General Physics 102: Phys - 102 Chap 16: Waves-I

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General Physics 102

Chap 16 : Waves-I.

University of Hail,
Second term, 2019-2020.
In this chapter we will study wave phenomena.
We will study the following topics:
1. Types of waves
2. Amplitude, phase, frequency, period, propagation speed of a wave
3. Mechanical waves propagating along a stretched string
4. Principle of superposition of waves
5. Wave interference
6. Standing waves, resonance
1) Types of waves
1. Mechanical waves. These waves have two central features: They are governed by
Newton’s laws, and they can exist only within a material medium, such as water, air, and
rock. Common examples include water waves, sound waves, and seismic waves.

2. Electromagnetic waves. waves. These waves require no material medium to exist. All
electromagnetic waves travel through a vacuum at the same exact speed c=
299,792,458 m/s. Common examples include visible and ultraviolet light, radio and television
waves, microwaves, x rays, and radar.

3. Matter waves. These waves are associated with electrons, protons, and other
fundamental particles, and even atoms and molecules. These waves are also called matter

2) Transverse and Longitudinal Waves

In a transverse wave, the displacement of every
such oscillating element along the wave is
perpendicular to the direction of travel of the
wave, as indicated in Figure.

In a longitudinal wave the motion of

the oscillating particles is parallel to the direction of
the wave’s travel, as shown in Figure.
3) Wavelength and Frequency

The amplitude ym of a wave is the magnitude of the maximum The period of oscillation T of a wave is the time for an element
displacement of the elements from their equilibrium positions as to move through one full oscillation. It is related to the angular
the wave passes through them. frequency, w, by

The phase of the wave is the argument (kx –wt) of the sine
function. As the wave sweeps through a string element at a
particular position x, the phase changes linearly with time t.
The frequency f of a wave is defined as 1/T and is related to the
The wavelength l of a wave is the distance parallel to the angular frequency w by
direction of the wave’s travel) between repetitions of the shape
of the wave (or wave shape). It is related to the angular wave
number, k, by:
4) The Speed of a Traveling Wave

As the wave moves, each point of the moving wave form, such as point A marked on a peak, retains its
displacement y. (Points on the string do not retain their displacement, but points on the wave form do.) If point
A retains its displacement as it moves, the phase giving it that displacement must remain a constant:
5) Wave Speed on a Stretched String
Tension of stretched ideal string

The speed of a wave:

linear density of the string

6) The principle of Superposition for Waves

7) Interference of Waves

8) Standing Waves
In the standing wave equation, the amplitude is zero
for values of kx that give sin kx= 0.

Those values are kx =n, for n =0,1,2, . . . .

Since k =2 , we get /2), for n =0,1,2, ... (nodes),
x = n(

The amplitude of the standing wave has a maximum value of 2ym, which occurs for
values of kx that give |sin kx| =1.Those values are

, (3/2)
kx= (1/2) , . . .=(n+1/2)
, (5/2) , for n =0,1,2, . . . .
That is, x = (n+1/2) /2, for n 0,1,2, . . . (antinodes),
9) Standing Waves and Resonance

The frequencies associated with these modes are often labeled f1, f2, f3, and so
on. The collection of all possible oscillation modes is called the harmonic
series, and n is called the harmonic number of the nth harmonic.

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