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Message from

the Headmaster
We are given but one lifetime to merit our heavenly reward. Eternity tomorrow
depends on life today. In worldly terms we can say that a child only has one shot at

In a world of intellectual, moral and spiritual confusion, a child’s education is of

paramount importance. The years of childhood and adolescence are decisive in
setting the soul on a firm path to the fulfilment of its vocation: to know, love and
serve God in this world, in order to be happy with Him in the next.

Here at St. Michael’s School, we are proud of our Catholic Faith. We endeavour to
create an environment favourable to the practice of virtue and learning, according to
the doctrinal and liturgical traditions of the Roman Catholic Church.

The Society of St. Pius X operates its schools in order to protect and nurture not only
natural virtue, but also the supernatural life of the soul. These two goals form the
purpose of our work. A strong curriculum ensures the development of the mind
in line with Church doctrine. Pastoral care seeks to instil awareness and care in the
performance of duty.

St. Michael’s strives hard for academic achievement. Good examination results and
good manners are not, however, the benchmark whereby we measure our success. We
wish more for our pupils, in line with their parents’ wishes. We measure our success
from the standpoint of the soul’s relationship with God. If our pupils continue in
the practice of their Faith and in the service of their neighbour, the school will have
achieved its goal.

A child is a mind to teach, a will to strengthen, a heart to love, a soul to save. We

make no secret of Jesus Christ as our model and motive in the quest for our pupils’
achievement and wellbeing.

Rev. John Brucciani, Headmaster

St Michael’s School is owned and operated by the
Society of St Pius X, which is a congregation of
Catholic priests and religious dedicated to the
preservation and promulgation of the traditional
teachings and liturgy of the Roman Catholic

Our facilities are situated in the beautiful

countryside of North Hampshire in the rural
village of Burghclere, about four miles from
Newbury, Berkshire. The school property extends
over more than ten acres of land, which includes
open fields and woods in addition to the school
and chapel grounds, recreation areas and sports

The original school building, St Raphael’s House,

was opened on 29th September 1991, the Feast of
St Michael.

St. Michael’s School is a primary school for boys

and girls and a secondary school for boys, which
includes a boarding house.
Our Mission

The mission of St Michael’s School is to provide children with a thorough

Catholic formation and education, founded upon the traditional
doctrines of the Catholic Faith and upon the traditional principles of

The concept of Catholic education is summarized by Pope Pius XI in his

encyclical on Christian Education: “Since education consists essentially
in preparing man for what he must be and for what he must do here
below, in order to attain the sublime end for which he was created, it is
clear that there can be no true education which is not wholly directed
to man’s last end, and that in the present order of Providence, since God
has revealed Himself to us in the Person of His Only Begotten Son, who
alone is “the way, the truth and the life,” there can be no ideally perfect
education which is not Christian education.” (Encyclical Divini Illius

An organised mind, an understanding of duty and strength of will form

the best soil in which the seed of eternal life, Divine Grace, is able to take
root and develop.
We admit children from Catholic families
desirous of passing on a firm grasp and love
of the Faith to their children in order to
prepare them for adult life. We also welcome
non-Catholic children who are attracted to Tuition Fees 2023-24
the Catholic Faith and wish to participate in
collective instruction and worship side by
Primary Phase: £2000/ term
side with their fellow pupils and friends.
Secondary Phase: £2450/term
The cooperation between school and family
in the formation of each child is of paramount Sixth Form: £2600/term
importance. In order to be fruitful, this
Bursaries available, subject to assessment.
cooperation presupposes harmony in
principles and a unity of outlook.

Thus it is expected that our families share the Boarding Fees

Catholic concept of education, and pledge
£1000/term full board
their commitment to Catholic doctrine in
faith and morals. £860term weekly board.
The Curriculum:
Intellectual Formation

Intellectual formation at St. Michael’s is founded on

the understanding that human knowledge is a whole.
Each curriculum subject addresses an aspect of human
knowledge and is informed by all the other subjects.
Teachers use the best pedagogical practice, traditional
as well as modern, to impart knowledge and guide the
learning of their pupils.

Religious Knowledge is an integral part of the

curriculum. As pupils gain greater knowledge and
understanding of nature and the world about them,
through study of the humanities and sciences, they are
encouraged to look beyond the visible order of things in
order to contemplate the invisible.

Subjects are taught in harmony with the Faith, for it is

impossible for faith and reason to be at variance with
each other.

Both religious and secular knowledge are necessary

for pupils to discern objective reality, in order to
make responsible choices in adult life. Pupils assist at
Mass each week and on major feast days. The weekly
timetable includes two hours of Religious Instruction.
Assembly, Form time, Catechism and sermons are the
main channels through which PSHE is delivered to our
Primary phase - Key stage 1-2

The Primary Phase consists of three classes: In Key Stage 1 (Infants) phonics and reading
Infants (Years 1 & 2), Junior 1 (Years 3 & 4) are the key focus to learning, with early
and Junior 2 (Years 5 & 6). Each class has Maths, Science and topic work. Art, Music
a form teacher who teaches most of the and PE complete the curriculum. In Key
subjects in order to gain a rounded picture Stage 2, English, Maths and Science are the
of each child. Religious Education is taught core subjects, with History, Geography, Art,
every day. French, Music and PE.

Secondary phase - Key stage 3-4

All pupils study for GCSEs in Maths,
English, Biolog y, Chemistr y, Physics,
Geography, Histor y and French, also
known as the English Baccalaureate.
Pupils also study Latin and Geography,
Religious Knowledge and PE.
Teaching in KS3 focuses on remote
and proximate preparation for GCSE
examinations (KS4). In order to avoid
“cramming” for exams, subject materials
are spread over three years rather than two,
in order to allow pupils to gain a deeper
understanding of subject material.

The sciences are taught with reference to

Church Teachings. The best literary materials
are chosen through which pupils are able to
gain a good mastery of the use of the English
language and good insights into the play of
human emotions and passions, with reference
to true virtue which is the only source of real
Sixth Form
Sixth form A level studies are offered subject to demand.
Mathematics and Biology are most commonly taught.
Pupils can also subscribe to correspondence courses in
particular subjects.

Sixth Form at St Michael’s seeks to turn Catholic boys

into Catholic men, ready to tackle a world that tests the
Faith. To this end, catechism and a course in Catholic
Philosophy is added to pupils’ subject choices (five hours
a week total).

The Sixth Form is open both to pupils who plan to

apply for university and to those who wish to continue
preparing themselves for life after school.
Homework is set daily and given emphasis
as a means of consolidating learning in class
work and developing independent study.
Homework reinforces the lessons of the day
and serves to create security in pupils’ mind
so that they may approach lessons with greater
confidence. All homework is to be completed
by the deadline set by the relevant teacher.
Parents of day pupils should ensure that
there is a quiet place and a regular time for
homework each night.

Foreign Language Special Educational

Pupils Needs

On entering St. Michael’s, overseas students’ The school has a SEN Coordinator who
English levels are formally tested using the works closely with teachers to support for
Cambridge English Assessment Test. A students with special educational needs.
plan of action is then drawn up to ensure The SENCo helps to coordinate specialized
that foreign pupils are able to progress in intervention if needed, and monitors the
learning through the new medium of the child’s progress in answer to the provisions
English language. put in place.

EAL (English as an Additional Language) Personalized tuition and individualized

pupils may receive support sessions grouped help is also provided as needed, to help
according to language ability. pupils progress through times of academic
difficulty or stress.
The school merit system offers a measurable
means of reward and encouragement.
Pupils receive merit points for behaviour
that reflects the ethos of the school -
concern for others, diligence in service,
excellent answers in class, producing very
good work, etc. Pupils may also receive
demerits for poor behaviour, such as poor
appearance, lack of effort in studies, bad
language, etc.

Merits and demerits (which cancel out

merits) are logged electronically and pupils
are appraised of running totals at assembly.
When pupils reach key milestones, they are
awarded bronze, silver and gold badges,
book tokens or a voucher for the tuck shop.

Poor behaviour is sanctioned by detentions

of variable length. Where a detention is not
desirable, tidy tasks are common means of
correcting or making up for misbehaviour
in a quick and efficient manner.
Pastoral Care

Moral and Spiritual Formation

The principle around which our pastoral good in opposition to the good of others,
care of pupils revolves is that of Divine and against God’s will, our pastoral care
Grace. Good conduct and behaviour are includes supernatural means that help to
encouraged not only to help pupils to live overcome selfishness and pride. Pupils assist
peacefully and happily together, but also so at a weekly school Mass and Benediction.
that they may learn to evaluate their lives Boarders recite their daily Rosary in
in the light of Christ’s injunction: “Be you company with the religious community.
therefore perfect, as also your heavenly
With four resident priests, pupils have easy
Father is perfect.” (Matt. 5:48)
access to everyday pastoral advice and
Pastoral care seeks to facilitate the growth support, and are able to receive sacramental
of natural and supernatural virtue. Good absolution whenever they wish.
practice and behaviour are actively
Daily routines are carried out under the
encouraged, promoted and rewarded. By
supervision of priests and teachers, and
reminding pupils of their duty to always
under the loving gaze of the crucifix
contribute to the service and betterment
that hangs in every room. The constant
of the institutions they are part of (family,
availability and cheerful company of the
school, club), pupils become aware of their
priests and staff help pupils to integrate
civic obligations to the Common Good of
their Faith into every aspect of their daily
society. Before we take, we must first give.
lives. Relations are easy and outcomes
Conscious of the injury of Original Sin, happy.
and man’s innate tendency to seek his own

Saint Michael’s Cadet Force is an important

part of pupil formation. Cadets learn valuable
skills such as drill, fieldcraft, navigation, first
aid, team work, camping and community
service.” The school also hosts a Cadet Band.
Saint Michael’s Cadet Force helps to bolster
the sense of order, duty, community and
service so necessary to the formation of
Form Tutors Small numbers
A Form Tutor supervises each year group and Small class numbers allow teachers to tailor
provides individualized care and support for their lessons so that pupils are focused and
each of their students. Form Tutors are the engaged whatever their academic level and
first point of call for pupils in need and also talent. The small size of the school allows
the first to address any issues that are affecting for a family atmosphere where no pupil is
their pupils. They communicate with other ashamed of seeking or providing assistance.
staff where appropriate, to relay information
about pupils in their form group that could
affect them in their studies or relationships
with others.

Community Prayer Priests

Community prayer, in particular Holy Mass St. Michael’s School is blessed with the
and Rosary, and before each lesson, are a presence of four priests in residence. They
magnificent incentive for good. They are are available in and out of the classroom, and
not mere formalities, but an illustration and are in charge of the boarding house.
enactment of the child’s Faith that naturally
pervades every aspect of their lives.

Clear Purpose
The corner stone of our pastoral care is Divine Grace. Examples, advice, counsel
and encouragement from priests and teachers aim to push the child in the
pursuit of good. Good is defined as love of God and devotion to the needs of

We seek to build up in pupils a true sense of purpose and resilience so that they
will be faithful to the Gospel truths that have been entrusted to them. “You are
the salt of the earth...you are the light of the world.” (Math. 13-14)
Boarding House
St. Michael’s operates a boarding house prayer and recreation are taken in common
for senior boys (Years 7-11). The boarding with the priests, who are always present
house offers a very happy experience for and accessible. Foreign pupils are able to
all its occupants. It is a place where life integrate with ease.
long friendships are forged. Boarding life
The spacious grounds and surrounding
is divided between recreational activities,
countryside allow for outdoor games and
supervised study time, house duties and
visits to places of interest. Boarders assist
at Holy Mass on Saturdays and Sundays Pupils have access to a school phone and to
and pray the Rosary daily. The school Skype in order to stay in touch with their
offers a range of evening clubs according to families. Internet access is always supervised,
availability: art classes, sport competitions, and kept to a minimum. Weekends usually
woodwork, STEM and computing. An include an age-appropriate film and a
important activity is St. Michael’s Cadet documentary. The tuck shop is very popular!
Force and Cadet Band, which help to
cultivate habits of order, discipline and Each half-term includes one or two exeat
camaraderie among peers. The small weekends.
number of boarders allows for a strong
family atmosphere. Meals, study,
Primary Timetable Secondary Timetable Boarders’ Schedule

8:30 Schools opens 8:40 Registration 8:00 Breakfast

Children to class for 8:50 Classes 8:35 Prayer, Registration
reading, Registration
10:50 Break 15:30 Tea
9:00 Lesson 1
11:20 Classes 15:40 Bell
10:00 Assembly/Form
13:20 Lunch 15:45 Activities
10:40 Lesson 2,3
14:15 Classes Resume 17:00 Recreation
11:20 School Mass (Wed)
15:15 End of School Day 18:10 Bell
12:30 Lunch, Recreation
School Mass on Wednesdays 18:15 Rosary
13:30 Lessons 4,5
18:25 Supper
15:15 End of School Day
19:00 Recreation
15:20 Benediction (Thurs)
19:30 Prep
21:15 Night Prayers
Weekly Class Distribution Weekly Class Distribution
21:45 Lights out lower dorm
KS1-2 KS3-4 22:00 Lights out upper dorm
• English: 3 hours (KS3) 4 hours (KS4)
• English: 5 hours
• Maths: 3 hours (KS3) 4 hours (KS4)
• Maths: 5 hours
• R.K.: 3 hours • Religious Education: 3 hours Journey Options: RG20 9JW
• History: 1 hour • History: 2 hours
We are just 1
• Geography: 1 hour • Geography: 1 hour
minute’s exit off the
• Science: 2 hours • Biology: 2 hours A34
• French: 1 hour • Physics: 2 hours Trains to Newbury
• Chemistry: 2 hours and Whitchurch,
• Latin: 2 hours (KS3 only)
• French: 2 hours (KS3) 3 hours (KS4)

Mrs Annalisa Webb Mr Malliff

Head of Primary Head of Secondary

“We chose St Michael’s school for our children for two main reasons. Firstly, to provide
our children with a full Catholic education. Secondly, after meeting teachers and parents
and finding out about the school ethos, we felt St Michael’s would provide an antidote for
our family to some of the unwelcome demands and influences that modern life places upon
children as they grow up in the social media age. We have been very pleased with the way
that these two aspects have been fulfilled at St Michaels and also delighted by the care and
quality of teaching provided by the staff. It has been very encouraging to see our children
growing in their faith, learning and friendships at the school.”

(Parents, Primary School)

“We are very blessed to have the opportunity to send our children to St Michael’s. Classes
are small and the education is personal and of a very high quality. Our children have
flourished at the school; it has given them a wonderful foundation and prepared them well
for further/higher education.”

(Parents, Primary and Secondary School)

“I wanted to write a huge thank you for all you’ve done for me over the years, I am very
grateful to all the staff at St. Michael’s, for the huge efforts you’ve made for me, for utter
dedication and, frankly, heroism in the selfless effort, sacrifice and constant patience
you’ve shown all of us students, even the most trying. I cannot thank the priests enough for
moulding a humble but resilient safety net and unique education for such a varied bundle
of boys despite countless retaliations and obstacles from within and without the school gate.
From cosy film nights to deep and lengthy philosophical conversations, and from the chapel
to the football ground, you were always there to keep us in check gently but firmly.”

(Former Pupil)

Saint Michael’s School

Harts Lane • Burghclere • Hants. • RG20 9JW

[email protected]

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