A Comparative Study of Business Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence With Big Data Analytics

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A Comparative Study of Business Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence with

Big Data Analytics

Article in American Journal of Artificial Intelligence · June 2023

DOI: 10.11648/j.ajai.20230701.14


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Jasmin Bharadiya


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American Journal of Artificial Intelligence
2023; 7(1): 24-30
doi: 10.11648/j.ajai.20230701.14
ISSN: 2639-9717 (Print); ISSN: 2639-9733 (Online)

A Comparative Study of Business Intelligence and Artificial

Intelligence with Big Data Analytics
Jasmin Praful Bharadiya
Department of Information and Technology, University of the Cumberlands, Williamsburg, USA

Email address:

To cite this article:

Jasmin Praful Bharadiya. A Comparative Study of Business Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence with Big Data Analytics. American
Journal of Artificial Intelligence. Vol. 7, No. 1, 2023, pp. 24-30. doi: 10.11648/j.ajai.20230701.14

Received: May 7, 2023; Accepted: May 27, 2023; Published: June 27, 2023

Abstract: Business intelligence systems give important and competitive information to business planners and decision-
makers by combining operational and historical data with analytical tools. Business intelligence (BI) aims to increase the
timeliness and quality of data, allowing managers to better comprehend their company's position with rivals. For example,
changes in market share, consumer behavior and spending patterns, customer preferences, corporate capabilities, and market
circumstances may be analyzed using business intelligence tools and technology. In addition, analysts and managers may
utilize business intelligence to determine which changes are most likely to adapt to shifting trends. The nontrivial extraction of
implicit, previously unknown, and possibly beneficial information from data is known as data mining. Clustering, data
summarization, learning classification rules, discovering dependency networks, analyzing changes, and detecting anomalies
are all examples of technological techniques. The introduction of the data warehouse as a repository, advancements in data
purification, better hardware and software capabilities, and the emergence of web architecture have all combined to produce a
richer business intelligence environment than previously accessible. This document tries to give a framework for developing a
business intelligence system. AI has been used to find and investigate security flaws. Manipulation and movement When given
a limited static environment, AI robots can readily detect and map their surroundings.

Keywords: Business Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data

1. Introduction
Business is the act of producing something useful to meet other data mining techniques are addressed in this book. Text
someone's needs, earn a livelihood, and improve the world. mining, web mining, and big data are also discussed
Business actions are documented on paper or electronically, straightforwardly.
and then these records are transformed into data. As a result,
more information about consumers' answers and the industry
is available. This information can be studied and mined using
specialized tools and procedures to discover patterns and
intelligence representing how the company operates. These
suggestions may then be pushed back into the company,
allowing it to improve and become more successful at
meeting client demands [1]. The cycle goes on and on. In any
industry, business intelligence encompasses tools and
strategies for data collection, analysis, and visualization to
aid executive decision-making. Statistical and machine- Figure 1. Business intelligence and data mining cycle.
learning approaches are used in data mining to create
decision-making models from raw data. Decision trees, Any firm must constantly evaluate its business operations
regression, artificial neural networks, cluster analysis, and and progress to change its future strategies quickly. Business
American Journal of Artificial Intelligence 2023; 7(1): 24-30 25

intelligence involves keeping an eye on the industry, rivals, which was inspired by biological neural networks in the
suppliers, and customers. Executives usually choose which human brain and began as an attempt to simulate human
metrics to follow depending on their key metrics (KPIs) or learning skills. Other methods include inductive learning,
key outcome areas [2]. Customized reports must be created to case-based reasoning, genetic algorithms, natural language
ensure that each executive receives their desired information. processing, etc.
These reports may be turned into customized dashboards that The Statistical Analysis System (SAS) was the cornerstone
give information quickly and in a style that is easy to of a North Carolina State University's (NCSU) agriculture
understand. Business intelligence is a broad category of department project in the mid-1900s, which kicked off the
information technology (IT) solutions that include tools for digital era of data science [5]. When data science was
acquiring, analyzing, and reporting data to users about an originally introduced to the industry, the goal was to create
organization's performance and its surroundings. These IT more accurate and dependable answers than those found
solutions are among the highest-priority investment through business analysis. Sought Skillsets were those
opportunities. abilities that an analyst needed to work in the data science
Consider a retail chain that offers a variety of goods and area, such as data processing, predictive modeling, and
services both online and in real places worldwide. It gathers visualization. Python and R are the most popular data
information on sales, purchases, and costs from various processing languages at the moment. On the other hand,
places and periods. Analyzing this data might aid in the Google's Go programming language may be utilized for data
identification of hot-selling goods, regional hot-sellers, processing and analysis in the future. Data science is
seasonal hot-sellers, and fast-growing client categories, advancing exponentially because of the abundance of tools,
among other things. It could also help you think about what technology, and resources. It tackles a variety of real-world
things sell well together, who buys what products, etc. These issues and provides hopeful solutions.
insights and knowledge may be used to create better
promotion programs, product bundles, and shop layouts, 2. Literature Review
contributing to a more profitable business [3]. Data mining is
the process of identifying nuggets of information or decision- Because it is founded in the DSS field, BI has seen
making expertise in large amounts of data and extracting significant evolution in recent years and is now a DSS area
them to be used in fields like decision support, prediction, that gets a lot of interest from both industry and scholars. It
forecasting, and estimate. The data is frequently large, but it can be described as an architecture, tool, technology, or
is of little value since it cannot be used directly; the hidden system that collects and stores data, analyses it with
information in the data is helpful. A pattern is a design or analytical tools, facilitates reporting and querying, and
model that aids in understanding something. Patterns aid in delivers information and knowledge that allows organizations
the connection of seemingly unrelated items. Patterns can to improve decision making. Although BI is a form of DSS,
help cut through the clutter and show more easily it has a much broader definition. It is the process of acquiring
comprehended trends. Patterns can be as firm as rigid high-quality and relevant information on the topic matter
scientific principles, such as the sun rising in the east every being studied to assist the individual(s) in analyzing the data,
day. drawing conclusions, or making assumptions, BI is taking
Machine intelligence is known as artificial intelligence enormous volumes of data, processing it, and providing a
(AI). Artificial intelligence (AI) is a technique for simulating high-level collection of reports that condense the core of that
human intellect using a collection of algorithms to create a data into the foundation of business operations, allowing
new computer that can accomplish similar tasks to humans management to make basic everyday business choices.
while also performing parallel computing. Machine learning According to Cui et al, BI is a strategy and method of
is a subfield of artificial intelligence that paves the way to boosting corporate performance by giving strong support to
creating intelligent computers. Deep learning is a subtype of executive decision-makers, allowing them to have actionable
machine learning that uses established model architectures to information at their fingertips. BI tools are considered a
represent data abstraction. Deep learning simulates the technology that improves the effectiveness of company
human brain's data-processing functions, creating patterns, operations by increasing the value of corporate data and, as a
reducing them if feasible, and producing correct results. The result, the way that data is used. According to Zeng et al, BI
methodologies of AI, applications, hardware and software is "the process of gathering, processing, and disseminating
resources employed, and some of the research issues are all information to reduce uncertainty in the making of all
described in this study. ML is a type of new Artificial strategic choices." According to, BI is a "business
Intelligence (AI) technology that has been used by a growing management term used to describe applications and
variety of disciplines to automate complicated decision- technology used to acquire, offer access to analyzed data and
making and problem-solving processes during the last several information about a company to enable them to make more
years. ML refers to a group of techniques that aim to teach informed business choices”. According to Van Drune, BI
machines how to solve problems by exposing them to differs from its predecessor, "decision support," in that it is a
historical examples [4]. Among the different ways available, strategic tool designed to aid in planning and performance
the most prominent is the Artificial Neural Network (ANN), monitoring rather than Purdy operational choices [6].
26 Jasmin Praful Bharadiya: A Comparative Study of Business Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence with Big Data Analytics

Similarly, Cui et al. argue that BI tools have evolved from learning sector, some of the things that influence it, such as
Executive Information Systems (EIS). Decision Support infrastructure and technical capabilities, need also increase.
Systems (DSS) provide much more flair in information
delivery and the ability to support techniques such as query, 2.2. Deep Learning
reporting, ad hoc analysis, and multidimensional analysis, all Alexey Grigoryevich Ivakhnenko and Valentin Grigor'
of which are referred to as Online Analytical Processing evich Lapa invented Deep Learning in 1965. They employed
(OLAP). This diversity of capacity enticed businesses to statically analyzed models with polynomial functions and
begin investing in these sorts of intelligence systems. sophisticated equations. In 1995, a technique was created for
Organizations should, however, have a defined BI strategy as detecting and mapping related or similar data. Long short-
part of their IT strategy [7]. While business intelligence (BI) term memory for recurrent neural networks was created
is defined as an organization's capacity to comprehend and around 1997 [10]. During the late 1990s, with the
apply data to its benefit, Enterprise BI is a method for introduction of processors with high computational speeds,
bringing synergies to business operations and new which finally quadrupled the computational speed by 1000,
efficiencies across business areas. BI provides businesses GPUs became more efficient at processing photos. Various
with "one version of the truth," ensuring that data is layers of pre-training and improvements to long short-term
consistent and harmonized across all departments. According memory were utilized in the early 2000s. By 2011, with the
to Arents, three major criteria must be met to ensure data increased speed of GPUs, computers could operate on
consistency across several applications in a complex convolutional neural networks without needing to pre-train
organization: layer by layer. Deep Learning is now used to handle large
Timeliness: All other apps should be synced with the data amounts of data. AI and Deep Learning are advancing, and
in the system. more sophisticated concepts are emerging [11].
Accuracy: Every data from any other application should be
included in the data; 2.3. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Acceptance: Users who are confident in the data's
timeliness and correctness should be able to use the system as The corporate world is changing quickly, and company
a decision-making tool actively. procedures are becoming more complicated, making it more
Companies have been compelled to rethink their strategy difficult for managers to grasp the sector fully.
due to fast-changing business dynamics such as globalization, Modernization, liberalization, acquisitions and mergers,
deregulation, mergers and acquisitions, and technology contestability, and technological development have forced
innovation [8]. In this competitive climate, business businesses to rethink their strategies. To gain a competitive
intelligence (BI) plays a critical role in assisting decision- advantage, many large businesses have turned to Business
making and enhancing competitiveness by establishing a Intelligence (BI) techniques to help them understand and
strong relationship between company strategy and IT. BI control business processes [12]. BI is largely used to increase
technology is always evolving and improving to address information quality and timeliness and assist managers in
increasingly complicated business problems. Data better understanding their company's competitive situation.
warehousing (DW), online analytical processing (OLAP), Companies may analyze shifting market share trends,
and data mining are the most extensively used BI enabling changes in consumer behavior and spending patterns,
technologies that have evolved (DM). BI technology attempts customer preferences, corporate capabilities, and market
to assist individuals in making "better" business choices by circumstances using business intelligence (BI) tools and
providing them with accurate, current, and relevant data technology. Analysts and managers may use it to determine
when they need it. Competitive firms gather BI to analyze the which modifications are most likely to respond to shifting
environment to achieve a lasting competitive edge, and in patterns. It's evolved into a paradigm for analyzing data and
some cases, such intelligence may be regarded as a valued assisting decision-making units. In 1951, the Ferranti Mark 1
core capability. computer created and ran AI programs. During a summer
workshop at Dartmouth College in 1956, the area of AI
2.1. Machine Learning research was born. At the time, there was a difficulty with
computer hardware resources for computations. In the 1980s,
Machine learning technology has existed. In 1990, the businesses and the government poured billions of dollars into
data-driven method gave way to machine learning. There was AI development at the government's request [13]. Following
a change in emphasis toward natural language search and the funding and attention exhibited to advance the subject of
information retrieval. The neural network initially tested in AI, there was a boom in the field from 2000 to 2010. After
1957 for the first neural network computers, made a the emergence of sophisticated computer hardware, machine
resurgence in 2005 [9]. Machine Learning is one of those learning became an effective approach to various challenges
technologies that has had a lot of successes and some failures, in industry and society [14].
but there is a chance that it may become widespread shortly
(2 to 5 years). To keep up with the expansion of the machine
American Journal of Artificial Intelligence 2023; 7(1): 24-30 27

Figure 2. Framework of Business Intelligence (Valter et al., 2017).

data is combined and filtered to exclude different types of

2.4. Role of Artificial Intelligence in Data Analytics pollutants. Finally, data cleansing is validating and cleaning
In many regions of the globe, artificial intelligence and up extracted data to fix inconsistent, missing, or inaccurate
data analytics are popular study issues. Developing countries values. Triggers, error reporting, and remedial processes are
are pouring millions of dollars into gaining global fame. used in this stage [16].
However, only a few invest even a tiny amount in 2.5.1. Transform
unclassified AI research. Artificial intelligence is a boon to a Data transformation is converting data into standard
variety of businesses. The acquisition component is the data formats and applying business rules to map data to the
warehousing system's back end, and it comprises systems warehouse schema. We imputed attributes and aggregates.
that connect with operational systems to put data into the
warehouse [15]. Data is initially input or processed through 2.5.2. Load
an OLTP-based daily business process and then stored in an The cleaned data is loaded into the data warehouse using
operational database, including Oracle, DB2, Informix, SQL data loading.
Server, SAP R/3, and others. Data must be processed through
the following processes before being put into the data 2.6. Machine Learning Methods
warehouse from operational databases and external sources: Decision trees are decision trees that employ variables or
2.5. Extraction & Cleanse decision nodes in a hierarchy to provide solutions step by step.
They're handy for analyzing lists of distinguishing attributes
Data is gathered from various sources, including and characteristics. The support vector machine is a supervised
operational systems, during data extraction. Next, the chosen learning model for classification and regression analysis that
28 Jasmin Praful Bharadiya: A Comparative Study of Business Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence with Big Data Analytics

examines data [17]. They are useful for binary classification of components for deep learning algorithm training, testing, and
one variable vs. other variables, and the connection between acceleration. GPU efficiently completes parallel computing
variables does not have to be linear. The Naive Bayes classifier tasks for data, images, videos, and graphics in less time.
is based on the notion of probabilistic classifiers based on the Nvidia Ai Chip-new Nvidia's Jetson Xavier computer is a
Bayes theorem and feature independence requirements. They small computer with a lot of processing power. It has a Volta
calculate the conditional probabilities of various qualities when tensor core GPU, an 8-core ARM 64 CPU, two NVDLA
they are combined [18]. accelerators, and image and video processors. It has nine
billion transistors and can perform 30 trillion operations per
2.7. Deep Learning Methods second (TOPS) while drawing only 30 watts of power. The
The backpropagation technique is used to generate Intel AI Chip-Neural network processor provides flexible
gradients required for network weight computation. There are support for all deep learning primitives by making efficient
two learning modes: stochastic and batch. Dropout is a deep core hardware components. It maximizes computation
learning training strategy that involves dropping units at efficiency and scales multiple compute nodes while using
random. Its primary purpose is to reduce the number of less power [23-25].
parameters. Skip-gram is a strategy that compares two Resources for Software Artificial intelligence and deep
vocabulary words only if they have the same context. When learning software and tools are described. Pylearn2 is a Python
given the word amid a phrase, it looks at neighboring words library for machine learning algorithms that is flexible and
and chooses one at random [19]. The network will calculate extensible and includes a GPU and CNN library. Torch is an
the chance of using a neighboring word in our vocabulary. AI and DL tool that provides an open-source machine learning
library. Lua is the scripting language used. One of the most
2.7.1. Data Marts popular tools due to its flexibility and computational efficiency.
Data marts, also known as localized data warehouses, are However, reimplementation logic is not supported, which is a
mini data warehouses often developed by particular disadvantage. Technet is a new open-source framework that is
departments or divisions to help them with their decision- easy to use and maintain. Theano is a Python library that
making. A data mart, for example, may be built for certain allows you to evaluate mathematical expressions quickly.
goods or purposes, such as customer management, marketing, Multidimensional arrays are involved. Theano Because it uses
and finance. mathematical expressions, it is faster than the CPU in data-
intensive calculations. Deep learning networks are used to train
2.7.2. Metadata for large data sets. Caffe is an open-source framework for AI
Users require knowledge about the data warehouse system deployment architecture that supports various libraries such as
and its content to comprehend and find data. Format, C++, Python, MATLAB, and CUDA [26, 27].
encoding/decoding techniques, domain limitations, and data Cuda-convent: C++, CUDA, and Python are all supported
definitions are all included in the metadata or data about data. by this fast neural network. Convolutional neural networks are
Business definitions, data quality warnings, organizational used. Deeplearning4j is an open-source framework that works
changes, business rules and assumptions, and other business- with various libraries, including C, C++, Java, and Scala. GPU
related things are included [20]. Metadata assists the business support for the distributed framework library is included.
user in comprehending what is accessible, how to access it, Almost all deep neural networks are supported. TensorFlow is
what it means, which data to use, when to utilize it, and so on. an open-source numerical computation framework. It is used
Metadata browsers offer a clear picture of the data warehouse. when computations can be modeled as a data flow graph.
2.7.3. Data Access and Analysis Python allows it to run faster. It supports CUDA, has C++
The front end of the BI is the component that allows users interfaces, and is also available on embedded platforms [28].
to access the data. It's a set of tools and techniques that give a 3.2. Trends and Market Analysis
business user direct, interactive, or batch access to data while
masking the technical complexity of data retrieval. The Due to its widespread implementation in various industries,
interface presents information in an intuitive, business-like such as automobiles, finance, healthcare, consumer
manner that is simple enough for a non-technical person to electronics, and so on, the global AI market is expected to
use [21]. This is accomplished by using business intelligence grow at a rapid pace over the next five years. Furthermore,
(BI) tools, which are a set of software tools that provide a rising investments, combined with an increase in the number
graphical user interface (GUI) with a variety of reporting and of start-ups acquired by major players such as Google, IBM,
business analysis features [22]. Microsoft, and others, are propelling the global artificial
intelligence market. According to a survey conducted by the
3. Software and Hardware Resources global AI market 2012-2022, the CAGR between 2017 and
2022 is expected to be over 60%. According to data analysis,
3.1. Hardware Resources NLP, audio and video processing, image recognition, and
gesture control have a large share of the global AI market
Many researchers, data scientists, and research [29]. In 2016, the global artificial intelligence market was
organizations use NVIDIA or INTEL hardware GPU dominated by image recognition. It is expected to maintain
American Journal of Artificial Intelligence 2023; 7(1): 24-30 29

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