Axa Reaches New Heights With Its Smart Data Platform Powered by Snowflake S Data Cloud
Axa Reaches New Heights With Its Smart Data Platform Powered by Snowflake S Data Cloud
Axa Reaches New Heights With Its Smart Data Platform Powered by Snowflake S Data Cloud
In its 200-year history, AXA has become one of the However, AXA had many data silos and data inconsistencies
among its legacy on-premises systems. Point-to-point integration
biggest insurance companies in the world, and its
led to complex processes as well as data quality and governance
reputation as a trusted partner is fundamental to its issues. AXA’s leaders decided they needed to create a future-
success. AXA Konzern AG is one of the leading insurance proof, cloud-based platform as a single source of truth. The goal
companies in Germany, generating €10.9 billion in of AXA’s Smart Data Platform was to centralize all of AXA’s data
across multiple sources, while maintaining high performance and
revenue (2019) with 8,687 employees. AXA offers making the platform concurrently accessible to hundreds of users
holistic solutions for private and occupational provision, running queries across the business. According to AXA’s Head of
health insurance, property and casualty insurance, and Data and Analytics Platforms, Moritz Knorr, “In this era of digital
transformation, we generate terabytes per month and expect
wealth management.
that data volume to continue to sharply grow. Data workloads are
getting more demanding with sophisticated ML and AI use cases
STORY HIGHLIGHTS: being implemented.”
Increased ROI
Powered by Snowflake, AXA’s Smart Data Platform has experienced s part of our digital transformation, it was
an ROI of at least 10%, and it’s continuing to increase. important for us to provide all users at AXA with
the ability to make data-driven decisions. But
No more data silos that alone was not enough. We needed the ability
Snowflake’s scalability and performance enabled the data science
to granularly manage access permissions to
team to migrate their AI and machine learning (ML) workloads to
ensure compliance with AXA’s demanding data
Snowflake, eliminating data silos.
governance standards, and Snowflake met that
Control over its own data high requirement.”
Snowflake removes concerns for data security and ensures that —MORITZ KNORR, Head of Data and Analytics Platform, AXA
AXA meets its own high and robust standards, which are more
rigorous than government and EU regulations.
CHALLENGE: Scalability to serve all data customers
Snowflake’s Data Cloud on AWS is now at the heart of AXA’s new
Removing data silos and making data accessible to all Smart Data Platform. All raw data is stored in a Snowflake data
AXA has been generating and storing data since 1982, when the lake as a landing zone. The data lake allows advanced data users to
company set up its first databases. It has grown extensively over access any data and support a whole new array of use cases. Low
the years, acquiring and merging with other companies to extend storage costs in the cloud and Snowflake’s automated compression
its capabilities.
Value premium increased from Snowflake enabled ML capabilities
make this large data lake cost-efficient. This setup provides near- Mitigating security risk while controlling all its data
instant scalability, and the data team can focus on important Snowflake’s ability to reduce and mitigate security risk is an important
business tasks because Snowflake requires near-zero maintenance value driver for AXA. “The operation model of Snowflake ensures
and storage is optimized. regulatory compliance end to end and leaves no blind spot that’d
In addition, data is harmonized for a broader audience of consumers otherwise be caused by fragmentation,” said AXA’s Chief Data
across the business. For AXA, Data Vault is the state-of-the-art data Officer, Tino van Lessen.
modelling framework that provides the most value. Data Vault has
I nstead of our previous costly operational and
many benefits, but to work fluidly, it needs to be based on a high-
technological efforts to enact high security
performance data platform. With Snowflake’s multi-cluster shared
standards, we’re now empowered to reduce
data architecture and optimized columnar storage format, AXA can
security risk through Snowflake.”
use Data Vault while Snowflake’s near-instant scaling takes care of
the high demand for compute power. “With Snowflake we haven’t —TINO VAN LESSEN, Chief Data Officer, AXA
faced any performance issues. We haven’t thought about technical As an insurance company with sensitive client data, data security
limitations for even a minute, even though we use the performance- plays a major role for AXA. The company’s internal regulations
hungry Data Vault method,” said Knorr. for data protection exceed the strict governmental regulations
from the EU and Germany’s BaFin. AXA is the sole data controller
throughout the entire data lifecycle—a concept which is also core
to Snowflake.
Empowering data science workloads
Before, due to infrastructure constraints, risk assessment within In an extensive evaluation, AXA experts analyzed Snowflake’s
actuarial work was limited to classical statistical methods. With enterprise-grade encryption, multi-factor authentication, automatic
Snowflake's separation of compute and storage that scales to any key management, and robust intrusion detection to ensure they
amount of users or data, AXA has started to develop advanced would meet AXA’s high standards. Snowflake removed concerns
AI/ML models that leverage more data. According to Knorr, for data security and the challenge of protecting data assets from
“Data Scientists at AXA were skeptical before migrating data and constantly evolving threats. Using Snowflake, AXA significantly
workloads from a manually optimized PostgreSQL database to reduced the security efforts for a platform of this scale.
Snowflake, but Snowflake’s performance amazed them. The shift
was expected to take months, but with the fast performance with FUTURE:
no required tuning, users were quickly onboarded on Snowflake
and the move took less than a month.”
Consuming external data with Snowflake’s Data Cloud
It’s important for AXA’s Smart Data Platform to never be locked in
Today, most actuarial work and data science use cases are done by one technology. Because Snowflake is cloud-agnostic, AXA sees
on Snowflake, especially for property and casualty pricing and its multi-cloud capabilities as a reassurance and a future roadmap to
claims. Snowflake’s scalability and performance enticed the data using the best technologies cloud providers have to offer.
science team to migrate their workloads to Snowflake from external
AXA’s Smart Data Platform is always evolving and the number of
compute resources. Besides model training, Snowflake prevents
internal data sources will continuously grow. With all relevant data
new data silos from forming and makes it easy for business users
in the organization now accessible in a single platform, the next
to consume and act on ML-driven insights.
step is to incorporate external data. Snowflake Data Marketplace
he most immediate impact from using Snowflake
T provides the technology to access such third-party data effortlessly
is our ability to enable new ML use cases. We can and securely while reducing data engineers’ operational efforts.
process more data more efficiently. The gross Going forward AXA intends to consume all external data using
value added from these new capabilities has Snowflake Secure Data Sharing. Several of AXA’s data providers
increased significantly. The increase in value have already switched to using this much easier technology for
premium is 10% currently.” delivering data to AXA. Using Snowflake’s Data Cloud, external
—TINO VAN LESSEN, Chief Data Officer, AXA data is always up to date and gives AXA’s data consumers an edge
over competition.
Snowflake delivers the Data Cloud—a global network where thousands of organizations mobilize data with near-unlimited scale,
concurrency, and performance. Inside the Data Cloud, organizations unite their siloed data, easily discover and securely share
governed data, and execute diverse analytic workloads. Wherever data or users live, Snowflake delivers a single and seamless
experience across multiple public clouds. Join Snowflake customers, partners, and data providers already taking their businesses
to new frontiers in the Data Cloud.