total disposal cost 1.152 € replacements 2 replacements 5

hardware cost 50% hardware cost 100%

Total cost 3.841 € Total cost 7.782 € replacement cost 884 € replacement cost 884 €

total replacement cost 884 € total replacement cost 4.420 €

Savings 3.941 €

disposal cost 85 € disposal cost 384 €

total disposal cost 170 € total disposal cost 1.920 €

Figure 2. Better battery life vs. life expectations supercaps.
Cost of the UPS excluded from the counts.
The values and costs described are by way of example, Total cost 4.368 € Total cost 12.528 €
should not be considered as list prices, in case of contacting
the company.
Savings 8.160 €

Figure 3. Worse Battery Life vs. life expectations supercaps

Cost of the UPS excluded from the counts.
The values and costs described are by way of example,
should not be considered as list prices, in case of contacting
the company.

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whitepaper No. 01-2020


Supercapacitors vs. Classic batteries DEVICES
Thanks to the high number of charge-discharge
200 kW UPS
Replacing the batteries every 3 years cycles, the supercapacitor has a lifecycle similar
Batteries Flywheel Supercapacitors to that of the UPS. Its extraordinarily low internal
Requirements Requirements Requirements resistance (ESR) and consequent high cycling
life: 15 anni life: 15 anni life: 15 anni efficiency (95% or more) added to less heat
potenza: 200kW potenza: 200kW power: 200kW production make it possible to use fewer, simpler
bridge time: 15 seconds bridge time: 15 seconds and cheaper cooling systems.
Input Input Input

typical duration: 2 years typical duration: 15 years typical duration: 15 years

Float voltage: 560V Float voltage: 560V Float voltage: 600V
Supercapacitors are therefore a very important
Min voltage: 440V Min voltage: 440V Min voltage: 330V
topic for energy storage, there is a lot of research
Discharge time: 30 sec Discharge time: 30 sec Discharge time: 30 sec
going on all over the world and the developments
Initial cost 15.190* € Initial cost 42.891 € Initial cost 53.613 €
seem really promising; there are those who
Annual cost** 3.976 € Annual cost** 1.912 € Annual cost** 491 €

Annual cost 74.867 € Annual cost 71.619 € Annual cost 61.021 €

even predict that supercapacitors will be able to
Savings 13.846 €
absorb up to 50% of the market today of Li-Ion
(About 18%) applications within the next 15 years.

* includes € 8,935 for the monitoring system

** includes space, electricity costs, maintenance and


The exceptional capacity of a supercapacitor is
essentially due to the enormous surface area of
the plates from which it is composed, for which
activated carbon is currently the most used
material. However, activated carbon, has low
voltage and geometric limitations, with the effect
of making most of its cavities inaccessible to
electrolytic ions.

Much research work is focusing on the

development of supercapacitors combined
with nanotechnology. Some studies suggest
it possible to create prototypes composed of
millions of microscopic filaments coated with
materials capable of butterflying electrons
much faster - reducing recharge times - and
coated with capacitive nanomaterials to provide
superior density and therefore allow a greater
accumulation of energy and power.
The goal is to obtain a new structure of nano
tubes - tending to carbon - capable of greatly
increasing the energy density of supercapacitors
while guaranteeing the same power
characteristics. In other words, we want to get to
have less bulky and more compact devices.

RPS SpA - Riello Power Solutions - Member of the Riello Elettronica Group
Viale Europa, 7 - 37045 Legnago (Verona) - ITALY - Tel: +39 0442 635811

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