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JOB NO BH-1449 Date 8-Apr-12 Ver. No. 14-5.



Maximum Axial compression Pc = 1220 KN

Maximum Axial tension Pt = 1220 KN Due to Uplift
Maximum Shear Vmax = 200 KN
Shear occuring simultaneously with Pt Vt = 200 KN Due to Uplift
Compressive strength of concrete fc' = 30 N/mm2 For M30
Steel yield Fy = 345 N/mm 2

Column web depth d = 450 mm

Column web thick tw = 5 mm
Column flange width b = 600 mm
Column flange thick tf = 10 mm
Anchor Bolt Pattern (Type) = B
Anchor Bolt Type (Straight or J Type) = J-Type
Anchor Bolt Dimensions = Standard
Anchor Bolt Embedment Length (Incase of Special) = 0 mm
Number Anchor Bolts N = 12 Nos
Anchor Bolt Diameter db = 36 mm
Anchor Bolt Cross Sectional Area Ab = 1018.29 mm2
Anchor Bolt Grade = A36
Distance between Anchor Bolts G = 150 mm
Distance between Anchor Bolts P = 150 mm
The Distance, a = 80 mm
Total depth of column including flange h = 470 mm
Total Base plate length D = 500 mm
Total Base plate width B = 600 mm
Base plate thickness t = 30 mm
Total Area of Base plate A = 300000 mm2
Type of Base plate washer = Loose
Requirement of Web stiffener b/w Anchors = Yes mm
Thickness of Web stiffener = 10 mm
Addl. moment due to shear force consideration = No
Is compression on Anchor bolt to be considered = Yes
Projection of Anchor to the load point = 100 mm

Check for Anchor Bolts in Shear & Tension:

Shear Stress, fv = 200 x 1000 / (1018.29 x 12)

= 16.37 N/mm2

Tensile Stress, ft : The tensile stress in the anchors comes from two sources,
1. Tension from bending, and
2. Axial Tension

The bending moment in each rod equals the shear per anchor times the half distance from the center of the plate
washer to the top of the grout.

Thickness of the plate washer = 0 mm (Not applicable to Loose washer plate)

Lever arm, e = 0
= 0 mm

Thus Bending Moment, M1 = (200 x 1000 x 0) / 12

= 0 N.mm
= 0 Kn.m.
JOB NO BH-1449 Date 8-Apr-12 Ver. No. 14-5.0

The stress in the anchor due to bending, ftb = M1 / Z

Where, Z = (db)3 / 6
= (36)^3/6
= 7776 mm3

ftb = 0 / 7776
= 0 N/mm2

The axial tensile stress in the anchors, fta = Pt / Ab

= 1220 x 1000 / (12 x 1018.29)
= 99.85 N/mm2

Total Axial tensile stress, ft = ftb + fta

= 0 + 99.85
= 99.85 N/mm2

Combined shear and axial strength, Fnt = 0.75 Fu

= 300 N/mm2

Fnv = 0.4 Fu
= 160 N/mm2 (threads included)

Fnt' 1.3 Fnt - (Ω Fnt / Fnv) fv

= ≤ Fnt / Ω
= 164.31 N/mm2
Fnt/Ω = 150 N/mm2
Fnt/Ω to be considered = 150 N/mm2

ft = 99.85 N/mm2 ft < Fnt'/Ω

Check for Plate thickness for bearing:

m = (D-0.95h)/2
= (500-0.95x470)/2
= 26.75 mm

n = (B-0.8b)/2
= (600-0.8x600)/2
= 60.00 mm

Thickness of web stiffener ts = Yes mm

Length between stiffener h1 = 150 mm

λn' = λ Sqrt (h1xb)/4

= 0.71 x Sqrt (150x600)/4
= 53.25 mm

The value, k = m, n, or n' whichever is highest

= 60.00 mm
JOB NO BH-1449 Date 8-Apr-12 Ver. No. 14-5.0

Actual bearing pressure, fp = Pc/A

= 1220x1000/300000
= 4.07 N/mm2

Allowable bearing pressure, Fp = 0.35 x fc'

= 0.35x30
= 10.50 N/mm2

Actual bearing pressure < Allowable

Required plate thickness, tpl = k x Sqrt(2 Ωb Pc / Fy A)

= 60x Sqrt (2 x 1.67 x 1220 / 345 x 300000)
= 11.91 mm Ok

Check for Plate thickness for uplift:

Tension per bolt T = 101.67 KN

The anchors are positioned inside the column profile, hence prying forces are negligible. To simplify the analysis,
conservatively assume the tensile loads in the anchor rods generate one-way bending in the base plate about
the web of the column. If the column web strength controls the design, then consider distributing the forces to
the flanges as well as the web. If the bolts are placed outside of the flanges, the 45 degree load distribution can
be used to distribute the forces to the flanges.

In case of web stiffeners, the bolt tension force are distributed to both column web and as well to the web
stiffener at around 33% to each. Conservatively 50% of the tension force are taken for the design.

Hence, Tension per bolt for Plate Moment, T = 50.84 KN

The required flexural strength of the base plate per anchor equals the anchor force times the lever arm to the
column web face.

The lever arm, e = (150/ 2) - (5 / 2)

= 72.5 mm

Plate moment, Mt = 50.835 x 1000 x 72.5

= 3685537.5 N.mm
= 3.69 Kn.m

The effective width beff, of base plate for resisting the required moment strength at the face of the web is
determined using a 45 degree distribution for the anchor loads.

beff = {(150/ 2) - (5 / 2)} x 2

= 145 mm

Thickness required, t = Sqrt { (Mt x 4 x Ωb) / (beff x Fy) }

= 22.19 mm Ok
JOB NO BH-1449 Date 8-Apr-12 Ver. No. 14-5.0

Check for Anchor Bolt Pull-out: Weld Calculation:

Tension per flange = 610.0 kN
Tension per bolt T = 101.67 KN Tension per anchor = 203.3 kN
Shear with comp = 200.0 kN
Anchor Bolt Pull-out capacity (kN) = 103.61 KN Shear with tension = 200.0 kN
Force @ stiffener = 101.7 kN
Actual Bolt Tension < Anchor Bolt Pull-Out Capacity FW allow. Stress = 10.24 kN/cm2
Weld thickness
Check for Anchor Bolt Shear: Flg to BP (Tension) = 4.96 mm
Web to BP (Tension) = 6.62 mm
Shear Stress per bolt = 200 / (12x1018.29) Web to BP (Shear-T) = 2.17 mm
= 16.37 N/mm2 Web to BP (T + S) = 8.79 mm
Actual Bolt Shear < Anchor Bolt Shear Capacity Web to BP (Shear-C) = 2.17 mm
Stiffener to BP = 3.31 mm
Check for Anchor Bolts in Shear & Compression:
Check for Web & Stiffener stress:
Shear Stress, fv = 16.37 N/mm2 Web Stress = 271.1 N/mm2
The stress in the anchor due to bending, ftb = 0 N/mm2 Stiffener Stress = 67.8 N/mm2
The axial compressive stress in the anchors, fta = Pt / Ab Allowable Stress = 207.0 N/mm2
= 1220 x 1000 / (12 x 1018.29)
= 100 N/mm2
Total Axial compressive stress, fc = 100 N/mm2

Combined shear and axial strength, Fcr = 244 N/mm2

Fnv = 0.4 Fu
= 160 N/mm2 (threads included)

Fcr' 1.3 Fcr - (Ω Fcr / Fnv) fv

= ≤ Fcr / Ω
= 165 N/mm2
Fcr/Ω = 146 N/mm2
Fcr/Ω to be considered = 146 N/mm2

fc = 100 N/mm2 ft < Fnt'/Ω

JOB NO Date Ver. No. 14-5.0
PROJECT Dsgn. By Chkd By mvd
TITLE A1 Rev. No. Date 9-Nov-22
CLIENT Bldg. No. LRFD Method


Maximum Axial compression Pc = 390 KN

Maximum Axial tension Pt = 220 KN Due to Uplift
Maximum Shear Vmax = 100 KN
Shear occuring simultaneously with Pt Vt = 70 KN Due to Uplift
Compressive strength of concrete fc' = 40 N/mm2 For M40
Steel yield Fy = 345 N/mm 2

Column web depth d = 300 mm

Column web thick tw = 6 mm
Column flange width b = 250 mm
Column flange thick tf = 12 mm
Anchor Bolt Pattern (Type) = A
Anchor Bolt Type (Straight or J Type) = J-Type
Anchor Bolt Dimensions = Standard
Anchor Bolt Embedment Length (Incase of Special) = 0 mm
Number Anchor Bolts N = 4 Nos
Anchor Bolt Diameter db = 24 mm
Anchor Bolt Cross Sectional Area Ab = 452.58 mm2
Anchor Bolt Grade = Gr 8.8
Distance between Anchor Bolts G = 150 mm
Distance between Anchor Bolts P = 100 mm
The Distance, a = 106 mm
Total depth of column including flange h = 324 mm
Total Base plate length D = 550 mm
Total Base plate width B = 300 mm
Base plate thickness t = 20 mm
Total Area of Base plate A = 165000 mm2
Type of Base plate washer = Loose
Requirement of Web stiffener b/w Anchors = None mm
Thickness of Web stiffener = 10 mm
Addl. moment due to shear force consideration = No
Is compression on Anchor bolt to be considered = No
Projection of Anchor to the load point = 0 mm

Check for Anchor Bolts in Shear & Tension:

Shear Stress, fv = 70 x 1000 / (452.58 x 4)

= 38.67 N/mm2

Tensile Stress, ft : The tensile stress in the anchors comes from two sources,
1. Tension from bending, and
2. Axial Tension

The bending moment in each rod equals the shear per anchor times the half distance from the center of the plate
washer to the top of the grout.

Thickness of the plate washer = 0 mm (Not applicable to Loose washer plate)

Lever arm, e = 0
= 0 mm

Thus Bending Moment, M1 = (70 x 1000 x 0) / 4

= 0 N.mm
= 0 Kn.m.
JOB NO Date Ver. No. 14-5.0
PROJECT Dsgn. By Chkd By mvd
TITLE A1 Rev. No. Date 9-Nov-22
CLIENT Bldg. No. LRFD Method

The stress in the anchor due to bending, ftb = M1 / Z

Where, Z = (db)3 / 6
= (24)^3/6
= 2304 mm3

ftb = 0 / 2304
= 0 N/mm2

The axial tensile stress in the anchors, fta = Pt / Ab

= 220 x 1000 / (4 x 452.58)
= 121.53 N/mm2

Total Axial tensile stress, ft = ftb + fta

= 0 + 121.53
= 121.53 N/mm2

Combined shear and axial strength, Fnt = 0.75 Fu

= 600 N/mm2

Fnv = 0.4 Fu
= 320 N/mm2 (threads included)

ф Fnt' = ф [1.3 Fnt - (Fnt / ф Fnv) fv] ≤ ф Fnt

= 512.5 N/mm2
ф Fnt = 450 N/mm2
ф Fnt to be considered = 450 N/mm2

ft = 121.53 N/mm2 ft < ф Fnt'

Check for Plate thickness for bearing:

m = (D-0.95h)/2
= (550-0.95x324)/2
= 121.10 mm

n = (B-0.8b)/2
= (300-0.8x250)/2
= 50.00 mm

Thickness of web stiffener ts = None mm

Length between stiffener h1 = 324 mm

λn' = λ Sqrt (h1xb)/4

= 0.34 x Sqrt (324x250)/4
= 24.20 mm

The value, k = m, n, or n' whichever is highest

= 121.10 mm
JOB NO Date Ver. No. 14-5.0
PROJECT Dsgn. By Chkd By mvd
TITLE A1 Rev. No. Date 9-Nov-22
CLIENT Bldg. No. LRFD Method

Actual bearing pressure, fp = Pc/A

= 390x1000/165000
= 2.37 N/mm2

Allowable bearing pressure, Fp = 0.51 x fc'

= 0.51x40
= 20.40 N/mm2

Actual bearing pressure < Allowable

Required plate thickness, tpl = k x Sqrt(2 Pc / фb Fy A)

= 121.1x Sqrt (2 x 390 / 0.9 x 345 x 165000)
= 14.95 mm Ok

Check for Plate thickness for uplift:

Tension per bolt T = 55 KN

The anchors are positioned inside the column profile, hence prying forces are negligible. To simplify the analysis,
conservatively assume the tensile loads in the anchor rods generate one-way bending in the base plate about
the web of the column. If the column web strength controls the design, then consider distributing the forces to
the flanges as well as the web. If the bolts are placed outside of the flanges, the 45 degree load distribution can
be used to distribute the forces to the flanges.

In case of web stiffeners, the bolt tension force are distributed to both column web and as well to the web
stiffener at around 33% to each. Conservatively 50% of the tension force are taken for the design.

Hence, Tension per bolt for Plate Moment, T = 55.00 KN

The required flexural strength of the base plate per anchor equals the anchor force times the lever arm to the
column web face.

The lever arm, e = (150/ 2) - (6 / 2)

= 72 mm

Plate moment, Mt = 55 x 1000 x 72

= 3960000 N.mm
= 3.96 Kn.m

The effective width beff, of base plate for resisting the required moment strength at the face of the web is
determined using a 45 degree distribution for the anchor loads.

beff = {(150/ 2) - (6 / 2)} x 2

= 144 mm

Thickness required, t = Sqrt { (Mt x 4) / (beff x фb x Fy) }

= 18.83 mm Ok
JOB NO Date Ver. No. 14-5.0
PROJECT Dsgn. By Chkd By mvd
TITLE A1 Rev. No. Date 9-Nov-22
CLIENT Bldg. No. LRFD Method

Check for Anchor Bolt Pull-out: Weld Calculation:

Tension per flange = 110.0 kN
Tension per bolt T = 55 KN Tension per anchor = 55.0 kN
Shear with comp = 100.0 kN
Anchor Bolt Pull-out capacity (kN) = 70.38 KN Shear with tension = 70.0 kN
Force @ stiffener = 55.0 kN
Actual Bolt Tension < Anchor Bolt Pull-Out Capacity FW allow. Stress = 15.37 kN/cm2
Weld thickness
Check for Anchor Bolt Shear: Flg to BP (Tension) = 1.43 mm
Web to BP (Tension) = 2.39 mm
Shear Stress per bolt = 100 / (4x452.58) Web to BP (Shear-T) = 0.76 mm
= 55.24 N/mm2 Web to BP (T + S) = 3.14 mm
Actual Bolt Shear < Anchor Bolt Shear Capacity Web to BP (Shear-C) = 1.08 mm
Stiffener to BP = NA mm

Check for Web & Stiffener stress:

Web Stress = 122.2222 N/mm2
Stiffener Stress = NA N/mm2
Allowable Stress = 310.5 N/mm2
JOB NO Date Ver. No. 14-5.0
PROJECT Dsgn. By Chkd By mvd
TITLE B1 Rev. No. Date 9-Nov-22
CLIENT Bldg. No. LRFD Method


Maximum Axial compression Pc = 600 KN

Maximum Axial tension Pt = 250 KN Due to Uplift
Maximum Shear Vmax = 70 KN
Shear occuring simultaneously with Pt Vt = 50 KN Due to Uplift
Compressive strength of concrete fc' = 40 N/mm2 For M40
Steel yield Fy = 345 N/mm 2

Column web depth d = 500 mm

Column web thick tw = 6 mm
Column flange width b = 300 mm
Column flange thick tf = 14 mm
Anchor Bolt Pattern (Type) = A
Anchor Bolt Type (Straight or J Type) = J-Type
Anchor Bolt Dimensions = Standard
Anchor Bolt Embedment Length (Incase of Special) = 0 mm
Number Anchor Bolts N = 6 Nos
Anchor Bolt Diameter db = 20 mm
Anchor Bolt Cross Sectional Area Ab = 314.29 mm2
Anchor Bolt Grade = Gr 8.8
Distance between Anchor Bolts G = 150 mm
Distance between Anchor Bolts P = 100 mm
The Distance, a = 157 mm
Total depth of column including flange h = 528 mm
Total Base plate length D = 600 mm
Total Base plate width B = 400 mm
Base plate thickness t = 20 mm
Total Area of Base plate A = 240000 mm2
Type of Base plate washer = Loose
Requirement of Web stiffener b/w Anchors = None mm
Thickness of Web stiffener = 10 mm
Addl. moment due to shear force consideration = No
Is compression on Anchor bolt to be considered = No
Projection of Anchor to the load point = 0 mm

Check for Anchor Bolts in Shear & Tension:

Shear Stress, fv = 50 x 1000 / (314.29 x 6)

= 26.52 N/mm2

Tensile Stress, ft : The tensile stress in the anchors comes from two sources,
1. Tension from bending, and
2. Axial Tension

The bending moment in each rod equals the shear per anchor times the half distance from the center of the plate
washer to the top of the grout.

Thickness of the plate washer = 0 mm (Not applicable to Loose washer plate)

Lever arm, e = 0
= 0 mm

Thus Bending Moment, M1 = (50 x 1000 x 0) / 6

= 0 N.mm
= 0 Kn.m.
JOB NO Date Ver. No. 14-5.0
PROJECT Dsgn. By Chkd By mvd
TITLE B1 Rev. No. Date 9-Nov-22
CLIENT Bldg. No. LRFD Method

The stress in the anchor due to bending, ftb = M1 / Z

Where, Z = (db)3 / 6
= (20)^3/6
= 1333.34 mm3

ftb = 0 / 1333.34
= 0 N/mm2

The axial tensile stress in the anchors, fta = Pt / Ab

= 250 x 1000 / (6 x 314.29)
= 132.58 N/mm2

Total Axial tensile stress, ft = ftb + fta

= 0 + 132.58
= 132.58 N/mm2

Combined shear and axial strength, Fnt = 0.75 Fu

= 600 N/mm2

Fnv = 0.4 Fu
= 320 N/mm2 (threads included)

ф Fnt' = ф [1.3 Fnt - (Fnt / ф Fnv) fv] ≤ ф Fnt

= 535.28 N/mm2
ф Fnt = 450 N/mm2
ф Fnt to be considered = 450 N/mm2

ft = 132.58 N/mm2 ft < ф Fnt'

Check for Plate thickness for bearing:

m = (D-0.95h)/2
= (600-0.95x528)/2
= 49.20 mm

n = (B-0.8b)/2
= (400-0.8x300)/2
= 80.00 mm

Thickness of web stiffener ts = None mm

Length between stiffener h1 = 528 mm

λn' = λ Sqrt (h1xb)/4

= 0.34 x Sqrt (528x300)/4
= 33.83 mm

The value, k = m, n, or n' whichever is highest

= 80.00 mm
JOB NO Date Ver. No. 14-5.0
PROJECT Dsgn. By Chkd By mvd
TITLE B1 Rev. No. Date 9-Nov-22
CLIENT Bldg. No. LRFD Method

Actual bearing pressure, fp = Pc/A

= 600x1000/240000
= 2.50 N/mm2

Allowable bearing pressure, Fp = 0.51 x fc'

= 0.51x40
= 20.40 N/mm2

Actual bearing pressure < Allowable

Required plate thickness, tpl = k x Sqrt(2 Pc / фb Fy A)

= 80x Sqrt (2 x 600 / 0.9 x 345 x 240000)
= 10.16 mm Ok

Check for Plate thickness for uplift:

Tension per bolt T = 41.67 KN

The anchors are positioned inside the column profile, hence prying forces are negligible. To simplify the analysis,
conservatively assume the tensile loads in the anchor rods generate one-way bending in the base plate about
the web of the column. If the column web strength controls the design, then consider distributing the forces to
the flanges as well as the web. If the bolts are placed outside of the flanges, the 45 degree load distribution can
be used to distribute the forces to the flanges.

In case of web stiffeners, the bolt tension force are distributed to both column web and as well to the web
stiffener at around 33% to each. Conservatively 50% of the tension force are taken for the design.

Hence, Tension per bolt for Plate Moment, T = 41.67 KN

The required flexural strength of the base plate per anchor equals the anchor force times the lever arm to the
column web face.

The lever arm, e = (150/ 2) - (6 / 2)

= 72 mm

Plate moment, Mt = 41.67 x 1000 x 72

= 3000240 N.mm
= 3.01 Kn.m

The effective width beff, of base plate for resisting the required moment strength at the face of the web is
determined using a 45 degree distribution for the anchor loads.

beff = {(150/ 2) - (6 / 2)} x 2

= 144 mm

Thickness required, t = Sqrt { (Mt x 4) / (beff x фb x Fy) }

= 16.39 mm Ok
JOB NO Date Ver. No. 14-5.0
PROJECT Dsgn. By Chkd By mvd
TITLE B1 Rev. No. Date 9-Nov-22
CLIENT Bldg. No. LRFD Method

Check for Anchor Bolt Pull-out: Weld Calculation:

Tension per flange = 125.0 kN
Tension per bolt T = 41.67 KN Tension per anchor = 41.7 kN
Shear with comp = 70.0 kN
Anchor Bolt Pull-out capacity (kN) = 48.56 KN Shear with tension = 50.0 kN
Force @ stiffener = 41.7 kN
Actual Bolt Tension < Anchor Bolt Pull-Out Capacity FW allow. Stress = 15.37 kN/cm2
Weld thickness
Check for Anchor Bolt Shear: Flg to BP (Tension) = 1.36 mm
Web to BP (Tension) = 1.81 mm
Shear Stress per bolt = 70 / (6x314.29) Web to BP (Shear-T) = 0.33 mm
= 37.13 N/mm2 Web to BP (T + S) = 2.13 mm
Actual Bolt Shear < Anchor Bolt Shear Capacity Web to BP (Shear-C) = 0.46 mm
Stiffener to BP = NA mm

Check for Web & Stiffener stress:

Web Stress = 92.59259 N/mm2
Stiffener Stress = NA N/mm2
Allowable Stress = 310.5 N/mm2

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