Lesson 42 The Ten Commandments

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The Ten Commandments

Exodus 20:1-17

Exodus 20
And God spoke all these words: On it you shall not do any work,
“I am the Lord your God, who neither you, nor your son or
brought you out of Egypt, out of daughter, nor your manservant
the land of slavery. or maidservant, nor your
animals, nor the alien within
“You shall have no other gods
your gates. 11For in six days the
before me.
Lord made the heavens and the
“You shall not make for yourself earth, the sea, and all that is in
an idol in the form of anything them, but he rested on the
in heaven above or on the earth seventh day. Therefore the Lord
beneath or in the waters below. blessed the Sabbath day and
You shall not bow down to made it holy.
them or worship them; for I, the 12
“Honor your father and your
Lord your God, am a jealous
mother, so that you may live
God, punishing the children for
long in the land the Lord your
the sin of the fathers to the third
God is giving you.
and fourth generation of those
who hate me, 6but showing love
“You shall not murder.
to a thousand generations of
“You shall not commit adultery.
those who love me and keep my
“You shall not steal.
commandments. 16
“You shall not give false
“You shall not misuse the name of testimony against your neighbor.
the Lord your God, for the Lord 17
“You shall not covet your
will not hold anyone guiltless neighbor’s house. You shall not
who misuses his name. covet your neighbor’s wife, or
“Remember the Sabbath day by his manservant or maidservant,
keeping it holy. 9Six days you his ox or donkey, or anything
shall labor and do all your work, that belongs to your neighbor.”
but the seventh day is a
Sabbath to the Lord your God.
The Ten Commandments
Exodus 20:1-17

5 1.) Name five of the ten commandments.

5 2.) Explain what three of the commandments

mean to you.
5 3.) Why does God give us “rules” to live by?

5 4.) Why do you think we should obey the

commands that God gives us?

Memory Verse
“For all have sinned and come short of the glory of
10 God.” Romans 3:23

Home Connection Parent/Guardian
5 I have read, or been read, the passage
of scripture for this week.
5 I have answered the questions aloud to
an adult at home this week.
10 I have recited the memory verse out
loud to an adult at home this week.

Club Connection

Leader’s Signature __________________________ Date ___/___/___

The Ten Commandments
Exodus 20:1-17

Picture from The Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes by Kenneth N. Taylor. Moody Press: Copyright © 1956.
The Ten Commandments
Exodus 20:1-17

God gave Moses 10 commandments to share with the Israelites

The Ten Commandments
Exodus 20:1-17

Craft/Activity: Necklaces
Students will make a necklace with the ten commandments to remind them that God gave these words to his

1. 67 Lb. White Cardstock
2. Necklace Pattern
3. Scissors
4. Yarn (3 foot pieces)
5. Tape
6. Hole Punch
7. Fruit Ring Cereal

1. Make a copy of the necklace pattern onto 67 lb. cardstock for each student.
2. Have students cut out the ten commandments.
3. Punch holes in the top left corners of each commandment with a hole punch.
4. Have students string each commandment between two pieces of fruit cereal.
5. Tie the two ends of the string together.
6. Hint: On one end of each of the pieces of yarn, put a small piece of tape around the end to keep the
yarn from fraying when stringing the fruit cereal and the ten commandments.

For Discussion
As students are cutting out the ten commandments, discuss what each one means in terms that students
would understand. Relate each commandment to the students’ own lives. Help them recognize that it is
impossible to keep the commandments on their own. We all need God’s help. Our memory verse tells us
that we are all sinners and we don’t measure up to God’s glory. Fortunately, God sent his son to die on the
cross to take our sin upon himself.

Time Needed to Complete:

Approximately 15 minutes

Memory Verse

“For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”
Romans 3:23
The Ten Commandments
Exodus 20:1-17

Necklace Pattern

1. 2.

You shall have no other You shall not make for

gods before me. yourself an idol.

3. 4.
You shall not misuse the
Remember the Sabbath
name of the Lord your
day by keeping it holy.

5. 6.

Honor your father and You shall not murder.

your mother.

7. 8.

You shall not commit You shall not steal.


9. 10.
You shall not give false
You shall not covet.
testimony against your
The Ten Commandments
Exodus 20:1-17
The Ten Commandments
Exodus 20:1-17
The Bible Times Herald
A Special Report on Exodus 20:1-17


COMMANDMENTS 1. Name four of the commandments.
The Israelites 2. Explain what three of the
were waiting for commandments mean.
Moses to come 3. What does the memory verse mean?
down from the 4. Why do you think the Lord gave
top of Mount Moses these commandments?
Sinai. Moses
was on top of MEMORY VERSE
the mountain
listening to what “For all have sinned and come
God wanted him short of the glory of God.”
to share with the people. Romans 3:23
God told Moses ten
commandments that he wanted the FINISH THE
Israelites to follow. The
commandments are like rules for PICTURE
God’s people. The ten
commandments are:
1. Do not worship any other god.
2. Do not worship idols.
3. Do not misuse the Lord’s name.
4. Keep the Sabbath day holy.
5. Honor your father and mother.
6. Do not murder.
7. Do not commit adultery.
8. Do not steal.
9. Do not lie.
10. Do not covet.
For additional details about this
story, please read Exodus 20:1-17 in
your Bible.
Take-home Activity Sheet
Ideas For Home: Bible Story Mini Book

Today your child learned how God

shared the 10 commandments with The 10

1. Have your child finish coloring

this book.

2. Help your child learn the

Memory Verse.

3. Practice the Bible Story Rhyme.

4. Read and discuss the bible story

with your child.
Exodus 20:1-17
5. Discuss how following God’s
rules pleases him.

Colored by: ____________________

God made more stone Moses went up the
tablets for Moses to mountain. God gave Moses
share with the people. ten rules for the people to
4 1
Memory Verse

“…all have sinned…”

Romans 3:23

Bible Story Rhyme

Up the mountain Moses went,
(Lift left arm up at an angle while using your
right pointer and ring finger to “walk” up
your left arm)

Ten new rules the Lord God sent.

(Hold up ten fingers)

Moses came down the

They were written on the stone,
(Hold up left hand and “write” on your palm
with right pointer finger) mountain to tell the people
The ten commandments are well known. what God wanted from
(Point to your head with your pointer finger)
5 2
Have You Ever Sinned?

The Bible teaches that we have all

sinned and do not measure up to
God’s glory. It also teaches that the
price for sin is death which separates
us from God. But even though we
are sinners, Christ died for us and
paid the price for our sin. We just
need to ask him to forgive us and
receive his free gift of salvation. Just
pray this prayer, with a sincere heart,
and Jesus will forgive you of your
sins. You will become a child of God
and live with Him in heaven.

“Dear Jesus,
Moses was angry when he
saw the people sinning. He
Please forgive me for the bad
things that I have done. Please
come into my heart and be my Lord threw down the stone
and savior. In your name I pray,
Amen.” tablets.
6 3
The Ten Commandments
Exodus 20:1-17
Preschool Game
The Ten Commandments
Exodus 20:1-17
Preschool Bible Story Rhyme

Up the mountain Moses went,

(Lift left arm up at an angle while using your right pointer and ring
finger to “walk” up your left arm)

Ten new rules the Lord God sent.

(Hold up ten fingers)

They were written on the stone,

(Hold up left hand and “write” on your palm with right pointer finger)

The ten commandments are well known.

(Point to your head with your pointer finger)

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