KT-DR 2023-046 DailyReport-2023.11.23
KT-DR 2023-046 DailyReport-2023.11.23
KT-DR 2023-046 DailyReport-2023.11.23
Daily Report
1. Progress of Completion
Completion progress of Total Completion
No. Description
the Day Percentage
1 Design Work
Topographic map review by
1.1 Topographic survey (Tunnel inlet & outlet) third-party measurement 100%
Topographic map review by
1.2 Topographic survey (Tunnel alignment) third-party measurement 98.5%
1.3 Geotechnical Investigation (Tunnel inlet & outlet) Lab testing of rock samples 95%
No progress due to the
1.4 Geotechnical Investigation (Tunnel alignment) 46.7%
landlord’s obstruction.
Designs for the tunnel
entrance, including the
1.5 Design of tunnel portal including launching cradle launch pad, have been 100%
submitted and are awaiting
1.6 TBM Design and approval Mechanical Design 80.9%
3. Equipment
No. Equipment
Working Idle Total
1 Excavator 1 1 2
2 Bulldozer 0 1 1
3 Wheel loader 0 2 2
4 Dump truck 0 5 5
5 Generator 1 2 3
6 Hydraulic breaker 0 1 1
7 Tractor 0 1 1
8 Concrete mixer 0 1 1
9 Welding Machine 0 3 3
10 Cutting Machine 0 2 2
11 Service vehicle 5 0 5
12 Digital acoustic instrument 0 1 1
Multi-electrode electrical measurement
13 0 1 1
14 Drilling machine 2 0 2
15 GPS 0 5 5
16 Level 1 0 1
Total 10 26 36
5. Activities
5.1 Equipment mobilization
No equipment is delivered for mobilization today.
5.2 TBM design and manufacture
TBM master drive drawing has been confirmed and sent to the structure workshop.
6. Design progress
1) Modify the preliminary 3D model of segment according to the TBM design.
2) Prepare the design of glide groove.
7. Issues Encountered
The drilling of ZK10 is suspended by the landowner. Before we started the drilling, our GI engineer tried
to coordinate with the landowner, but couldn’t find him/her. The chieftain of Barangay San Jose said the
landowner lives in Manila so we could't find her here. The chieftain allowed us to start the drilling and
should have already coordinated with the landowner. However, when we were performing the drilling,
the landowner sent one of her relatives to stop our work and ask for money. She is asking for P150,000
today rather than P100,000 yesterday. We are now negotiating with the landowner together with the help
of Bgy. Official.
A report is prepared to be submitted to KAKSAAN NE DUMAGUIT as instructed and a meeting will
be held tomorrow to address this issue.