DEMO PLAN FINAL Cardiente Jessa Acedilla
DEMO PLAN FINAL Cardiente Jessa Acedilla
DEMO PLAN FINAL Cardiente Jessa Acedilla
A. Content Standards
The learners demonstrate their multiliteracies and communicative competence in evaluating
Philippine literature (prose) for clarity of meaning, purpose, and target audience as a foundation
for publishing original literary texts that reflect local and national identity.
B. Performance Standards
The learners analyze the style, form, and features of Philippine prose (short story and novel);
evaluate prose for clarity of meaning, purpose, and target audience; and compose and publish
an original multimodal literary text (short story) that represents their meaning, purpose, and
target audience, and reflects their local and national identity.
C. Learning Competencies
EN7LIT-I-1 Analyze literary texts as expressions of individual or communal values within
structural context of rhyme and rhythm.
Cognitive: Identify the rhyme and rhythm of the poem;
Affective: Demonstrate the importance of using rhyme and rhythm in a poem; and
Psychomotor: Write a poem using specific type of rhyme and rhythm.
B. Activity
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Rhyme
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Rhyme
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Rhyme
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Rhyme
GROUP 3: Provide the type of rhythm.
Choose from the box.
Iamb / ˘ ’/ Trochee / ‘ ˘/
Anapest / ˘ ˘ ‘/ Dactyl / ‘ ˘ ˘ /
Spondee/ ‘ ‘ /
Time is up.
Group 2 Presentation
Group 3 Presentation
C. Analysis
Yes, you are right. Now what have you Ma’am the first poem has an end
observed in the two poems given? rhyme ma’am. While the second
poem has middle rhyme because the
rhyme is not on the end of the
Very good observation. Now what are the Me, ma’am. The types of rhymes
types of rhymes based on the task of Group based on the activity are End rhyme
1. and middle rhyme.
Now, what are the rhyme schemes based on Ma’am the rhyme schemes are
the answers of Group 2? alternate, coupled, and tripled.
Yes, those are correct but the right term for Triplet.
tripled is triplet. Say it again.
Now, why do we say so that the rhyme Ma’am, because the first poem has
schemes are alternate, coupled, and triplet? a rhyme scheme of ABAB that is why
it is alternate rhyme. While the
second one is coupled because it
follows a pattern AABB and the last
poem follows a pattern AAA that is
why it is triplet.
Now, let us proceed to the last group. What Types of rhythm ma’am.
are being asked in your task?
Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? The students are reading after the
Thou art more lovely and more temperate: teacher reads.
(Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare)
Now, what did you noticed with the stress? Ma’am the stress falls on the second
Sorrow like a ceaseless rain The students are reading after the
Beats upon my heart. teacher reads.
People twist and scream in pain, —
Dawn will find them still again;
(Sorrow by Edna St. Vincent Millay)
Now, where can we find the stress? Ma’am the stress falls on the third
syllable of the sentence.
You are right. So, what type of rhythm that Me, ma’am.
has stress that falls on the first syllable? It’s trochee ma’am.
Very good.
Now, let us proceed to number 3.
‘Twas the night before Christmas, The students are reading after the
and all through the house,” teacher reads.
(‘Twas the Night Before Christmas, by
Clement Clarke Moore)
Now, where can we find the stress? Ma’am the stress falls on the third
syllable of the sentence.
Yes, correct. So, what type of rhyme has the Anapest ma’am.
stress that falls on the third syllable of the
“This is the forest primeval. The murmuring The students are reading after the
pines and the hemlocks,” teacher reads.
(Evangeline, by Henry Wadsworth
Alright. Where can we find the stress? The stress falls on the first syllable
ma’am of the word that consist of
three syllables.
“Go! Go! said the man. The students are reading after the
teacher reads.
In this phrase, where can we find the stress? The stresses are present on each
word that has one syllable ma’am.
Great job, class! So, the types of rhythms Iamb, Trochee, Anapest, Dactyl, and
are? Spondee.
Very good! Did you enjoy our activity class? Yes, ma’am.
Now, with that, what do you think is our topic Ma’am I think our topic has
all about? something to do with Rhyme and
Alright, very good.
D. Abstraction
So now, let us discuss the answers earlier The students are listening.
but let us first define the word rhyme.
What comes into your mind when you hear Me, ma’am. Rhyme is the sound of
this word? the phrases at the end of the poem.
Rhyme Schemes
a. Alternate Rhyme - ABAB
b. Coupled - AABB
c. Triplet Rhyme – AAA
Now, how about the rhythm? Me, ma’am. Rhythm is the pattern of
Yes, brilliant idea!
E. Application
Appropriateness 5 points
Creativity 5 points
Collaboration 5 points
Content 5 points
Total 20 points
Very well-done class. Give yourselves very Students are clapping.
good clap.
Alright. You did a good job class! So, based Me, ma’am. Rhythm serves as the
on our discussion, what do you think is the heartbeat of a poem, providing a
importance of using rhyme and rhythm in a backdrop for ideas and imagery.
poem? While, rhyme adds musicality to the
words and phrases, setting poetry
apart from other forms of writing.
Therefore, rhythm and rhyme shape
the poem, give it structure, and
enhance its artistic impact.
Very well said. With that, are you ready for Yes, ma’am.
the quiz?
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
Is everything clear about our topic today? Yes, ma’am.
Alright! Now, please get ¼ sheet of paper Students get ¼ sheet of paper.
and answer directly.
Instruction: Create a three-stanza poem and write the type of rhyme, rhyme schemes,
and rhythm of the poem in a ½ sheet of paper.
Creativity 5 points
Appropriateness 5 points
Content 5 points
Total 15 points
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