Inbound 1884374849301788470
Inbound 1884374849301788470
Inbound 1884374849301788470
2. Vehicles over 80 inches wide must carry at least 3 red flares; lantern;
reflectors or fuses which may be seen from a distance of;
A. 100 feet
B. 200 feet
C. 400 feet
D. 600 feet
A. When there are passengers on the bus and prior to the start of
B. When there are passengers on the bus and after completing the
C. When there are no passengers on the bus
D. When there are passengers on the bus and during the trip
A. 12 ft. 6 inches
B. 13 ft. 6 inches
C. 13 ft.
D. 104 inches
A. Turning Maneuvers
B. Poor vehicles condition
C. Distraction
D. All of the above
A. Loose
B. Tight
C. Snug
D. Anytime your judgment call for it to be worn
A. Consistent
B. Smooth and Gradual
C. Rough and Constant
D. None of the above
11. Drivers shall not driver a vehicle when it’s is so loaded, there are 3 or
more persons in the front seat that it blocks the operators view of the
front or side of the vehicles or interferes with the drivers control over the
mechanism of the vehicle;
12. Hydroplaning is a condition that involves water, speed, tires and overall
weight and weight distribution. How can one protect themselves and others
from hydroplaning?
14. Which of the following is/are guide rules for night driving?
16. The legal parking position is with the right front and rear wheels of the
vehicle within;
A. 16inches
B. 18inches
C. 20inches
D. 12inches
18. Vehicle entering a turn at a low speed , turning speed on the steering
wheels to make a smoother turn with less exertion by the driver?
19. Vehicles shall be equipped with a horn that must be heard no less than
how many feet?
A. 100 ft.
B. 200 ft.
C. 300 ft.
D. 500 ft.
20. If you have a tire “blow-out”, you should;
A. Keep up your speed until you safely get to the shoulder of the
B. Slam on the brakes and steer to the right of the road
C. Hold the steering wheel firmly, steer straight ahead and slow
down to a stop
D. None of the above
A. 100 feet
B. 200 feet
C. 400 feet
D. 500 feet
22. Adjusting to road conditions when wet requires the operator to;
23. What is the length of time that occurs from the time alert operators
sees problems to the time when the brakes are actually applied?
A. ½ of a second
B. ¾ of a second
C. 1 second
D. A second and a half
25. A concentrated load placed just ahead of the rear axle may cause;
26. School buses have to 7’ red lights in front and 2 red lights in rear. These
light are used for what purposes?
A. Emergency situations
B. Loading Pupils
C. Unloading Pupils
D. Both B and C
27. What does a yellow light on the traffic light on Guam signify?
28. The degree of sharpness a vehicle will turn depends on what 2 factors?
29. Vehicles shall be equipped with the right and left outside mirror to
enable the driver to see up to what distance?
A. 100 feet
B. 200 feet
C. 300 feet
D. 400 feet
30. Upon approaching and upgrade where there is a passing lane provided,
the driver of a vehicle which is travelling slower than the normal traffic
speed must;
31. To ensure that a unit will stay in position when parked, which following
NOT a precaution to observe to prevent a runaway vehicle;
A. One must signal 100ft. from another 100ft. from the rear and
alongside or 10ft. from the side
B. One signal 200ft. from the front and another 100ft. from the
rear and alongside the vehicle
C. One signal 100ft. from the front and another 100ft. from the
D. No emergency reflectors are needed
33. Vehicles which display lighted flashing lamps and give audile signals must
be given the right of way. When such vehicles are approaching, you are
requiring to;
A. Drive to a position parallel to and as close as possible to the
right-hand edge or curb of the highway
B. Clear of an intersection
C. Stop your vehicle and remained stopped until such vehicle has
D. All of the above
34. When you wish to make a turn, you must signal for that turn at least;