Fish Retort
Fish Retort
Fish Retort
Environmental Science
* [email protected]
Abstract. Fishballpackaged in retort pouch can be an alternative toinstant product from fish.
This research was intended to evaluate the effect of different sterilization times on the quality
properties and sensory acceptance of fish ball from mackerel fish (Rastrelliger kanagurta)
packaged in retort pouch. The result showed that fishballcan be sterilized at 121 ⁰C for 10 min.
Longer sterilization time produces a lower colour quality of the sterilized fish ball product.
The texture of fishball can be preserved after 10 min sterilization at 121 ⁰C. The fishball
product is still acceptable sensorially after being sterilized at 10 min sterilization at 121 ⁰C.
1. Introduction
The most important criteria for food products to be categorized as instant food is the easiness to be
consumed. The time of preparation or cooking of instant food should be less than five minutes to the
product being consumed [1]. Even for ultra-instant food such as instant tea or coffee, bakery products
and canned products, they require less than one minute of preparation time [2]. Now days, attempts to
bring fresh meals to become instant products arise, such as by canning the food.
Canning of food can be categorized as a classical method to preserve food from spoilage. It was
firstly practiced by Nicolas Appert to preserve large amount of food during Napoleonic War in 1809
[3]. Since then, the development of canning techniques including the sterilization apparatus and
canning materials increased rapidly. Common materials for can product container are glass bottles,
aseptic carton, carboard bottles, paperboard cans, barrier plastics and aluminium foil lamination
pouches [2]. Each of them exhibits advantages and disadvantages. For instance, glass bottle is inert,
transparent and resistant to thermal process, however, it is bulky, brittle and expensive. Aluminium
foil lamination pouches or known as retort pouches can be a great alternative for canned product
container. It is lighter in weight, less expensive to ship, relatively low price, and fair stability to
thermal treatment. Therefore, it can reduce the production cost of canned food products [4].
Fish ball is one popular product of fish in Asia countries. It can be made from flesh of fresh water
or sea fishes [5]. Attempts have been made to convert fish ball from a product of fresh meal category
to be an instant product which has longer shelf life [6]. For instance, fish ball in curry is packed in a
retort pouch, then, it is sterilized at certain temperatures, eventually the final product is ready to be
consumed any time, therefore, it can be categorized as instant product [5, 7]. Since sterilization
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Sriwijaya Conference on Sustainable Environment, Agriculture and Farming System IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 995 (2022) 012019 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/995/1/012019
process of a product should be designed peculiarly following the product category and packaging,
therefore, the evaluation of sterilization process of a certain type of product packed in certain
packaging material should be conducted specifically [8]. This research aims is to evaluate the effect
of different sterilization time on the quality properties and sensory acceptance of fishball from
mackerel fish (Rastrelliger kanagurta) packaged in retort pouch.
Sriwijaya Conference on Sustainable Environment, Agriculture and Farming System IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 995 (2022) 012019 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/995/1/012019
pre-test speed of 2.0 mm/s, post-test speed of 5.0 mm/s, distance of 5 mm, time of compression of 5.0
s, trigger type, auto and trigger force of 10 gram. The fish ball sample was cut by two sides to get a 10
mm depth strip. The sample was placed on a stainless-steel plate then the P/36R cylinder probe
compressed the sample perpendicularly. The TPA parameters including hardness [gf], springiness,
cohesiveness, gumminess, chewiness, and resilience were recorded. The data of TPA of each sample
was taken from triplicate measurement. The average and standard deviation of each TPA parameter
were reported.
Sriwijaya Conference on Sustainable Environment, Agriculture and Farming System IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 995 (2022) 012019 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/995/1/012019
3.2. Colour profile of sterilized fish ball product packaged in retort pouch
The impact of different sterilization time on the color of fishball product is tabulated in Table 1.
The L*, a* and b* value of pre-sterilized fish ball was 36.54, -0.18 and 6.59, respectively. As the
sterilization time was increased, the L value of fish ball tended to decrease, meanwhile the a* and b*
inclined to increase. The decrease in lightness (L* value) of the sterilized fish ball upon increase in
sterilization time might be due to the leaching of white connective tissue containing collagen located
between the segments of muscles [6]. The increase of a* and b* of the sterilized fish ball can be an
indication of the formation of red pigment as a result of prolonged sterilization time [14].
Table 1. The color profile of sterilized fish ball product packaged in retort pouch.
Treatment L* a* b*
Un-treated 36.54±0.18a+ -0.18±0.10b 6.59±0.28b
Sterilized at 121⁰C-1 min 35.06±0.23b 1.88±0.05a 10.21±0.38a
b a
Sterilized at 121⁰C-5 min 34.94±0.47 1.99±0.54 10.42±0.94a
c a
Sterilized at 121⁰C-10 min 33.05±0.28 2.22±0.75 10.28±1.33a
values followed by the same letter(s) in columns indicating that they are not statistically
different (p>0.05) for each parameter
3.3. Texture profile of sterilized fish ball product packaged in retort pouch
Table 2 shows that there are no significant differences between the texture properties of untreated
and sterilized fish ball products. This result implies that the matrix of fish ball stands from high
pressure generated by conversion of water to vapor occurs at temperature of 120 ⁰C. Moreover, retort
pouch provides better protection from high steam pressure than aluminium can [15] which could be
due to retort pouch has lower thermal conductivity than aluminium can. Retort pouch made of
aluminium and plastic layers [16]. The thermal conductivity of plastic is much lower than metal [17],
therefore, heat penetration of aluminium can is much higher than retort pouch. Sterilized food product
packaged with retort pouch commonly retains colour and taste, and remains solid in texture as well
minimize nutrient loss [16].
Table 2. The texture properties of sterilized fish ball product packaged in retort pouch.
Treatment Hardness [gf] Springiness Cohesiveness Gumminess Chewiness Resilience
a+ a a a a a
Un-treated 4807.49±272.57 0.92±0.00 0.75±0.00 3607.85±187.45 3312.51±165.63 0.38±0.01
a a b a a a
Sterilized at 121⁰C-1 min 5940.72±678.25 0.92±0.02 0.65±0.08 3895.24±936.90 3596.52±930.34 0.32±0.06
a a a a a a
Sterilized at 121⁰C-5 min 4830.56±74.48 0.91±0.00 0.74±0.00 3591.44±63.54 3276.48±71.61 0.38±0.00
Sterilized at 121⁰C-10 min 5728.14±1026.18a 0.90±0.01
values followed by the same letter(s) in columns indicating that they are not statistically different (p>0.05) for
each parameter
Sriwijaya Conference on Sustainable Environment, Agriculture and Farming System IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 995 (2022) 012019 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/995/1/012019
Even though the statistical analysis shows no significant differences in the hardness value of
samples, however, the data shows that hardness value of samples tends to increase as the sterilization
time was raised (Table 2). Higher hardness value of sterilized fish ball product than that of the
untreated fish ball is an indication that the sterilized product tends to have firmer texture than the
untreated sample. This might be because the protein of the sterilized fish ball underwent denaturation
occurs during sterilization process. Protein denaturation and aggregation cause shrinkage in the
filament lattice and protein collagen. Consequently, the sterilized fish losing its water holding
capacity, finally, the fish texture becomes firmer [18].
Figure 2. Sensory profile of sterilized fish ball product packaged in retort pouch
3.4. Sensory acceptance profile of sterilized fishball product packaged in retort pouch
The sensory evaluation results of untreated and sterilized fish ball are presented in Fig. 2. Overall,
the average scores of all sensory parameters are within the range of neutral (3) to like (4). Most of
panellist gave higher score to the un-treated fish ball compared to the sterilized ones in the sensory
parameters of colour, aroma, taste and overall acceptance. During sterilization process, high heating
temperature might induce browning reaction inside the fish flesh producing many volatile compounds
[19, 20]. Moreover, other volatile compounds might be produced between the Millard reaction
products and lipid which perceived as unpleasant smell by the panellist [21]. Among the sterilized fish
ball products, those sterilized at 121 ⁰C-10 min showed the highest score in all sensory test parameters.
Moreover, the texture acceptance score of this product is comparable to the untreated sample.
Sterilized fish ball tends to have firm texture which is caused by shrinkage in the filament lattice and
protein collagen occurs during heating protein at high temperature [18, 22].
4. Conclusions
Fishball products packaged in a retort pouch can be sterilized at a temperature of 121 ⁰C for 10 min
to extend the product’s shelf life. Longer sterilization time decreased the lightness but increased the
redness and yellowness values of the fishballproducts. The texture of fish ball remained firm after the
sterilization process. Sterilization time of 10 min at 121 C ⁰ produced a safe sterilized fish ball product
with acceptable sensorial parameters.
5. Acknowledgments
The authors acknowledge the PRN Stunting Prevention Project year of 2020 from the Ministry of
Higher Education and Research, Republic of Indonesia for financial support.
Sriwijaya Conference on Sustainable Environment, Agriculture and Farming System IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 995 (2022) 012019 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/995/1/012019
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