Syllabus Work
Syllabus Work
Syllabus Work
Course Details:
3. Stream : Regular
This four years B.Tech (Robotics and Artificial Intelligence)degree programme offers a
unique, research-led opportunity to study the different aspects of robotics and aims to
equip the students with professional skills, knowledge and understanding to address local
and global challenges in sustainable artificial production. It is designed to suit those in
continuing employment or with other commitments. Also, this course aims to equipping the
students with knowledge and skills required to analyze and finding the solutions of
challenges faced by intelligence sector in present scenario, consistence with the interest of
all stakeholders.
Participants typically come from a wide range of backgrounds who wish to develop
their career and businesses, including:
You get motors and sensors running using off-the-shelf drivers.
Develop basic building blocks so that you can move the robot and read its sensors.
To develop smart, complex software routines to create your desired behavior.
Scheme of the Programme
Semester wise Semester - 1
Course CreditHour
Title of Course Internal External Total
Code s
MA1002 -1 Calculus and Differential Equations 33 0 0 50 50 100
Total 19 40 40 800
0 0
Semester – 2
Course CreditHour
Title of Course Internal External Total
Code s
Discrete Mathematics and 44 0 0
MA1007-1 50 50 100
Transform Techniques
32 0 2
EC1002-1 Applied Digital Logic Design 50 50 100
32 0 2
CS1004-1 Introduction to C Programming 50 50 100
31 2 2
EE1001-2 Basic Electrical Engineering 50 50 100
21 0 2
CS1002-1 IT Skills 50 50 100
11 0 0
BT1651-1 Biology for Engineers 50 50 100
ME1004- 10 0 2
Engineering Visualization 50 0 50
Total 21 45 35 800
0 0
Semester – 3
Course CreditHour
Title of Course Internal External Total
Code s
MA2001-1 Statistics and Probability Theory 3 50 50 100
Total 20 45 800
Semester – 4
Course CreditHour
Title of Course Internal External Total
Code s
Linear Algebra and its
MA2006-1 3 50 50 100
Total 23 55 45 100
0 0 0
Semester – 5
Course CreditHour
Title of Course Internal External Total
Code s
Kinematics and Dynamics of
RI2007-1 4 50 50 100
Total 20 45 40 850
0 0
Semester – 6
Course CreditHour
Title of Course Internal External Total
Code s
RI2003-1 Micro Aerial Robots 4 50 50 100
Total 21 40 40 800
0 0
Semester – 7
Course CreditHour
Title of Course Internal External Total
Code s
RI2004-1 Industry4.0andIOT 4 50 50 100
RI2605-1 Laboratory 1 50 50 100
HU1009-1 IndianKnowledgeSystems 1 50 - 50
Semester – 8
Course CreditHour
Title of Course Internal External Total
Code s
UC2001-1 Internship-II
(SocietalinternshipandResearch/Industry 8 50 50 100
Learning Objectives
recognise differential equations that can be solved by each of the three methods –
direct integration, separation of variables and integrating factor method – and use the
appropriate method to solve them
use an initial condition to find a particular solution of a differential equation, given a
general solution
check a solution of a differential equation in explicit or implicit form, by substituting it
into the differential equation
understand the terms ‘exponential growth/decay’, ‘proportionate growth rate’ and
‘doubling/halving time’ when applied to population models, and the terms ‘exponential
decay’, ‘decay constant’ and ‘half-life’ when applied to radioactivity
solve problems involving exponential growth and decay.
Differential calculus is the study of the instantaneous rate of change of a function. This
type of rate of change looks at how much the slope of a function changes, and it can be
used to analyze minute changes at a single point of the function.
Ordinary differential equations applications in real life are used to calculate the
movement or flow of electricity, motion of an object to and fro like a pendulum, to explain
thermodynamics concepts. Also, in medical terms, they are used to check the growth of
diseases in graphical representation.
Suggested Readings
1.G.B. Thomas and R.L.Finney, “Calculus and Analytic geometry”, Pearson,
2.T. Veerarajan, “Engineering Mathematics”, McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2008.
5.W.E. Boyce and R.C. DiPrima, “Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary
ValueProblems”, Wiley India, 2009.
6.E.A.Coddington,“AnIntroductiontoOrdinaryDifferentialEquations”,PrenticeHall India, 1995.
ShanthiNarayan,“DifferentialCalculus,6thedition,ShyamLalCharitableTrust, Delhi.
Learning Objectives
The basic concepts concerning quantum bits and registers;
The concept of quantum entanglement and the examples of its power;
The basic examples of quantum gates and of quantum circuits;
Some examples of universal quantum gates and a method to show universality of quantum gates
Modern quantum theory developed in the 1920s to explain the wave–particle duality observed at
atomic scales, and digital computers emerged in the following decades to replace human computers
for tedious calculations.
Quantum numbers are important because they can be used to determine the electron configuration of an
atom and the probable location of the atom's electrons. Quantum numbers are also used to understand
other characteristics of atoms, such as ionization energy and the atomic radius.
Suggested Readings
1 .Michael A. Nielsen & Isaac L. Chuang, “Quantum Computation and Quantum Information”,
Cambridge Universities Press, 2010 Edition.
2.VishalSahani,“QuantumComputing”,McGrawHillEducation,2007 Edition.
3.Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara, Roberto Giuntini, Roberto Leporini, Giuseppe Sergioli, “Quantum
Computation and Logic: How Quantum Computers Have Inspired Logical Investigations”,
TrendsinLogic, Volume 48, Springer.
4.GuptaandKumar,“SolidStatePhysics”,K.Nath&Co., Meerut.
5.A. J. Dekker, “Electrical Engineering Materials”, Prentice Hall India Pub.,New Delhi,
Reprint 2011.
6.S. O. Pillai, “Solid State Physics”, New Age International Private Limited, 8thEdition, 2018.
Learning Objectives
Build basic programs using fundamental programming constructs like variables, conditional logic,
looping, and functions.
Work with user input to create fun and interactive programs.
Create simple games with images, animations, and audio using our custom beginner-friendly
programming library, Wizardlib.
Python has a simple syntax similar to the English language. Python has syntax that allows developers
to write programs with fewer lines than some other programming languages. Python runs on an
interpreter system, meaning that code can be executed as soon as it is written. This means that
prototyping can be very quick.
Introduction to Python.
Working with Data.
Program Organization.
Classes and Objects.
The Inner Workings of Python Objects.
A Few Advanced Topics.
Testing, Logging, and Debugging.
Suggested Readings
Learning Objectives
CO1: To study basics of semiconductor & devices and their applications in different areas. CO2: To
study different biasing techniques to operate transistor , FET , MOSFET and operational amplifier in
different modes. CO3: Analyze output in different operating modes of different semiconductor
You will recall from basic electronics theory that a capacitor blocks DC and passes AC. More specifically,
a capacitor's opposition to current flow (capacitive reactance) increases as the applied frequency decreases.
Some of the most commonly used electronic components are resistors, capacitors, inductors, diodes, LEDs,
transistors, crystals and oscillators, electromechanical components like relays and switches, ICs, and
Suggested Readings
2.SimonHaykin,“IntroductiontoAnalogandDigitalCommunications”,WileyPublishers, 2 n Edition,
4.Shibu K V, “Introduction to Embedded Systems”, TATA McGraw Hill Edu., 2nd Edition, 2016
Learning Objectives
Protect and defend computer systems and networks from cybersecurity attacks. 1.1 Characterize privacy,
legal and ethical issues of information security. 1.2. Identify vulnerabilities critical to the information
assets of an organization.
The foundation of cyber security basics lies in the CIA triad, which stands for confidentiality, integrity and
availability. These three concepts of cyber security form the basis of protecting sensitive information and
ensuring digital systems can operate securely.
Cybersecurity is important because it protects all categories of data from theft and damage. This includes
sensitive data, personally identifiable information (PII), protected health information (PHI), personal
information, intellectual property, data, and governmental and industry information systems.
Suggested Readings
1. ThomasJ.Mowbray,“Cybersecurity:ManagingSystems,ConductingTesting,and Investigating
Intrusions”, John Wiley& Sons, Inc, ISBN: 978 -1-118 -84965 -1, 2014.
2. JamesGraham,RyanOlson,RickHoward,“CyberSecurityEssentials'',CRCPress,15-
3. Mr.SantoshBJ,Dr.K.V.S.S.S.S.Sairam,Mr.ShubhamKumar,Mr.ChanduJaganSekharM,“Informati
onandCyberSecurity”,ScientificInternational Publishing
Learning Objectives
Students will learn to comprehend the main ideas in short passages, listen for specific
details, engage in short conversations, report personal information and express opinions.
Technical English is the ability to use the sub skills of language including listening to the
sounds, speak in acceptable grammar structure, reading with right intonation and
pronunciation, writing with logical thinking along with a wide range of vocabulary words
makes a learner industry ready
Arrange the steps in a task in a logical sequence.
Use short sentences and do not convey more than a single idea in a sentence.
Use appropriate punctuation to make the instructions clear.
Use active voice.
Suggested Readings
1. English Pronunciation Dictionary, Daniel Jones A Remedial English Grammar for Foreign
Students, Woods
2. CommunicationSkills,SanjayKumar,OxfordUniversityPress.
3. ExercisesinSpokenEnglishPartI-CIEFL,Hyderabad,OxfordUniversityPress.
4. ExercisesinSpokenEnglishPartII-CIEFL,Hyderabad,OxfordUniversityPress.
5. ExercisesinSpokenEnglishPartIII-CIEFL,Hyderabad,OxfordUniversityPress.
6. PracticalEnglishUsage,Swan,OxfordUniversityPress.
7. StudyWriting,Liz-HampLyons,CambridgeUniversityPress.
Learning Objectives
Understand the constitutional values. Know the fundamental rights. Understand
fundamental duties and implement them in their daily life. Know about values and
responsible citizenship.
The constitution declares India a sovereign, socialist, secular, and democratic republic,
assures its citizens justice, equality, and liberty, and endeavours to promote fraternity.
For Parts of the Indian Constitution, there is a mnemonic that helps remember the
U: Union.
Can: Citizenship.
Fly: Fundamental Rights.
Directly: Directive Principles of State Policy.
From: Fundamental Duties.
US: Union (Part) State (Part)
U: Union Territories.
P: The Panchayat.
Suggested Readings
1. IntroductiontotheConstitutionofIndia;Dr.DurgaDasBasu;TwentiethEdition,LexisNexis
2. IntroductiontoConstitutionofIndia;M.V.Pylee;FourthRevisedEdition,VikasPublishing
3. IntroductiontoConstitutionofIndia;BrijKishoreSharma;SecondEdition,PrenticeHallofIndia
4. AnIntroductiontoConstitutionofIndiaandProfessionalEthics;Prof.BRVenkateshand
MerunandanKB;MeruguPublications,Bangalore; SecondEdition,2007.
Leaning objectives
Learning Objectives
i) To develop logical understanding of the subject.
ii) To develop mathematical skill so that students are able to apply mathematical methods & principals in
solving problem from Engineering fields. iii) To make aware students about the importance and symbiosis
between Mathematics and Engineering.
Discrete Mathematics deals with the study of Mathematical structures. It deals with objects that can have
distinct separate values. It is also called Decision Mathematics or finite Mathematics.
Objects that are studied in discrete mathematics are largely countable sets such as formal languages, integers,
finite graphs, and so on. Due to its application in Computer Science, it has become popular in recent decades. It
is used in programming languages, software development, cryptography, algorithms etc.
Suggested Readings
2. B.S.Grewal,J.S.Grewal,“NumericalMethodsinEngineeringandScience”,Khanna Publishers, 6 th
edition, 2002.
3. MartinVetterli,JelenaKovacevicandVivekGoyal,“FoundationsofSignal Processing”, Cambridge
University Press, 2014.
Learning Objectives
They will gain proficiency in logical deduction skills through written problems and laboratory work. They
will identify problems and generate hypotheses, develop and implement experimental methods to test their
hypotheses, and analyze and interpret the resulting data. Laboratory practice and safety.
Computational chemistry is a branch of chemistry that uses computer simulation to assist in solving complex
chemical problems. It exploits methods of theoretical chemistry, incorporated into efficient computer
programs, to calculate the structures, the interactions, and the properties of molecules [43].
New computer technologies are developed in large part thanks to chemistry. For instance, chemists are striving
to discover novel materials which can be employed to build processors that are faster and more potent. The state
of computer science today would not exist without the advances in chemistry.
Suggested Readings
1. Baskar,“WileyEngineeringChemistry”,2ndEdition,WileyIndiaPvt.Ltd,NewDelhi,2013.
2. SatyaPrakash&ManishaAgrawal,“EngineeringChemistry”,KhannaBookPublishing,Delhi.
3. Bahl&Tuli,“EssentialsofPhysicalChemistry”,S.ChandPublishing.
4. SunitaRattan,“AppliedChemistry”,Kataria.
5. D.GrourKrishana,“EngineeringChemistry–I”,VikasPublishing.
6 F.W.Billmeyer,“TextBookofPolymerScience”,JohnWiley&Sons,4thEdition,1999.
7 G.A.Ozin&A.C.Arsenault,“NanotechnologyAChemicalApproachtoNanomaterials”,RSCPublishing, 2005.
8 KirbyW.Beard,“Linden'sHandbookofBatteries”,FifthEdition,McGrawHill,2019.
9 TakatoshiTsujimura,“OLEDDisplayFundamentalsandApplications”,Wiley–Blackwell,2012.
10 MaxLu,FrancoisBeguin,ElzbietaFrackowiak,“Supercapacitors:Materials,Systems,and Applications”, Wiley-
Learning Objectives
Apply Boolean algebra and other techniques to express and simplify logic expressions. Analyze and
design combinational and sequential digital systems. Use different techniques among them a hardware
description language and a programming language, to design digital systems.
The circuit is designed by using binary logic gates like NOR, XOR, NOT, NAND, OR, AND. These logic gates
are known for performing logical operations. This design helps the circuit to move from one state to another.
The input signal used for this circuit is in digital form, which is 0's and 1's binary language format.
Practical :
Logic gates are physically implemented as Integrated Circuits (IC). Integrated circuits are implemented in
several technologies. Two landmark IC technologies are the TTL and the CMOS technologies. Major physical
properties of a digital IC depend on the implementation technology.
Suggested Readings
1. MorrisMano,“DigitalDesign”,PrenticeHallofIndia,3rdEdition.
2. DonaldD.Givone,“DigitalPrinciplesandDesign”,McGrawHill,2002.
The major objective is to provide students with understanding of code organization and functional hierarchical
decomposition with using complex data types.
The C language is imperative, procedural, and general-purpose in nature, developed by Dennis M. Ritchie in
1972 at the Bell Telephone for developing the UNIX OS. As of now, the C language is one of the most widely
used computer languages along with Java, which is mostly used among modern programmers.
Practice 1. Hello World. ...
Practice 2. How to accept input from User. ...
Practice 3. How to sum 2 integers from user. ...
Practice 4. How to build a Simple Interest Calculator. ...
Practice 5. How to Multiply Float Numbers. ...
Practice 6. How to Find ASCII value. ...
Practice 7. How to get quotient and remainder. ...
Practice 8.
Suggested Readings
1. E.Balaguruswamy,“ProgramminginANSIC”,TataMcGrawHill,3rdEdition,2004.
2. JacquelineA.Jones&KeithHarrow,“CProgrammingwithProblemSolving”, Pearson,
Learning Objectives
Understand the basic definitions of electro- magnetic terminologies, concepts of Inductor and analysis.
Understand the working, features and classification of transformer, DC and AC machines, problem solving.
Understand the basic passive components, features, specifications, classification and applications.
When a conductive path is provided for excess electric charge to take, the electric charge moves and creates an
electric current. The amount of current is based on the supply voltage and the resistance in the circuit.
Get hands-on experience with design tools like CAD software for schematics. Engage in practical projects to
apply your knowledge. Start with simple projects and gradually increase complexity. Stay updated with industry
trends, new technologies, and advancements in electrical engineering.
Suggested Readings
1. D.P.KothariandI.J.Nagrath,“BasicElectricalEngineering”,TataMcGrawHill,2010.
2. S.K.Sahdev,“BasicElectricalEngineering(withLabManual)”,January2022
3. LectureNotesonBasicElectricalEngineering,DepartmentofE&E,NMAMIT,Nitte.
4. Hughes,Edward,“ElectricalTechnology”,PearsonEducationPublications,10 th Edition, 2010.
5. A.Chakarbarti,M.L.SoniandP.V.Gupta,U.S.Bhatnagar,“Powersystemengineering”, GaganKanur,
DhanapatRai and Co Pvt. Ltd, 2013.
IT Skills
Learning Objectives
Skill-based objectives are used to assess the learner's ability to apply their understanding of a concept. This type
of objective should focus on testing the learner's ability to use the knowledge they have acquired in order to
complete a task.
The skills theory of leadership follows a leader-centred perspective, similar to the traits theory. However, the
difference is that the skills approach puts more emphasis on the skills and abilities that can be learned and
Never stop learning: In IT, what's true today may not be true tomorrow. ...
Get involved in the community: ...
Practical exercises bring mastery: ...
Automate, automate, automate: ...
Efficient problem solving: ...
Optimize code and processes: ...
Use the right tools:
Suggested Readings
Learning Objectives
➢ Elucidate the basic biological concepts via relevant industrial applications and case studies. ➢ Evaluate the
principles of design and development, for exploring novel bioengineering projects. ➢ Corroborate the concepts
of biomimetics for specific requirements.
Biological engineering employs knowledge and expertise from a number of pure and applied sciences, such as
mass and heat transfer, kinetics, biocatalysts, biomechanics, bioinformatics, separation and purification
processes, bioreactor design, surface science, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and polymer science.
Biology is the foundation of biotechnology, which uses living organisms or biological systems to produce new
products and technologies. Biotechnology is used in fields such as pharmaceuticals, agriculture, and
environmental science, to develop new drugs, crops, and environmental solutions.
Suggested Readings
1. RaoC.V.,BiologyforEngineers,2021
2. Raven,P.H.andJohnson,G.B.Biology.4thEd.WCBpublishers,2010.
3. Ethier,R.S.andSimmons,C.A.Introductorybiomechanics-
Fromcellstoorganisms.CambridgeUniversity Press,2012
Learning Objectives
The objective is to represent the object in 3D view through isometric views. The student will be able to
represent and convert the isometric view to orthographic view and vice versa. Conversion of isometric views to
orthographic views; Conversion of orthographic views to isometric views.
A theory of visualization needs to develop rules for characterizing which visual elements produce successful
representations of different structures in the data. In interactive visualization, the representation of the data is
manipulated and transformed to reveal deeper structures in the underlying data.
Engineering visualization allows the engineer to present the results of M&S-based analysis to
the sponsor with unrivaled clarity and efficacy. By providing the highest level of insight
possible to both engineer and sponsor, engineering visualization has established itself as an
essential systems engineering tool.
Suggested Readings
1. “APrimeroncomputeraidedEngineeringDrawing”,VTU,Belgaum,8thedition,2011.
2. Shah,“EngineeringDrawingandComputerGraphics”,Pearson,2010.
3. Agarwal&Agarwal,“EngineeringGraphics”,TMH,Secondedition,2013.
4. P. S. Gill, “A Text book of Engineering Graphics and Drafting”, 11thEdition, S. K. Kataria&sons,
New Delhi, 2009.
Learning Objectives
Suggested Readings
misuses of statistics.
only one.
Learning Objectives
develop an understanding of small signal amplifier design using linear transistor models; and its
analysis at low and high frequencies, including different feedback topologies and oscillators. The
course also indulges power amplifiers, tuned amplifiers and behaviour of noise in an amplifier.
Suggested Readings
1. Sedra/Smith,“MicroelectronicCircuits”6thEdition,OxfordUniversityPress-NewDelhi,2013.
2. JacobMillman&ChristosC.Halkias,“IntegratedElectronics”,McGrawHill
3. M.DSinghandKBKhanchandani,Powerelectronics,2ndedition,TataMc-GrowHill,
Learning Objectives
Define robotics and review the history of the science. Name the three
general classifications of robotics. Explain how a robot differs from a
tool or machine, and give examples of some robot uses.
Learning Objectives
RPA eliminates the need for hiring additional employees for repetitive tasks and reduces human
errors, thus saving on operational expenses. Improved accuracy and reduced errors: Software
robots follow predefined rules and execute tasks consistently and accurately.
(i) Electric Drive System: The electric drive systems are capable of
moving robots with high power or speed. The actuation of this type
of robot can be done by either DC servo motors or DC stepping
motors. It can be well –suited for rotational joints and as well as
linear joints.
Three main types of actuators are currently used in robots: pneumatic, hydraulic
and electric, as well as different combinations of these three. Every robot is fitted
with a system of actuators on the arms or in the joints, constituting a drive system.
Suggested Readings
3. AnthonyLal,“Oilhydraulicsintheserviceofindustry”,Alliedpublishers,1982.
4. Dudelyt,A.PeaseandJohnT.Pippenger,“BasicFluidPower”,PrenticeHall,1987.
5. MajumdarS.R.,“Pneumaticsystems–Principlesandmaintenance”,TataMcGrawHill,
6. MichaelJ,PrinchesandAshbyJ.G,“PowerHydraulics”,PrenticeHall,1989.
7. Shanmugasundaram.K,“HydraulicandPneumaticcontrols”,Chand&Co,2006.
Learning Objectives
Upon Completing the Course, Students will able to: 1. Learn the basic
types for data structure, implementation and application. 2. Know the
strength and weakness of different data structures.
Suggested Readings
1. “DataStructuresusingC”,AaronM.Tenenbaum,YedidyahLangsam&MosheJ. AugensteinPearson
Education/PHI 2006
2. “IntroductiontotheDesign&AnalysisofAlgorithms”,AnanyLevitin,2ndEdition, Pearson Education,
Learning Objectives
Data Structures is about how data can be stored in different structures. Algorithms
is about how to solve different problems, often by searching through and
manipulating data structures. Theory about Data Structures and Algorithms
(DSA) helps us to use large amounts of data to solve problems efficiently.
1. Pick up a language and know all the ins and outs of it. Have a stronghold on the syntax.
2. Keep the right learning attitude. ...
3. Focus on developing problem-solving skills and logic building capacity. ...
4. Learn to use the inbuilt debugger of IDEs like DEV, Visual studio.
Suggested Readings
1. DataStructures
Enhancing Self Competence
Learning of objectives
Learning Objectives
Linear algebra is the study of linear combinations. It is the study of vector spaces,
lines and planes, and some mappings that are required to perform the linear
transformations. It includes vectors, matrices and linear functions. It is the study
of linear sets of equations and its transformation properties.
Linear algebra plays an important role to determine unknown quantities. The real-
life applications of linear algebra are: For calculation of speed, distance, or time.
Used for projecting a three-dimensional view into a two-dimensional plane,
handled by linear maps.
Suggested Readings
1. P.L.Meyer,“IntroductionofProbabilityandStatisticalApplications”,secondedn. 1975,
2. AmericanPublishing.
3. DavidCLay,“LinearAlgebraanditsapplications”,3rdEdition,PersonEducation (Asia) Pvt.
DesignofRobotic Components
Learning Objectives
Robotics control theory is the science of how robots move and interact with their
environment. It involves designing and programming algorithms that tell robots
what to do, how to react to feedback, and how to optimize their performance.
1. Identify the need or problem. ...
2. Identify the Criteria and Constraints. ...
3. Specification Ranking. ...
4. Brainstorm Design Concepts. ...
5. Construct a prototype* ...
6. Select an Approach. ...
7. Detailed Design. ...
8. Manufacturing & Implementation.
Suggested Readings
Learning Objectives
Suggested Readings
● Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)
● Object-Oriented Python: Inheritance and Encapsulation
Object Oriented Programming with C++
Learning Objectives
Suggested Readings
Learning Objectives
microcomputer system.
Suggested Readings
1. The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems – using assembly and C, MuhammadAli
Mazidi and Janice Gillespie Mazidi and Rollin D. McKinlay; PHI, 2006
2. SteveFurber,“ARMSystemArchitecture”,EdisonWesleyLongman1996
Learning Objectives
Demonstrate the skills in Assembly Language Programming of
microprocessors and microcontroller. Interpret the basic knowledge of
microprocessor interfacing, delay generation, and waveform
generation. Apply the concepts of Interfacing to connect external
devices with the microprocessor 8085.
They are computing systems which are designed to perform a dedicated task.
Embedded systems are an integration of Hardware and Software, where the
software is generally “embedded” into the hardware part. However, they are
nothing without a Microcontroller or a Microprocessor.
Microcontroller is a compressed micro computer manufactured to control the
functions of embedded systems in office machines, robots, home appliances,
motor vehicles, and a number of other gadgets. A microcontroller is comprises
components like – memory, peripherals and most importantly a processor.
Suggested Readings
1. LaboratoryManualforMICROCONTROLLERLABORATORY Lab/labs/index.php
Learning Objectives
To help the student to see the need for developing a holistic
Practical Aspects of Human Values:- A. value usually
Learning Objectives
investigate and think creatively about design problems and opportunities. initiate an attitude of
playfulness to aid design thinking. develop visual literacy and articulacy to explain design
The design thinking process starts by looking at the needs, dreams and behaviors of people—the
end users. The team listens with empathy to understand what people want, not what the
organization thinks they want or need. The team then thinks about solutions to satisfy these
needs from the end user's point of view.
Design thinking is a non-linear, iterative process that teams use to understand
users, challenge assumptions, redefine problems and create innovative solutions
to prototype and test. It is most useful to tackle ill-defined or unknown problems
and involves five phases: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test.
Suggested Readings
It is widely used to analyze and design control systems. It helps to convert time-
domain signals into frequency-domain signals, making it easier to analyze and
design the system's behaviour. It is used to analyze and design electrical circuits.
1. Take the Laplace Transform of the differential equation. We use the derivative property as
necessary (and in this case we also need the time delay property) ...
2. Put initial conditions into the resulting equation.
3. Solve for Y(s)
4. Get result from the Laplace Transform tables.
Suggested Readings
1. G.B.ThomasandR.L.Finney,“CalculusandAnalyticgeometry”,Pearson,2002.
2. T.Veerarajan,“EngineeringMathematics”,McGraw-Hill,NewDelhi,2008.
3. B.V.Ramana,“HigherEngineeringMathematics”,TataMcGraw–Hill,NewDelhi, 2010
Learning Objectives
(a) articulate the axioms (laws) of probability; (b) prove some basic theorems of probability
theory; (c) Distinguish between an event having zero probability and an event being impossible.
3. P.L.Meyer,“IntroductionofProbabilityandStatisticalApplications”,2ndEdition, American
Publishing, 1975.
Learning Objectives
1. RoboticsandControl,RKMithalandIJNagrath,McGrawHill
2. Fu, K., Gonzalez, R. and Lee, C. S. G., Robotics: Control, Sensing, Vision and Intelligence,
McGraw- Hill, 2008
3. Introduction to Robotic Analysis - Niku, S.B., Systems, Applications,earson Education,
Learning Objectives
Suggested Readings
1. Rafel C Gonzalez and Richard E Woods., Digital Image Processing, Pearson Education,
2ndEdition, 2003
2. AnilKJain.,FundamentalsofDigitalImageProcessing,PrenticeHallofIndiaPvt.Ltd,
Learning Objectives
Suggested Readings
1. StuartRusselandPeterNorvig,“ArtificialIntelligenceAModernApproach”,Pearson 3rd Edition,
2. Tom.M.Mitche,“MachineLearning”,McGrawHigherEd,1stedition2013.
3. UnderstandingMachineLearning–fromTheorytoAlgorithmsbyShaiShalev- Shwartz and Shai
Ben-David, Cambridge University Press, 2014, ISBN978-1-107-05713-5 Hardback
4. NeuralNetworks–AcomprehensiveFoundation,SimonHaykin,PearsonPrentice
Learning Objectives
Identify problems where artificial intelligence techniques are applicable. Apply selected basic AI
techniques; judge applicability of more advanced techniques. Participate in the design of systems
that act intelligently and learn from experience.
The general theory of artificial intelligence includes the study of neural-like elements and
multidimensional neural-like growing networks, temporary and long term memory, study of the
functional organization of the “brain” of the artificial intelligent systems, of the sensor system,
modulating system, motor system.
1. Understand business problems and how machine learning can help solve it.
2. Make sure you have the required quality data for training.
3. Cleaning and processing the data.
4. Understand your data by reviewing a business case study and performing data analytics to
understand the distribution.
Suggested Readings
1. Stuart Russel and Peter Norvig, “Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach”, Pearson 3rd Edition, 2016
2. Tom.M.Mitche,“MachineLearning”,McGrawHigherEd,1stedition2013.
3. UnderstandingMachineLearning–fromTheorytoAlgorithmsbyShaiShalev-ShwartzandShai
4. NeuralNetworks–AcomprehensiveFoundation,SimonHaykin,PearsonPrenticeHall,Second
Learning Objectives
This course is designed to help students identify the knowledge and skills required for obtaining and
keeping employment.
Build your network: When you have a personal brand that clearly shows
who you are, what you do, and how you help others, it makes it easier
for other people and entrepreneurs to see value in connecting with you.
You can use your personal brand to build your network, both online and
offline, quickly and effectively.
Plumber, electrician, joiner, bricklayer, mechanic, glazer, nurse, doctor, driver. All these are classed
as practical work: they involve using the hands to manipulate materials and create a useful
outcome which others without training and practice cannot do.
1. BharathPatodiandAdityaChoudhary,“VerbalAbility&Comprehension”,Disha Publication,
Second edition, 2015.
2. ShakuntalaDevi,“Joyofnumbers”,OrientBlackSwan.
3. ShakuntalaDevi,“Morepuzzlestopuzzleyou”,OrientBlackSwan.
Learning Objectives
Social Awareness and Responsibility involves the awareness, understanding, and
appreciation of connections among people, including between people and the
natural environment. Social Awareness and Responsibility focuses on interacting
with others and the natural world in respectful and caring ways.
According to the Social Responsibility Theory, before making a
decision or completing a task, one must ensure the decision or act is
ethically sound. This is especially true for the decisions or actions that
affect others.
Social Awareness and Responsibility involves the awareness, understanding, and
appreciation of connections among people, including between people and the natural
environment. Social Awareness and Responsibility focuses on interacting with others
and the natural world in respectful and caring ways.
Learning Objectives:
The Students will develop skills in qualitative and quantitative
data analysis and presentation. Students will be able to
demonstrate the ability to choose methods appropriate to
research objectives.
Theory plays a vital role in research. Theory provides explanation,
understanding and meaningfulness to research. Theory helps to
predict facts and to identify unexplored areas/research areas.
Research without theory is less emphatic to establish the
relationship among attributes, variables or data.
Research methodology simply refers to the practical “how” of a research study.
More specifically, it's about how a researcher systematically designs a study to
ensure valid and reliable results that address the research aims, objectives and
research questions.
Suggested Reading:
1. ResearchMethodology:MethodsandTechniques,C.R.Kothari,GauravGarg, New Age
International4th Edition, 2018
2. ResearchMethodologyastep-bystepguideforbeginners.(Forthetopic
Reviewing the literature under Unit 2), Ranjit Kumar, SAGE Publications Ltd . 3 rd Edition,
3. Research Methods: the concise knowledge base Trochim Atomic Dog Publishing 2005
4. Conducting Research Literature Reviews: From the Internet to Paper Fink A Sage
Learning Objectives
Demonstrate knowledge of industrial robots, characteristics, end effectors and actuators. 2. Apply
spatial transformation to obtain forward and inverse kinematics 3. Solve robot dynamics
problems, generate joint trajectory for path planning 4.
Behind the word aerial robotics we can find several meanings: it could
mean robotic flying machines, that is, a mission-independent, platform-oriented
concept; however, it could also mean robotics that use flying machines, that is, a
platform-independent, mission-oriented concept.
The range of civilian applications is even greater and includes remote sensing,
disaster response, image acquisition, surveillance, transportation, and delivery of
1. UnmannedAerialVehicles:DOD’sAcquisition,AlphaEditions
2. Valavanis,KimonP,UnmannedAerialVehicles,Springer,2011
3. Valavanis,K.,Vachtsevanos,GeorgeJ,HandbookofUnmannedAerialVehicles,
Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives
Its name comes from the information path in the system: process inputs
(e.g., voltage applied to an electric motor) have an effect on the process
outputs (e.g., speed or torque of the motor), which is measured with sensors
and processed by the controller; the result (the control signal) is "fed back"
as input.
Control engineering (or control system engineering) is the process of designing, analyzing,
and optimizing a control system. A control system is a set of devices that regulates the
behavior of other devices or systems.
Suggested Readings
1. Katsuhiko Ogata (2004) ” Modern Control Engineering” Prentice Hall of India Ltd., New Delhi
2. I.J.NagarathandM.Gopal,(2002)“Controlsystem”NewAgeInternationalPublisher
3. Harrison H.L. and Bollinger J.G. (1968) “Automatic controls”, 2PndP edition, Interna¬tional
Text Book Co. U.S.A.
4. GopalM(2005)”ModernControlSystems”,NewAgeInternationalPublisher
5. Benjamin.Kuo.C. (1995) “Automatic Control Systems”, EEE, 7PthP Edition Prentice Hall of
India Ltd. New Delhi
6. AppukuttanK.K.ControlEngineering,Oxforduniversitypublication,2009
Learning Objectives
IoT courses have various objectives, including bridging the skills gap in the industry and
ensuring career advancement for individuals. By acquiring IoT education, individuals gain
a deep understanding of the fundamental concepts, hardware, software, data
management, networking, and applications of IoT.
1. Fu, K., Gonzalez, R. and Lee, C. S. G.,Robotics: Control, Sensing, Vision and
Intelligence,McGraw- Hill, 2008
2. Industry4.0:TheIndustrialInternetofThings,AlasdairGilchrist,Apress,2016
3. TheFourthIndustrialRevolution,KlausSchwab,PenguinBooksLimited,2017
4. Handbook of Industry 4.0 and SMART Systems,Diego GalarPascual, Pasquale Daponte, and
Uday Kumar
Learning Objectives
Suggested Readings
1. ROBOTICSProductspecificationIRB1600/1660,ABBRobots
2. ABBRoboticsOperatingManualRobotstudio
Learning Objectives
materials that might trigger an increase in the cost of goods sold. Tracking
liquidity and cash flow: Ensure the company has enough money on hand to
Suggested Readings
Learning Objectives
The main objective of drawing from our past and integrating the
Indian Knowledge Systems is to ensure that our ancient systems of
knowledge represented by unbroken tradition of knowledge
transmission and providing a unique perspective (BhāratiyaDrishti)
is used to solve the current and emerging challenges of India.
Suggested Readings
1. Tripati,R.S.,“HistoryofAncientIndia”,MotilalBanarsidass,1942.
2. Mahajan,V.D..“AncientIndia”,S.ChandandCompany,1985.
3. Ramasubramanian,K.,&Srinivas,M.D.,“DevelopmentofCalculusinIndia”,2010.
4. Ramasubramanian,K.,Srinivas,M.D.,&Sriram,M.S.,“TheTraditionalIndian
5. Srinivas,M.D.,“ProofsinIndianMathematics”,HindustanBookAgency,2005.
6. Srinivas,M.D.,“TheAlgorithmicApproachofIndianMathematics”,2015.
7. Srinivas,M.D.“IndianTraditionofScience:AnIntroductoryOverview”,2016.
8. Rahika,M.,&Balasubramanian,A.V.,“AyurvedicPrinciplesofFoodandNutrition”, Part 1.
LokSwasthyaParamparaSamvardhanSamithi, 1990.
Learning Objectives
This course gives students an insight into the basics of cloud computing along with
virtualization, cloud computing is one of the fastest growing domain from a while now. It will
provide the students basic understanding about cloud and virtualization along with it how
one can migrate over it.
Suggested Readings
Learning Objectives
Kit V4.
Suggested Readings
1. Autonomous Intelligent Vehicles: Theory, Algorithms and Implementation, Hong ChengSpringer, 2011
2. UnderstandingAutomotiveElectronics,Williams.B.Ribbens,ElsevierInc7thEdn.2012
3. CreatingAutonomousVehicleSystems,ShaoshanLiu,LiyunLi,MorganandClaypoolPublishers
Learning Objectives
Suggested Readings
1. Drapcho,C.M.,Nhuan,N.P.andWalker,T.H.,"BiofuelsEngineeringProcessTechnology",McGraw Hill
Publishers, New York, 2008.
2. Jonathan R.M, Biofuels, "Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology Series)",Humana
Press, New York, 2009.
3. OlssonL.(Ed.),
"Biofuels(AdvancesinBiochemicalEngineering/BiotechnologySeries",Springer-Verlag Publishers,
Berlin, 2007.
4. Glazer,A.andNikaido,H.,"MicrobialBiotechnology–FundamentalsofApplied Microbiology", 2 Ed.,
Cambridge University Press, 2007.
5. GodfreyBoyle(Ed)."RenewableEnergy-Powerforsustainablefuture",3rdEd.Oxford. 2012.