Revision Notes by BayanMahari
Revision Notes by BayanMahari
Revision Notes by BayanMahari
- Operative. 2
- Surgery 3-5
- Pediatric 6-7
- Endodontic 8
- Instruments 9-12
- Periodontic 12
- Removable 13-18
- Others:
Fluride: 18-19
Stirilaization & infection control 20
Rubber dam 21
Xrays 22-23
Best of luck,
Bayan AlMahari / October 2020.
- Pits & fissure: the most conservative tech. used to prevent caries in fissures of teeth by
sealing of the caries.
- PRR: use when we have active caries, its combination of small restoration *area of active
caries* and P&F in other area.
- LOW : 9-12 months
- MODERATE: 6-9 months
- HIGH: 3 months recall with bite-wing x-ray every 6-12 months
Maximum dose:
- In cardiac pt : 0.04mg * 2 cartidges *
- In adult without epinephrine : 4.4mg
- In adult with epinephrine : 7mg/kg
- In child : 4.4 mg
- TOTAL dose in child : 300 mg
- TOTAL dose in adult with epi. : 500 mg
Nerve Supply/innervations:
Auriculotrmporal - TMJ
Nerves anesthetized:
Internal resorption:
- Asymptomatic
- RARE in permanent
- Pulp: chronic pulpits / irreversible pulpits.
- Pink color
- Management: Endodontic therapy.
- To the permanent teeth : 8-12 years
- To the primary teeth : 1.5-3 years
tooth colors:
- Pink : internal resorption
- Yellow : calcification
- Gray : necrosis
- Red : inflammation / hyperemia.
Extrusion *Partial Coronal displacement * partial * of the tooth from the socket
avulsion*: *outwards*
We have to check:
- Primary or permenant
- Vital or non vital
- Close / open apex.
Non vital - Permanent *close apex* : Pulpectomy: *USE: iodoform based paste or ZOE*
tooth: - Immature permenat teeth *open apex* : Apexification.
- Apexification.
- 1/5th concentration.
- Vital therapy : DPC / Pulpotomy
- Non vital therapy : Apexification
- Perforation.
- Super sealing properties.
In diseased pulp:
- Acute inflammation : neutrophils
- Chroninc inflammation: lymphocytes & macrophages
Internal resorption:
- Pulp status: irreversible pulpits / chronic pulpitis
- Asymptomatic
- Rare in permanent teeth
- Tooth show : pink color
- Ttt: endo therapy
Pathognomic of :
- Irreversible pulpits : pain on cold that lingers
- Reversible pulpits : pain on that responds to stimulus as long as it lasts
- Necrotic pulp : no response
Polishing burs:
- Have more than 12 blades
- Less cutting efficiency
- Made of steel and carbide.
Grasping the high volume evacuator by:
- Thumb to nose grasp
- Pen grasp
Instrument Uses
- Straight/curved/bin angled: - Cleave or split under mined enamel
- Flatten pulpal floor
- piezoelectric
- the tip vibrates in the linear ( back and forth)
- 2 sides are more active
Stieglitz pliers + masserann kit: remove instrument when they are broken in root canal.
Cutting edge 1 2 2
- DG-16 : To locate canal orifice
- nabers : detect furcation involvement
-explorer : clinical examination
Instrument Uses
Crane pick elevator Used in case of a fractured root : after drilling a hole *purchase
point needed*
Root tip pick elevator Used in case of a fractured root : tease very small root end by
inserting the tip into PDL space.
Cryer elevator * east-west* Used in case of a fractured root : they come paired one for left
and one for right side.
- Deans scissors : for cutting sutures , have serrated blades
- Iris scissors: for cutting soft tissue , have sharp pointed tip
- Metzenbaun scissors: cutting delicate tissue , have round tip
- Periodontal -
------------Periodontal ulcers:---------------
#Any Question Related to aphthous ulcer and herpetic ulcer, 1st thing to look for is
the location of the lesion:
- Acute Herptic gingivostomatitis ( in children ) : tonsils, hard and soft palate , buccal
mucosa and gingival, tongue.
Kennedy classification
Seibert classification
CLASS III Combined buccolingual and apicocoronal resorption result in normal height
and width.
CLASS III Substantially compromised : any post. Maxillary or mand. Span that
greater than 3 missing teeth or 2 molars.
Relining Rebasing
- Resurface the tissue side of RPD with new - Replacing the entire denture base material on
base material. existing prosthesis. *changing the position of
- Can be done in *chair or laboratory* the teeth/occlusion and relation of denture*
- Indication: - Its laboratory process.
Pt with immediate denture - Indication: furcated or stained dentine
Pt wears upper complete denture against - Material used : heat cure acrylic.
lower natural teeth.
- Contraindication: if there is extreme over
closure of vertical dimention
- Material used : self cure acrylic
Lingual plate:
- Indication :
* shallow sulcus and high frenum
* present of lingual tori
* mobile anterior teeth
* when depth less than 7mm .
- Contraindication : crowding of lower anterior teeth.
Lingual bar: عكس البالت
Minor connector :
- Connect major connector to other components.
- Connect with major connector at 90 degree
- Should conform to the interdental embrasure
Rigid Components:
- Minor connector
- Major connector
- Rest.
Gingival approaching clasp - On premolar abutment teeth for distal extension saddles.
Bur Round bur. Inverted, cone shaped diamond stone. Seldom : esthetic compromise
Notes If spoon shape not in option, will choose Contraindication in lower incisors. Used as indirect retainer
+ve Bubble on the cast: during taking imp. can be removed with cleoid instrument
-ve bubbles : voids on cast need blocking out.
Alter alginate setting time by altering : water temp.
Imp. Tech. used to take both arches and bite registration: triple tray imp. Tech.
Syneresis: imp. Exposed to the air at room temp. *shrinkage associated*
Imbibition: imp immersed in water *swelling*
Imp. Can be used for pt had radiotherapy since last 10 months : elastomers.
Elastomers :
- Polysulphide
- Polysilicones
- Polyether.
Causes of tearing:
- Material contaminated by moisture.
- Prolonged mixing
- Low water/powder ratio.
- others -
- Less sever in primary.
- Seen in water fluoride level higher than 3ppm
- Fluoride intake after age of 8 cant cause fluorosis.
Fluoride supplement:
- Birth – 6 months: none.
- 6 months – 3 years: 0.25 mg/day
- 3-6 years : 0.50 mg/day
- 6-16 years: 1.0 mg/day
Formulation of :
- APF: 1.23% *most popular*
- Sodium fluoride gel (NaF) : 5% NaF Varnish
- Stannous fluoride : 8%
Most common fluoride mouth rinse in school programmers: 0.2% NaF WEEKLY
Most common fluoride mouth rinse : 0.05% NaF DAILY.
Skeletal fluoride occurs at : 2-10ppm
Recommended level of fluoride in water supply: 0.7-1.2 ppm.
Optimal water fluoridation level : 0.8-1.0 mg/L
Fetal dose of fluoride in 3 years old : 435mg in 4-5 hours.
Fluoride can be applied by dentist : Duraphat * fluoride varnish *
For mentally retarded pt : 5% sodium fluoride varnish.
Fluoride mouth rinses most beneficial to : smooth surface * proximal surface *
1st water community city : Michigan
Main reason for reduction caries : water fluoridation.
Contraindication fluoride in : pt with renal failure.
TOXIC dose of fluoride in child : 5 mg/kg.
Fluoride is NOT TAKEN up systemically from: Dentifrices.
Most benefits *effective* surface from water fluoridation: coronal smooth surface.
least benefits *effective* surface from water fluoridation: occlusal surface.
Most teeth susceptible to fluorosis : upper premolars.
rubber dam:
- too close : leakage
- too far : wrinkle.
- SMALL : incisors and canine / primary teeth.
- MEDIUM: bicuspid and primary molars.
- LARGE: clamp bearing tooth and most permanent molars.
- Bone.
- Zygomatic complex fracture
CT - All mand. Fracture
Best of luck,
Bayan AlMahari / October 2020.