Manasci Mod 6

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Because this dummy is not a real assignment

Assignment Problem and only indicates which source or destination will
According to Render, et al (2015), assignment be lacking an assignment, all costs are zero."
problem (AP) pertains to a particular class of LP Assignment Problem Solution Method: Hungarian
problems that involves determining the best
assignment. This may be of people to projects, There are several methods to solve an assignment
salespeople to territories, auditors to companies for problem (AP) but we will be focusing on the
audits, contracts to bidders, jobs to machines, heavy common method being used which is the Hungarian
equipment (such as cranes) to construction jobs, and method. This was developed by Hungarian
so on. AP problems most often aim to minimize mathematician D. Konig and E. Egerváry. It is an
total costs or total time of performing the tasks at efficient method of finding the best solution using
hand. An essential characteristic of AP is that only the reduction method. In manual problem solving,
one job or worker is assigned to one machine or the best solution is achieved upon having at least
project. one zero in each row and column so as to make
optimal assignments.
The problem of assignment arises because the
resources that are available such as men, machines, 3 Main Steps for manual problem solving:
etc., have different degrees of efficiency for
delivering several activities. Thus, the cost, profit, or (1) Subtract the smallest cost from each entry in
time of performing different activities varies each row. If each zero can now be assigned one-to-
(Sharma, 2016). one correspondence with the “workers”, an optimal
solution is reached. If it cannot, go to Step 2.
Briefly said, AP is concerned with allocating the
jobs to each of the workers for minimum cost. The (2) Subtract the smallest cost in each column. If the
table for assignment problems as depicted in Table zero entries can now be distributed one-to-one
31, is quite similar to the transportation problems correspondence with the “workers”, an optimal
table but the availability of each of the resources solution is reached. If it cannot, go to Step 3.
and the requirement at each of the projects is only (3) Cover the zero entries by vertical or horizontal
one. Given such, the principle is that assignments lines, using the least number of lines possible. (This
are given one-to-one correspondence. can be done by covering first the row or column
Table 31. Table for Assignment Problem having the most number of zeros). Subtract the
smallest uncovered cost from each uncovered cost
but add it to the entry found at the intersection of
the lines. If an assignment is already possible, an
optimal solution is reached. If it cannot, repeat Step

An assignment is optimum if the number of lines

used is equal to the number of

rows or the number of columns.

Assignment Problem Solving: Hungarian

Remember that resources are on the left side Case: Four engineers are to work on 4 projects of
(row headers) while the projects are on the top LMS Construction Company. The problem is to decide
portion (column headers). which engineer should be assigned to which project.
Each engineer charges different fees on each project,
Render, et. al (2015) states that, "the software due to the distances of the projects and the
for the assignment problem assumes that the complexity of work. The cost of assigning particular
problem is balanced, which means that the number engineers to a particular project are shown in table
of sources (or people) is equal to the number of 32.
destinations (or jobs). If the problem is not balanced,
a dummy source or a dummy destination is added to Table 32. LMS Construction Company Assignment
the problem to make it balanced. In some cases,
more than one dummy source or destination is
to Mr. Paul, Mr. Matthew, Mr. Liam, and Mr.

The software encoding is presented in Figure


The objective is to find the least cost of the

assignment. Figure 41. Four Teachers Assignment Encoding

Since we have available program to solve our

problem, we will be utilizing such. Please watch the The software results are presented in Figure 42.
video below.

Play media comment.

The minimum cost of assignment is P21,000.

The software results are presented in Figure 40.

Figure 42. Four Teachers Assignment Result

The minimum cost of assignment is

P28,000. Teacher 1, 2, 3, and 4 are best to be
assigned to Sections 3,2,4, and 1 respectively.

Lesson Synthesis / Generalization

Figure 40. LMS Construction Company Assignment
The assignment problem is basically
determining the best allocation of resources that
Assignment Problem Solving: Practice will generate the least cost for the company. The
commonly used method to solve such is known ass
Case: Four teachers are to be assigned to the Hungarian method.
handle a course with four sections. Mr. Paul costs
of assignments to section A, B, C, D are 2000,
10000, 9000, and 7000 respectively. Mr. Matthew
costs of assignments to section A, B, C, D are
15000, 4000, 14000, and 8000 respectively. Mr.
Liam costs of assignments to section A, B, C, D are
13000, 14000, 16000, and 11000 respectively.
Lastly, Mr. Kyrie costs of assignments to section A,
B, C, D are 4000, 15000, 13000, and 9000
respectively. Determine the least cost of
assignment and what section is to be assigned best

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