House of Noctula

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House of Noctula

A Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition adventure for characters level 2-3.

Written by: Brendan Sherlock

Artwork provided by: Wizards of the Coast, Kjpargeter,
Additional fonts provided by: Chad Savage, 1001Fonts, TombSweetTomb, BoltCutterDesign


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DIntroductIon dthe Adventure
House of Noctula is a cryptacular tale of This mists part at the end of a dark and
sepulcher spooks for characters of second or winding road, revealing the House of Noctula.
third level. In order to play this adventure a Once a sprawling estate it has long decayed
group will require the Player's Handbook and until only a single section of the manor now
the Monster Manual. Any unusual monsters remains. Doctor Noctula is the last scion of a
encountered in the adventure are detailed great family who's cursed line has withered
within. Our setting for this macabre penny beneath sickness and madness. For decades
opera is the condemned mansion of an unholy the cantankerous old necromancer has
and un-sane necromancer. The house has been performed his unnatural experiments in the
much demolished from its lost grandeur, its condemned ruins. Only a few estranged
vast grounds abandoned save for fallow servants and distant relations have even seen
foundations, hollow follies, and sunken him as he sequestered deeper and deeper into
cemeteries. Only one section of the manse obsession with life beyond death. Whether or
remains, its doors and windows all bricked up not he found the answer, he's dead now. Or so
save for the front door. you've heard. You are the few who stand to
inherit, and you've been summoned to hear his
last will and testament at the old manor. The
dSynopSIS adventure begins with all of the characters
sitting around the dining room table.
The characters are summoned to the
home of the reclusive Doctor Noctula. The
Doctor is a distant relative or past associate of dthe houSe
each of the characters (sample characters are
provided in these pages but players are also The following areas correspond to the labels
encouraged to make their own characters with on the map of the house.
their own relationship to the Doctor). Noctula's
eccentric behavior has estranged him from A note on locked doors: Unless otherwise stated,
almost all contact and he has been living as a assume that a locked door can be opened with
hermit for several years. The summons the appropriate key, a DC 13 Dexterity
indicate that Noctula has passed away and that (Thieves Tools) check, or forced open with a DC
those summoned are to inherit the wealth of 16 Strength (Athletics) check.
the Noctula clan. In reality though the Doctor
has gone truly insane, achieving a sort of
immortality as a disembodied brain in the 1. The Dining Room
crypts beneath his mansion, and in his
madness he believes he must kill any potential This is where the opening scene of the
heirs who might one day come looking for his adventure takes place. It is assumed for the
riches, no matter how unlikely. To this end he is purposes of the story that the characters have
luring the characters to the mansion in order to arrived and proceeded directly to the dining
trap them inside and seal their doom. The room as per the instructions in their summons,
characters will have to survive the night and as this is where the reading of Dr. Noctula's will
find their way out! is to take place. By the time the characters
arrive at the manor the appointed hour of the
reading is imminent and there is no
opportunity available to explore beforehand.

You sit at the dining room table, making

awkward conversation. The tablecloth is more
cobwebs than lace, with a pair of covered silver
dining trays sitting atop it. Portraits of
nameless ancestors and landscapes of dismal
vistas decorate the peeling walls. Largest of all
looms the likeness of Noctula, or at least as he
must have appeared in his distant youth. It is
from this picture that a voice suddenly
emanates, produced by a disembodied mouth
appearing on its face.

“Welcome all. I trust you know as well as

I why you've gathered here tonight. An assembly
of grasping petitioners seeking purchase on my
death's issue. A shame upon our debased age
that the noble line of Noctula should find itself
so diminished that this is what remains of its
heirs. Nevertheless, be assured that in the final
reckoning each of you shall be given your fair 2. The Kitchen
apportionment of... Nothing. For you see, I have
decided simply to live forever. To accept humbly Grease yellowed tiles line the floors. A
that immortality for which I have labored long rusted stove sits idle next to a large kettle
and deservedly. In the event that any of you caked with ages of ill-cleaned accretion.
should survive the night and find your way to Scattered across the counter are discarded
the family treasury, I will consider a grant of a cooking implements and old food.
few baubles in addition to the gracious In one corner there is a large
benefaction of your lives. If you do not though, dumbwaiter. Sophisticated, with an industrial
take solace that the silence of your impertinent mechanism, it ascends into Area 9, the master
entitlements will be of no great loss to the bedroom, and descends into Area 16, the ghoul
eternity I shall henceforth enjoy. Now, if I could pit. It requires a key to operate, and the lock is
ask all of you to kindly snuff it...” too delicate to be picked or forced. A medium
sized character can fit into the dumb waiter if
At this, the dining trays rattle with they crouch, but it can only accommodate one
motion beneath them. From under one charges medium character or two small characters at a
a whole pickled boar, spitting a moldy apple time.
from its mouth and bearing down on one of
those seated. From under the second emerges Treasure: Investigating the flotsam will yield a
a viscous, quivering mass, shaking off spoiled potion of healing, and a potion of lesser
pineapple slices and dolloping towards the restoration.
nearest victim. (A zombie boar and ocher
jelly attack the party.)
3. Downstairs Hallway 5. The Parlor
One end of the hall terminates in the Opulent furniture, frayed and
magically barred and impassable front door, threadbare with age, litters the room in a
the other hooking at a severe angle upon itself chaotic pantomime of sophistication.
before rising upward in a steep stair to the next Curiosities and conversation pieces are
level. The long carpet is meticulously crafted to scattered on tables. On one table in the center
the odd dimensions of the hallway, though it of the room there are three items of particular
has become worn and filthy with generations significance. A music box, a strange lantern
of use. There are four doors off the hallway. with a zoetrope, and a large handbell.
One to the dining room, one to the library, one The music box plays a soothing if slightly off
to the parlor, and one to the solarium. The key melody. If played while the party is
doors to the library and the solarium are undergoing a short rest it functions identically
locked. The library door is barred magically to the Bard ability Song of Rest (2nd level).
and can only be opened with a key.
The zoetrope is a trap. If touched or handled
the lantern in it will flare to life, casting shapes
4. The Solarium through the panels surrounding it which begin
to spin rapidly of their own accord. The
The only windows in the manor that shadows that fall upon the room form a
haven't been bricked up are in the solarium, flickering tableau that congeals into three
though their heavy crystal panes are too thick shadows that attack the party.
to be broken. Moonlight streams through them,
casting shadows through tangled vines and
clouds of mold. This is perhaps the only room
that feels genuinely alive, though it is a life feral
and primordial from neglect. From a bushel
overgrowing a wicker chair ten goodberries
can be plucked.

On a column sits a sundial. Around its

edges are engravings of the lunar phases,
waxing up the eastward side towards a large
full moon and waning down the westward to a
blank space for the new moon. The dial can The handbell, if rung inside the palor, will open
spin to point at different engravings, and a DC a hidden door to the servant stair, which leads
14 Wisdom (Perception) check can hear the to Area 10, the servants quarters. Characters
sound of machinery under the floor when it is may make a DC 12 Wisdom (Perception)
turned. If a specific combination is turned it check to notice either a gap in the wall or a
will open a hidden stairway down to Area 15. draft blowing the tattered curtains.
The required combination is full moon, new
moon, waning crescent, waning gibbous, last Treasure: Among the discarded novelties can
quarter, waxing crescent, in that order. A clue to be found a few things of value including a
this combination can be found on the attic level copper chalice with electrum filigree (worth 50
two floors up. gp), a silver-plated dagger (worth 100 gp), and
a carved ivory statuette (worth 250 gp).
Treasure: Sifting through the toys and knick
6. Upstairs Hallway knacks in the room yields some items of value:
an eyepatch will pearls sown into it, a small
The stairs from the downstairs hallway mirror in a silver frame, and a jade comb
emerge on a passage that forks to the left and (worth 100 gp each). As well as a box of
right. In total there are six doors off of this hall turquoise animal figures with a few pieces
leading respectively to the spare room, the missing (worth 200 gp).
servants quarters, the bathroom, the master
bedroom, the playroom, and the nursery. The
doors to the servants quarters and the nursery 9. Master Bedroom
are locked.
A four poster bed dominates the room,
its opulent canopy in tatters and its mattress
7. The Spare Room sagging in the middle. Moth eaten finery lies in
an untidy, moldering pile on the floor.
Seemingly a barren dusty room Underneath the bed are jars of toenail
containing only a single chest in the middle of clippings and other foul bodily leavings
the floor. Indeed the entire room is a large preserved for some inscrutable purpose. In one
mimic that has attached itself barnacle-like to corner is the topmost level of the dumbwaiter
the house. It will attack any character to from the kitchen. The lock on the door to the
ventures deep enough into the room to hallway is broken beyond repair and cannot be
investigate the chest. If the characters close the used.
door it will smash through and pull its warped
body partway into the hall to continue
attacking them. 10. Servants Quarters
Spartanly appointed, this room contains
8. The Playroom only a rusted bed frame with a mattress like
granite and an ancient splintering wardrobe.
The floor is completely covered with Inside the wardrobe a ring of keys hang on one
broken toys and piled tchotchkes. The walls are of the hooks. These keys are for the locked
lined by miniature furniture of a child's doors to the library, the solarium, the nursery,
proportion. In amongst this bric-a-brac are a and the bathroom closet, as well as the key to
pair of large dolls with realistic clothing and operate the dumbwaiter. Underneath the
painted wooden faces. These are two mattress is a thin journal. It contains the
scarecrows, and they will lie completely recollections of Liebcroft, a one time family
motionless unless attacked. If the party butler. In it he details the bizarre and yet often
attempt to make either a short or long rest in banal goings on in service to the degenerate
any of the upstairs rooms the scarecrows will clan of Noctula. Hosting blasphemous rites
attempt to sneak up on them and attack before until they became droll, jaded, and entirely
their rest is completed. If the party is able to routine. Hauntings and otherworldly
successfully lock the room they are in the infestations that became so pervasive it was
scarecrows will scratch and rattle the door simpler just to tear down wings of the
before retreating to the playroom and ancestral home rather than try to exorcise
resuming their inert state. them. Curses layering upon the bloodline with
each generations' feuds and dark pacts until it
was impossible to keep track of them all or
indeed care about any of them. One account of large portrait leans against one wall, its canvas
rearing a young master of the Noctula, possibly and handsome subject slashed through by a
even the Doctor as a boy, mentions installing a knife. There is an ettercap hiding in the rafters
sturdy lock on the nursery because of the that will attempt to ensnare one of the
child's night terrors in which he was menaced characters in a spider silk noose and drag them
by sinister dolls and that could only be up into its nest.
assuaged by locking him securely into his room The pillar of moonlight descends from a
each night. skylight on the ceiling above. Around the
skylight is written the following passage:
“Bright eye. Closed eye. Fading arc. Gravid
11. Nursery brilliance growing dark. Half gone. Then
cresting thin. A lunatic turns the wheel to win.”
Faded pink wallpaper bubbles off of the This is a riddle that describes the necessary
walls with the impression of diseased tissue. sequence of moon phases to open the hidden
Painted clown faces decorating its surface stairway in the solarium using the sundial.
warp and distend as rotten glue seeps from
their seams. The furniture is all proportioned
to fit a human child, complete with bed, 14. The Library
nightstand, wardrobe, and even a writing desk.
The only thing left in the wardrobe is a small The floor is covered in loose pages, torn
antique sailor outfit. The drawers of the desk from tomes and left to litter the ground like
are seemingly empty but crammed into the foliage. Stacks of books form small cairns
back of one of them are crumpled drawings around the room alongside a henge of
that depict a child's perspective of terrifying overturned shelves and desks. Alone in the
dolls. Dolls which strongly resemble those in center of it all sits a nothic, staring lidless into
the playroom. crystal ball and transfixed by meditating upon
its contents. It will not immediately attack if
disturbed, and will even engage in distracted
conversation, though it is far more interested
12. Bathroom in contemplating the crystal ball in its hands. It
was once an apprentice to Doctor Noctula, and
Mundane compared to the rest of the grew jealous of the Doctor's parsimonious
house. A long-clogged water closet. A streaked, sharing of knowledge. It stole into the library
beclawed bathtub. A green copper wash basin. one night while the Doctor was studying,
The closet door is locked. Inside the closet is a intending to plunder its wisdom after the
stairway leading up to the attic level. Doctor left. When the Doctor closed the door
though it never reopened, trapping the
apprentice inside for so many years it has
13. The Attic forgotten exactly how long. It consumed every
bit of insight it could to survive, sometimes
The air is hot and stale in the literally consuming and eating pages from
uppermost reaches of the house. Rafters books as madness took it. Finally it became
intertwine overhead and a lone pillar of obsessed with the orb, believing it to view
moonlight illuminates the room and its realms of knowledge beyond what could be
forgotten cache. Ballroom gowns on faceless reckoned my mortals. It stared into the orb's
mannequins form a silent cotillion, seeming to depths unceasingly, indifferent to the
sway and whisper when your back is turned. A mutations that gradually twisted its form from
doing so. If the characters ask too many
questions it may begin to think they are trying
to steal its secret insights and will attack them 16. The Ghoul Pit
out of paranoia.
A brick vault with a low, arched ceiling.
White shards line the floor like snowflakes,
part bone fragments part shattered porcelain.
The vault's occupants are three ravenous
ghouls which will attempt to devour any living
thing which enters the room. There are two
entrances, one from the basement hallway and
one from the dumbwaiter. The door to the
hallway is rigged with a trap that will inflict a
shocking grasp upon whoever tries to open
the door, whether from the inside or the
outside. It can be detected by a DC 15
Intelligence (Investigation) check, and
disarmed by a DC 15 Dexterity (Thieves
Tools) check or a DC 15 Intelligence
(Arcana) check.

On a shelf outside the door is a notebook

containing scribbled observations. “They seem
to like the veal and capers, served with the fifty
Treasure: Among the torn pages and half-eaten seven vintage. A good year, not surprised
notes can be found a few intact spell scrolls. they're partial. One of them used a fork in my
Unseen Servant, Identify, False Life, and sight, if only for a moment. We're making
Tascha's Hideous Laughter. Also in the notes progress. I'm convinced that a civilized palette
are diagrams of the machinery in Area 18 can be used to redeem these wretches of their
which can be used to disable it. If obtained, the foul appetites. Perhaps I'll go back to lobster.”
orb functions as an arcane focus (worth 200
gp). Treasure: Sifting through the ghouls' discarded
dinner implements there are several pieces of
authentic, if bent, silverware (worth 50 gp).
15. Crypt Hallway
The stair emerges into a cellar of dark and
17. The Rat Maze
oppressive stone. Interlocking slabs of granite
hold aloft the sagging foundations of the house All around are cages, pipes, and glass
above, adorned with funereal inscriptions enclosures haphazardly constructed. One has
obscured by veins of lichen. There are four doors to climb over them in order to reach the door
off the of hallway. One leads to the ghoul pit and on the other side of the room. The door is
its door is trapped (see Area 16). Two more lead sealed, unable to be opened by any means
to the rat maze and the lightning gallery. The last other than pulling a large switch on the wall.
leads to a chamber which has caved in, rendering The switch is jammed partway open and can be
it inaccessible. freed by a DC 13 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand)
check. Once pulled the door will open, as well
as opening all of the rat enclosures releasing a
mischief of cranium rats that will attack in a
frenzy. Several of them have also become 20. Caverns
entangled into a cranium rat-king.
Walls glow green with luminous fungi
Treasure: In amongst the wire nests of the rats and phosphorescent lichen. A river flows
can be found several precious gems hoarded between the stalagmites, originating from a
away. Blue quartz (worth 40 gp), zircon (worth crevice in the rocks and winding down a tunnel
100 gp), and amethyst (worth 200 gp). into darkness. The water is knee deep and can
be waded through safely at a slow pace.

18. The Lightning Gallery Down the passage the river flows into a
deep subterranean lake. Its dark, glassy surface
is pierced by crumbling pylons of the house's
There is the sound of rushing water and foundation. On its far shore a single torch
machinery. The room is lit by arcs of electricity burns next to a boat bobbing in the water. The
emanating from coils and wheels on large boat is connected to the near shore by a hidden
metallic devices. Lying on slabs around the chain running beneath the water and buried in
chamber are pieces of grisly experiments in the sand near the party's feet. The chain can be
reanimation. The machines are powered by an discovered by a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception)
underground river beneath the stone floor. check or a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation)
Disabling the machinery, requiring either the check. Once unearthed the chain can be used to
instructions from the library or a DC 16 pull the boat to where the party can board it,
Intelligence (Arcana) check, will open the but it is tangled around one of the pylons and
subterranean waterway and empty the well in must be freed. The water is bitterly cold,
Area 18. It will also discharge electricity into slowing the blood and freezing sinews.
one of the experiments on the slab, causing it Swimming across, either to one of the pylons
to rise as a mummy which attacks the party. or to retrieve the boat, requires a DC 13
Strength (Athletics) check while wearing no
armor. There is also a boulder just beneath the

water that can be perceived by a DC 13
Wisdom (Nature) check, which offers a
stepping stone to the pylon around which the
chain is stuck. Leaping from the shore to the
boulder to the pylon can be done with a DC 13

19. The Well Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. Once the chain

is freed the party is able to use the boat to
A small brick room with a dirt floor and On the far shore a lone torch burns a
a large well filling its interior. The inside of the guttering red, faintly revealing a heavy door
well has indentations that can used to climb carved with the seal of Noctula. Beyond lies the
into it. If the machinery in Area 18 is still treasury.
working the underground river that powers
them backs up into the well, filling it. If they
have been disabled the river will flow freely 21. The Treasury
and drain the well in the process. When the
water is drained out it is possible to climb to This is it. Whether you came for the
the bottom and pass through an opening into a hoard within or just for the way out, the
cavern. treasury is where the old man said it would be.
It seems... strangely barren. The coffers and
chests lay empty. Gilt furniture has been Noctula makes one last attempt to destroy the
stripped and splintered. In the center of the party. In the back of treasury there is another
room sits a metallic pillar, around it arrayed heavy door, but it is impossible to open, being
urns of solid electrum. Slithering cables held closed by Noctula's psychic will. If the
connect the urns to the pillar, atop which sits a party can destroy Noctula his influence will
crystal jar containing the Brain of Noctula. A vanish and the door can be pried. On the other
horn-like device on the pillar swivels in your side is an earthen shaft that leads to a
direction, and from it echoes the distant and mausoleum in a nearby cemetery. The
tinny voice of Doctor Noctula. characters are free and the adventure is over.

“Welcome once again. I see that even Treasure: There are five electrum jars, and
asking you to die was perhaps too much for you emptied of their ichorous contents they are
to manage. This is truly an epoch of worth 400 gp each. Inlaid into the pillar
disappointments. I suppose you're here to make supporting the shattered brain jar is an array
your clutching demands, so self assured of your of quartz, amber, and black pearl, worth 2000
worthiness to continue existing. Once again I gp in total.
sacrifice for you, taking on the tremendous
responsibility of correcting your mistakes and
imparting you with the truth. The wealth of
Noctula is a part of me now, as it always should
dthAnk you for plAyIng!
be. I melted it down to construct the glorious
body of godhood you now behold, forever safe
from your inadequacy. At least it will be once I
am assured that you will never again attempt to
possess it. Take heart, young masters. Your lives
were never worth more than this, and it is no
great inconvenience for me to part you from
You were always the favorite nephew. Or was it grand-nephew? Your relationship to Doctor
Noctula has never been entirely clear, even to you, but some blood tie binds you together and try
as you might you've never been able to escape it. Back when you still had living family people
would gather for the solstice or for some feast day you'd never heard of, and the he would be
there, typically with whatever horrible experiment he'd been working on in tow. If anyone
thought it was strange for him to bring monsters to family get togethers nobody ever said
anything. Maybe they were afraid of him, you certainly were, or maybe everyone was just that
messed up. He'd always want to show them to you. Only you, and no one ever stopped him. That's
how the accident happened. One of the experiments got loose and took a bite out of you. You were
bed ridden for weeks with blood loss and infection, then afterward a wreck of insensate madness.
Eventually you got better, or at least so you told people. You can still feel the icy cold teeth when
the wind is right, as though they broke off inside you, and then there are the... fevers. Sometimes
you just get... out of sorts. A fever overtakes you, a species of mania, in which you sometimes do...
violent things. You don't really want to have anything else to do with your mad uncle, but you'll do
this last thing just to be well and done with him forever.

It was hard enough to get an apprenticeship in the apothecaries guild, old boys club that it is. It
was even harder to keep it with your unusual ideas and field of study. The dusty old chemists and
transmuters never trucked with your interest in reanimation, hidebound by taboos and
superstitions unbefitting learned men. If any corpses desperately needed a jolt it was them. They
took every opportunity to stymie your progress. Why couldn't you just shill midwifing herbs like a
proper lady? Your research required patronage, and since it wasn't forthcoming from your
institution you were more than a little desperate when Doctor Noctula appeared with an offer of
collaboration. At first it was validating just to have someone take an interest in your work, but as
time went on you learned the Doctor was much more interesting in taking than he was in sharing,
and his interest was in more than just your work. For your dearth of options you endured his
stinginess of knowledge and lecherous advances until it became clear that Noctula wanted
neither a colleague nor even a student, merely a pet. You left his tutelage only to receive a cold
reception in the guild, having been black balled for your association with a known mad man.
Since then you've continued your research as best you can with what work you can stitch
together. There's many things you'd rather than go to hear the Doctor's will, but he still has some
of your notes and you're determined to get at least a piece of your own back.
Your family have been vassals of the Noctulas in one way or another for centuries. Once upon a
time, in a fairytale era, you managed sprawling estates and defended border marches. Now you're
gardeners and grave keepers. Each generation of the Noctulas, each succession of sycophantic
and sickly princelings, has treated you more and more like the help. Most of your relations have
long since left, with only you and your grandfather remaining. He still cleaves to the old
obligations, no matter how much his lairds have ceased to deserve them, but his health is failing.
The land grows fallow and wild, tombstones outnumber descendants, and livelihood is hard to
find. Doctor Noctula has had a special employment for you these last years; exhuming graves from
the cemeteries gradually consuming the demesne and dragging the remains back to the Doctor's
lab. Its gruesome and backbreaking work, but he looks the other way when you pocket the
valuables you find. Its hard to imagine the Doctor including you in his will but your family is owed
certain concessions by ancient law and even he may be forced to honor them. If nothing else, now
that he's gone there's nothing left to keep you here and maybe you can finally take your
grandfather away from this place of decay.

The Noctulas have a long history of congress with the otherwordly, and your ancestors are an
agnatic branch of the family issued by their diabolical pacts. You're something of a dirty secret,
even for such a degenerate and scandalous clan, but for a long time you were at least kept in good
stead. Your family was never acknowledged or inherited, but a stipend and enfeoffment made you
country squires. It still grates though. Watching your Noctula cousins squander their
endowments in decadence and folly, snubbing well found claimants of your own line for no other
reason than your lack of inbreeding and an infernal heritage that they, not you, chose to beget. To
add injury to insult they've chewed away at lands of your house to burgeon their failing holdings,
exploiting your illegitimacy and reneging gifts promised in perpetuity. Now that the last true heir,
Doctor Noctula, has finally died the future of your family is uncertain. You hold out a vain hope
that his will shall secure at least what grants you have left, but you will not be paupered by his
caprice. It isn't even about the money, or the land, its about respect. You will no longer be denied.
One way or another you will be acknowledged.
Barbarian 2nd Human

Chadwick 300 True Neutral Haunted One

14 23 +2
16 +2


Maul +5 2d6+3

+2 +5

10 +1
+0 +2

+3 Rage: 2/long rest, +2 damage

12 Unarmored Defense
Reckless Attack
+1 Danger Sense

Savage Attacker


Languages: Common, Abyssal Clothes: Fine

Clothes: Travelers
Explorers Pack


-I like to read and memorize poetry. It keeps me

calm and brings moments of fleeting happiness.
-I spend money freely and live life to the fullest.
Knowing tomorrow I might die.

-I have a dark calling that

puts me above the law.

-A terrible guilt consumes me. I hope that

I can find redemption through my actions.

-I have certain rituals I must follow

every day. I can never break them.
Wizard 2nd Human

Persephone 300 Chaotic Good Guild Artisan

12 14 +2
8 +2



16 +3


Arcane Recovery

12 School of Necromancy
-Necromancy Savant
+1 -Grim Harvest


Scholars Pack
Healers Kit
Fishing Tackle
Alchemists Tools
Arcane Focus


-I believe anything worth doing is worth

doing right. I'm a perfectionist.
-I always want to know how things work
and how people tick.

-Everyone should be free to

pursue their own livelihood.

-One day I will return to my guild and

prove that I am the greatest artisan of
them all.

-I'm never satisfied with what

I have. I always want more.

-Mage Hand
-Ray of Frost
-Shocking Grasp

1st Level
-False Life
-Witch Bolt
-Ray of Sickness
Rogue 2nd Halfling (Stout)

Skuldugger 300 Neutral Good Urchin

15 17 2 +3
12 +2


Shortsword +5 1d6+3
+2 +4


Sneak Attack (1d6) Lucky

8 Expertise (Thieves' Tools)
Thieves' Cant
-1 Cunning Action Stout Resilience


Thieves' Tools
Disguise Kit
Burglar's Pack
Studded Leather Armor
Mirror, Steel
Magnifying Glass

-I don't like to bathe.

-I eat like a pig and have bad

-The low are lifted up and the high

brought out. Change is the nature of

-I escaped my life of poverty by robbing

an important person, and I'm wanted for it.

-Its not stealing if I need it

more than someone else.
Fighter 2nd Tiefling

Lucrezia 300 Lawful Neutral Noble

16 20 +2
10 +2 2


15 Darkvision


Heavy Crossbow +6 1d10+2 100/400 20

14 Rapier +4 1d8+2



13 +3


Fighting Style: Archery Hellish Resistance

13 Second Wind
Action Surge
Infernal Legacy


Languages: Common, Infernal Chainmail

Explorers Pack
Hunting Trap
Acid, Vial
Perfume, Vial


-No one could doubt by looking at my regal

bearing that I am a cut above the masses.
-If you do me an injury I will crush you, ruin
your name, and salt your fields.

-Blood runs thicker than


-My house's alliance with another noble

family must be sustained at all costs.

-I have an insatiable desire

for carnal pleasures.

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