Chemical Abortion 7-21
Chemical Abortion 7-21
Chemical Abortion 7-21
presenting as chemical abortion. Generally we recognize mifepristone, the chemical formerly known as RU-486. The initial name of the drug stayed with us, (the same as with the Artist formerly known as Prince). Mifepristone is best known in the U.S. for its function to kill unborn humans during the embryonic stage, up to 49 days of pregnancy, although it has other investigational uses. Meet the TWINS! Ulipristal acetate and Mifepristone. As you can see, they're not quite identical, but very close. Both are selective progesterone receptor modulators.
Mifepristone, RU-486 is the most regulated drug in the U.S. Pharmacists don't dispense it. It's supposed to be dispensed only by physicians, directly to patients. In China and other countries it has been used as a morning after pill, as well as a killer of later embryos and early fetuses. Those astute drug companies knew that this drug would not sell as a morning after pill in the U.S. That's why we have it's TWIN, Ulipristal Acetate, approved by the FDA in August , 2010, and brought to us in by Watson Pharmaceuticals in December of the same year. Watson also distributes Next Choice, generic of the original form of Plan B. At 0.5mg/kg, Ulipristal Acetate, marketed as ELLA, is usable as a morning after pill. It's marketed as an inhibitor of ovulation, but the manufacturer admits that the operative mechanism depends on the timing of its use. Like RU-486, Ulipristone is an antiprogesterone. It stops the action of that hormone in the reproductive tract, inhibits proliferation of the endometrium, inhibits implantation, and kills the embryo. Click for MORE When used as a morning after pill Ella accomplishes this very early, before implantation. At higher doses, this drug can kill later embryos and fetuses just like its twin mifepristone. In many states, pharmacists and hospitals will be required to distribute Ulipristal acetate, in the same way that they are now forced to dispense Plan B, levonorgestrel, the other
morning after pill. Ella is among the drugs recommended for free distribution under the upcoming Obamacare, which will exacerbate complicity of all tax payers with chemical abortion, and add to the problems of conscientiously objecting health care workers. Women can also visit to get Ella. It's possible for them to fill out a questionnaire for ONLINE PRESCRIBING, (allowed by Utah state law) then have the drug dispensed to them. They can dial 855-2ELLARX and accomplish the same thing. Ulipristal acetate is available for market as 30 mg tablets. This supplies 0.5mg per kg for women up to 60 kg, or 132 lbs. As you know, many ladies are bigger than that, (including the author) and so the drug cannot expected to be uniformly effective throughout the American female population. A 120mg dose is required to reliably inhibit ovulation according to the CHMP assessment report. 300mg is needed to kill more developed embryos and fetuses. The convenience of obtaining Ulipristal acetate online allows the accumulation of doses needed to perform home chemical abortions which may be completed at hospitals if necessary. Abortionist James Pendergraft supplied a model of initiating procedures by injecting the fetus, and allowing hospitals to complete the job. All of this has been done before. Even in medical journals you will see claims that the mechanism of Ella is to prevent ovulation, even when the data shows otherwise. However the CHMP assessment available from Europe, where they do not have to lie to sell the drug, is much more matter of fact regarding the pharmacology of this drug. Ulipristal acetate prevents progesterone from occupying its receptor, thus the gene transcription normally turned on by progesterone is blocked, and the proteins necessary to begin and maintain pregnancy are not synthesized. The quality of ulipristal acetate which brought it under consideration for drug development as a morning after pill is candidly given in the same report: "Since progesterone is critical for implantation, it was thought that ulipristal acetate may have promise as a contraceptive agent. First born twin, Mifepristone, can only be obtained directly from Danco Laboratories by clicking HERE, or by dialing 877-432-7596. Only physicians may distribute this drug, and there are specific requirements to adequately inform patients concerning this form of abortion procedure, use a patient consent form, and keep records. The FDA approved usage of mifepristone involves an oral dose of three 200mg tablets. Planned Parenthood apparently likes variety, and has experimented with cost containment by using lower doses, and the vaginal route of delivery. Deaths from Clostridium sordellii infection have inspired a return to oral administration of the drug. The procedure requires an initial physician visit for dispensing the drug, a return visit in three days to receive 400mcg of misoprostil to cause expulsion of the dead human
embryo, and a third visit at 14 days to ensure success. About 8 percent of patients require a followup surgical abortion. Methotrexate is used in chemical abortion at a dose of 50mg /square meter, injected intramuscularly. Alternatively a 50mg dose can be given orally. This dose is followed on day 3 up to day 7 by a 800mcg vaginal dose of misoprostil to expel the dead embryo. A followup visit with the physician is needed to determine if the abortion is successful. There are multiple possbilities for followup treatment should the abortion not be complete at the second visit, some involving a second dose of misoprostil, others involving surgical abortion. Methotrexate is usually used as an anti-cancer drug. It's mechanism is to interrupt folic acid metabolism (by dihydrofolate reductase) to the active form, which serves to block thymidine production, thereby inhibiting DNA synthesis and cell division. As an abortion drug, it causes degeneration of the trophoblast, the tissue surrounding the embryo which produces the placenta. The production of HCG stops, which leads to a decline in progesterone production by the corpus luteum. The uterine lining degenerates, and nutritional support for the embryo ceases. Plan B One-Step, the over-the-counter morning after pill is 1.5mg of levonorgestrel, a synthetic progestin. From the Prescribing information of Plan B One-Step: CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY 12.1 Mechanism of Action Emergency contraceptive pills are not effective if a woman is already pregnant. Plan B One-Step is believed to act as an emergency contraceptive principally by preventing ovulation or fertilization (by altering tubal transport of sperm and/or ova). In addition, it may inhibit implantation (by altering the endometrium). It is not effective once the process of implantation has begun. Note the fact that levonorgestrel affects the endometrium and may act to inhibit implantation. This stops the life of a human embryo at the blastocyst stage of development, and is one of the bases for controversy concerning dispensing and use of this form of birth control. Unmentioned in the package insert is that effect on tubal transport also influences the transport of the very early embryo prior to implantation. Heres the quote of the year concerning Plan B: It has more than doubled since the last time the data were collected, said Megan L. Kavanaugh, a senior research associate at the Guttmacher Institute in New York who worked on the study. However, she said in an interview, its use still seems relatively low, given that its easy to access. So theres room for improvement. Somehow, in the fevered brain of Ms. Kavanaugh it represents an improvement to fail
in the more reliable forms of preventing pregnancy, and require the use of the LEAST reliable modality, the morning after pill, tossed over the counter by the local pharmacist, who could be censured for attempting to ascertain clinically appropriate application of the drug. Kavanaugh credits the media, and not health care professionals, for stimulating the increase in this dependency. (A tiny silver lining in this cloud.) Neither Plan B One-Step nor Ella One are very effective. In actual use, expect a failure rate of about 40 percent, in round numbers. Cumulative failure rate for repeat users guarantees good business for the abortionists, and this helps to fulfill the marketing plans of of such entities as Planned Parenthood. Discouraging the use of chemical abortifacients by means of legal regulation is a difficult and expensive task. The proposed legislation to require reporting of mifepristone adverse events is a good start, and opposition from the abortion industry is certain. One might evaluate the potential efficacy of this and future regulations by how loudly the abortion providers protest. Over all the problem is most efficiently tackled by prohibiting government funds for both chemical and surgical abortions, requiring full disclosure of drug information to the patients, and protecting the option of all health care employees to refuse participation. It should be remembered that all hormonal birth control forms have the possibility to act in a manner that causes inhibition of implantation. As with Plan B, this information can be found in the prescribing information for each drug. The availability of artificial birth control has not produced a decrease in demand for abortion. It is a failed social experiment. Innovation and invention are largely in response to filling human needs and alleviating suffering. The practice of killing unwanted or disabled human beings will impede further medical and technological advances, and lead to a DEvolution of civilization and the human species.
It's heartening to see the recent pro-life legislative efforts in Indiana, and this pharmacist remains available to provide information and assistance if needed. Useful Links The European Medicines Agency CHMP Assessment Report for Ulipristal acetate contains the most useful information from the manufacturer on the scientific basis and rationale for developing this compound as a morning after pill. New Morning After Pill Works When Taken 5 Days After Intercourse ... SOMEWHAT. Useful Information About Ella from Tech News Site
Revelations from the European CHMP Report on Ulipristal Acetate FDA Approves Ulipristal Acetate as expected Updated FDA summary of mifepristone related adverse events. A Model for the Ulipristal Acetate Abortions Prescriber information for Mifeprex (RU486) Methotrexate abortion protocol from National Abortion Federation Methotrexate plus misoprostil efficacy Prescriber information for Plan B One-Step Emergency Contraception does not reduce abortion rates. Failed Social Experiment Spanish study: trends in use of contraception and voluntary abortion 1997-2007 Selling the Pill House Bill 1258, regulation of RU-486 chemical abortions. Introduced by Rep. Bob Morris. Indiana House Bill 1228, Conscience protection for health professionals, introduced by Steve Davisson,