Assigment Brief Contemporary Issues in Healthcare

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Assessment Written Report

Assessment code: 011
Academic Year: 2023/2024
Trimester: 3
Module Title: Contemporary Issues in Healthcare
Module Code: MOD009193
Level: 6
Module Leader: Dr Rebecca Warren
Weighting: 60%
Word Limit: Not exceeding 3000 words
This excludes bibliography and other items listed in
rule 6.83 of the Academic Regulations.

Assessed Learning LO2, LO4

Submission Deadline: This assignment must be received by no later than 14:00 on Click
here to enter a date.


• This assignment must be completed individually.

• All courses of study must use the ARU Harvard referencing system for written
assessments, apart from LLB/LLM courses where OSCOLA should be
• Your work must indicate the number of words you have used. Written
assignments must not exceed the specified maximum number of words.
When a written assignment is marked, the excessive use of words beyond the
word limit is reflected in the academic judgement of the piece of work which
results in a lower mark being awarded for the piece of work (regulation 6.74).
• Assignment submissions are to be made anonymously. Do not write your
name anywhere on your work.
• Write your student ID number at the top of every page.
• Where the assignment comprises more than one task, all tasks must be
submitted in a single document.
• You must number all pages.


• In order to achieve full marks, you must submit your work before the
deadline. Work that is submitted late – if your work is submitted on the same
day as the deadline by midnight, your mark will receive a 10% penalty. If you
submit your work up to TWO working days after the published submission

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deadline – it will be accepted and marked. However, the element of the
module’s assessment to which the work contributes will be capped with a
maximum mark of 40%.
• Work cannot be submitted if the period of 2 working days after the deadline
has passed (unless there is an approved extension). Failure to submit within
the relevant period will mean that you have failed the assessment.
• Requests for short-term extensions will only be considered in the case of
illness or other cause considered valid by the Director of Studies Team. Please
contact [email protected]. A request must normally be received and
agreed by the Director of Studies Team in writing at least 24 hours prior to the
deadline. Students will need to provide evidence to support their extension
request. See rules 6.64-6.73:
Exceptional Circumstances: The deadline for submission of exceptional
circumstances in relation to this assignment is no later than five working days
after the submission date of this work. Please contact the Director of Studies
Team - [email protected]. Students will need to provide evidence to support
their EC claim. See rules 6.112 – 6.141:


In the UK and worldwide, unprecedented pressure on the health and social care
systems has led to a refocus on public health and related inequalities. Health
policy analysis is needed to prepare health and social care systems to reduce
disparities between population groups. Your role as a health and social care
practitioner is to identify local issues related to inequalities and present your
findings back to the local Health and Wellbeing Board.

Produce a report using a health inequality model as an underlying framework, to

examine the determinants of health specific to your chosen health issue (Choice
A, B or C) and chosen local area (Choice 1, 2 or 3). Explore the relationship
between the determinants of health with relevant evidence (National and Local).

Health Issue Local Area

A. Sickle Cell Disorder 1. Newham
B. Young Carers 2. Westminster
C. Child Malnutrition 3. Camden

Identify, analyse and critique strategies for improvement from a theoretical

perspective such as the Social or Medical model. The strategies identified can be
drawn from outside the chosen local area, but should demonstrate how they could
be applied to the local area to reduce the health inequalities related to the chosen
health issue.

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For example, the report will contain an inequality model, such as the Dahlgren-
Whitehead Rainbow Model (1991) and examine improvement strategies from a
theoretical perspective such as the Social or Medical model. Throughout the
report, you should focus on the local inequalities related to the chosen health
issue. The report should conclude with recommendations based on your findings.


1. Executive Summary
2. Table of Contents
3. Introduction
4. Examination of the chosen health issue in the context of the chosen borough
5. Application of a health inequality framework and analysis of the
determinants of the chosen health issue
6. Exploration and discussion of strategies, both local and national, to manage
the chosen health issue
7. Conclusion and recommendations
8. References (Harvard format)


LO2 Critically review literature related to contemporary issues and best practice in
healthcare management.

LO4 Critically evaluate strategies for managing contemporary issues.


Core Reading

Bartley, M., 2017. Health inequality: an introduction to concepts, theories and methods. [e-
book] Cambridge: Polity Press. Available through: ARU Library.

Donaldson, L.J., Rutter, P.D., 2018. Donaldson’s Essential Public Health. Boca Raton:
CRC Press. Available through: ARU Library.

Institute of Health Equity, 2020. Health Equity In England: The Marmot Review 10
Years On. Available through:

The Marmot Review, 2010. Fair Society, Healthy Lives Full Report. Strategic Review
of Health Inequalities in England Post 2010. Available through:
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Warwick-Booth, L., Cross, R. and Lowcock, D., 2021. Contemporary health studies: An
introduction. [e-book] John Wiley & Sons. Available through: Kortext.

Wills, J. & Naidoo, J., 2022. Foundations for Health Promotion (5th Ed.). [e-book] Amsterdam:
Elsevier. Available through: ARU Library.

Additional Reading

Marmot, M., 2015. The Health Gap: The challenge of an unequal world. London:

Whitehead, M. & Dahlgren, G., 2006. Concepts and Principles for Tackling Social
Inequalities in Health: Levelling Up Part 1. World Health Organisation.

Wilkinson, R. & Pickett, K., 2010. The Spirit Level: Why greater equality makes
societies stronger. London: Bloomsbury Press.

Additional Independently researched academic sources are required to support your


Please note that the sources listed are expected for your written assessment.
These sources will be part of the module and their content is deemed necessary
to produce a relevant assessment. Module markers will expect to see them
integrated into your work and appropriately referenced.

Failure to include these sources may result in a “Viva Voce” meeting during
which you would be required to explain your work and your reasons for not
including these key sources.

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Table 1
The work will be assessed in an integrative manner as indicated in the marking rubric, that is consistent with Anglia Ruskin University generic assessment criteria and marking standards
Criteria / Grade 0-29%: 30-39%: 40-49%: 50-59%: 60-69%: 70-79%: 80-89%: 90-100%:
Absent or deficient Adequate Sound knowledge, Good analysis- Excellent analysis- Outstanding Exceptional analysis -
evidence of Little evidence of knowledge, use of use of scholarly consistent use of high level of analysis-Work Work pushes the
knowledge, Absent knowledge. scholarly conventions scholarly intellectual rigour pushes the boundaries of the
or deficient Little evidence or conventions inconsistent. Sound conventions. and consistency. boundaries of the discipline. Exceptional
evidence of use of scholarly inconsistent. academic/ Good Academic/ Excellent academic/ discipline. Academic/
academic/ conventions. Adequate expressive/ Expressive/ expressive/ Outstanding Expressive/
expressive/ academic/ professional skills. Professional skills. professional skills Academic/ professional skills and
professional skills. expressive/ Expressive/ creativity
professional skills. professional skills
and creativity
LO2: Knowledge There is deficient or Limited reference to Adequate reference Sound reference to Good reference to Excellent reference Outstanding Exceptional
and no reference to the the health issue and to the health issue the health issue and the health issue and to the health issue management of management of
Understanding health issue or local local area in the and local area in the local area in the local area in the and local area in the learning resources learning resources
Examine and area in the assignment. Limited assignment. assignment. Sound assignment. Good assignment. and outstanding and exceptional
critique the assignment brief. knowledge of a Adequate knowledge of a knowledge of a Excellent knowledge reference to the reference to the
literature related Deficient or no health inequality knowledge of a health inequality health inequality of a health inequality health issue and health issue and local
to Healthcare knowledge of a model with limited health inequality model with sound model with a good with excellent local area in the area in the
Management and health inequality relation to the model with relation to the relation to the relation to the assignment. assignment.
explore the model with deficient determinants of adequate relation to determinants of determinants of determinants of Outstanding Exceptional
relationship or no relation to the health with limited the determinants of health with sound health with good health with excellent knowledge of a knowledge of a
between current determinants of application of health with application of application of application of health inequality health inequality with
issues health with deficient theory. adequate theory. theory. theory. with outstanding clear originality in
or no application of application of relation to the expression and
theory. theory. determinants of relation to the
health, with some determinants of
originality of health. Clearly
expression. exceeds the
assessment brief.
50 Marks 0-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-50
LO3: Intellectual, Deficient or no Limited evidence of Adequate evidence Sound evidence of Good evidence of Excellent evidence Outstanding Exceptional evidence
practical, evidence of any improvement of improvement improvement improvement of improvement evidence of of improvement
affective and improvement strategies/ strategies/ strategies/ strategies/ strategies/ improvement strategies/
transferrable strategies/ recommendations recommendations recommendations, recommendations, recommendations, strategies/ recommendations,
skills recommendations with limited with adequate Sound identification Good identification Excellent recommendations. Exceptional
Critically evaluate with deficient or no identification and identification and and application of and application of identification and Outstanding identification and
the options identification of application of application of theory. theory. application of identification and application of theory.
available in theory with deficient theory. theory. theory. application of Clearly exceeds the
contemporary or no application of theory. assessment brief and
Healthcare theory. demonstrates
Management significant originality.
40 Marks 0-11 12-15 16-19 20-23 24-27 28-31 32- 35 36-40

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Academic Skills The appropriate The appropriate The appropriate The appropriate A good logical An excellent logical Outstanding and Exceptional structure
Presentation in report style has not report style has report style has report style is easy to structure with structure with accurate logical with exceptional
terms of been used or is been used, although been used with a follow, has been accurate expression accurate expression structure with expression
structure, largely inaccurate. structure and adequate structure used with a sound and content has and content used outstanding throughout.
language and The Harvard content is limited. and adequate structure and sound been used throughout. Excellent expression Exceptional use of the
Harvard referencing format Limited use of the content. Adequate content. Sound use throughout. Good use of the Harvard throughout. Harvard referencing
referencing has not been Harvard referencing use of the Harvard of the Harvard use of the Harvard referencing format Outstanding use of format with no
followed. Very weak format with referencing format referencing format referencing format with few the Harvard inaccuracies.
academic writing numerous with numerous with some with occasional inaccuracies. referencing format Exceptional academic
style with numerous inaccuracies. inaccuracies. inaccuracies. Sound inaccuracies. Good Excellent academic with no inaccuracies. writing style with no
grammatical and Limited academic Adequate academic academic writing academic writing writing style with few Outstanding grammatical or
spelling errors. writing style with writing style with style with some style with occasional grammatical and academic writing spelling errors.
many grammatical many grammatical grammatical and grammatical and spelling errors. style with no Clearly exceeds the
and spelling errors. and spelling errors. spelling errors. spelling errors. grammatical or assessment brief.
spelling errors.
10 marks 0-2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-10

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Depth stage

Level 6 is characterised by an expectation of students’ increasing autonomy in relation to their

study and developing skill sets. Students are expected to demonstrate problem solving skills,
both theoretical and practical. This is supported by an understanding of appropriate theory;
creativity of expression and thought based in individual judgement; and the ability to seek out,
invoke, analyse and evaluate competing theories or methods of working in a critically constructive
and open manner. Output is articulate, coherent and skilled in the appropriate medium, with some
students producing original or innovative work in their specialism.

Characteristics of Student Achievement by Marking Band for ARU’s

Mark Generic Learning Outcomes (Academic Regulations, Section 2)

Bands Knowledge & Intellectual (thinking), Practical, Affective and
Understanding Transferable Skills

Exceptional information Exceptional management of learning resources,

base exploring and with a higher degree of autonomy/exploration
analysing the discipline, its that clearly exceeds the assessment brief.
90- theory and ethical issues Exceptional structure/ accurate expression.

100% with extraordinary Demonstrates intellectual originality and

originality and autonomy. imagination. Exceptional
Work may be considered team/practical/professional skills. Work may
Achieves for publication within ARU be considered for publication within ARU
outcome(s) Outstanding management of learning
Outstanding information resources, with a degree of
base exploring and autonomy/exploration that clearly exceeds the
80- analysing the discipline, its assessment brief. An exemplar of

89% theory and ethical issues structured/accurate expression. Demonstrates

with clear originality and intellectual originality and imagination.
autonomy Outstanding team/practical/professional

Page 7 of 9
Excellent knowledge base
Excellent management of learning resources,
that supports analysis,
with degree of autonomy/research that may
70- evaluation and problem-
exceed the assessment brief. Structured and
solving in theory/
79% creative expression. Excellent academic/
practice/ethics of
intellectual skills and practical/team/
discipline with
professional/ problem-solving skills
considerable originality

Good knowledge base that

Good management of learning resources, with
supports analysis,
consistent self-directed research. Structured
60- evaluation and problem-
and accurate expression. Good
solving in theory/
69% academic/intellectual skills and
practice/ethics of
team/practical/ professional/problem solving
discipline with some

Sound management of learning resources.

Sound knowledge base
Some autonomy in research but inconsistent.
that supports some
50- Structured and mainly accurate expression.
analysis, evaluation and
Sound level of academic/ intellectual skills
59% problem-solving in
going beyond description at times. Sound
theory/practice/ethics of

Adequate knowledge base Adequate use of learning resources with little

with some omissions at the autonomy. Some difficulties with academic/
A marginal
40- level of ethical/ theoretical intellectual skills. Some difficulty with
pass in
issues. Restricted ability to structure/ accuracy in expression, but
49% module
discuss theory and/or or evidence of developing
solve problems in team/practical/professional/ problem-solving
discipline skills

Page 8 of 9
A marginal
Limited use of learning resources. Unable to
fail in
Limited knowledge base. work autonomously. Little input to teams.
30- Limited understanding of Limited academic/ intellectual skills. Still
discipline/ethical issues. mainly descriptive. General difficulty with
39% . Satisfies
Difficulty with theory and structure/ accuracy in expression. Practical/
problem solving in discipline professional/problem-solving skills that are not
yet secure

Little evidence of Little evidence of use of learning resources.

knowledge base. Little Unable to work autonomously. Little input to

20- evidence of understanding teams. Little evidence of academic/

of discipline/ ethical issues. intellectual skills. Work significantly descriptive.
29% Significant difficulty with Significant difficulty with structure/accuracy in
theory and problem solving expression. Little evidence of
in discipline practical/professional/ problem-solving skills

Deficient knowledge base. Deficient use of learning resources. Unable to

Fails to Deficient understanding of work autonomously. Deficient input to teams.

10- discipline/ethical issues. Deficient academic/intellectual skills. Work
19% module Major difficulty with theory significantly descriptive. Major difficulty with

outcome(s) and problem solving in structure/accuracy in expression. Deficient

Qualifying discipline practical/professional/problem-solving skills

mark not No evidence of knowledge No evidence of use of learning resources.

satisfied base; no evidence of Completely unable to work autonomously. No

1- understanding of evidence of input to teams. No evidence of

discipline/ethical issues. academic/intellectual skills. Work wholly
9% Total inability with theory descriptive. Incoherent structure/accuracy and
and problem solving in expression. No evidence of
discipline practical/professional/ problem-solving skills

Awarded for: (i) non-submission; (ii) dangerous practice and; (iii) in situations
0% where the student fails to address the assignment brief (eg: answers the wrong
question) and/or related learning outcomes

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